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Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(3): 210-217, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448334


Resumen ANTECEDENTE: La neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional forma parte del grupo de afecciones derivadas de la proliferación anómala del trofoblasto con capacidad para invasión y metástasis. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 42 años, asintomática, con sospecha ecográfica de mola hidatiforme. El legrado uterino y el estudio anatomopatológico confirmaron el diagnóstico de mola hidatiforme completa. Con la cuantificación consecutiva de tres elevaciones de la β-HCG se diagnosticó: neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional. Se estadificó en estadio I, bajo riesgo y ante el deseo genésico satisfecho la paciente aceptó la histerectomía más salpingectomía bilateral. En el seguimiento posterior la paciente se encontró asintomática, con determinaciones seriadas de b-HCG negativa y ecografías vaginales sin hallazgos. CONCLUSIÓN: La histerectomía con salpingectomía bilateral puede ser el tratamiento definitivo en casos seleccionados de neoplasia trofoblástica. La evidencia disponible es escasa, por lo que es necesario seguir investigando en este campo.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia is one of a group of conditions resulting from abnormal trophoblast proliferation with capacity for invasion and metastasis. CLINICAL CASE: 42-year-old asymptomatic patient with ultrasound suspicion of hydatidiform mole. Uterine curettage and anatomopathological study confirmed the diagnosis of complete hydatidiform mole. With the consecutive quantification of three elevations of β-HCG a diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia was made. It was staged as stage I, low-risk, and the patient agreed to hysterectomy plus bilateral salpingectomy. At subsequent follow-up the patient was found to be asymptomatic, with negative serial determinations of β-HCG and vaginal ultrasound scans without findings. CONCLUSION: Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy may be the definitive treatment in selected cases of trophoblastic neoplasia. The available evidence is scarce and further research is needed in this field.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 85(12): 853-861, mar. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-953710


Resumen Antecedentes: el embarazo molar coexistente con un feto vivo es una rareza y un reto médico porque se asocia con complicaciones maternas graves que ponen en riesgo la vida de la madre y su hijo. Casos clínicos: Caso 1: paciente con embarazo gemelar, con mola completa coexistente con feto vivo y terminación del embarazo por cesárea a las 33 semanas, nació una niña viva, de 1530 g, que sobrevivió sin complicaciones. Caso 2: paciente con mola parcial, embarazo complicado con preeclampsia severa, hipertiroidismo y placenta previa. La gestación se interrumpió por cesárea a las 24 semanas, el feto pesó 625 g y no sobrevivió a las maniobras de reanimación neonatal. Conclusiones: en las pacientes con embarazo molar coexistente con feto vivo deben valorarse las complicaciones presentes o potenciales que condicionan el riesgo de muerte materna y perinatal. La atención médica debe ser multidisciplinaria y siempre de común acuerdo con los padres.

Abstract Background: Coexistance of molar pregnancy and alive fetus is an extremely rare condition but a medical challenge when it is present. Several maternal medical complications are associated with these pregnancies including both mother and fetus life-threatening conditions. Clinical case: Two cases of molar pregnancies are presented in this paper. First was a twin pregnancy with a complete hydatidiform coexisting with a live fetus and cesarean birth at 33 weeks of gestation of a live female weighing 1,530 g. that survived without complications. Second case was an incomplete mole complicated with severe pre-eclampsia, hypertiroidism, and placenta previa; pregnancy was interrupted at 24 weeks of gestation and a fetus weighing 625 g was extracted by cesarean section, the neonate did not survive. Conclusion: In the presence of molar pregnancy coexisting with a live viable fetus, the present or potential complications that determine the risk of maternal and perinatal death, must be carefully assessed. A third-level perinatal facilities must be available for this kind of pregnancy complication.

Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 74(1): 62-65, mar. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-740377


Se presenta el caso de una mola hidatiforme completa y feto vivo a término coexistente en una paciente de 30 años, II gestas I para, con embarazo de 29 semanas y elevación de la presión arterial. La imagen ecográfica al ingreso de la placenta sugirió la presencia de mola hidatiforme junto a un feto normal. Se realizó seguimiento expectante hasta las 37 semanas, cuando presentó un episodio de sangrado genital por lo que se realizó una cesárea y se obtuvo un recién nacido vivo masculino normal, placenta y una tumoración de un tejido vesicular. El examen de anatomía patológica del tejido vesicular reportó mola hidatiforme completa.

A case of complete hydatiform mole with live term coexisting fetus in a 30-year-old patient, II gravida, 1 para, with a pregnancy of 29 weeks and rise of blood pressure is presented. Ultrasound image at admission suggested the presence of hydatiform mole together a live fetus. Patient was followed until 37 weeks, when presented an episode of vaginal bleeding cause a cesarean section was done and a live normal male newborn, placenta and a vesicular tissue tumor were obtained. Pathology exam of vesicular tissue reported complete hydatiform mole.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Coriocarcinoma , Gonadotropina Coriônica , Mola Hidatiforme/complicações , Neoplasias Trofoblásticas , Trofoblastos , Complicações na Gravidez , Fatores de Risco , Vilosidades Coriônicas
J. bras. patol. med. lab ; 47(2): 165-170, abr. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-588147


A gestação gemelar de uma mola hidatiforme completa coexistindo com um feto vivo é uma entidade rara. Os poucos casos descritos na literatura mostram que, em geral, esse tipo de gestação cursa com risco aumentado de aborto espontâneo, parto prematuro, morte fetal intraútero, sangramento, pré-eclâmpsia e doença trofoblástica persistente. Neste artigo, descreveremos o caso de uma primigesta de 20 anos de idade que apresentou uma gestação gemelar de feto vivo com mola completa, a qual transcorreu sem intercorrências e complicações e cujo diagnóstico diferencial com degeneração da placenta foi feito com anatomopatológico.

Twin pregnancy with a complete hydatidiform mole and a living fetus is a rare entity. According to the few cases described in the literature, this kind of gestation commonly has higher risks of miscarriage, preterm delivery, intrauterine fetal death, bleeding, preeclampsia and persistent trophoblastic disease. This study reports the case of a 20 years old primiparous patient with complete hydatidiform mole and living fetus, whose pregnancy was successfully carried to term. The differential diagnosis with placental degeneration was reached through anatomopathological investigation.