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Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 3160-3164, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999086


Recent years, China has released a series of policies to encourage drug research and development in pediatric populations, aiming to meet pediatric populations' medical needs. Because of the physical and psychological developmental characteristics, tolerance of aversive feelings when taking medications are different between pediatric population and adults. So pediatric populations are at a relatively higher risk of not taking medications as prescribed when the medication tasted unpleasant. Therefore, sound design and evaluation of oral sensory features have important clinical significance and value in developing pediatric medications. "Technical guidance for the design and evaluation of the oral sensory features of pediatric drugs (trial version) " was released in November 2022, by Centre for Drug Evaluation, National Medical Products Administration of China. Based on the guidance, this article will introduce the drafting background and review considerations, hoping to provide reference for the design and evaluation of oral sensory features, and promote drug developing in pediatric population.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 3210-3215, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999097


Chloral hydrate is a commonly used central sedative drug before pediatric clinical examination, but its clinical safety and medication adherence are needed to focus on normally because of its poor stability and palatability. Under the premise of investigating the stability of different formulations, their palatability were also screened by using both human sensory and electronic tongue evaluation techniques. Human sensory evaluation has been conducted with the informed consent of all participants in accordance with the ethical requirements of the Good Clinical Practice for Drug Trials. The results showed that the addition of sorbitol and sucralose could effectively ensure the stability of the oral solution. Sorbitol is the main taste-masking component, and the ratio of 40% sorbitol and 0.5% sucralose can effectively mask the bitterness, astringency and spicy taste of 10% chloral hydrate oral solution. The results detected by human sensory and electronic tongue have good correlation and complementarity, and the combination of these two methods is more conducive to getting objective and reasonable conclusions.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 3216-3221, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999098


Azithromycin dry suspension is one of the most commonly used drugs in pediatric clinic, but its taste masking has been difficult to achieve. 5 representative products of azithromycin dry suspension were chose to compare their tastes both using electronic tongue and human sensory evaluation methods, and there existed the differences of bitterness, later bitterness, graininess, and adhesion among these products. Raman micro-imaging was used to determine the difference in taste mainly due to different prescription ingredients and manufacturing techniques. Through mixing the dry suspensions with alkaline mixing solvent, the bad taste of each product was masked after evenly dispersing in the solvent, and their tastes were all close to the taste of the solvent. In the future, it is planned to investigate the stability and bioavailability of the solvent preparations, and then to give the medication suggestion of solvent preparation after ensuring their efficacy.

Rev. med. vet. (Bogota) ; (43): 13-23, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376990


Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la palatabilidad de Monstera deliciosa Liebm, Eugenia myrtifolia sims y Justicia carnea lindl en programas de alimentación de mono araña de cabeza negra (Ateles fusciceps robustus). Esta investigación se desarrolló en la Fundación Zoológico Santacruz, localizada en el San Antonio del Tequendama (Colombia). Se utilizaron ocho animales adultos en cautiverio, los cuales tuvieron una ración complementaria. Asimismo, se ofreció forraje producido en el centro de conservación con 60 días de rebrote. Además, se determinó el consumo de forraje verde y materia seca de la planta completa y de cada fracción (hojas y tallos); y se evaluó la relación hoja: tallo y la calidad nutricional de la planta completa y de cada fracción. En el proceso, se empleó un diseño dado completamente al azar y de estadística descriptiva; para ello, se utilizó el programa Infostat®. Se presentaron diferencias entre especies en el consumo de forraje verde y materia seca de la planta completa (p = 0,0001, p < 0,0001, respectivamente) y de las fracciones hoja (p = 0,0002, p = 0,0001, respectivamente) y tallo (p < 0,0001, p < 0,0001, respectivamente). Como resultado, las especies presentaron buena calidad nutricional, siendo mayor en J. carnea, seguida de M. deliciosa y E. myrtifolia y se notó una relación positiva hoja: tallo, aunque se presentaron diferencias (p < 0,0001) entre las especies. Las especies evaluadas presentan potencial para ser utilizadas en los centros de conservación en cautiverio en planes de alimentación para Ateles fusciceps robustus.

Abstract This article aims to determine the palatability of Monstera deliciosa Liebm, Eugenia myrtifolia sims and Justicia carnea lindl in marimonda (Ateles fusciceps robustus) feeding programs. This research was developed at the Santacruz Zoo Foundation, located in San Antonio del Tequendama (Colombia). In the study, eight adult animals in captivity were used, which had a complementary ration. Likewise, forage produced in the conservation center was offered with 60 days of regrowth, the consumption of green forage and dry matter of the complete plant and of each fraction (leaves and stems) was determined. Also, the leaf: stem ratio and the nutritional quality of the complete plant and of each fraction were evaluated. It is worth to mention, a design was used for completely randomized and descriptive statistics, and the Infostat® program was used. There were differences between species in the consumption of green forage and dry matter of the whole plant (p = 0.0001, p < 0.0001, respectively) and of the leaf fractions (p = 0.0002, p = 0.0001, respectively) and stem (p < 0.0001, p < 0.0001, respectively). In the explored case, the species presented good nutritional quality, being higher in J. carnea, followed by M. delicious and E. myrtifolia and positive leaf: stem ratio were apparent, although there were differences (p < 0.0001) between species. The evaluated species have the potential to be used in captive conservation centers as feeding plans for Ateles fusciceps robustus.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(5): 801-807, set. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138617


ABSTRACT As palatability of medical formulas has been documented as unpleasant, new options are required to improve acceptance and adherence in people with inborn errors of metabolism (IEM). Miracle fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) has a glycoprotein named miraculin that transforms a sour, bitter taste such as the one found in metabolic formula, into a sweet perception. The objective of this work is to analyze the response in the taste perception of metabolic formula with the use of the miraculin tablets in patients with IEM and healthy adults. To test this hypothesis a prospective, longitudinal, quasi-experimental, analytical study was performed. Patients with IEM and healthy adults were recruited. All participants assessed 3 different liquids (lemon, apple cider vinegar and metabolic formula) before and after the administration of miraculin tablets and completed a questionnaire. The sensory responses were evaluated using hedonic scales, analyzed with nonparametric tests for paired data. Seven patients with IEM and 14 healthy subjects were included. After miraculin intake 57% of patients (Z ≤ -1.89 p= 0.059) and healthy adults (Z≤ -2.31 p= 0.021) had a positive change in their taste perception. The absolute frequency of patients who did not like the metabolic formula decreased from 4 to 1, and in patients who liked it or loved, it increased from 0 to 2 and from 0 to 1 respectively; the frequency of patients who perceived the metabolic formula as indifferent or hated it, did not change. Response in taste perception had a positive change of 57% in both groups. The use of miraculin tablets may improve palatability of metabolic formula.

RESUMEN La palatabilidad de las fórmulas médicas se ha reportado como desagradable, se requieren nuevas opciones para mejorar la aceptación en personas con errores innatos del metabolismo (EIM). La fruta milagrosa (Synsepalum dulcificum) contiene una glucoproteína llamada miraculina que transforma el sabor agrio y amargo en dulce. El objetivo fue analizar la respuesta en la percepción del sabor de la fórmula metabólica con el uso de las tabletas de miraculina en pacientes con EIM y adultos sanos. Se realizó un estudio analítico prospectivo, longitudinal, cuasi-experimental. Los participantes evaluaron la percepción de 3 líquidos (limón, vinagre de manzana y fórmula metabólica) antes y después de la administración de tabletas de miraculina y completaron un cuestionario. Las respuestas sensoriales se evaluaron mediante escalas hedónicas, analizadas con pruebas no paramétricas para datos pareados. Se incluyeron 7 pacientes con EIM y 14 adultos sanos. Después de la miraculina el 57% de los pacientes (Z ≤ -1,89 p= 0,059) y adultos sanos (Z≤ -2,31 p= 0,021) tuvieron un cambio positivo en su percepción del sabor. La frecuencia absoluta de pacientes a los que no les gustó la fórmula disminuyó de 4 a 1, y en quienes les gustó o les encantó, aumentó de 0 a 2 y de 0 a 1 respectivamente; la frecuencia de los pacientes que percibieron la fórmula como indiferente u odiada, no cambió. La respuesta en la percepción del sabor cambió positivamente en el 57% en ambos grupos. El uso de miraculina puede mejorar la palatabilidad de la fórmula metabólica.

Adolescente , Adulto , Biotransformação , Synsepalum , Percepção Gustatória , Frutas , Aminoácidos , Erros Inatos do Metabolismo
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200889


Background:Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anemia globally and affects 20% of world adult population. The general practice for replacement of iron reserves is oral supplementation. However, the success of this strategy solely depends on drug adherence and compliance. Where many other factors contribute to compliance, the role of tasteof the medicine can also not be neglected. The aim of this study is to evaluate the palatability of micro-encapsulated iron pyrophosphate (Ferfer) and compare its taste with previously taken other oral forms of iron supplements.Methods:The study was conducted with 231 female participants of age more than 18 years. Participants had taken one sachet of micro-encapsulated iron pyrophosphate (Ferfer) for the purpose of taste. Questionnaire based on their previous experience of iron supplements and palatability of Ferfer was asked by participants based on 0-10 mmvisual analogue scale and 5 point Likert scale evaluating responses at 0 minute, 5 minute, and at 10 minute. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 23.Results:The women previously taking some others oral form of iron supplementation scored their supplements, a mean taste score is 2.92±2.44 on the VAS. However, micro-encapsulated iron pyrophosphate (Ferfer) received a mean score of 7.66±1.32 immediately after taking it and a score of 7.96±1.37 after 5 minutes on the 0-10 mmVAS. 81.4% patients will recommend their doctors to prescribe Ferferto them in future. Conclusions: Enhanced palatability of micro-encapsulated iron pyrophosphate sachets have resulted in increased compliance to the supplementation regimen among the participants.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-153957


Background: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common clinical condition in Indian population. Antacids, which are available as over the counter (OTC) are the commonly prescribed drugs for treatment of GERD. Antacids manufactured and marketed by various multinational and local companies are available in the market. There is need for evaluating the cost effectiveness and efficacy of these antacids as a matter of public concern. Hence the present study was conducted to evaluate the cost effectiveness and efficacy of the commonly prescribed antacid gel preparations. Methods: Seven different gel formulations of antacids manufactured by different companies were evaluated. Cost effectiveness was done by calculating the cost per ml of antacid and also by palatability test. Efficacy was evaluated based on acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) of antacid preparations. Results: The highest cost was 0.305 Rs. per ml and lowest was 0.135 Rs per ml. Palatability score was high at 26.80 and low at 23.85. The antacid with lowest ANC was 20.5 mEq and the highest was 26.5 mEq. Conclusion: Cost effectiveness studies are beneficial in improving the prescribing pattern. It will be a benefit for both doctor as well as patient.

Ciênc. rural ; 38(4): 1099-1104, jul.-ago. 2008. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-483472


The feed intake and performance of the broilers fed with different levels of dietary energy in the starter diet to 21 days of age were evaluated. In Experiment 1 it was evaluated the performance of birds fed to 2,900 and 3,200kcal ME kg-1 diets, and the results show that ME intake was highest for birds 3,200kcal ME kg-1 on the 7th day of age. Feed intake (FI), weight gain (WG), and feed conversion (FC) were not affected by dietary energy level on the 7th and 14th day of age, but on the 21st day of age, WG and FC were better for 3,200kcal ME kg-1 diets. In the experiment 2, isocaloric diets (2,900kcal ME kg-1) were formulated with four different oil levels (0, 1, 2, and 3 percent), in order to observe diet preference. Between 6 and 10 days of age, a quadratic response in FI for oil level was observed (Y=47.6+49.8x-13.4x², R²=0.98). Between 11 to 15, and 16 to 20 days of age, birds preferred to eat the diet with the highest level of oil (Y=16.6+52.85x, R²=0.97 and Y=19.30+59.05x, R²=0.98, respectively). Experiment 3 evaluated the performance and the pancreatic Lipase and Amylase activities of birds. On the 11th day of age, a linear response to WG and FC dietary oil level occurred. No differences were found in pancreatic lipase and amylase enzyme levels at 5 days of age. The diets with higher levels of energy and/or oil, during the first days of age, did not influence dietary preference, pancreatic lipase and amylase level or the performance of broilers. The results of this study show that diets with high levels of energy derived from lipids may not be interesting for young broilers, as they do not result in better performance (FI, WG, and FC).

Foram avaliados o comportamento ingestivo e o desempenho de frangos de corte alimentados com diferentes níveis de energia e inclusões de óleo vegetal na dieta inicial. No Experimento 1, foi comparado o desempenho de frangos alimentados com dietas contendo 2.900 ou 3.200kcal EM kg-1 de ração, e a ingestão de EM foi maior nas aves alimentadas com 3.200Kcal EM kg-1 na primeira semana de idade. O consumo de ração (CR), o ganho de peso (GP) e a conversão alimentar (CA) não foram influenciados pelo nível de energia aos sete e aos 14 dias, entretanto, aos 21 dias de idade, GP e CA foram melhores paras aves alimentadas com dietas com 3.200Kcal de EM kg-1. No Experimento 2, foram formuladas dietas isocalóricas (2.900 Kcal EM kg-1) com diferentes níveis de óleo (0, 1, 2 e 3 por cento). Entre o sexto e o décimo dia de idade houve aumento no CR, concomitantemente à inclusão de óleo (Y=47,6+49,8x-13,4x², R²=0,98). Entre o décimo e o décimo quinto dia e também entre o décimo quinto e vigésimo dia de idade, houve preferência pela ingestão de rações com maior nível de óleo (Y=16,6+52,85x, R²=0,97 e Y= 9,3+59,05x, R²=0,98 respectivamente). No experimento 3, foi avaliado o desempenho e a atividade da lipase e amilase pancreáticas. No décimo primeiro dia de idade, houve aumento linear em GP e CR com o aumento no nível de óleo. Não houve alteração nos níveis de enzimas estudados. Dietas com altos níveis de energia e/ou óleo não alteram o desempenho ou a produção de lipase e amilase em frangos nos primeiros dias de idade. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que altos níveis de energia proveniente de lipídios não são interessantes para frangos de corte, por não alterarem o seu desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso ou conversão alimentar).

Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Óleos de Plantas/administração & dosagem , Aves Domésticas , Ração Animal/provisão & distribuição
Gac. méd. Méx ; 141(1): 1-5, ene.-feb. 2005. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-632098


Introducción: la mayoría de las fórmulas para prematuros ha sido adicionada de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga (LCPUFAS) por su relación con el desarrollo visual y cognoscitivo del cerebro. El objetivo del trabajo fue probar la tolerancia y aceptabilidad de una fórmula de prematuros adicionada de LCPUFAS desde el punto de vista de la aceptabilidad, paleatibilidad, tolerancia y por el origen de los mismos. Material y métodos: pacientes que hubiesen tenido menos de 37 semanas de gestación y un peso al nacer menor a 2,500 g. con la posibilidad de ser alimentados por vía bucal a través de succión por al menos 3 días completos y que no recibieran seno materno por indicación médica. Se usó la escala modificada de la "Escala analógica del dolor " se solicitó a la enfermera que alimentaba al neonato que calificara la expresión facial al momento de darle la fórmula. Resultados: se incluyeron 50 pacientes con una edad de vida de 37.8 ± 18.6 días. Tuvo ganancia de peso ponderal por día 90% de ellos, siendo más importante al tercer día, no hubo problemas en cuanto a la frecuencia y número de evacuaciones. Se realizaron 782 evaluaciones (15 promedio por paciente) encontrando que en 66.8% de las veces los neonatos aceptaron la fórmula sin problema, 21.1% la aceptaron con satisfacción y un 3.7% con gran satisfacción. El 91.8% de los alimentadores se declararon satisfechos con la fórmula y en cuatro casos en los que declararon insatisfacción, ésta la relacionaron con la patología de base del paciente. Conclusiones: las fórmulas adicionadas con PUF AS presentan tolerancia, aceptabilidad y paleatibilidad adecuadas para el neonato.

Introduction: The majority of preterm formulas have included long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAS) for the relationship with visual and cognoscitive brain development. This work tried to probe the tolerance and acceptability of a preterm formula from the point of view of palatability for the LCPUFAs origin. Methods: Infants under 37 weeks of gestational age at birth and birth weight below 2,500g with the possibility of being fed by suction and not receiving breast milk were included. Using a scale modified from "Pain Analog Scale, " the nurse who was feeding the infant had to qualify the baby's facial expression at these moments. Results: 50 infants with age 37.2 ± days of life at least receiving the formula for 3 complete days were included. Ninety percent of them had weight gain each day and the third day was the most. There were no problems in number and frequency of stools. Thus, 782 evaluations by the nurses were made (15 for each patient); 66.8% of the time the infants accepted the formula with no problem; 21.1% were satisfactory; 3.7% were very satisfactory. Also, 91.8% of the nurses declared their satisfaction with the formula, and in 4 cases they declared dissatisfaction. They attributed it to the patient's pathology.

Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Comportamento do Consumidor , Ácidos Graxos Insaturados , Fórmulas Infantis , Recém-Nascido Prematuro , Inquéritos e Questionários