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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 34798, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553615


Introdução: A saúde bucal é um aspecto que não deve ser subestimado pelos pacientes, principalmente se considerar que as infecções odontogênicas podem levar a quadros graves, incluindo complicações cervicotorácicas, como Mediastinite e cervicofaciais, como Angina de Ludwig. Para tanto, é imprescindível que os profissionais da odontologia saibam reconhecer os principais sinais e sintomas dessas infecções, sua evolução, conhecer as complicações associadas e qual o manejo adequado. Objetivo: Assim, é objetivo deste trabalho, relatar, discutir um caso clínico de uma infecção odontogênica grave que acarretou em complicação cervical, com trajeto em direção ao mediastino, necessitando manejo multidisciplinar, e explorar os principais aspectos desse quadro e a conduta necessária, que exige, no mínimo, intervenção cirúrgica, antibioticoterapia e manutenção das vias aéreas. Relato de caso: O caso trata de um paciente com infecção odontogênica, iniciada como uma pericoronarite do dente 38 semieruptado, que evoluiu para a área cervical, demandando imediata drenagem nesta região pois encaminhava-se para uma mediastinite. Após a drenagem cervical e antibioticoterapia e, assim que houve redução do trismo, foi removido o dente 38, evoluindo para a cura.Conclusões:As infecções odontogênicas, principalmente as que acometem os espaços fasciais e cervicais profundos, são potencialmente graves e devem ter suas principais manifestações clínicas entre os domínios de conhecimento dos profissionais Bucomaxilofaciais, pois necessitam de diagnóstico preciso, manejo rápido e tratamento adequado e precoce, considerando a velocidade com que podem evoluir (AU).

Introduction: Oral healthis an aspect that should not be underestimated by patients, especially considering that dental infections can lead to serious symptoms, including cervicothoracic complications, such as Mediastinitis and cervicofacial complications, such as Ludwig's Angina. Therefore, it is essential that dental professionals know how to recognize the main signs and symptoms of these infections, their evolution, know the associated complications and appropriate management.Objective: Thus, this work aims to report and discuss a clinical case of a serious odontogenic infection that resulted in a cervical complication, with a path towards the mediastinum, requiring multidisciplinary management, and to explore the main aspects of this condition and the necessary conduct, which requires, at least, surgical intervention, antibiotic therapy and airway maintenance.Case report: The case concerns a patient with odontogenic infection, which began as pericoronitis of semi-erupted tooth 38, which progressed to the cervical area, requiring immediate drainage in this region as it was heading towards mediastinitis. After cervical drainage and antibiotic therapy and, as soon as the trismus was reduced, tooth 38 was removed, progressing towards healing.Conclusions: Odontogenic infections, especially those that affect the fascial and deep cervical spaces, are potentially serious and should have their main clinical manifestations among the domains of knowledge ofOral and Maxillofacial professionals, as they require accurate diagnosis, rapid management and adequate and early treatment, considering the speed at which they can evolve (AU).

Introducción: La salud bucal es un aspecto que los pacientes no deben subestimar, especialmente considerando que las infecciones odontógenas pueden derivar en afecciones graves, incluidas complicaciones cervicotorácicas, como la mediastinitis, y complicaciones cervicofaciales, como la angina de Ludwig.Para ello, es fundamental que los profesionales odontológicos sepan reconocer las principales señalesy síntomas de estas infecciones, su evolución, conocer las complicaciones asociadas y el manejo adecuado.Objetivo: Así,el objetivo de este trabajo es reportar y discutir un caso clínico de infección odontogénica grave que resultó en una complicación cervical, con trayecto hacia el mediastino, que requirió manejo multidisciplinario, y explorar los principales aspectos de esta condicióny las medidas necesarias, que requiere, como mínimo, intervención quirúrgica, terapia con antibióticos y mantenimiento de las vías respiratorias.Reporte de caso: El caso se trata de un paciente con una infección odontogénica, que comenzó como pericoronaritis del diente 38 semi-erupcionado, la cual progresó hacia la zona cervical, requiriendo drenaje inmediato en esta región ya que se encaminaba para una mediastinitis.Después del drenaje cervical y la terapia antibiótica y, una vez reducido el trismo, se extrajo el diente 38, evolucijjonando hacia la cura.Conclusiones: Las infecciones odontogénicas, especialmente aquellas que afectan los espacios fasciales y cervicales profundos, son potencialmente graves y deben tener sus principales manifestaciones clínicas entre los dominios del conocimiento de los profesionales Orales y Maxilofaciales, pues requieren de un diagnóstico certero, un manejo rápido y un tratamiento adecuado y temprano, considerando la velocidad a la que pueden evolucionar (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Drenagem/instrumentação , Controle de Infecções Dentárias , Angina de Ludwig/patologia , Mediastinite , Osteomielite , Radiografia Dentária/instrumentação , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/instrumentação , Cirurgiões Bucomaxilofaciais
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 103(3): 41-50, set. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431479


Resumen Mujer de 74 años consulta al servicio de urgencia por cuadro de sepsis origen aparentemente no precisado, hasta su evaluación por dermatología que describe eritema violáceo cervical anterior más una infección en cavidad bucal como puerta de entrada. Considerando la clínica y los estudios por imágenes confirmamos el diagnóstico de Angina de Ludwig, cuadro de alta morbimortalidad que puede progresar a otras complicaciones más graves. Finalmente la paciente evoluciona de manera tórpida no respondiendo a medidas realizadas de soporte y fallece. La Angina de Ludwig es una celulitis de evolución rápida y grave, muy poco frecuente, que por lo general tiene una puerta de entrada a través de infecciones de la mucosa oral, donde su sospecha obliga a iniciar terapia precoz con antibióticos, quirúrgico y soporte.

Abstract This is a 74-year-old female patient with comorbidities who consulted the emergency service due to symptoms of sepsis of apparently unspecified origin, until her evaluation by dermatology revealed mild anterior cervical violaceous erythema and probable dental infection as the portal of entry. Based on clinical and imaging findings, a diagnosis of Ludwig's angina is confirmed, a condition with high morbidity and mortality that can progress to other more severe complications. Finally, the patient had a torpid evolution, not responding to support measures, and died. Ludwig's Angina is a cellulitis of etiology, usually rapidly progressive, infrequent oral infections, where a mandatory physical examination should be considered and suspected in order to start early therapy.

Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 15(2): 152-153, ago. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448446


Ludwig's angina and necrotizing fasciitis are aggressive infectious manifestations that can present in the cervicofacial region. The severity of these entities depends, up to some extent, to the immunological state of the patient. Diabetes mellitus alters the immune system, allowing maxillofacial infections to progress aggressively. Bacillius spp. is a group of typically innocuous bacteria; however, they can unchain relevant infectious pathologies in immunocompromised patients. The purpose of this study is to describe a case of an uncontrolled diabetic patient with a Ludwig's angina which progressed to a massive necrotizing fasciitis caused by bacillius spp. Explaining the severity of this class of infections and the special attention that should be paid to this type of case; Furthermore, when the culture reveals pathogens that are usually not involved in the development of this class of conditions.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Bacillus , Fasciite Necrosante , Angina de Ludwig
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(1): 13-16, jan.-mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391391


Objetivo: O seguinte estudo é uma análise de prontuários para traçar um perfil epidemiológico de pacientes acometidos por infecções odontogênicas e/ou angina de Ludwig em um serviço hospitalar público. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo observacional de 37 prontuários com diagnóstico de infecção odontogênica e/ou Angina de Ludwig no Hospital da Restauração, na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, entre os meses de julho a novembro de 2021. Resultados: Dos 37 prontuários, a maioria foi do sexo masculino (55%; n=20), a faixa etária mais acometida foi dos 18 aos 40 (45%; n=17); abaixo dos 10 anos foram acometidos 27% (n = 10). 21% (n = 8) foram internados e dos 37 prontuários, 13% (n = 5) evoluíram para Angina de Ludwig. Conclusão: O perfil mais acometido por infecções odontogênicas no período proposto foram pacientes do sexo masculino adultos e a internação não prevaleceu na maioria dos casos. O alto acometimento de crianças é um sinal de alerta, sugerindo uma atenção maior dos responsáveis. A angina de Ludwig acometeu menos da metade dos pacientes e a Ceftriaxona e o Metronidazol foram os antibióticos de escolha para a maioria dos casos... (AU)

Objetivo: El siguiente estudio es un análisis de historias clínicas para trazar un perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes afectados por infecciones odontogénicas y/o angina de Ludwig en un servicio hospitalario público. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional en 37 historias clínicas con diagnóstico de infección odontogénica y/o Angina de Ludwig en el Hospital da Restauração, en la ciudad de Recife, Pernambuco, entre julio y noviembre de 2021. Resultados: De las 37 historias clínicas, la mayoría eran hombres (55%; n=20), el grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 18 a 40 años (45%; n=17); menores de 10 años, el 27% (n = 10) estaban afectados. El 21% (n = 8) fueron hospitalizados y de las 37 historias clínicas, el 13% (n = 5) progresó a Angina de Ludwig. Conclusión: El perfil más afectado por infecciones odontogénicas en el periodo propuesto fueron pacientes adultos del sexo masculino y no predominó la hospitalización en la mayoría de los casos. La alta participación de los niños es una señal de advertencia, lo que sugiere una mayor atención por parte de los responsables. La angina de Ludwig afectó a menos de la mitad de los pacientes y la ceftriaxona y el metronidazol fueron los antibióticos de elección en la mayoría de los casos... (AU)

Objective: The following study is an analysis of medical records to trace an epidemiological profile of patients affected by odontogenic infections and/or Ludwig's angina in a public hospital service. Methodology: An observational study was carried out on 37 medical records with a diagnosis of odontogenic infection and/or Ludwig's Angina at Hospital da Restauração, in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, between July and November 2021. Results: Of the 37 medical records, the most were male (55%; n=20), the age group most affected was from 18 to 40 (45%; n=17); under 10 years of age, 27% (n = 10) were affected. 21% (n = 8) were hospitalized and of the 37 medical records, 13% (n = 5) progressed to Ludwig's Angina. Conclusion: The profile most affected by odontogenic infections in the proposed period were adult male patients and hospitalization did not prevail in most cases. The high involvement of children is a warning sign, suggesting greater attention from those responsible. Ludwig's angina affected less than half of the patients and Ceftriaxone and Metronidazole were the antibiotics of choice for most cases... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Prontuários Médicos , Infecção Focal Dentária , Angina de Ludwig , Antibacterianos , Bactérias , Hospitais Públicos , Infecções
Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 68(1): 00012, ene.-mar. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409992


RESUMEN Los cambios fisiológicos, hormonales e inmunes causados por el embarazo pueden predisponer a mayor riesgo de complicaciones infecciosas, en especial en infecciones odontogénicas. La angina de Ludwig es una complicación infecciosa rápidamente progresiva que afecta al suelo de la cavidad bucal, generalmente secundaria a abscesos de segundos y terceros molares mandibulares que posteriormente se extiende a los espacios submandibular, sublingual y submentoniano. Si no es tratada rápida y adecuadamente puede tener consecuencias mortales, como obstrucción de las vías aéreas altas y sepsis. Su aparición durante el embarazo está asociada a mayor riesgo de morbilidad perinatal severa, en la mayoría de los casos secundaria a hipoxia tisular. El tratamiento es la administración de antibióticos de amplio espectro y, en algunos casos, descompresión quirúrgica de las zonas afectadas. Pero es necesario considerar los potenciales efectos adversos fetales del manejo. Es fundamental reforzar la importancia de la buena salud bucodental de la embarazada para evitar esta complicación. Se presenta un caso de angina de Ludwig durante el embarazo.

ABSTRACT Physiological, hormonal and immune changes caused by pregnancy may predispose to increased risk of infectious complications, especially in odontogenic infections. Ludwig's angina is a rapidly progressive infectious complication affecting the floor of the oral cavity, usually secondary to abscesses of mandibular second and third molars that subsequently spreads to the submandibular, sublingual and submental spaces. If not treated quickly and adequately it can have fatal consequences, such as upper airway obstruction and sepsis. Its occurrence during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of severe perinatal morbidity, in most cases secondary to tissue hypoxia. Treatment consists of the administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics and, in some cases, surgical decompression of the affected areas. But it is necessary to consider the potential adverse fetal effects of management. It is essential to reinforce the importance of good oral health of the pregnant woman to avoid this complication. A case of Ludwig's angina during pregnancy is presented.

Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 50(2): 151-158, 20220000. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1382352


Introducción: la mediastinitis se define como el proceso inflamatorio usualmente infeccioso del tejido conectivo mediastinal y los órganos que este rodea. Específicamente, la mediastinitis descendente corresponde a una complicación rara por infección de los espacios profundos del cuello, la orofaringe o la cavidad oral, que se extiende a través de los espacios fasciales del cuello y los diseca. De forma infrecuente, esta patología puede originarse a partir de la parotiditis, las infecciones de la piel del cuello o la epiglotitis. También, de manera menos frecuente, puede generarse en el contexto de un traumatismo del cuello o la cavidad oral. En este estudio se pretende llamar la atención, en particular, sobre los aspectos que involucran al especialista otorrinolaringólogo en el manejo de los pacientes con infecciones profundas del cuello y su rol en el diagnóstico y tratamiento eficaz de la mediastinitis descendente, como la principal causa de mortalidad en estos casos. Metodología: se llevó a cabo una búsqueda con las palabras clave "Airway" "Ludwig's angina" en PubMed, no se efectuó filtración por fecha ni tipo de estudio. Se encontró un total de 147 artículos. Se realizó lectura de los resúmenes por los autores y se seleccionaron 50. Se realizó lectura crítica del texto completo de los 50 artículos resultantes de la búsqueda y se extrajo la información relevante. Conclusión: esta patología de marcada severidad conlleva a un aumento significativo de la mortalidad. Su tratamiento, aunque permanece controversial en ciertas circunstancias, debe ser agresivo y oportuno, con un enfoque en el rol del otorrinolaringólogo en 4 pilares de tratamiento: el drenaje quirúrgico, la antibioticoterapia de amplio espectro, el soporte hemodinámico y la seguridad de la vía aérea.

Introduction: Mediastinitis is defined as the usually infectious inflammatory process of the mediastinal connective tissue and the organs it surrounds. Specifically, descending mediastinitis corresponds to a rare complication, an infection of deep spaces of the neck, oropharynx, or oral cavity, which extends through the facial spaces of the neck, dissecting. Less frequent, this pathology can originate from parotiditis, skin infections of the neck or epiglottitis. Also, less frequent it can be generated in the context of trauma to the neck or oral cavity. This study intends to draw attention to the aspects that involve the ENT specialist in the management of patients with deep neck infections and their role in the diagnosis and effective treatment of descending mediastinitis as the main cause of mortality in these patients. Methodology: A search was carried out with the keywords "Airway" "Ludwig's angina" in PubMed, no filtering was performed by date or type of study, finding a total of 147 articles, abstracts were read by the authors, selecting 50. A critical reading of the 50 articles full texts is carried out and the relevant information is extracted. Conclusion: This pathology of marked severity, carries a significant increase in mortality and its treatment, although it remains controversial in certain circumstances, it must be aggressive and timely, focusing the role of the otorhinolaryngologist on 4 pillars of treatment: surgical drainage, antibiotic therapy, hemodynamic support, and airway safety.

Humanos , Angina de Ludwig , Remodelação das Vias Aéreas , Mediastinite
Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 44(1): 63-65, ene.-mar. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347717


Resumen: Introducción: La angina de Ludwig es una patología odontogénica de origen infeccioso que involucra los espacios submaxilar, sublingual y submentoniano y que compromete de forma notable la vía aérea. El mantenimiento de las vías respiratorias debe ser prioridad en el tratamiento de esta patología, ya que la asfixia por obstrucción es la primera causa de muerte en un primer momento. Caso clínico: Paciente de 22 años de edad con embarazo de 35.5 SDG con amenaza de parto pretérmino más angina de Ludwig, a la cual se le realizó cesárea Kerr y drenaje de absceso profundo de cuello bajo anestesia regional y anestesia general balanceada con intubación con paciente despierta. Discusión: La angina de Ludwig debido a la distorsión anatómica condiciona vía aérea difícil y esto se exacerba aunado al embarazo a causa de los cambios anatómicos que ocurren, lo que nos obliga a la intubación endotraqueal con la paciente despierta de primera intención para asegurar la vía aérea.

Abstract: Introduction: Ludwig's angina is an odontogenic pathology of infectious origin that involves the submaxillary, sublingual and submental spaces and that significantly com-promises the airway. The maintenance of the respiratory tract must be a priority in the treatment of this pathology since asphyxia by obstruction is the first cause of death at first. Case report: A 22-year-old patient with a 35.5 SDG pregnancy plus preterm labor threat plus Ludwig's angina, who underwent cesarean Kerr and deep neck abscess drainage under regional anesthesia plus balanced general anesthesia with intubation with awake patient. Discussion: Ludwig's angina due to anatomical distortion conditions difficult air-way and this together with pregnancy exacerbates it due to the anatomical changes that exist in it, it forces us to endotracheal intubation with the awake patient of first intention to ensure the pathway aerial.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 31: 31407, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291382


Objetivo: relatar e descrever a evolução satisfatória de uma Angina de Ludwig decorrente de uma infecção amigdaliana, que evoluiu para mediastinite e choque séptico. O trabalho visa detalhar os aspectos clínicos e diagnósticos desta grave doença, além da terapêutica empregada neste caso. Método: as informações foram obtidas do prontuário do paciente, bem como dos laudos dos exames de imagem realizados. A revisão da literatura foi feita na base de dados PUBMED. Considerações finais: o caso estudado relata um raro desfecho favorável de uma Angina de Ludwig que evoluiu para mediastinite, cuja taxa de mortalidade é de até 50% dos casos. A abordagem cirúrgica combinada com antibioticoterapia precoce se mostra ser a melhor conduta para estes casos.

Objective: report and describe the satisfactory evolution of Ludwig's Angina due to a tonsillary infection, which evolved to mediastinitis and sept shock. The work aims to detail the clinical and diagnostic aspects of this serious illness, in addition to the therapy used in this case. Method: the information was obtained from the patient's medical record, as well as from the reports of the imaging tests performed. The literature review was carried out in the PUBMED database. Final considerations: the case studied has great importance for the medical community, since it reports a rare favorable outcome for a case of Ludwig's Angina complicated with an mediastinitis, whose mortality is described up to 50% of the cases. The surgical approach combined with early antibiotic therapy is shown to be the best approach for these cases.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Angina de Ludwig , Mediastinite , Osteomielite , Tonsilite , Obstrução das Vias Respiratórias , Infecções , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 49(3): 230-236, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1292719


Introducción: las infecciones odontogénicas afectan al 80 %-90 % de la población y pueden dar lugar a complicaciones potencialmente mortales como la mediastinitis necrotizante descendente, una infección polimicrobiana aguda en el mediastino con una tasa de mortalidad entre el 11 % y 40 %. Su detección precoz y el tratamiento adecuado con manejo antibiótico y drenaje quirúrgico a cargo de un equipo multidisciplinario representan factores influyentes en el pronóstico de la enfermedad. Objetivo: en este artículo presentamos un caso de mediastinitis necrotizante descendente en un paciente masculino de 34 años, que se originó por una infección odontogénica que requirió un procedimiento dental. El paciente fue hospitalizado por el empeoramiento del estado clínico a pesar de la profilaxis antibiótica. La tomografía axial computarizada (TAC) confirmó la extensión de la infección al mediastino, y el paciente fue tratado con éxito con antibioterapia intravenosa y múltiples drenajes quirúrgicos intraorales, cervicotomía y toracoscopia. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda en bases de datos globales y se seleccionaron los artículos por los siguientes términos MeSH y DeCS: "mediastinitis necrotizante descendente", "angina de Ludwig", "absceso", "toracoscopia" y sus respectivos en inglés, priorizando los referentes a la mediastinitis necrotizante descendente de origen odontogénico. Conclusiones: en la mediastinitis necrotizante descendente, la combinación de diagnóstico precoz, tratamiento antibiótico de amplio espectro, mantenimiento de la vía aérea y drenaje quirúrgico amplio y a cargo de un equipo multidisciplinario mejora de manera importante el pronóstico de la enfermedad.

Introduction: Odontogenic infections affect 80%-90% of the population and can lead to life-threatening complications such as descending necrotizing mediastinitis. Is an acute polymicrobial infection in the mediastinum with a mortality rate of 11%-40%. Its early detection and adequate treatment with antibiotic management and surgical drainage by a multidisciplinary team represent influential factors in the prognosis of the disease. Objective: In this article, we present a case of descending necrotizing mediastinitis in a 34-year-old male patient that originated from an odontogenic infection that required a dental procedure. The patient was hospitalized for worsening clinical status despite antibiotic prophylaxis. Computed axial tomography confirmed the extension of the infection to the mediastinum and the patient was successfully treated with intravenous antibiotherapy and multiple intraoral, cervicotomy, and thoracoscopic surgical drains. Materials and methods: A search was made in global databases, articles were selected by the following MeSH and DeCS terms: "descending necrotizing mediastinitis", "Ludwig's angina", "abscess", "thoracoscopy", and their respective English terms, prioritizing those referring to descending necrotizing mediastinitis of odontogenic origin. Conclusions: In descending necrotizing mediastinitis, the combination of early diagnosis, broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment, airway maintenance, and extensive surgical drainage by a multidisciplinary team significantly improves the prognosis of the disease.

Humanos , Mediastinite , Toracoscopia , Abscesso , Angina de Ludwig
Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 24(1/2): 54-56, jun. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1148257


Introduction: Ludwig's angina is one of the soft tissue infections of the neck and tongue floor with the most admissions to intensive care units (ICU) due to its compromise of the airway and complications from septic shock. The incidence is higher in the adult population, and with the use of the latest generation antibiotics, its incidence has decreased. One of the most frequent causes is the presence of an odontogenic focus such as abscesses, mainly in the second and third molars. Objective: To describe a clinical case, admitted to the hospital ICU, highlighting the comprehensive management and adequate antibiotic therapy. Main data of the case: 24-year-old female patient, a native of Latacunga, went to the emergency service of the Hospital del Sur de Quito for a fever of 10 days of evolution and taking the general condition with signs of shock, and intense pain in the tongue, with edema, and impaired phonation. For initial management, intravenous tramal, IV hydrocortisone, and a broad spectrum antibiotic with piperacillin with tazobactam 4 grams IV every 6 hours, and IV metronidazole every 8 hours. Conclusions: Ludwig's angina is a pathology that usually involves young patients, whose evolution is rapid and its inadequate management leads to death, associated with obstructive respiratory failure and severe sepsis, which requires a timely diagnosis.

Introducción: La angina de Ludwig constituye una de las infecciones de los tejidos blandos del cuello y piso de la lengua con más ingresos en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) por su compromiso de la vía aérea y complicaciones por shock séptico. La incidencia es mayor en la población adulta, y con el uso de los antibióticos de última generación, su incidencia ha disminuido. Una de las causas más frecuentes es la presencia de un foco odontogénico como los abscesos, principalmente en el segundo y el tercer molar. Objetivo: Describir un caso clínico, internado en la UCI del hospital, destacando el manejo integral y la terapia antibiótica adecuada. Datos principales del caso: paciente femenina de 24 años, natural de Latacunga, acude al servicio de emergencias del Hospital del sur de Quito por fiebre de 10 días de evolución y toma del estado general con signos de shock, y dolor intenso en lengua, con edema, y deterioro de la fonación. Para el abordaje inicial se administra tramadol por vía intravenosa (IV), hidrocortisona IV y antibiótico de amplio espectro con piperacilina con tazobactam 4 gramos IV cada 6 horas, y metronidazol IV cada 8 horas. Conclusiones: la angina de Ludwig es una afección que habitualmente involucra pacientes jóvenes, cuya evolución es rápida y su inadecuado abordaje conlleva a la muerte, asociado con insuficiencia respiratoria obstructiva y sepsis grave, por lo que requiere un diagnóstico oportuno

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Choque Séptico , beta-Lactamases , Dopamina , Angina de Ludwig , Metronidazol
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 18(3): 425-428, dez 20, 2019. fig, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359283


Introdução: a mediastinite necrosante descendente é um processo infeccioso grave do mediastino e pode ser originária de uma infecção odontogênica, apresentando; alta taxa de mortalidade. O cirurgião-dentista deve buscar estratégias para prevenir focos infecciosos, diminuindo a incidência de infecções odontogênicas graves que se disseminem pelos espaços cervicofaciais e torácicos. Objetivo: relatar caso de um paciente com diagnóstico de mediastinite necrosante pós-angina de Ludwig, descrever suas manifestações clínicas e a conduta terapêutica odontológica adotada. Relato de caso: paciente, 31 anos, sexo masculino, foi admitido referindo sintomatologia dolorosa no dente 3.8, que evoluiu para aumento de volume em região cervical, associado à febre e disfagia progressiva. Ao exame físico extraoral, observam-se sinais de disseminação para os espaços cervicofaciais e torácicos. Após exames complementares, o diagnóstico revela a infecção, associada à angina de Ludwig, secundária à pericoronarite. O tratamento foi analgesia e antibioticoterapia por via venosa. Após remissão dos sintomas, o paciente recebeu alta hospitalar em bom estado e foi realizada exodontia do dente 3.8. Conclusão: a mediastinite necrosante é uma patologia rara que pode levar a óbito, se não tratada adequadamente. O cirurgiãodentista deve estar consciente da possibilidade de disseminação pelos espaços faciais e mediastinais dos processos infecciosos de origem odontogênica e estar apto para tratar corretamente os casos antes, que eles acarretem grande risco à vida dos pacientes.

Introduction: descending necrotizing mediastinitis (DNM) is a severe infectious process of the mediastinum and may originate from an odontogenic infection; having a high mortality rate. The dentist should seek strategies to prevent infections that spread through the cervicofacial and thoracic spaces. Objective: to report a case of a patient with a diagnosis of DNM after Ludwig's angina, to describe its clinical manifestations and the adopted dental treatment. Case report: a thirty-one year old male patient was admitted with painful 3.8 tooth symptoms that evolved to swelling in the cervical regions, associated with fever and progressive dysphagia. Extraoral physical examination shows signs of spread to the cervicofacial and thoracic spaces. After further examination, the diagnosis was DNM associated with Ludwig's angina secondary to pericoronitis. Treatment was intravenous analgesia and antibiotic therapy. After remission of symptoms, the patient was discharged from hospital in good condition and 3.8 tooth extraction. Conclusion: DNM is a rare condition that can lead to death if not treated properly. The dentist should be aware of the possibility of spreading through the facial and mediastinal spaces of infectious processes of odontogenic origin, being able to correctly treat the cases, before they pose a great risk to patients' lives.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Terapêutica , Angina de Ludwig , Mediastinite , Transtornos de Deglutição , Edema , Febre
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 18(2): 270-274, nov 07, 2019. fig
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291828


Introdução: Angina de Ludwig é um processo de celulite severa, quase sempre de origem odontogênica, que envolve bilateralmente os espaços perimandibulares. Objetivo: discutir o manejo da Angina de Ludwig em paciente comprometido sistemicamente em uma situação de urgência. Relato de caso: paciente L.H.S.A., 36 anos, portador de esquizofrenia, apresentou-se à emergência do Hospital Geral do Estado cursando com disfagia, dispneia e aumento de volume endurecido e aquecido à palpação em região submandibular bilateral, sublingual e submentoniana. Foi iniciado regime de antibioticoterapia venosa e encaminhamento ao centro cirúrgico para remoção do foco causal, incisão e dissecação romba profunda, bem como inserção de drenos rígidos sob anestesia geral. Resultados: aproximadamente um mês após a intervenção inicial, o paciente apresentou remissão da infecção e segue sem recidivas. Conclusão: a suspeita clínica de Angina de Ludwig deve ser aumentada em pacientes psiquiátricos e usuários de drogas psicotrópicas, uma vez que essas condições aumentam a suceptibilidade à infecção. A preservação das vias aéreas, antibioticoterapia e o tratamento cirúrgico são eficazes na erradicação do quadro.

Introduction: Ludwig's angina is a process of severe cellulitis, usually of odontogenic origin, which involves bilaterally the perimandibular spaces. Objective: to discuss the treatment of Ludwig's angina in a systemically compromised patient in an emergency. Case report: patient L.H.S.A., 36 years old, carrier of schizophrenia, reported to the emergency of the State General Hospital presenting dysphagia, dyspnea, and increased volume of hardened and warm palpation in the submandibular bilateral, sublingual and submental regions. The team started a venous antibiotic therapy regimen and sent the patient to the surgical center for removal of the causal focus, incision and deep blunt dissection, as well as insertion of rigid drains under general anesthesia. Results: about a month after the initial intervention, the patient presented remission of the infection and follows without relapses. Conclusion: the clinical suspicion of Ludwig's angina should be increased in psychiatric patients and users of psychotropic drugs, since these conditions increase the susceptibility to infection. Airway preservation, antibiotic therapy and surgical treatment are effective in eradicating the disease.

Angina de Ludwig
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-208714


Background: Ludwig’s angina is a lethal infectious cellulitis of the submandibular space, which always makes a difficult situationfor treating surgeons.Objectives: The objective of this study was to study about the presentation, management, and clinical outcome of Ludwig’sangina.Materials and Methods: A study made in the Department of ENT - Head and Neck Surgery, Tirunelveli Medical College,Tirunelveli, for a period of 1 year from July 2016 to July 2017, a total of 41 patients - 33 males and 8 females were includedin the study.Results: Majority of the patients were having a dental infection before the episode - 85%. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the mostcommon among the isolated pathogens. Six patients presented with stridor and needed tracheostomy. With early incision anddrainage, proper antibiotics and supportive measures, 37 patients survived without any morbidities. Despite all of our greatestefforts, four patients expired. Although comorbidities such as diabetes and chronic kidney disease are seen in few, majoritywere not having any other systemic illness.Conclusion: Prompt diagnosis and surgical drainage with broad-spectrum antibiotics and if needed tracheostomy often givemuch better results in the treatment of Ludwig’s angina. An early intervention of dental infection in early stages may be helpfulin avoiding progression into Ludwig’s angina.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187665


Ludwig’s angina is an aggressive, rapidly spreading cellulitis of the floor of mouth and neck. It is less frequently seen in children as compared to adults. Successful management of Ludwig’s angina requires proper understanding of the anatomy, appropriate antibiotic therapy and surgical drainage whenever needed. Airway management is of prime concern and should be done with prior planning and cooperation of surgeon and anaesthesiologist. We hereby describe the successful management of Ludwig’s angina in a 3 year old child.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715747


A 73-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with submandibular pain and swelling. The patient was diagnosed to have Ludwig's angina, and she was planned to undergo urgent incision and drainage under general anesthesia. However, her physical examination revealed severe diffuse swelling extending from the bilateral submandibular spaces to the submental space and further down to the neck. As our view was blocked by the patient's neck swelling, we did not perform a regional anesthesia of the airway or a transtracheal block. Several non-invasive alternatives were considered. The “spray-as-you-go” technique was chosen, and it was performed using the OptiScope®. However, the OptiScope did not have a working channel or syringe adaptor for the administration of the local anesthetic solution. To solve this problem, we combined the OptiScope with a 27-G tunneled epidural catheter (100 cm) for the administration of lidocaine and this combination made the awake intubation successful.

Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Anestesia por Condução , Anestesia Geral , Catéteres , Drenagem , Serviço Hospitalar de Emergência , Intubação , Lidocaína , Angina de Ludwig , Pescoço , Exame Físico , Seringas
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732451


@#Ludwig angina is a submandibular space cellulitis secondary to oral cavity infection. It is strongly associated with difficult intubation due to limitation in the mouth opening. The presentation of Ludwig angina varies according to the severity of the infection. The extreme presentations include upper airway obstruction and respiratory failure. We present a female teenager with right submandibular abscess as the consequence of Ludwig angina, who was planned for incision and drainage. Successful awake fibre optic intubation was performed as a method of induction due to trismus, deferring the need for tracheostomy.

Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 67(6): 637-640, Nov.-Dec. 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-897794


Abstract Background Ludwig's angina (LA) is an infection of the submandibular space, first described by Wilhelm Frederick von Ludwig in 1836. It represents an entity difficult to manage due to the rapid progression and difficulty in maintaining airway patency, a major challenge in medical practice, resulting in asphyxia and death in 8-10% of patients. Objective Describe a case of a patient with Ludwig's angina undergoing surgery, with emphasis on airway management, in addition to reviewing the articles published in the literature on this topic. Case report Male patient, 21 years, drug addict, admitted by the emergency department and diagnosed with LA. Difficult airway was identified during the anesthetic examination. In additional tests, significant deviation from the tracheal axis was seen. Undergoing bilateral thoracoscopic pleural drainage, we opted for airway management through tracheal intubation using fiberoptic bronchoscopy, and balanced general anesthesia was proposed. There were no complications during the surgical-anesthetic act. After the procedure, the patient remained intubated and mechanically ventilated in the intensive care unit. Conclusions Airway management in patients with Ludwig's angina remains challenging. The choice of the safest technique should be based on clinical signs, technical conditions available, and the urgent need to preserve the patient's life.

Resumo Justificativa A angina de Ludwig (AL) constitui uma infecção do espaço submandibular, primeiramente descrita por Wilhelm Frederick von Ludwig em 1836. Representa uma entidade de difícil manejo devido à rápida progressão e dificuldade na manutenção da via aérea pérvia, um importante desafio na prática médica, que culmina em asfixia e morte em 8-10% dos pacientes. Objetivo Descrever o caso clínico de um paciente com angina de Ludwig submetido a procedimento cirúrgico, com ênfase no manejo da via aérea, além de revisar os artigos disponíveis na literatura médica a respeito desse tema. Relato de caso Paciente masculino, 21 anos, drogadito, admitido pelo pronto socorro e diagnosticado com AL. Na propedêutica anestésica constatou-se via aérea difícil. Nos exames complementares foi possível observar importante desvio do eixo traqueal. Submetido à toracoscopia bilateral com drenagem pleural, optou-se pelo manejo da via aérea através de intubação nasotraqueal por fibrobroncoscopia e foi proposta anestesia geral balanceada. Não houve intercorrência durante o ato cirúrgico-anestésico. Após procedimento paciente permaneceu intubado e em ventilação mecânica na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Conclusões O manejo da via aérea nos pacientes com angina de Ludwig permanece desafiador. A escolha da técnica mais segura deve ser embasada no quadro clínico, nas condições técnicas disponíveis e na necessidade premente de preservação da vida do paciente.

Humanos , Masculino , Manuseio das Vias Aéreas/métodos , Anestesia , Angina de Ludwig
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-106749


Intraoperative airway obstruction is perplexing to anesthesiologists because the patient may fall into danger rapidly. A 74-year-old woman underwent an emergency incision and drainage for a deep neck infection of dental origin. She was orally intubated with a 6. 0 mm internal diameter reinforced endotracheal tube by video laryngoscope using volatile induction and maintenance anesthesia (VIMA) with sevoflurane, fentanyl (100 µg), and succinylcholine (75 mg). During surgery, peak inspiratory pressure increased from 22 to 38 cmH₂O and plateau pressure increased from 20 to 28 cmH₂O. We maintained anesthesia because we were unable to access the airway, which was covered with surgical drapes, and tidal volume was delivered. At the end of surgery, we found a longitudinal fold inside the tube with a fiberoptic bronchoscope. The patient was reintubated with another tube and ventilation immediately improved. We recognized that the tube was obstructed due to dissection of the inner layer.

Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Obstrução das Vias Respiratórias , Anestesia , Broncoscópios , Drenagem , Emergências , Fentanila , Intubação , Laringoscópios , Angina de Ludwig , Pescoço , Succinilcolina , Campos Cirúrgicos , Volume de Ventilação Pulmonar , Ventilação
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 16(4): 30-35, out.-dez. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1248080


A angina de Ludwig (AL) é um processo infeccioso agudo e grave que consiste em uma celulite do tecido conectivo cervical que acomete bilateralmente os espaços perimandibulares (submandibular, sublingual e submentoniano). Sua natureza é polimicrobiana, normalmente de origem dentária ou relacionada a extrações dentárias em pacientes imunologicamente comprometidos ou em condições debilitantes. Possui evolução rápida e pode invadir subitamente os espaços fasciais ou bainhas vasculares e disseminar para a região cervical, obstruindo as vias aéreas. A progressão da doença pode atingir o mediastino comprimindo o coração e os pulmões, provocar insuficiência respiratória grave e evoluir para quadros sépticos extremamente severos e exigem medidas emergenciais como a traqueostomia, drenagem do abscesso e dos inúmeros focos, drenagem cirúrgica torácica aberta, hidratação do paciente e uma terapia antimicrobiana que atinja tanto os germes gram-positivos e gram-negativos, bem como os anaeróbios. Este artigo apresenta um caso de angina de Ludwig com evolução para mediastinite que foi necessário a utilização de toracotomia e traqueostomia como conduta auxiliar de controle... (AU)

The Ludwig's angina is an acute and severe infectious process of a cellulitis cervical connective tissue that affects the bilateral submandibular perimandibulares spaces, sublingual and submental). Its nature is polymicrobial, usually of dental origin or related to dental extractions in immunologically compromised patients or debilitating conditions. Has rapidly evolving and can suddenly invade the fascial spaces or vascular sheaths and spread to the neck, blocking the airway. Disease progression can reach the mediastinum compressing the heart and lungs, causing severe respiratory failure and evolve into extremely severe sepsis and require emergency measures such as tracheotomy, abscess drainage and numerous pockets, open chest surgical drainage, the patient's hydration and an antimicrobial therapy which achieves both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and anaerobes. This article presents a case of Ludwig's angina with evolution to mediastinitis that the use of thoracotomy and tracheostomy to conduct assist control was needed... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Toracotomia , Angina de Ludwig , Mediastinite , Insuficiência Respiratória , Progressão da Doença , Mediastino , Pescoço
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164977


Ludwig angina is a rapidly progressing submaxillary, submandibular, and sublingual necrotizing cellulitis of the floor of the mouth that can have lethal consequences due to airway obstruction Various aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, and less often fungi, have been implicated to cause Ludwig angina, including oral flora such as Streptococci and Staphylococci. Early recognition and use of parenteral antibiotics can prevent mortality and morbidity. We report a case of 30 years old male who was admitted to hospital with chief complaints of neck swelling, toothache, dysphagia and difficulty in opening mouth. Blood counts showed leukocytosis with neutrophilia along with raised ESR. Pus was drained after incision in submental and submandibular space and was transported to Microbiology department for further processing. Gram staining of pus showed many pus cells, spirochetes and fusiform shaped bacilli.