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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506473


En este trabajo se analizan las propiedades psicométricas de la adaptación al español del Test de Madurez Mental de California de Sullivan, Clark y Tiegs que evalúa diversas funciones cognitivas en niños de 4 a 7 años de edad. El test ha sido aplicado a 255 niñas y niños de establecimientos educativos públicos de las ciudades de La Paz y El Alto. La muestra definitiva se conformó con 232 niñas y niños: 65 estudiantes del nivel inicial del primer año de escolaridad (prekinder), 115 estudiantes del nivel inicial del segundo año de escolaridad (kínder) y 52 de primero de primaria, habiendo descartado pruebas atípicas. Se analizó la fiabilidad mediante la prueba alfa de Cronbach y se analizó la validez a través de la consistencia interna, con el mismo método utilizado en la adaptación de la prueba. Los resultados permiten afirmar que la prueba evalúa la madurez de las funciones cognitivas a través de las dimensiones del instrumento, con altos niveles de fiabilidad y niveles aceptables de validez. El test presenta una estructura multidimensional y los valores obtenidos reflejan la interrelación entre las distintas funciones cognitivas respecto a la madurez mental. Finalmente, se incluyen los baremos con puntajes percentiles de la muestra estudiada.

This article analyzes the psychometric properties of the Spanish adaptation of the Sullivan, Clark and Tiegs California Test of Mental Maturity, that assess various cognitive functions in children from 4 to 7 years of age. The test has been applied to 255 girls and boys from public educational establishments in the citys of La Paz and El Alto. The final sample consisted of 232 boys and girls: 65 students from the initial level of the first year of schooling (prekinder), 115 students from the initial level of the second year of schooling (kindergarten) and 52 from the first year of primary school. Reliability was analyzed with Cronbach's alpha test and the validity was analyzed through internal consistency, using the same method used in the adaptation of the test. The results allowto affirm that the test evaluates the maturity of cognitive functions through the dimensions of the instrument, with high levels of reliability and acceptable levels of validity. The test presents a multidimensional structure and values obtained reflect interrelation between the different cognitive functions with respect to mental maturity. Finally, the article includes the scales with percentiles scores of the studied sample.

Este artigo descreve as propriedades psicométricas da adaptação espanhola do Teste de Maturidade Mental California Sullivan, Clark e Tiegs avaliando várias funções cognitivas em crianças de 4 a 7 anos são analisados. O teste foi aplicado a 255 crianças dos estabelecimentos de ensino públicos nas cidades de La Paz e El Alto. A amostra final foi de 232 crianças mulheres e homens: 65 estudantes sobre o nível inicial do primeiro ano de estudo (pré-infância), 115 estudantes a partir do nível inicial do segundo ano de estudo (infância) e 52 da primeira série, tendo descartado testes atípicos. fiabilidade foi analisada por alfa e validade de Cronbach através da consistência interna, com o mesmo método utilizado na adaptação do teste foi analisado. Os resultados confirmam que o teste avalia a maturidade das funções cognitivas através das dimensões do instrumento, com níveis elevados de níveis de fiabilidade e validade aceitáveis. O teste apresenta uma estrutura multidimensional e os valores obtidos reflectem a inter-relação entre as diferentes funções cognitivas sobre a maturidade mental. Finalmente, os critérios com pontuações percentis da amostra estão incluídos.

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 297-322, dic. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734362


Los objetivos del estudio que se informa fueron analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Test del Dibujo de Dos Figuras Humanas - Madurativo (T2F-M) de Maganto y Garaigordobil (2009a) y obtener normas de este test en una muestra de 654 niños del grupo indígena yaqui (México) de 5 a 11 años de edad. El análisis de la validez se realizó a través del estudio evolutivo de los ítemes madurativos y de la correlación entre el funcionamiento de los niños en el T2F-M y el Test de Matrices Progresivas Coloreadas (MPC) de Raven (1993). En cuanto a la fiabilidad, se estudió la consistencia interna de los ítemes evolutivos y el acuerdo interevaluadores. Las normas específicas se compararon con las de Maganto y Garaigordobil (2009a) para determinar la adecuación de estas normas en la población yaqui. Los resultados indicaron: (a) diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el número total de ítemes madurativos según la edad de los niños, con un aumento en la media de ítemes presentes en los dibujos a medida que se incrementa su edad, (b) una correlación positiva significativa de baja a moderada entre el funcionamiento en el T2F-M y el MPC, (c) una consistencia interna muy alta entre los ítemes del test, (d) un acuerdo intercalificadores muy alto y (e) diferencias entre las normas de puntuación obtenidas en la muestra de niños yaquis y las de Maganto y Garaigordobil (2009a). Se concluye que el T2FM es útil para evaluar el nivel de madurez mental de los niños de esta comunidad indígena, pero con el uso de normas locales que aseguren la realización de interpretaciones correctas de las puntuaciones que obtienen estos niños.

The study aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the developmental items of the Two Human Figures Test (T2F-M - Maganto & Garaigordobil, 2009a) and to obtain standards of this test on a sample of 654 children from the Yaqui indigenous group (Mexico) between 5 and 11 years old. The validity analysis was performed using the developmental study of items and the correlation between the performance of children at T2F-M and the Coloured Progressive Matrices Test (CPM) (Raven, 1993). The internal consistency of developmental items and interrater agreement was studied to determine reliability. In order to obtain the T2F-M norms of the Yaqui children sample, the criterion of assignment of standardized scores of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) was applied to the data obtained in this study, to each of the developmental items of both human figures (feminine and masculine) and for the different age groups. That is, items with a frequency of 85% or more were classified in category 1, items with a frequency between 84 and 50% in category 2, items with a frequency between 49 and 15% in category 3 and items with a frequency of 14% or less in category 4. Specific rules were compared with those of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) in order to determine the suitability of these standards to the Yaqui population. The results on the psychometric qualities of the T2F-M indicate: (a) statistically significant differences in the total number of developmental items according to children's age [F(6, 654) = 100.374; p < .01], the mean of items present in the two drawings increases with children's age, from 27.52 for the 5 years old to 59.20 for the 11 years old, (b) significant positive correlation, low to moderate, between performance in the T2F-M and the CPM; in most age groups the correlation between T2F-M and the CPM was significant, positive and with low values (between .211 and .382), except for the age group of 7 years, where the correlation was not significant; considering the total sample, the correlation was positive and significant and presented a moderate value (.608); (c) high internal consistency among test items; Cronbach Alpha coefficients and Spearman-Brown in the different age groups ranging from high (.814) and very high (.922); in the total sample, both coefficients were very high (.950 and .939, respectively), (d) high interrater agreement (.993). Regarding the second objective of this work, obtaining specific rules in the T2F-M and comparing them with those of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a), the results show a decrease in developmental items of categories 1 and 2 and an increase of items in categories 3 and 4 in the sample of Yaqui children when compare with Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) standards. These differences indicate that the use of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) scoring rules of the T2F-M is not adequate to establish interpretations of Yaqui children performance in this test because, in all age groups, the use of these norms under -estimates their performance. In general terms, the Yaqui children of this sample drew less T2F-M elements in their drawings of feminine and masculine human figures, than did the Spanish children sample of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a). We conclude that T2F-M is useful in assessing the level of conceptual maturity of the indigenous community children, but only the use of local rules can ensure the correct interpretations of the scores obtained by these children.