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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226316


Kanjika is a traditional Ayurvedic fermentation product prepares using 11 herbal ingredients in an aqueous media without the addition of any sweetening agents. The aim of the study was to analyse the biochemical changes happening throughout the process of fermentation in Kanjika and to identify the bioactive molecules formed during the fermentation process. Two batches of Kanjika were prepared. One batch was kept undisturbed throughout the fermentation process, while samples were drawn out at regular intervals from the other batch. A comparative evaluation of physicochemical parameters was done between the various samples drawn from the second batch of the formulation and the sample from the first batch after completion of fermentation. Further detailed analysis of the product before initiation of fermentation and after completion of fermentation was done using LC-MS. The two batches of Kanjika showed significant changes with regard to basic physicochemical parameters. It was found that in both the batches the pH was found to be highly acidic without any significant variations among the samples. Brix value was significantly high at the end of fermentation, in the sample from the undisturbed batch when compared to the sample from the disturbed batch.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209921


Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) belongs to the Scombridae family to determine the consistencycharacteristics of tuna fish loins for 28th days at frozen (−18 ± 2°C) storage. The biochemical, microbial, andsensory quality were analyzed by association of official analytical chemists method, plate count, and QualityIndex method (QIM), respectively. Protein, lipid, and moisture content were found to decrease significantly(p < 0.05) over the study period. Nonetheless, the values of ash, total volatile base nitrogen, tri-methyl aminenitrogen, pH, and peroxide increased significantly (p < 0.05). After 28 days of frozen storage, the total bacterialload in tuna fish loins was reduced from 3.8 × 105 to 3.3 × 104 colony forming unit/g. Total coliforms reducedfrom 113 to 5 Most Probable Number (MPN)/g, fecal coliforms declined to undetectable level from 13 MPN/g,and total Salmonella sp. also decreased from 1 MPN/g to unnoticeable, respectively. Organoleptically tunaloins were found in excellent condition up to 14th days although remained acceptable up to 28th days of thestudy period. The present findings should that the skipjack tuna loins can be retained under an acceptable limitfor human consumption at frozen storage conditions up to 28th days.

J Biosci ; 2019 Oct; 44(5): 1-4
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214188


The importance of studying microbial load on fabrics has been recently realized with reports on fabrics being a source ofspread of infection in medical and hospitality sectors. However, methodological limitations have restricted the analysis ofmicrobial diversity on fabrics. Hence, the study aimed to develop a robust method for extraction of DNA from differenttypes of fabrics. Bacterial community profiles could be successfully generated with DNA extracted from real life samples,together with identification of different bacterial genera on fabrics. The study opens up venues to study effect of environmental factors on microbial load on fabrics. Also, such a technique will aid correlation between microbial load and typesof fabric so as to come up with recommendation for fabrics bearing minimal microbial load for medical and hospitalitysectors.

European J Med Plants ; 2019 Jun; 28(2): 1-11
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189495


Aim: The effect of storage containers on the microbial load of domestic water from three sources treated with Moringa oleifera and Citrullus lanatus seed powders in Lekwesi, Abia State was assessed. Study Design: The jar test method was used for the treatments. One gram (1.0g) each of the plant seed (Moringa oleifera and water melon seeds) was weighed and was added separately into 1000 ml of water samples in the different storage containers (clay lined pots, iron/steel tanks and polypyrene plastic drums, respectively). The mixture was stirred rapidly for 3 minutes and allowed to stand undisturbed for 1 hour, after which the top water was decanted. Place and Duration of Study: Advanced Research Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Gregory University Uturu, from May to July, 2018. Methodology: Tenfold serial dilutions was used for processing of all the water samples, after which the volume of exactly 0.5ml of the water sample was planted on the media using the spread plate method and incubated appropriately and other standard microbiological methods were employed to determine microbial loads. Results: The river water samples had the highest microbial load of 1.2x103-2.0x108cfu/ml and were reduced to 1.8x107cfu/ml and 1.8x108cfu/ml by M. oleifera and C. lanatus seed powders after an hour of storage respectively. The well water samples had the least microbial counts of 0.9 x101-1.2 x104 cfu/ml, and were reduced to 0.5x101cfu/ml and 5.9 x103cfu/ml by M. oleifera and C. lanatus seed powders respectively. The potential pathogenic bacteria (TPPB) were reduced to 3.0 x102cfu/ml by M. oleifera, while C. lanatus was unable to reduce the TPPB after an hour. The microbial load decreased constantly within 24h in the various storage containers (steel, clay and plastic), but increased steadily from 72h to the 336h of post storage. The clay-lined and iron-steel pots maintained the same microbial counts after 4h post storage, but differed significantly after 24h, while the polypyrene plastic drum had the highest microbial count. There was absence of TPPB and Total Faecal Coliform Count (TFCC) in the well water samples after the treatment with M. oleifera. Conclusion: M. oleifera was found to be a better water treatment than C. lanatus, while the clay-lined pot served as the best domestic water storage container.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211296


Background: Paper currency is used for every type of commerce and plays an important role in the life of human beings. They are exchanged and come into contact with different environments and many different individuals during their circulation. Therefore, they can become contaminated with microorganisms and transfer bacteria across environments. The present study was aimed for quantitative assessment of microorganisms in circulated paper currency from Kushtia, Bangladesh and antibiotic resistant profiles of isolated Escherichia coli.Methods: A total of 10 paper currency samples currently in circulation involving three denominations (5, 10 and 500) were randomly collected from individuals involved in various occupations including street beggar, local hotel, bus conductor, poultry seller, vegetable seller, fish seller, commercial bank, ATM booth, tea seller, grocery store in Kushtia city, Bangladesh. Selective culture and biochemical tests were performed for the isolation and identification of microbial pathogens. Antibiotic resistance profiles were evaluated for isolated Escherichia coli using Kirby-Bauer method according to CLSI guidelines.Results: Aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas spp. were the highest in paper currency from local hotel and ATM booth. Enterobacteriaceae (including coliforms) were predominantly present in paper currencies collected from local hotel, grocery, fish seller and beggar while Pseudomonas spp. were found in currency notes obtained from ATM booth, poultry farm, vegetable seller and local hotel. Antibiotic resistant profiles of E. coli isolated from local hotel currency showed that 50% of E. coli isolates were multidrug resistant. The highest resistant profile was observed against penicillin (95%) followed by polypeptide (75%), cephalosporin (50%), quinolone (30%) and sulfonamide (5%) groups of antibiotics.Conclusions: Multiple antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria are prevalent in paper currency regardless of their sources. Paper currency could contribute in transmission of infectious disease as well as in antibiotic resistance, therefore, should be handled carefully.

Odontol. vital ; jun. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506845


Se realizó un estudio acerca del análisis de la carga microbiana en las lámparas de fotocurado en cuanto al uso y desuso de barreras adhesivas de protección, con el fin de que los resultados sirvan para hacer conciencia sobre el uso de las barreras adhesivas de protección, para resguardar tanto al profesional como a su ambiente de trabajo, y a los pacientes, evitando además la contaminación cruzada entre ellos, como con el medio oral y los demás instrumentos. Para la investigación se tomó una muestra de 47 lámparas, 24 con barrera y 23 sin barrera, para así determinar la cantidad de unidades formadoras de colonias por superficie, y además la presencia o ausencia de Escherichia Coli como indicador de microorganismo patógeno.

It has been made a study of the analysis of the microbial load in dental curing lights in the use and disuse of adhesive protective barriers, with the goal that the results serve to raise awareness on use of adhesive protective barriers to protect the professional, their work environment and patients, while avoiding cross-contamination between them, as with the oral environment and other instruments. For this research the sample were 47 lamps, 24 with barrier and 23 without barrier, to determine the number of colony forming units per surface, and also the presence or absence of Escherichia coli as pathogen indicator.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626349


This study aimed to find out that a cup of tea is or is not safe for human health from microbial contamination and to point out the antimicrobial property of made tea liquor. Different made tea brands were collected randomly from different super shop of Dhaka city. The Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC), 2005 was used as official methods of analysis. The Standard Plate Count (SPC) technique was used for total microbial load, yeast and fungal count. Most Probable Number (MPN) technique was used for the enumeration of coliform in tea samples. Bacteria, yeast, mould and coliform were observed before and after boiling in all studied the samples. Before boiling, total microbial load and coliform were found at significantly higher of its’ acceptable limit (p0.05). After boiling, only coliform was observed significantly higher in all except Tetley tea at its’ non-acceptable limit (p<0.05). Fecal coliform was not present at every stage of this study. Made tea liquor has shown to have antimicrobial property. Boiling in tea preparation and its’ liquor antimicrobial property considerably reduced the level of microbial load to safe level for public consumption.

Annals of Dentistry ; : 20-26, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732003


Water delivered through dental unit waterline system(DUWS) is often reported contaminated with microbesdislodged from biofilm that forms within the tubingof a dental chair unit (DCU). ADM: The study aimedat evaluating the sanitary level of DCU water froma teaching dental clinic. Materials: The presence ofpathogenic bacteria which include total coliforms, faecalcoliforms, E. coli, faecal streptococci and P. aeruginosawere determined using conventional microbiologicalmethods while PCR technique was used to identify othermicrobial contaminants. Result: pH of DCU water wasfound slightly acidic at pH 5.4-5.5 and the temperaturewas 23°C. Pathogenic contaminants were absent butthe DCU water was highly loaded with Sphingomonasrhizogenes (17.9%), Sphingomonas dokdonesis(79.5%), Sphingomonas mucosissima (1.1%) andMethylobacterium radiotolerans (1.5%). The high load ofmicrobes that exceeded 200 cfu/ml was of great concernas it failed to meet recommendation set by the AmericanDental Association

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164240


Fresh-cut mangoes are nutritious and offer consumers freshness, flavour and convenience. They however have a shorter shelf life compared to whole fruits due to their high susceptibility to microbial contamination. The effects of gamma irradiation and chemical preservatives on the microbiological quality of refrigerated fresh-cut mangoes were evaluated. Well matured fruits of Kent and Keitt varieties sliced into cubes were microbiologically analysed initially to determine counts of total viable cells (TVC), coliforms, Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The samples were subjected to various irradiation doses (0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 kGy) and chemical preservatives (sucrose, citric acid, sodium benzoate and a combination of these chemicals in equal proportions) and stored at 6°C and 10ºC for 15 days. TVC was subsequently estimated at 3-day intervals for the treated samples. TVC was estimated as 3.53 ± 0.25 and 4.86 ± 0.38 log10cfu/g for the Kent and Keitt varieties respectively. No coliforms Salmonella sp., E. coli or S. aureus were detected in both varieties. Irradiation at doses of 1.5 kGy to 2.5 kGy in combination with storage at 6ºC was able to eliminate all viable cells after 9 days compared to 12 days of storage at 6ºC in the case of chemical preservatives. Irradiation is more effective and ideal compared to chemical preservatives in improving the microbiological quality and therefore extending the shelf life of refrigerated fresh-cut mangoes.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-151232


Kunun-zaki was produced using ginger and garlic and stored under ambient conditions for 10 days. The microbiological load and the shelf life of the drink were investigated. Diverse microbial genera: Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Aspergillus, Penicillum, Fusarium and Saccharomyces were isolated from samples. The effect of ginger and garlic separately were compared to the combined effect of ginger and garlic in reducing the microbial population. Of all the treatments, garlic (2g in 200mls or 0.01%w/v) was most effective in reducing the microbial populations. In contrast, treatment with 1g of ginger was least effective in reducing the microbial populations. Shelf life based on sensory overall acceptability and microbial quality of the samples varied with treatments but combination treatment with 2g in 200mls(0.01%w/v) ginger and garlic extended the shelf life by approximately four (4) days whereas other treated samples showed marginal enhanced shelf life of 2days. However, untreated control sample exhibited remarkably high microbial load and was virtually unacceptable after 24h of production. The result shows the potential of the combination treatment of ginger and garlic as antimicrobials and in extending the shelf life of Kunun-zaki.

Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 45(3): 441-445, jul.-set. 2011. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-633162


La cocina y el baño son los lugares del hogar más susceptibles de contaminación microbiana. Estos microbios se depositan sobre las superficies formando biofilms y pueden constituirse en potenciales fuentes causales de enfermedades. El objetivo del trabajo fue detectar la presencia y la concentración de carga microbiana en los elementos y utensilios de los sitios más críticos de viviendas de la ciudad de Mar del Plata. Se recolectaron 478 muestras de elementos y utensilios de cocinas y baños provenientes de 36 hogares de familias de características socioeconómicas similares a los casos de Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico ocurridos en la misma ciudad. En cocinas el 52% superó los parámetros establecidos para el estudio detectándose >100 UFC/muestra de aerobios mesófilos, >10 UFC/muestra de enterobacterias y presencia de Escherichia coliy Staphylococcus aureus. En baños el 37% excedió los criterios establecidos. Los elementos que superaron estos límites son los que habitualmente se encuentran húmedos. Se realizaron recomendaciones tendientes a asegurar una higiene adecuada en los sitios más críticos, trabajando en educación para la salud a nivel de los hogares de la comunidad teniendo en cuenta las recomendaciones que se deben cumplir al momento de la preparación de los alimentos.

The kitchen and bathroom are the places in the home most susceptible to microbial contamination. These germs are deposited on surfaces to form biofilms and may constitute grounds for potential disease sources. The aim of this study was to detect the presence and concentration of microbial load in the elements and utensils of the most critical housings in the city of Mar del Plata. Four hundred and seventy-eight samples of items and utensils collected from kitchens and bathrooms from 36 homes of families of similar socioeconomic characteristics to the cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome occurred in the same city. Fifty-two per cent of kitchens exceeded the parameters established for the study and >100UFC/sample of mesophilic aerobes, >10UFC/sample of Enterobacteriaceae and Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were detected. Thirty-seven per cent of baths exceeded the established criteria. The elements that are beyond these limits are usually found wet, becoming potential sources thereof. Recommendations were made to ensure proper hygiene in the most critical places. It is extremely important to work in health education at the household level of the community taking into account the recommendations that must be followed when preparing food.

A cozinha e o banheiro são os lugares da casa mais suscetíveis de contaminação microbiana. Estes micróbiomoras se depositam sobre as superficies formando biofilmes e podem se constituir em potenciais fontes causais de doengas. O objetivo do trabalho foi detectar a presenga e a concentragáo de carga microbiana nos elementos e utensilios dos lugares mais críticos de moradias da cidade de Mar del Plata. Foram coletadas 478 amostras de elementos e utensilios de cozinhas e banheiros provenientes de 36 moradias de familias de características socioeconómicas similares aos casos de Síndrome Hemolítico-Urêmica acontecidos na mesma cidade. Em cozinhas 52% superou os parâmetros estabelecidos para o estudo detectandose >100 UFC/amostra de aeróbios mesófilos, >10 UFC/amostra de Enterobactérias e presenga de Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus. Em banheiros 37% excedeu os critérios estabelecidos. Os elementos que superaram estes limites sáo os que habitualmente se encontram úmidos. Foram realizadas recomendaçães tendentes a garantir uma higiene adequada nos lugares mais críticos, trabalhando em educação para a saúde em nivel das moradias da comunidade levando em consideração as recomendações que devem ser cumpridas na hora da preparação dos alimentos.

Biofilmes , Síndrome Hemolítico-Urêmica , Noxas , Síndrome Hemolítico-Urêmica/diagnóstico , Síndrome Hemolítico-Urêmica/etiologia , Microbiologia
Arch. venez. pueric. pediatr ; 72(3): 92-96, jul.-sept. 2009. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-589193


La determinación de la acidez titulable es una prueba fisicoquímica de control de calidad para leche humana que debe realizarse de rutina como parámetro clasificatorio en los Bancos de Leche Humana (BLH). Analizar la acidez titulable como control de calidad para la leche humana en el Banco de Leche del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario “Ruiz y Páez”. Ciudad Bolívar, Estado Bolívar. Febrero-marzo 2007. Se analizaron 50 muestras por triplicado, obtenidas por extracción mecánica a donadoras de leche humana. Se determinaron acidez titulable por el método Dornic, recuento de bacterias aerobias mesófilas según Norma Venezolana COVENIN 902-87, y se relacionaron ambas variables. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la media aritmética, prueba de Chi cuadrado y coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Un 78% de las muestras (n=37) presentaron acidez titulable aceptable (1ºD a 8ºD), 22% restante (n=13) fueron no aceptables,(>8ºD a 20ºD). Hubo desarrollo microbiano en 100% de las muestras, con valores hasta 105 UFC/mL. Al relacionar acidez titulable con carga bacteriana total se obtuvo un coeficiente de correlación r=0,79; con tendencia positiva y relación lineal de las variables. La acidez titulable en grados Dornic refleja de manera directa el grado de contaminación bacteriana que posee la leche humana, considerándose adecuada como prueba fisicoquímica de control de calidad.

Assessment of titratable acidity is a test of physical chemistry quality control for human milk that should be performed routinely as a qualifier parameter in human milk banks. To analyze the titratable acidity as quality control for human milk in the Milk Bank of the University Hospital Complex "Ruiz y Páez" Ciudad Bolivar, Bolivar state, between February and March 2007. 50 samples obtained by mechanical extraction of human milk donors were analyzed in triplicate. Titratable acidity by the Dornic method and bacterial aerobic mesophilic count according to Venezuelan Standard COVENIN 902-87 were assessed. Statistical analysis was performed by the arithmetic mean, Chi-square test and Pearson correlation coefficient. 78% of the samples (n=37) presented acceptable acidity (1ºD-8ºD), and 22% (n=13) were not acceptable (> 8º to 20ºD). Microbial development was detected in all samples, with values up to 105 CFU/mL. A positive relation was found between titratable acidity and total bacterial load (r=0,79). Titratable acidity reflects the degree of bacterial contamination of human milk and can be regarded as an adequate test for physical chemistry quality control.

Humanos , Feminino , Acidez/métodos , Infecções Bacterianas/microbiologia , Leite Humano/microbiologia , Bancos de Leite Humano/classificação , Cuidado da Criança , Controle de Qualidade
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2007. 137 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-837381


No Brasil, diariamente, são descartadas 2,3 toneladas de meios de cultura potencialmente contaminados com microorganismos. A resolução RDC No 306/2004 da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária preconiza que os resíduos devem ser tratados antes do descarte, visando à redução da carga microbiana. Foram desenvolvidos 2 métodos para avaliar a sensibilidade e a eficiência, assim como a concentração ideal, de um agente químico (biocida) contra microorganismos contaminantes. O método de difusão com Perfurador Circular de Ágar (PCA) e o método com Perfurador Linear de Ágar (PLA) foram testados com 13 cepas de microorganismos. O biocida avaliado foi a combinação de hipoclorito de sódio (NaClO) com ácido acético (CH3COOH). A partir destes resultados, foi desenvolvido um equipamento automatizado para processar a redução da carga microbiana (SADEMC) dos meios de cultura contaminados. A redução da carga microbiana foi avaliada pelo método quantitativo da reação da transcriptase reversa com detecção em tempo real. O método PCA mostrou ser reprodutível e eficiente para medir a inibição do crescimento bacteriano de um biocida. A concentração mínima de biocida capaz de reduzir o crescimento microbiano foi de 250 ppm para a solução aquosa de NaClO a 0,25% e de 200 ppm para a de CH3COOH a 0,2%. No SADEMC, foi possível processar 4,6kg de meios de culturas em 100 litros da concentração mínima eficaz do biocida por 15 minutos, e atingir uma redução da carga microbiana de, aproximadamente, 1,4E10 unidades formadoras de colônias. Podemos concluir que o SADEMC promove uma redução de carga microbiana compatível com os níveis exigidos pela RDC No. 306; fornece biossegurança na sua manipulação e que resulta em plástico reciclável

In Brazil, daily, 2.3 tons of potentially contaminated cultured medium with microorganisms are discarded. The RDC 306 resolution from the Brazilian National Health Department rules out that residue must be treated prior to discart in order to reduce microbial load. Two methods were developed to evaluate the sensitivity, efficiency and ideal concentration of a chemical agent (biocide) against microorganisms. The Ágar's Diffusion Method by Circular Perforator (PCA) and by Linear Perforator (PLA) were tested with 13 microorganism lines and the biocide composed by Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) and its combination with Acetic Acid (CH3COOH). The microbial load reduction was evaluated by the real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. From the in vitro data, an automatic equipment to process the potentially contaminated culture media (SADEMC) was developed. The PCA method was reproductive and efficient to measure the bacterial growth inhibition induced by the biocide. The minimum biocide concentration capable to reduce the microbial growth was a solution of 0.25% NaClO (250 ppm) and 0.2% CH3COOH (200 ppm). In the SADEMC, the direct exposition of 4.6 kg of culture media in 100 liters of biocide for a period of 15 minutes is capable to reduce the microbial load in approximately 1,4E10 of colony-forming unit. We may conclude that the SADEMC is able to promote a microbial load reduction more intense than the one demanded by the RDC 306 resolution. In addition to that, the SADEMC contemplates personnel safety and allows recycling the plastic residues

Resíduos/análise , Ácido Acético , Reciclagem/métodos , Hipoclorito de Sódio/farmacologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/métodos , Microbiologia/classificação
J Biosci ; 1981 Dec; 3(4): 439-448
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-160212


Microbial contamination in cultures of the alga, Scenedesmus acutus raised in outdoor open tanks and also in the processed powder of the alga was monitored; The total bacterial population increased with time during the growth period of six days. When a combination of molasses and carbondioxide was employed as carbon source for this alga, the bacterial load increased to 10 colony forming units/ml. Yeast, molds and also coliforms were quantitated. Drum-drying the algae drastically reduced the bacterial load and storing the algal powder for a period of over 3 months did not increase the bacterial load. Pathogens like Salmonella and Staphylococcus were not detectable either in the open cultures or in the drumdried algal powder. Although there are not set standards available in literature on the permissible level of the microbial contamination in algal biomass for use in foods, the microbial load appears to be within the limits of permissible levels stipulated by Indian Standard Institution standards for baby foods.