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Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39515, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448916


ABSTRACT In most areas, psychological phenomena tend to be explained only through textual constructions. Several authors, however, point to the need for theories that have a more formal nature, based on mathematical reasoning. In order to encourage broader access to its applications, we present the models and advantages of a mathematical psychology approach to the study of behavior. We review the limitations of verbal theorizing, then a common taxonomy in mathematical psychology follows, that classifies formal models as descriptive, process characterization, and explanatory. As well succeeded cases, we examine the mathematical psychology of decision making, of helping behavior, of memory, and of romantic relationships. Finally, we discuss the potential benefits and uses of this approach. Welcome to mathematical psychology.

RESUMO Na maior parte das áreas os fenômenos psicológicos tendem a ser explicados apenas por meio de construções textuais. Diversos autores, no entanto, apontam para a necessidade de teorias que tenham uma natureza mais formal, baseada em raciocínio matemático. A fim de incentivar acesso mais amplo às suas aplicações, apresentamos os modelos e vantagens da abordagem da psicologia matemática para o estudo do comportamento. Revisamos as limitações da teorização verbal, apresentando em seguida uma taxonomia, comum na psicologia matemática, que classifica os modelos de dados como descritivos, explicativos e de caracterização. Como casos bem sucedidos, examinamos a psicologia matemática da tomada de decisão, do comportamento de ajuda, da memória e dos relacionamentos românticos. Por fim, discutimos os benefícios e usos potenciais da abordagem. Bem-vindo(a) à psicologia matemática.

Temas psicol. (Online) ; 23(1): 1-14, mar. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-775807


O texto relata uma pesquisa feita com 62 alunos do quarto ano escolar de duas escolas do interior de São Paulo: uma da rede privada e outra pública. O propósito foi o de investigar a relação entre o desempenho daqueles alunos em testes de subitização e estimativa e no Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE). Subitização e estimativa numérica aproximada são partes do senso numérico, considerado inato, razão pela qual ele não sofreria influência de fatores ambientais, como o tipo de escola frequentada, ao contrário do que seria de se esperar com relação a habilidades matemáticas adquiridas na escola. Adicionalmente, sendo o senso numérico inato, ele estaria restrito a limites cuja superação é possibilitada por avanços de ordem cultural. Portanto, entre ele e habilidades matemáticas seria de se esperar uma correlação fraca ou ausente. Os resultados do teste de subitização e estimativa replicam, com fidelidade, o padrão de desempenho encontrado na literatura: praticamente nenhum erro com numerosidades de 1 a 4 e queda abrupta de 5 a 10. Comparações por dependência administrativa das escolas, idade e sexo dos participantes, não revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Quanto aos resultados do subteste de aritmética do TDE, eles indicam um desempenho melhor dos alunos da escola privada, não tendo sido observadas diferenças quanto às outras variáveis. Finalmente, a análise de Correlação (de Pearson) entre os dados dos dois testes apresentou um coeficiente moderado a baixo. Os resultados, pois, confirmam as hipóteses testadas e fornecem evidências adicionais em favor da tese de um senso numérico inato.

The paper reports a research conducted with 62 students enrolled in the fourth grade of two schools of different cities of São Paulo state: one private and another public. Its purpose was to investigate the relation between their performance on probes of subitizing and estimation and on the School Performance Test (TDE). Subitizing and approximate numerical estimation are part of number sense, which is considered innate, therefore not subject to influence of environmental factors such as type of school attended, contrary to what would be expected with respect to math skills learned in school. Additionally, once number sense is innate it would be restricted to limits whose overcoming is made possible by cultural advancements. So between it and math skills one would expect a weak or absent correlation. Results of subitizing and estimating test showed the same pattern of performance found in the literature: virtually no errors with numerosities 1 to 4 and an abrupt drop from 5 to 10. Comparisons were performed according to administrative dependence of schools, age and sex of the participants. No statistically significant differences were found. The results of the arithmetic subtest of the TDE indicate a better performance of private school students, with no differences in respect to the other variables. Finally, the analysis of Correlation (by Pearson) between the data from the two tests showed a moderate to low coefficient. Therefore, the results confirm the hypotheses tested and provide additional evidence in favor of the thesis of an innate numerical sense.

El texto narra una pesquisa con 62 estudiantes de cuarto año de dos escuelas en el interior de Sao Paulo: una privada y otra pública. El propósito era investigar la relación entre su desempeño en pruebas de subitización y estimativa y en la Prueba de Rendimiento Escolar (TDE). Subitización y estimativa numérica aproximada forman el sentido numérico, considerado innato, razón por qué él podría no estar influenciado por factores ambientales tales como el tipo de escuela, contrariamente a lo que uno esperaría en cuanto a habilidades matemáticas adquiridos en la escuela. Además, siendo el sentido numérico innato, él estaría restringido a límites cuya superación es posible por la evolución cultural. Por lo tanto, entre él y habilidades matemáticas esperaría una correlación débil o no correlación. Los resultados de las pruebas de subitizacion y estimativa reproducen, con fidelidad, el estándar de rendimiento encontrado en la literatura: prácticamente ningún error con numerosidades 1-4 y abrupta caída 5-10. Comparaciones por dependencia administrativa de las escuelas, la edad y el sexo de los participantes no reveló diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Los resultados de la subprueba de aritmética de lo TDE indican un mejor rendimiento de los estudiantes de la escuela privada, no habiendo sido observado diferencias en relación con las otras variables. Finalmente, el análisis de Correlación (de Pearson) entre los datos de las dos pruebas mostró un coeficiente de moderado a bajo. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis a prueba y proporcionan evidencia adicional a favor de la tesis de un sentido numérico innato.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Aprendizagem , Aptidão , Comportamento , Matemática , Testes de Aptidão
Interdisciplinaria ; 28(2): 279-298, dic. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-639640


We analyze, from a theoretical viewpoint, the bidirectional interdisciplinary relation between Mathematics and Psychology, focused on the mathematical theory of deterministic dynamical systems, and in particular, on the theory of chaos. On one hand, there is the direct classic relation: the application of Mathematics to Psychology. On the other hand, we propose the converse relation which consists in the formulation of new abstract mathematical problems appearing from processes and structures under research of Psychology. The bidirectional multidisciplinary relation from - to pure Mathematics, largely holds with the ‘hard' sciences, typically Physics and Astronomy. But it is rather new, from the social and human sciences, towards pure Mathematics. Summarizing, the problem we focusing in this paper, is not only the application of the mathematical theory of dynamical systems to Psychology, but mainly the following questions: Which psychological processes are involved in the development of pure Mathematics? How can a multidisciplinary space be organized to activate the converse relation, from Psychology towards pure Mathematics? How may Psychology provide a rich field of new mathematical questions to be investigated, not only by applied mathematicians, but also by researchers on pure Mathematics? Even if large advances had been achieved, the application of the mathematical theory to Psychology is still mainly developed by mathematical psychologists and applied mathematicians, in the absence of pure mathematicians. Conversely, the development of the pure Mathematics is now a days mainly developed in the absence of applied scientists, particularly of human and social researchers. This is the opposite situation to the antique posture, in which theoretical Mathematics and Philosophy, for instance, were almost a single science. Along this paper we aim to found how the potential strength of the mathematical tools can be more fully exploited in the interdisciplinary space, and how the necessary development of new abstract and adequate tools in pure Mathematics, may be detected while immersed into an interdisciplinary discussion. This discussion does not need to be ‘applied', in its restricted sense. In fact, Mathematics may still remain abstract and theoretical, bust just break its apparent isolation from other sciences, in particular to those related with the human thinking, like Philosophy and Psychology. The methodology of our analysis along this paper follows three steps: First, we present a partial review, focused in several aspects of the mathematical research, in their interdisciplinary relation with Psychology. Then, we state and analyze epistemologically, the mathematical abstract definitions of dynamical systems, and in particular of deterministic chaos. Finally, we suggest a general meta-theory in the organization of the interdisciplinary space between Mathematics and Psychology, which we illustrate with an hypothetical example. This paper is organized in six sections: At the first one, we briefly introduce the discourse. At the second section, we present a partial survey of the knowledge in the interdisciplinary fields among Mathematics, Psychology and other sciences. That survey is focused on the theory of dynamical systems, and is very partial respect to the whole abundant development in this interdisciplinary field. The third section states the mathematical definitions of dynamical and autonomous system, and of deterministic chaos, and analyze them epistemologically. Among other properties, we revisit the argument of self-organization of deterministic chaos. At the fourt hand fifth sections, we propose a method and a metatheory, according to which, the interdisciplinary space between Mathematics and Psychology may organize its purposes and actions. We consider the epistemological objection of Nowak and Vallacher (1998). They observe that the traditional notions of causality holds in social psychological research, and oppose to (some of) the mathematical models of dynamical systems, which feedback the same variable from one time to the next. In fifth section too, arguing on a particular hypothetically example, we propose a method to model mathematically such systems with causal transitions, provided that the system is deterministic. The modeling method that we propose in this metatheory, solves the epistmological objection of Nowak and Vallacher, in some particular cases. Finally, the last section states the conclusions.

Se analiza, desde el punto de vista teórico, la relación interdisciplinaria bidireccional, entre-Matemática y Psicología, desde el punto de vista abstracto de la teoría de los sistemas dinámicos determinístícos, y en particular de la teoría del caos. Por un lado, está la relación clásica directa: la aplicación de la Matemática a la Psicología. Por otro lado, se propone y analiza la relación inversa que consiste en la formulación de nuevos problemas matemáticos, resueltos o no resueltos aún, que aparecen de procesos y estructuras bajo investigación de la Psicología. Tradicionalmente, la relación interdisciplinaria bidireccional desde - hacia la Matemática pura teórica, tiene una larga y fructífera trayectoria con otras ciencias duras, típicamente la Física y la Astronomía, pero es relativamente nueva, encarada desde las ciencias humanas y sociales, hacia la Matemática abstracta. El procedimiento de análisis es el siguiente: se presenta una revisión parcial, enfocada en algunos aspectos de la investigación matemática en relación con la Psicología. Luego se enuncian las definiciones matemáticas abstractas de sistemas dinámicos, y en parciular del caos determinista. Finalmente, se sugiere una meta-teoría general, en la organización del espacio interdisciplinario entre Matemática y Psicología, ilustrándolo con un ejemplo hipotético.