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Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 732-737, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036457


At present, there are some shortcomings in China’s medical humanities education, such as inadequate adaptation to the needs of the development of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, and insufficient early warning of crises brought about by emerging medical technologies. The concept of “a community of common health for mankind” had been established in the appearance context of medical humanities education, which also gave medical humanities education a richer contemporary significance and development opportunities. Taking the courses of medical ethics and health law as examples, the concept of “a community of common health for mankind” fits well with the core of medical humanities education in terms of value significance, logical mechanisms, and content elements, which is more conducive to highlighting the localized results of medical humanities research. Therefore, the existing theoretical frameworks should be integrated with the concept of “a community of common health for mankind”, to create a medical humanities education system with Chinese characteristics and universal significance, as well as to enhance the quality and effects of humanities education by integrating the disciplinary systems, education modes, education chains, and other paths.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 636-642, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012954


Vaccine cooperation is an important means to deal with global infectious diseases. However, the cooperation cannot be achieved overnight. Ethical dilemma is one of the obstacles that hinders vaccine cooperation. Reviewing the history, the most successful vaccine collaboration to date has been the global smallpox eradication program. In the process of eradicating smallpox, there were also many ethical dilemmas, including the international pattern of the US-Soviet hegemony, which impacted the mutual help between countries, the ethical disputes of the vaccine itself hindering solidarity and cooperation among actors, and the vaccine coercion adopted to overcome vaccine hesitancy undermining the principle of proportionality among the freedom, equality and efficacy. The ethical dilemmas of vaccine cooperation were resolved by shaping professional and scientific consensus among medical professional groups, reaching consensus on cooperation between leading countries and developing countries, and integrating local culture to improve vaccination methods. Finally, in 1980, the world successfully eradicated smallpox. The case of smallpox eradication provides us lessons for vaccine cooperation against COVID-19 and the construction of a community of common health for mankind today.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 654-662, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012957


Discrimination against patients with mental disorders and the resulting stigma will not only affect patients’ medical treatment, but also bring about community isolation and lack of resources. Mental health problems have become a major public health problem and a prominent social problem. From the perspective of bioethics, the existence of public mental disorders stigma violates the principles of justice and respect. This paper quantitatively described the status quo of public mental disorders stigma in China, and explored its influencing factors through factor analysis and binary logistic regression analysis. The public stigma of mental disorders score was (54.64±11.048). Factor analysis extracted 4 common factors, namely isolation, pain, contact, and empathy, with a cumulative explained variance of 68.948%. The results showed that age and contact history were the main factors affecting the public stigma of mental disorders. It is recommended to reduce discrimination by enhancing understanding and improving empathy. Specifically, it is to implement the personal liability for discrimination through ethical regulation and legal construction, and strengthen the concept of a community of shared future for mankind by creating a tolerant social atmosphere, so as to achieve an appropriate balance between public safety and individual rights and interests.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 593-596, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005675


The concept of a community of common health for mankind profoundly expresses China’s important proposition of promoting the health and well-being of people in various countries and jointly maintaining global public health security, which has a distinct formation logic. The idea of a community of common health for mankind is rooted in the "real community" theory of Marxist, reflecting its value orientation in the field of global health, and highlighting the new era’s inherent requirements of "adhering to the people first". It is an organic unity of theoretical logic, value logic, and practical logic. The construction of a community of common health for mankind gathers broad consensus, highlights the distinct theme of world peace and development, responds to international concerns, and provides Chinese proposals and contributes Chinese strength for governing global public health, practicing multilateralism, and promoting the construction of new international relations.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 361-368, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005715


For thousands of years, epidemics have always been with life. A history of human civilization is also a history of human and epidemic unremitting struggle. The historical battle between human beings and epidemic diseases contains the idea of a community of common health for mankind for mankind. The ancient Chinese people left the world with rich wisdom and experience in the fighting against epidemic. The public health campaigns of modern Europe countries also effectively resisted the invasion of the epidemic. Facing both changes unseen in a century and the COVID-19 pandemic, although the international health governance institutions represented by the WHO have done a lot of organization and coordination work in the prevention and control of the COVID-19, they still face many difficulties such as financial support, dispute resolution, and power erosion. The contemporary emergence of the concept of a community of common health for mankind for mankind is a vivid portrayal of the focus and implementation of the human destiny community idea in the field of public health. It inherits the profound Marxist theoretical foundation and distinct traditional Chinese ethical values, which is conducive to the profound transformation of global public health governance concept from "zero-sum game" to "common destiny", and has great and far-reaching significance for strengthening international cooperation in the field of health and improving the level of human health.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 377-383, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005717


The concept of "virus sovereignty" proposed by Indonesia in 2007 challenges the international tradition of virus sharing. In the context of the global outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019, the issue of virus sharing has become an important topic in the reform of the global health governance mechanisms. Virus sharing is an important guarantee of dealing with major global infectious diseases. However, the emergence of the concept of "virus sovereignty" shows that there are defects in the operation of virus sharing mechanism in the international community. The "virus sovereignty" problem is an ethical issue essentially, involving asymmetric interests hindering unity and cooperation, intellectual property rights expansion challenging the principle of solidarity, and excessive self-defense amplifying utility risks. "Community of common health for mankind" provides a constructive and feasible option to solve the dilemma of "virus sovereignty".

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 21(4)ago. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441917


Introducción: La historia de la cirugía del trauma va aparejada con la historia de la medicina y las primeras civilizaciones. Objetivo: Comparar el desarrollo de esta cirugía, hasta nuestros días, con los resultados alcanzados en Cuba. Material y Métodos: Estudio comparativo del desarrollo de los avances de la ciencia en relación con el trauma por investigaciones y descubrimientos de científicos en todo el mundo, con el desarrollo de la cirugía del trauma que se ha producido en Cuba. Desarrollo: Se hace un recuento de los logros de la Humanidad con la aplicación de la disciplina de cirugía del trauma, los avances organizativos, técnicos y científicos reconocidos a nivel mundial y aplicado en Cuba. Se comparan estadísticas mundiales y nacionales sobre los resultados de la atención a los lesionados con la aplicación de los protocolos internacionales en el país. Conclusiones: Se demuestra que nuestras estadísticas reflejan los logros positivos alcanzados en la actualidad(AU)

Introduction: The history of trauma surgery has been coupled with the history medicine and the first civilizations. Objective: To compare the development of trauma surgery with the results achieved in our country to the present day. Material and Methods: Comparative study of the worldwide advances in medical science in this type of surgery with regard to research and discoveries made by scientists all over the world and the development of trauma surgery achieved in Cuba. Development: A recount of the achievements of mankind in the application of trauma surgery discipline as well as the scientific, technical and organizational advances which have been recognized and applied in Cuba is presented. World and national statistics on the results of the care given to injured people are compared with the application of national and international protocols in the country. Conclusions: Our statistics show the positive achievements reached nowadays in this field(AU)

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 636-642, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031216


Vaccine cooperation is an important means to deal with global infectious diseases. However, the cooperation cannot be achieved overnight. Ethical dilemma is one of the obstacles that hinders vaccine cooperation. Reviewing the history, the most successful vaccine collaboration to date has been the global smallpox eradication program. In the process of eradicating smallpox, there were also many ethical dilemmas, including the international pattern of the US-Soviet hegemony, which impacted the mutual help between countries, the ethical disputes of the vaccine itself hindering solidarity and cooperation among actors, and the vaccine coercion adopted to overcome vaccine hesitancy undermining the principle of proportionality among the freedom, equality and efficacy. The ethical dilemmas of vaccine cooperation were resolved by shaping professional and scientific consensus among medical professional groups, reaching consensus on cooperation between leading countries and developing countries, and integrating local culture to improve vaccination methods. Finally, in 1980, the world successfully eradicated smallpox. The case of smallpox eradication provides us lessons for vaccine cooperation against COVID-19 and the construction of a community of common health for mankind today.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 654-662, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031219


Discrimination against patients with mental disorders and the resulting stigma will not only affect patients’ medical treatment, but also bring about community isolation and lack of resources. Mental health problems have become a major public health problem and a prominent social problem. From the perspective of bioethics, the existence of public mental disorders stigma violates the principles of justice and respect. This paper quantitatively described the status quo of public mental disorders stigma in China, and explored its influencing factors through factor analysis and binary logistic regression analysis. The public stigma of mental disorders score was (54.64±11.048). Factor analysis extracted 4 common factors, namely isolation, pain, contact, and empathy, with a cumulative explained variance of 68.948%. The results showed that age and contact history were the main factors affecting the public stigma of mental disorders. It is recommended to reduce discrimination by enhancing understanding and improving empathy. Specifically, it is to implement the personal liability for discrimination through ethical regulation and legal construction, and strengthen the concept of a community of shared future for mankind by creating a tolerant social atmosphere, so as to achieve an appropriate balance between public safety and individual rights and interests.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1099-1103, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013032


From the perspective of a community of common health for mankind, solidarity is a relational concept, which is a "social bond" within countries and advocates "cross-border cooperation" among countries. When the COVID-19 calls for global solidarity, it faces obstacles brought by four levels: "individualism", "negative obligation", "national boundary" and "distance". However, based on the interdependence among countries brought about by global health risks and the similarity of everyone’s equal right to health, solidarity can provide unique values of "communitarianism" and "positive obligation" for the effective construction of a community of common health for mankind.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1124-1130, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013037


China’s anti-epidemic actions has always adhered to the value of people first and life first, which has profoundly affected the perception of medical humanism by the whole society, especially medical workers. The epidemic prevention and control has put forward new requirements for medical personnel to practice medical humanism, reflecting the unique connotation of the times. In the context of normalized epidemic prevention and control, it is timely to reshape the humanistic spirit of medicine, which has extremely important value of the times. On the basis of explaining the connotation and significance of medical humanism, this paper analyzed the impact and influence of the epidemic on the medical humanism of medical personnel. The value orientation of medical humanism, which is the unity of synergy and innovation, the unity of doctor’s kindness and social responsibility, and the unity of national spirit and human health community, was constructed, and suggestions for reconstructing medical humanism were put forward in terms of improving institutional norms, strengthening education and training, promoting the synergistic development of medical technology and medical humanism, and creating a harmonious humanistic atmosphere.

Serv. soc. soc ; (113): 171-191, jan.-mar. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-669649


Tendo por base o pensamento de Marx, Engels e Lukács, o artigo sustenta que o gênero humano se funda sobre a práxis e evolui segundo uma dinâmica que reforça os elementos sociais e reduz as determinações naturais sobre a forma de vida humana.

From Marx, Engels and Lukacs, the argument in the article supports that mankind is based on practice and evolves by a dynamic that reinforces the social elements and reduces the natural determinations over the form of human life.

Indian J Med Microbiol ; 2010 Jul-Sept; 28(3): 193-195
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-143696


Over the past decade, sequence differences between microbes from various geographical areas have been studied with the intent to interpret population movements of their hosts. An organism that is a reliable storehouse of such data, by virtue of its long association with its human host, is Helicobacter pylori. Functional and comparative analyses of its genome provide fascinating insights into human behaviour in the ancient past.

Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet ; 49(2): 121-127, dic. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-631474


En Venezuela la rabia se ha presentado en forma endemo-epidémica, causando pérdidas económicas a la ganadería y afectando la salud humana.  Para reportar la situación epidemiológica de la rabia en el estado Lara, período enero-diciembre 2007, se analizaron 228 muestras de tejido nervioso pertenecientes a un humano y a distintas especies de animales domésticos y silvestres, recolectadas en esa región y estados limítrofes. Para evidenciar la presencia del virus, se utilizó la prueba de inmunofluorescencia directa (IFD). La amplificación viral se efectuó en ratones lactantes.  La caracterización antigénica se realizó por  inmunofluorescencia indirecta con  anticuerpos monoclonales dirigidos contra la nucleocápside viral. Se evaluó la potencia de la vacuna antirrábica utilizada durante el brote, por el método NIH y se determinó el título de anticuerpos antirrábicos a 51 muestras de suero de bovinos por el método de seroneutralización en ratones jóvenes. Dieciocho muestras resultaron positivas en el estado Lara, en tejidos de humano (1), bovinos (8), equino (1), caprinos (3), ovinos (3) y vampiros Desmodus rotundus (2). Se detectó un equino positivo en el estado Cojedes. Las cepas virales se clasificaron como Variante Antigénica 3, indicando que el principal transmisor de la enfermedad fue el Desmodus rotundus. La vacuna antirrábica utilizada mantuvo su potencia relativa en 7,58 UI/mL y el índice de protección antirrábica promedio resultó 1:163 DE50/0,03 mL, demostrado en el 94% de los sueros analizados. Este brote se originó en el Municipio Morán del estado Lara, evidenciando el gran peligro que la rabia silvestre representa para la salud humana.

In Venezuela, rabies has evolved as endemic-epidemic, causing economic losses to livestock and affecting human health. To report the epidemiological situation of rabies in the State of Lara, Venezuela, from January to December 2007, a total of  228 samples of nervous tissue belonging to a human pacient and various species of domestic and wild animals harvested in the region and in bordering states was analyzed. To detect the presence of the rabies virus antigen, a direct immunofluorescence test (DIF) was used. Virus amplification was carried out in suckling mice. Antigenic characterization was performed by indirect immunofluorescense test using monoclonal antibodies directed against the viral nucleocapsid. Potency of rabies vaccine used during the outbreak was assessed by the NIH method and rabies antibodies title was determined in 51 bovine serum samples by means of the serum neutralization method in young mice. The distribution of the eighteen positive samples in Lara State was as follows: 1 human, 8 cattle, 1 horse, 3 goats, 3 sheeps, and 2 vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus). One horse was detected positive in Cojedes State. Viral strains were classified as type-3 antigenic variant, indicating that the main source of the disease was the Desmodus rotundus. The rabies vaccine used maintained its relative potency in 7.58 IU/mL and the average index of rabies protection was 1:163 DE50/0.03 mL, which was detected in 94% of the sera. This outbreak originated in the Morán Municipality of Lara State, underscoring the great risk that wild rabies represents to human health.

Acta odontol. venez ; 44(1): 139-141, ene. 2006. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-629974


La Estética, la cual fundamentalmente se define como una teoría filosófica de la belleza formal y del sentimiento que ella despierta en el ser humano, pertenece al razonamiento lógico del hombre y a los principios fundamentales de la humanidad, y que se engrandece cuando se apega a estos principios. La Estética es contraria a todo aquello que afecte negativamente a los valores fundamentales del hombre y de la humanidad.

Aesthetics defined as a philosofical theory of formal beauty as well as an inspiration for human feeling, belongs to logical and basic principles of mankind. Aesthetics becomes enriched whenever it gets closer to those principles. On the other hand, Aesthetics is opposite to any kind of negative influences toward basic values of mankind.

estetica, qual é definido fundamental como uma teoria filosófica do formal beleza e o sentimento que acorda acima ser humano, pertence ao raciocínio lógico do homem e ao fundamento princípios do humanidade, e esse engrandece quando é tornado uniu a estes princípios. Estética é oposto a tudo o que afeta negativamente aos valores fundamentais do homem e da humanidade.