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Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 92(4): 425-430, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429675


Abstract Objective: The objective of the study is to validate the use of the Killip-Kimball classification (KC) as a predictor of outcomes in an octogenarian cohort with acute coronary syndrome. Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients who underwent a catheterization procedure for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) was performed. ACS was defined as per the American Heart Association guidelines, and included ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-STEMI and Unstable Angina. We determined factors associated with the KC upon admission to the emergency room. Likewise, we compared in-hospital mortality, length of stay, and other outcomes dividing the patients by KC. Results: A total of 133 patients with a mean age of 83 years were analyzed and assigned a KC from 1 to 4 according to clinical presentation. Each group included 86, 9, 23, and 15 patients, respectively. In-hospital mortality was 12%, 5% in KC-I, 11% in KC-II, 22% in KC-III, and 40% in KC-IV with a significant difference between classes (p = 0.002). In addition, we found higher KC groups to be associated with acute kidney injury during the hospitalization (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Despite a strong reduction in mortality for elderly patients with ACS in recent decades, patients presenting with ACS and higher KC have a high mortality rate, as described in younger cohorts. KC remains a reliable prognostic tool, with applicability in octogenarian patients.

Resumen Objetivo: Validar el uso de la clasificación de Killip- Kimball como predictor de desenlaces en una cohorte de pacientes octogenarios con síndrome coronario agudo. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de pacientes sometidos a cateterismo por síndrome coronario agudo (ACS). Se incluyeron infarto al miocardio con y sin elevación del segment ST, así como angina inestable, utilizando las definiciones de la American Heart Association (AHA). Se determinaron los factores que influyeron en la clasificación de Killip-Kimball (KC) al momento de ingreso al hospital. Se comparó la mortalidad, la estancia intrahospitalaria y otros desenlaces, dividiendo a los pacientes por su KC. Resultados: Un total de 133 pacientes se incluyeron en el análisis y se clasificaron dependiendo de su KC (I-IV). Cada grupo incluyó 86, 9, 23 y 15 pacientes, respectivamente. La edad media fue de 83 años. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue de 5, 11, 22 y 40%, respectivamente para cada KC, y 12% global. Hubo una diferencia significativa en la mortalidad por clase (p = 0.002). Adicionalmente, se encontró que a mayor KC, mayor riesgo de lesión renal aguda durante la hospitalización (p < 0.01). Conclusión: A pesar de una reducción en la mortalidad de adultos mayores con ACS en décadas recients, pacientes con ACS y mayor KC tienen riesgo aumentado de morir, igual que pacientes en grupos de edad menores. La KC continñua siendo una herramienta confiable para la clasificación y con utilidad pronóstica, con aplicabilidad en pacientes mayores de 80 años.

Rev. Assoc. Méd. Rio Gd. do Sul ; 65(4): 01022105, OUT-DEZ 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391942


Introdução: Avaliar o perfil clínico e epidemiológico das pacientes octogenárias diagnosticadas com câncer de mama em um serviço oncológico de referência do Sul de Santa Catarina entre os anos de 2010 a 2018. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal, retrospectivo, descritivo com coleta de dados secundária e abordagem quantitativa, a partir de prontuários de pacientes octogenárias com câncer de mama. Foram avaliados 50 prontuários; desses, 18 preencheram critérios de inclusão e compuseram a amostra final. Os dados foram classificados de acordo com as características epidemiológicas e clínicas. Resultados: As variáveis epidemiológicas mostraram que a média de idade foi 84,11 anos. 12 das 17 mulheres eram ex-tabagistas, 11 já haviam gestado, 6 não continham histórico familiar de câncer de mama. Entre as características clínicas, o estágio mais encontrado foi o estágio II (4 pacientes), seguido dos estágios I e III e 8 não trouxeram esse dado. O tipo histológico mais comum foi o carcinoma invasivo sem outra especificação. Na imuno-histoquímica, o subtipo mais comum foi o Luminal A (6), seguido pelo Luminal B (3), Triplo negativo (3), Superexpressão HER2 (2) e Luminal HER 2(1). Em relação ao tratamento, 9 das pacientes realizaram cirurgia conservadora e 14 fizeram uso de terapia hormonal. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados são concordantes com os descritos na literatura, quando analisados tipo histológico e imuno-histoquímico. Em relação ao tratamento, ainda não há consenso de qual conduta aplicar nestas pacientes devido à individualidade das mesmas. O tratamento hormonal mostrou-se favorável a estas pacientes, mas ainda são necessários mais estudos.

Introduction: To evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile of octogenarian patients diagnosed with breast cancer in a referral oncology service in southern Santa Catarina between 2010 and 2018. Methods: A cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive study was carried out with secondary data collection and a quantitative approach, from medical records of octogenarian patients with breast cancer. Fifty medical records were evaluated, of which 18 met the inclusion criteria and formed the final sample. Data were classified according to epidemiological and clinical characteristics. Results: The epidemiological variables showed that the mean age was 84.11 years. Twelve of the 17 women were former smokers, 11 had already been pregnant, 6 had no family history of breast cancer. Among clinical characteristics, the most common stage was stage II (4 patients), followed by stages I and III, and in 8 this information was missing. The most common histological type was invasive carcinoma not otherwise specified. In immunohistochemistry, the most common subtype was Luminal A (6), followed by Luminal B (3), Triple negative (3), HER2 Overexpression (2) and Luminal HER 2(1). Regarding treatment, 9 of the patients under-went conservative surgery and 14 used hormone therapy. Conclusion: The findings are in agreement with those described in the literature, when analyzed histologically and immunohistochemically. Regarding treatment, there is still no consensus on which conduct to apply in these patients due to their individuality. Hormonal treatment appeared to be favorable to these patients, but further studies are still needed.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 89(3): 233-241, jul.-sep. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149072


Resumen Antecedentes: Aproximadamente un 49% de los implantes se efectúan a individuos mayores de 80 años; sin embargo, la evidencia científica sobre mortalidad y cambio en la situación funcional de estos pacientes es muy pobre. Objetivo: Diseñamos un estudio prospectivo para analizar la morbimortalidad cardiovascular y la variación de su grado funcional a medio plazo en pacientes ancianos con electroestimulación permanente. Método: Estudio observacional prospectivo, que incluye 308 pacientes ancianos sometidos a implante de marcapasos en un hospital terciario entre 2012 y 2014. Como variables principales se evaluaron eventos cardiovasculares, mortalidad y grado funcional, con una media de seguimiento de 3.5 años. Resultados: El 60% de los pacientes incluidos en nuestro estudio tenían una edad superior a 80 años, y la indicación más frecuente fue el bloqueo auriculoventricular completo (44.3%), seguido de la fibrilación auricular lenta o bloqueada (16.7%). El modo de estimulación más frecuente en la muestra general fue el DDD (38.6%) (VVI en pacientes octogenarios, 38.7%). En el seguimiento, la mortalidad a largo plazo fue mayor en dispositivos ventriculares, especialmente en octogenarios (p = 0.001). El modo de estimulación ventricular (VVI) fue predictor independiente de mortalidad. A largo plazo, no se observó mejoría del índice de Barthel ni del grado funcional tras el implante del marcapasos. Conclusiones: La morbimortalidad cardiovascular en pacientes octogenarios portadores de marcapasos resulta superior a la de la población general, especialmente en dispositivos monocamerales. La electroestimulación permanente no se asocia con mejoría del grado funcional a medio-largo plazo en estos pacientes.

Abstract Background: Nowadays, 49% of patients with pacemakers are older than 80 years old. Nevertheless, mortality and change in functional status after pacemaker implantation are not well documented in elderly patients. Objective: We designed a prospective study to analyze cardiovascular mortality and change in functional status of elderly patients, medium-long term after pacemaker implantation. Methods: Observational study including pacemaker implants in individual older than 70 years old in a single center university hospital between 2012 and 2014. Analysis testing for an association between pacemaker system, medium-long term mortality and functional status after implantation were undertaken. Results: 60% of patients were older than 80 years old. Third-degree atrio-ventricular block (44.3%) and slow ventricular response atrial fibrillation (16.7%) were the most frequent electrocardiogram abnormalities, while bicameral DDD was the sort of pacing our department used the most (38.6%) (VVI in octogenarian patients, 38.7%). Long-term mortality was significantly higher in ventricular devices, especially in octogenarian patients (p = 0.001 respectively). Single-chamber VVI pacing acted as independent predictors of all-cause mortality in these individuals (p = 0.001). We found no significant improvement in Barthel index and functional status in this subgroup of patients, 3 years after pacing. Conclusion: Long-term mortality in individuals older than 80 years old with pacemaker implantation, was significantly higher comparing with general population, especially in ventricular devices. No significant improvement in functional status was detected in this subgroup of patients.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Marca-Passo Artificial , Fibrilação Atrial/cirurgia , Bloqueio Atrioventricular/cirurgia , Fibrilação Atrial/mortalidade , Fibrilação Atrial/epidemiologia , Fatores de Tempo , Estudos Prospectivos , Fatores Etários , Eletrocardiografia , Bloqueio Atrioventricular/mortalidade , Bloqueio Atrioventricular/epidemiologia
Rev. chil. cir ; 71(1): 47-54, feb. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-985378


Resumen Introducción: Existe una tendencia global al envejecimiento y con ello un aumento de patologías asociadas. En Chile la prevalencia de la colelitiasis o colecistolitiasis aumenta con la edad, siendo la cole-cistectomía una de las cirugías más frecuentes. Existen escasos estudios latinoamericanos referentes a la realidad de la población octogenaria expuesta a este problema. Objetivo: Estudiar la morbimortalidad posoperatoria en pacientes octogenarios operados de colecistectomía. Definir la precisión de distintas herramientas diagnósticas preoperatorias, estudiar variables operatorias y precisar costos hospitalarios. Materiales y Método: Estudio observacional retrospectivo de la ficha clínica electrónica del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, entre enero de 2012 y mayo de 2017. Se incluyeron pacientes con edad igual o mayor a 80 años, en quienes se realizó una colecistectomía electiva o de urgencia por patología benigna. Resultados: Se incluyeron 145 pacientes, 51,7% fueron mujeres, el promedio de edad fue de 84,1 años y un 74,5% presentaba comorbilidades. El 62,1% de los casos ingresó por urgencia. 26,2% de toda la muestra presentó coledocolitiasis. La colecistectomía fue laparoscópica en 73,8% de la muestra global, la tasa de conversión fue de 14,5% en población de urgencia y 1,8% en población electiva (p = 0,009). La población operada totalmente por vía laparoscópica con coledocolitiasis fue resuelta en un 95,2% a través de Rendez-vous, con una tasa de éxito del 100%. La tasa de complicaciones fue de 17,9% siendo en su mayoría médicas, la mortalidad quirúrgica fue de 2,1%, siendo todos casos de urgencia. El costo promedio de atención en salud hospitalaria fue de $5.888.104 pesos chilenos (U$9.000). Conclusión: El paciente octogenario con colecistolitiasis representa un desafío quirúrgico, dado un mayor número de comorbilidades, un cuadro clínico más agresivo y una elevada tasa de coledocolitiasis. Es aconsejable valorar el abordaje mínimamente invasivo y realizar una colangiografía intraoperatoria de rutina.

Introduction: There is a global tendency to aging and associated pathologies. In Chile, the prevalence of cholecystolithiasis increases with age, cholecystectomy is one of the most frequent surgeries in the contry. There are few latinamerican studies regarding the reality of the elderly exposed to this problem. Objective: Study postoperative morbimortality in octogenarian patients undergoing cholecystectomy. Define the accuracy of different preoperative diagnostic tools, study operative variables and specify hospital costs. Materials and Method: Retrospective observational study of the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile, between January 2012 and May 2017. Patients with age equal to or greater than 80 years were included, in whom an elective or emergency cholecystectomy was performed for benign pathology. Results: A total of 145 patients were included, 51.7% were women, the average age was 84.1 years, and 74.5% had comorbidities. The admission was throw the emergency department in 62.1% of the cases. Choledocholithiasis was diagnosed in 26.2% of the entire sample. Cholecystectomy was fully laparoscopic in 73.8% of the overall sample, the conversion rate was 14.5% in the emergency population and 1.8% in the elective population (p = 0.009). The population operated fully laparoscopically, that had choledocholithiasis, was resolved in 95.2% through Rendezvous technique, with a 100% clearance rate of common bile duct. The complication rate was 17.9%, most being medical. The surgical mortality was 2.1%, all cases operated from emergency. The average cost of hospital health care was $5,888,104.3 Chilean pesos (U$9.000). Conclusion: The octogenarian patient with cholecystolithiasis represents a surgical challenge, given a greater number of comorbidities, a more aggressive clinical setting and a high rate of choledocolithiasis. It is advisable to assess the minimally invasive approach and perform routine intraoperative cholangiography. In the postoperative period, the cardiopulmonary status and the infectious complications of the surgical site should be monitored closely.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Coledocolitíase/cirurgia , Coledocolitíase/diagnóstico , Coledocolitíase/etiologia , Cálculos Biliares/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Colecistectomia Laparoscópica , Laparoscopia/métodos
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 2657-2663, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-803222


Background@#Coronary artery disease (CAD) in octogenarians (age of ≥80 years) has a high risk of mortality and high medical expenses. Research shows that the prevalence of CAD is higher among octogenarians than that among younger people, but few such patients undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). This study aimed to evaluate different treatments with respect to their clinical effects and impacts on quality of life of octogenarians with CAD.@*Methods@#Data of 519 octogenarians with CAD consecutively treated at Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University (Beijing, China) from January 2010 to January 2016 were collected in this study. The patients were categorized into three groups based on the treatments they received: the PCI group (n = 292), CABG group (n = 110), and medical treatment group (n = 117). The followings were recorded during follow-up: clinical data, death (all-cause and cardiovascular-related), re-hospitalization time, Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) score, and occurrence of hemorrhagic events (cerebral bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, and dermal ecchymosis).@*Results@#The median follow-up duration was 25.0 (25th, 75th percentile: 17.0, 55.5) months among 417 patients. The all-cause death rates (28.2% vs. 12.0% and 14.6%, respectively) and cardiovascular-related death rates (15.4% vs. 3.8% and 6.4%, respectively) were significantly higher in the medical treatment group than those in the PCI group and CABG group (all P < 0.05). The re-hospitalization rate for cardiovascular events was significantly lower in the CABG group than those in the PCI group and medical treatment group (3.8% vs. 12.8% and 14.9%, respectively) (χ2 = 8.238, P = 0.018). The SAQ scores of physical limitation, angina frequency, treatment satisfaction, and disease perception were significantly higher in the PCI group and CABG group than those in the medical treatment group (all P < 0.05). No significant difference in the angina stability score was observed among the three groups (F = 3.179, P = 0.204).@*Conclusion@#PCI and CABG result in reduced mortality and better quality of life in octogenarians with CAD.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-788057


PURPOSE: As the Korean population ages, an increasing number of elderly patients with gastric cancer are undergoing surgical resection. The aim of this study was to analyze the surgical outcomes and prognostic factors after gastric cancer surgery for patients 80 years of age or older.METHODS: We analyzed the medical records of 720 patients with gastric cancer who underwent gastrectomy from March 2010 to December 2014 retrospectively. Patients were divided into two groups: octogenarians (age ≥80 years, n=46) and non-octogenarians (age <80 years, n=674). We evaluated clinicopathologic data including postoperative morbidity, mortality, and 5-year survival rate.RESULTS: The rate of curative resection was not different between the two groups. The American Society of Anesthesiology score was significantly higher in the octogenarians (P<0.05). Octogenarians exhibited poorer performance scale scores, higher comorbidities, and more advanced TNM stages than non-octogenarians. There was no difference in surgical resection margins between the two groups. In addition, octogenarians suffered from more postoperative morbidity and mortality than non-octogenarians. In the analysis of risk factors of survival after gastrectomy for octogenarians, advanced TNM stage and dose of transfusion were independent risk factors. Overall survival was significantly lower in octogenarians than non-octogenarians. There was no difference in the disease-specific survival for each stage of cancer after adjustment for tumor stage.CONCLUSION: Octogenarians had more preoperative risk factors and postoperative morbidity and mortality, but cancer-specific survival was comparable with non-octogenarians. Careful preoperative evaluation, thorough resection, and attentive postoperative care can improve the overall survival of octogenarians with gastric cancer.

Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Humanos , Anestesiologia , Comorbidade , Gastrectomia , Prontuários Médicos , Mortalidade , Cuidados Pós-Operatórios , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Neoplasias Gástricas , Taxa de Sobrevida , Resultado do Tratamento
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-711759


Objective As the population ages,clinicians are increasingly confronted with octogenarians with early-staged non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC).We reviewed the outcomes of octogenarians who underwent lobectomy for clinical stagc Ⅰ NSCLC,to determine whether there was a benefit to the VATS approach in this group,and to analysis the risk factors of complication and survival.Methods We conducted a retrospective single-institution review of patients age 80 years or greater who underwent lobectomy for NSCLC from January 2006 to December 2016.Clinical outcomes including complication rate and survival rate were analyzed.Results 162 octogenarians underwent lobectomy:98 VATS and 64 through open thoracotomy.Compared with thoracotomy,VATS patients had fewer complications (14.3 % vs.28.1%,P =0.03),shorter length of tube duration [(3.5 ± 1.5) days vs.(4.9 ± 2.0) days,P =0.04],and shorter length of stay [(5.5 ± 2.1) days vs.(7.8 ± 3.5) days,P =0.04].For patients with pathologic stage Ⅰ disease,the 5-year overall survival was 64.5%,for stage Ⅱ was 38.1%,and for stage Ⅲ was 20.1%.The 5-year overall survival rates of pathological stage Ⅰ and stage Ⅱ,Ⅲ are of significant differences(P =0.001).In a multivariate logistic regression analysis,the approach of thoracotomy emerged as an independent predictor of complication (OR =1.94,95% CI 1.214-5.135,P =0.03).In a multivariate COX regression analysis,pathological stage(OR =2.01,95%C1 1.453-5.865,P=0.03) and ASA(OR =1.81,95%CI 1.188-4.015,P =0.04) are independent predictors of over survival.Conclusion Octogenarians with NSCLC can undergo resection with low mortality and survival among stage Ⅰ patients,which is comparable with the general lung cancer population.The VATS approach reduces morbidity in this age demographic,resulting in shorter length of tube duration and shorter stay,while the approach of thoracotomy is an independent predictor of complication.Our study also demonstrated that pathological stage and ASA are independent predictors of overall survival rate.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688747


Surgical stress is closely associated with the activity of the thyroid hormone. Although many patients undergoing cardiac surgery revealed markedly low triiodothyronine (T3), few patients showed symptomatic hypothyroidism. This condition is generally recognized as “non thyroidal illness (NTI) ” which is characterized by a low T3 level, despite the normal function of hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid system. NTI is generally considered as one of the biological defense mechanisms rather than a pathological condition, eliminating the requirement of medical intervention. Even if low T3 is observed in blood biochemical examination after open heart surgery, a cautious interpretation is required. We report an elderly case presenting severe fatigue and mild disorientation accompanied by significantly low thyroid hormone after aortic valve replacement. The morbidity was remarkably improved with medical treatment, suggesting hypothyroidism after cardiac surgery.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 87(1): 35-42, ene.-mar. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-887492


Resumen: La tendencia creciente en el número absoluto y relativo de ancianos en la composición demográfica, el incremento en la prevalencia de cardiopatías conforme se avanza en edad y el impresionante desarrollo tecnológico de los ultrasonógrafos son factores que han impulsado recientemente un mayor número de ecocardiogramas transesofágicos en pacientes de edad muy avanzada, sin embargo la información publicada sobre las características distintivas del método en el paciente anciano es aún escasa y muy probablemente insuficiente. Esta revisión se enfoca en material bibliográfico publicado sobre las características más peculiares -tanto metodológicas como diagnósticas- de la ecocardiografía transesofágica en el paciente octogenario o aún mayor, a fin de presentarlas aquí de una manera ordenada y sistematizada de tal forma que aporten elementos para fomentar un criterio clínico útil en el médico a cargo de pacientes de esa franja etaria en quienes esta modalidad diagnóstica es cada vez más requerida.

Abstract: The growing trend in the absolute and relative number of elderly in the population scheme, the increasing prevalence of heart disease as people get older and the impressive technological development of ultrasound devices have all together recently contributed to promote an increasing number of transesophageal echocardiograms in older patients, however, the already published information about the distinguishing features of this diagnostic methodology in elderly patients is still scarce and seems to be insufficient. This review focuses on the already published methodological and diagnostic features related to the transesophageal echocardiography in the octogenarian -or even older patient- in order to show them in an orderly and systematic manner to provide elements that induce useful clinical criteria for the physician who attends patients in this age group in whom this diagnostic modality is now increasingly requested.

Humanos , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Ecocardiografia Transesofagiana , Cardiopatias/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 19(3): 452-464, mayo.-jun. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-748808


Introducción: se considera adulto mayor a toda persona cuya edad supere los 60 años, aunque se admite que este criterio no toma en cuenta: los procesos degenerativos, las alteraciones clínicas crónicas, la incapacidad y la dependencia. Objetivo: determinar la eficacia y seguridad de la coronariografía y el intervencionismo coronario percutáneo en el adulto mayor. Material y método: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo con los 5715 pacientes. A estos se les realizó una coronariografía en el laboratorio de hemodinámica del Cardiocentro procedente de Pinar del Río, entre 2010 y 2013. La muestra quedó formada por los 1933 mayores de 60 años. La información se obtuvo de la base de datos ANGYCOR, considerando las características clínico-angiográficas. Resultados: el diagnóstico más frecuente resultó la angina estable (43,5%). La edad promedio de 60 a 70 años, predominando el grupo de 60 a 69 años; la masculinidad (77,2%) y la hipertensión arterial (64,9%). El 7,8% de los enfermos tenían una revascularización anterior. En el 98,0% el proceder resultó exitoso. Se concluyó que el índice de complicaciones y la mortalidad en coronariografía del adulto mayor es bajo, con elevado porcentaje de éxito, por lo que parece proceder eficaz y seguro. Conclusiones: el índice de realización de coronariografía a pacientes mayores de 60 años es bajo. La indicación del estudio, la presencia de enfermedad multivasos y del tronco de coronaria izquierda disminuyen a medida que aumenta la edad. La frecuencia de complicaciones, la mortalidad es nula con elevado índice de éxito.

Introduction: all people older than 60 years are included in the group of the elderly, although it is recognized that this approach does not take into account: the degenerative processes, chronic clinical conditions, disabilities and dependence. Objective: to determine the efficacy and safety of coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary approach in the elderly. Material and methods: A retrospective, descriptive study was conducted with 5715 patients. They underwent coronary angiography in the hemodynamic laboratory of the Cardiology Center referred from Pinar del Rio province during 2010 and 2013. The sample was comprised of 1933 patients over 60 years old. The information was obtained from the database ANGYCOR considering clinical and angiographic characteristics. Results: the most frequent diagnosis was stable angina (43.5%). The average age of 60-70 years prevailed, mainly group 60-69 years, male patients (77.2%) and hypertension (64.9%); 7.8% of the patients had a previous revascularization. In 98.0% the behavior was successful. It is concluded that the rate of complications and mortality in coronary angiography of the elderly is low, with high success rate, so that appears to be an effective and safe procedure. Conclusions: the rate of coronary angiography in patients older than 60 years is low. The study pointed out the presence of a multi-vessel disease and that major left coronary artery decreases as age increases. The frequency of complications along with mortality is null with high success rates.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-602591


Objective To analyze the effect of EVAR in the treatment of octogenarian patients with abdomi-nal aortic aneurysm.Methods 16 octogenarian patients aged over 80 years who treated with EVAR were collected. Mean age was (87.0 ±6.2)years and included 11 cases in male,2 cases in emergency.All the cases were infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm and 11 cases (69%)were the complex aortic anatomy.According to ASA classification, 11 cases (69%)were class Ⅲ and 5 cases (31%)were class Ⅳ.All patients were followed up with CT for 1 month to 3 years.We evaluated technical success rate,perioperative complications and the application characteristics of EVAR in the treatment of octogenarian patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm were analyzed.Results All the patients were operated with EVAR,the success rate was 100%,12 Endurant endografts and 4 Talent endografts were used.Mean operation time was (92 ±25)min and mean hospital stay length was (17 ±9.5)days.1 patient died with heart failure in 3 days after operation.1 patient died due to the Ⅰ endoleak and 4 patients died due to other fators. Conclusion For the octogenarian abdominal aortic aneurysm patients,EVAR is the preferred treatment with accepta-ble procedural success and perioperative morbidity.Those patients have characteristics in the physiological function and anatomy,so we should take measures to prevent the complications.The medium and long -term results suggest that EVAR may be of limited in some patients who are aged over 80 years.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-759196


PURPOSE: This study directly compared clinical assessment scores and short-term systemic complications after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) between a group of patients aged 80 or older (141 patients) and another group of patients aged between 65 and 70 years (616 patients) with advanced osteoarthritis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively investigated 757 osteoarthritic patients who underwent primary TKA from January 2007 to January 2011 with a follow-up of 1 year. The surgery was performed using an extramedullary alignment guide instrument without invasion of the intramedullary canal to decrease embolic load and blood loss. RESULTS: At 1 year after surgery, the mean Knee Society knee score was improved in both groups (from 63.6 to 83.2 in octogenarians and from 68.3 to 89.0 in the younger group) and the level of satisfaction was excellent in both groups (8 in octogenarians and 8.3 in the younger group), even though there was no notable change in function score in the octogenarians (from 61.0 to 61.9 in the octogenarians and from 62.3 to 73.6 in the younger group). The total incidence of systemic complications (3.4% vs. 1.2%, p=0.400) and surgical complications (2.1% vs. 0.5%, p=0.229) showed no significant difference between groups. CONCLUSIONS: TKA yielded favorable clinical outcomes with a comparatively low postoperative complication rate in octogenarians despite the negligible functional improvement.

Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Humanos , Artroplastia , Seguimentos , Incidência , Joelho , Osteoartrite , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Estudos Retrospectivos
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-157962


BACKGROUNDS/AIMS: Aging of population is leading to more operative treatments on elderly patients in various aspects. Growing numbers of patients are going through operations about cholecystitis in the same sense. We tried to survey them anew about remarkably increasing octogenarian patients and the outcome after operative management for cholecystitis seeking to improve treatment result. METHODS: For 5 years, from March 2007 to Febraury 2012, 57 octogenarian patients had cholecystectomy among total 380 cases. Patients were compared between total patients and octogenarians on perioperative follow-up findings in medical records. RESULTS: Underlying diseases were prevailing in octogenarian by more than 70% of cases. Severe acute cholecystitis was more often observed in octogenarians and procedures like endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography were more often performed preoperatively, showing more frequent conversion to open method from laparoscopic procedure. Complications such as peritonitis, sepsis, wound problem, including mortality were much more common in octogenarian cholecystectomy patients. When compared to total cholecystectomy patient group, octogenarian patients had more problems in every items significantly (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: High rates of complications and mortality accompanying prolonged symptoms and examinations was inevitable for octogenarian patients after cholecystectomy. Operative treatment per se appears to be inevitable, thus it should make the patients be informed about risks with more attention to every aspect of care.

Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Humanos , Envelhecimento , Colecistectomia , Colecistite , Colecistite Aguda , Seguimentos , Prontuários Médicos , Mortalidade , Peritonite , Sepse , Ferimentos e Lesões
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374582


During the past 19.5 years, we performed open repairs of 666 non-ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) and iliac artery aneurysms regardless of the patient's age, previous abdominal surgery, or comorbidities. To evaluate our strategies, we reviewed octogenarians and patients with previous laparotomy, dividing them into several groups. (1) Octogenarians were divided into the EO-group (extremely-old patients, 85 years old or older : <i>n</i>=56) and the O-group (octogenarians, younger than 85 years old : <i>n</i>=113). (2) All cases operated by transabdominal approach (<i>n</i>=661) were divided into the A-group (with previous laparotomy : <i>n</i>=164) and the B-group (without laparotomy : <i>n</i>=497). (3) A-group was also divided into subgroups according to the kind of previous surgery : M-group (stomach or gall bladder surgery : <i>n</i>=120), C-group (colorectal surgery : <i>n</i>=20), Ao-group (aortic surgery : <i>n</i>=16), and S-group (colonic or urinary stoma constructing surgery : <i>n</i>=6). We introduced our clinical pathway in January 2000 and non-heparin technique in November 2000 for all AAA repairs. Non-heparin technique was revised in January 2003, excluding AAA with occlusive disease after several thrombotic complications. A comparison between EO-group and O-group proved that there was a significant difference only in aneurysmal diameter and frequency of renal impairment. Mean operation time (201±56 min vs 210±52 min), intraoperative blood loss (442±338 ml vs 430±242 ml), postoperative length of stay (9.4±5.0 days vs 8.2±2.8 days), and hospital mortality (0% vs 0.9%) were the same in both groups. Analyses of the consequences of previous laparotomy showed that A-group needed significantly longer exposure time (74±27 min vs 63±23 min : <i>p</i>=0.00001) and operation time (218±55 min vs 204±53 min : <i>p</i>=0.004) than B-group, but intraoperative blood loss (453±370 ml vs 449±274 ml) and transfusion rates (6.7% vs 8.5%) were the same in both groups. Because the data of M-group and C-group were similar to each other as well as those of Ao-group and S-group, we compared the perioperative data between M+C-group and Ao+S-group. Concerning exposure time, M+C-group required 6 min more than B-group and Ao+S-group 37 min more than M+C-group. The operation time of M+C group was 8 min longer than B-group and that of Ao+S-group was 45 min longer than M+C-group. Although there were significant differences in intraoperative blood loss (396±247 ml vs 820±701 ml : <i>p</i>=0.009) and transfusion rates (4.2% vs 22.7% : <i>p</i>=0.001) between M+C-group and Ao+S-group, postoperative length of stay (8.1±2.2 days vs 10.2±7.5 days) was almost the same, and the majority of patients (97.2% and 100% of respective groups) were discharged. Our experiences with clinical pathway and non-heparin technique suggest that open repair of AAA should not be refrained only for extremely old-aged patients or patients with previous laparotomies.

Rev. chil. cir ; 62(6): 564-569, dic. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-577301


Background: Old age is a negative prognostic factor among patients subjected to surgical procedures. Aim: To assess the clinical profile and hospital stay costs among patients aged 80 years or more in a surgical department. Material and Methods: Retrospective review of medical records of 115 surgical patients aged 84 +/- 4 years (67 percent males), hospitalized during 2007. Clinical presentation, surgical treatment, functional status on admission and discharge and hospitalization costs, was analyzed. Results: Ninety percent of patients had associated diseases and 83 percent had previous surgical procedures. On admission, 88 percent of patients had a normal functional status. Hernia was the most common surgical diagnosis in 17 percent. Thirty percent required emergency surgery. Mean hospital stay was 11 days, 47 percent required admission to the critical patients unit, 20 percent had complications, 8 percent required a second operation and two patients died. At discharge, 27 percent had a functional impairment. Hospitalization costs were 3.8 times greater among those that had complications, 3.1 times higher among those that required a second intervention and 1.8 times higher among those classified as III or IV according to American Surgical Association physical status classification, compared with those classified as I or II. Conclusions: Surgical patients aged more than 80 years, are more prone to complications and their hospitalization costs are higher.

Introducción: Los octogenarios son un grupo demográficamente emergente, que han generado cambios en la epidemiología del paciente quirúrgico, asociándose a mayores tasas de complicaciones, mortalidad y costos de atención. Objetivo: Estudiar el perfil clínico y costos de hospitalización de los pacientes octogenarios atendidos el año 2007 en nuestro departamento de cirugía. Material y Método: Revisión retrospectiva de los registros clínicos de pacientes quirúrgicos mayores de 80 años durante el año 2007. Se analizó la presentación clínica, tratamiento quirúrgico, evolución postoperatoria y status funcional (escala KATZ) al ingreso y alta. Se analizó además los costos asociados a la hospitalización y tratamiento. Resultados: Serie de 115 pacientes con edad promedio de 83,7 años. Un 89,5 por ciento presentaron comorbilidades y 85,2 por ciento cirugías previas. Al ingreso un 87,7 por ciento eran autovalentes (KATZ A-B). El diagnóstico quirúrgico más frecuente fue Hernia (16,87 por ciento). Un 29,5 por ciento se intervino de urgencia. La estadía total promedio fue 10,6 días, requiriendo un 47 por ciento de los pacientes Unidad de Pacientes Críticos (UPC). Un 20 por ciento sufrió complicaciones (principalmente delirium), 7,8 por ciento requirió reintervención, y dos pacientes fallecieron. Un 26,7 por ciento presentó deterioro funcional al alta. El costo de hospitalización fue 3,75 veces mayor en los complicados, 3,1 veces mayor en los re-operados, 3,69 veces mayor en los que requirieron UPC, y 1,77 veces mayor en los ASA III-IV respecto a los I-II. Conclusión: Las complicaciones fueron en su mayoría no-quirúrgicas asociándose a hospitalizaciones prolongadas y de alto costo económico, con alta tasa de permanencia en UPC. Los factores asociados a mayor costo fueron complicación postoperatoria, re-operación, estadía prolongada en UPC y ASA III-IV.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/economia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores Etários , Evolução Clínica , Comorbidade , Análise Custo-Benefício , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiologia , Hipertensão/epidemiologia , Hospitalização/economia , Cuidados Pré-Operatórios , Estudos Retrospectivos , Medição de Risco , Emergências/epidemiologia
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-150223


PURPOSE: Biliary tract disease is one of the most common causes of acute abdominal pain in elderly patients, but there is still some debate over treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the safety and surgical outcomes of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) for benign gallbladder disease in octogenarian patients. METHODS: We selected 42 patients of 80 years or older who underwent LC or open-converted cholecystectomy (OC) from February 1992 to November 2006. We evaluated clinicopathological features, treatment modalities, and surgical outcomes retrospectively. RESULTS: The patients included 17 males and 25 females. The mean age of the patients was 83.3 and 83.7, respectively. Right upper quadrant pain was the most common symptom, present in 85.7% of the patients. Gallstones were present in 85.7%. ASA class II and III comprised 92.9% of the patients. Comorbidities included hypertension, cardiac disease, pulmonary disease, and diabetes mellitus. Preoperatively biliary drainage was performed in 12 cases (endoscopic drainage in 8, percutaneous drainage in 4 cases). Preoperative cholecystostomy was performed in 5 cases. Emergency operations were more frequent than elective surgery (25 vs. 17). Mean hospital stay of LC patients was 5 days, whereas that of OC patients was 13 days. Open conversion rate was 16.7%. No surgical mortality was present and postoperative morbidity included acute myocardial infarction in one patient and wound infection in one patient. CONCLUSION: LC in octogenarian patients was safe. However, since the incidence of comorbidities is high in these patients, great care should be taken to evaluate and manage the comorbidities before surgery.

Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Dor Abdominal , Doenças Biliares , Colecistectomia , Colecistectomia Laparoscópica , Colecistostomia , Comorbidade , Diabetes Mellitus , Drenagem , Emergências , Doenças da Vesícula Biliar , Cálculos Biliares , Cardiopatias , Hipertensão , Incidência , Tempo de Internação , Pneumopatias , Infarto do Miocárdio , Infecção dos Ferimentos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-472258


Objective To evaluate angiographic and clinical outcomes of ≥ 20mm long stents or overlapped stent implantation in diffuse coronary lesions for octogenarians, in comparison with patients under sixty. Methods Two groups (Group O: 47 lesions in 44 octogenarians, aged 81± 3 years; Group Y: 64 lesions in 58 patients under sixty, aged 54 ± 4 years) were compared with a 6-month follow-up. Results Success rate of the procedures was 100%. None had in-hospital major adverse cardiac events (MACE). There was no significant difference in angiographic restenosis between the groups at follow-up (Group O vs Group Y, 29.8 % vs 26.6 %, P = NS). The revascularization of target vessel and MACE was less in Group Y, but these showed no statistical significance (15.6% vs 23.4% and 20.7% vs 25.0%, respectively). Conclusions Long stent implantation for diffuse coronary lesions in octogenarians appears safe and feasible, with high procedural success and favorable long-term outcomes.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-194528


BACKGROUND: Although the incidence of stroke does not decrease after 80 years of age. The significance of ischemic stroke (IS) after octogenarian age has not attracted the attention of neurologists. As a first step to investigate the significance of IS during that period, we compared the clinical characteristics of IS between OIS (octogenarian ischemic stroke group, ??80 years of age) and NOIS (non-octogenarian ischemic stroke group, 65-79 years of age). METHOD: Forty-nine OIS patients and 141 NOIS patients were recruited. Clinical characteristics including risk factors, IS subtype, Canadian Neurological Scale (CNS) score, treatment modality and short-term prognosis were evaluated and described. RESULTS: ypertension (65.3%) was the most common risk factor followed by smoking (28.6%) and previous stroke history (28.6%) in OIS. There was no significant difference in proportion of each IS risk factors between he two groups. OIS was more associated with subtypes of mixed etiology and cardiogenic embolism than NOIS (P.05). IS was more associated with poor outcome at discharge (52.2%) than NOIS (18.2%)(P<.05). CONCLUSIONS: Ischemic stroke after octogenarian age is characterized by different etiopathogenesis and poor short-term outcome compared to IS under that age. OIS is more frequently caused by cardiogenic embolism or combined underlying etiology, however, the relationship between differences in etiopatho-genesis and poor short-term outcome remains to be clarified.

Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Humanos , Embolia , Incidência , Exame Neurológico , Prognóstico , Fatores de Risco , Fumaça , Fumar , Acidente Vascular Cerebral