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Horiz. enferm ; 34(3): 447-464, 20 dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525118


INTRODUCCIÓN: El Compromiso Organizacional (CO), se considera un vínculo entre la organización y los trabajadores, e influye en la satisfacción, el desempeño, la productividad y la inversión profesional. OBJETIVO: Determinar el compromiso organizacional en profesionales y técnicos en enfermería adscritos a un hospital del sur de chile, años 2022-2023. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de corte transversal, en una muestra de 305 funcionarios. La recolección de la información se realizó con el instrumento compromiso organizacional de Meyer y Allen (1991), puntuación según escala Likert de 5 puntos, donde 1 corresponde a "totalmente en desacuerdo" y 5 es "totalmente de acuerdo"; análisis con estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Estudio autorizado por el Comité de ética científica. RESULTADOS: El instrumento logró consistencia interna adecuada, mediante alfa de Cronbach. El CO observado fue "neutral o indiferente" con tendencia a "de acuerdo", según escala Likert. El Compromiso Afectivo (CA) fue superior respecto a los demás dominios. El Compromiso Normativo (CN) del nivel técnico mostró ser fuerte, así como los funcionarios divorciados y viudos. El Compromiso de Continuidad (CC) resultó ser el dominio con promedio más bajo. A mayor edad, aumentó el CA. CONCLUSIONES: los funcionarios mostraron un nivel medio de compromiso organizacional con tendencia a alto, por lo que se debe fortalecer el lazo afectivo del binomio funcionario/organización, de manera que juegue un papel positivo en la calidad de la atención otorgada hacia sus usuarios.

INTRODUCTION: Organizational Commitment (OC) is considered a crucial link between an organization and its employees, significantly impacting satisfaction, performance, productivity, and professional investment. OBJECTIVE: To assess organizational commitment among nursing professionals and technicians in a hospital in southern Chile between 2022 and 2023. METHODOLOGY: This was a cross-sectional study involving a sample of 305 staff members. Data collection utilized Meyer and Allen's (1991) Organizational Commitment tool, employing a 5-point Likert scale where 1 signifies "completely disagree" and 5 indicates "completely agree." Analysis encompassed descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS: The instrument demonstrated sound internal consistency, supported by Cronbach's alpha. Observed OC tended towards a "neutral or indifferent" stance with a leaning towards "agreement" on the Likert scale. Affective Commitment (AC) exhibited higher levels compared to other domains. Normative Commitment (NC) among technical-level employees were robust, and particularly notable among divorced and widowed staff. Continuance Commitment (CC) emerged as the domain with the lowest average. AC showed an increase with age. CONCLUSIONS: Staff exhibited a moderate level of organizational commitment with a propensity towards a higher level, suggesting the need to reinforce the emotional bond between employees and the organization to positively influence the quality of care provided.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 27: e244711, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1521391


RESUMO O presente relato aborda a experiência instituída no Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica denominada Reflita, cuja proposta foi a promoção de encontros para a discussão de temas pertinentes à Graduação, a fim de oportunizar a reflexão coletiva sobre as normas acadêmicas e sua aplicação no cotidiano escolar. Utilizou-se, como ponto de partida para os encontros, os documentos legais vigentes e a experiência dos participantes. A estratégia foi implementada e referendada por pesquisa de opinião, que indicou a viabilidade da continuidade da proposta. Alguns desdobramentos foram percebidos, como por exemplo, a proposição do projeto novo aconselhamento e a implantação de um protocolo para atendimento ao aluno em crise, adaptado à realidade do ITA. Conclui-se assim, que a estratégia foi válida, para além da abordagem prescritiva e normativa, apontando a importância de um processo de diálogo com a comunidade acadêmica, intencionalmente aproximando os aspectos legais do cotidiano escolar.

RESUMEN En el presente relato se aborda la experiencia instituida en el Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica denominada Reflexionada, cuya propuesta fue la promoción de encuentros para discusión de temas pertinentes a la Graduación, con la finalidad de posibilitar la reflexión colectiva sobre las normas académicas y su aplicación en el cotidiano escolar. Se utilizó, como punto de partida para los encuentros, los documentos legales vigentes y la experiencia de los participantes. La estrategia fue implementada y refrendada por pesquisa de opinión, que indicó viabilidad de la continuidad de la propuesta. Algunos desdoblamientos fueron percibidos, como, por ejemplo, la proposición del proyecto nuevo asesoramiento y la implantación de un protocolo para atención al alumno en crisis, adaptado a la realidad del ITA. Se concluye así, que la estrategia fue válida, para más allá del abordaje prescriptiva y normativa, apuntando la importancia de un proceso de diálogo con la comunidad académica, intencionalmente acercando los aspectos legales del cotidiano escolar.

ABSTRACT This report addresses the experience instituted at the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica called Reflita, whose proposal was to promote meetings to discuss topics relevant to graduation, in order to provide opportunities for collective reflection on academic norms and their application in everyday school life. As a starting point for the meetings, current legal documents and the experience of the participants were used. The strategy was implemented and endorsed by an opinion poll, which indicated the feasibility of continuing the proposal. Some developments were perceived, such as, for example, the proposition of the new counseling project and the implementation of a protocol for assisting students in crisis, adapted to the reality of ITA. It is therefore concluded that the strategy was valid, beyond the prescriptive and normative approach, pointing to the importance of a dialogue process with the academic community, intentionally bringing the legal aspects closer to the school routine.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 25(1): 42-55, ene.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364256


Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el carácter predictivo de la socialización organizacional y la salud mental positiva ocupacional sobre el compromiso organizacional en docentes de educación superior. Se contó con una muestra de 279 docentes de instituciones de educación superior que firmaron un consentimiento informado. El 54.5 % de los participantes eran mujeres, con una media de edad de 44.05 años (DE = 10.26). Los participantes respondieron el Inventario de Socialización Organizacional (ISO), el Cuestionario de Salud Mental Positiva Ocupacional (SMPO) y la Escala de Compromiso Organizacional (CO), y para el análisis de datos se aplicaron estadísticos descriptivos, un análisis de correlación y una regresión lineal múltiple con método de pasos sucesivos, ingresando por separado cada dimensión del compromiso organizacional como variable dependiente. Como resultado, se identificaron correlaciones de moderadas a débiles entre las variables de estudio, y se encontró que los modelos finales indican que las dimensiones de perspectivas de futuro y socioafectiva predicen en un 38 % el compromiso afectivo; que las perspectivas de futuro, la espiritualidad y la edad predicen en un 22.8 % el compromiso normativo; y que la dimensión perspectivas de futuro predice en un 9.2 % el compromiso de continuidad. Concluimos que las expectativas del docente sobre su desarrollo en la institución, así como sus interacciones a nivel socioafectivo y espiritual con el contexto laboral, son factores que influyen parcialmente en su vinculación con la organización educativa.

Abstract This study aimed to determine the predictive character of organizational socialization and occupational positive mental health on organizational commitment in higher education teachers. A sample of 279 teachers from higher education institutions who signed an informed consent form was used. Fifty-four point five percent of the participants were women, with a mean age of 44.05 years (SD = 10.26). The participants completed the Organizational Socialization Inventory (ISO), the Positive Occupational Mental Health Questionnaire (SMPO) and the Organizational Commitment Scale (OC), and for data analysis descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression with stepwise method were applied, entering each dimension of organizational commitment separately as a dependent variable. As a result, moderate to weak correlations were identified between the study variables, and it was found that the final models indicate that the future perspectives and socio-affective dimensions predict affective commitment by 38%; that future perspectives, spirituality and age predict normative commitment by 22.8%; and that the future perspectives dimension predicts commitment of continuity by 9.2%. It is concluded that teachers' expectations about their development in the institution, as well as their interactions at the socio-affective and spiritual level with the work context, are factors that partially influence their attachment to the educational organization.

Salud trab. (Maracay) ; 29(2): 104-114, dic. 2021. tab.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1411716


Es importante el estudio de variables del comportamiento organizacional, ya que ayudan a la empresa a tener una mejor gestión de los recursos humanos, debido a que la satisfacción laboral tiene relaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas con el desempeño laboral. El objetivo de este estudio fue medir los niveles de percepción laboral de empleados del sector sanitario del área pública y privada, con respecto a las variables satisfacción laboral y compromiso organizacional. El estudio es de tipo transversal y descriptivo, el instrumento de medición es una encuesta que consta de 3 partes y la muestra estuvo conformada por 271 administrativos. Se presentaron análisis univariados principales, luego un análisis de conglomerados para segmentar a los participantes, y finalmente se efectúan modelos de regresión. Se determinó que existen tres segmentos de trabajadores que son claramente definidos, compuestos por aquellos administrativos con una baja percepción en general (21% y 42%, respectivamente), aquellos con una percepción media (54% y 38%, respectivamente) y aquellos con una percepción alta (25% y 20%, respectivamente). Se confirma que el compromiso organizacional afecta significativamente y de forma positiva a la satisfacción laboral(AU)

The study of variables of organizational behavior is important, since they help the company better manage its human resources, as job satisfaction has been positively and significantly correlated with job performance. The objective of this study was to measure the levels of job perception of employees in the public and private healthcare sector, with respect to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The study was cross-sectional and descriptive, and the measurement instrument was a survey consisting of three sections. The study sample consisted of 271 administrative staff. We present the main univariate analysis results, followed by a cluster analysis to segment the participants, and then regression analysis. We identified three clearly defined segments of workers, consisting of administrative staff with a low overall perception of hob satisfaction and organizational commitment (21% and 42%, respectively), those with a medium perception (54% and 38%, respectively) and those with a high perception (25% and 20%, respectively). The results confirm that organizational commitment significantly and positively affects job satisfaction(AU)

Humanos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Percepção , Satisfação Pessoal , Pessoal de Saúde , Setor de Assistência à Saúde , Desempenho Profissional , Engajamento no Trabalho , Satisfação no Emprego , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Categorias de Trabalhadores
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-978995


@#Introduction: In light of the importance of the nurses’ performance in health services, this study was established to examine the relationship of job performance with organizational commitment components and job satisfaction among nurses. It is also, to examine the mediating effect of job satisfaction in the relationship between organizational commitment components and job performance among nurses. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted among nurses at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. A sample size of 192 staff was selected using stratified and systematic random sampling methods. The study data were collected using a questionnaire consists of three scales: the organizational commitment scale of Allen and Meyer, the job satisfaction scale of Van Wood, and the task performance scale of Williams and Anderson. Besides, respondents were asked about their demographic profiles. The response rate was 92% (n= 176). Regression analysis according to Baron and Kenny technique and Pearson correlation were conducted to get the study results. Results: The study results showed that all organizational commitment components positively and significantly correlated with job satisfaction and job performance. Further, there is a positive relationship was found between job satisfaction and job performance. Moreover, findings of regression analysis showed that job satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between all organizational commitment components and job performance. Conclusion: Improving organizational commitment and job satisfaction among nurses could increase their performance. Nurses’ managers should create suitable approaches and strategies to promote the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of nurses to the highest level, which in turn enhancing their job performance and the quality of care.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 25(4): 386-398, Oct.-Dec. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1339900


A proposta deste estudo foi identificar a representação social (RS) de comprometimento organizacional entre gestores de recursos humanos, analisando três focos de comprometimento: o trabalho, a organização e a carreira. Realizou-se um estudo de natureza qualitativa com dados coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e submetidos à análise de conteúdo. A síntese dos resultados indica que a RS de comprometimento organizacional é constituída por dois focos (contexto de trabalho e carreira) e nove categorias ou elementos que formam as RS (sentimento de dono, foco no resultado, atributos pessoais, cultura, satisfação, inovação e melhorias de processos, planejamento de carreira, desempenho e lealdade a seus valores). Além disso, foi possível constatar que o conceito de comprometimento é unidimensional e de base eminentemente afetiva.

The purpose of this study was to identify the social representation (SR) of organizational commitment among human resource managers, analyzing three focuses of commitment: work, organization and career. A qualitative study was carried out with data collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through content analysis. The synthesis of the results indicates that the SR of organizational commitment consists of two focus (work context and career) and nine categories or elements that form the SR (ownership sense, result focus, personal attributes, culture, satisfaction, innovation and process improvements, career planning, performance and loyalty to their values). In addition, it was possible to verify that the concept of commitment is one-dimensional and is based is based on the notion of affection.

La propuesta de este estudio fue identificar la representación social (RS) del compromiso organizacional entre gestores de recursos humanos, analizando tres focos de compromiso: el trabajo, la organización y la carrera. Se realizó un estudio de naturaleza cualitativa con datos recogidos por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas y analizadas por medio del análisis de contenido. La síntesis de los resultados indica que la RS de compromiso organizacional se compone dos focos (contexto de trabajo y carrera) y nueve categorías o elementos que forman las RS (sentimiento de dueño, foco en el resultado, atributos personales, cultura, satisfacción, innovación y mejoras de procesos, planificación de carrera, rendimiento y lealtad a sus valores). Además, fue posible constatar que el concepto de compromiso es unidimensional y de base eminentemente afectiva.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Trabalho/psicologia , Empresas e Organizações de Serviço , Recursos Humanos/organização & administração , Engajamento no Trabalho , Satisfação no Emprego , Brasil , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Liberabit ; 26(1): e352, 30/06/2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287114


Resumen Objetivo :el objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar si alguno de los tipos de compromiso organizacional mediaba la relación entre la articulación trabajo-familia y la satisfacción laboral. Método :para ello, se diseñó un estudio empírico, cuantitativo y transversal, enmarcado en los lineamientos de la estrategia asociativa-explicativa. La medición de las variables de interés se llevó a cabo con una batería compuesta por instrumentos validados al contexto y que cuentan con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística, por conveniencia, de 376 empleados (191 varones y 185 mujeres) de organizaciones del sector terciario, dada su importancia en el mundo actual del trabajo. Resultados :los resultados indicaron que el compromiso afectivo media parcialmente las relaciones entre las dimensiones del constructo articulación trabajo-familia (enriquecimiento y conflicto) y la satisfacción laboral. Este tipo de compromiso se erige como un constructo mediacional entre la satisfacción laboral y las posibilidades de articular las demandas de las distintas esferas vitales. Tal mecanismo puede ser explicado a la luz de la teoría del estrés de rol y de la teoría del intercambio social. Conclusiones :estos hallazgos pueden resultar de interés a la hora de diseñar prácticas de gerenciamiento amigables con la familia que posibiliten retener el talento humano y aumentar los lazos afectivos de los empleados con la organización.

Abstract Objective :this research was to analyze if any of the types of organizational commitment mediated the relationship between work-family interface and job satisfaction. To that end, an empirical, quantitative and cross-sectional study was designed, framed within the guidelines of an associative-explanatory approach. Method :the study variables were measured using a set of validated instruments with adequate psychometric properties. The study population consisted of a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 376 workers (191 males and 185 females) from third-sector organizations, due to their importance in the current working world. Results :the results showed that affective commitment partially mediates the relationships between the dimensions work-family interface (enrichment and conflict) and job satisfaction. This type of commitment emerges as a mediational construct between job satisfaction and the possibilities of dealing with the demands from different vital spheres. Such mechanism may be explained through the role stress theory and the social exchange theory. Conclusions :these findings might be useful when it comes to designing family- friendship policies in order to retain human talent and promote affective bonds between employees and organizations.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975193


@#Introduction: Organizational commitment is manifested in the forms of taking pride in organization, enhanced motivation for engaging in organizational duties, staying at organization for a longer time and knowing organization as a valuable organization. So decreased organizational commitment among medical staff led researchers to investigate the organizational commitment of CCUs in Mazandaran Heart Center. Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical study carried out in teaching hospitals of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Heart Center. Allen and Meyer's organizational commitment questionnaire was used to collect data from 90 nurses selected by census from CCU nurses. Data was analyzed using SPSS 21. Results: Of studied cases, 19 (18.9%) were male and 73 (81.1%) were female with a mean age of 7.25±34.4. Among age, job experience and work hour variables, only age and job experience were considered to be significant. Conclusions: Supervisors and managers should promote nurses' organizational commitment through giving facilities and rewards.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 28(2): 63-76, Jul-Dic. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042841


Resumen La satisfacción laboral del colectivo docente ha sido estudiada desde diversas perspectivas, debido a los importantes efectos que esta puede tener tanto a nivel económico como a nivel organizacional. La muestra empleada en este trabajo se compone de 978 docentes dominicanos, y fue obtenida mediante un muestreo estratificado, y, por tanto, representativo de la población. En este estudio se examina un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en el cual el contexto de trabajo y las condiciones laborales afectan el burnout y el engagement de los profesores. A su vez, se plantea que burnout y engagement afectan la satisfacción laboral docente. El modelo ajustó a los datos: x2(223)= 1089.9, p<.001; CFI=.93; RMSEA=.066; SRMR=.107. Los resultados arrojan luz sobre los factores contextuales del plano educativo que pudieran replantearse en el desarrollo de futuras políticas educativas.

Abstract The job satisfaction of the teachers' collective has been studied from various perspectives due to the significant effect it can have at both the economic and organizational levels. The sample used for this study was made up of 978 Dominican teachers, obtained through stratified sampling so that it would be representative of the population. An analysis of a structural equations model shows that work context and labor conditions affect the burnout and engagement of teachers. The study suggests that both burnout and engagement affect the job satisfaction of teachers. The model fits the data: x2(223)=1089.9, p<.001; CFI=.93; RMSEA=.066; SRMR=.107. The results shed light on the contextual factors of the educational field that could be reformulated in the development of future education policies.

Resumo A satisfação profissional do coletivo docente vem sendo estudada de diversas perspectivas, devido aos importantes efeitos que ela pode ter tanto no âmbito econômico quanto no organizacional. A amostra deste trabalho está composta por 978 docentes dominicanos e foi obtida mediante uma amostragem estratificada, e, portanto, representativa da população. Neste estudo, foi examinado um modelo de equações estruturais em que o contexto de trabalho e as condições de trabalho afetam o burnout e o engagement dos professores. Por sua vez, argumenta-se que burnout e engagement afetam a satisfação profissional docente. O modelo ajusta-se aos dados: x2(223)=1089.9, p<.001; CFI=.93; RMSEA=.066; SRMR=.107. Os resultados esclarecem os fatores contextuais do plano educativo que podem ser repensados no desenvolvimento de futuras políticas educativas.

Rev. CES psicol ; 12(2): 126-140, mayo-ago. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057153


Resumen El compromiso organizacional (CO) de los trabajadores es entendido como una actitud o estado de ánimo que deriva en comportamientos como la intención de permanecer en la organización, la identificación con sus valores y la percepción de tener una deuda moral con la misma por los beneficios recibidos. Estudios previos muestran que el CO impacta positivamente el bienestar subjetivo de los trabajadores (BS), entendido este último como la evaluación cognitiva y afectiva que hacen las personas de la satisfacción sobre su propia vida. Otros estudios afirman que es el BS el que predice el CO. El objetivo del presente estudio fue especificar la dirección de esta relación, para lo cual se aplicó el Instrumento de Compromiso Organizacional para evaluar el CO y el módulo básico del Bienestar Autorreportado (BIARE) para evaluar el BS, a 230 trabajadores de una organización educativa pública de nivel superior en México. Mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales se contrastaron las hipótesis de relaciones en uno y otro sentido entre ambas variables con una tercera hipótesis con relaciones recíprocas entre ambas. Se identificó como mejor modelo el que presenta relaciones recíprocas y positivas entre el CO y el BS (Chi2=21.16; gl=16; p=0.172; RMR=.043; GFI=.976; CFI=.991; RMSEA=0.03 [IC 90%= 0.00, 0.07]). Se concluye que un incremento en el CO genera un incremento en el BS de los trabajadores, y la relación positiva entre ambas variables es recíproca. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados para la relación de los trabajadores con su contexto laboral.

Abstract The organizational employee commitment conceptualizes the intention to remain in the work place, as the identification of corporative values and the moral sense of engagement due to the benefits received, under the name of organizational commitment (OC). Previous studies show that OC positively affects the subjective well-being of workers (SW), understood as the cognitive and affective assessment that people make of their own life satisfaction. Other studies state that the effect goes from SW to OC. This study aimed to specify the direction of this relationship, for this purpose OC and SW instruments were applied to 230 workers of a higher education public organization in Mexico. Using structural equation models, the hypothesis of relations in both directions between the two variables was contrasted with a third hypothesis of reciprocal relationships between both. The best model was identified as having positive and reciprocal relationships between CO and BS (Chi2 = 65,627, df = 18, p = 0.000, RMR = .074, RMSEA = .111 [CI 90%= .083, .141]; GFI = .931; CFI = .915). It is concluded that increases in OC strengthen SW, and positive relationship between both variables is reciprocal. The implications of the findings on workers´ relationships in the work place are discussed.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-756636


Objective To investigate the status of the nurse work environment, organizational commitment and intent to stay, and explore the relationships among them, ultimately provide some references for the managers. Methods 1 168 registered nurses were recruited from seven hospitals in Zhejiang province. They were investigated with Nursing Work Environment Scale, Organizational Commitment Scale and Intent to Stay Scale. Multiple regression analysis utilized the intent to stay of nurses as the dependent variable, and the demographic data, the dimensions of work environment and dimensions of organizational commitment as the independent variables. Results The mean scores of work environment, organizational commitment and intent to stay were 2.78 ± 0.39, 2.42 ± 0.43, 3.30 ± 0.67, respectively. Among nurse work environment, organizational commitment and intent to stay,there was a significant positive correlation between any two of them. Duty, affective commitment, position of work, sufficient manpower and resources, normative commitment, leadership and ability of manager, gender, shift, housing condition (rent house), employment nature and education are the main factors for the intent to stay, which can explain 40.3% of the variations of nurse retention. Conclusions The results of the study showed that the nurse work environment and intent to work of the 1168 registered nurses were at a medium level, and the organization′s commitment was at a lower-middle level. Managers can refer to the factors affecting the intent of nurses to stay, develop retention strategies, and increase their intent to stay.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764409


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to identify the types of adult attachment and determine the relationship between adult attachment and job factors in dental hygienists. Ultimately, it was necessary to identify the need for a secure attachment to improve the quality of clinical dental hygienist's services. METHODS: Data of 454 clinical dental hygienists working in dental hospitals or clinics were collected. The research tools consisted of items related to the general and work characteristics of dental hygienists (9 items), adult attachment styles (36 items), organizational commitments (12 items), occupational stress (15 items), and interpersonal relations (18 items). Cronbach's α of each tool was ≥0.7. RESULTS: Most of the participants had fearful attachment styles, followed by dismissing-avoidance, security, and preoccupation. Security was the highest level of organizational commitment according to the adult attachment style, although the differences of the levels were insignificant. For occupational stress, preoccupation was the highest, followed by fearful, security, and dismissing-avoidance, and the differences were significant (p<0.001). For interpersonal relations, security was the highest, followed by preoccupation, dismissing-avoidance, and fearful in order, and the differences were significant (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Job stress and interpersonal relation ability according to the adult attachment style of clinical dental hygienists had significant results. Thus, the development of attachment improvement programs by personal style, development of differentiated clinical education and its application, and improvements in the adult attachment styles of clinical dental hygienists would be required rather than simply presenting the needs to collectively improvement the working environment.

Adulto , Humanos , Higienistas Dentários , Educação , Relações Interpessoais
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764649


PURPOSE: This study was done to investigate the mediating effect of nursing professionalism on the relationship between nurse's character and organizational commitment of the nurse. METHODS: The participants in this study were 170 nurses who had over 3 months of work experience in hospitals in 2 regions of South Korea. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires. Data collection period was from December 15, 2018 to January 15, 2019, Data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS/WIN 25.0 program. RESULTS: The significant predictors for organizational commitment of nurses were nursing professionalism (β=.42), total clinical career (β=−.30), monthly income (β=−.27) and clinical career in current hospital (β=−.24). These variables explained 36.0% of the variance in the organizational commitment of nurses. Nursing professionalism was found to have a mediating effect on the relationship between nurses' character and organizational commitment. CONCLUSION: These results highlight the importance of nurses' organizational commitment and can be used as meaningful data for intervention research to promote the character of nurses and nursing professionalism.

Coleta de Dados , Coreia (Geográfico) , Negociação , Enfermagem , Profissionalismo
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764652


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to test the mediating effect of job embeddedness in the relationship between nursing practice environment on nursing job performance and organizational commitment. METHODS: For this study a descriptive design with survey method was utilized. Participants were 192 clinical nurses recruited from 2 hospitals in A, B city and J province in Korea. From June, 6 to 24, 2018, a questionnaire scale was used to collect the data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and liner regression analysis. RESULTS: There were significant positive relationships for nursing job performance and organizational commitment with nursing practice environment. In addition, job embeddedness had a full mediating role in the relationship between nursing practice environment and nursing job performance, and a partial mediation effect in nursing practice environment and organizational commitment. CONCLUSION: The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effects of job embeddedness and to find ways to improve organizational commitment, which is a useful variable to predict performance outcomes, nurse job performance and job behavior of organizational members. Also, the study results can be used as basic data for nursing manpower management strategies.

Coreia (Geográfico) , Negociação , Enfermagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Desempenho Profissional
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764654


PURPOSE: This study was done to identify the effects of nurse-physician collaboration on nursing performance and organizational commitment in intensive care unit (ICU) nurses. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was used and data were collected from 203 ICU nurses working in two advanced general hospitals and two general hospitals. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson correlation coefficients and Hierarchical multiple regression with SPSSWIN 23.0 program. RESULTS: The sub-domains of nursephysician collaboration were as follows: 3.77±0.51 for sharing of patient information, 3.36±0.65 for decision-making process on the cure or care, and 3.20±0.72 for relationship between nurse and physician. Nurse-physician collaboration was significantly positively correlated with nursing performance and organizational commitment. Regression analysis showed that nurse-physician collaboration explained an additional 24.9%p of nursing performance and an additional 13.4%p of organizational commitment. 'Sharing of patient information' and 'Relationship between nurse and physician' were significant predictors of nursing performance. 'Relationship between nurse and physician' was a significant predictor of organizational commitment. CONCLUSION: These results provide evidence that the collaboration between nurses and physicians should be enhanced in terms of sharing patient information and mutual respect, to improve nursing performance and organizational commitment of ICU nurses.

Humanos , Comportamento Cooperativo , Cuidados Críticos , Estudos Transversais , Hospitais Gerais , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Enfermagem , Desempenho Profissional
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764664


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting job embeddedness of nurses in trauma centers. METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional study using structured questionnaires completed by 140 nurses in three regional trauma centers in Korea. Data were collected from July 15 to September 10, 2017, and analyzed using SPSS/WIN 23.0 program. RESULTS: The mean score of organizational commitment was 3.65±0.75, positive psychological capital was 3.00±0.45, and job embeddedness was 3.00±0.45. The organizational commitment showed a significant positive correlation with positive psychological capital (r=.36, p<.001) and job embeddedness (r=.60, p<.001), and positive psychological capital also showed a significant positive correlation with job embeddedness (r=.74, p<.001). The factors affecting job embeddedness of nurses in trauma centers were positive psychological capital (β=.61, p<.001), organizational commitment (β=.38, p<.001), and marital status (β=-.14, p=.017). CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that to enhance job embeddedness, it is necessary to develop education and programs to strengthen organizational commitment and positive psychological capital of nurses in trauma centers. In addition, for unmarried nurses, interest and consideration are needed to enhance job embeddedness and to reduce turnover.

Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Educação , Coreia (Geográfico) , Estado Civil , Pessoa Solteira , Centros de Traumatologia
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764767


PURPOSE: This study aimed to examine the effects of compassion competence and organizational commitment on customer orientation in hospital nurses. METHODS: The participant of this study was 223 nurses who have worked at a tertiary hospital in Chungcheong Province for at least one year. The general characteristics, compassion competence, organizational commitment, and customer orientation of the participants were collected, using self-reported questionnaires, from June 15 to June 29, 2018. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, ANOVA (Scheffé test), Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression using an SPSS/WIN 22.0 program. RESULTS: Customer orientation was significantly associated with organizational commitment (r=.51, p<.001), and compassion competence (r=.74, p<.001). Compassion competence (β=.62, p<.001), organizational commitment (β=.17, p=.004), and marital status (β=.11, p=.034) were identified as the predictors of customer orientation. These variables explained 59.1% of the variance in customer orientation. CONCLUSION: This study confirmed that compassion competence and organizational commitment may have an impact on customer orientation in hospital Nurses. Therefore, to improve customer orientation in hospital nurses, it is necessary to develop interventions and education programs considering these factors.

Educação , Empatia , Estado Civil , Competência Mental , Centros de Atenção Terciária
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777586


OBJECTIVES@#We assessed the role of social support in presenteeism by examining organizational commitment among Chinese healthcare workers.@*METHODS@#One thousand four hundred thirty-four healthcare workers from 6 hospitals in 4 Chinese cities completed a questionnaire measuring presenteeism, social support, and organizational commitment. With organizational commitment as the mediator, regression analyses and structural equation modeling were used to test the model.@*RESULTS@#Organizational commitment was directly inversely associated with presenteeism (β = - 0.42, p 0.05). The correlation between supervisor support and coworker support was significant (β = 0.71, p <0.001). Supervisor support and coworker support were significantly positively associated with organizational commitment (β = 0.41, p < 0.001, and β = 0.14, p < 0.001, respectively).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Supervisor support was more important in promoting organizational commitment, while coworker support was more effective in reducing presenteeism. The mediating effect of organizational commitment was significant.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740897


PURPOSE: This study was done to investigate the relationships between nursing work environment, leader-member exchange(LMX), peer support, and organizational commitment in one city with a severe nurse shortage. METHODS: Participants were 198 nurses who had worked for more than 6 months with the same head nurse. They worked in five general hospitals located in one city. In April 2016 participants completed a survey questionnaire about their nursing work environment, LMX, peer support, and organizational commitment. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression. RESULTS: There was a significant difference in nursing work environment by experience of turnover (t=−2.58, p=.010). LMX showed significant difference by department (F=3.81, p=.011). Factors influencing nurses' organizational commitment were nurse participation in hospital affairs (β=.23, p=.028) and nurse manager ability, leadership and support (β=.18, p=.022). Explanatory power was 18.2% in the regression model. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that it is necessary to improve the nursing work environment in order to increase organizational commitment. Improvement of the nursing system should be considered along with supplementation of nurses particularly during a severe nurse shortage.

Humanos , Hospitais Gerais , Liderança , Enfermeiros Administradores , Enfermagem , Supervisão de Enfermagem , Influência dos Pares
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-788180


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether appreciative inquiry (AI) is an effective intervention for increasing the positive psychological capital and organizational commitment of new nurses.METHOD: The study used a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants were 60 new nurses in a tertiary hospital in Seoul. The experimental group received 2 classes of AI education and in-unit AI activities. The control group received the existing education program.RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in the positive psychological capital and organizational commitment between the experimental group and the control group over time. Satisfaction with the AI education scored 3.69, which was higher than the average. The reason why the experimental group members were satisfied with the program was that AI education helped them to adapt and the in-unit AI activities made staff more cooperative and the atmosphere of the unit more positive.CONCLUSION: When applying AI activities to new nurses to promote positive psychological capital and organizational commitment, it is necessary to provide a workshop in which the participants can fully concentrate on education and to extend the period of use to one year in order to maintain the effect of AI activities.

Atmosfera , Educação , Métodos , Seul , Centros de Atenção Terciária