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Interdisciplinaria ; 39(3): 167-183, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430575


Resumen Las tecnologías digitales móviles son parte de la vida cotidiana de los niños. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre su contexto de uso en Latinoamérica. Esta investigación utilizó un diseño mixto para describir las características del uso de teléfonos móviles y tabletas en niños costarricenses entre 1 y 5 años de edad y sus cuidadores. El Estudio 1 analizó las interacciones familiares en áreas de comida de centros comerciales a través de observaciones no participantes. Los resultados indicaron que fueron los cuidadores quienes utilizaron los teléfonos durante la observación, ante lo cual los niños usualmente realizaron actividades que no implicaron interactuar con sus cuidadores. Frente a intentos de los niños por interactuar, los cuidadores raramente respondieron. A través de una metodología de encuesta dirigida a padres, el Estudio 2 exploró el uso de los dispositivos por parte de los niños y sus cuidadores en el hogar. Los resultados indicaron que los niños acceden principalmente a contenidos educativos al usar los dispositivos, y los cuidadores mencionaron usualmente acompañar a los niños durante su uso. También reportaron casi siempre utilizar las estrategias mediadoras de tipo restrictivo y de supervisión, y en menor medida la mediación instructiva y de uso conjunto. Además, los cuidadores consideraron que la actividad física y el sueño son los aspectos más negativamente afectados por el uso infantil de dispositivos, mientras que las habilidades matemáticas y lingüísticas tienden a verse más afectadas positivamente. Estos resultados caracterizan el uso temprano de dispositivos móviles en contextos de cuidado parental en Costa Rica.

Abstract Mobile technologies are part of children's everyday lives. However, little is known about their context of use in Latin America. The goal of this paper is to describe how Costa Rican caregivers and their children between the ages of 1 and 5 years old use smartphones and tablets. A mixed-methods approach was used, including two studies. Study 1 used non-participant observations to analyze family interactions related to smartphone use in food court areas in shopping malls. A total of 22 children were observed while interacting with their caregivers and their use of smartphones was registered (N = 269 events) and classified according to (a) the person who used the smartphone and (b) the actions that took place during its use. Results indicated smartphones were mostly used by caregivers (n = 226, 84.01 %), followed by a co-use to take pictures or make videos (n = 27, 10.03 %). Children's use was infrequent (n = 16, 5.94 %). During caregivers' use, children usually engaged in activities that did not involve their caretaker, such as silently eating, interacting with another adult not using a smartphone at the moment or looking around. When children attempted to interact with their caregivers while they were using their smartphones, caregivers rarely responded. No disruptive behaviors on children were observed after caregivers' lack of response. Using a survey methodology, Study 2 explored children's and caregivers' use of mobile devices at home. A total of 42.9 % of caregivers reported they sometimes facilitate a device to their children to be able to accomplish other domestic and work-related tasks, as well as to satisfy personal needs. Daily duration of caregivers' use of devices was longer on weekdays (M = 207 minutes, SD = 116.02) than weekends (M = 164.25 minutes, SD = 118.54). Caregivers' daily duration of use was related to children's daily duration of use during weekdays (r = .414) and weekends (r = .451), and during caregiving time on weekdays (r = .328) and weekends (r = .541). Using a Likert scale (1 = never, 5 = always), the children's consumed content was explored. Findings indicate that children mostly consumed content from YouTube (M = 3.60, SD = 1.14) and children's educational apps (M = 3.13, SD = 1.5). Use of educational videogames (M = 3.27, SD = 1.34), puzzle-like videogames (M = 2.36, SD = 1.26) and word games (M = 2.23, SD = 1.14) was more frequent than action (M= 1.48, SD = 1.02) and sports videogames (M= 1.55, SD = 0.93). Educational televised programs (M = 3.58, SD = 1.10) and musical cartoons (M = 3.27, SD = 1.11) were frequently consumed by children. A total of 47.2 % of caregivers also indicated that they always accompany their children while they use devices at home. Caregivers reported a higher use of technological restrictive mediation (M = 4.14, SD = 1.14) and supervision (M = 4.1, SD = 1.11), followed by instructive (M = 3.93, SD = 1.19) and co-use mediation (M= 3.62, SD = 1.14). On a scale of 1 (very negative) to 5 (very positive), caregivers indicated that physical activity (M = 1.72, SD = 1.07) and sleep (M = 2.09, SD = .96) were most negatively affected by children's device use, whereas mathematical (M = 3.36, SD = 1.04) and linguistic skills (M = 3.44, SD = 1.13) were the most positively affected. This study's results provide a preliminary understanding of the context of use of mobile technology during caregiving of young children.

E-Cienc. inf ; 9(1): 84-109, ene.-jun. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1089858


Resumen El propósito del presente artículo se enfoca en exponer los resultados de un estudio llevado a cabo en la comunidad universitaria del Colegio de Bibliotecología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), que pretende cimentar un camino para identificar los aspectos necesarios que permitan una posible integración de servicios de información y referencia en tecnologías móviles acordes al perfil específico de la comunidad mencionada; para ello, se describen los servicios de información y referencia disponibles, las tipologías de Apps móviles actuales y se explora un panorama general de las Apps en el ámbito bibliotecario mexicano; posteriormente, se describen los elementos que permitieron el diseño de una encuesta como mecanismo de recolección de datos, para analizar los resultados de dicha pesquisa y, por último, establecer los datos relevantes de los entrevistados e identificar su valor potencial para una posible implementación de servicios hacia el entorno móvil.

Abstract The purpose of this article focuses on presenting the results of a study carried out on the university community of the School of Library Science of UNAM in Mexico, this aims to lay the groundwork for identifying the necessary aspects that allow a possible integration of information and reference services in mobile technologies according to the specific profile of the aforementioned community; to this end, the information and reference services available and the current types of mobile Apps are described along with an overview of the Apps in the Mexican library field are explored. Subsequently, we described the elements that allowed the design of a survey so it can be used as a data collecting mechanism, to later analyze the results of this research, and finally establish the relevant data of the interviewees and identify it´s potential value for a possible implementation of services towards the mobile environment.

Estudantes , Universidades , Sistemas de Informação , Acesso à Informação , Bibliotecas Digitais , Aplicativos Móveis , Levantamentos de Bibliotecas , Descrição de Cargo , México
Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 7(2): 173-192, nov. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091786


Resumen La digitalización de aspectos cotidianos de nuestra vida como el mundo laboral, el tiempo y espacio de ocio, la educación, la cultura, los medios de comunicación, entre muchos otros, nos ha generado la necesidad de adaptarnos constantemente a los cambios producidos por la implantación de las tecnologías digitales. En el caso de las personas con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA), los avances evidenciados respecto a las tecnologías digitales y en especial de los dispositivos móviles han potenciado las posibilidades de desarrollarse y formarse íntegramente como ciudadano activo así como mejorado su calidad de vida. En los últimos años, la digitalización de los proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje del alumnado con TEA se ha convertido en un campo de trabajo y estudio de interés científico generado por las evidencias recogidas respecto a sus múltiples beneficios. Por esta razón, actualmente existen numerosos recursos y apoyos tecnológicos para las diferentes áreas de intervención educativa con niños con TEA. Ante esta situación, es necesario evaluar los recursos y apoyos digitales desde una mirada crítica. Así como involucrar en este proceso de evaluación a los agentes educativos implicados.

Resumo: A digitalização de aspectos cotidianos de nossa vida como o mundo do trabalho, o tempo e espaços dedicados ao lazer, a educação, a cultura, os meios de comunicação, entre outros, gerou a necessidade de se adaptar constantemente às mudanças provocadas pela implantação das tecnologias digitais. No caso das pessoas com transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA), os avanços realizados em relação às tecnologias digitais, especialmente dispositivos móveis, aumentaram as possibilidades de desenvolvimento e treinamento como cidadão ativo, além de melhorar sua qualidade de vida. Nos últimos anos, a digitalização do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos com TEA tornou-se um campo de trabalho e pesquisa de interesse científico gerado pelas evidências coletadas em relação aos seus múltiplos benefícios. Por esta razão, existem atualmente muitos recursos e suporte tecnológico para as diferentes áreas de intervenção educacional com crianças com TEA. Dada esta situação, é necessário avaliar os recursos digitais e os apoios a partir de uma perspectiva crítica. Além de incluir neste processo de avaliação, os agentes educacionais envolvidos.

Abstract: The digitalisation of the different daily aspects of our life such as the world of work, leisure time and space, education, culture or media, among many other aspects, has brought the need to adapt constantly to the changes produced by the implantation of digital technologies. In the case of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the advances evidenced that have been made regarding to digital technologies and especially to mobile devices have greatly favored their life and possibilities of developing and forming themselves as active citizens. In the last years, the digitalisation of the teaching and learning process of students with ASD has become a field of work and study of scientific interest due to the gathered evidences of their multiple benefits. For this reason, there are currently many resources and technological support for the different areas of educational intervention with children with ASD. Given this situation, it is necessary to evaluate digital resources and supports from a critical perspective. As well as engaging in this evaluation process the involved educational agents.