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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016557


Objective@#To explore the clinical efficacy and imaging changes of minimally invasive nonsurgical periodontal therapy (MINST) assisted by endoscopy for deep intrabony defects and to compare its effectiveness with that of traditional scaling and root planning (SRP) to therefore provide a reference for clinical periodontal treatment.@*Methods@#Patients with deep intrabony defects ≥ 4 mm in size were selected and divided into two groups: the MINST (MINST, 20 cases, 81 sites) group and the classic scaling and root planing (SRP, 20 cases, 80 sites) group. Before treatment and 12 and 24 months after treatment, probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL) were examined. Moreover, changes in the depth and angle of the intrabony defects were analyzed. Follow-up examination and maintenance treatment should be conducted every 3 months for 12 months after the initial treatment and every 6 months thereafter until 24 months.@*Results@#The PD and CAL of patients in both groups continued to decrease (P<0.001), and imaging examinations revealed a decrease in defect depth and an increase in intrabony defect angle (P<0.001). The changes in the first 12 months were significantly greater than those in the last 12 months in both groups (P<0.001). The decreases in PD, CAL, and depth of intrabony defects and increase in angle in the MINST group were significantly greater than those in the SRP group (P<0.001). At 12 and 24 months after treatment, the PD and CAL in the MINST group were lower than those in the SRP group (P<0.001). The defect height of the MINST group decreased more than that of the SRP group (P<0.001), and the defect angle of the MINST group increased more than that of the SRP group (P<0.001).@*Conclusion@#Minimally invasive nonsurgical periodontal therapy can significantly promote the healing of deep intrabony defects and the regeneration of alveolar bone. Imaging reflects that alveolar bone healing is rapid at first and then slows. Compared with traditional SRP, endoscopically assisted MINST can yield better clinical indicators and imaging changes in intrabony defects.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(60): 127-136, jan.-abr. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1411347


O defeito ósseo de Stafne foi considerado por muito tempo como um cisto ósseo por se apresentar radiograficamente de forma radiolúcida, circunscrita, com bordas delimitadas e em quase todos os casos unilateral. Hoje em dia já se sabe que é uma depressão e/ou cavidade óssea causada pelo alojamento da glândula submandibular ou parte dela e/ou seus tecidos adjacentes na região posterior da mandíbula, ou na região anterior em casos mais raros pelo alojamento da glândula sublingual. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma breve revisão da literatura acerca das características mais frequentes e suas variações desta anomalia anatômica. As buscas foram realizas em periódicos de artigos científicos publicado nas bases de dados eletrônicas: PubMed, Scielo e Google Acadêmico, contendo artigos científicos dos últimos dez anos nos idiomas inglês e português. Os dados mostram que o defeito ósseo de stafne tem predileção pelo sexo masculino, é assintomática, pois se trata de uma alteração anatômica, não requer tratamento, portanto cabe ao cirurgião dentista ter conhecimento, uma vez que este é encontrado de forma ocasional em radiografias panorâmicas para investigação de outras circunstancias, e que muitas vezes acaba levando o profissional odontólogo a realizar diagnósticos errôneos ou exames mutiladores como a biopsia que são desnecessários nesta situação pelo fato desta variação anatômica ter características muitos semelhantes aos cistos.

Stafne's bone defect was considered for a long time as a bone cyst because it presents radiographically in a radiolucent, circumscribed form, with delimited borders and, in almost all cases, unilateral. Nowadays it is known that it is a depression and / or bone cavity caused by the accommodation of the submandibular gland or part of it and / or its adjacent tissues in the posterior region of the mandible, or in the anterior region in rarer cases by the accommodation of the sublingual gland. Therefore, the objective of this work is to carry out a brief literature review of the more specific characteristics and their variations of this anatomical anomaly. Searches were performed in journals of scientific articles published in electronic databases: PubMed, Scielo and Academic Google, containing scientific articles from the last ten years in English and Portuguese. The data show that the stafne bone defect has a predilection for males, it is asymptomatic, as it is an anatomical alteration, does not require treatment, therefore it is up to the dental surgeon to be aware, once panoramic to investigate other circumstances, and that many Sometimes it ends up leading the dental professional to perform misdiagnosis or mutilating tests such as a biopsy, which are unnecessary in this situation because this anatomical variation has characteristics that are very similar to cysts.

Doenças da Glândula Submandibular , Tecidos , Osso e Ossos , Radiografia Panorâmica , Mandíbula
Rev. ADM ; 78(6): 346-349, nov.-dic. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354800


Introducción: A pesar de que actualmente la radiografía panorámica es un instrumento auxiliar de diagnóstico de uso común, desafortunadamente sus beneficios no se aprovechan en su totalidad y su empleo se limita al uso en determinadas áreas de la odontología y en ocasiones se omiten hallazgos que pueden tener un significado clínico importante. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal y descriptivo de una muestra aleatoria de 500 estudios de imagen (radiografías panorámicas) durante el periodo de enero a mayo de 2018 analizadas por expertos estandarizados y empleando estadística descriptiva básica mediante el paquete estadístico Excel. Resultados: Se incluyeron 500 estudios, 67% correspondió a mujeres en un rango de cinco a 91 años de edad con una mediana de 43 años, 48% presentó alteraciones siendo las más frecuentas pérdida del proceso alveolar 45%, alteraciones en articulación temporomandibular 34%, y calcificación del ligamento estilohioideo 31%. Conclusión: Se reportaron hallazgos clínico-radiográficos significativos, resaltando la necesidad de un análisis cuidadoso de los métodos auxiliares de diagnóstico que permitan visualizar de manera contextual el tratamiento odontológico de los pacientes y/o reportar al especialista correspondiente otro tipo de hallazgos (AU))

Introduction: Although panoramic radiography is currently a commonly used diagnostic auxiliary instrument, unfortunately its benefits are not fully exploited and its use is limited to use in certain areas of Dentistry and eventually findings that may have important clinical significance are omitted. Material and methods: Crosssectional and descriptive study of a random sample of 500 imaging studies (panoramic radiographs) during the period from January to May 2018, analyzed by standardized experts and using basic descriptive statistics using the Excel statistical package. Results: 500 studies were included corresponding to 67% women and an age range from five to 91 years of age with a median of 43 years, 48% presented alterations, the most frequent being loss of the alveolar process 45%, alterations in the temporomandibular joint 34%, and calcification of the hyoid ligament 31%. Conclusion: In this study significant clinical-radiographic findings are reported, highlighting the need for a careful analysis of auxiliary diagnostic methods that allow visualize the dental treatment of the patients and / or report other findings to the corresponding specialist (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Previdência Social , Radiografia Panorâmica , Doenças Maxilomandibulares/diagnóstico por imagem , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Doenças da Boca/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. odontol. mex ; 22(4): 197-205, oct.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014421


RESUMEN En la práctica odontológica, en la toma de radiografías no es común la colocación de dosímetros en los pacientes, sin embargo, por medio de la dosimetría podemos mantener un mejor control de la cantidad de radiación que es emitida a los pacientes, de la dosis de radiación y de la sensibilidad del tejido frente a la radiación, para así prevenir en algún momento los posibles efectos nocivos de la radiación ionizante; puesto que en odontología se encuentran por debajo las dosis umbral requeridas para producir reacciones tisulares (efectos deterministas), sin embargo, los efectos estocásticos pueden desarrollarse y presentarse con cualquier dosis de radiación. En este estudio nos enfocaremos en las ortopantomografías que son auxiliares de diagnóstico previo a un tratamiento odontológico.

ABSTRACT In dentistry, the use of dosimeters is not frequently to evaluate the patient radiation; however, through dosimetry, we can maintain a better control of the amount of radiation emitted to patients, radiation doses and the tissue radiosensitivity, to prevent at any time the posible harmful effects of ionizing radiation (deterministic effects), however the stochastic effects can be developed and presented with any doce of radiation. In this study we will focus on orthopantomographies that are diagnostic auxiliaries prior to dental treatment.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178054


Context: Some radicular changes are challenging for clinicians to diagnose, such as of root perforations, external root resorption (ERR), and vertical root fractures (VRFs). This study aims to facilitate it by comparing the diagnostic accuracy of cone‑beam computed tomography (CBCT), orthopantomography, and conventional and digital periapical radiography (DPR) in the diagnosis of such problems. Is it worth doing CBCT despite the radiation dose? Aims: To evaluate and compare the diagnostic accuracy of CBCT, panoramic radiography, and conventional and DPR in the diagnosis of root perforation (RP), ERR, and VRF. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 40 extracted human teeth and 10 macerated human mandibles. RPs were performed using diamond burs, ERRs using spherical carbide burs, and RFs using a universal machine EMIC‑DL 1000. The images were evaluated by 6 dentomaxillofacial radiologists. Results: Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) revealed that CBCT showed the highest area under the ROC curve (Az) values for RP, ERR, and VRF (0.903, 0.950, and 0.849, respectively). The worst Az values for RP, ERR, and VRF (0.718, 0.494, and 0.611, respectively) were for panoramic radiography. Conclusions: CBCT showed the best results in the diagnosis of ERR and VRF. The diagnosis of ERR was the least accurate, panoramic radiography being not appropriate for its diagnosis. CBCT and conventional periapical radiography obtained similar results for the evaluation of RP. So for, RP indicate the conventional periapical radiography because CBCT has a higher radiation dose.

Rev. odontol. mex ; 18(1): 9-13, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-714552


La importancia de conocer el nivel de maduración ósea de nuestros pacientes para el diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento de ortodoncia nos ha llevado a estudiar diferentes indicadores de maduración ósea; el método más utilizado en el Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez¹ son los indicadores carpales (método de Björk), pero para este método se requiere de otra radiografía en el expediente del paciente, ya que no se utiliza de forma rutinaria, por lo que este estudio analizó la relación que existe entre los indicadores carpales y los indicadores dentales2-5 (método de Demirjian), usando para este último una radiografía panorámica, necesaria de forma rutinaria en el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Se utilizaron un total de 144 radiografías panorámicas y carpales de pacientes del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, a los cuales se les registró su estadio carpal y del canino mandibular. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que sí existe una correlación significativamente alta (error estándar .039) en algunos estadios pero no en todos (estadios 7, 8 y 9 mandibulares con 5, 8 y 9 carpales), por lo que no se pudo emitir la recomendación deseada de dejar de usar la radiografía carpal para sólo usar la radiografía panorámica.

The importance of assessing bone maturation levels in our patients (so as to be able to emit a proper diagnosis and design suitable orthodontic planning) has led us to study different bone maturation indicators. The most extensively used method at the Mexico Children's Hospital Federico Gomez¹ is the carpal indicator method (Björk method). Nevertheless, for this method, an additional X-ray is required in the patient files. This additional X-ray is not routinely included in the files; therefore, the present study analyzed the relationship between carpal and dental indicators² (Demirjian method). This method requires the use of a panoramic X-ray, which is routinely requested for orthodontic treatment. 144 carpus and panoramic X-rays of Mexico Children's Hospital Federico Gomez patients were used in the study. Carpus and mandibular canine stages were recorded. The results obtained revealed presence of significantly high correlation (standard error 0.39) at some but not all stages (mandibular stages 7, 8 and 9, carpus stages 5, 8 and 9). Bearing these facts in mind we found ourselves unable to advise, as was desired, the use of only panoramic X-rays, discarding carpal X-rays.

Int. j. morphol ; 29(3): 930-933, Sept. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-608684


Odotogenic myxoma is a benign tumor which presents in 3 percent to 6 percent of all odontogenic tumors. According to the WHO classification, multiple radiolucent areas of varying size, separated by straight or curved bony septa with poorly defined borders are the radiologic characteristics of the condition. We report the case of maxillary odontogenic myxoma in a 21 year old man. The radiological feature of the current case was interesting, due to the size of the lesion and severe displacement of the upper third molar.

El mixoma odontogénico es un tumor benigno que se presenta en el 3 por ciento a 6 por ciento de todos los tumores odontogénicos. De acuerdo a la clasificación de la OMS, las características radiológicas de esta patología presentan múltiples áreas radiolúcidas de tamaño variable, separadas por tabiques óseos rectos o curvos, con márgenes mal definidos. Presentamos un caso de mixoma odontogénico maxilar en un hombre de 21 años. La característica radiológica es interesante, debido al tamaño de la lesión y al desplazamiento severo del tercer molar superior.

Adulto Jovem , Migração de Dente/complicações , Migração de Dente , Mixoma/cirurgia , Mixoma/diagnóstico , Mixoma , Mixoma/ultraestrutura , Dente Serotino/anatomia & histologia , Dente Serotino/patologia , Dente Serotino , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Radiografia Panorâmica/métodos , Tomógrafos Computadorizados , Dente não Erupcionado , Tumores Odontogênicos/cirurgia , Tumores Odontogênicos/diagnóstico , Tumores Odontogênicos/patologia , Tumores Odontogênicos/ultraestrutura
Braz. dent. j ; 21(5): 458-462, 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-568993


The aim of this study was to determine size, shape and position of the image layer by evaluation of the radiographic image formation in different anatomic positions. A customized phantom was made of a rectangular acrylic plate measuring 14 cm² and 0.3 cm thick, with holes spaced 0.5 cm away and arranged in rows and columns. Each column was separately filled with 0.315 cm diameter metal spheres to acquire panoramic radiographs using the Orthopantomograph OP 100 unit. The customized phantom was placed on the mental support of the device, with its top surface kept parallel to the horizontal plane, and was radiographed at three different heights from the horizontal plane, i.e., the orbital, occlusal and mandibular symphysis levels. The images of the spheres were measured using a digital caliper to locate the image layer. The recorded data were analyzed statistically by the Student'-t test, ANOVA and Tukey' test (?=0.05). When the image size of spheres in horizontal and vertical axes were compared, statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in all areas, portions of the image layer and heights of horizontal plane evaluated. In the middle portion of the image layer, differences in the image size of spheres were observed only along the horizontal axis (p<0.05), whereas no differences were observed along the vertical axis (p>0.05). The methodology used in this determined the precise size, shape and position of the image layer and differences in magnification were observed in both the horizontal and vertical axes.

O objetivo na presente pesquisa foi determinar o tamanho, forma e posição da camada de imagem por meio da avaliação da formação da imagem radiográfica em diferentes posições anatômicas. Foi construído um phantom constituído por uma placa acrílica de 14 cm² e 0,3 cm de espessura, com sua superfície contendo perfurações a cada 0,5 cm dispostas em linhas e colunas. O phantom foi posicionado no local do apoio de mento do aparelho panorâmico, com sua superfície paralela ao plano horizontal. Esferas metálicas de 0,315 cm foram inseridas nas perfurações, e executadas radiografias panorâmicas. Cada coluna de cada quadrante foi individualmente preenchida pelas esferas para a execução das radiografias, em três planos horizontais diferentes: alturas orbital, oclusal e mentual. As imagens das esferas foram medidas com o uso de um paquímetro digital e a camada de imagem localizada. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando-se o teste T Student, ANOVA e teste de Tukey (?=0,05). Quando o tamanho das esferas nos eixos horizontal e vertical foi comparado, diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p<0,05) foram observadas em todas as áreas da camada de imagem, porções e alturas do plano horizontal avaliado. Na porção central da camada de imagem diferenças no tamanho das esferas foram observadas somente no eixo horizontal (p<0,05), enquanto que no eixo vertical nenhuma diferença foi observada (p>0,05). A metodologia utilizada determinou com precisão o tamanho, forma e posição da camada de imagem, e diferenças de ampliação foram observadas tanto no eixo horizontal quanto vertical.

Humanos , Intensificação de Imagem Radiográfica/métodos , Radiografia Panorâmica/métodos , Desenho de Equipamento , Marcadores Fiduciais , Mandíbula , Órbita , Imagens de Fantasmas , Ampliação Radiográfica , Dente
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-92718


Dental development is valuable for age estimation of children because of its low variability and less affection by endocrine and nutritional status. Demirjian reported a new system of dental age assessment in 1973 and this method has been used in many countries. The accuracy of Demirjian's method in dental age estimation may be affected by ethnic difference. For Korean population, the population study of Demirjian technique has not accomplished yet, therefore, we investigate and analyze the validity of Demirjian's method in Korean population. The 155 orthopantomographys which consisted of 87 boys and 68 girls were randomly selected and the age range was 5 to 16 years. The age of radiography was estimated according to criteria presented by Demirjian. Statistical analysis was preformed between real age and estimated age. In boys, there was no significant difference observed (p=0.171) between the real age and estimated age, however in girls, significant difference was shown (p=0.022) in 95% confidence interval. In both groups, there was clear overestimation tendency below 8.0 year, but over 8.0 year the difference pattern is atypical. The Pearson correlation coefficients between real age and estimated age were 0.970, 0.964 in boys, girls, respectively and showed positive relationship. The standards of dental maturation reported by Demirjian may not be applicable in Korean children especially in girls. Establishment of new maturation scores and percentiles curves for Korean population with many samples is required for more accurate age estimation.

Criança , Humanos , Estado Nutricional , Radiografia Panorâmica
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-434224


Purpose:To explore the value of MSCT-3D in stomatology through comparing with COPT.Materials and Methods:Both MSCT 117 patients and COPT 117 patients in stomatology were selected at a particular period,COPT imaging was using computed post-processing,MSCT imaging was processed according to 3D information through work station,then to analyze the imaging results according to metal tooth、damaged tooth and broken tooth,later to compare the photograph 、the technique of computed post-processing、the photograph condition and exposure of MSCT and COPT.Results:Normal COPT patients were 9 cases ( 0.24% ),normal teeth were 3160 (84.4% ),unusual teeth were 551 (15.6%),normal MSCT-3D patients were llcases ( 0.29% ),normal teeth were 3138 (83.8% ),and unusual teeth were 606 (16.2% ).COPT belonged to COPT photograph,the emphasis was 2D,MSCT-3D belonged to spiral photograph,the emphasis was 3D,and MSCT imaging could be processed according to 3D reformation.The 3D effect of MSCT was batter than that of COPT.The radiation dosage was much higher than that of COPT.Conclusions: COPT could get 2D effects: MSCT-3D could improve 3D results on 2D basis,but the radiation dosage of MSCT is much higher than that of COPT in stomatology.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-537620


objective: To study the development of available space of lower posterior arch. Methods: The sample consisted of 188 randomly selected subjects aged from 11 to 18 years, 76 males and 112 females. The distance from the distal surface of mandibular first molar to the anterior border of the ramus was measured on orthopantomography. All the data were analyzed statistically. Results: 1) The distance(mm) in female and in male was 14.45?3.54 and 13.29?4.17 respectively( P