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Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(2): 163-178, 20240722. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1570366


Objectives. This work sought to identify the academic communities that have shown interest and participation in the Journal Research and Education in Nursing and analyze the scientific impact generated by said journal. Methods. A bibliometric analysis was carried out, as well as social network analysis and techniques of natural language processing to conduct the research. The data was gathered and analyzed during a specific study period, covering from 2010 - 2020, for articles published in the journal, and 2010 - 2022, for articles that cited the journal within Scopus. These methods permitted performing an exhaustive evaluation of the journal's influence and reach in diverse academic and geographic contexts. Results. During the analysis, it was noted that the journal Research and Education in Nursing has had significant influence in academic and scientific communities, both nationally and internationally. Collaboration networks were detected among diverse institutions and countries, which indicates active interaction in the field of nursing research. In addition, trends and emerging patterns were identified in this field, providing a more complete view of the discipline's evolution. Conclusion. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the journal Research and Education in Nursing has played un fundamental role in disseminating knowledge and promoting research in nursing. The combination of Bibliometric metrics, social network analysis, and natural language processing permitted utmost comprehension of its impact in the scientific and academic community globally.

Objetivos. Identificar las comunidades académicas que han mostrado interés y participación en la revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería y analizar el impacto científico generado por esta publicación. Métodos. Se realizó un análisis bibliométrico, así como análisis de redes sociales y técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural para llevar a cabo la investigación. Los datos se recopilaron y analizaron durante un período de estudio específico, abarcando los años 2010-2020, para los artículos publicados en la revista, y 2010-2022, para los artículos que citaron la revista dentro de Scopus. Estos métodos permitieron realizar una evaluación exhaustiva de la influencia y alcance de la revista en diversos contextos académicos y geográficos. Resultados. Durante el análisis, se observó que la revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería ha ejercido una influencia significativa en las comunidades académicas y científicas, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Se detectaron redes de colaboración entre diversas instituciones y países, lo que indica una interacción activa en el ámbito de la investigación en enfermería. Además, se identificaron tendencias y patrones emergentes en este campo, proporcionando una visión más completa de la evolución de la disciplina. Conclusión. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que la revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en la difusión del conocimiento y la promoción de la investigación en enfermería. La combinación de métricas bibliométricas, análisis de redes sociales y procesamiento de lenguaje natural permitió una comprensión más completa de su impacto en la comunidad científica y académica a nivel global.

Objetivos. Identificar as comunidades acadêmicas que demonstraram interesse e participação na revista Nursing Research and Education e analisar o impacto científico gerado por esta publicação colombiana. Métodos. Foi realizada análise bibliométrica, análise de redes sociais e técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural para a realização da pesquisa. Os dados foram coletados e analisados durante um período específico de estudo, abrangendo os anos 2010-2020, para artigos publicados na revista, e 2010-2022, para artigos que citaram a revista dentro do Scopus. Esses métodos permitiram uma avaliação abrangente da influência e do alcance da revista em diversos contextos acadêmicos e geográficos. Resultados. Durante a análise, observou-se que a revista Nursing Research and Education tem exercido influência significativa nas comunidades acadêmica e científica, tanto nacional quanto internacionalmente. Foram detectadas redes de colaboração entre diversas instituições e países, o que indica interação ativa no campo da pesquisa em enfermagem. Além disso, foram identificadas tendências e padrões emergentes neste campo, proporcionando uma visão mais completa da evolução da disciplina. Conclusão. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a revista Nursing Research and Education tem desempenhado um papel fundamental na divulgação do conhecimento e na promoção da investigação em enfermagem. A combinação de métricas bibliométricas, análise de redes sociais e processamento de linguagem natural permitiu uma compreensão mais completa do seu impacto na comunidade científica e académica global.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pesquisa , Educação , Análise de Rede Social , Processamento de Linguagem Natural
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023469


Purpose/Significance The relative positions of causality words are utilized to assist deep learning models to improve cau-sality prediction and mine medical text gain information.Method/Process The relative position information of causality words in medical texts is represented as a relational feature layer embedded in a pre-trained language model,and the baseline model is integrated for enti-ty recognition and relationship extraction.Result/Conclusion The F1 value of the model embedded in the relational feature layer is im-proved by 2.92 percentage points and 6.41 percentage points compared with the baseline models BERT-BiLSTM-CRF and CasRel,re-spectively,with better causal prediction capacity.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023471


Purpose/Significance Achieving automatic generation of medical imaging reports is important for reducing the workload of radiologists and promoting the standardization of clinical workflow.Method/Process Focusing on finding the chest report generation mod-els with open source code in recent years,the paper develops an automatic medical image report generation method based on the CDGPT2 model.Result/Conclusion The advantages of the model in report generation are still to be explored,the quality of reports generated after modifications to the decoder inputs of the model is not high.Future research could improve the performance of the model by using large datasets and incorporating more clinical information.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023489


Purpose/Significance To study the extraction method of adverse drug event(ADE)data from medical texts,and to pro-vide support for clinical drug risk management and scientific decision-making.Method/Process Based on pre-trained model,by com-bining the correlation between the two subtasks of entity recognition and relation extraction,a entity relation joint extraction method for ADE monitoring is designed.Result/Conclusion Experiments on the published ADE extraction dataset show that the proposed method is superior to existing methods and can effectively extract ADE information and its relation from medical texts,providing a powerful means for the discovery and monitoring of ADE.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023491


Purpose/Significance The paper discusses the application of artificial intelligence technology to the key entity recognition ofunstructured text data in the electronic medical records of lymphedema patients.Method/Process It expounds the solution of model fine-tuning training under the background of sample scarcity,a total of 594 patients admitted to the department of lymphatic surgery of Beijing Shijitan Hospital,Capital Medical University are selected as the research objects.The prediction layer of the GlobalPointer model is fine-tuned according to 15 key entity categories labeled by clinicians,nested and non-nested key entities are identified with its glob-al pointer.The accuracy of the experimental results and the feasibility of clinical application are analyzed.Result/Conclusion After fine-tuning,the average accuracy rate,recall rate and Macro_F1 ofthe model are 0.795,0.641 and 0.697,respectively,which lay a foundation for accurate mining of lymphedema EMR data.

Journal of Medical Informatics ; (12): 77-81,91, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023495


Purpose/Significance Through the establishment of a quality control system for electronic medical record(EMR)con-tent,the standardization and normalization of medical record writing is realized,and the quality of hospital medical record is improved.Method/Process The intelligent medical data center is built based on hospital medical data,and the knowledge base and rule base with tumor specialty characteristics are formed by combining natural language processing(NLP)and machine learning technology.The new quality control mode of"pre-audit,comprehensive coverage,process supervision and closed-loop management"of EMR is realized.Result/Conclusion After the application of the medical record quality control system based on NLP,the quality control coverage rate in-creased from 1%to 100%,and the rate of class A medical records increased to more than 96%,with good real-time and accuracy,providing a solid information foundation for the high-quality development of hospital medical records.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031493


Interpretation of syndrome differentiation is a necessary topic for the research on intelligent syndrome differentiation. The syndrome differentiation system of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is huge, with diverse and interrelated interpretations, and non-standardized linguistic expressions, while detailed interpretations involve complex basic theories and literature of TCM, resulting in a challenging organization of the system. From the perspective of text mining, this article analyzed the limitations of existing intelligent syndrome differentiation research, clarified the importance and necessity of constructing a syndrome differentiation interpretation system, and proposed the idea of constructing an interpretation system including conceptual system, logical system, evaluation system, and visualization presentation. Future research can continue to refine the structure, logical and semantic relationships, as well as evaluation methods of the interpretation system based on this ideas, present concrete examples, and build the interpretation corpus by utilizing various data sources such as textbooks, medical records, medical discourse, and papers, to provide technicians with standard reference and data support for TCM syndrome differentiation interpretation.

International Eye Science ; (12): 458-462, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011401


AIM: To evaluate the performance of three distinct large language models(LLM), including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and PaLM2, in responding to queries within the field of ophthalmology, and to compare their performance with three different levels of medical professionals: medical undergraduates, master of medicine, and attending physicians.METHODS: A total of 100 ophthalmic multiple-choice tests, which covered ophthalmic basic knowledge, clinical knowledge, ophthalmic examination and diagnostic methods, and treatment for ocular disease, were conducted on three different kinds of LLM and three different levels of medical professionals(9 undergraduates, 6 postgraduates and 3 attending physicians), respectively. The performance of LLM was comprehensively evaluated from the aspects of mean scores, consistency and confidence of response, and it was compared with human.RESULTS: Notably, each LLM surpassed the average performance of undergraduate medical students(GPT-4:56, GPT-3.5:42, PaLM2:47, undergraduate students:40). Specifically, performance of GPT-3.5 and PaLM2 was slightly lower than those of master's students(51), while GPT-4 exhibited a performance comparable to attending physicians(62). Furthermore, GPT-4 showed significantly higher response consistency and self-confidence compared with GPT-3.5 and PaLM2.CONCLUSION: LLM represented by GPT-4 performs well in the field of ophthalmology, and the LLM model can provide clinical decision-making and teaching aids for clinicians and medical education.

Radiol. bras ; 57: e20230096en, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564998


Abstract Objective: To develop a natural language processing application capable of automatically identifying benign gallbladder diseases that require surgery, from radiology reports. Materials and Methods: We developed a text classifier to classify reports as describing benign diseases of the gallbladder that do or do not require surgery. We randomly selected 1,200 reports describing the gallbladder from our database, including different modalities. Four radiologists classified the reports as describing benign disease that should or should not be treated surgically. Two deep learning architectures were trained for classification: a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) network. In order to represent words in vector form, the models included a Word2Vec representation, with dimensions of 300 or 1,000. The models were trained and evaluated by dividing the dataset into training, validation, and subsets (80/10/10). Results: The CNN and BiLSTM performed well in both dimensional spaces. For the 300- and 1,000-dimensional spaces, respectively, the F1-scores were 0.95945 and 0.95302 for the CNN model, compared with 0.96732 and 0.96732 for the BiLSTM model. Conclusion: Our models achieved high performance, regardless of the architecture and dimensional space employed.

Resumo Objetivo: Desenvolver uma aplicação de processamento de linguagem natural capaz de identificar automaticamente doenças cirúrgicas benignas da vesícula biliar a partir de laudos radiológicos. Materiais e Métodos: Desenvolvemos um classificador de texto para classificar laudos como contendo ou não doenças cirúrgicas benignas da vesícula biliar. Selecionamos aleatoriamente 1.200 laudos com descrição da vesícula biliar de nosso banco de dados, incluindo diferentes modalidades. Quatro radiologistas classificaram os laudos como doença benigna cirúrgica ou não. Duas arquiteturas de aprendizagem profunda foram treinadas para a classificação: a rede neural convolucional (convolutional neural network - CNN) e a memória longa de curto prazo bidirecional (bidirectional long short-term memory - BiLSTM). Para representar palavras de forma vetorial, os modelos incluíram uma representação Word2Vec, com dimensões variando de 300 a 1000. Os modelos foram treinados e avaliados por meio da divisão do conjunto de dados entre treinamento, validação e teste (80/10/10). Resultados: CNN e BiLSTM tiveram bom desempenho em ambos os espaços dimensionais. Relatamos para 300 e 1000 dimensões, respectivamente, as pontuações F1 de 0,95945 e 0,95302 para o modelo CNN e de 0,96732 e 0,96732 para a BiLSTM. Conclusão: Nossos modelos alcançaram alto desempenho, independentemente de diferentes arquiteturas e espaços dimensionais.

Rev. invest. clín ; 75(6): 309-317, Nov.-Dec. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560116


ABSTRACT Artificial intelligence (AI) generative models driven by the integration of AI and natural language processing technologies, such as OpenAI's chatbot generative pre-trained transformer large language model (LLM), are receiving much public attention and have the potential to transform personalized medicine. Dialysis patients are highly dependent on technology and their treatment generates a challenging large volume of data that has to be analyzed for knowledge extraction. We argue that, by integrating the data acquired from hemodialysis treatments with the powerful conversational capabilities of LLMs, nephrologists could personalize treatments adapted to patients' lifestyles and preferences. We also argue that this new conversational AI integrated with a personalized patient-computer interface will enhance patients' engagement and self-care by providing them with a more personalized experience. However, generative AI models require continuous and accurate updates of data, and expert supervision and must address potential biases and limitations. Dialysis patients can also benefit from other new emerging technologies such as Digital Twins with which patients' care can also be addressed from a personalized medicine perspective. In this paper, we will revise LLMs potential strengths in terms of their contribution to personalized medicine, and, in particular, their potential impact, and limitations in nephrology. Nephrologists' collaboration with AI academia and companies, to develop algorithms and models that are more transparent, understandable, and trustworthy, will be crucial for the next generation of dialysis patients. The combination of technology, patient-specific data, and AI should contribute to create a more personalized and interactive dialysis process, improving patients' quality of life.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536285


Introducción: Los avances actuales en el campo de las TICs han permitido un importante impulso en el desarrollo de sistemas que traducen texto plano en español en pictogramas. Sin embargo, las soluciones actuales no pueden ser comprendidas por una persona con dificultades del lenguaje en Cuba, debido a que algunas terminologías no están presentes en el lenguaje cotidiano. Objetivo: Desarrollar el modelo Pictobana para el análisis semántico de un Pictotraductor que integre la semántica del lenguaje cubano. Métodos: El modelo fue desarrollado aplicando técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural. Se realiza un análisis lingüístico con el objetivo de proporcionar las mejores representaciones posibles de los textos en pictogramas. Resultados: El modelo es implementado en una aplicación web que proporciona una herramienta que ayuda a promover las competencias y habilidades de comunicación a personas con dificultades del habla en Cuba y a sus familiares. Conclusiones: Las pruebas realizadas mediante experimentos y criterio de expertos, demuestran que el analizador desarrollado, aumenta la ajustabilidad de los pictogramas al contexto y a la semántica, aminorando la incoherencia y la ambigüedad semántica del futuro sistema.

Introduction: Current advances in the field of ICTs have allowed an important boost in the development of systems that allow translating plain text in Spanish into pictograms. However, the current solutions cannot be understood by a person with language difficulties in Cuba because some terminologies are not present in everyday language. Objective: To develop the Pictobana model for the semantic analysis of a Pictotranslator that integrates the semantics of the Cuban language. Methods: The model was developed by applying natural language processing techniques. A linguistic analysis was carried out with the aim of providing the best possible representations of the texts in pictograms. Results: The model is implemented in a web application that provides a tool that helps promote communication skills and abilities for people with speech difficulties and their families in Cuba. Conclusions: The tests carried out through experiments and expert criteria show that the developed analyzer increases the adjustability of the pictograms to the context and the semantics, reducing the incoherence and semantic ambiguity of the future system.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536297


El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las percepciones de los usuarios de Facebook que realizaron comentarios, en las publicaciones realizadas desde la cuenta oficial del Ministerio de Salud de Perú (MINSA), referentes a la campaña de vacunación contra el VPH. Se analizaron 2748 comentarios en Python con procesamiento de lenguaje natural. Con este proceso se obtuvieron palabras claves que luego fueron interpretadas de manera manual. Se encontraron mayoritariamente cuatro tipos de discursos dentro de ellos: a) apoyo a la publicación sobre la vacuna contra el VPH; b) rechazo a la vacuna contra el VPH; c) Vacuna contra el VPH en niños; d) Dudas sobre la vacuna contra el VPH. En su mayoría, los usuarios que expresaron una postura de rechazo de esta vacuna se respaldaban de links a noticias donde se presentaba un evento supuestamente atribuido a la vacunación o inmunización pero que carecía de una fuente de información confiable y/o verificable.

The objective of this study was to describe the perceptions of Facebook users who commented on posts made by the official account of the Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA) regarding the HPV vaccination campaign. We analyzed 2748 comments in Python with natural language processing. With this process we obtained keywords that were then interpreted manually. We found mostly four types of discourse, within them: a) support for the publications of the HPV vaccine; b) refusal of the HPV vaccine; c) HPV vaccine in children; d) doubts about the HPV vaccine. For the most part, users who expressed a position against this vaccine relied on links to online news stories that presented an event supposedly attributed to vaccination or immunization but lacked a reliable and/or verifiable source of information.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220756


This study introduces a technique for leveraging sentiment analysis to detect potential suicide risk among social media users. Our approach utilizes machine learning to scrutinize the textual content of social media posts and identify signicant markers of suicidal behavior. Our methodology comprises data collection, data preprocessing, data labeling, machine learning model training, and model testing. The effectiveness of our approach is assessed using precision, recall, and F1 score metrics. The outcome of our evaluation demonstrates that our method is adept at detecting individuals who may be at risk of suicide on social media, yielding an impressive F1 score of 0.85.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987644


@#In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely applied in the field of drug discovery and development.In particular, natural language processing technology has been significantly improved after the emergence of the pre-training model.On this basis, the introduction of graph neural network has also made drug development more accurate and efficient.In order to help drug developers more systematically and comprehensively understand the application of artificial intelligence in drug discovery, this article introduces cutting-edge algorithms in AI, and elaborates on the various applications of AI in drug development, including drug small molecule design, virtual screening, drug repurposing, and drug property prediction, finally discusses the opportunities and challenges of AI in future drug development.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995223


Objective:To automatically and rapidly detect mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in an objective manner using natural language processing (NLP).Methods:A total of 215 participants (half female) aged 50 to 80 were recruited for the study′s normal cognition and MCI groups. Speech tasks and the mini mental state examination (MMSE-2) were used to collect audio data and quantify cognitive functioning. Altogether 162 acoustic features were extracted including the speaking speed, syllable number, syllable duration, number of pauses, duration of pauses, the standard deviation of formant frequency and sound pressure variation. They were compared between the two groups and genders. Multiple regression analysis was used to formulate a model predicting MCI. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of its predictions were used to evaluate its predictive power.Results:There were significant differences between the two groups in 50 acoustic features including their pronunciation rhythm and pronunciation accuracy. Univariate correlation analysis revealed that the pronunciation rhythm was significantly associated with cognitive functioning. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the model were 0.54, 0.80 and 0.69 for males and 0.00, 0.86 and 0.63 for females.Conclusion:MCI greatly affects pronunciation rhythm. Acoustic analysis based on NLP can detect MCI rapidly and objectively.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995822


Objective:Considering the large amount and poor quality of clinical data, this study aims to explore the establishment of high-quality research database and its role in real-world research by taking the establishment of lymphoma research database as an example.Methods:The expert opinions in the field of lymphoma were collected, and the relevant guidelines and standards were referenced to establish a standard medical knowledge dataset. The electronic diagnosis and treatment data of lymphoma patients treated in Peking University Cancer Hospital from February 2005 to December 2020 were retrospectively extracted, the deep Learning, natural language processing were adopted to build a dynamic intelligent information integration and processing system of " lymphoma database based on electronic medical record system - biological sample information database - extended genetic information database" .Results:The research database not only meets the research needs of clinical researchers, but also realizes the management of traces in the whole process of application, approval, traceability and analysis of hospital medical record data and biological sample data. The total number of research variables in the database was 668, and the structured variables accounted for 46.0%. On December 25, 2021, there were 68 687 lymphoma patients in the database, the ratio of male to female patients was 8/9, and the proportion of patients with ≥3 visits accounted for 23.0%. In addition, researchers can superimpose searches in the database according to the target conditions, display the targeted medical records according to research hypothesis, and then establish a research cohort, conducting statistical modeling, and mining data information.Conclusions:By integrating management processes and using new natural language artificial intelligence technology to establish a high-level evidence-based database, it is helpful for the interconnection and resource sharing of hospital information systems, so as to achieve the purpose of providing reliable and detailed data for real-world research.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 2409-2413, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996400


OBJECTIVE To establish the drug-induced liver injury (DILI) surveillance and assessment system (DILI-SAS), and to improve the diagnostic efficiency of clinical DILI. METHODS The DILI-SAS was constructed by using natural language processing technology to mine and utilize all inpatient medical record data, and combined with Roussel Uclaf causality assessment method (RUCAM). The medical records of 19 445 hospitalized patients from August 2022 to January 2023 were detected to verify the performance of the system and manually analyze the basic data of patients with DILI and the distribution of the first suspected drugs. RESULTS The overall accuracy rate of the DILI-SAS system was 91.95%, and the recall rate was 93.20%. Seventy-five DILI cases were detected, and the DILI incidence rate was 385.70/100 000 people. The efficiency of DILI monitoring by human- computer coupling was increased by about 60 times of manual monitoring; males (61.33%) and patients over 60 years old (56.00%) were the most common in the 75 cases of DILI. The clinical type of liver injury was hepatocyte injury (69.33%), the incubation period was mainly 5-90 days after treatment (62.67%), and the RUCAM score between 3 and 5 was the most common (66.67%); pharmacological distribution of the first suspected drugs was mainly dihydropyridines, HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, proton pump inhibitors, etc. The specific drugs were atorvastatin, omeprazole, ceftriaxone, metronidazole and other drugs. CONCLUSIONS The establishment of DILI-SAS can improve the evaluation efficiency on the basis of ensuring the accuracy degree, and provide a solution for the early identification, diagnosis and evaluation of clinical DILI.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 32: e20220136, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1432481


ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the development of a virtual assistant as a potential tool for health co-production in coping with COVID-19. Method: this is an applied technological production research study developed in March and April 2020 in five stages: 1) literature review, 2) content definition, 3) elaboration of the dialog, 4) test of the prototype, and 5) integration with the social media page. Results: the literature review gathered diverse scientific evidence about the disease based on the Brazilian Ministry of Health publications and by consulting scientific articles. The content was built from the questions most asked by the population, in March 2020, evidenced by Google Trends, in which the following topics emerged: concept of the disease, prevention means, transmission of the disease, main symptoms, treatment modalities, and doubts. Elaboration of the dialog was based on Natural Language Processing, intentions, entities and dialog structure. The prototype was tested in a laboratory with a small number of user computers on a local network to verify the functionality of the set of apps, technical and visual errors in the dialog, and whether the answers provided were in accordance with the user's question, answering the questions correctly and integrated into Facebook. Conclusion: the virtual assistant proved to be a health education tool with potential to combat "Fake News". It also represents a patient-centered form of health communication that favors the strengthening of the bond and interaction between health professionals and patients, promoting co-production in health.

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir el desarrollo de un asistente virtual como posible herramienta para la co-producción en salud a fin de hacer frente al COVID-19. Método: trabajo de investigación aplicado de producción tecnológica, desarrollado en marzo y abril de 2020 en cinco etapas: 1) revisión de la literatura, 2) definición del contenido, 3) elaboración del diálogo, 4) prueba del prototipo y 5) integración con la página web del medio social. Resultados: en la revisión de la literatura se reunieron evidencias científicas sobre la enfermedad a partir de las publicaciones del Ministerio de Salud de Brasil, al igual que sobre la base de consultas en artículos científicos. El contenido se elaboró a partir de las preguntas más frecuentes de la población, en marzo de 2020, puestas en evidencia por medio de Google Trends, donde surgieron los siguientes temas: concepto de la enfermedad, formas de prevención, transmisión de la enfermedad, principales síntomas, modalidades de tratamiento y dudas. La elaboración del diálogo se basó en el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, en intenciones, en entidades y en la estructura del diálogo. El prototipo se puso a prueba en un laboratorio con una cantidad reducida de computadoras usuario en una red local para verificar la funcionalidad del conjunto de aplicaciones, errores técnicos y visuales acerca del diálogo, y si las respuestas proporcionadas estaban de acuerdo con la pregunta del usuario, respondiendo correctamente los interrogantes e integrado a Facebook. Conclusión: el asistente virtual demostró ser una herramienta de educación en salud con potencial para combatir Fake News. También representa una forma de comunicación en salud centrada en el paciente que favorece el fortalecimiento del vínculo y la interacción entre profesionales de la salud y pacientes, promoviendo así la coproducción en salud.

RESUMO Objetivo: descrever o desenvolvimento de um assistente virtual como ferramenta potencial para a coprodução em saúde no enfrentamento à COVID-19. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa aplicada de produção tecnológica, desenvolvida nos meses de março e abril de 2020 em cinco etapas: 1) revisão de literatura, 2) definição de conteúdo, 3) construção do diálogo, 4) teste do protótipo e 5) integração com página de mídia social. Resultados: a revisão de literatura reuniu evidências científicas sobre a doença a partir das publicações do Ministério da Saúde, no Brasil, e de consultas em artigos científicos. O conteúdo foi construído a partir das perguntas mais realizadas pela população, em março de 2020, evidenciadas por meio do Google Trends, em que emergiram os seguintes temas: conceito da doença, formas de prevenção, transmissão da doença, principais sintomas, formas de tratamento e dúvidas. A construção do diálogo foi baseada em Processamento de Linguagem Natural, intenções, entidades e estrutura de diálogo. O protótipo foi testado em laboratório com um número reduzido de computadores usuários em uma rede local para verificar a funcionalidade do conjunto de aplicações, erros técnicos e visuais acerca do diálogo e se as respostas fornecidas estavam de acordo com a pergunta do usuário, respondendo de forma correta os questionamentos e integrado ao Facebook. Conclusão: o assistente virtual mostrou-se uma ferramenta de educação em saúde e com potencial para combater fake news. Também representa uma forma de comunicação em saúde centrada no paciente, que favorece o fortalecimento de vínculo e interação entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes, promovendo a coprodução em saúde.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(10): e20230848, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514686


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of ChatGPT-4.0 in answering the 2022 Brazilian National Examination for Medical Degree Revalidation (Revalida) and as a tool to provide feedback on the quality of the examination. METHODS: A total of two independent physicians entered all examination questions into ChatGPT-4.0. After comparing the outputs with the test solutions, they classified the large language model answers as adequate, inadequate, or indeterminate. In cases of disagreement, they adjudicated and achieved a consensus decision on the ChatGPT accuracy. The performance across medical themes and nullified questions was compared using chi-square statistical analysis. RESULTS: In the Revalida examination, ChatGPT-4.0 answered 71 (87.7%) questions correctly and 10 (12.3%) incorrectly. There was no statistically significant difference in the proportions of correct answers among different medical themes (p=0.4886). The artificial intelligence model had a lower accuracy of 71.4% in nullified questions, with no statistical difference (p=0.241) between non-nullified and nullified groups. CONCLUSION: ChatGPT-4.0 showed satisfactory performance for the 2022 Brazilian National Examination for Medical Degree Revalidation. The large language model exhibited worse performance on subjective questions and public healthcare themes. The results of this study suggested that the overall quality of the Revalida examination questions is satisfactory and corroborates the nullified questions.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(11): e00243722, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550174


Os pacientes com síndrome pós-COVID-19 se beneficiam de programas de promoção de saúde e sua rápida identificação é importante para a utilização custo efetiva desses programas. Técnicas tradicionais de identificação têm fraco desempenho, especialmente em pandemias. Portanto, foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo utilizando 105.008 autorizações prévias pagas por operadora privada de saúde com aplicação de método não supervisionado de processamento de linguagem natural por modelagem de tópicos para identificação de pacientes suspeitos de infecção por COVID-19. Foram gerados seis modelos: três utilizando o algoritmo BERTopic e três modelos Word2Vec. O modelo BERTopic cria automaticamente grupos de doenças. Já no modelo Word2Vec, para definição dos tópicos relacionados a COVID-19, foi necessária análise manual dos 100 primeiros casos de cada tópico. O modelo BERTopic com mais de 1.000 autorizações por tópico sem tratamento de palavras selecionou pacientes mais graves - custo médio por autorizações prévias pagas de BRL 10.206 e gasto total de BRL 20,3 milhões (5,4%) em 1.987 autorizações prévias (1,9%). Teve 70% de acerto comparado à análise humana e 20% de casos com potencial interesse, todos passíveis de análise para inclusão em programa de promoção à saúde. Teve perda importante de casos quando comparado ao modelo tradicional de pesquisa com linguagem estruturada e identificou outros grupos de doenças - ortopédicas, mentais e câncer. O modelo BERTopic serviu como método exploratório a ser utilizado na rotulagem de casos e posterior aplicação em modelos supervisionados. A identificação automática de outras doenças levanta questionamentos éticos sobre o tratamento de informações em saúde por aprendizado de máquina.

Los pacientes con síndrome pos-COVID-19 pueden beneficiarse de los programas de promoción de la salud. Su rápida identificación es importante para el uso efectivo de estos programas. Las técnicas de identificación tradicionales no tienen un buen desempeño, especialmente en pandemias. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, con el uso de 105.008 autorizaciones previas pagadas por un operador de salud privado mediante la aplicación de un método no supervisado de procesamiento del lenguaje natural mediante modelado temático para identificar a los pacientes sospechosos de estar infectados por COVID-19. Se generaron 6 modelos: 3 con el uso del algoritmo BERTopic y 3 modelos Word2Vec. El modelo BERTopic crea automáticamente grupos de enfermedades. En el modelo Word2Vec para definir temas relacionados con la COVID-19, fue necesario el análisis manual de los primeros 100 casos de cada tema. El modelo BERTopic con más de 1.000 autorizaciones por tema sin tratamiento de palabras seleccionó a pacientes más graves: costo promedio por autorizaciones previas pagada de BRL 10.206 y gasto total de BRL 20,3 millones (5,4%) en 1.987 autorizaciones previas (1,9%). Además, contó con el 70% de aciertos en comparación con el análisis humano y el 20% de los casos con potencial interés, todos los cuales pueden analizarse para su inclusión en un programa de promoción de la salud. Hubo una pérdida significativa de casos en comparación con el modelo tradicional de investigación con lenguaje estructurado y se identificó otros grupos de enfermedades: ortopédicas, mentales y cáncer. El modelo BERTopic sirvió como un método exploratorio para ser utilizado en el etiquetado de casos y su posterior aplicación en modelos supervisados. La identificación automática de otras enfermedades plantea preguntas éticas sobre el tratamiento de la información de salud mediante el aprendizaje de máquina.

Patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome benefit from health promotion programs. Their rapid identification is important for the cost-effective use of these programs. Traditional identification techniques perform poorly especially in pandemics. A descriptive observational study was carried out using 105,008 prior authorizations paid by a private health care provider with the application of an unsupervised natural language processing method by topic modeling to identify patients suspected of being infected by COVID-19. A total of 6 models were generated: 3 using the BERTopic algorithm and 3 Word2Vec models. The BERTopic model automatically creates disease groups. In the Word2Vec model, manual analysis of the first 100 cases of each topic was necessary to define the topics related to COVID-19. The BERTopic model with more than 1,000 authorizations per topic without word treatment selected more severe patients - average cost per prior authorizations paid of BRL 10,206 and total expenditure of BRL 20.3 million (5.4%) in 1,987 prior authorizations (1.9%). It had 70% accuracy compared to human analysis and 20% of cases with potential interest, all subject to analysis for inclusion in a health promotion program. It had an important loss of cases when compared to the traditional research model with structured language and identified other groups of diseases - orthopedic, mental and cancer. The BERTopic model served as an exploratory method to be used in case labeling and subsequent application in supervised models. The automatic identification of other diseases raises ethical questions about the treatment of health information by machine learning.