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Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 145-148, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017454


Analgesia is an important link in the treatment of severe patients after neurosurgery and plays a vital role in improving the prognosis of the patients.Understanding the status quo and influencing fac-tors of pain in severe patients after neurosurgery helps to predict the occurrence of pain,which is crucial for determining the new pain assessment methods and auxiliary analgesic methods and developing novel analgesic drugs.This paper reviews the pain status,pain evaluation and analgesic methods of severe patients after neuro-surgery in recent years so as to understand the pain management current status of the patients with severe neurological conditions and provide reference for the medical staff to implement the analgesic programs.

Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2023089, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529500


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the focus of pediatricians' gaze during the heel prick of neonates. Methods: Prospective study in which pediatricians wearing eye tracker glasses evaluated neonatal pain before/after a heel prtick. Pediatricians scored the pain they perceived in the neonate in a verbal analogue numerical scale (0=no pain; 10=maximum pain). The outcomes measured were number and time of visual fixations in upper face, lower face, and hands, in two 10-second periods, before (pre) and after the puncture (post). These outcomes were compared between the periods, and according to pediatricians' pain perception: absent/mild (score: 0-5) and moderate/intense (score: 6-10). Results: 24 pediatricians (31 years old, 92% female) evaluated 24 neonates. The median score attributed to neonatal pain during the heel prick was 7.0 (Interquartile range: 5-8). Compared to pre-, in the post-periods, more pediatricians fixed their gaze on the lower face (63 vs. 92%; p=0.036) and the number of visual fixations was greater on the lower face (2.0 vs. 5.0; p=0.018). There was no difference in the number and time of visual fixations according to the intensity of pain. Conclusions: At bedside, pediatricians change their focus of attention on the neonatal face after a painful procedure, focusing mainly on the lower part of the face.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o foco do olhar do pediatra durante a punção do calcanhar de neonatos. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo no qual pediatras, utilizando óculos de rastreamento visual, avaliaram a dor neonatal antes/depois de uma punção de calcanhar. Os pediatras pontuaram a dor de acordo com a sua percepção por meio de uma escala analógica verbal (0=sem dor; 10=dor máxima). Os desfechos analisados foram o número e o tempo das fixações visuais na face superior, face inferior e mãos, em dois períodos de 10 segundos, antes (PRÉ) e depois da punção (PÓS). Os resultados foram comparados entre os períodos e segundo a percepção da dor do pediatra: ausente/leve (escore: 0-5) e moderada/grave (escore: 6-10). Resultados: Vinte e quatro pediatras (31 anos, 92% sexo feminino) avaliaram 24 neonatos. A mediana do escore atribuído à dor do recém-nascido durante a punção do calcanhar foi 7,0 (intervalo interquartil: 5-8). Comparado ao período PRÉ, no período PÓS, o maior número de pediatras fixou o olhar na face inferior (63 vs. 92%; p=0,036) e o número de fixações visuais foi maior na face inferior (2,0 vs. 5,0; p=0,018). Não houve diferença no número e no tempo das fixações visuais de acordo com a intensidade da dor. Conclusões: À beira do leito, os pediatras mudam seu foco de atenção visual na face do recém-nascido após um procedimento doloroso, focando o olhar principalmente na parte inferior da face.

Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2023. 100 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1555198


A dor é uma experiência subjetiva variando na sua forma e intensidade de pessoa para pessoa, que vem, ao longo dos anos, sendo um elemento subnotificado, não avaliado e subtratado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), principalmente, pelos pacientes estarem sedados. Dessa maneira, observa-se também a existência de várias escalas padronizadas, amplamente divulgadas e utilizadas para analisar prováveis sintomas de dor expressadas pela população sob efeito de sedativos e dependentes de ventilação mecânica em UTIs. O estudo foi desenvolvido junto a dois grupos de participantes: o primeiro grupo foi constituído pelos enfermeiros envolvidos na assistência direta ao paciente na unidade investigada, em todos os turnos de trabalho, com tempo de trabalho na unidade superior a três meses, que aceitarem participar da pesquisa e que se encontravam em atividade laboral no período de coleta de dados e o segundo grupo foi composto por pacientes internados que foram avaliados pelo instrumento proposto, durante o período de internação na UTI selecionada. Foram elegíveis os pacientes com idade superior a 18 anos, de ambos os sexos, que estavam sedados e inconscientes e sob ventilação mecânica, impossibilitados de verbalizar a percepção de dor, mediante consentimento de participação fornecido por responsável legal. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de fevereiro a abril de 2023. Utilizou-se a Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) , um instrumento observacional de avaliação da dor, composto por três domínios comportamentais: expressão facial, movimentos de membros superiores e conformidade com o ventilador mecânico. A amostra pesquisada, composta em sua maioria de profissionais do sexo do feminino (85%), com predominância na faixa etária de 36 a 40 (30%) e mesmo percentual acima de 45 anos. A idade média dos enfermeiros foi de 42,5 anos, com mediana de 39,5 anos. Observa-se ainda que houve discrepâncias nas avaliações em relação aos valores obtidos pelos enfermeiros, quando comparados com o enfermeiro padrão ouro da pesquisa, em alguns momentos de observação dos pacientes, o que indica a necessidade de ampliar as oportunidades de avaliação com objetivo de capacitar os enfermeiros para uso mais sistemático deste instrumento. O instrumento BPS mostrou-se de boa compreensão e utilização pelos enfermeiros participantes deste estudo, o que indica sua utilização dentro de uma boa perspectiva pelos profissionais atuantes em unidades de terapia intensiva. Deve-se destacar a relevância desta pesquisa, em razão de poucos estudos na literatura brasileira, quanto a utilização desta ferramenta pelos enfermeiros intensivistas, na direção de um cuidado de excelência aos pacientes críticos

Pain is a subjective experience varying in its form and intensity from person to person, which has, over the years, been an underreported, unassisted and undertreated element in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), mainly because patients are sedated. Thus, it is also observed the existence of several standardized scales, widely disseminated and used to analyze probable pain symptoms expressed by the population under the effect of sedatives and dependent on mechanical ventilation in ICUs. This study aimed to describe the process of implantation of a validated instrument for pain assessment of sedated and unconscious patients under mechanical ventilation in an ICU. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. This investigation was carried out in the Intensive Care Center of a public hospital located in the municipality of Belém, Pará State, which meets the demand referred by the basic, outpatient and hospital network, allocating 100% of its installed capacity to SUS patients. The study was developed with two groups of participants: the first group consisted of nurses involved in direct patient care in the unit investigated, in all work shifts, with more than three months of work in the unit, who agreed to participate in the research and who were in work activity during the data collection period and the second group was composed of hospitalized patients who were evaluated by the proposed instrument, during the period of hospitalization in the selected ICU. Patients older than 18 years, of both sexes, who were sedated and unconscious and under mechanical ventilation, unable to verbalize the perception of pain, were eligible, with the consent of participation provided by a legal guardian. Data collection was conducted from February to April 2023. The Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) was used, an observational pain assessment instrument composed of three behavioral domains: facial expression, upper limb movements and compliance with the mechanical ventilator. The sample surveyed, composed mostly of female professionals (85%), with predominance in the age group of 36 to 40 (30%) and the same percentage over 45 years. The mean age of the nurses was 42.5 years, with a median of 39.5 years. It is also observed that there were discrepancies in the evaluations in relation to the values obtained by the nurses, when compared with the nurse gold standard of the research, in some moments of observation of the patients, which indicates the need to expand the opportunities for evaluation in order to train the nurses for more systematic use of this instrument. The BPS instrument was shown to be well understood and used by the nurses participating in this study, which indicates its use from a good perspective by professionals working in intensive care units. The relevance of this research should be highlighted, due to few studies in the Brazilian literature, regarding the use of this tool by intensive care nurses, in the direction of excellent care for critically ill patients

Humanos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Dor , Manejo da Dor , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Cuidados de Enfermagem
Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 20(37): 15-22, jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1283217


La mirada histórica retrospectiva del dolor nos posiciona frente a su coexistencia con la humanidad. Cada cultura tuvo su peculiar manera de afrontarlo, darle significado y tomar sus medidas de alivio. La ciencia, desde su lugar, ha desarrollado conceptos explicando razones y orígenes de su presencia. Las ciencias médicas en su anhelo de aliviar las dolencias de las personas, elaboraron escalas de evaluación del dolor. En las terapias intensivas, donde el estado de conciencia del paciente varía acorde a la necesidad que se produce a fin de resolver su patología o el motivo de ingreso a este servicio, resulta necesario valorar su estado neurológico para poder así determinar con precisión la escala de evaluación del dolor que aporte el resultado más oportuna según el momento preciso. Debido a los cuidados que lleva a cabo el profesional de enfermería con los internados, es quien permanece mayor tiempo con ellos; pudiendo cultivar una relación interpersonal más profunda, y debido a lo cual, no sólo colaborar en el alivio del dolor, sino también, si fuera necesario, ayudar a que encuentre el sentido a éste, en palabras de Travelbee. Para poder implementar dicha idea, el objetivo del presente protocolo, se define el siguiente objetivo: «Tomar acuerdo e implementar el uso adecuado y continuo de las escalas del dolor, en el paciente de terapia intensiva de adultos, de acuerdo a su grado de conciencia, a fin de reducir el dolor durante su estadía de internación[AU]

The retrospective historical view of pain positions us in front of its coexistence with humanity. Each culture had its own way of dealing with it, giving it meaning, and taking its relief measures. Science, from its place, has developed concepts explaining reasons and origins of its presence. The medical sciences in their desire to alleviate people's ailments, developed pain assessment scales. In intensive therapies, where the patient's state of consciousness varies according to the need that occurs in order to resolve their pathology or the reason for admission to this service, it is necessary to assess their neurological status in order to accurately determine the scale of pain assessment that provides the most timely result according to the precise moment. Due to the care carried out by the nursing professional with the internees, it is he who stays with them the longest; being able to cultivate a deeper interpersonal relationship, and due to which, not only collaborate in the relief of pain, but also, if necessary, help it find meaning to it, in the words of Travelbee. In order to implement this idea, the objective of this protocol, the following objective is defined: "Agree and implement the adequate and continuous use of pain scales, in the adult intensive care patient[AU]

A visão histórica retrospectiva da dor nos posiciona diante de sua convivência com a humanidade. Cada cultura tinha sua própria maneira de lidar com isso, dando-lhe sentido e tomando suas medidas de alívio. A ciência, a partir de seu lugar, desenvolveu conceitos que explicam as razões e as origens de sua presença. As ciências médicas, em seu desejo de aliviar as doenças das pessoas, desenvolveram escalas de avaliação da dor. Nas terapias intensivas, onde o estado de consciência do paciente varia de acordo com a necessidade que ocorre para a resolução de sua patologia ou o motivo da admissão neste serviço, é necessário avaliar seu estado neurológico para determinar com precisão a escala de avaliação da dor que fornece o resultado mais oportuno de acordo com o momento preciso. Devido aos cuidados realizados pelo profissional de enfermagem com os internos, é ele quem fica com eles por mais tempo; ser capaz de cultivar um relacionamento interpessoal mais profundo, e por isso, não só colaborar no alívio da dor, mas também, se necessário, ajudá-la a encontrar sentido para ela, nas palavras de Travelbee. Para concretizar essa ideia, objetivo deste protocolo, é definido o seguinte objetivo: "Acordar e implementar o uso adequado e contínuo de escalas de dor, no paciente adulto em terapia intensiva, de acordo com seu grau de consciência, a fim de reduzir dor durante a sua internação[AU]

Humanos , Adulto , Dor/classificação , Medição da Dor , Consciência , Estado de Consciência , Cuidados Críticos , Cultura , Relações Interpessoais , Empatia
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1222617


Objetivo: Identificar a frequência de dificuldade dos profissionais na observação dos parâmetros da escala de Neonatal Infant Pain Scale no Recém-nascido. Descrever os tipos e frequência das medidas não farmacológicas de alívio e prevenção da dor que são utilizadas pelos profissionais de enfermagem. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, transversal, com análise estatística através do programa IBM SPSS versão 21.0. A população do estudo foi composta por 55 profissionais da equipe de enfermagem. Para coleta dos dados foi realizada entrega de questionário aos profissionais da equipe de enfermagem, a fim de identificar os tipos e frequência da aplicação de medidas de alívio da dor. Resultados: Os profissionais de enfermagem realizam avaliação da dor majoritariamente de forma empírica, assim como a realização de medidas não farmacológicas de alivio. Conclusão: Há a necessidade de realização de ações de educação permanente para atualização de protocolos institucionais, contribuindo para a humanização da assistência e eficiência do cuidado

Objectives: To identify the frequency of difficulty of the professionals in the observation of the NIPS scale parameters in the NB. To describe the types and frequency of non-pharmacological measures of pain relief and prevention that are used by nursing professionals. Methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional study with statistical analysis using the IBM SPSS software version 21.0. The study population consisted of 55 professionals from the nursing team. To collect the data, a questionnaire was delivered to the professionals of the nursing team in order to identify the types and frequency of the application of measures of pain relief. Results:Nursing professionals perform pain assessment mainly empirically, as well as non-pharmacological measures of relief. Conclusion: There is a need for permanent education actions to update institutional protocols, contributing to the humanization of care and efficiency of care

Objetivos: Identificar la frecuencia de dificultad de los profesionales en la observación de los parámetros de la escala de NIPS en el RN. Describir los tipos y frecuencia de las medidas no farmacológicas de alivio y prevención del dolor que son utilizadas por los profesionales de enfermería. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, transversal, con análisis estadístico a través del programa IBM SPSS versión 21.0. La población del estudio fue compuesta por 55 profesionales del equipo de enfermería. Para la recolección de los datos se realizó entrega de cuestionario a los profesionales del equipo de enfermería, a fin de identificar los tipos y frecuencia de la aplicación de medidas de alivio del dolor. Resultados: Los profesionales de enfermería realizan evaluación del dolor mayoritariamente de forma empírica, así como la realización de medidas no farmacológicas de alivio. Conclusión: Se necesitan acciones de educación permanente para actualizar los protocolos institucionales, contribuyendo a la humanización de la atención y la eficiencia de la atención

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Medição da Dor , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal , Profissionais de Enfermagem , Dor , Humanização da Assistência
Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 28(2): 271-277, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132955


Abstract Background Currently, different pain scales are used extensively to measure clinical pain, especially in dental practice. Objective This study aims to compare pain scales used in clinical research and dental practice, identifying the easiest to understand by patients with Cervical Dentin Hypersensitivity. Method Seventy-four patients with Cervical Dentin Hypersensitivity were stimulated by a thermic test of the sensitive tooth, followed by application of different pain measurement scales (Visual Analogue Scale, Faces Pain Scales, Numeric Rating Scale, and Verbal Rating Scale) and by a questionnaire to evaluate the patient's perception regarding the ease of understanding scales. The statistic tests used were the Wilcoxon, Spearman correlation, and Chi-Square tests. Results The results founded a strong positive correlation between the scales (r = 0.798 to 0.960 p <0.001). The was easiest scale to understand according to the patients was the Verbal Rating Scale (52.7%). Conclusion The pain measurement scales evaluated provide similar information about pain reported in the Cervical Dentin Hypersensitivity allowing the comparison between studies that used them to measure pain. The affinity of the patient with the pain scale can guide the clinical dental practice in the different levels of health care.

Resumo Introdução Atualmente, diferentes escalas têm sido utilizadas para medir a dor no contexto clínico, especialmente na prática odontológica. Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as escalas de dor comumente utilizadas em pesquisas clínicas e na prática clínica odontológica, identificando as mais fáceis de serem compreendidas pelos pacientes com hipersensibilidade dentinária cervical. Método Setenta e quatro pacientes com hipersensibilidade dentinária cervical foram estimulados por um teste térmico para avaliação do dente sensível, seguido pela aplicação de diferentes escalas para avaliação de dor (Escala Visual Analógica, Faces de Dor, Escala Numérica e Escala Verbal) e de um questionário complementar para avaliar a percepção do paciente em relação à facilidade de compreensão das escalas. Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes de correlação de Wilcoxon, Spearman e Qui-Quadrado. Resultados Uma forte correlação positiva foi encontrada entre as quatro escalas avaliadas (r = 0,798 a 0,960; p < 0,001). De acordo com os pacientes, a escala de mais fácil compreensão foi a Escala Verbal (52,7%). Conclusão As escalas para mensuração da dor fornecem informações semelhantes sobre a dor relatada na hipersensibilidade dentinária cervical. A afinidade do paciente pela escala de dor pode direcionar a escolha da escala a ser utilizada na prática clínica odontológica nos diversos níveis de atenção à saúde.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2020 Apr; 68(4): 577-582
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-197898


Purpose: To compare intracameral Ropivacaine to Lignocaine during phacoemulsification under augmented topical anesthesia, in terms of efficacy and safety. Methods: This prospective, randomized, double-masked clinical trial included subjects planned for phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation for visually significant uncomplicated senile cataract, under augmented topical anesthesia. Cases were randomized into two groups, Group A (Ropivacaine 0.1%) or Group B (Lignocaine 1.0%). The pain experienced by the patients during the surgery, mydriasis, post-op inflammation and endothelial cell change at six weeks after the procedure was evaluated. Surgeon's feedback was recorded to evaluate the cooperation of the patient during surgery. Results: A total of 210 subjects were screened and 184 were randomized to have 92 subjects in each group. There was no statistically significant difference seen on comparing Group A and B with respect to Age (P = 0.05), painful surgical steps (P = 0.85), visual analog scale scores (P = 0.65), surgeon's score (P = 0.11), postoperative inflammation (P = 0.90) and average ultrasound time during phacoemulsification (P = 0.10). Subjects in Group A fared better when compared to Group B with respect to endothelial cell loss (P = 0.0008), and augmentation in mydriasis (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Intracameral Ropivacaine and Lignocaine, both are equally effective in providing analgesia during phacoemulsification. However, intracameral Ropivacaine is superior to Lignocaine with regards to corneal endothelial cell safety, and augmenting mydriasis.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212782


Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy is gold standard treatment modality for symptomatic cholelithiasis and appendicitis. Laparoscopy in paediatric patient have many limitations and  factors restricting its use in paediatric patient are smaller surface area for access, compliant abdominal wall,  the liver margin  below the rib cage, the bladder being  an intra-abdominal structure, the viscera close to  anterior abdominal wall and small sized abdominal cavity and conventional instruments too long for paediatrics use.  The so-called obliterated structures like umbilical vein, umbilical artery and urachus remain relatively large and partially patent in infants further restricting use of therapeutic laparoscopy.Methods: The present study was carried out in Department of General Surgery, MDM Hospital, Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Total 50 patients were included in the present study of laparoscopic surgery in paediatric patients below 14 years of age and were studied in terms of, duration of surgery, postoperative pain, analgesic requirement, postoperative hospital stay, intraoperative and postoperative complication and factors necessitating conversion of laparoscopic procedure to open method.Results: As per the present study inguinal hernia was most common diagnosis (48%) followed by hydrocele (22%) and acute appendicitis (22%).Conclusions: It is concluded from the present study that laparoscopic surgery in paediatric patients is safe, complication free, had less analgesic requirement, shorter duration of surgery, short postoperative hospital and total hospital stay and better cosmetic results.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(5): 293-295, ene. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346190


Resumen: OBJETIVO: Determinar la efectividad de la indometacina, por vía rectal, en el tratamiento del dolor posthisterectomía versus paracetamol o metamizol administrados por vía intravenosa. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio experimental, comparativo y prospectivo llevado a cabo en el Hospital Central del Estado de Chihuahua entre noviembre y diciembre de 2019. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes histerectomizadas, con expediente clínico completo y de cualquier edad. Criterios de exclusión: pacientes con alteraciones en el umbral del dolor, inconsistencias en el expediente, histerectomía total no ginecológica. Criterios de eliminación: pacientes con limitantes en la información que no permitieron relacionar la variable dependiente con la independiente. El seguimiento del dolor referido se efectuó con la escala análoga del dolor y valoraciones a las 12 y 24 horas posteriores a la cirugía. RESULTADOS: Se reunieron 141 pacientes, que se dividieron en tres grupos. Grupo 1: metamizol intravenoso e indometacina por vía rectal (n = 24). Grupo 2: paracetamol intravenoso e indometacina por vía rectal (n = 19). Grupo 3: paracetamol y metamizol intravenosos (n = 98). La mayoría de las pacientes de los grupos 1 y 2 reportaron, a las 24 h, una escala visual análoga menor de 3 vs las del grupo 3. Diez de 98 pacientes requirieron tratamiento en el servicio de Anestesiología. CONCLUSIÓN: La administración de indometacina por vía rectal a pacientes histerectomizadas demostró menor dolor que con metamizol y paracetamol, y evolución clínica y alta hospitalaria más temprana.

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of indomethacin in the treatment of post-hysterectomy pain versus paracetamol or metamizole administered intravenously. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experimental, comparative and prospective study at the Central Hospital of the State of Chihuahua, period November to December 2019, patients undergoing hysterectomy with complete clinical record, any age. Patients with alterations in the pain threshold, inconsistencies in the file, total non-gynecological hysterectomy were excluded, patients with information limitations were eliminated, which did not allow to relate the dependent variable, with the independent one. RESULTS: 141 patients were collected, which were divided into three groups. Group 1: intravenous metamizole and indomethacin rectally (n = 24). Group 2: intravenous paracetamol and indomethacin rectally (n = 19). Group 3: intravenous paracetamol and metamizole (n = 98). Most of the patients in groups 1 and 2 reported, at 24 hours, a visual analog scale of less than 3 vs those of group 3. Ten of 98 patients required treatment in the Anesthesiology service. CONCLUSION: The administration of indomethacin rectally in postoperative patients of hysterectomy has been shown to reduce pain more effectively than conventional analgesics such as metamizole and paracetamol, relating to clinical evolution and early hospital discharge.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 31(4): 571-581, out.-dez. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058057


RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever a adequação de duas escalas comportamentais, a Behavioral Pain Scale e a Critical Care Pain Observation Tool, para a avaliação da dor em pacientes intubados orotraquealmente, internados em unidades de terapia intensiva. Método: Utilizando a metodologia recomendada pelo Centro Cochrane, foi realizada revisão sistemática da literatura, na base de dados eletrônica EBSCO host (CINAHL Complete, MEDLINE®Complete, Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Methodology Register, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, MedicLatina). Foram realizadas duas pesquisas com os seguintes termos em inglês no campo de pesquisa: "behavioral pain scale" AND "critical care pain observation tool" AND "behavioral pain scale" OR "critical care pain observation tool". Dois revisores independentes realizaram a avaliação crítica, a extração e a síntese dos dados. Resultados: Foram incluídos 15 estudos que evidenciaram que a Behavioral Pain Scale e a Critical Care Pain Observation Tool eram duas escalas válidas e confiáveis para a avaliação da dor em pacientes intubados orotraquealmente e internados em unidade de terapia intensiva. As escalas apresentaram propriedades psicométricas semelhantes, bem como boa confiabilidade. Conclusão: Ambas as escalas são adequadas para a avaliação da dor em pacientes intubados orotraquealmente, internados em unidade de terapia intensiva, contudo, apresentam limitações em populações específicas como doentes vítimas de trauma, queimados e do foro neurocirurgico. É sugerida a realização de mais estudos sobre o tema e em populações específicas.

ABSTRACT Objective: Descrever a adequação de duas escalas comportamentais, a Behavioral Pain Scale e a Critical Care Pain Observation Tool, para a avaliação da dor em pacientes intubados orotraquealmente, internados em unidades de terapia intensiva. Method: Utilizando a metodologia recomendada pelo Centro Cochrane, foi realizada revisão sistemática da literatura, na base de dados eletrônica EBSCO host (CINAHL Complete, MEDLINE®Complete, Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Methodology Register, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, MedicLatina). Foram realizadas duas pesquisas com os seguintes termos em inglês no campo de pesquisa: "behavioral pain scale" AND "critical care pain observation tool" AND "behavioral pain scale" OR "critical care pain observation tool". Dois revisores independentes realizaram a avaliação crítica, a extração e a síntese dos dados. Results: Foram incluídos 15 estudos que evidenciaram que a Behavioral Pain Scale e a Critical Care Pain Observation Tool eram duas escalas válidas e confiáveis para a avaliação da dor em pacientes intubados orotraquealmente e internados em unidade de terapia intensiva. As escalas apresentaram propriedades psicométricas semelhantes, bem como boa confiabilidade. Conclusion: Ambas as escalas são adequadas para a avaliação da dor em pacientes intubados orotraquealmente, internados em unidade de terapia intensiva, contudo, apresentam limitações em populações específicas como doentes vítimas de trauma, queimados e do foro neurocirurgico. É sugerida a realização de mais estudos sobre o tema e em populações específicas.

Humanos , Dor/diagnóstico , Medição da Dor/métodos , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Intubação Intratraqueal
Rev. ADM ; 76(4): 201-207, jul.-ago 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1023222


La naturaleza urgente del dolor se relaciona más con el miedo que genera que con la verdadera intensidad de la molestia. El miedo al dolor dental obliga a muchos pacientes a reducir sus visitas al odontólogo hasta que experimentan una odontalgia insoportable, lo que pone en riesgo su salud general y dental. Un cuestionario constituye un medio efectivo para determinar la capacidad física y emocional de un paciente para tolerar un procedimiento odontológico. Cuando conoce el origen del miedo, el odontólogo dispone de técnicas para el manejo del paciente. Los objetivos son: medir el miedo al dolor dental; conocer las diferencias en el grado de miedo al dolor; identificar las situaciones cotidianas de la consulta dental que provocan un alto grado de miedo al dolor dental. Para cumplir los objetivos se propone el uso del Cuestionario del Miedo al Dolor Dental (CMDD), que se aplicó a 200 pacientes de la clínica de Endodoncia de la UMSNH. Material y métodos: 250 cuestionarios, bolígrafo. Se entregó el cuestionario de autoevaluación y se procedió al análisis y clasificación de la información con el software SPSS versión 18. Conclusiones: Se comprueba la fiabilidad del CMDD, es decir, que mide de manera confiable el miedo al dolor dental de los pacientes a los que se les aplica. Los resultados proveen información importante para identificar áreas para la mejora de la práctica odontológica relativas al manejo del miedo al dolor dental (AU)

The urgent nature of pain is more related to the fear generated than the true intensity of the discomfort. The fear of dental pain forces many patients to reduce their visits to the dentist until they experience an excruciating toothache. The assessment in dentistry determines the physical and emotional capacity of a patient to tolerate a dental procedure. A form with a questionnaire is an effective means of ensuring relevant information. When you know the origin of the fear of his patient, the dentist has many useful techniques for treatment. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to measure the fear of dental pain (I), know the differences that may exist in the degree of fear of pain between one individual and another (II) and everyday situations of dental consultation result in a high degree of fear of pain (III); using the Questionnaire of Fear for Dental Pain (QFDP) used in 200 patients of the Endodontics Clinic at UMSNH. Material and methods: 250 questionnaires. Selfassessment Questionnaire is delivered. We proceed to the analysis and classification of the information with the computer software SPSS version 18. Conclusions: The reliability of the CMDD is verified, that is, it reliably measures the fear of dental pain of the patients to whom it is applied. The results provide important information to identify areas for the improvement of dental practice related to the management of fear of dental pain (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Pacientes/psicologia , Medição da Dor , Ansiedade ao Tratamento Odontológico , Odontalgia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudo Observacional , México
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763353


OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this study was to compare clinical pregnancy rates in intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatment cycles with transabdominal ultrasound guidance during intrauterine catheter insemination (US-IUI) versus the “blind method” IUI without ultrasound guidance (BM-IUI). The secondary objective was to compare whether US-IUI had better patient tolerability and whether US-IUI made the insemination procedure easier for the clinician to perform compared to BM-IUI. METHODS: This was a randomized controlled trial done at the Reproductive Medicine Unit of General Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We included women aged between 25 and 40 years who underwent an IUI treatment cycle with follicle-stimulating hormone injections for controlled ovarian stimulation. RESULTS: A total of 130 patients were recruited for our study. The US-IUI group had 70 patients and the BM-IUI group had 60 patients. The clinical pregnancy rate was 10% in both groups (p> 0.995) and there were no significant difference between the groups for patient tolerability assessed by scores on a pain visual analog scale (p= 0.175) or level of difficulty for the clinician (p> 0.995). The multivariate analysis further showed no significant increase in the clinical pregnancy rate (adjusted odds ratio, 1.07; 95% confidence interval, 0.85–1.34; p= 0.558) in the US-IUI group compared to the BM-IUI group even after adjusting for potential covariates. CONCLUSION: The conventional blind method for intrauterine catheter insemination is recommended for patients undergoing IUI treatment. The use of ultrasound during the insemination procedure increased the need for trained personnel to perform ultrasonography and increased the cost, but added no extra benefits for patients or clinicians.

Feminino , Humanos , Catéteres , Hormônio Foliculoestimulante , Hospitais Gerais , Inseminação , Inseminação Artificial , Malásia , Métodos , Análise Multivariada , Razão de Chances , Indução da Ovulação , Medição da Dor , Taxa de Gravidez , Medicina Reprodutiva , Ultrassonografia , Escala Visual Analógica
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740004


BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to compare the pain perception and anesthetic efficacy of 2% lignocaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine, buffered lignocaine, and 4% articaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine for the inferior alveolar nerve block. METHODS: This was a double-blind crossover study involving 48 children aged 5–10 years, who received three inferior alveolar nerve block injections in three appointments scheduled one week apart from the next. Pain on injection was assessed using the Wong-Baker Faces pain scale and the sound eye motor scale (SEM). Efficacy of anesthesia was assessed by subjective (tingling or numbness of the lip, tongue, and corner of mouth) and objective signs (pain on probing). RESULTS: Pain perception on injection assessed with Wong-Baker scale was significantly different between buffered lignocaine and lignocaine (P < 0.001) and between buffered lignocaine and articaine (P = 0.041). The onset of anesthesia was lowest for buffered lignocaine, with a statistically significant difference between buffered lignocaine and lignocaine (P < 0.001). Moreover, the efficacy of local analgesia assessed using objective signs was significantly different between buffered lignocaine and lignocaine (P < 0.001) and between lignocaine and articaine. CONCLUSION: Buffered lignocaine was the least painful and the most efficacious anesthetic agent during the inferior alveolar nerve block injection in 5–10-year-old patients.

Criança , Humanos , Analgesia , Anestesia , Agendamento de Consultas , Soluções Tampão , Carticaína , Estudos Cross-Over , Epinefrina , Hipestesia , Lidocaína , Lábio , Nervo Mandibular , Percepção da Dor , Língua
Rev. sanid. mil ; 72(3/4): 240-245, may.-ago. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004495


Resumen Introducción El esguince de tobillo es una patología frecuente y uno de los principales motivos de incapacidad laboral, a pesar de ello, no se cuenta con un tratamiento estandarizado y existe controversia con respecto a la inmovilización o una movilización temprana. Objetivo Determinar el mejor tratamiento para los esguinces de tobillo grado II, ofreciendo un resultado satisfactorio con periodos de incapacidad más cortos. Material y métodos Ensayo clínico-aleatorizado, ciego simple de enero a junio de 2016. Dos grupos: inmovilización y vendaje funcional. Se interrogó dolor inicial y al término del tratamiento con escala de EVA, ambos grupos con mismo manejo analgésico, antiinflamatorio y rehabilitación, se evaluó funcionalidad al mes del inicio del padecimiento con escala de Karlsson. Resultados Todos los pacientes con dolor inicial arriba de 70 (de moderado a severo), sin diferencia en media entre grupos (férula 86.3 ± 9.6 contra vendaje de 86.1 ± 8.5; p = 0.95), ambos con disminución del dolor; el grupo con vendaje obtuvo niveles más bajos (férula media 55.2 ± 15.5 contra vendaje 40.3 ± 12.8, p ≤ 0.001). Grupo con férula 24 (88.9%) al final calificaron su dolor como moderado y tres (11.1%) como leve contra el grupo con vendaje, de los cuales, 17 (73.1%) tuvieron dolor moderado y siete (26.9%) leve (p = 0.15). Conclusión El vendaje funcional es una excelente opción de manejo para esguince de tobillo grado II, ofrece buenos resultados con periodos de incapacidad y costos más reducidos.

Abstract Background The grade II ankle sprain it is one of the most frequent pathologies in the musculoskeletal system and one of the principal motives of laboral inability. Despite the fact this pathology is one of the most common reasons for ER visiting there is not a standard treatment for it, and exist controversy about the immobilization vs. an early mobilization. Objective Determine the best treatment for grade II ankle sprains, offering a satisfactory result with a minor time of labor inability. Material and methods Single-blind randomized controlled clinical trial with two groups immobilization versus functional bandage, both groups with VAS evaluation at the beginning and at the end of treatment, same AINES management and rehabilitation, 30 days after the injury we evaluate the functional outcome with Karlsson score. Results At the beginning all patients report pain over 70 (moderate-severe) without difference in the average of both groups (immobilization 86.3 ± 9.6 versus functional bandage treatment of 86.1 ± 8.5; p = 0.95). Both groups present less pain at the end of the treatment, the bandage group present lower values, (Immobilization average 55.2 ± 15.5 versus functional bandage treatment 40.3 ± 12.8, p ≤ 0.001). In the immobilization group 24 (88.9%) at the end of the treatment had moderate pain and 3 (11.1%) light pain against the functional treatment group where 17 (73.1%) had moderate pain and 7 (26.9%) light (p = 0.15). Conclusion Functional bandage is an excellent treatment option for grade II ankle sprain, offering good results with a lower time of inability and cost.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-192021


Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of low-level laser irradiation and ibuprofen in reducing the onset and severity of postoperative pain following single visit endodontics. Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty patients were recruited for this study. Group A (n = 30) patients were administered 400 mg of ibuprofen orally 1 h before the institution of an endodontic procedure. Group B (n = 30) patients were given irradiation of a low-level laser at 50 Hz for 3 min after the standard endodontic procedure at the periapical region on both buccal and lingual aspect. Group C (n = 30) patients were given preoperative ibuprofen followed with a low-level laser at 50 Hz for 3 min after endodontic treatment. Group D (n = 30) patients were administered no preoperative ibuprofen nor low-level laser irradiation after the endodontic procedure. The patient immediately recorded his/her pain perception on the Heft Parker pain survey after completion of the appointment and at 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h postoperatively. Inter group analysis was carried out using the analysis of variances with “least significant difference” post hoc test. For intra group analysis, Student's t-test was used. Chi-square test was applied for nonparametric data. Results: Pain was significantly reduced in all the treatment groups postoperatively. Ibuprofen showed significant pain reduction at 4 h and 8 h period. The combination of low-level laser and ibuprofen showed the best results in terms of postoperative pain reduction. Conclusion: This study proved that low-level laser therapy can be an effective alternative for conventional use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in controlling postendodontic pain thereby eliminating the adverse effects of such drugs on the patients.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974271


Background and Objective of the Study @#Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) affects 4-5 people per 100,000 population. Because of its key feature - sudden intense facial pain, immediate and long-term treatment is warranted. The newly validated Penn Facial Pain Scale (PFPS) is of great value for assessment of how trigeminal pain and its treatment affect our patients’ lives. This study translated the PFPS to a Filipino version which can be used with ease in our setting. @*Methodology Study Design Validity Study Methods @#Forward translation was carried out by an expert. The initial output was sent to 10 Neurologists for content and face validity. The experts rated each item’s relevance and through item level content validity index, items which scored >0.80 were accepted and those that scored lower were subjected to discussion by the investigators. The revised questionnaire was then administered to 8 TN patients for face validity. The fi nal output was back translated and compared to the original PFPS. Results Content and face validity as assessed by 10 neurologists showed that all questions were relevant. Some words were edited according to their suggestions. Eight TN patients voluntarily answered the edited version of the questionnaire for face validity and cognitive debriefi ng. No further changes were made to the edited questionnaire which was then back translated. The back translation was found to be similar to the original PFPS.@*Conclusion@#The Filipino version is similar to the original PFPS and can be used in evaluation of TN. A Phase 2 reliability study should be ideally done prior to utilization in clinical setting.

Neuralgia do Trigêmeo , Dor Facial , Medição da Dor
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 67(3): 271-277, Mar.-June 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-843403


Abstract Background and objectives: The Behavioral Pain Scale is a pain assessment tool for uncommunicative and sedated Intensive Care Unit patients. The lack of a Brazilian scale for pain assessment in adults mechanically ventilated justifies the relevance of this study that aimed to validate the Brazilian version of Behavioral Pain Scale as well as to correlate its scores with the records of physiological parameters, sedation level and severity of disease. Methods: Twenty-five Intensive Care Unit adult patients were included in this study. The Brazilian Behavioral Pain Scale version (previously translated and culturally adapted) and the recording of physiological parameters were performed by two investigators simultaneously during rest, during eye cleaning (non-painful stimulus) and during endotracheal suctioning (painful stimulus). Results: High values of responsiveness coefficient (coefficient = 3.22) were observed. The Cronbach's alpha of total Behavioral Pain Scale score at eye cleaning and endotracheal suctioning was 0.8. The intraclass correlation coefficient of total Behavioral Pain Scale score was ≥ 0.8 at eye cleaning and endotracheal suctioning. There was a significant highest Behavioral Pain Scale score during application of painful procedure when compared with rest period (p ≤ 0.0001). However, no correlations were observed between pain and hemodynamic parameters, sedation level, and severity of disease. Conclusions: This pioneer validation study of Brazilian Behavioral Pain Scale exhibits satisfactory index of internal consistency, interrater reliability, responsiveness and validity. Therefore, the Brazilian Behavioral Pain Scale version was considered a valid instrument for being used in adult sedated and mechanically ventilated patients in Brazil.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: A Escala Comportamental de Dor (Behavioral Pain Scale) é uma ferramenta de avaliação da dor para pacientes não-comunicativos e sedados em unidade de tratamento intensivo (UTI). A falta de uma escala brasileira para a avaliação da dor em adultos sob ventilação mecânica justifica a relevância deste estudo que teve por objetivo validar a versão brasileira da Escala Comportamental de Dor (ECD), bem como correlacionar seus escores com os registros de parâmetros fisiológicos, nível de sedação e gravidade da doença. Métodos: Vinte e cinco pacientes adultos internados em UTI foram incluídos neste estudo. A versão brasileira da ECD (previamente traduzida e adaptada culturalmente) e os registros dos parâmetros fisiológicos foram realizados simultaneamente por dois avaliadores durante o repouso, durante a limpeza dos olhos (estímulo não doloroso) e durante a aspiração endotraqueal (estímulo doloroso). Resultados: Valores elevados do coeficiente de coeficiente de responsividade (coeficiente = 3,22) foram observados. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach do escore total da ECD durante a limpeza dos olhos e aspiração endotraqueal foi de 0,8. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse do escore total da ECD foi ≥ 0,8 durante a limpeza dos olhos e aspiração endotraqueal. Houve um escore significativamente mais alto na ECD durante a aplicação do estímulo doloroso em comparação com o período de descanso (p ≤ 0,0001). No entanto, não foram observadas correlações entre dor e parâmetros hemodinâmicos, nível de sedação e gravidade da doença. Conclusões: Este estudo pioneiro de validação da ECD brasileira apresenta índices satisfatórios de consistência interna, confiabilidade entre avaliadores, responsividade e validade. Portanto, a versão da ECD brasileira foi considerada um instrumento válido para ser usado em pacientes adultos sedados e ventilados mecanicamente no Brasil.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Respiração Artificial , Medição da Dor , Sedação Profunda , Comportamento , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 3641-3643, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-659058


Objective To investigate the correlation between the orthodontic pain score and occlusal function at 24 h after the first time treatment in the patients with fixed orthodontics.Methods Seventy-eight voluntary subjects were selected and treated with MBT straight wire correcting appliance.The VAS scores of spontaneous odontalgia and biting odontalgia (SO-VAS and BOVAS),masticatory efficiency (ME),masticatory times (MT),maximal occlusal force(MF)and occlusion rate before wearing the fixed appliance(T0),at 24 h after wearing(T1) were measured.The changes of above indicators were observed and the correlation among indicators was investigated:Results (1) BO-VAS and SO-VAS were increased after 24 h of orthodontic treatment,while BO VAS was (59.49 ± 19.06) mm,which was significantly higher than SO-VAS[(23.21± 20.80) mm].After 24 h of fixed orthodontic treatment,the patients had occlusal dysfunction,which manifested by ME,MT,MF and SO decrease compared with T0 (P<0.05).(2) BO-VAS was negatively correlated with ME,MT and MF (P<0.05).There was no correlation between SO-VAS and occlusal dysfunction.Conclusion There is no obvious magnitude correspondence relation between the occlusal dysfunction grade and the pain grade on the first day after fixed orthodontic treatment,the VAS grading is not yet fully representative of the occlusal dysfunction level,but the credibility of BO-V.AS score is higher than that of SO-VAS score in assessing the degree of occlusal dysfunction.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 3641-3643, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-661935


Objective To investigate the correlation between the orthodontic pain score and occlusal function at 24 h after the first time treatment in the patients with fixed orthodontics.Methods Seventy-eight voluntary subjects were selected and treated with MBT straight wire correcting appliance.The VAS scores of spontaneous odontalgia and biting odontalgia (SO-VAS and BOVAS),masticatory efficiency (ME),masticatory times (MT),maximal occlusal force(MF)and occlusion rate before wearing the fixed appliance(T0),at 24 h after wearing(T1) were measured.The changes of above indicators were observed and the correlation among indicators was investigated:Results (1) BO-VAS and SO-VAS were increased after 24 h of orthodontic treatment,while BO VAS was (59.49 ± 19.06) mm,which was significantly higher than SO-VAS[(23.21± 20.80) mm].After 24 h of fixed orthodontic treatment,the patients had occlusal dysfunction,which manifested by ME,MT,MF and SO decrease compared with T0 (P<0.05).(2) BO-VAS was negatively correlated with ME,MT and MF (P<0.05).There was no correlation between SO-VAS and occlusal dysfunction.Conclusion There is no obvious magnitude correspondence relation between the occlusal dysfunction grade and the pain grade on the first day after fixed orthodontic treatment,the VAS grading is not yet fully representative of the occlusal dysfunction level,but the credibility of BO-V.AS score is higher than that of SO-VAS score in assessing the degree of occlusal dysfunction.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-175175


The purpose of this study is to clinically evaluate and report the effectiveness of radiofrequency microdebrider (Topaz, ArthroCare) treatment in lateral epicondylitis patients. From March to July 2003, 15 patients of 17 elbows were prospectively followed. Candidate for the treatment were lateral epicondylitis patients who had symptom more than 6 month and failed to respond to conservative treatment, including medication (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), external gel or patch, and steroid injections. All patient who scored greater than grade 3 (fair) on the Self-administered Roles and Maudsley Pain (SRMP) score were selected for the procedure. All procedure was done using local anesthesia and ArthroCare microdebrider by a single surgeon. Postoperative assessments were done on postoperative period 12 month of two previous subjective scores and a simple functional assessment asking better, same, or worst function after the procedure. Mean age of the patients was 45 years old. Mean symptom duration before the procedure was 22.6 months. After the procedure, the mean Pain Visual Analogue Scale improved from 7.3 (range, 5–9; standard deviation [SD], 1.2) preoperatively to 3.7 (range, 0–7; SD, 2.1) postoperatively (p< 0.001). After the procedure, five elbows showed no rating improvement, in seven elbows 1 level improvement, in four elbows 2 level improvement, and in one elbow 3 level improvement. Overall, 71% (12/17) showed improvement after the procedure according to the SRMP score rating. Although 29% (5/17) of the elbow showed no improvement on SRMP score, among them five elbows were still rated decrease in Pain Visual Analogue Scale.

Humanos , Anestesia Local , Cotovelo , Medição da Dor , Período Pós-Operatório , Estudos Prospectivos , Cotovelo de Tenista