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Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 May; 70(5): 1713-1717
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224307


Purpose: To study clinical and pathological features of parasitic lesions in the ocular adnexa in a tertiary care ophthalmic center in south India. Methods: 43 cases of ocular parasitosis were analysed clinically and correlated with the pathological findings (gross morphology and histopathology) over a period of five years (2015–2020). Results: Among the 43 cases, the age group ranged from 9 months to 78 years (mean age of 41.6 years). Female patients were more common than male patients, with a percentage of 63% (27) and 37% (16) respectively. Cystic lesion in the lid or orbit was seen in 23 cases (53.4%); solid mass lesions were seen in 17 cases (39.5%); subconjunctival worms in three cases; and subretinal parasite in one. Gross examination and histopathologic study showed Dirofilaria in 23 cases (53.5%), followed by Cysticercus in six cases (14%) and Microfilariae in four cases (9.3%). Exact species identification was not possible in ten cases (23.25%). Correlation between the type of lesion and type of inflammatory cells with the specific parasite was done. Conclusion: Our study showed that important clinicopathological correlations can be made from the parasitic lesions in the eye and adnexa, which can aid in definitive diagnosis and prompt identification of the parasite for patient management

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205545


Background: Autopsy examinations are necessary to rule out cause of death, and simultaneously, it also detects incidental pathologies which might not be a leading cause of death. Till date, no one has reported autopsy examination utility for the detection of microfilaria burden. In this retrospective study, we analyzed cases with incidental finding of asymptomatic cases of microfilaria. Objectives: Our main aim was to highlight its burden within the region of South Gujarat where filariasis is endemic despite various government programs to control and eradicate it. Materials and Methods: We have analyzed the autopsy reporting data during the period of January 2013–December 2013 from a tertiary care hospital of South Gujarat. Along with tissue section, we also processed blood clot from heart chambers for microscopic examination to confirm diagnosis. Results: A total of 19 cases of 607 autopsy cases showed the presence of microfilaria in various organs such as heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney, and brain without any tissue reaction. All sections from blood clot showed the presence of circulating microfilaria in positive cases. Among all organ sections, we were able to get it most commonly in the heart interstitial spaces in majority of the cases. Conclusion: This study showed 3.1% prevalence of asymptomatic circulating microfilaria cases. This can be one of the ways to measure the prevalence of microfilaria in endemic regions as routine screening and diagnostic procedure has their known limitations. The technique to find microfilaria can be also strengthened by microscopic examination of blood clot from heart chamber or heart auricles.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202454


Introduction: In India Filariasis is considered to be a majorpublic health problem. India constitutes about 20% of totalglobal burden. Microfilaria are released and circulate inthe peripheral blood with nocturnal periodicity. Due toits extremely rarity it is difficult to detect them in routineperipheral blood smears, Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAC)Smears and body fluids. The objective of our study was toemphasise on having a high index of suspicion of filarialinfection in any swelling especially in patients from endemiczones. This study also aims to highlight the importance ofFNAC as a cheap and effective tool to diagnose microfilaria.Material and Methods: A total of 9590 cases, with lesionsin different sites were encountered in this study.The patientsunderwent thorough clinical examination and routineinvestigations.The cystic lesions that were included in thisstudy were aspirated. The material centrifuged and smearsprepared were stained with Leishman-Giemsa and PAP stain.Results: In this study out of a total of 9590 cases of superficialswellings that were subjected to fine needle aspirationcytology, 11 cases of filariasis were diagnosed on routineFNAC material from various sites. Out of these11 cases,maximum cases of filariasis were reported in lymph nodes (3cases),breast swelling (2 cases), followed by scrotal swellings(2 cases), thyroid swellings (2 cases), parotid (1 case) andPleural (1 case).Conclusions: Filariasis is an uncommon condition and needa high index of suspicion and careful screen of FNA smearsespecially in asymptomatic patients belonging to endemiczones, so as not to miss this incidental finding especially inpatients from endemic areas. This study also highlights theimportance of FNAC as a cheap and effective tool to diagnosemicrofilaria.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186975


Abstract Filariasis is a major public health problem in tropical countries like India, China, Indonesia, Africa and the Far East. Aspiration cytology often helps in demonstration of microfilaria and its various forms, from uncommon diverse areas and in unusual clinical presentations like subcutaneous swelling caused by W.bancrofti in our cases. In our cases various forms of W.bancrofti were seen on cytology. Microfilria being most common form seen on cytology, adult worm, coiled forms (embryos) and ova seen less often. FNAC can be helpful in diagnosis of symptomatic as well as asymptomatic cases of lymphatic filariasis. During cytological evaluation of tissue fluids and aspirate from lesions of any part of the body, possibility of filariasis must be kept in mind as a possible differential diagnosis, particularly in endemic areas. This will help to give appropriate therapy to asymptomatic patients.

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 56(2): 172-184, dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-951223


Los parásitos sanguíneos son transmitidos por vectores hematófagos y pueden ocasionar impactos negativos en los hábitos del hospedador y como consecuencia, desbalances en la diversidad biológica de las especies de vida silvestre. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la prevalencia de hemoparásitos en aves silvestres de la zona oriental del estado Falcón, Venezuela entre 2013-2015. Para ello, se seleccionaron siete localidades, con características de pasos migratorios que presentaban vegetación fragmentada, considerando los dos períodos climáticos. Para la captura de las aves se emplearon redes de neblinas y su clasificación taxonómica se basó en los caracteres físicos en campo y en los registros fotográficos en el laboratorio. La población estudiada consistió de 797 individuos de 85 especies y 25 familias. Se tomaron muestras sanguíneas de la vena ulnar, para la posterior realización de extendidos que fueron coloreados con la solución de Giemsa. El diagnóstico parasitológico se realizó por microscopía de luz (1000x), identificándose 144 individuos positivos con una prevalencia general del 18,07%; para el género Plasmodium 9,66 %, Haemoproteus 8,66%, Trypanosoma 0,75% y microfilarias 1,00%; siendo la familia más afectada Columbidae y los individuos susceptibles fueron Thryothorus rutilus y Nemosia pileata. En esta encuesta se incluyeron 8 nuevos registros de hospedador-hemopárasito, se evidenció la periodicidad estacional, además de infecciones en aves residentes y juveniles, cuyo rango de vuelo son cortos por lo que se infiere que en las localidades en estudio están presentes los elementos de la triada epidemiologia, hospedador, vectores y parásitos.

Blood parasites are transmitted by hematophagous vectors and can cause negative impacts on host habits and as a consequence, imbalances in the biological diversity of wildlife species. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of hemoparasites in wild birds of eastern Falcon state, Venezuela between 2013-2015. For this, seven localities were selected, with characteristics of migratory steps that presented fragmented vegetation, considering the two climatic periods. For the capture of the birds, mist networks were used and their taxonomic classification was based on the physical characters in the field and the photographic records in the laboratory. The study population consisted of 797 individuals from 85 species and 25 families. Blood samples were taken from the ulnar vein, for the later realization of stretches that were colored with the solution of Giemsa. The parasitological diagnosis was performed by light microscopy (1000x), identifying 144 positive individuals with a general prevalence of 18.07%; for the genus Plasmodium 9.66%, Haemoproteus 8.66%, Trypanosoma 0.75% and microfilariae 1.00%; Being the family most affected Columbidae and the susceptible individuals were Thryothorus rutilus and Nemosia pileata. In this survey, 8 new host-hemopatraase registers were included, seasonal periodicity was evidenced, as well as infections in resident and juvenile birds, whose ranges of flights are short so it is inferred that in the study sites are present the elements of The triad epidemiology, host, vectors and parasites.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 36(11): 1101-1108, Nov. 2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-842020


O objetivo desta pesquisa foi buscar a presença de microrganismos em esfregaços sanguíneos de aves silvestres residentes ou migratórias da Ilha da Marambaia, município de Mangaratiba, estado do Rio de Janeiro, durante o ano de 2009. Para execução da pesquisa, 86 indivíduos referentes a 22 espécies foram capturados através de rede de neblina e após manuseio liberados ao seu habitat natural. Foi coletado sangue periférico das aves e realizado esfregaços sanguíneos. Como resultados foi diagnosticado a ocorrência de 11 (12,80%) indivíduos positivos para Plasmodium sp., um (1,16%) para microfilária e 16 (18,60%) para Borrelia sp. Foram encontrados carrapatos Amblyomma sp. (Família Ixodidae) parasitando as aves amostradas, o que sugere existir uma interação parasito-vetor-hospedeiro entre esse e o gênero Borrelia. Este estudo deve ser ampliado para outras regiões e o seu conhecimento dará maiores subsídios para outras pesquisas, voltadas principalmente para a preservação de aves em ambiente por elas escolhidos como seu habitat.(AU)

The study intended to analyze the population of migratory and resident wild bird species from Marambaia island, located in the municipality of Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro state, regarding the presence of microorganisms in blood smears during the year of 2009. In order to achieve the goal, 86 individuals of 22 bird species were captured using mist nets; peripheral blood was collected and blood smears performed. The birds were released after examined and sampled in situ. The diagnostic results were 11 (12.80%) birds positive for Plasmodium sp., one (1.16%) for microfilaria and 16 (18.60%) for Borrelia sp. Ticks identified as Amblyomma sp. (Ixodidae) were observed parasiting the sampled birds, suggesting that a relationship parasite-vector-host exists between these ticks and the Borrelia genus. This study should be expanded to other regions so that its results may favour other surveys, focused on conservation of wild birds in their habitat.(AU)

Animais , Aves/parasitologia , Borrelia , Ixodidae , Microfilárias , Plasmodium , Animais Selvagens/parasitologia , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 19(2): 95-100, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-833074


Canine Heartworm Disease (CHD) is a mosquito-borne disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis. In this study, two mature adult-senior dogs from a non-endemic area to CHD presented clinical signs suggestive to the disease. The first one presented skin lesions, loss of appetite, weakness, pale mucosa membrane, and hyperthermia, whereas the second one presented severe ascites, anorexia and exercise intolerance, lateral decumbency, and marked heart murmurs. Both presented tachypnea, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, and microfilaremia. Multiplex-PCR (COI gene) resulted positive to D. immitis research in both cases, confirmed by sequencing, with 98% homology to D. immitis (Gen Bank accession n.AJ537512-1). In addition, both animals have never had any prophylactic treatment to CHD, and no reports about traveling to coastal areas. This study reported two unusual cases of D. immitis infection in non-endemic area from Brazil.

A dirofilariose canina (CHD) é uma doença transmitida por mosquitos e causada por Dirofilaria immitis. No presente estudo, dois cães de idade adulta a idoso de área não endêmica apresentaram sinais clínicos sugestivos da doença. O primeiro apresentou lesões de pele, perda de apetite, fraqueza, mucosas pálidas e hipertermia, enquanto o segundo apresentou severo quadro de ascite, anorexia e intolerância ao exercício, decúbito lateral, e murmúrios cardíacos acentuados. Ambos apresentaram taquipneia, trombocitopenia, leucocitose e microfilaremia. A pesquisa por D. immitis pela multiplex-PCR (COI gene) resultou positiva em ambos os casos, confirmada pelo sequenciamento, com 98% de homologia com D. immitis (Gen Bank n. AJ537512-1). Nenhum dos animais havia sido submetido a tratamento profilático para CHD e não havia relatos de viagens para regiões litorâneas. Assim, o presente estudo reporta dois casos raros de infecção por D. immitis em área brasileira não endêmica para a doença.

La dirofilariosis canina (CHD) es una enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos y causada por Dirofilaria immitis. En este estudio, dos perros de edad adulta a anciano, de área no endémica presentaron signos clínicos de la enfermedad. El primero presentó lesiones en la piel, pérdida del apetito, debilidad, palidez de mucosas e hipertermia, mientras el otro presentó severa ascitis, anorexia e intolerancia al ejercicio, decúbito lateral, y soplos cardíacos acentuados. Ambos presentaron taquipnea, trombocitopenia, leucocitosis y microfilaremia. La investigación de D. immitis por multiplex-PCR (gen COI) resultó positivo en ambos casos, confirmados por la técnica de secuenciación, con 98% de homología con D. immitis (Gen Bank n.AJ537512-1). Ninguno de los animales había sido sometido al tratamiento profiláctico para CHD, y sin relatos de viajes a regiones costeras. El presente estudio reporta dos casos raros de la infección por D. immitis en zona no endémica de Brasil.

Animais , Cães , Dirofilariose/classificação , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Doenças Endêmicas/veterinária , Dirofilaria immitis , Cães/anormalidades
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166632


Lymphatic filariasis is common in tropical countries and is endemic in India. Filaria has a wide spectrum of presentation. Filarial lung involvement is usually in the form of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia with pulmonary infiltrates and peripheral eosinophilia. Filariasis presenting with pleural effusion is an unusual presentation. Malignancy in association with filarial pleural effusion is extremely rare and its role in tumorigenesis is controversial. In this context, we hereby report a case of 60 year old male, chronic smoker, who presented with left sided chest pain, cough, breathlessness, generalized weakness and swelling over left infrascapular region. Pleural fluid cytology repeated thrice due to degenerative changes, finally revealed malignant cells along with microfilaria. FNAC from left infrascapular swelling showed cytological features suggestive of metastatic deposits of Adenocarcinoma.

Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet ; 56(2): 87-95, jul. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-783115


La megadiversidad de las aves es ampliamente conocida en el Neotrópico, ocupando Venezuela el sexto lugar a escala mundial. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios de enfermedades causadas por hemoparásitos, dentro de los cuales se encuentran las filarias, que son nematodos altamente especializados, que pueden alojarse en casi cualquier órgano o tejido de los vertebrados terrestres. Las microfilarias son sus formas larvarias, y son capaces de producir inflamación de venas y arterias. Su presencia en sangre confirma el diagnóstico positivo de esa parasitosis. El objetivo de este estudio, fue el de estimar la prevalencia de microfilarias en aves silvestres de Venezuela entre 2012 y 2014. Para ello, se seleccionaron cuatro áreas de interés de conservación de aves, con características de pasos migratorios, ecológicamente diferentes, pertenecientes a los estados Aragua, Falcón, Zulia y Guárico. Se muestrearon aves silvestres, utilizando para su captura redes de neblinas. La clasificación taxonómica del ave se basó en los caracteres físicos en campo y en los registros fotográficos de laboratorio. La población estudiada consistió de 1970 individuos de 119 especies y 18 familias. Se tomaron muestras sanguíneas de la vena ulnar, para la posterior realización de extendidos que fueron coloreados con la solución de Giemsa. Se hicieron tres extendidos por ave. El diagnóstico parasitológico se realizó por microscopía de luz (1000x), identificándose los caracteres morfológicos propios de las microfilarias. Los resultados del estudio demostraron la presencia de infección en 24 aves de 14 especies, para una prevalencia global del 1,22%, siendo el Campylorhynchus griseus, el hospedador con mayor prevalencia, con un 66,67%. Las variables ecológicas y de comportamiento ornitológico no demostraron ser factores de riesgo para la prevalencia a microfilarias; sin embargo, existen aspectos que favorecen la infección, como los ambientes cálidos y la vegetación densa.

Birds megadiversity is well known in the Neotropics and Venezuela is ranked sixth worldwide. However, there are very few studies of diseases caused by blood parasites, within which highlight the filariae, which are highly specialized nematodes that house in almost any organ or tissue of terrestrial vertebrates. Their larval forms are the microfilariae, capable of producing inflammation of veins and arteries, and their presence in peripheral blood smears confirms a positive diagnosis of that parasitosis. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of microfilariae in wild birds in Venezuela during the period 2012-2014. Four areas of interest for bird conservation and the ecological characteristics of different migration paths belonging to the States of Aragua, Falcón, Zulia, and Guárico were selected. To accomplish this, wild birds were captured using mist nets. The taxonomic classification of birds was performed based on their physical characteristics in the field and in laboratory photographic records. The study population consisted of 1970 individuals of 119 species and 18 families. Blood samples from the ulnar vein were withdrawn and three Giemsa-stained blood smears were obtained from each bird. The parasitological diagnosis was made under light microscopy (1000x), identifying the specific morphological characteristics typical of microfilariae. The study results showed infection in 24 birds of 14 species, for an overall prevalence of 1.22 %, being Campylorhynchus griseus, the host with the highest prevalence, with 66.67 %. The ecological and the ornithological behavior variables did not prove to be risk factors for the prevalence of microfilariae; however, there are aspects that favor infection, such as warm environments and dense vegetation.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186014


Filariasis is a major public health disease in India especially at coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh, India. Microfilaria is some time seen as an incidental finding during fine needle aspiration cytology smear (FNAC). But it is very rare to find microfilaria in cytological smears of parotid lesions. This is unique finding not reported till to date at our institute. Microfilaria is seen mainly in peripheral blood smear. Wuchereria bancrofti is the most common parasite which causes lymphatic filariasis in India. Here we reported a case in which microfilaria is seen in cytological smears of parotid lesion, first time at our institute of Gandhi Medical College, Telangana, India.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183227


Filariasis is a major public health problem especially in tropical countries like India. It is routinely examined in night peripheral blood smears. Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is not routinely used for its identification. It has always been detected incidentally, while doing FNACs for evaluation of other lesions. It has been found in lymph nodes, breast, thyroid, cystic lesions, etc. In few reported cases, it has been found even with primary/metastatic malignancy. We also found two cases of microfilaria incidentally. One on USG-guided FNAC of liver SOL (space-occupying lesion) reported as metastatic adenocarcinoma with microfilaria and other in a case of asymptomatic epitrochlear swelling reported as reactive hyperplasia of lymph node with microfilaria.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167603


Filariasis is a major health problem in the Indian Subcontinent. Due to its nocturnal periodicity it may be difficult even to demonstrate in the blood. In heavy parasitic load they may appear in the blood, urine with chyle and at times in scrotal aspirates. It is very rare and unusual to find microfilaria in thyroid aspirate. This case report of presence of microfilaria in thyroid aspirate suggest that careful screening is important for thyroid lesions as patients may present with thyroid enlargement other than usual thyroid lesions

Rev. chil. infectol ; 29(3): 248-289, jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-645596


Introduction: To date, there has been no definitive confirmation of the presence of zoonotic dirofilariasis in dogs in Chile. Objectives: To study the presence of dirofilarias in blood samples from dogs collected in a semi-rural district near Santiago and to compare their frequency in dogs with and without dermatological manifestations. Methods: We examined 100 blood samples for dog filariae infections using microscopic methods (modified Knott technique). 50 dogs presented dermatological symptoms or signs compatible with filarial infections and 50 were asymptomatic. ITS-2 and 12s rDNA gene amplification by PCR and sequencing were performed in samples microscopically positive for microfilariae. Results. We observed microfilariae in 22 dogs (22%). Of these, 16/50 (32%) were symptomatic and 6/50 (12%) were asymptomatic (p = 0.02). Morphologically, the majority of micro-filariae were similar to Dirofilaria repens, although many had a bigger size than previously described. Nucleotide sequencing of the amplified genes showed no more than 95% homology with the D. repens sequences available for comparison. D. reconditum and D. dracunculoides infections were also identified. Conclusions: These features might indicate the presence of new species of Dirofilaria or a D. repens close related variant in Chile.

Introducción: A la fecha no hay datos concluyentes en Chile respecto a la presencia de dirofilariasis zoonótica en perros. Objetivos: Identificar la presencia de dirofilarias en sangre de perros de una comuna semi-rural cercana a Santiago y comparar su frecuencia en animales con y sin manifestaciones dermatológicas. Materialy Métodos. Se examinó un frotis sanguíneo de 100 perros en busca de microfilarias mediante observación microscópica (técnica de Knott modificada). Cincuenta perros presentaban síntomas o signos dermatológicos que se han asociado a esta parasitosis y 50 eran asintomáticos. Se amplificaron los genes ITS-2 y 12s ADNr de filarías en las muestras con microfilarias al frotis, secuenciando los fragmentos amplificados. Resultados: Se observaron microfilarias en 22 perros (22%), 16/50 (32%) sintomáticos y 6/50 (12%) asintomáticos (p = 0,02). Morfológicamente, la mayoría de las microfilarias observadas fueron similares a D. repens; sin embargo, una gran proporción mostró un tamaño mayor al descrito para esta especie. Las secuencias nucleotídicas de los genes amplificados mostraron una homología no mayor al 95% con las secuencias de D. repens disponibles para comparación. Se identificaron además dos especies poco patógenas, D. reconditum por morfología y secuenciación genética y D. dracunculoides por morfología. Conclusiones: Los resultados indican la existencia de una nueva especie de Dirofilaria cercanamente relacionada a D. repens o de una variante de esta especie.

Animais , Cães , Dirofilaria/classificação , Dirofilariose/sangue , População Rural/classificação , Chile/epidemiologia , Dirofilaria repens/isolamento & purificação , Dirofilaria/anatomia & histologia , Dirofilariose/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Filogenia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Prevalência , Análise de Sequência de DNA
Indian J Med Microbiol ; 2010 Oct-Dec; 28(4): 392-394
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-143749


Lymphatic filariasis is common in tropical countries and is endemic in India. Filariasis presenting with pleural effusion is an unusual presentation. Malignancy in association of filarial pleural effusion is extremely rare. We report a case of a 60-year-old female who presented with chest pain, loss of weight and breathlessness for a few months. Pleural fluid examination revealed malignant cells, along with microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti.

J Vector Borne Dis ; 2010 June; 47(2): 91-96
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142722


Background & objective: Bancroftian filariasis is a major public health and socioeconomic problems in the humid tropical and subtropical regions of the world. A study was undertaken to investigate the status of the disease in some rural communities of Cross River State, Nigeria, with a view to enriching the epidemiological baseline data of the disease in Nigeria. Methods: A total of 897 Mbembe people living in six major villages of Obubra Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria were examined between December 2008 and June 2009 for lymphatic filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti. Results: Out of the 897 persons examined, 139 (15.5%) were positive for microfilariae in their blood smear. Infection varied significantly among villages (p <0.05) but was not sex-specific (p >0.05). The overall mean microfilarial density among the total population was 9.9 mf/50 μl. The occurrence of microfilaria in the peripheral blood of the infected persons was neither age nor sex specific (p >0.05). The most important clinical manifestations were hydrocele (9.7%) and lymphoedema (2.3%). Overall disease prevalence was (6.8%). Conclusion: Government effort on the Community Directed Treatment with Ivermectin (CDTI) project should be complimented with albendazole distribution to the endemic communities. Environmental sanitation should also be intensified to eliminate the breeding sites of the mosquito vectors.

Indian J Med Microbiol ; 2010 Jan-Mar; 28(1): 73-75
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-143655


Filariasis, a mosquito-borne disease, is wide spread in India. While laboratory diagnosis has been conventionally done by demonstrating microfilaria in peripheral blood smears, occasionally they are reported in various body fluids including pericardial fluid. We report the case of 33-year-old man with severe dyspnoea and chest pain, referred from a private nursing home with a provisional diagnosis of unresolving pericarditis. Pericardial tap revealed massive pericardial effusion with actively motile microfilariae. No microfilariae (Mf) were seen in the peripheral blood. Haemorrhagic effusion resolved completely with DEC. Though relatively uncommon, tropical diseases must always be considered in the etiological diagnosis of pericardial effusion.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-178006


Clinical manifestations of extralymphatic disease caused by filariasis are varied and range from symptoms due to tropical pulmonary eosinophilia to hematuria, proteinuria, splenomegaly, and rarely arthritis. Disseminated microfilaremia in association with loculated lung cyst and empyema is of rare occurrence and to the best of our knowledge has not been documented in the literature so far. We report here a case of disseminated microfilaremia due to Wuchereria bancrofti infection accompanied by a lung cyst and empyema in a 21-year-old Indian man.

Animais , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Cistos/parasitologia , Filariose Linfática/parasitologia , Empiema/parasitologia , Evolução Fatal , Pneumopatias/parasitologia , Wuchereria bancrofti/isolamento & purificação
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-171627


Filariasis due to Wucheria bancrofti is endemic to Southern Asia. While the laboratory diagnosis has been conventionally made by demonstrating microfilariae in peripheral blood smears, these have also been occasionally diagnosed on aspiration cytology of various organs. This paper reports the finding of microfilariae in material obtained from the testicular mass in an eighteen year old male by fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 71(2): 167-171, mar.-abr. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-483021


OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as alterações oculares observadas em indivíduos com mansonelose residentes na área rural do município de Coari, AM, na região do médio Amazonas. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido um estudo de corte transversal envolvendo 543 moradores residentes na área rural do município de Coari, na margem direita do rio Solimões. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a exame de gota espessa para pesquisa de microfilária e os indivíduos positivos foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico. Lesões oculares suspeitas foram biopsiadas e enviadas para exame histopatológico. RESULTADOS: Mansonella ozzardi foi encontrada no sangue periférico em 103 (18,9 por cento) indivíduos. Noventa e cinco pacientes com mansonelose foram examinados, observando ceratite puntata em 12 (11,7 por cento) destes, ceratite numular em um indivíduo (1 por cento) e esclerosante em outro (1 por cento). Biópsia de pele foi negativa em todos os indivíduos. Biópsia de conjuntiva e limbo foi realizada em cinco pacientes com mansonelose e biópsia de córnea em outros três pacientes. Duas biópsias de conjuntiva e limbo e uma biópsia de córnea foram enviadas para exame histopatológico, não sendo observadas microfilárias ou alterações sugestivas da presença destas nas peças estudadas. O restante das biópsias foi enviado para pesquisa de DNA do parasita por PCR, não se encontrando microfilária. CONCLUSÕES: Associação entre infecção por Mansonella ozzardi e lesões corneanas sem etiologia aparente foi verificada neste estudo, mas a ausência de achados específicos no exame histopatológico e a não identificação de microfilárias por PCR em lesões suspeitas põem em dúvida a o acometimento corneano na mansonelose. Estudos mais amplos de populações com alta prevalência de M. ozzardi e a realização de outros testes para identificação de microfilárias em tecido ocular são necessários para investigar a patogenicidade da microfilária ao tecido ocular.

PURPOSE: To evaluate eye manifestations in mansonelliasis patients from Coari, AM, rural area on the middle Amazonas River. METHODS: Cross-sectional study consisted of evaluation of 543 subjects from Coari rural area on Solimões River right margin. All subjects were submitted to blood test for microfilaria and the subjects who had a positive test also were submitted to skin biopsies and ophthalmologic examination. Histopathology and PCR research for microfilaria were done on eye biopsies of suspect lesions. RESULTS: Mansonella ozzardi was found in peripheral blood of 103 (18.9 percent) subjects. Ninety-five mansonelliasis patients were examined. Punctate keratitis was observed in 12 of them, nummular keratitis in one subject and sclerosing keratitis in another one. Skin biopsies were negative in all subjects. Conjunctival and limbal biopsies were done in five mansonelliasis patients and corneal biopsy in another three patients. Conjunctival and limbal biopsies of two patients and corneal biopsy of one patient showed no microfilaria or alterations due to its presence on histopathology. PCR showed no evidence of microfilaria in the other biopsies. CONCLUSION: Association between Mansonella ozzardi infection and corneal lesions with no evident etiology was observed in this study, but the lack of conclusive findings on histopathology and PCR make us doubt the corneal involvement in mansonelliasis. Large studies of high mansonelliasis prevalence populations and extensive employment of microfilaria identification tests in ocular tissue are needed to evaluate the microfilaria corneal pathogenicity.

Animais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Infecções Oculares Parasitárias/patologia , Mansonelose/patologia , Biópsia , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Catarata/patologia , Infecções Oculares Parasitárias/parasitologia , Ceratite/parasitologia , Ceratite/patologia , Mansonella/genética , Mansonella/isolamento & purificação , Mansonelose/parasitologia , Microfilárias/genética , Microfilárias/isolamento & purificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , População Rural , Tracoma/patologia , Acuidade Visual/fisiologia
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-198436


The status of Dirofilaria immitis infection was assessed in pet dogs of Busan, Korea, and chemoprophylactic effects of microfilaricidal medication were evaluated. A total of 294 pet dogs older than 6 mo were examined, 217 of which had been maintained indoors, and 77 had been kept outdoors. The Snap(R) kit and direct microscopic examinations of the peripheral blood were used. The mean overall parasite positive rates were 10.2% and 6.5%, respectively. Outdoor dogs evidenced adult worm infection rate of 31.2% and microfilaria infection rate of 18.2%. The indoor dogs, however, evidenced adult worm infection rate of 2.8% and microfilaria infection rate of 2.3%. The prevalence in males was more than 2 times that of females. The changing pattern of infection rates by age evidenced a gradual increase, from 2- to 6-year-old dogs, after which, a decrease in infection rates was noted. With regard to chemoprophylaxis, the infection rates of complete and incomplete chemoprophylaxis groups were found to be 2-3 times lower than that of the non-chemoprophylaxis group. The results of the present study indicate that the risk of exposure to D. immitis in pet dogs is quite high, particularly in male outdoor dogs, and chemoprophylactic measures were quite effective.

Animais , Cães , Feminino , Masculino , Quimioprevenção , Dirofilaria immitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dirofilariose/sangue , Doenças do Cão/sangue , Coração/parasitologia , Coreia (Geográfico)/epidemiologia , Controle de Mosquitos , Prevalência