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Psychol. av. discip ; 15(2): 63-76, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387059


Resumen La atención es un proceso implícito en el funcionamiento cognitivo que disminuye con la edad; no obstante, programas de entrenamiento computarizado han demostrado ser eficaces en la mejora y mantenimiento de esta función en el adulto mayor. El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la eficacia del módulo de atención del programa computarizado CogniPlus sobre la atención de adultos mayores con envejecimiento normal. Se realizó un estudio con un diseño preexperimental de un solo grupo con pre y posprueba, de entrenamiento individual con una intensidad de 2 sesiones de 45 minutos, 1 vez por semana, durante 5 semanas a 23 participantes mayores de 60 años en la ciudad de Bogotá. Se tomaron medidas pre y postentrenamiento con las pruebas cubos de Corsi en Progresión, Dígitos en Progresión, Symbol Digit Modalities Test, Digit Vigilance Test y el Visual Search and Attention Test. Los resultados comparativos pre y post mostraron diferencias significativas en las medidas de vigilancia, en la ejecución medida en segundos con un efecto pequeño, así como en la reducción de omisiones con un efecto mediano y en la prueba de la atención sostenida visual con un efecto grande. Se concluye que el módulo de atención CogniPlus es eficaz y puede ayudar a mejorar las habilidades de vigilancia y atención sostenida visual de adultos mayores con envejecimiento normal.

Abstract Attention is an implicit process in the cognitive function that is decreases when ageing. However, the computerized training programs have demonstrated effectiveness in the improvement and maintenance of this function. The aim of this study is determining the efficiency of the attention module of the CogniPlus in older adults with normal ageing. This study used a pre and post experimental design with just one group with pre and post individual testing training with an intensity of two sessions of 45 minutes each two times per week during 5 weeks; there were 23 participants older than 60 years from Bogota city. It was measured using pre and post training test with digit span forward and Corsi forward, Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), Digit Vigilance Test (DVT) and Visual Search and Attention Test (VSAT). The comparative results pre and posts showed significant differences in the vigilant measure which was tested through seconds of DVT with a minimum effect size, as well as a reduction of the omissions with an average effect size, and the VSAT test with a large effect size. It can be concluded that the module of attention called CogniPlus could help to improve the abilities of vigilance and sustained attention of elderly people who aged normal.

Atenção , Envelhecimento , Cognição , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Aptidão , Projetos de Pesquisa , Efetividade , Eficácia , Eficiência , Disfunção Cognitiva , Tutoria
Rev. lasallista investig ; 18(1): 203-235, ene.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365838


Resumen Introducción: en 2017 se publicó la filmografía "Mirar y reflexionar la jubilación" para ejemplificar el proceso de jubilación. Contiene 57 películas, clasificadas, con base en la teoría de continuidad, en siete etapas (prejubilación, luna de miel, descanso, desencanto, reorientación, rutina y final) y tres problemáticas (resistencia a jubilarse, jubilación forzada y falta de seguridad social para jubilarse). Tiene el propósito de propiciar la reflexión sobre la jubilación, pero requiere renovación para incluir más cantidad de filmes que mejoren en cantidad y calidad la ejemplificación. Objetivo: actualizar y enriquecer la filmografía de 2017. Materiales y métodos: estudio documental de recopilación y actualización de filmes. La búsqueda fue electrónica y física. Se incluyeron todas las películas, en idioma español, o en otro idioma con subtítulos en español, con argumentos, títulos, sinopsis y críticas relacionadas con la jubilación. El análisis comprendió la selección, captura, categorización y recategorización de los filmes. Resultados: se seleccionaron 115 filmes, sumados a los 57 anteriores, conforman una nueva filmografía de 172 películas, con producciones de 24 países, que incluyen dramas, comedias, documentales, romances, animaciones, aventuras, acción e intriga, en su mayoría protagonizada por hombres. La película más antigua es de 1924 y la más reciente de 2019. Conclusiones: se logró ampliar en 301.75 % la cantidad de filmes. En cuanto a la calidad se logró ilustrar abundante y profundamente el proceso y los problemas de la jubilación. La nueva filmografía es material didáctico útil, adecuado y suficiente para futuras intervenciones de sensibilización y preparación para la jubilación.

Abstract Introduction: in 2017 the filmography "Mirar y reflexionar la jubilación" was published to exemplify the retirement process. It contains 57 films, classified, based on the theory of continuity, in seven stages (pre retirement, honeymoon, rest, disenchantment, reorientation, routine and final) and three problems (resistance to retirement, forced retirement and lack of social security to retire). It has the purpose of promoting reflection on retirement but requires renewal to include more films that improve the quantity and quality of the exemplification. Objective: Update and enrich the filmography of 2017. Materials and methods: Documentary study of compilation and updating of films. The search was electronic and physical. All films were included, in Spanish, or in another language with Spanish subtitles, with arguments, titles, synopsis or criticisms related to retirement. The analysis included the selection, capture, categorization and recategorization of films. Results: 115 films were selected, added to the previous 57, to make up a new filmography of 172 films, with productions from 24 countries, including dramas, comedies, documentaries, romances, animations, adventures, action and intrigue, mostly starring men. The oldest film is from 1924 and the most recent in 2019. Conclusions: The number of films was expanded by 301.75 %. In terms of quality, the process and problems of retirement were abundantly and deeply illustrated. The new filmography is useful, adequate and sufficient teaching material for future awareness raising and retirement preparation interventions.

Resumo Introdução: em 2017, a filmografia "Mirar y reflexionar la jubilación" foi publicada para exemplificar o processo de aposentadoria. Contém 57 filmes, classificados, com base na teoria da continuidade, em sete etapas (aposentadoria precoce, lua de mel, descanso, desencanto, reorientação, rotina e final) e três problemas (resistência à aposentadoria, aposentadoria forçada e falta de previdência social). Tem como objetivo promover a reflexão sobre a aposentadoria, mas requer renovação para incluir mais filmes para uma compreensão mais ampla e profunda. Objetivo: atualizar e enriquecer a filmografia de 2017. Materiais e métodos: estudo documental da compilação e atualização de filmes. A busca foi eletrônica e física. Todos os filmes foram incluídos, em espanhol ou em outro idioma, com legendas em espanhol, com argumentos e parcelas relacionadas à aposentadoria. A análise incluiu a seleção, captura, categorização e recategorização dos filmes. Resultados: foram selecionados 115 filmes, somados aos 57 anteriores, compõem uma nova filmografia de 172 filmes, com produções de 24 países, incluindo dramas, comédias, documentários, romances, animações, aventuras, ações e intrigas, principalmente estrelando homens. O filme mais antigo é de 1924 e o mais recente em 2019. Conclusões: o número de filmes foi ampliado em 301.75 %. Em termos de qualidade, o processo e os problemas da aposentadoria foram abundantemente e profundamente ilustrados. A nova filmografia é material didático útil, adequado e suficiente para futuras intervenções de conscientização e preparação para a aposentadoria.

Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 14(1): 43-47, ago. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102065


El envejecimiento de la población es un fenómeno demográfico de preocupación mundial. Junto al aumento de la población mayor, aumenta también el número de enfermedades neurodegenerativas. La enfermedad de Alzheimer y la demencia frontotemporal, son las principales causas del envejecimiento cognitivo patológico, diferenciando dentro de su progresión al Deterioro Cognitivo Leve (DCL) y la demencia. La memoria semántica permite el procesamiento, almacenamiento y representación de información que subyace la comprensión y uso del significado de todo lo que nos rodea, permitiendo la autonomía en el desempeño de actividades de la vida diaria, por lo tanto, su compromiso conlleva a un estado de demencia. Uno de los principales objetivos de estudio clínico y de impacto en salud pública es la detección precoz de la demencia, dirigido hacia un tratamiento farmacológico, no-farmacológico y manejo psicosocial oportuno. Actualmente, los casos de demencias preseniles y las presentaciones iniciales con perfiles atípicos han aumentado, siendo la memoria semántica una de estas manifestaciones. En Chile existen efectivas herramientas para la detección de un envejecimiento cognitivo patológico, sin embargo, no se cuenta con herramientas evaluativas para un diagnóstico efectivo en casos atípicos.

Population ageing is a demographic phenomenon of global concern. As the elderly population increases, so does the number of neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia are the main causes of pathological cognitive aging, differentiating between Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and dementia. Semantic memory allows the processing, storage and representation of information that underlies the understanding and use of the meaning of everything that surrounds us, allowing autonomy in the performance of activities of daily life, therefore, it's commitment leads to a state of dementia. One of the main objectives of clinical studies and public health impact is the early detection of dementia, aimed at a pharmacological treatment, non-pharmacological, and timely psychosocial management. Currently, cases of presenile dementias and initial presentations with atypical profiles have increased, with semantic memory being one of these manifestations. In Chile, there are effective tools for detection of a pathological cognitive aging, however, there are no evaluative tools for an effective diagnosis in atypical cases.

Humanos , Idoso , Semântica , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Doença de Alzheimer/fisiopatologia , Memória/fisiologia , Cognição , Testes Neuropsicológicos
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-37896


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon refers to knowing the meaning of the desired information but being unable to produce the phonological information. This study induced the TOT phenomenon through a task involving naming famous people, compared and analyzed results by age, and examined the differences with effects from pathological aging [mild cognitive impairment (MCI)]. METHODS: Young (n=10), middle-aged (n=10), older (n=10), oldest (n=10), and MCI (n=10) subjects participated in this study. To examine TOT rate, rate of TOT response, voluntary TOT solution rate, and TOT solution rate after presenting syllabic cue, each group participated in the experiment through a task of naming famous people. RESULTS: First, as subject age increased, TOT rate (the number of TOTs divided by total trials) increased. There was no significant difference with pathological aging. Second, normal aging and pathological aging had no significant effect on the rate of TOT response (the number of each response type divided by total response types). Third, the voluntary TOT solution rate (the number of voluntary TOT solutions divided by total TOTs) on occurrence of the TOT phenomenon was very low. Fourth, the TOT solution rate (the number of TOT solutions after presenting syllabic cue divided by total TOTs) had a negative correlation to normal aging. In examining pathological aging, the TOT solution rate of the MCI group was significantly lower than normal oldest people. CONCLUSION: Normal aging and pathological aging showed differences regarding TOT rate and TOT solution rate when naming famous individuals. The results of this study could be helpful as a differential tool between normal and pathological aging.

Envelhecimento , Sinais (Psicologia) , Disfunção Cognitiva
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-28052


OBJECTIVES: Age-related differences of the brain have been obtained by various methods. This study was aimed to explore the changes of quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) and their source localization in normal aging. METHODS: Thirty-seven healthy young adults (mean age 35.22+/-13.62 years) and thirty-nine cognitively-healthy elderly subjects (mean age 72.95+/-5.73 years) participated in the study. Resting-state EEGs were recorded while subjects were in a relaxed state. Relative qEEG powers of five frequency bands were analyzed for eye closed conditions: delta (1-3 Hz), theta (4-7 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), beta (13-25 Hz), and gamma (30-50 Hz). The standardized low resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) was used to identify the current source densities of each frequency band. RESULTS: The elderly group showed an increase of beta and gamma power while the reduction of delta, theta, and alpha power compared with the young group. Controlling education as a covariate, the beta power was positively correlated with age, while theta power was negatively correlated with age in all subjects. sLORETA revealed that elderly subjects had reduced current source density at the cingulate gyrus in the theta band, while increased current source densities at the frontal, parietal, insula, and limbic areas in the beta band compared with young adults. CONCLUSION: Our results suggested that qEEG could reflect normal aging. Cognitively healthy elderly subjects showed an increase of high-frequency power, while showing a reduction of low-frequency power. These functional implications were discussed.

Idoso , Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Envelhecimento , Encéfalo , Eletroencefalografia , Olho , Giro do Cíngulo , Imãs
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 4(2): 119-126, dic. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-561805


La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad estudiar, desde una perspectiva neuropsicológica, cómo es la actividad de las funciones ejecutivas en el envejecimiento normal y su vinculación con los aprendizajes. Para ello se evaluaron 100 sujetos mayores de 60 años de la ciudad de Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina, con el ACE (Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination) de Mathuranath, Nestor, Berrios, Rakowicz y Hodges (2000) y una entrevista para precisar cómo influyen las actividades de la vida diaria en el funcionamiento ejecutivo. Los resultados mostraron que los sujetos que poseen mayor edad, bajo nivel de instrucción y escasa actividad cognitiva tienen dificultades en el desempeño ejecutivo, lo que inevitablemente influye para que los procesos de aprendizaje se realicen de manera diferente a etapas anteriores de la vida. Diversas investigaciones han demostrado que a pesar del declive de estas capacidades, las mismas pueden mejorarse y hasta optimizarse gracias a la plasticidad neuronal y reserva cognitiva. Estos hallazgos ponen de relieve la importancia de la implementación de programas de estimulación cognitiva y del accionar psicopedagógico para llevar a cabo dichas intervenciones tendientes a mejorar la calidad de vida, atenuar el deterioro propio de la vejez y evitar la aparición de un envejecimiento patológico.

The present investigation had as purpose to study, from a perspective neuropsychological, how the activity of the executive functions is in the normal aging and its relating with the learnings. We evaluated 100 subjects older than 60 years in the city of Rio Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina, with ACE (Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination) of Matturanath, Nestor, Berrios, Rakowicz y Hodges (2000) and an interview to specify how they influence the activities of the daily life in the executive functioning. The results showed that the older subject, the low levels of instruction and scarce cognitive activity have difficulties in performing executive, which inevitably influence the learning processes are conducted differently from previous stages of life. Diverse investigations have demonstrated that in spite of the decline of these capacities, the same ones can improve and until being optimized thanks to the plasticity neuronal and the reserve cognitive. These findings emphasize the importance of the implementation of programs of stimulation cognitive and of working psychopedagogical to carry out such interventions to improve the quality of life, to attenuate the deterioration characteristic of the aging and to avoid the appearance of a pathological aging.

Humanos , Aprendizagem/fisiologia , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Envelhecimento/psicologia , Função Executiva/fisiologia , Neuropsicologia , Plasticidade Neuronal/fisiologia