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Rev. odontol. Univ. Cid. São Paulo (Online) ; 31(2): [125-133], abr/jun 2019. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1021708


A glândula parótida é uma glândula salivar maior, que abriga um feixe vasculonervoso e está situada no espaço parotídeo, um arcabouço ósseo e muscular. Ela pode ser avaliada por diferentes exames de imagem, principalmente pela ultrassonografia (USG), a tomografia computadorizada (TC) e a ressonância magnética (RM). Faz-se necessário o conhecimento de sua condição de normalidade para compará-la à de afecção, pois procedimentos cirúrgicos são frequentemente requeridos como meio de tratamento. A maioria dos pesquisadores e profissionais que manejam essa glândula referem a necessidade de estudos mais aprofundados, visto que o conhecimento acerca do assunto é limitado e suas patologias e manejo são pouco explorados e contraditórios na literatura

The parotid gland is a major salivary glands, which houses a neurovascular bundle and is situated in the parotid space, a bone and muscular framework. It can be assessed by different imaging tests, mainly by ultrasonography (USG), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Is knowledge necessary of its normal condition to compare it to the condition, since surgical procedures are often required as a means of treatment. Most researchers and professionals who handle this gland refer the need for further studies, since knowledge on the subject is limited and its pathologies and management are underexplored

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Glândula Parótida , Ultrassonografia , Região Parotídea
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362720


Adult parotitis exhibits various appearances on images. The purpose of this study was to investigate the imaging features of adult parotitis, focusing on the inflammatory spread in and around the parotid gland on CT images. We investigated 21 patients who were clinically and radiologically diagnosed with parotitis, including patients with concomitant occurrences of sialolith or Sjören's syndrome. Intra-glandular spread was divided into 13 diffuse types and 8 focal types. There was a significant difference in duration from the first onset of symptoms between the diffuse and focal types. Six of 8 patients showing focal type spread were associated with the concomitant occurrence of sialolith or Sjören's syndrome. Extra-glandular spread was observed in 13 (62%) patients. Of them, 12 (92%) showed subcutaneous fat tissue and/or masticator space involvement. Involvement of the parapharyngeal space and the superficial area just below the gland was observed in 4 and 7 patients, respectively. The appearance of extra-glandular spread was influenced by intra-glandular appearance and concomitant disease. The spread of adult parotitis possessed characteristic features in relation to clinical findings and concomitant disease. CT examination appeared to be effective for these diagnoses.