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Vínculo ; 20(1): 47-55, 20230000.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513044


experiência do Projeto Ponte no atendimento de grupos terapêuticos online mostra a potência deste dispositivo no atendimento aos migrantes; nosso projeto defronte à pandemia teve de se adaptar a novos parâmetros no atendimento virtual. Participamos de uma rede de serviços específica ao público migrante, essencial na pandemia de COVID-19, para o apoio e continuidade do trabalho. As referências do projeto são: o conceito de interculturalidade, o atendimento grupal no formato slow open, a língua portuguesa e a psicanálise de grupos e vínculos. Nos atendimentos clínicos com migrantes, consideramos os processos de ruptura da migração, a dupla pertença aos países de origem e destino, bem como a dificuldade de se instalar no país de destino, a estranheza da experiência e o lugar de estrangeiro que o migrante ocupa. Por isso adotamos o dispositivo grupal, onde o migrante encontra um lugar para a construção e elaboração da migração, bem como para estabelecer uma possível pertença.

The experience of Ponte Project in attending therapeutic groups online shows the power that this device provokes in attending migrants; this work with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic had to adapt to the new parameters of virtual therapy. We also participate in a network in the psychological consultation of the migrant public, essential for the continuity of the project's work. The theoretical framework of the project has always been based on: the concept of interculturality, a slow-open group, Portuguese language and Psychoanalysis with groups and bonds. In clinical sessions with the migrants we will consider the processes of rupture caused by migration, the double belonging, as well as the difficulty of settling in the country of destination, all the strangeness caused by this experience and also the place of foreigner that the migrant occupies. That is why we chose to work with groups, where the migrant finds a place to elaborate the effects of migration, in addition to establishing a possible place of belonging.

La experiencia del Proyecto Puente en la atención terapéutica grupal en línea muestra la potencia de este dispositivo en la atención a migrantes. Nuestro proyecto, frente a la pandemia, tuvo que adaptarse a los nuevos parámetros para la atención virtual. Participamos en una red de servicios específicos para el público migrante, esencial en la pandemia del COVID-19, para brindar apoyo y continuidad al trabajo. Las referencias del proyecto son: el concepto de interculturalidad, la atención grupal en el formato slow open, la lengua portuguesa, el psicoanálisis de grupo y los vínculos. En las sesiones clínicas con migrantes consideramos los procesos de ruptura de la migración, la doble pertenencia a los países de origen y destino, la dificultad de integración en el país de destino, la extrañeza de la experiencia y el lugar de extranjero que ocupa el migrante. Por eso adoptamos el dispositivo grupal, donde el migrante encuentra un lugar para la construcción y elaboración de la experiencia migratoria, permitiéndole así establecer una posible pertenencia.

Humanos , Psicoterapia de Grupo , Migrantes , Sistemas On-Line , COVID-19
Rev. CEFAC ; 25(5): e6523, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514764


ABSTRACT Purpose: to carry out the semantic analysis of a list of words that will compose a virtual tool for speech assessment for children and adolescents. Methods: twenty-three participants, aged between 2 years old and 17 years and 11 months old, from the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, assigned the concept of 91 words. Data analysis was performed quantitatively, considering the concept of each word as correct or incorrect. Content Validity Ratio (RVC) and Gwet's first-order agreement coefficient (AC1) statistical calculation were calculated. Results: from the word list analyzed, 42 stimuli presented CVR = 1; 30 words obtained CVR = 0.9; 11 with CVR = 0.8; six with CVR = 0.7; two had CVR = 0.4. Gwet's AC1 statistical calculation resulted in AC1 = 0.92 [CI = 0.90 - 0.94] for semantic analysis. Conclusion: the list consisted of 91 semantically validated words that can be used to assess the speech production of children and adolescents.

RESUMO Objetivo: realizar a análise semântica da lista de palavras que comporá um Instrumento Virtual de Avaliação da Fala para crianças e adolescentes. Métodos: vinte e três participantes, com idades entre 2 e 17 anos e 11 meses, atribuíram o conceito de 91 palavras. A análise dos dados foi realizada de forma quantitativa, considerando a conceituação de cada palavra como correta ou incorreta. Foi realizado cálculo da Razão de Validade de Conteúdo (RVC) e o cálculo estatístico first-order agreement coefficient (AC1) de Gwet. Resultados: da lista de palavras analisada, 42 estímulos apresentaram RVC=1; 30 palavras obtiveram RVC=0,9; 11 com RVC=0,8; seis com RVC=0,7; duas apresentaram RVC=0,4. O cálculo estatístico AC1 de Gwet resultou em AC1=0,92 [IC=0,90 - 0,94] para a análise semântica. Conclusão: a lista ficou constituída de 91 palavras validadas semanticamente e que podem servir para avaliação da produção de fala de crianças e adolescentes.

Rev. enferm. UFSM ; 12: e13, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1371443


Objetivo: relatar a experiência de pesquisadores na condução da coleta de dados online em uma pesquisa com abordagem quantitativa. Método: relato de experiência sobre a coleta de dados da pesquisa "Uso de equipamentos de proteção individual pelos profissionais de saúde no combate à COVID 19" ocorrida entre agosto de 2020 e março de 2021 por meio de questionário autoaplicável virtual. Resultados: utilizou-se como estratégias de divulgação da pesquisa, a criação de site e redes sociais, o envio de cartaz acompanhado de texto específico com link clicável pelo Whatsapp®, contatos por e-mail e por telefone, além da estratégia de sementes. Durante a coleta de dados, observaram-se fatores dificultadores e facilitadores. Como contribuição social, foi disponibilizado o curso "Biossegurança: Boas Práticas na atuação frente à COVID-19". Conclusão: a coleta de dados online proporcionou a realização de uma pesquisa de abrangência nacional com baixo custo, mas com pouca participação perante a população elegível.

Objective: to report the experience of researchers in conducting online data collection in a survey with a quantitative approach. Method: experience report on the data collection of the survey "Use of personal protective equipment by health professionals in the fight against COVID 19" that took place between August 2020 and March 2021 by means of a self-administered virtual questionnaire. Results: the research was disseminated through the creation of a website and social networks, the sending of a poster accompanied by a specific text with a clickable link through Whatsapp®, contacts by email and phone, in addition to the strategy of seeds. During data collection, complicating and facilitating factors were observed. As a social contribution, the course "Biosafety: Good Practices in the performance in front of COVID-19" was made available. Conclusion: online data collection provided a nationwide survey at low cost, but with little participation from the eligible population.

Objetivo: relatar la experiencia de investigadores en la realización de la recopilación de datos en línea en una investigación con enfoque cuantitativo. Método: relato de experiencia sobre la recopilación de datos de la encuesta "Uso de equipos de protección personal por parte de los profesionales de la salud en la lucha contra el COVID 19" realizada entre agosto de 2020 y marzo de 2021 a través de un cuestionario virtual autoadministrado. Resultados: como estrategias para divulgar la investigación se utilizaron la creación de un sitio web y redes sociales, el envío de un cartel acompañado de un texto específico con un enlace clicable a través de Whatsapp®, los contactos por correo electrónico y por teléfono, además de la estrategia de semillas. Durante la recopilación de datos, se observaron factores que obstaculizan y facilitan. Como aporte social se puso a disposición el curso "Bioseguridad: Buenas Prácticas ante el COVID-19". Conclusión: la recopilación de datos en línea permitió realizar una encuesta a nivel nacional a bajo costo, pero con poca participación de la población elegible.

Humanos , Sistemas On-Line , Coleta de Dados , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pandemias , COVID-19
J. bras. nefrol ; 43(1): 52-60, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154650


ABSTRACT Background: Kt/V OnLine (Kt/VOL) avoids inaccuracies associated with the estimation of urea volume distribution (V). The study aimed to compare Kt/VOL, Kt/V Daugirdas II, and Kt/BSA according to sex and age. Methods: Urea volume distribution and body surface area were obtained by Watson and Haycock formulas in 47 patients. V/BSA was considered as a conversion factor from Kt/V to Kt/BSA. Dry weight was determined before the study. Kt/VOL was obtained on DIALOG machines. Results: Pearson correlation between Kt/VOL vs Kt/VII and Kt/VOL vs Kt/BSA was significant for males (r = 0.446, P = 0.012 and r = -0.476 P = 0.007) and individuals < 65 years (0.457, P = 0.019 and -0.549 P = 0.004), but not for females and individuals ≥ 65 years. V/BSA between individuals < 65 and individuals ≥ 65 years were 18.28 ± 0.15 and 18.18 ± 0.16 P = 0.000). No agreement between Kt/VII vs Kt/BSA. Men and individuals > 65 years received a larger dialysis dose than, respectively, females and individuals < 65 years, in the comparison between Kt/VOL versus Kt/VII. V/BSA ratios among men and women were respectively 18.29 ± 0.13 and 18.12 ± 0.15 P = 0.000. Conclusions: Kt/VOL allows recognition of real-time dose regardless of sex and age.

RESUMO Introdução: O Kt/V OnLine (Kt/VOL) evita imprecisões associadas à estimativa da distribuição do volume de uréia (V). O estudo teve como objetivo comparar Kt/VOL, Kt/V Daugirdas II e Kt/BSA de acordo com sexo e idade. Métodos: A distribuição do volume de uréia e área de superfície corporal foram obtidas pelas fórmulas de Watson e Haycock em 47 pacientes. V/BSA foi considerado um fator de conversão de Kt/V para Kt/BSA. O peso seco foi determinado antes do estudo. Kt/VOL foi obtido através de máquinas DIALOG. Resultados: A correlação de Pearson entre Kt/VOL vs Kt/VII e Kt/VOL vs Kt/BSA foi significativa para os homens (r = 0,446, P = 0,012 e r = -0,476 P = 0,007) e indivíduos < 65 anos (0,457, P = 0,019 e -0,549 P = 0,004), mas não para mulheres e indivíduos ≥ 65 anos. A V/BSA entre indivíduos <65 e indivíduos ≥ 65 anos foi 18,28 ± 0,15 e 18,18 ± 0,16 P = 0,000). Sem concordância entre Kt/VII vs Kt/BSA. Homens e indivíduos > 65 anos receberam maior dose de diálise do que, mulheres e indivíduos <65 anos, respectivamente, na comparação entre Kt/VOL versus Kt/VII. As razões V/BSA entre homens e mulheres foram, respectivamente, 18,29 ± 0,13 e 18,12 ± 0,15 P = 0,000. Conclusões: Kt/VOL permite o reconhecimento da dose em tempo real, independentemente do sexo e idade.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Soluções para Diálise , Diálise Renal , Ureia
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 19: eAO6088, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286288


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the traditional printed form of the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire with a proposed online form in terms of validity, reliability, and applicability. Methods: A crossover design study was conducted with 157 undergraduate students. Half of the sample answered the printed questionnaire first and then answered the online questionnaire 7 days later, while the other half of the sample did the inverse. Cronbach's alpha was used to analyze the internal consistency of both the online and printed questionnaires. The construct validity was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis, using a weighted least square mean and adjusted variance estimation and oblique rotation. The quality of the model was tested with fit indices. Results: The confirmatory factor analysis showed the 19-item structure with five factors: χ2 of 230.718; degrees of freedom of 142; χ2/degrees of freedom of 1.625; comparative fit index of 0.978 and root mean square error of approximation of 0.073. All items presented factorial loads above 0.5. There was also excellent consistency between the formats of administration in all dimensions, with Cronbach's alpha values above 0.70. The stability between the formats of administration varied between 0.78 (95%CI: 0.69-0.85) and 0.84 (95%CI: 0.77-0.89), suggesting desirable confidence between both formats of administration. Conclusion: The five-factor model of the online Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire shows internal consistency both in terms of the scale dimensions as well as in terms of the total items.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a forma tradicional impressa do Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire com uma proposta de formulário on-line, em termos de validade, confiabilidade e aplicabilidade. Métodos: Estudo de delineamento cruzado (crossover) realizado com 157 estudantes universitários de graduação. Metade da amostra respondeu primeiro ao questionário impresso e, 7 dias depois, ao questionário on-line, enquanto a outra metade da amostra fez o inverso. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi usado para analisar a consistência interna dos questionários on-line e impressos. A validade de construção foi verificada por análise fatorial confirmatória, utilizando-se um estimador de mínimos quadrados ajustados pela média e variância e rotação oblíqua. A qualidade do modelo foi testada com índices de ajuste. Resultados: A análise fatorial confirmatória mostrou a estrutura de 19 itens com cinco fatores: χ2 de 230,718; graus de liberdade de 142; χ2/grau de liberdade de 1,625; índice de ajuste comparativo de 0,978 e raiz do erro quadrático médio de aproximação de 0,073. Todos os itens apresentaram cargas fatoriais acima de 0,5. Também houve excelente consistência entre os formatos de administração em todas as dimensões, com valores de alfa de Cronbach acima de 0,70. A estabilidade entre os formatos de administração variou entre 0,78 (IC95%: 0,69-0,85) e 0,84 (IC95%: 0,77-0,89), sugerindo confiança desejável entre os dois formatos de administração. Conclusão: O modelo de cinco fatores do Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire on-line apresenta consistência interna tanto em relação às dimensões da escala quanto em relação ao total de itens.

Humanos , Exercício Físico , Psicometria , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise Fatorial
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 67(2): 273-277, Apr.-June 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020406


Abstract Introduction: The combination of online learning environments and classroom education is known as blended learning. Objective: To design, implement and evaluate the blended learning method for teaching radiology to medical students. Materials and methods: Five online modules were designed as part of the Introduction to diagnostic imaging course for medical students. The blended learning method was implemented during the classes given in the terms 2016-II and 2017-I. Academic performance was measured using standardized tests, while the effect of the intervention was obtained by comparing the sample with a control group from the 2015-II period (traditional method). Results: 204 students were included in the blended learning group and 90 students in the control group (traditional method). The median final exam score among the blended learning group was 16.5 (IQR: 15.5-17.8), and 15.0 (RIQ: 13.5-16.5) (p=0.001) in the control group. On average, gained knowledge among the blended learning group was 5.8 (SD:2.4) points. The association between gained knowledge and number of visits to online modules was statistically significant (p<0.05). The proportion of good performance was close to 100% on the satisfaction survey. Conclusions: The blended learning method increases the grades obtained in the tests performed and also shows higher satisfaction rates compared to the traditional method among medical students.

Resumen Introducción. La inclusión de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje a la educación presencial se denomina aprendizaje mixto (Blended Learning). Objetivos. Diseñar, implementar y evaluar una metodología de aprendizaje mixto para la enseñanza de radiología a estudiantes de medicina. Materiales y métodos. Se diseñaron cinco módulos virtuales como parte del curso Introducción a las Imágenes Diagnósticas. La metodología de aprendizaje mixto se implementó durante los periodos 2016-II y 2017-I; se obtuvieron desenlaces de desempeño académico con pruebas estandarizadas y se evaluó el efecto de la intervención mediante la comparación con un grupo control del período 2015-II. Resultados. 204 estudiantes fueron incluidos en el grupo de aprendizaje mixto y 90 en el grupo control. La mediana de la nota final en el grupo de educación mixta fue de 16.5 (RIQ: 15.5-17.8) y en el grupo control de 15.0 (RIQ: 13.5-16.5) (p=0.001). La ganancia de conocimiento promedio en el grupo de aprendizaje mixto fue de 5.8 puntos (desviación estándar: 2.4) y se asoció con el número de visitas a los módulos virtuales (p<0.05). El porcentaje de estudiantes satisfechos fue cercano al 100%. Conclusión. La metodología de aprendizaje mixto aumenta el puntaje de calificación obtenido por los estudiantes y presenta altos índices de satisfacción en comparación con la metodología convencional.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-148362


We, the Korean Breast Cancer Society (KBCS), present the facts and the trends of breast cancer in Korea in 2014. Data on the total number of newly diagnosed patients was obtained from the Korea Central Cancer Registry database, other data were collected from the KBCS online registry database, and the overall survival data of patients were updated from Statistics Korea. A total of 21,484 female patients were newly diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. The crude incidence rate and the age-standardized incidence rate (ASR) of breast cancer in female patients, including carcinoma in situ, were 83.4 cases and 63.9 cases per 100,000 women, respectively. The ASR showed an annual increase of 6.1% from 1999 to 2014; however, although the increase of the ASR had slowed since 2008, the incidence rate itself continuously increased. The proportion of early breast cancer increased consistently, and the pathological features changed accordingly. While breast-conserving surgery was mainly performed, the proportion of total mastectomy was slightly increased. The total number of breast reconstruction surgeries increased rapidly. The 5-year and 10-year overall survival rates for all stages of breast cancer patients were 91.2% and 84.8%, respectively. The overall survival rate of Korean patients with breast cancer was extremely high, compared with other developed countries. Thus, we consider that the clinical characteristics of breast cancer have changed over the past decade. A nationwide registry data will contribute to a better understanding of the characteristics of breast cancer in Korea.

Feminino , Humanos , Neoplasias da Mama , Mama , Carcinoma in Situ , Países Desenvolvidos , Incidência , Coreia (Geográfico) , Mamoplastia , Mastectomia Segmentar , Mastectomia Simples , Sistemas On-Line , Sistema de Registros , Taxa de Sobrevida
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-159292


The Korean Breast Cancer Society (KBCS) has reported a nationwide breast cancer data since 1996. We present a comprehensive report on the facts and trends of breast cancer in Korea in 2013. Data on the newly diagnosed patients in the year 2013 were collected from 99 hospitals by using nationwide questionnaire survey. Clinical characteristics such as stage of cancer, histologic types, biological markers, and surgical management were obtained from the online registry database. A total of 19,316 patients were newly diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. The crude incidence rate of female breast cancer including carcinoma in situ was 76.2 cases per 100,000 women. The median age at diagnosis was 50 years, and the proportions of postmenopausal women with breast cancer accounted for more than half of total patients. The proportion of early breast cancer increased consistently, and the pathologic features have changed accordingly. Breast-conserving surgery was performed in more cases than total mastectomy in the year. The total number of breast reconstruction surgeries markedly increased approaching 3-fold in last 11 years. According to annual percentile change of invasive cancer incidence, the incidence increased rapidly until 2010. And thereafter the increase of it became steadier. For ductal carcinoma in situ, the incidence consistently increased during the same period without any joinpoint. Analysis of nationwide registry data will contribute to defining of the trends and characteristics of breast cancer in Korea.

Feminino , Humanos , Biomarcadores , Neoplasias da Mama , Mama , Carcinoma in Situ , Carcinoma Intraductal não Infiltrante , Diagnóstico , Incidência , Coreia (Geográfico) , Mamoplastia , Mastectomia Segmentar , Mastectomia Simples , Sistemas On-Line , Sistema de Registros
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 30(6): 664-667, Nov.-Dec. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-774547


ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: In a world in which global communication is becoming ever more important and in which English is increasingly positioned as the pre-eminent international language, that is, English as a Lingua Franca refers to the use of English as a medium of communication between peoples of different languages. It is important to highlight the positive advances in communication in health, provided by technology. OBJECTIVE: To present an overview on some technological devices of translating languages provided by the Web as well as to point out some advantages and disadvantages specially using Google Translate in Medicine and Health Sciences. METHODS: A bibliographical survey was performed to provide an overview on the usefulness of online translators for applicability using written and spoken languages. RESULTS: As we have to consider this question to be further surely answered, this study could present some advantages and disadvantages in using translating online devices. CONCLUSION: Considering Medicine and Health Sciences as expressive into the human scientific knowledge to be spread worldwidely; technological devices available on communication should be used to overcome some language barriers either written or spoken, but with some caution depending on the context of their applicability.

Humanos , Idioma , Software/tendências , Tradução , Barreiras de Comunicação , Dicionários como Assunto , Informática Médica/tendências , Relações Médico-Paciente
Journal of Breast Cancer ; : 99-106, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-110228


Breast cancer is the second most frequent malignancy in Korean women, with a continuously increasing incidence. The Korean Breast Cancer Society has constructed a nationwide breast cancer database through an online registration program. The aim of the present study was to report the fundamental facts on Korean breast cancer in 2011, and to analyze the changing patterns in clinical characteristics and breast cancer management in Korea over the last 10 years. Data on newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, including the total number of cases, age, stage, and type of surgery, for the year 2011 were collected from 84 hospitals and clinics nationwide using a questionnaire survey. Additional data relating to the changing patterns of breast cancer in Korea were collected from the online breast cancer registry database and analyzed. According to nationwide survey data, a total of 16,967 patients were newly diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011. The crude incidence of female breast cancer, including invasive cancer and in situ cancer, was 67 cases per 100,000 women. Analysis of the survey and registry data gave equivalent results in terms of age distribution, stage, and type of surgery. The median age at diagnosis was 50 years, and the proportion of postmenopausal women (51.3%) was higher than that of premenopausal women (48.7%) with breast cancer. The incidence of stage 0 and stage I breast cancer increased continuously over the last 10 years (56.3% in 2011), and breast conserving surgery (65.7%) was performed more frequently than total mastectomy (33.8%). The total number of breast reconstruction surgeries increased approximately 8-fold. We conclude that the clinical characteristics of breast cancer have changed over the past 10 years in Korea, and surgical management has changed accordingly. Analysis of nationwide registry data will contribute to a better understanding of the characteristics of breast cancer in Korea.

Feminino , Humanos , Distribuição por Idade , Neoplasias da Mama , Diagnóstico , Incidência , Coreia (Geográfico) , Mamoplastia , Mastectomia Segmentar , Mastectomia Simples , Sistemas On-Line , Sistema de Registros , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-154108


OBJECTIVES: Efficient identification of subject experts or expert communities is vital for the growth of any organization. Most of the available expert finding systems are based on self-nomination, which can be biased, and are unable to rank experts. Thus, the objective of this work was to develop a robust and unbiased expert finding system which can quantitatively measure expertise. METHODS: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) is a controlled vocabulary developed by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for indexing research publications, articles and books. Using the MeSH terms associated with peer-reviewed articles published from India and indexed in PubMed, we developed a Web-based program which can be used to identify subject experts and subjects associated with an expert. RESULTS: We have extensively tested our system to identify experts from India in various subjects. The system provides a ranked list of experts where known experts rank at the top of the list. The system is general; since it uses information available with the PubMed, it can be implemented for any country. CONCLUSIONS: The expert finding system is able to successfully identify subject experts in India. Our system is unique because it allows the quantification of subject expertise, thus enabling the ranking of experts. Our system is based on peer-reviewed information. Use of MeSH terms as subjects has standardized the subject terminology. The system matches requirements of an ideal expert finding system.

Indexação e Redação de Resumos , Viés , Mineração de Dados , Sistemas Inteligentes , Índia , Medical Subject Headings , Sistemas On-Line , Competência Profissional , Vocabulário Controlado
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-90522


OBJECTIVES: Rare disease research requires a broad range of disease-related information for the discovery of causes of genetic disorders that are maladies caused by abnormalities in genes or chromosomes. A rarity in cases makes it difficult for researchers to elucidate definite inception. This knowledge base will be a major resource not only for clinicians, but also for the general public, who are unable to find consistent information on rare diseases in a single location. METHODS: We design a compact database schema for faster querying; its structure is optimized to store heterogeneous data sources. Then, clinicians at Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) review and revise those resources. Additionally, we integrated other sources to capture genomic resources and clinical trials in detail on the Korean Rare Disease Knowledge base (KRDK). RESULTS: As a result, we have developed a Web-based knowledge base, KRDK, suitable for study of Mendelian diseases that commonly occur among Koreans. This knowledge base is comprised of disease summary and review, causal gene list, laboratory and clinic directory, patient registry, and so on. Furthermore, database for analyzing and giving access to human biological information and the clinical trial management system are integrated on KRDK. CONCLUSIONS: We expect that KRDK, the first rare disease knowledge base in Korea, may contribute to collaborative research and be a reliable reference for application to clinical trials. Additionally, this knowledge base is ready for querying of drug information so that visitors can search a list of rare diseases that is relative to specific drugs. Visitors can have access to KRDK via

Humanos , Bases de Dados Genéticas , Armazenamento e Recuperação da Informação , Bases de Conhecimento , Coreia (Geográfico) , Sistemas On-Line , Doenças Raras
J. health inform ; 3(4): 137-143, out.-dez. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-621823


Objective: The available image managers basically include facilities to store, discuss and share detailed images from all over the web. In fact, a literature analysis shows that the available systems are limited for image analysis. So, the main goal of this work is to present an image manager for medical and biological databases that allows researchers to share and manipulate images in an environment that integrates data and analysis facilities. Methods: In order to achieve the expected goal we firstly perform a literature review to define basic services, the data modeling of the system and select the development platform: the programming languages PHP and Javascript, as well as the Database Management System PostgreSQL 8.4.7 The SBIM has been tested based on the methodologies developed specifically for web applications validation. It was assembled a group of 40 individuals to evaluate items like performance, usability and graphical interfaces. Results: The SBIM system provides efficient tools to share and analyze images stored in its databases. Conclusion: SBIM is an efficient image manager system to store, discuss and analyze medical and biological images over the web.

Objetivo: Os sistemas para gerenciamento e compartilhamento de imagens médicas disponíveis oferecem basicamente uma plataforma para armazenamento e troca de dados e informações via Web. Uma análise da literatura mostra que os recursos para processamento e análise de imagens são muito limitados. Assim, com o objetivo de oferecer uma alternativa aos sistemas disponíveis na Web que integre compartilhamento e manipulação de imagens médicas, está sendo desenvolvido o Shared Biological Image Manager (SBIM). Métodos: Foi feita uma análise da literatura para identificação dos serviços que o sistema deve oferecer, bem como a escolha de uma plataforma que facilitasse o desenvolvimento: linguagens de programação PHP e Javascript com o sistema gerenciador de bancos de dados PostgreSQL. O sistema foi testado usando metodologias específicas para avaliação de Aplicações Web. Foi escolhido um grupo de 40 voluntários para testar itens como interface gráfica, desempenho e usabilidade. Resultados: O sistema fornece ferramentas eficientes para gerenciamento e compartilhamento de imagens, troca de informações entre os usuários, bem como uma plataforma para análise das imagens. Conclusão: Foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios que são indicadores da qualidade do sistema SBIM para armazenamento e manipulação de imagens.

El sistema de administración y compartimento de Imágenes médicas disponibles ofrecen básicamente una plataforma para almacenamiento y cambia de datos y informaciones vía web. Un análisis de literatura muestra que el recursos para el tratamiento y el análisis de imágenes son muchos limitada. Así con el objetivo de ofrecer una alternativa a los sistemas disponibles en la Web que se integra compartir y manipulación de imágenes medico, se está desarrollando la Shared Biological Image Manager (SBIM). Métodos: Se hizo un análisis de literatura para la identificación de servicios que el sistema debe proporcionar, así como la elección de una plataforma que facilita el desarrollo: lenguaje de programación PHP y Javascript con el bases de datos de PostgreSQL. El sistema fue probado con metodologias específicas para aplicaciones Web. Fue elegido un grupo de 40 voluntarios para poner a prueba elementos como la interfaz gráfica de usuario, rendimiento y facilidad de uso. Resultados: El sistema proporciona herramientas eficaces para gestionar y compartir imágenes, intercambio de información entre los usuarios, así como una plataforma para el análisis de imágenes. Conclusión: Se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios que son indicativos de la SBIM sistema de calidad para almacenar y manipular imágenes.

Armazenamento e Recuperação da Informação , Biologia Computacional , Internet , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Base de Dados , Disseminação de Informação
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 25(2): 141-148, abr.-jun. 2010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-555857


Os avanços tecnológicos e a Internet contribuíram para o aumento da divulgação e atualização do conhecimento e da ciência. Os artigos científicos considerados a forma de divulgação dessas informações estão passando por varias modificações, não em sua forma de desenvolvimento, mas sim na estrutura de publicação. O artigo do Futuro, nome dado a essa nova estrutura, utiliza os recursos hipermidiáticos, permitindo um acesso rápido, fácil e organizado destes artigos online. A troca de informações, comentários e críticas, pode ser feita em tempo real, proporcionando agilidade na divulgação da ciência. A tendência para o futuro dos documentos tanto de profissionais quanto das empresas, é o "cloud computing" - nuvem computacional, no qual todos os documentos poderão ser desenvolvidos e atualizados com a utilização de vários equipamentos: computador, palm, netbook, ipad, sem necessidade de possuir o programa instalado em seu computador, necessitando somente de conexão à Internet.

Technological advances and the Internet have contributed to the increased disclosure and updating of knowledge and science. Scientific papers are considered the best form of disclosure of information and have been undergoing many changes, not on their way of development, but on the structure of publication. The Future paper, a name for this new structure, uses hypermediatic resources, allowing a quick, easy and organized access to these items online. The exchange of information, comments and criticisms can be performed in real time, providing agility in science disclosure. The trend for the future of documents, both from professionals or enterprises, is the "cloud computing", in which all documents will be developed and updated with the use of various equipments: computer, palm, netbook, ipad, without need to have the software installed on your computer, requiring only an Internet connection.

Humanos , Redes de Comunicação de Computadores/tendências , Disseminação de Informação , Editoração/tendências , Previsões
Rev. méd. Chile ; 137(9): 1137-1144, sep. 2009. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-534014


Background: An alert value is a result suggesting that the patient is at imminent danger unless appropriate remedial actions begin promptly. Report of alert values (AV) by the clinical laboratories has taken special relevance in recent years due to its contribution to patient's care. Aim: To report results of AV informed during 2007 within the Health Network of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Material and methods: Analysis of AV recorded in a centralized database of the laboratories of the health network, between January and December, 2007. Results: Total number of AV was 5.366, which represented 0.3 percent of total examinations and corresponded mainly to the clinical chemistry area. Potassium levels generated the higher number of AV detected, followed by positive blood cultures. Eighty two percent of AV corresponded to hospitalized patients. The greater number of AV was reported to intermediate and intensive care services. Thirty two percent of AV was informed to the physician or professional in charge of the patient within 5 minutes of obtaining the results and 79 percent within 30 minutes. Conclusions: To obtain a real impact on patient management, it is fundamental to shorten the ¡apse between the obtainment of tests results and the warning, supported on appropriate computerized systems, and to spread the procedure to all personnel involved in patient's care (RevMéd Chile 2009; 137: 1137-44).

Humanos , Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico , Cuidados Críticos , Laboratórios Hospitalares , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Centros Médicos Acadêmicos/organização & administração , Chile , Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico/normas , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Cuidados Críticos/estatística & dados numéricos , Hospitais Universitários , Laboratórios Hospitalares/organização & administração , Pessoal de Laboratório/organização & administração , Estudos Retrospectivos
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-104945


OBJECTIVES: To explore the information sources and knowledge on infant vaccinations of pro-vaccination community members and anti- accination community members on the internet. METHODS: An online survey of 245 parents from three pro-vaccination communities and 92 parents from one antivaccination community was conducted from June 7 to June 23, 2006. RESULTS: Parents from pro-vaccination communities usually gained the information regarding vaccination efficacy and risk mainly from healthcare providers (49.8%) and mass media (47.7%). Pro-vaccination community members considered healthcare providers as the most credible sources of information on vaccination, whereas the anti-vaccination community members usually gained their information regarding vaccine efficiency and risk from Internet child-care cafes and online vaccination communities. Parents of the anti-vaccination community considered the internet as the most credible information source (77.6% for efficacy, 94.8% for risk). In addition, the major reason why anti-vaccination community members didn't vaccinate and, will not vaccinate, was concern about possible side effects of the vaccine. The knowledge level on infant vaccination, education and economic status was higher in the anti-vaccination community. CONCLUSIONS: On-line communities concerned with vaccination are getting popular. The influence of antivaccination parents on the Internet is expected to be high. The government and healthcare providers need to increase their efforts to improve the credibility of information about vaccination. Our findings suggest that online communication regarding vaccinations needs to be considered as a means to increase vaccination rates.

Adulto , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Educação em Saúde/métodos , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Pessoal de Saúde , Internet/estatística & dados numéricos , Pais , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Vacinação