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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(2)ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448893


La investigación fue realizada con el objetivo de proponer una variante de perfil de rendimiento o deportograma para el salto con pértiga femenino, a partir del comportamiento de los principales indicadores de rendimiento físico-técnico de esta prueba, para el equipo nacional cubano. Fue realizada una revisión bibliográfica de los principales antecedentes de deportogramas empleados previamente, para el salto con pértiga y los indicadores que los conformaron. Se realizaron mediciones de tipo cuantitativo a 11 indicadores físico-técnicos que fueron correlacionados con el resultado del salto con pértiga en un grupo de estudio integrado por 14 pertiguistas de la selección nacional de Cuba, con un rango de edad entre los 15 y los 32 años (media ± desviación típica: 25,20 ± 3,5). Se utilizaron métodos teóricos como el análisis-síntesis y la inducción-deducción; como métodos empíricos, la revisión de documentos, la entrevista, la medición y, estadístico-matemáticos que facilitaron el proceso investigativo. Los resultados aportaron un nuevo perfil de rendimiento o deportograma para el salto con pértiga femenino con una correlación significativa entre los nuevos indicadores propuestos y el resultado en salto con pértiga.

A pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de propor uma variante de perfil de desempenho ou esportograma para o salto com vara feminino, com base no comportamento dos principais indicadores de desempenho físico-técnico desse evento, para a equipe nacional cubana. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica dos principais esportogramas utilizados anteriormente para o salto com vara e dos indicadores que os compunham. Foram realizadas medições quantitativas de 11 indicadores físico-técnicos que foram correlacionados com o resultado do salto com vara em um grupo de estudo formado por 14 saltadores com vara da equipe nacional de Cuba, com uma faixa etária entre 15 e 32 anos (média ± desvio padrão: 25,20 ± 3,5). Foram usados métodos teóricos como análise-síntese e indução-dedução; como métodos empíricos, revisão de documentos, entrevista, medição e métodos estatístico-matemáticos que facilitaram o processo de pesquisa. Os resultados forneceram um novo perfil de desempenho ou esportograma para o salto com vara feminino com uma correlação significativa entre os novos indicadores propostos e o resultado do salto com vara.

The research was carried out with the objective of proposing a variant of performance profile or deportogram for the female pole vault, based on the behavior of the main physical-technical performance indicators of this test, for the Cuban national team. A bibliographic review of the main antecedents of deportograms previously used for pole vaulting and the indicators that comprised them was carried out. Quantitative measurements were made to 11 physical-technical indicators that were correlated with the result of the pole vault in a study group made up of 14 pole vaulters from the Cuban national team, with an age range between 15 and 32 years (mean ± standard deviation: 25.20 ± 3.5). Theoretical methods such as analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction were used; as empirical methods, the review of documents, the interview, the measurement and, statistical-mathematical that facilitated the research process. The results provided a new performance profile or deportogram for the female pole vault with a significant correlation between the new proposed indicators and the pole vault result.

Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 17(1): e5468-e5474, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1525345


Context and objective The dosage of hemoglobin (Hb) is challenging particularly in rural setting. This dosage can be done using "Point of Care" (POC) material within rural areas and emergency situations. The present study aimed to assess the POC HemoCue® Hb 201+. Methods. This was an analytical cross-sectional study comparing the rates of the dosage of Hb carried out on HemoCue® Hb 201+ hemoglobinometer and those obtained with Mindray BC-5150 automaton in Kinshasa University Hospital, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Results. Two hundred subjects were involved in the study. Mean and median Hb rates were 10,438 ± 2,741 g/dl and 10,600 g/dl (IQR: 8,675-12,300 g/dl) by Mindray BC-5150, respectively and mean rate of Hb was 10,5 ± 2,756 g/dl and the median rate was 10,900 g/dl (IQR: 8,775 ­ 12,300 g/dl) by the HemoCue® Hb 201+, respectively. The linear regression revealed a positive relationship between the Hb rates obtained on an automaton Mindray BC- 5150 and those obtained on the HemoCue® Hb 201+. The diagram of Bland Altman showed limits of agreement between automaton Mindray BC- 5150 and HemoCue® Hb 201+. Conclusion. This study showed that the POC HemoCue® Hb 201+ provided similar results to those of the automaton Mindray BC-5150. Thus, HemoCue® Hb 201+ can be used in emergency services or even in medical institutions that do not have or do not meet the conditions for the use of hematology analyzers in the DRC.

Contexte & objectif Le dosage du taux de l'hémoglobine est un véritable défi en milieu rural où les laboratoires sont moins équipés. Et pourtant, cette analyse, réalisée au moyen des équipements plus au moins sophistiqués, permettant de confirmer une anémie, peut être facilitée par l'utilisation des Points of care (POC). Le POC Hemocue® Hb 201+, utilisé dans certains sites pour ce faire, n'a jamais été évalué. L'objectif de la présenté étude était d'évaluer les performances du POC Hemocue® Hb 201+ à Kinshasa /RDC. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, analytique comparant les taux d'Hb obtenus sur Hemocue® Hb 201+ et sur Mindray BC-5150 comme référence, aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa. Résultats. Deux cents sujets ont été inclus. Les taux moyen et médian d'Hb sur l'automate Mindray BC5150 ont été respectivement, de 10,438 ± 2,741 g/dl et de 10,600 g/dl (IQR : 8,675-12,300 g/dl). Le taux moyen d'Hb sur le POC Hemocue® Hb 201 a été de 10,5 ± 2,756 g/dl et le taux médian de 10,900 g/dl (IQR : 8,775 - 12,300 g/dl). La régression linéaire a mis en évidence une relation positive entre les taux d'Hb dosés sur automate Mindray BC- 5150 et ceux dosés sur HemoCue® Hb 201+. Le diagramme de Bland Altman a montré des limites d'accord entre l'automate Mindray BC- 5150 et Hemocue® Hb 201. Conclusion. Cette étude a montré que le POC HemoCue® Hb 201+ fournissait des résultats identiques à ceux de l'automate Mindray BC-5150. Ainsi, l'HemoCue® Hb 201+ peut être utilisé dans les services d'urgence ou dans les institutions médicales ne possédant pas ou ne remplissant pas les conditions d'utilisation des automates d'hématologie en RDC

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Hemoglobinas , Dosagem
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 29: e2022_0010, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423374


ABSTRACT Objectives: This study aimed to examine the relationship between vertical jumping at forces of specific time phase and sprint performance in teenage sprinters. Methods: Fifteen male teenage sprinters (age: 14±2 years, height: 168±2 cm, weight: 61±1 kg) participated in the study. The subjects performed the following bilateral/unilateral jumps on a force platform: a) squat jump (SJ), b) unilateral SJ (USJ), c) 40cm drop jump (DJ), and d) 20cm unilateral DJ (UDJ). The 60m sprint test was administered on the second day. Brower split timers were positioned to record subjects' 5m, 10m, 50m and 60m split times. The variables for inclusion were vertical jump height, maximum force, and force output at 120ms in all jumps and sprint time measures. Results: The results of the Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis showed that SJ120ms was correlated to 5m and USJ120ms was correlated to 10m. UDJ120ms showed a stronger correlation with 50m than DJ120ms. Although significant correlations using maximum force and height were observed, there were inconsistent results between bilateral and unilateral jumps. Conclusion: Our results highlighted that jumps that have similar form with certain force outputs at specific event timing could more precisely predict sprint performance in teenage sprinters. USJ120ms and UDJ120ms could better predict the acceleration (10m) and high-speed phase (50m) in sprint performance, respectively. Moreover, coaches and practitioners should be cautious when using only jump height or maximum force to predict sprint performance, since the results could be inaccurate when specific movement variables are not thoughtfully considered. Level of evidence III.

RESUMEN Objetivos: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar la relación entre el salto vertical y la fuerza en tiempo específico y el desempeño del sprint en velocistas adolescentes. Métodos: Participaron en el estudio quince adolescentes varones velocistas (edades: 14 ± 2 años, estatura: 168 ± 2 cm, peso: 61 ± 1 kg). Los individuos realizaron los siguientes saltos bilaterales y unilaterales en una plataforma de fuerza: a) squat jump (SJ), b) SJ unilateral (USJ), c) drop jump (DJ) de 40 cm e d) DJ unilateral (UDJ) de 20 cm. La prueba de sprint de 60 m se realizó el segundo día. Los cronómetros en el entrenamiento fraccionado se ajustaron para registrar tiempos de 5 m, 10 m, 50 m y 60 m. Las variables que se incluyeron fueron la altura del salto vertical, la fuerza máxima y la salida de fuerza a 120 m en todos los saltos y mediciones del tiempo del sprint. Resultados: Los resultados del análisis de correlación producto-tiempo de Pearson revelaron que el SJ de 120 m estaba correlacionado con 5 m y el USJ de 120 m estaba correlacionado con 10 m. El UDJ de 120 m tuvo una mayor correlación con el DJ de 50 m que con el de 120 m. Aunque se observaron correlaciones significativas con la fuerza y la altura máximas, algunos resultados fueron inconsistentes entre los saltos bilaterales y unilaterales. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados pusieron de manifiesto que los saltos con una forma similar a determinadas salidas de fuerza en un tiempo específico del evento pueden predecir con mayor precisión el desempeño en el sprint en adolescentes velocistas. El USJ de 120 m y el UDJ de 120 m pueden predecir mejor, respectivamente, la aceleración (10 m) y la fase de alta velocidad (50 m) en el desempeño del sprint. Además, los entrenadores y practicantes deben ser cautelosos a la hora de utilizar únicamente la altura del salto o la fuerza máxima para predecir el desempeño en el sprint, ya que los resultados pueden ser inexactos cuando no se tienen en cuenta con precisión las variables específicas del movimiento. Nivel de evidencia III.

RESUMO Objetivos: Este estudo teve como objetivo examinar a relação entre o salto vertical e a força em tempo específico e o desempenho de sprint em velocistas adolescentes. Métodos: Quinze adolescentes velocistas do sexo masculino (idade: 14 ± 2 anos, estatura: 168 ± 2 cm, peso: 61 ± 1 kg) participaram do estudo. Os indivíduos realizaram os seguintes saltos bilaterais e unilaterais em uma plataforma de força: a) squat jump (SJ), b) SJ unilateral (USJ), c) drop jump (DJ) de 40 cm e d) DJ unilateral (UDJ) de 20cm. O teste de sprint de 60 m foi realizado no segundo dia. Os cronômetros rastreadores para treinos fracionados foram posicionados para registrar os tempos fracionados de 5 m, 10 m, 50 m e 60 m. As variáveis para inclusão foram altura do salto vertical, força máxima e saída de força a 120 m em todos os saltos e medidas de tempo do sprint. Resultados: Os resultados da análise da correlação produto-tempo de Pearson mostraram que o SJ de 120 m foi correlacionado com 5 m e USJ de 120 m foi correlacionado com 10 m. O UDJ de 120 m teve correlação mais forte com DJ de 50 m do que de 120 m. Embora tenham sido observadas correlações significativas com força e altura máximas, alguns resultados foram inconsistentes entre os saltos bilaterais e unilaterais. Conclusões: Nossos resultados destacaram que os saltos com forma semelhante a certas saídas de força no tempo específico do evento podem prever com mais precisão o desempenho no sprint em adolescentes velocistas. O USJ de 120 m e o UDJ de 120 m podem prever melhor, respectivamente, a aceleração (10 m) e a fase de alta velocidade (50 m) no desempenho no sprint. Além disso, treinadores e praticantes devem ser cautelosos ao usar apenas a altura do salto ou a força máxima para prever o desempenho no sprint, uma vez que os resultados podem ser imprecisos quando variáveis específicas do movimento não forem consideradas com precisão. Nível de evidência III.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226333


The Tratak kriya is considered to be the best way to increase concentration and calming the mind. In view of this a study was conducted among adolescent school children, both boys and girls, studying at a local Aided school in Hyderabad, Telangana state, India. To assess the role of Trataka kriya (a visual concentration yogic procedure) on cognitive performances with the emphasis on concentration and academic performances. A random sample of 34 students 19 boys and 15 girls pursuing 8th and 9th secondary education were selected for the study and were explained the study protocol. They were taught the Trataka kriya and asked to continue to practice every day for 3 months (90 days). The subjects were assessed for letter cancelation test on day one, after 30 days and after 90 days of continue practice. The results has shown a non-significant improvement in letter cancellation score i.e., after 30 (t=-234 p & lt; 0.008) days of practice and improved significantly after 90days of practice (t=-5.661, p<0.0001) and between 30 to 90 days of practice. (t=-5.774, p<0.0001). The changes are much higher in boys, compared to girls. Apart from the improvement in letter cancellation tests, all the subjects had got a better percentage of marks in their academic exams at the end of the study.

RECIIS (Online) ; 15(4): 1065-1083, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344174


Este artigo busca refletir sobre processos de emancipação postos em marcha pelos jovens envolvidos no movimento secundarista em 2015, conferindo especial atenção às meninas protagonistas desse levante, às suas corporeidades e às dimensões estético-políticas de suas reivindicações. Evidenciamos que, durante as ocupações, questões ligadas ao feminismo tornaram-se tema de debates, aparecendo também no documentário Lute como uma menina! (Flávio Colombini e Beatriz Alonso, 2016), que foi produzido durante as ocupações, tecido unicamente com depoimentos das meninas que participaram do movimento. A partir de cenas e trechos dessa produção, buscamos mostrar como a agência das meninas secundaristas produzem arranjos disposicionais e subjetivações políticas e cenas de dissenso nas quais outras formas de vida e outras performatividades são possíveis.

This article seeks to reflect on the processes of emancipation set in motion by the young people involved in the secondary movement in 2015, paying special attention to the girls protagonists of this uprising, their corporealities and the aesthetic-political dimensions of their claims. We showed that, during the occupations, issues related to feminism became the subject of debates, also appearing in the documentary Fight like a girl! (Flávio Colombini and Beatriz Alonso, 2016), which was produced during the occupations, woven only with testimonies from the girls who participated in the movement. From scenes and excerpts from this production, we seek to show how the agency of high school girls produces dispositional arrangements and political subjectivities and scenes of dissent in which other forms of life and other performativities are possible.

Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre los procesos de emancipación puestos en marcha por los jóvenes involucrados en el movimiento secundario en 2015, con especial atención a las niñas protagonistas de este levantamiento, sus corporealidades y las dimensiones estético-políticas de sus reivindicaciones. Demostramos que, durante las ocupaciones, temas relacionados con el feminismo se convirtieron en tema de debate, apareciendo también en el documental Laúd como niña! (Flávio Colombini y Beatriz Alonso, 2016), que se produjo durante las ocupaciones, tejido únicamente a partir de los testimonios de las niñas que participaron en el movimiento. Basándonos en escenas y extractos de esta producción, buscamos mostrar cómo la agencia de las niñas de secundaria produce arreglos disposicionales y subjetividades políticas y escenas de disenso en las que otras formas de vida y otras performatividades son posibles.

Humanos , Direitos da Mulher , Feminismo , Dissidências e Disputas , Política , Estudantes , Documentários Cinematográficos , Marcha , Humanismo
J Environ Biol ; 2020 Mar; 41(2): 161-170
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214488


Aim: In this paper, numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the swimming performances, hydrodynamics performances and wake structures of a self-propelled swimmer with rigid and flexible caudal fins.Methodology: The kinematics model of the swimmer was constructed using thunniform swimming. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method, the systematic study of swimmer with rigid and flexible caudal fins was carried out. Results: The results showed that the caudal fin flexibility is beneficial to the fast-start of fish but not conducive to the fast cruising of fish. The fish with rigid caudal fin has larger cruising velocity inquasi-steady swimming and smaller forward acceleration in fast-start stage. In addition, the caudal fin flexibility is also beneficial to the heading stability of fish’s self-propelled swimming. The pressure distribution on the fish surface indicates that most of the thrust is generated by the leading-edge region of the caudal fin. The visualization of wake structures showed the existence of the attached leading-edge vortex (LEV) in thunniform swimming. Interpretation: Based on the present simulations, the hydrodynamic performance of tuna during self-propelled swimming was analyzed in detail. Researchers can use these findings to design bionic robot fish with rigid and flexible tails.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-745741


Objective To explore the association between frailty and muscle performances of hospitalized elder adults with coronary artery disease.Methods A total of 122 hospitalized patients aged 65-85 years old with coronary artery disease from Department of Geriatrics and Cardiology,Peking Union Medical College Hospital between December 2017 and March 2018 were enrolled in the study.A comprehensive geriatric assessment was performed to evaluate existing comorbidity and geriatric syndromes of the patients.Frailty was assessed using the Clinical Fraity Scale.The patients were classified as frail and non-frail,according to the scale.Muscle performances were assessed using grip strength,gait speed,etc.Whole body and appendicular skeletal muscle mass was detected with bioelectrical impedance analysis in patients with reduced grip strength or slowed gait speed.Appendicular skeletal muscle index (ASMI) was calculated.Results Among all subjects,28 were with frailty (23.0%) and 94 were without (77.0%).The frail patients were older [(76.7±5.4) years vs.(72.2±5.6)years],had higher Charlson comorbidity index [2.0(1.0,2.75)vs.1.0(0,2.0)],and higher proportion of malnutrition (14.29% vs.1.06%),urinary incontinence (39.29% vs.15.96%),using walking-aid (28.57% vs.6.38%),and more kinds of taken drugs (8.1±3.0 vs.6.6±2.7),than the non-frail patients.Prealbumin levels [(207.8±60.0)mg/L vs.(234.3±45.4)mg/L] were lower,and highly sensitive C-reactive protein levels [(5.89±9.57)mg/L vs.(1.89±2.49)mg/L] were higher in the frail patients than in the non-frail patients (all P<0.05).Compared with non-frail patients,the frail patients had poorer grip strength [(19.67±7)kg vs.(29.23±8.29)kg] and slower gait speed [(0.54±0.2)m/s vs.(0.91±0.22)m/s](all P<0.001).Spearman rank correlation analyses showed that grip strength was positively correlated with the appendicular skeletal muscle mass(r =0.811),whole body skeletal muscle mass(r =0.74) and the ASMI (r =0.783),respectively.Conclusions The incidence of frailty among hospitalized older adults with coronary artery disease is high.Poor muscle performances were common in these patients.Assessment of frailty and muscle performances can help to evaluate the overall function of older adults with cardiovascular disease in a comprehensive way.

J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 30: e3038, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012498


ABSTRACT knowing the desire of female students to belong to the community through the social desirability, and to identify the physical psychological manifestations and this is reflected in the level of performance of artistic gymnastics skills on the four devices, the relationship between the social desire and the physical psychological manifestations and performance of the artistic gymnastics skills. The sample of the research female students of the second stage in the faculty of physical education and sports sciences at the University of Babylon-Iraq. with number (30) for the year 2017-2018, use the approach descriptive in the method interconnections relationship and standard level, and use statistical instruments, Arithmetic mean, Standard deviation, Standard level, chi-square x2, cronbach alpha(α) and Kuder-Richardson for stability the scales, and after the distribution of the two scals on the sample and applying the tests of the skills of the gymnastic, the results showed moderate, high and good values, direct and inverse relationships, the results showed that the social desire and the performance of artistic gymnastics skills in the moderate level, physical psychological manifestations in the higher level, the conclusions there is an direct relationship between social desirability and performance of artistic gymnastics skills, and inverse relationship between the physical psychological manifestations with the skills of ground movements and direct with skills of the other device

RESUMO Conhecer o desejo das alunas de pertencer à comunidade por meio da desejabilidade social, e identificar as manifestações psicológicas físicas se reflete no nível de atuação das habilidades de ginástica artística nos quatro aparelhos. O principal objetivo do estudo foi verificar a relação entre o desejo social e as manifestações psicológicas e físicas no desempenho das habilidades de ginástica artística. A amostra foi constituída por das alunas s da segunda etapa na faculdade de educação física e ciências do esporte da Universidade da Babilônia-Iraque. número (30) para o ano de 2017-2018, utilizam a abordagem descritiva na relação de interconexões do método e nível padrão, e uso de instrumentos estatísticos, média aritmética, desvio padrão, nível padrão, qui-quadrado x2, cronbach alfa (α) e Kuder-Richardson para estabilidade das escalas, e após a distribuição das duas scals na amostra e aplicando os testes das habilidades da ginástica, os resultados mostraram entre moderada, alta e bons valores e relações diretas e inversas. Os resultados mostraram que o desejo social e o desempenho de habilidades de ginástica artística se situaram no nível moderado, o resultado que o manifestações psicológicas físicas no nível superior e uma relação direta entre desejabilidade social e desempenho de habilidades de ginástica artística, ocorreu relação inversa entre as manifestações psicológicas físicas com as habilidades dos movimentos terrestres e direta com habilidades dos outros dispositivo.

Humanos , Feminino , Psicologia , Comportamento Social , Esportes , Ginástica , Destreza Motora
Educ. med. super ; 32(3): 68-71, jul.-set. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-989749


Introducción: Se han realizado estudios empleando diferentes metodologías con el objetivo de definir el rendimiento académico, su impacto, los factores involucrados en el mismo y los diferentes niveles en los que se puede identificar. Objetivo: Identificar los factores sociodemográficos asociados al rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de licenciatura en médico cirujano y partero del Centro de Estudios Superiores de Tepeaca, Puebla, México. Métodos: Se aplicó un instrumento a una muestra de n= 192 alumnos de la licenciatura en Medicina que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, obteniendo información acerca de 12 variables independientes. Se obtuvo el rendimiento académico de los alumnos en base a sus calificaciones por materia. Se realizó un análisis estadístico de tipo descriptivo e inferencial. Resultados: El análisis estadístico arrojó valores significativos a nivel estadístico, de las siguientes variables: sexo (t = -3,253, p< 0,05, r= 0,22), nivel académico de la madre (F= 2,272, p<0,05, n2= 0,57), trabajar y estudiar (F= 7,475, p< 0,05, 2= 0,73), ingreso familiar mensual (r= -0,223, p< 0,05) y promedio del nivel educativo previo a la licenciatura (r= 0,428, p< 0,05). Conclusiones: Los factores sociodemográficos asociados a un rendimiento académico alto, son: sexo femenino, alto nivel académico de la madre y un buen promedio en el nivel educativo previo a la licenciatura. Mientras que trabajar y estudiar e ingreso familiar mensual elevado son factores que se asocian a un rendimiento académico bajo(AU)

Introduction: Studies have been carried out using different methodologies in order to define academic performance, its impact, the factors involved in it and the different levels at which it can be identified. Objective: To identify the sociodemographic factors associated with academic performance of undergraduate students of surgery and midwifery at the Center for Advanced Studies in Tepeaca, Puebla, Mexico. Methods: An instrument was applied to a sample 192 students of the bachelor's degree in Medicine who met the inclusion criteria, obtaining information about 12 independent variables. The academic performance of the students was obtained based upon their grades by subject. A descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was carried out. Results: Statistical analysis showed statistically significant values ​​of the following variables: sex (t=-3.253, p< 0.05, r= 0.22), mother's academic level (F= 2.272, p<0.05, h²= 0.57), working and studying (F= 7.475, p<0.05, h²= 0.73), monthly family income (r =-0.223, p<0.05), and average educational level prior to the degree (r= 0.428, p< 0.05). Conclusions: The sociodemographic factors associated with a high academic performance are female sex, the mother's high academic level, and good average in educational level prior to the degree. While working and studying and high monthly family income are factors associated with low academic performance(AU)

Humanos , Cirurgiões , Desempenho Acadêmico , Obstetrícia
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732539


Enhancement of physical function had been shown in older adults who actively participate in physical activities,particularly in the form of aerobic training with addition of progressive resistance training (PRT). However, it is quitechallenging and risky for most older adults to exercise in standing position without any support. Chair Based Exercise(CBE) is an alternative mode of exercise for older adult to facilitate exercise participation and increase safety. Its effectwhen combined with resistance training is unknown to date. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomeof CBE with PRT on physical performances among older adults. A total of 18 older adults (13 females (72%)) and 5 males(28%)), aged 60 to 83 years with mean age (SD) 72.67 (6.17) years completed the study. All subjects performed CBE withPRT intervention twice weekly for 8 weeks, with individually-tailored exercise progressions. Pre and post measurementsof physical performance were performed using Six MinutesWalk Test (6MWT), Five Times Sit to Stand (FTSTS) and HandGrip Strength (HGS) test. Significant improvement in 6MWT (p < .001), HGS Right hand (p = .043), HGS Left hand (p <.001), FTSTS (p < .001) was shown after the eight-week intervention. Adding PRT into seated exercises results in furtherimprovement in physical performance of older adults. CBE-PRT may be recommended as an exercise routine for olderadults living in the community.

Psychiatry Investigation ; : 945-955, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-717824


OBJECTIVE: The present meta-analysis aimed to analyze the cognitive performance of schizophrenia patients measured by Trail Making Tests (TMT) and the contribution of socio-demographic factors to cognitive impairments. METHODS: PubMed and PsycARTICLES databases were searched for the studies published between January 1985 and November 2017. Data were drawn from 19 studies encompassing 1095 patients and 324 controls. The effect size and heterogeneity were assessed with Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 2 using random-effect model. RESULTS: Overall, the results showed that the schizophrenia patients performed significantly (p < 0.001) worse than healthy controls in both TMT-A and B. However, concurrent substance abuse, clinical status (inpatient or outpatient), duration of education and duration of illness were not associated with cognitive impairment among the schizophrenia patients. CONCLUSION: The present meta-analysis confirmed the cognitive processing speed and flexibility of schizophrenia patients were impaired. However, their duration of education, duration of illness and clinical status (inpatient or outpatient) were not the risk factors.

Humanos , Transtornos Cognitivos , Cognição , Educação , Maleabilidade , Características da População , Fatores de Risco , Esquizofrenia , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Teste de Sequência Alfanumérica
Motriz (Online) ; 24(4): e101874, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-976268


The current study examined the relationship between cognitive performances (executive function, selective attention and reaction time), fine motor coordination skills and perceived difficulty after active transport to school. Method: Fifteen right-handed children's underwent session, 15-min walking session at 30% (WS1) and 15-min walking session (WS2) at 50% of maximal aerobic speed. Subjects performed tests to evaluate executive function, reaction time and selective attention. After each trial, a questionnaire of perceived difficulty (PD) was completed. Results: Average time in TMT part A (F(2,22) = 4.44; p = 0.024; η2= 0.288) and TMT part B (F(2,22) = 4.54; p = 0.022; η2= 0.292), and committed errors (F(2,22) = 7.78; p = 0.003; η2= 0.414) was improved after walking sessions in comparison by CS. The mean scores were significantly higher after walking sessions for both long and short-distance throws (p < 0.05). Moreover, a significant negative correlation was found between committed errors (TMT part B) and both dart throwing consistency and accuracy (r = - 0.6; r = - 0.64; p < 0.05) (respectively). Post-hoc analysis showed that PD was better after walking sessions with low intensity for both short and long throwing distance. However, it seems that walking session with sustained intensity allows speed and accuracy improvement of cognitive processing. Conclusion: Thus, active walking to school with low intensity was sufficient to produce positives changes in psychomotor performance and decrease in perceived difficulty scores. By including individual differences in gross motor coordination as well as physical activity level, the exact nature of the link between psychomotor skills and cognitive performance could be more addressed.(AU)

Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Estudantes/psicologia , Cognição/fisiologia , Velocidade de Caminhada/fisiologia , Atividade Motora/fisiologia , Instituições Acadêmicas , Inquéritos e Questionários , Caminhada/fisiologia
Barbarói ; (51): 1-20, 2018.
Artigo em Português | BVSF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1016403


Há quase 30 anos, as contribuições teóricas e políticas da filósofa estadunidense Judith Butler têm recebido destaque no cenário mundial, ao buscar problematizar alguns conceitos, como o de gênero, e provocar desconstruções dentro da própria teoria feminista. Considerando a relevância da autora para a atualidade, objetiva-se neste artigo realizar uma aproximação à sua obra, apresentando noções como sujeito, corpo, materialidade, corpos abjetos e performance de gênero para problematizar sobre a suposta "ideologia de gênero", da qual ela seria uma das proponentes. Uma pergunta acompanha a presente análise: por que o pensamento de Butler é tão ameaçador? Criar a ideia de que os estudos sobre gênero constituem uma ameaça à família acaba por se tornar uma forma de mobilização social, por meio do medo e do ódio com fins políticos, por vezes, conservadores e, perigosamente, extremistas.(AU)

For almost 30 years, the theoretical and political contributions of the American philosopher Judith Butler have been highlighted to discuss some concepts and to cause deconstruction within feminist theory. Considering the author 's relevance for the present, this article intends to make an approach to her work, emphasizing the place of her theory in feminist studies and discussing some fundamental notions. One questions accompanies this analysis: Why is Butler's thinking so threatening? Creating the idea that gender studies are a threat to the family turns out to be a means of social mobilization through fear and hatred for political ends, sometimes conservative and dangerously extremist.(AU)

Hace casi 30 años, las contribuciones teóricas y políticas de la filósofa estadounidense Judith Butler han recibido destaque en el escenario mundial, al buscar problematizar algunos conceptos, como el de género, y provocar desconstrucciones dentro de la propia teoría feminista. Considerando la relevancia de la autora para la actualidad, se objetiva en este artículo realizar una aproximación a su obra, presentando nociones como sujeto, cuerpo, materialidad, cuerpos abyectos y desempeño de género para problematizar sobre la supuesta "ideología de género", de la cual ella sería una de las proponentes. Una pregunta acompaña al presente análisis: ¿por qué el pensamiento de Butler es tan amenazador? Crear la idea de que los estudios sobre género constituyen una amenaza para la familia acaba convirtiéndose en una forma de movilización social, a través del miedo y el odio con fines políticos, a veces conservadores y, peligrosamente, extremistas.(AU)

Humanos , Expressão de Gênero , Performatividade de Gênero , Identidade de Gênero , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 33(3): e1307, jul.-set. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1138911


RESUMEN Introducción: el cáncer de cérvix es uno de los procesos tumorales más estudiados y conocidos, en el que la citología cervicouterina es la principal prueba de tamizaje para acceder a este diagnóstico. Objetivo: describir los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente la toma de la citología vaginal en las estudiantes de pregrado presencial de una institución universitaria de la ciudad de Manizales-Colombia. Métodos: estudio cuantitativo descriptivo y prospectivo, cuya muestra estuvo constituida por 683 estudiantes. Se aplicó un instrumento que contiene preguntas sobre algunas variables sociodemográficas y otras relacionadas con los conocimientos actitudes y prácticas sobre la citología vaginal. Resultados: se evidencia mayor práctica de la citología vaginal en estudiantes con edades entre los 20-24 años. Se encontró que las estudiantes que más conocimientos presentaban sobre la prueba eran aquellas que cursaban estudios relacionados con el área de la salud. Se observa un promedio alto de actitudes positivas frente a la realización de esta prueba, pero una menor práctica de la misma con relación a los conocimientos y actitudes encontradas. Conclusiones: se evidencia conocimiento general de la prueba de la citología y una actitud favorable frente al interés de conocer más acerca de este examen; sin embargo, es importante que desde enfermería se realicen acciones más focalizadas que permitan mejorar la adherencia y una mayor práctica de esta prueba, considerada como una estrategia de promoción para la salud(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: the cervical cancer is one of the most studied and well-known tumoral processes in which the pap smear is the main screening test used to obtain an accurate diagnostic. Objective: To describe the cognition, attitude and performance regarding Pap Smear scrap on students of an undergraduate program at a university in Manizales-Colombia Methods: Quantitative, descriptive and prospective study, whose sample was composed by 683 students. The instrument used as a measuring device has some questions about certain socio-demographic variables and some others related to the information; attitudes and performances students have regarding Pap Smear scrap. Outcomes: There is evidence of a significant number of students between 20-24 years old having a Pap smear scrap. The outcomes showed that the students with more information about this kind of tests were those who were doing studies in the field of health. A high average of positive attitude regarding this test was observed; nevertheless, there was a minor performance of the test strongly related to the information and attitudes shown by some students. Conclusions: there is evidence of a general information about the pap smear test and of a favorable attitude on acquiring new knowledge about it. Nevertheless, it is relevant that the nursing program at the university proposes more targeted actions in order to allow an improvement in the consciousness and in a periodical practice of this test considered as a strategy of promotion of health(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico , Conhecimento , Biologia Celular , Teste de Papanicolaou/métodos , Programas de Rastreamento/efeitos adversos , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Prospectivos
Cad. CEDES ; 37(101): 45-64, jan.-abr. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-889572


RESUMO: Este artigo procura refletir sobre performances narrativas produzidas por crianças imigrantes em um contexto escolar marcado por intensa diversidade cultural. A análise foi fundamentada nos dados obtidos por meio da pesquisa etnográfico-propositiva intitulada Pequenos Narradores, realizada entre os anos de 2014 e 2015, em duas escolas públicas de ensino fundamental de Paris, França, nas chamadas CLIN - classes de iniciação do francês para crianças não francófonas. Como estratégia metodológica, foram realizadas diversas atividades lúdicas no sentido de favorecer a produção narrativa na sala de aula. A agência das crianças na escolha do que e como contar foi analisada sob a perspectiva dos estudos da performance. Constatou-se que, nesse contexto, as performances narrativas constituem um elemento importante não apenas na tradução e organização das experiências dessas crianças imigrantes, mas, sobretudo, na criação e transformação dessas experiências diante da realidade de vida no novo país.

ABSTRACT: This article intends to reflect on narrative performances produced by immigrant children in a school environment marked by intense cultural diversity. The analysis is grounded on data obtained through the ethnographic-propositional research entitled "Little Storytellers" held between 2014 and 2015 in two public elementary schools in Paris, France, in the CLIN (a special class to France newcomers). As methodology, several ludic activities were conducted to promote narrative production in the classroom. The agency of children in choosing what and how to tell was analyzed from the perspective of performance studies. We found that, in this context, narrative performances are an important part not only in the translation and organization of the experiences of these immigrant children, but especially in the creation and transformation of these experiences in the new country.

Humanos , Criança , Paris , Instituições Acadêmicas , Diversidade Cultural , Narração , Emigração e Imigração , Desempenho Acadêmico
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-751015


@#A cross-sectional study was conducted on 116 male pre-cast construction workers in Sipitang, Sabah to evaluate the association between Ergonomic Risk Level exposure and their working performances for 6 months (June to November 2014). Initially, a structured interview using a modified-Standardized Nordic Questionnaire was conducted on each study subject to determine the prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). The results showed that 93 out of 116 subjects (80.17%) complained of experiencing ache, pain or body discomfort during and after work with high percentage of MSDs prevalence affecting the wrist (78.5%), shoulder (73.1%), and lower leg (71.0%) regions of the body. Pictures and videos of workers performing their routine tasks were analyzed using Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) tool to generate individual Ergonomic Risk Level classification. The results showed that all subjects were exposed to Medium (56.90%), High (29.31%) and Very High (13.79%) level of Ergonomic Risk. Pearson Correlation and One-way ANOVA test was conducted to determine the association between Ergonomic Risk Level and the subjects’ individual working performances. The results indicated that there was a significant negative association between Ergonomic Risk Level and the workers' performances in terms of tendency to work overtime (p<.001, r=-.55) and the frequency of taking unpaid leaves (p=.038, r=.56). In conclusion, continuous exposure to significant Ergonomic Risk Level among the pre-cast construction workers has triggered the development of MSDs which eventually affected their working performances.

Humanidad. med ; 16(1): 1-20, ene.-abr. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-781172


En los más disímiles contextos universitarios, se generan hoy programas para mejorar los desempeños de los docentes en el proceso formativo; pero, infortunadamente estos no siempre resultan en un mejoramiento de la práctica cotidiana de las universidades, sobre todo en la calidad de la formación de los profesionales. De este hecho, el propósito del presente artículo está dado en realizar una valoración de las principales influencias epistemológicas en lo relativo a la profesionalización del docente universitario y develar aquellos desempeños idóneos esenciales que deben poseer en este nivel de educación como expresión de las competencias que deben desarrollar.

Today, in most diverse university contexts, programs are developed to improve the performance of professors in the educational process; but unfortunately, they do not always result in improving the daily practice of universities, especially in the quality of professionals training. Of this fact, the purpose of the present article is to carry out a valuation of the main epistemological influences related to the professionalization of universities` professors; and to determine the main essential suitable performances these professionals should have as an expression of the competences they must develop.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-655325


The purposes of this study were to investigate the factors affection the Oral Impacts on Daily Performances for Children (C-OIDP) in elementary and middle school students, and identify the association between oral health-related behaviors, oral health condition and C-OIDP. A cross-sectional study was conducted in three schools in Incheon, Asan, Korea. A total of 175 selected children were interviewed by a trained examiner using a questionnaire. Oral Health Related Quality of Life was assessed by the Korean version of C-OIDP. Socio-economic characteristics, oral health-related behaviors, oral health condition and C-OIDP were verified using the questionnaire. ANOVA analysis was performed to determine the oral health and C-OIDP, and multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the factors affecting the C-OIDP. The activities with the greatest effect were eating (28.0%), cleaning teeth (22.9%), and smiling (18.9%). In the logistic regression model, the high item score of C-OIDP was associated with experiencing dental caries and gum pain in the past month. The more the C-OIDP prevalence item, the more the fillng deciduous tooth surface (fs) (p=0.024), caries experienced deciduous tooth surface (dfs) (p=0.049), total caries tooth surface (ds+DS) (p=0.021), and total caries experienced tooth surface (dfs+DMFS) (p=0.047). It can be concluded that the factors affecting C-OIDP are fs, dfs, dfs+DMFS, and gingival pain. Based on these results, we can improve C-OIDP to advance preventive practice.

Criança , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Cárie Dentária , Ingestão de Alimentos , Gengiva , Coreia (Geográfico) , Modelos Logísticos , Saúde Bucal , Prevalência , Qualidade de Vida , Sorriso , Dente , Dente Decíduo
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158973


Growth promoters are widely used in poultry farming. However, this practice is a potential risk of microbial resistances and eventually can have harmful effects on human health. For that, the search of alternative solutions knows an increasing interest. The spices, owing to their multiple properties, are potentials growth promoters for poultry. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of Capsicum frutescens supplementation on growth performances, hematological and biochemical parameters and on the carcass of broilers. A total of 200 (Hubbard) day old chicks with an initial average weight of 49.63±3.74 g were used in this study. They were randomly divided into 5 different groups (P0; P5; P5’; P10 and P10’) with 4 repetitions. P0 (control group which received basal diet); P5 (basal diet plus pepper at 0.5% for one month); P5' (basal diet plus pepper at 0.5% pepper for 2 months) P10 (basal diet plus pepper at 1% for one month) and P10' (basal diet plus 1% pepper for 2 months). The experiments lasted 56 days. Apparent digestibility of dry matter varied from 73.5 ± 1.28% to 74.95 ± 1.28% but not significantly different (p>0.05). Feed consumption, the final body weight average and the feed conversion ratio were similar for all groups. The blood glucose level was reduced by the pepper supplementation (p<0,001). It was higher for P0 (2.58±0.02 mmol/l). Creatinin, cholesterol level and the hematological parameters, except leucocytes number, were not modified (p>0.05). In conclusion, although the chickens did not reject food supplemented with Capsicum frutescens powder, it’s effects were not perceptible on growth performances. However, the lowering effect of this spice on blood glucose level was proved in this study.