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rev. psicogente ; 26(49)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536977


Objetivo: Generar una versión válida y confiable en población mexicana del inventario de socialización organizacional de taormina (OSI), validada por Bravo-Sánz (2001). Método: A partir de los puntajes obtenidos en el OSI se realizó en AMOS 23,0 un análisis factorial confirmatorio con máxima verosimilitud con los 20 ítems y factores originales (entrenamiento, apoyo de los compañeros, comprensión y perspectivas de futuro). La muestra se compuso por 489 trabajadores con una media de edad de 36 años. Resultados: Los resultados del AFC mostraron que, aunque el modelo se ajustaba de forma adecuada con los ítems originales, la validez y confiabilidad de constructo solo se obtuvieron al disminuir la cantidad de factores desechando el de comprensión. Se obtuvo un ajuste de modelo CMIN/DF= 2,02, CFI=0,97, AGFI= 0,94, RMSEA 0,046, SRMR 0,038. Conclusiones: Se logró un modelo válido (AVE >0,50) en todos sus factores y confiable (CR>0,74) en todos sus elementos con un total de 11 ítems con sus baremos para población. Esta versión del inventario de socialización puede ser empleada en población mexicana, lo cual incidirá en investigaciones organizacionales, administrativas, psicológicas con diversas temáticas para determinar la adaptación a la cultura organizacional.

Objective: The objective of this research was to generate a valid and reliable version of the taormina organizational socialization inventory (OSI) for the Mexican population, validated by Bravo-Sánz (2001). Method: Based on the scores obtained in the OSI, a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out in AMOS 23,0 with maximum likelihood with the 20 original items and factors (training, peer support, understanding and future perspectives). The sample was made up of 489 workers with a mean age of 36 years. Results: The results of the CFA showed that, although the model adjusted adequately with the original items, the validity and reliability of the construct were only obtained by reducing the number of factors, discarding the comprehension factor. A model fit CMIN/DF= 2,02, CFI=0,97, AGFI= 0,94, RMSEA 0,046, SRMR .038 was obtained. Conclusions: A valid model (AVE >0,50) was achieved in all its factors and a reliable one (CR>0,74) in all its elements with a total of 11 items with their scales for the population. This version of the socialization inventory can be used in the Mexican population, which will affect organizational, administrative, psychological research with various themes to determine adaptation to organizational culture.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 25(1): 42-55, ene.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364256


Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el carácter predictivo de la socialización organizacional y la salud mental positiva ocupacional sobre el compromiso organizacional en docentes de educación superior. Se contó con una muestra de 279 docentes de instituciones de educación superior que firmaron un consentimiento informado. El 54.5 % de los participantes eran mujeres, con una media de edad de 44.05 años (DE = 10.26). Los participantes respondieron el Inventario de Socialización Organizacional (ISO), el Cuestionario de Salud Mental Positiva Ocupacional (SMPO) y la Escala de Compromiso Organizacional (CO), y para el análisis de datos se aplicaron estadísticos descriptivos, un análisis de correlación y una regresión lineal múltiple con método de pasos sucesivos, ingresando por separado cada dimensión del compromiso organizacional como variable dependiente. Como resultado, se identificaron correlaciones de moderadas a débiles entre las variables de estudio, y se encontró que los modelos finales indican que las dimensiones de perspectivas de futuro y socioafectiva predicen en un 38 % el compromiso afectivo; que las perspectivas de futuro, la espiritualidad y la edad predicen en un 22.8 % el compromiso normativo; y que la dimensión perspectivas de futuro predice en un 9.2 % el compromiso de continuidad. Concluimos que las expectativas del docente sobre su desarrollo en la institución, así como sus interacciones a nivel socioafectivo y espiritual con el contexto laboral, son factores que influyen parcialmente en su vinculación con la organización educativa.

Abstract This study aimed to determine the predictive character of organizational socialization and occupational positive mental health on organizational commitment in higher education teachers. A sample of 279 teachers from higher education institutions who signed an informed consent form was used. Fifty-four point five percent of the participants were women, with a mean age of 44.05 years (SD = 10.26). The participants completed the Organizational Socialization Inventory (ISO), the Positive Occupational Mental Health Questionnaire (SMPO) and the Organizational Commitment Scale (OC), and for data analysis descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression with stepwise method were applied, entering each dimension of organizational commitment separately as a dependent variable. As a result, moderate to weak correlations were identified between the study variables, and it was found that the final models indicate that the future perspectives and socio-affective dimensions predict affective commitment by 38%; that future perspectives, spirituality and age predict normative commitment by 22.8%; and that the future perspectives dimension predicts commitment of continuity by 9.2%. It is concluded that teachers' expectations about their development in the institution, as well as their interactions at the socio-affective and spiritual level with the work context, are factors that partially influence their attachment to the educational organization.

rev. psicogente ; 23(43): 43-63, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361198


Resumen Introducción: En el estudio del comportamiento organizacional se destaca con más frecuencia la importancia del proceso de socialización organizacional, relacionado con la adaptación al trabajo y el desarrollo de las competencias para el rol laboral; así como un interés creciente por los estados positivos en el trabajo como el work engagement (caracterizado por el vigor, dedicación y absorción) y que puede evidenciar la identificación del trabajador con la cultura de la organización. Objetivo: Examinar el efecto de los dominios de la socialización organizacional sobre el work engagement que reportan tener los trabajadores mexicanos de la muestra. Método: Estudio transversal-correlacional analítico, mediante análisis de regresión con los datos del Inventario de Socialización Organizacional de Taormina (1994), y el Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, en su versión al español por Schaufeli, Bakker y Salanova (2006), en 187 trabajadores mexicanos. Resultados: Los análisis de regresión mostraron que la combinación de la comprensión funcional y las perspectivas de futuro se combinan para la aparición del vigor (Beta .29, .21), la absorción (Beta .23, .23) y la dedicación al trabajo (Beta .34, .25) en los trabajadores de la muestra. Se encontró que los cuatro factores de la socialización organizacional correlacionan con el vigor (.35), la absorción (.34) y la dedicación (.47). Conclusiones: En los trabajadores de la muestra la comprensión y las perspectivas de beneficios, generan efectos en el vigor, la absorción y la dedicación al trabajo. Se señala la importancia de la socialización en la aparición de engagement como antecedente y componente de la productividad y el bienestar en el trabajo.

Abstract Introduction: not only the importance of the process of organizational socialization related to work adaptability and the development of competencies for the job role, has recently been highlighted more frequently in organizational behavior studies, but also a growing interest in positive states of work such as work engagement (characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption) and which can demonstrate the identification of the worker with the culture of the organization. Objective: to examine the effect of the domains of organizational socialization on the work engagement reported by the Mexican workers in the sample. Method: A transversal-correlational analytical study through a regression analysis with the data of the Inventory of Organizational Socialization of Taormina (1994), and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, in its Spanish version by Wilmar Schaufeli, Arnold Bakker and Salanova (2006), in 187 Mexican workers, was conducted. Results: Regression analysis showed that the combination of understanding and future prospects were integrated for the display of vigor (Beta .29, .21), absorption (Beta .23, .23) and dedication to work (Beta .34, .25) in the sample workers. It was found that the four factors of organizational socialization correlate with vigor (.35), absorption (.34) and dedication (.47).dedication. Conclusions: In the workers of the sample the understanding and the perspectives of benefits, generate effects in the vigor, the absorption and the dedication to the work. The importance of socialization in the appearance of engagement as a psychological state related to productivity and well-being at work is pointed out.

Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 20(1): 922-930, jan.-mar. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058829


A socialização organizacional representa um fator relevante para a compreensão do comportamento organizacional, podendo estar nela a resposta para aspectos ligados à inserção e permanência das pessoas nas organizações. Apesar disto, principalmente no contexto brasileiro, estudos recentes abordando o tema permanecem raros, o que pode se dever à escassez de medidas robustas. Sendo assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo reavaliar as propriedades psicométricas do Inventário de Socialização Organizacional (ISO), propondo um instrumento reformulado: o ISO-R. Dois estudos reanalisaram o modelo teórico de socialização: um que reorganizou a estrutura interna do instrumento através da análise fatorial exploratória, e outro que confirmou o modelo explicativo derivado do primeiro estudo. Os resultados apresentam um instrumento mais parcimonioso, não redundante e sem fatores negativos. A ISO-R pode contribuir para aprimorar os processos de inserção do indivíduo na organização, influenciar resultados organizacionais e estimular o aumento de pesquisas na área.

Organizational socialization represents an important factor for understanding organizational behavior, which may be the answer to aspects related to the entry and permanence of people in organizations. Despite this, especially in the Brazilian context, recent studies addressing the topic remain rare, which may be due to the scarcity of robust measures. Thus, the present study aims to reassess the psychometric properties of the Organizational Socialization Inventory (OSI), proposing a reformulated instrument: the OSI-R. Two studies re-analyzed the theoretical model of socialization: one that reorganized the internal structure of the instrument through exploratory factor analysis, and another that confirmed the explanatory model derived from the first study. Results present a more parsimonious, non-redundant instrument with no negative factors. OSI-R may help improve the processes of the individual's entry into organizations, influence organizational results, and stimulate increased research in this field.

La socialización organizacional representa un factor relevante para la comprensión del comportamiento organizacional, que puede ser respuesta a aspectos relacionados con inserción y permanencia de las personas en las organizaciones. Pese a esto, especialmente en el contexto brasileño, estudios recientes que abordan el tema siguen siendo poco frecuentes, lo que se puede deber a la escasez de medidas sólidas. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo reevaluar las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Socialización Organizacional (ISO), para proponer un instrumento reformulado: ISO-R. Dos estudios reanalizaron el modelo teórico de socialización: uno que reorganizó la estructura interna del instrumento a través del análisis factorial exploratorio, y otro que confirmó el modelo explicativo derivado del primer estudio. Los resultados presentan un instrumento más parsimonioso, no redundante y sin factores negativos. ISO-R puede contribuir a mejorar los procesos de inserción del individuo en organizaciones, influir en los resultados y estimular el aumento de la investigación en el área.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786005


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting the resilience of emotional intelligence, job stress coping, and organizational socialization of nurses working in long-term care hospitals.METHODS: The participants were 153 nurses working in 8 long-term care hospitals in B city. Data were collected from February. 1 to Feb. 15, 2019 SPSS/WIN 23.0 was used for analysis with t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise regression.RESULTS: Factors influencing resilience in the participants were emotional intelligence (β=.38, p < .001), coping behavior-focusing on the positive (β=.29, p < .001), nurse motivation (β=.16, p=.006), organizational socialization (β=.17, p=.009), coping behavior-tension reduction (β=.14, p=.023). These factors contributed 54% of the total variance in resilience.CONCLUSION: It is necessary to study emotional intelligence and hospital nurses' coping with job stress while carrying out highly emotional activities on the job and to develop a program that can enhance the resilience of the nurses to improve psychological wellbeing and verify the effects.

Inteligência Emocional , Assistência de Longa Duração , Motivação , Socialização
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-673023


Objective To preliminarily develop a scale to measure the proactive socialization behavior of new nurses and test validity and reliability of the scale, to explore the impact of proactive socialization behavior on turnover intention. Methods Using a questionnaire survey method to investigate 696 new nurses who had worked within three years in nursing organization, structural equation model and hierarchical line regression methods were performed to analyze the data. Results Proactive socialization behavior scale included eight items under one dimension;the consistency coefficient of scale was 0.858;new scale had a good convergent and predictive validity;the proactive socialization behavior of new nurses was significantly negative related to turnover intention (β=-0.236,P<0.01). Conclusions The proactive socialization behavior scale has a good reliability, convergent and predictive validity. Meanwhile, new nurses with higher level of proactive socialization behavior have lower turnover intention. Because they can quickly fit the new environment, role definition and organizational culture, which in turn organization embeddedness is promoted.

rev. psicogente ; 18(34): 267-277, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963498


La socialización organizacional es el proceso por el que una persona adquiere competencias laborales en términos de un nivel de comprensión funcional de la organización, consigue el apoyo de sus compañeros de trabajo, y acepta las normas de una organización. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la relación entre la socialización organizacional y el compromiso organizacional en trabajadores mexicanos. Se analizaron los datos obtenidos de 169 participantes, que fueron evaluados con el Inventario de Socialización Organizacional y el Cuestionario de Compromiso Organizacional. Los resultados mostraron que la socialización organizacional correlacionó positiva y significativamente con el compromiso afectivo y normativo. Se concluyó que la socialización organizacional permite que los trabajadores desarrollen el compromiso con la organización a través de los vínculos afectivos con los compañeros y la creación de un sentido de lealtad hacia la organización.

This research focuses on the relationship between Mexican workers' organizational socialization and compromise. Organizational socialization is a process in which a person acquires labor skills, understands and accepts institutional rules, and gains the support of their co-workers. 169 participants were sampled using the Organizational Socialization Inventory and Organizational Compromise Questionnaire. The results showed that organizational socialization correlated positively and significantly with affective and normative commitment. As a conclusion, organizational socialization allows workers to develop a compromise with the organization through affective links with co-workers and a sense of loyalty to the institution.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-213384


PURPOSE: In this study, we examined the differences and relationship between teaching style of preceptors, and personality, nursing performance, and organizational socialization of new nurses. METHODS: The participants were 118 new nurses. The data collected from March to May 2011 were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficients. RESULTS: Teaching style of preceptors was most frequently judgement-initiative, and personality of new nurses was most frequently extraversion. Nursing performance (3.05+/-.59) and organizational socialization (3.05+/-.59) of new nurses were at an average level. Nursing performance and organizational socialization of new nurses were not significantly different according to teaching style of preceptors. Significant correlations were found between personality and nursing performance, and between personality and organizational socialization. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that changes in perceived teaching style of preceptors and personality of new nurses may be necessary to increase efficiency of preceptorship related to nursing performance and organizational socialization of new nurses. The above-mentioned results should be reflected in the development of effective preceptor training programs.

Extroversão Psicológica , Preceptoria , Socialização