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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 82(3): 351-360, ago. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394451


Resumen Las infecciones por hantavirus, ocurren a través de la inhalación de aerosoles provenientes de excretas de roedores infectados. Estos virus causan síndrome cardiopulmonar en el caso de la variante Andes Sur, con una mortalidad que puede alcanzar el 50%. Se presenta como casos esporádicos o en pequeños conglomerados, en los que predomina el contagio interhumano. En este estudio observacional de tipo cohorte histórica, en personas infectadas con hantavirus Andes Sur durante los años 2009 a 2019 que fueron asistidas en el subsector público de salud de San Carlos de Bariloche(Argentina), se buscó identificar factores que pudieran predecir mala evolución (síndrome cardiopulmonar y muerte). Para ello se caracterizó el riesgo para cada una de las variables y, para obtener información clave sobre las relaciones entre las mismas, se aplicó además un análisis de correspondencias múltiples. Durante el período de estudio, 38 personas fueron incluidas. La edad media fue de 35 años. Se sospechó contagio de persona a persona en 10/38 (26.8%) casos. El 21.1% (8/28) tuvo al momento del diagnóstico un síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus. Mientras que, 55.3% (21/38) lo desarrolló durante su evolución y 44.7% (17/38) de los infectados fallecieron durante la internación. La edad mayor a 15 años y la plaquetopenia, se asociaron con un mayor riesgo de progresión clínica, mientras que las formas de leves o las personas asintomáticas, el contagio persona a persona o durante un brote epidemiológico, se asociaron con un menor riesgo de muerte.

Abstract Hantavirus infections occur through the inhalation of aerosols from the excreta of infected rodents. These viruses cause a cardiopulmonary syn drome in the case of the Andes Sur variant, with a mortality that can reach 50%. It occurs in sporadic cases or in small clusters, in which interhuman contagion predominates. In this historical cohort-type observational study, in people infected with Andes Sur hantavirus during the years 2009 to 2019 who was assisted in the public health subsector of San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina), it was sought to identify factors that could predict poor evolution (cardiopulmonary syndrome and death). For this, the risk for each of the variables was characterized and, to obtain key information about the relationships between them, a multiple correspondence analysis was also applied. During the study period, 38 people were included. The mean age was 35 years. Person-to-person contagion was suspected in 10/38 (26.8%) cases. 21.1% (8/28) presented a hantavirus pulmonary syndrome at the time of diagnosis, while 55.3% (21/38) developed it during their evolution, and 44.7% (17/38) of those infected died during hospitalization. Age over 15 years and thrombocytopenia were associated with a higher risk of clinical progression, while mild forms or asymptomatic people, person-to-person transmission, or during an epidemiological outbreak, were associated with a lower risk of death.

Orinoquia ; 25(1): 67-77, Jan.-June 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351172


Resumen Dentro de las estrategias de evaluación de especies forestales nativas por parte de la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA, se encuentra la caracterización fenotípica. Con el propósito de validar el uso de descriptores morfológicos y determinar la variabilidad fenotípica de la colección de trabajo del Centro de Investigación La Libertad ubicado en el piedemonte llanero (Villavicencio, Meta); se evaluaron 121 individuos de machaco (Simarouba amara Aubl.) de 6.2 años de edad, por medio de 34 descriptores de planta, hoja y fruto. Los datos cualitativos y cuantitativos se analizaron mediante análisis de correspondencias múltiples y análisis de componentes principales respectivamente, con el fin de reducir la dimensionalidad de los datos, seguido de análisis de conglomerados, utilizando el algoritmo de WARD para el agrupamiento de los individuos. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificar que el volumen de tronco presentó la mayor variabilidad (31.13%) y las variables cuantitativas asociadas al tamaño y diámetro de la copa, diámetro de fuste, volumen del tronco, longitud y ancho de la hoja, altura total y de copa presentaron las mayores correlaciones con los tres primeros componentes principales (57.82%). Se obtuvieron nueve conglomerados que reúnen el 95.73% de la variabilidad original y en los cuales se encontraron individuos potencialmente útiles con fines maderables, arboricultura y sistemas agroforestales. La forma del fuste, la altura de ramificación y de bifurcación, el tipo de corteza y el hábito de fructificación presentaron mínima variación en los individuos, contrario a la rectitud del fuste y la forma de la copa.

Abstract Phenotyping is one of the strategies used by Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA) for evaluating native forest species. One hundred and twenty-one 6.2 year-old mountain damson/stavewood/bitterwood/paradise trees (Simarouba amara Aubl. commonly known as machaco in Colombia) were evaluated using 34 plant, leaf and fruit descriptors to validate the use of morphological descriptors and determine the phenotype variability of AGROSAVIA's La Libertad Research Centre's working collection. The centre is located in the foothills of Colombia's eastern plains (Villavicencio, Meta). Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was used for analysing qualitative data and principal component analysis (PCA) for +data to reduce dataset dimensionality; this was followed by cluster analysis, using Ward's method (minimum variance method or Ward's minimum - agglomerative algorithm) for hierarchical cluster analysis for grouping the trees. The results led to identifying that the wood volume descriptor had the greatest variability (31.13%) and the quantitative variables associated with crown size and diameter, stem diameter, trunk volume, leaf length and width, total and crown height had the greatest correlation with the first three components (57.82%). Nine clusters were obtained (accounting for 95.73% of original variability) and in which trees were found for timber, arboriculture and agroforestry system purposes. The trees' stem shape, branch height and bifurcation, the type of bark and fruiting habits had minimum variation, contrary to the that found regarding stem straightness and crown shape.

Resumo Dentro das estratégias de avaliação de espécies florestais nativas pela Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation - AGROSAVIA, está a caracterização fenotípica. A fim de validar o uso de descritores morfológicos e determinar a variabilidade fenotípica da coleção de trabalhos do Centro de Pesquisa La Libertad localizado no sopé da planície, (Villavicencio, Meta); 121 indivíduos de machaco (Simarouba amara Aubl.) de 6,2 anos de idade foram avaliados por meio de 34 descritores de planta, folha e fruto. Os dados qualitativos e quantitativos foram analisados por meio da análise de correspondência múltipla e da análise de componentes principais, respectivamente, a fim de reduzir a dimensionalidade dos dados, seguida da análise de cluster, por meio do algoritmo WARD, para agrupamento dos indivíduos. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar que o volume do tronco apresentou a maior variabilidade (31,13%) e as variáveis quantitativas associadas ao tamanho e diâmetro da copa, diâmetro do caule, volume do tronco, comprimento e largura da folha, total a altura e a copa apresentaram as maiores correlações com os três primeiros componentes principais (57,82%). Foram obtidos nove aglomerados que atendem a 95,73% da variabilidade original e nos quais foram encontrados indivíduos potencialmente úteis para fins madeireiros, arboricultura e sistemas agroflorestais. O formato do caule, a altura da ramificação e bifurcação, o tipo de casca e o hábito de frutificação apresentaram variação mínima nos indivíduos, ao contrário da retidão do caule e do formato da copa.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(7): e20190188, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133278


ABSTRACT: A typology of avocado cv. Hass farms was constructed based on information collected from productive units in Antioquia, Colombia. The study aimed to provide key information about the farms for those involved in the design of programs and public policies directed to growers. The data were scrutinized through Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and Cluster Analysis. The sample was made up of 214 growers of the crop. Quantitative and qualitative variables were employed for the MCA, which rendered 40 dimensions, out of which 16 accounted for 70% of the total inertia (variance) found in the data. These 16 dimensions were used as input for the Cluster Analysis, which provided the following results: 52%, 32% and 15% of the farms were located in Clusters 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The identified farm types can be associated to peasant (Cluster 1) and commercial (Cluster 3) agricultural schemes, plus a transition between them (Cluster 2). The most discriminating variables regarding such categorization were: farm size, farm registry at ICA (Colombian Agricultural Institute), Avocado cv. Hass yield, labor source, presence of crops other than avocado, existence of formal commercial alliances and technical assistance type. The percentage of farmers belonging to grower organizations was high in the three clusters. Growers in Clusters 3 and 2 had established formal commercial alliances which enabled them to access better sale prices for the crop. A trend towards establishing cv. Hass as a monocrop is observed, which may threaten both crop biodiversity and the food security of peasant growers.

RESUMO: Uma tipologia de fazendas produtoras de abacate cv. Hass foi realizada a partir de informações levantadas em unidades produtivas no departamento de Antioquia, Colômbia. O objetivo do estudo foi fornecer informações importantes sobre as fazendas produtoras da variedade de abacate Hass, com o intuito de apoiar a elaboração de programas e políticas públicas destinados aos produtores desta variedade. Métodos estatísticos multivariados como Análise de Correspondência Múltipla (ACM) e Análise de Clusters foram utilizados. A amostra foi composta por 214 produtores de abacate cv. Hass. Variáveis ​​categóricas de tipo quantitativo e qualitativo foram utilizadas no ACM, o que permitiu a obtenção de 40 dimensões, das quais 16 continham 70% da inércia total (variância) presente nos dados. As 16 dimensões serviram como entrada para a Análise de Clusters, a qual produziu os seguintes resultados: 52%, 32% e 15% das fazendas estiveram localizadas nos Clusters 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. Os tipos de fazendas identificados podem ser associados a esquemas de agricultura camponesa (Cluster 1), agricultura comercial (Cluster 3), e uma transição entre elas (Cluster 2). Variáveis ​​como a fonte de trabalho, a presença de culturas diferentes ao abacate, a existência de alianças comerciais formais e o tipo de assistência técnica recebida são as mais diferenciadas em relação a esta categorização. A percentagem de produtores pertencentes a organizações de produtores foi alta nos três clusters. Os produtores dos Clusters 3 e 2 estabeleceram alianças formais de negócios, o que lhes permitiu ter acesso a melhores preços de venda da cultura. Há uma tendência a estabelecer o abacate cv. Hass como uma monocultura, o que pode ameaçar tanto a diversidade da agricultura quanto a segurança alimentar dos produtores camponeses.

Interaçao psicol ; 23(3): 368-378, ago.-dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511455


A análise de correspondências múltiplas (ACM) é uma técnica pertinente para a psicologia, pois permite estudar associações entre diversas variáveis categóricas tais como características individuais e respostas a questionários, produzindo um mapa que permite visualizá-las. No entanto, é frequentemente mal interpretada, pois trabalha com um nível alto de dimensões, o que torna difícil verificar os dados originais. O trabalho apresenta uma técnica auxiliar para a ACM, a tabela de proporções condicionais, que apresenta as proporções das variáveis incluídas isoladamente e em relações bivariadas, possibilitando a identificação de associações e sua magnitude de modo concreto. O trabalho inclui a aplicação empírica de análise de atribuições de tarefas domésticas a homens e mulheres, proveniente de pesquisa com 958 adultos que forneceram opiniões em levantamento de dados realizado no interior do Brasil. A principal contribuição da tabela de proporções condicionais está no esforço de tornar mais acessível e precisa a utilização da ACM para pesquisadores de psicologia.

Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) is a relevant technique for psychology, since it allows the study of associations among various categorical variables such as individual characteristics or questionnaires responses, producing a map that makes it possible to visualize them. However, it is often misinterpreted as it deals with a high level of dimensions that makes it difficult to verify the original data. The paper presents an auxiliary technique for MCA, the conditional proportions table, which presents the proportions of the included variables in isolation and in bivariate relationships, enabling the identification of associations and their size in a concrete way. The paper includes an empirical application of the analysis of the attribution of domestic tasks to men and women, from a study with 958 adults who provided their opinions on a survey carried out in the Brazilian countryside. The main contribution of the conditional proportions table lies in the effort of making the use of MCA more accessible and precise for psychology researchers.

Cienc. Trab ; 18(56): 87-93, ago. 2016. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-797322


Son múltiples los beneficios reportados alrededor del mundo con referencia a la adopción del teletrabajo, y es ampliamente recomendada su implementación para actividades relacionadas con la gestión del conocimiento y la información. Pero es muy escasa la investigación adelantada al respecto en el sector educativo. La presente investigación se propuso determinar qué factores inciden con la disposición hacia la adopción del teletrabajo entre profesores universitarios. Se aplicó una encuesta entre 118 profesores de universidades públicas y privadas del sector del Eje Cafetero-Colombia en donde se recolectó información relacionada con aspectos individuales, actividades tele-trabajables, percepción y actitud hacia el uso de TIC, aptitud para el manejo de TIC, y aspectos relacionados con su entorno laboral. Se aplicaron pruebas de independencia, análisis de correspondencias múltiples y regresión logística. Se detecta una alta disposición hacia la adopción del teletrabajo entre profesores universitarios. Entre los factores asociados hacia el interés por teletrabajar surgen principalmente los relacionados con los aspectos aptitudinales y actitudinales hacia el uso de las TIC en las actividades laborales, mientras que por el contrario, los aspectos individuales, el entorno laboral y el tipo de actividades realizadas presentan muy poca incidencia en la disposición a teletrabajar.

Multiple benefits are reported around the world with reference to the adoption of telework, and is widely recommended its implementation in activities related to knowledge management and information. But there is little research in the education sector. This research aims to determine what factors affect the disposition towards adoption of telework among university teachers. A survey was done among 118 teachers from public and private universities of a region of Colombia where related information with individual aspects, teleworking activities, perceptions and attitudes towards the use of ICT, aptitude for the management of ICT, and aspects related to their work environment was collected. Tests of independence, multiple correspondence analysis and logistic regression were applied. A high disposition towards the adoption of telework among academics is detected. Among the factors associated to the interest in telecommuting arise primarily those related to the aptitudinal and attitudinal aspects to the use of ICT in work activities, while on the contrary, the individual aspects, the working environment and the type of activities have very little impact on the willingness to telework.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Trabalho , Tecnologia da Informação , Docentes/psicologia , Universidades , Atitude , Modelos Logísticos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Colômbia
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 327-329, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-471059


Objective To know the nursing students' willingness engaging in geriatric nursing and analyze affecting factors so as to provide references for nurturing professionals for caring for the aged.Methods 231 nursing students were surveyed.The questionnaire included general information,life experience with the elderly,willingness engaging in geriatric nursing,attitude towards the elderly and cognition of aging.The investigation results underwent analysis.Results Single factor analysis showed that whether ever living with the elderly (x2=6.027),time living with the elderly and relationship with the elderly (x2=4.928) influeced the nursing students' willingness engaging in geriatric nursing.Multiple correspondence analysis indicated that nursing students living with elderly more than one year and having good relationship with the elderly had positive willingness.Conclusions Geriatric nursing curriculum should be optimized and more opportunities should be created for nursing students to be in touch with the elderly.At the same time,we must pay attention to occupation guide and moral education about how to respect and care for the elderly.

Univ. psychol ; 13(2): 443-456, abr.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-735203


En este estudio se reanalizaron los datos de Cepeda C., Pacheco Durán, García Barco y Piraquive Peña (2008) mediante un modelo de Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (TRI), y mediante Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples (ACM) y de clasificación. Se encontró que las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de acoso escolar son bastante buenas (α = 0.96 y buen ajuste al modelo unidimensional a partir del análisis paralelo). Además, se presentan las coincidencias entre los resultados de los dos tipos de análisis, y se encuentran resultados similares a otros estudios en Colombia. Los resultados de este estudio indican que el cuestionario analizado es una medida válida y confiable del acoso en el contexto escolar.

This study presents reanalyzes of Cepeda et al. (2008)'s data using an Item Response Theory (IRT) model and Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA). Both internal consistency (α = 0.96) and fit to the unidimensionality assumption (per parallel analysis) were found to be satisfactory. Coincidences between both analyses are shown. The percentage of students affected by bullying in the sample is similar to that found in other studies in Colombia. Finally, the questionnaire appears to be a valid and reliable measure of bullying.

Psicometria , Bullying , Escala de Avaliação Comportamental
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University ; (12): 122-128, 2014.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-839073


Objective To explore the correlation of propaganda methods of pre-exposure prophylactic medication with sociodemographic characteristics and obtaining services of HIV prevention in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Western China by applying multiple correspondence analysis. Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out on 1 407 MSM who were selected from Chongqing, Sichuan, Guangxi province by snowball sampling method. Chi-square tests and multiple correspondence analysis were used for selecting variables and exploring correlation. Results Totally 1 323 qualified participants were recruited and only 31.49%(416/1 321) had ever heard of pre-exposure prophylactic medication. It was found that 74.00%(979/1 323), 65.00%(860/1 323), 44.22%(585/1 323) and 52.15%(690/1 323) of MSM were willing to obtain pre-exposure prophylactic medication knowledge via internet, traditional media, peer education and medical institutions, respectively. In multiple correspondence analysis the Cronbach α values were 0.661 and 0.632 while eigenvalues were 2.562 and 2.400 in two dimensions of all variables. Willing to obtain pre-exposure prophylactic medication knowledge via internet was strongly correlated with higher education, unmarried status, younger than 30 years old, no children and urban residency. Willing to obtain knowledge by peer education was strongly correlated with having ever received information from peers, having received promotional materials, having received free AIDS consultation and participated in activities of MSM. Conclusion Multiple correspondence analysis can directly reveal the correlation among propaganda methods of pre-exposure prophylactic medication, sociodemographic characteristics and services of HIV prevention, which provides a theoretical basis for propaganda and research of pre-exposure prophylactic medication among MSM in China.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175709


Phenotypic characterization of indigenous chicken ecotypes in two districts of Ethiopia was done using multivariate analyses. Chickens were managed under traditional scavenging system. Qualitative and quantitative morphological traits were analyzed. Out of nineteen distinct plumage colors, brown mottled and red were the predominant ones. Among ecotypes all qualitative traits were significant (P<0.05). Multiple correspondence analysis showed 18.96% of the total variation explained by the first two dimensions. Long legs, large combs and wattle could be indicative of better heat dissipation of birds in tropical hot environment. Discriminant analysis identified shank length, body length, comb width, body weight, wingspan and comb height to have more discriminating power causing morphological variation between chicken ecotypes. The correlation between the first canonical variable and the two chicken ecotypes is moderate (0.55), canonical variables being highly significant based on the Wilks lambda test. Hundred nineteen chickens (86.2%) that belonged to Horro ecotype were correctly classified with 13.8% rate of error while 123 chickens (80.4%) that belonged to Jarso ecotype were correctly classified leaving 19.6% error rate.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 260-264, 2012.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-269177


Objective To investigate the relationship between phenomenon of aggregation on multiple metabolic abnormalities and their family history.Methods A random cluster sampling was carried out to study the phenomenon of multiple metabolic abnormalities among the adult inhabitants in a county of Henan province.Questionnaire,physical examination and biochemical tests were admitted.Multiple correspondence analyses were used to explore the aggregation of multiple metabolic abnormalities among objects including hyperlipidemia,diabetes,coronary heart disease etc.Corresponding relationships between objects and their parents on multiple metabolic abnormalities were also analyzed.Results In total,3901 people were investigated including 1428 (36.6%) males and 2473 (63.4%) females.The mean age of them was 32.8 ± 6.3.Data showed that the Cronbach' s α were 0.547 and 0.387 while Eigen values were 1.971 and 1.535 in two dimensions,regarding the correspondence analysis on their parents' multiple metabolic abnormalities.Cronbach' s α levels were 0.598 and 0.457 together with Eigen values as 2.263 and 1.743 in two dimensions on the correspondence analysis of the objects' and their parents' multiple metabolic abnormalities.Results from Multiple correspondence analysis diagrams showed that there was an aggregation of varietymetabolic abnormalities in both objects and their parents but not between objects and their parents or between fathers and mothers,though x2 test showed a weak correlation between some of the categories.The ranges of contingency coefficients between metabolic abnormalities were 0.04 to 0.11,0.04 to 0.08 and 0.04 to 0.11 between parents,objects and fathers,objects and mothers,respectively.When compared with simple obesity,the central obesity aggregated appeared more obviously with other metabolic abnormalities.Conclusion Both objects and their parents showed an aggregation of variety metabolic abnormalities.Aggregation of central obesity showed more obvious on other metabolic abnormalities than the simple obesity.Family histories of metabolic abnormalities played a moderate role in the generations suffering from multiple metabolic abnormalities.