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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558163


Los linfangiomas son tumores benignos hamartomatosos de los vasos linfáticos, originadas de un secuestro del saco linfático y agrandados por un inadecuado drenaje a la falta de comunicación con los canales linfáticos centrales o a la secreción excesiva de células de revestimiento. La incidencia de estos tumores en el sistema linfático es baja con una frecuencia de 1,2 a 2,8/1.000 en niños, sin predilección por sexo. En el territorio maxilofacial se pueden distinguir tres tipos de linfangioma: linfangioma simple, linfangioma cavernoso e higroma quístico o linfangioma quístico. Clínicamente estas lesiones se presentan como masas de tejido blando indoloras y de crecimiento lento. Su aspecto clínico depende de la extensión de la lesión. Diversos métodos de tratamiento para el linfangioma han sido reportados en la literatura, siendo la escisión quirúrgica la indicada, principalmente cuando estructuras vitales no están involucradas en la lesión. En este artículo se presenta un caso de una paciente femenina de 13 años con un aumento de volumen en el bermellón del labio superior, con antecedente de síndrome Koolen De Vries, a la cual se le realizó la exéresis de la lesión.

Lymphangiomas are benign hamartomatous tumors of the lymphatic vessels, originating from a sequestration of the lymphatic sac and enlarged by inadequate drainage, lack of communication with the central lymphatic channels or excessive secretion of lining cells. The incidence of these tumors in the lymphatic system is low, with a frequency of 1.2 to 2.8/1000 in children, with no predilection for sex. Three types of lymphangioma can be distinguished in the maxillofacial territory: simple lymphangioma, cavernous lymphangioma, and cystic hygroma or cystic lymphangioma. Clinically, these lesions present as painless, slow-growing soft tissue masses. Their clinical appearance depends on the extent of the lesion. Various treatment methods for lymphangioma have been reported in the literature, with surgical excision being indicated mainly when vital structures are not involved in the lesion. This article presents a case of a 13-year-old female patient with an increase in volume in the vermilion of the upper lip, with a history of Koolen De Vries syndrome, in which the excision of the lesion was performed.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(2): 363-368, 20230303. fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425217


Introducción. El angiosarcoma es una neoplasia vascular originada a nivel del endotelio, de baja frecuencia, conocido por su agresividad y crecimiento acelerado. Alcanza solo el 1 al 2 % del total de los sarcomas. La presentación gastrointestinal es infrecuente y su incidencia es poco conocida debido al escaso reporte de casos en la literatura. Suele identificarse en etapas avanzadas debido a la dificultad del diagnóstico histopatológico por sus características morfológicas, siendo necesario aplicar tinciones especiales o estudio inmunohistoquímico. Caso clínico. Por su interés y singularidad, presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 54 años, quien consultó con hemorragia digestiva profusa, anemización y requerimiento de terapia transfusional. Resultados. Durante el proceso diagnóstico, en la endoscopia encontraron diversas lesiones multifocales que se extendían por gran parte del tracto gastrointestinal. El estudio histopatológico mostró angiosarcoma gastrointestinal. Discusión. El angiosarcoma del tracto gastrointestinal es extremadamente infrecuente, de difícil diagnóstico y bajas posibilidades de manejo curativo, con opciones terapéuticas limitadas, lo que configura un mal pronóstico a corto plazo

Introduction. Angiosarcoma is a vascular neoplasm originating from endothelial cells, known for its aggressiveness, accelerated growth and reduced frequency. Reach only 1 to 2% of total sarcomas. Gastrointestinal presentation is extremely rare, the true incidence is poorly known, due to the limited reports of this entity in the literature. It is usually identified in advanced stages in view of the difficulty of the histopathological diagnosis, attributable to its morphological characteristics, being necessary to apply special stains or immunohistochemical study. Case report. Due to their interest and uniqueness, we present the case of a 54-year-old male patient, who presented with a profuse gastrointestinal bleeding, anemia, and requirement for transfusion therapy. Results. The endoscopy detected several multifocal lesions that extended most of the gastrointestinal tract. The histopathological study showed gastrointestinal angiosarcoma. Discussion. Angiosarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract is extremely uncommon, difficult to diagnose and has low possibilities of curative management, with limited therapeutic options, which configures a poor prognosis in the short term

Humanos , Neoplasias Gastrointestinais , Hemangiossarcoma , Sarcoma , Tumores de Vasos Linfáticos , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal , Neoplasias de Tecido Vascular
An. bras. dermatol ; 95(2): 214-216, Mar.-Apr. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1130843


Abstract Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma (Dabska tumor) is a rarely metastasizing lymphatic vascular neoplasm that usually affects children and young adults. The majority of these cases occur in soft tissues of extremities, and to date less than 40 cases have been described. Despite the generally indolent evolution, can be locally invasive with the potential to metastasize. We describe a case of a young woman presenting with a plantar lesion, for 9 months and histological diagnosis of Dabska tumor. This neoplasm should be considered in the differential diagnosis of vascular dermatoses, allowing early diagnosis and treatment. Long-term follow-up should be performed.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Tumores de Vasos Linfáticos/patologia , Doenças do Pé/patologia , Hemangioendotelioma/patologia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Cutâneas/patologia , Biópsia , Tumores de Vasos Linfáticos/diagnóstico , Dermoscopia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Doenças do Pé/diagnóstico , Hemangioendotelioma/diagnóstico
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 86(12): 831-840, feb. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133994


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: Los linfangiomas fetales son malformaciones del sistema linfático que representan 4% de todos los tumores vasculares en los recién nacidos vivos, con una incidencia de 1.2-2.8‰. CASOS CLÍNICOS: Se comunican dos casos clínicos poco frecuentes, por su localización y extensión, de linfangiomas fetales. En ambas pacientes el diagnóstico se estableció mediante estudio ecográfico, durante el tercer trimestre, en gestaciones de bajo riesgo. La alteración no se relacionó con malformaciones estructurales adicionales, trastornos cromosómicos ni genéticos. La resonancia magnética confirmó el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. En una de las madres, el tamaño del feto determinó la vía de finalización del embarazo (parto). La cirugía fue el tratamiento de elección, con evolución satisfactoria en una paciente y la otra permanece a la espera de una nueva intervención quirúrgica, pues aún manifiesta recidivas. En la actualidad, el desarrollo psicomotor, ponderal y estructural de las pacientes es adecuado. CONCLUSIÓN: La ecografía es un estudio decisivo para establecer el diagnóstico y seguimiento de los linfangiomas fetales.

Abstract BACKGROND: Fetal lymphangiomas are malformations of the lymphatic system, representing 4% of all vascular tumors in living newborns, with an incidence of 1.2-2.8‰. CLINICAL CASE: Two uncommon clinical cases, due to their location and extension, of fetal lymphangiomas are reported. In both patients, the diagnosis was established by ultrasound study, during the third trimester, in low risk gestations. The alteration was not related to additional structural malformations, chromosomal or genetic disorders. Magnetic resonance confirmed the diagnosis of the disease. In one mothers, the size of the fetus determined the route of termination of pregnancy (delivery). Surgery was the treatment of choice, with satisfactory evolution in one patient and the other remains awaiting a new surgical intervention, because it still manifests recurrences. At present, the psychomotor, weigth and size development of the patients is adequate. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound is critical for diagnosis and monitoring of this type of malformations.

Rev. chil. pediatr ; 85(6): 714-719, dic. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734813


Lymphangiomas are a common form of vascular malformation of the lymphatic vessels, mainly in the head and neck region. Most cases are progressive evolution and require a multidisciplinary approach. Currently, the first therapeutic option is sclerotherapy, leaving surgery for the treatment of remaining lesions. Objective: To present a case of facial lymphatic malformation (LM) treated with sclerotherapy, surgery and orthodontics in a 15-year follow up. Case report: A one-year-old female patient who consulted health professionals due to a progressive volume increase of the soft parts of her right cheek. The imaging study confirmed the diagnosis of microcystic lymphatic malformation. It was managed with OK-432 sclerotherapy and Bleomycin. At 2 years of age, the patient response was considered adequate; an intralesional submandibular surgical excision was then performed, with partial resection of the lesion. The biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of microcystic LM. Six months after, a re-resection was planned using the same approach and removing the remaining lesion, with favorable development until the age of 9 years when the patient required surgery and orthodontic management due to intraoral recurrence. No major developments until the age of 13 when a new orthodontic surgery and handling are planned to perform right oral commissure suspension. Conclusion: LM management by sclerotherapy, surgery, and orthodontics has shown the advantages of a multidisciplinary long-term treatment in this case.

El linfangioma corresponde a una malformación vascular de los vasos linfáticos, preferentemente de la región de cabeza y cuello. La mayoría de los casos son de evolución progresiva y requieren un manejo multidisciplinario. Actualmente la primera opción terapéutica es la esclerosis, reservando la cirugía para el tratamiento de las lesiones remanentes. Objetivo: Presentar un caso de malformación linfática (ML) facial, tratado con escleroterapia, cirugía y ortodoncia en un seguimiento a 15 años. Caso clínico: Paciente de sexo femenino que consulta al año de edad por aumento de volumen progresivo de partes blandas en su mejilla derecha. El estudio de imágenes confirmó el diagnóstico de Malformación Linfática microquística. Se manejó con esclerosis seriada con OK-432 y Bleomicina. A los 2 años de edad se consideró que la respuesta era adecuada, y se procedió a realizar extirpación quirúrgica intralesional submandibular, con resección parcial de la lesión. La biopsia confirmó el diagnóstico de ML microquística. Seis meses después se planificó nueva resección utilizando el mismo abordaje y extirpando lesión remanente, con evolución favorable hasta la edad de 9 años en que requiere cirugía y manejo por ortodoncia, por recidiva de lesión a nivel intraoral. Evolución favorable hasta que a la edad de 13 años se planifica nueva cirugía y manejo por ortodoncia para suspender la comisura bucal derecha. Conclusión: El manejo de la ML mediante escleroterapia, cirugía, y ortodoncia muestra en este caso las ventajas de un tratamiento multidisciplinarion a largo plazo.

Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Neoplasias Faciais/terapia , Linfangioma/terapia , Anormalidades Linfáticas/terapia , Escleroterapia/métodos , Bleomicina/administração & dosagem , Seguimentos , Neoplasias Faciais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Faciais/patologia , Linfangioma/diagnóstico , Linfangioma/patologia , Anormalidades Linfáticas/diagnóstico , Anormalidades Linfáticas/patologia , Ortodontia Corretiva/métodos , Picibanil/administração & dosagem
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 73(1): 84-87, Jan.-Feb. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-546057


Descrevemos um caso de linfangioma orbitário em uma paciente de nove anos de idade que apresentava proptose à direita (Hertel= 29 mm), acompanhada de restrição da motilidade ocular, dor e perda visual decorrente de neuropatia óptica compressiva. A ressonância magnética demonstrou a lesão expansiva, localizada na órbita direita, de aspecto cístico, não infiltrativa, extraconal e com sinais sugestivos de hemorragia intralesional. Não houve melhora com corticoterapia oral. Foi, então, realizada punção via transconjuntival, com aspiração de 35 ml delíquido "cor-de-chocolate" (confirmado como hemorrágico pela citologia). Ocorreram exacerbações do quadro clínico, manifestadas por dor e piora da proptose, devido à hemorragia intralesional, optando-sepela exérese dos cistos orbitários, usando o acesso orbitário lateral (cantólise e retirada de parede orbitária lateral, a qual não foi recolocada para efeito de descompressão) e inferior (transconjuntival inferior), com resolução do quadro. CONCLUSÃO: Foi relatado um caso de linfangioma, uma doença desafiadora, de difícil tratamento, com potenciais complicações visuais e estéticas, além da possibilidade de recidivas frequentes.

A case of orbital lymphangioma in a 9 year-old female, with proptosis (Hertel= 29 mm), ocular motility restriction, pain and visual loss due to compressive optic neuropathy is described. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam showed an expansive cystic lesion in the extraconal space of the right orbit, non-infiltrating with intralesional hemorrhage. The patient had no improvement with steroid treatment. A transconjunctival puncture with 35 ml aspiration of a "chocolate color" fluid (which was confirmed by cytologic study as a hemorrhagic fluid) was performed. Exacerbations occurred after an intralesional hemorrhage (pain and increase of proptosis). The lesion was excised via lateral cutaneous approach (a lateral canthotomy and removal of the right orbital wall was performed done for decompression) and lower transconjunctival approach. CONCLUSION: Lynphangioma is a challenging disease and difficult to treat, with potential visual and cosmetic complications and the possibility of frequent recurrences.

Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Linfangioma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Orbitárias/diagnóstico , Descompressão Cirúrgica , Exoftalmia/etiologia , Linfangioma/complicações , Linfangioma/cirurgia , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia , Neoplasias Orbitárias/complicações , Neoplasias Orbitárias/cirurgia , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Resultado do Tratamento
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-401901


Objective To study CT and MRI manifestation of untypical cystic lymphangioma.Methods CT and MRI findings of 8 cases of cystic lymphangioma proved surgically and pathologically were analyzed retrospectively.7 cases were performed by CT and the other by MRI.Results 3 lesions are located at facies cranii,2 lesions at neck,2 lesions are located at mesostenium and 1 lesion is located at chest wall.CT and MRI findings include:(1)dense mass(5 cases);(2)lesion contain solid and water dense(2 cases);(3)lesion contain high dense hematoma(2 cases);(4)calcification in lesion(2 cases);(5)infiltrate the adjacent tissue(3 cases).Conclusion Most majority cystic lymphangioma can be identified by CT and MRI which also helpful to evaluation lymphangioma before surgical treatment.