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HSJ ; 14: 1-7, Março 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554719


Objective: To investigate the use of medicines by women deprived of their liberty in a municipality in the east of Minas Gerais. Method: The research was conducted in three stages: (I) documentary investigation, (II) analysis of medical records, and (III) application of semi-structured questionnaires. Women deprived of liberty who were part of the prison system evaluated participated in the study. The research was carried out between June 2020 and June 2021. Result: Seventeen women deprived of their liberty participated in the study, most of them black and brown (88.24%), between 30 and 49 years old (n = 9; 52.9%), and who used a total of 56 different medications, with the psychotropic class being the most prevalent (n = 28; 50%), followed by cardiovascular system drugs (n = 15; 26.8%). Conclusion: The medications most used by study participants belonged to the class of antidepressants and antiepileptics. Furthermore, the women's medical records lacked crucial information regarding medication use. These data, combined with difficulties in access, highlight the importance of complying with public policies in favor of comprehensive health care for women deprived of their liberty, especially the right to access and rational use of medicines.

Feminino , Uso de Medicamentos
Herald of Medicine ; (12): 5-12, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023671


Objective To formulate a pharmaceutical service pathway to standardize the pharmacists'whole process of pharmaceutical services for breast cancer patients in medical institutions,promote the standardization of pharmacists'work and improve the rationality of drug use for breast cancer patients in medical institutions.Methods The editorial committee aimed at several challenging problems in the whole process of pharmaceutical services for breast cancer patients in medical institutions through systematic search,referring to the latest domestic and international guidelines and expert consensus of breast cancer and under the relevant drug administration regulations in China,collected and sorted out the professional opinions of doctors,pharmacists,and methodological experts,developed questionnaires and held two rounds of expert argumentation meetings,and finally screened out the most valuable results.The whole process management pathway of pharmaceutical care for breast cancer patients was formulated,and the referral principles of hospitals at different levels and the contents of pharmacist training and assessment were clarified.Results The whole process management pathway of pharmaceutical services for breast cancer patients was developed,including information collection,analysis,evaluation,development implementation of intervention plans,and follow-up.Conclusion This pharmaceutical service pathway can standardize and guide pharmacists in hospitals at different levels to carry out pharmaceutical services for breast cancer patients,achieve the whole process of monitoring drug use,and ensure rational drug use and treatment effectiveness for patients.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 59-63, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023679


Objective To analyze the development status of intelligent pharmaceutical services for traditional Chinese medicine,to summarize the practical experience of intelligent pharmaceutical services for traditional Chinese medicine,and to explore its technical requirements and development direction.Methods The Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of traditional Chinese medicine launched the Smart Traditional Chinese Medicine Room project in January 2018 and established a Smart Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacy to undertake pharmaceutical services such as outpatient dispensing,decoction,and distribution of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces.Results A total of 5.572 million pairs of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces were delivered until May 2023,and 231 400 patients were served in 2022.The service process was more straightforward;there was no need to wait for medication or go to the hospital again.The service efficiency was high,improving the patient's medical experience.Conclusions Intelligent pharmaceutical services for traditional Chinese medicine are developing rapidly.A comprehensive intelligent service system will be established based on technological progress in the future.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34034, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564896


Resumo Objetivou-se comparar as listas de medicamentos oferecidos pelos sistemas públicos de saúde inglês e brasileiro, averiguando a amplitude das possibilidades terapêuticas em ambos os países. Na análise utilizou-se o subgrupo químico (4º nível) da classificação anatômica, terapêutica e química (Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical classification - ATC), com foco nas três principais causas de anos de vida perdidos ajustados pela incapacidade (Disability-Adjusted Life Years - DALYs) encontrados no estudo de Carga Global de Doenças de 2019, comuns a ambos os países: doenças cardiovasculares, músculo-esqueléticas e mentais. Da comparação entre a Drug Tariff de março de 2020 (Inglaterra) e a Relação Nacional de Medicamentos Essenciais (Rename) 2020 (Brasil) emergiu que a Drug Tariff contém 3.620 apresentações farmacêuticas e a Rename, 921, sendo que 3.158 e 796 são monofármacos, respectivamente; um número 3,9 vezes maior de apresentações farmacêuticas que a Rename e duas vezes maior de substâncias ativas. A Rename e a Drug Tariff possuem 281 substâncias químicas ativas em comum, considerando o 5º nível da ATC. A lista de medicamentos financiados pelo NHS apresenta-se mais ampla que a do Brasil, tanto para doenças em geral, quanto para as doenças prevalentes nos dois países, podendo-se constituir uma possibilidade de aprimoramento para a Rename.

Abstract This study aimed to compare the lists of medicines offered by the England (National Health Service -NHS) and Brazilian (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) health systems. The analysis was performed using the chemical subgroup (4th level) of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification (ATC), focusing on the main causes of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) found in the 2019 Global Disease Burden study for both countries: cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and mental disorders. The comparison between the Drug Tariff of March 2020 (England) and the Relação Nacional de Medicamentos Essenciais (Rename) 2020 (Brazil) showed that the former contains 3,620 pharmaceutical presentations and Rename, 921, with 3,158 and 796 being monodrugs, respectively. Drug Tariff has 3.9 times more pharmaceutical presentations than Rename and 2 times more active substances in monodrugs than Rename. Rename and Drug Tariff have 281 active chemicals in common, considering the 5th level of the ATC. The list of medicines financed by the NHS is broader than that of Brazil, both for diseases in general and for diseases prevalent in both countries, which may constitute a possibility of improvement for Rename, keeping the need for more studies in-depth on the topic.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34002, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558690


Resumo A prescrição farmacêutica avança no mundo, com diferentes países regulando a prática. No Brasil, essa regulação ocorreu em 2013, porém são escassas as informações sobre sua inserção no cotidiano do exercício farmacêutico. Este estudo objetivou analisar a prescrição farmacêutica no município de Vitória-ES, Brasil, e os fatores que influenciam na adesão da prática. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo com 20 farmacêuticos e 10 gestores de farmácias comunitárias públicas e privadas, realizado a partir de entrevistas, com posterior análise de conteúdo temática para apreender percepções e opiniões. Os farmacêuticos desta pesquisa não prescreviam. Farmacêuticos e gestores identificaram facilitadores para a implementação da atividade, com destaque para os fatores: infraestrutura; fácil acesso ao farmacêutico; e boa receptividade à prescrição. Como barreiras, os fatores foram: número insuficiente de recursos humanos; falta de estímulo institucional à prescrição; e fatores individuais. Além da observação da não execução da prescrição farmacêutica, este estudo trouxe uma oportunidade para identificar elementos que podem estar contribuindo para que o exercício dessa atividade não seja realizado nas farmácias comunitárias. Adaptar rotinas ou contratar pessoal se mostraram as principais modificações necessárias. Paralelamente, ações destinadas a qualificar a formação por meio da educação permanente também se apresentam como necessárias.

Abstract Pharmacist prescribing advances in the world with different countries regulating this activity. In Brazil, this regulation took place in 2013, but there is little information about its insertion in the routine of pharmacist practice. This study aimed to analyze the pharmacist prescribing in the city of Vitória, Espírito Santo state, Brazil, and the factors that influence adherence to the practice. This is a qualitative study based on interviews with 20 pharmacists and 10 managers of public and private community drugstores with subsequent content analysis to apprehend perceptions and opinions. The pharmacists in this research did not prescribe. Pharmacists and managers identified facilitators for the implementation of the activity, highlighting the following factors: infrastructure; easy access to the pharmacist; and good receptivity to the prescription. As barriers, the factors were insufficient number of human resources; lack of institutional stimulus to prescribing; and individual factors. In addition to the observation of non-execution of pharmacist prescribing, this study provided an opportunity to identify elements that may contribute to the non-existence of this activity in community drugstores. Adapting routines or hiring staff were the main necessary changes. At the same time, actions aimed at qualifying training through permanent education are also necessary.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(3): e00237022, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534132


Abstract: Disasters cause changes in morbidity, mortality, and medicine use. Brazil is one of the main producers of mineral ores at great environmental cost. Mine tailings are stored in dams and ruptures have led to major disasters. We investigated the consumption of psychoactive medicines in the municipalities affected by the Fundão dam disaster in Minas Gerais State. An ecological study was carried out on drug consumption, estimated using public purchases in Minas Gerais and dispensing data from private retail pharmacies. Consumption (in number of defined daily doses/100,000 inhabitants per day) was analyzed descriptively in eight municipalities, stratified according to consumption level during a 25-month period. Six comparisons of mean consumption values for both data sets were done for pre- and post-disaster periods. The means of medicine consumption before and after the event were plotted and linear trends were added. Public purchase data evinced high consumption levels. Only pharmaceutical retail showed significant differences between the strata in the pre-disaster versus two post-disaster periods. Smaller municipalities showed an increase in consumption 15 months after the disaster. Clonazepam led the way in pharmaceutical retail consumption, followed by fluoxetine. Medicines showed an upward trend after the disaster. The high public provision may have stifled significant consumption patterns of psychoactive drugs; however, peak consumption were observed in private retail, suggesting a modification in use patterns after the disaster. The decrease in consumption immediately after the event was probably related to lower care-seeking behavior on the part of the population, and significant peaks after the disaster may reflect economic consequences of it.

Resumo: Os desastres provocam alterações na morbidade, mortalidade e no uso de medicamentos. O Brasil é líder na produção de minérios com grande custo ambiental. Os rejeitos de mineração são armazenados em barragens e as rupturas dessas barragens têm causados grandes desastres. Investigamos o consumo de medicamentos psicoativos em municípios atingidos pelo desastre da Barragem de Fundão, em Minas Gerais. Foi realizado um estudo ecológico sobre o consumo de medicamentos, com base em dados de compras públicas e distribuição de farmácias privadas do varejo de Minas Gerais. O consumo (em número de doses diárias definidas/100 mil habitantes por dia) foi analisado descritivamente em oito municípios, estratificados segundo o nível de consumo durante um período de 25 meses. Foram feitas seis comparações de valores médios de consumo para os dois conjuntos de dados dos períodos pré- e pós-desastre. Foram calculadas as médias de consumo de medicamentos antes e depois do evento e adicionadas tendências lineares. Os dados de compras públicas mostraram elevados níveis de consumo. Apenas o varejo farmacêutico apresentou diferenças significativas entre os estratos no período pré-desastre versus dois períodos pós-desastre. Municípios menores apresentaram aumento no consumo a partir do 15º mês após o desastre. Clonazepam liderou o consumo no varejo farmacêutico, seguido pela fluoxetina. Os medicamentos apresentaram tendência de alta após o desastre. A elevada oferta pública pode ter afetado os padrões de consumo significativo de medicamentos psicoativos; no entanto, foram observados aumentos no comércio privado, sugerindo alterações nos padrões de uso após o desastre. A diminuição do consumo imediatamente após o evento estava provavelmente relacionada a um menor comportamento de procura de cuidados por parte da população e os aumentos significativos posteriores podem refletir as consequências econômicas do desastre.

Resumen: Los desastres provocan cambios en la morbilidad, mortalidad y en el uso de medicamentos. Brasil es líder en la producción de minerales con grandes costos ambientales. Los desechos mineros se almacenan en represas y las roturas de dichas represas han causado grandes desastres. Investigamos el consumo de medicamentos psicoactivos en municipios afectados por el desastre de la presa de Fundão, en Minas Gerais. Se realizó un estudio ecológico sobre el consumo de medicamentos, con base en datos de compras públicas y distribución en farmacias privadas minoristas de Minas Gerais. El consumo (en número de dosis diarias definidas/100.000 habitantes por día) se analizó descriptivamente en ocho municipios, estratificados según el nivel de consumo durante un período de 25 meses. Se realizaron seis comparaciones de los valores medios de consumo para los dos conjuntos de datos de los períodos anterior y posterior al desastre. Se calculó el consumo medio de medicamentos antes y después del evento y se añadieron las tendencias lineales. Los datos de compras públicas mostraron altos niveles de consumo. Solo el comercio minorista farmacéutico presentó diferencias significativas entre los estratos en el período anterior al desastre frente a dos períodos posteriores al desastre. Los municipios más pequeños presentaron un aumento en el consumo a partir del 15º mes después del desastre. El clonazepam lideró el consumo en el comercio minorista farmacéutico, seguido de la fluoxetina. Los medicamentos presentaron una tendencia al alza después del desastre. La elevada oferta pública puede haber afectado los patrones de consumo significativo de medicamentos psicoactivos; sin embargo, se observaron aumentos en el comercio privado, lo que sugiere cambios en los patrones de uso después del desastre. La disminución del consumo inmediatamente después del evento probablemente relacionada con un menor comportamiento de búsqueda de cuidados por parte de la población, y los aumentos significativos posteriores pueden reflejar las consecuencias económicas del desastre.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 77(3): e20220413, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1569666


ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze judicial demands for medications in Campo Grande, Brazil, between July 2018 and June 2020. Methods: the four dimensions of the Manual of Indicators for Evaluation and Monitoring of Judicial Demands for Medications were examined. Results: 676 judicial processes were identified, corresponding to 1006 requests for 284 different medications. In 92.74% of the processes, access to medications was granted, with 88.80% granted on an urgent basis. The median time between the decision and delivery of the medication was 146 days. The average monthly cost of acquiring medications was R$ 2,183.68 Brazilian reais. Among the identified medications, 90.22% had at least one therapeutic alternative available in the public healthcare system. Conclusions: characterizing and analyzing judicial demands related to medications can support discussions on updating medication lists and clinical protocols, organizing healthcare services, allocating resources, and implementing actions to reduce judicialization.

RESUMEN Objetivos: analizar las demandas judiciales de medicamentos en Campo Grande, Brasil, entre julio de 2018 y junio de 2020. Métodos: se analizaron las 4 dimensiones del Manual de Indicadores de Evaluación y Monitoreo de Demandas Judiciales de Medicamentos. Resultados: se identificaron 676 casos judiciales, correspondientes a 1006 solicitudes para 284 medicamentos diferentes. En el 92,74% de los casos, se concedió acceso a los medicamentos, siendo el 88,80% de ellos de carácter urgente. El tiempo mediano entre la decisión y la entrega del medicamento fue de 146 días. El costo medio mensual de adquisición de los medicamentos fue de R$ 2.183,68 reales. Entre los medicamentos identificados, el 90,22% tenían al menos una alternativa terapéutica disponible en el sistema público de salud. Conclusiones: la caracterización y análisis de las demandas judiciales relacionadas con medicamentos pueden respaldar las discusiones sobre la actualización de las listas de medicamentos y los protocolos clínicos, la organización de los servicios de salud, la asignación de recursos y las acciones para reducir la judicialización.

RESUMO Objetivos: analisar as demandas judiciais por medicamentos em Campo Grande, Brasil, entre julho de 2018 e junho de 2020. Métodos: foram analisadas as 4 dimensões do Manual de Indicadores de Avaliação e Monitoramento de Demandas Judiciais de Medicamentos. Resultados: 676 processos judiciais foram identificados, correspondendo a 1006 solicitações para 284 diferentes medicamentos. Em 92,74% dos processos o acesso aos medicamentos foi concedido, sendo 88,80% em caráter de urgência. O tempo mediano entre a decisão e entrega do medicamento foi 146 dias. O custo médio mensal de aquisição dos medicamentos foi R$ 2.183,68 reais. Dentre os medicamentos identificados, 90,22% tinham pelo menos uma alternativa terapêutica disponível no sistema público de saúde. Conclusões: a caracterização e análise das demandas judiciais relacionadas a medicamentos pode apoiar as discussões sobre atualização das listas de medicamentos e protocolos clínicos, a organização dos serviços de saúde, a alocação de recursos e as ações para reduzir a judicialização.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(11): 3321-3332, nov. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520651


Resumo O estudo analisou o consumo de medicamentos não padronizados na saúde indígena, enfatizando a racionalidade da farmacoterapia, por meio de um estudo transversal dos dados secundários, de 2018 e 2019, no Distrito Especial Sanitário de Saúde Indígena Minas Gerais/Espírito Santo. Esses medicamentos foram classificados pela Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification. Para a comparação da origem de prescrição e da forma de aquisição, empregaram-se testes não paramétricos, avaliando o acesso a medicamentos. Verificou-se a racionalidade por meio do perfil de consumo e da opção terapêutica na lista de medicamentos padronizados. Foram consumidas 104.928 apresentações farmacêuticas, 66.967 (66%) eram para o trato alimentar e o metabolismo; 17.705 (17%) para o sistema nervoso; 12.961 (12%) para o sistema cardiovascular. Quanto aos medicamentos mais consumidos por regiões, 171 (90%) dos 190 apresentavam opção terapêutica. As prescrições foram mais provenientes do SUS. Encontraram-se diferenças na forma de aquisição dos medicamentos. O estudo apontou importante consumo de medicamentos não padronizados, podendo existir falhas na racionalidade terapêutica. Na saúde indígena, questões etnoculturais e sociais constituem desafios para o acesso aos medicamentos com uso racional.

Abstract The study analyzed the consumption of non-standard medication in the health of indigenous peoples, emphasizing the rationality of pharmacotherapy, by conducting a cross-sectional study of secondary data from 2018 and 2019 in the Minas Gerais/Espírito Santo Special Sanitary Indigenous Health Districts. These medicines were classified by Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification. Non-parametric tests were applied to compare the origin of prescription and the form of acquisition, assessing access to medication. Rationality was verified through the consumption profile and the therapeutic option in the list of standardized medicines. A total of 104,928 pharmaceutical presentations were consumed, 66,967 (66%) for the alimentary tract and metabolism, 17,705 (17%) for the nervous system, and 12,961 (12%) for the cardiovascular system. With respect to medicines consumed per region, 171 (90%) out of 190 had a therapeutic option. Prescriptions were more from the SUS. Differences were found in the way the medicines were acquired. The study pointed to significant consumption of non-standard medicines, and there may be failings in therapeutic rationality. In indigenous health, ethnocultural and social issues are challenges to access to medicines with rational use.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(4): 11966, out./dez. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524119


Avaliar os resultados clínicos de serviços de gerenciamento da terapia medicamentosa (GTM) oferecidos a pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVHIV) em uma unidade de dispensação de medicamentos brasileira. O estudo foi dividido em uma etapa transversal (etapa I), que avaliou o fator associado à identificação de dois ou mais problemas relacionados ao uso de medicamentos (PRM) na avaliação inicial; e uma etapa quasi- experimental (etapa II), realizada com um único grupo de pacientes para avaliar desfechos clínicosForam acompanhadas 52 PVHIV. A média de idade foi de 60±11,3 anos (min. = 29; máx. =78). A presença de dislipidemia (OR=5,38; IC 95%=1,61-17,97; p=0,006) e o uso de sete ou mais medicamentos (OR=4,28; IC 95%=1,32-13,88; p=0,015) foram fatores associados a identificação de dois ou mais PRM. Foi demonstrada uma diferença significativa entre os valores iniciais e finais de pressão arterial sistólica, carga viral do HIV, contagem de células T CD4+ e triglicerídeos (p<0,05). O serviço de GTM favoreceu os desfechos clínicos positivos.

To assess the clinical outcomes of comprehensive medication management (CMM) services offered to people living with HIV (PLHIV) at a Brazilian Antiretroviral Medication Dispensing Unit. The study was divided into a cross-sectional stage (stage I), to evaluate associated factor with the identification of two or more drug therapy problems (DTP) in the initial assessment; and a quasi-experimental stage (stage II), conducted with a single group of PLHIV to evaluate clinical outcomes. A total of 52 PLHIV, with 60±11.3 years of age were followed up. In stage I, the presence of dyslipidemia (OR=5.38; 95%CI=1.61-17.97) and the use of seven or more medications (OR=4.28; 95% CI=1.32-13.88) were factors associated with the identification of DTP. In stage II, a significant difference was demonstrated between the initial and final values of systolic blood pressure, triglycerides, HIV viral load and CD4+T-cells count (p<0,05). The CMM service favored positive clinical outcomes.

Rev. Ciênc. Saúde ; 13(2): 19-24, Junho 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444164


Objetivo: Avaliar o valor preditivo da colonização prévia por Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) resistente a carbapenêmicos estabelecida em culturas de vigilância para infecção subsequente por esses patógenos em pacientes internados em UTI. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo de coorte com pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva por pelo menos 48 h. Foram medidos os valores preditivos negativos e positivos, sensibilidade e especificidade das culturas de vigilância em CRAB e CRPA. Resultados: Foram incluídos 693 pacientes infectados. Pacientes previamente colonizados por CRAB e CRPA tiveram maior probabilidade de serem infectados por esses patógenos: OR ajustado: 10,34 (6,58 - 16,45; p < 0,001) e 2,30 (3,88 - 10,26; p < 0,001), respectivamente. Encontramos altos valores preditivos negativos de culturas de vigilância para CRAB (87,18%) e CRPA (88,30%) e alta especificidade 91,96% e 90,13%, respectivamente. Conclusões: Pacientes não colonizados por CRAB e CRPA mostraram-se menos propensos à infecção por esses patógenos. Esses achados podem contribuir para a escolha da terapia antimicrobiana empírica e desencorajar a prescrição de antibióticos contra esses patógenos em pacientes sem colonização prévia.

Objective: To assess the predictive value of prior carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) colonization established in surveillance cultures for subsequent infection by these pathogens in ICU patients. Methods: A cohort study was performed with patients admitted to the intensive care unit for at least 48 h. Negative and positive predictive values, sensitivity, and specificity of surveillance cultures in CRAB and CRPA were measured. Results: 693 infected patients were included. Patients previously colonized by CRAB and CRPA were more likely to be infected by these pathogens: adjusted OR: 10.34 (6.58 - 16.45; p < 0.001) and 2.30 (3.88 - 10.26; p < 0.001), respectively. We found high negative predictive values of surveillance cultures for CRAB (87.18%) and CRPA (88.30%) and high specificity 91.96% and 90.13%, respectively. Conclusions: Patients not colonized by CRAB and CRPA were less prone to infection by these pathogens. These findings may contribute to the choice of empirical antimicrobial therapy and discourage the prescription of antibiotics against these pathogens in patients without previous colonization.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ações Farmacológicas , Antibacterianos , Noxas , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Anti-Infecciosos
São Paulo; Revista Brasileira de Farmácia Hospitalar e Serviços de Saúde; 27.set.2023. 6 p. ilus, graf.
Não convencional em Português | LILACS, SES-RJ | ID: biblio-1561878


Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da implantação do inventário rotativo diário na acurácia do estoque de medicamentos em um hospital público de médio porte. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório transversal que avaliou a implantação de um inventário rotativo de janeiro a julho de 2022. Foram selecionados 143 medicamentos que posteriormente foram inventariados, uma vez por mês, ao longo de sete meses. Esses medicamentos foram classificados segundo a curva ABC, XYZ e o grau de divergência em: baixo, médio e alto. Foi calculada a acurácia para cada grupo, ao longo dos meses analisados, e o Percentual de Mudança Relativa (PMR) para comparação entre o período inicial e final. Resultado: Houveum aumento de 64% na acurácia do estoque de medicamentos, sendo observada diferença entre os grupos ABC e XYZ. Em relação a curva ABC, o grupo A teve um aumento de 170%, o B de 358% e o C de 23% no mesmo período. Em relação a criticidade, o grupo Z foi o que teve maior acurácia, seguido dos grupos Y e X. Os medicamentos classificados como de alta taxa de divergência tiveram redução de 80% e o de baixa 25% após implantação do inventário. Conclusão: A implantação do inventário rotativo aumentou a acurácia do estoque de medicamentos ao longo dos meses avaliados. Essa ferramenta pode ser uma estratégia utilizada na melhoria do gerenciamento de estoque de medicamentos. (AU)

Objective: To evaluate the impact of implementing a daily rotating inventory on the accuracy of medicines stocks in a medium-sized public hospital. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional exploratory descriptive study that evaluated the implementation of a rotating inventory from January to July 2022. 143 medicines were selected and subsequently inventoried once a month over seven months. These medicines were classified according to the ABC, XYZ curve and the degree of divergence in low, medium and high. Accuracy was calculated for each group, over the analyzed months, and the Relative Percentage Change (RPC) for comparison between the initial and final period. Result: There was a 64% increase in the accuracy of medicines inventory, with a difference being observed between the ABC and XYZ groups. Regarding the ABC curve, group A had an increase of 170%, group B 358% and group C 23% in the same period. Regarding criticality, group Z had the highest accuracy, followed by groups Y and X. Medicines classified as having a high rate of divergence had a reduction of 80% and the low rate of 25% after implementation of the inventory. Conclusion: The implementation of the rotating inventory increased the accuracy of the medicines stock over the evaluated months. This tool can be a strategy used to improve medicine inventory management. (AU)

Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 49(3)sept. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569924


Introducción: Los servicios farmacéuticos a nivel mundial juegan un papel determinante en la estabilidad del cuadro básico de salud. El uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en este sector de la salud y en muchos otros han conducido el avance en lo que a satisfacción a los consumidores se refiere. La atención farmacéutica en Cuba y la incorporación de estas tecnologías para mejorar la satisfacción del público es un reto para el gobierno cubano. Objetivo: Determinar el estado de los servicios farmacéuticos y la aplicación de la informatización para la satisfacción de los consumidores. Método: Se empleó la metodología propuesta por investigadores de la Universidad de Keele, que consta de tres etapas: planeación de la revisión, desarrollo de la revisión y presentación de reportes de la revisión. Se obtuvo una selección de 1283 artículos. A partir de los criterios de exclusión se analizó la calidad de un total de 438 estudios y, finalmente, fueron seleccionados 24 artículos. La utilización de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la industria farmacéutica facilita intercambio de grandes cantidades de información. Conclusiones: Se identificaron investigaciones acerca de los servicios farmacéuticos en los últimos 5 años y existe una proyección a favor del uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en los servicios farmacéuticos. Dentro de los desafíos que enfrenta el sector farmacéutico, se encuentran aspectos de carácter normativo, logístico, económico y de capacitación de los recursos humanos(AU)

Introduction: Pharmaceutical services worldwide play a determining role in the stability of the basic health situation. The use of information and communications technologies in this health sector and many others have led to progress in terms of consumer satisfaction. Pharmaceutical care in Cuba and the incorporation of these technologies to improve public satisfaction is a challenge for the Cuban government. Objective: To determine the state of pharmaceutical services and the computerization use for consumer satisfaction. Methods: The methodology proposed by researchers at Keele University was used; it consists of three stages: review planning, review development and review reporting. A selection of 1283 articles was retrieved. Based on the exclusion criteria, the quality of a total of 438 studies was analyzed and, finally, 24 articles were selected. The use of information and communications technologies in the pharmaceutical industry facilitates the exchange of large amounts of information. Conclusions: Research on pharmaceutical services was identified in the last 5 years and there is a projection in favor of the use of information and communications technologies in pharmaceutical services. Among the challenges faced by the pharmaceutical sector are regulatory, logistical, economic and human resource training aspects(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Assistência Farmacêutica , Comportamento do Consumidor/estatística & dados numéricos , Tecnologia da Informação
Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(2): 11106, abr./jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510548


O artigo tem por objetivo identificar os motivos que levaram as pessoas a buscarem o Poder Judiciário visando obter medicamentos para tratamento da hepatite C. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo transversal, de natureza quantitativa, no qual foram analisados 235 acórdãos e decisões monocráticas proferidas pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul entre 2010 e 2020. Os resultados evidenciaram que a razão principal é insuficiência de renda. Também apontou-se que a judicialização da saúde não é um fenômeno adstrito às pessoas de baixa renda; que os medicamentos mais requeridos são Ribavirina, Interferon, Sofosbuvir e Daclatasvir; e que o percentual de concessão judicial de medicamentos é de 93,6%. Conclui-se que há necessidade de reavaliação do Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas para Hepatite C e Coinfecções, do Plano Nacional de Hepatites Virais e do Plano para Eliminação da Hepatite C.

This article aims to identify which reasons lead people to seek the Judiciary in order to obtain medication for the treatment of hepatitis C. This is a quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study where 235 judgements and lower court decisions rendered by the state of Rio Grande do Sul Court of Justice between the years of 2010 and 2020 were analyzed. The results showed that the main reason why people turn to the Judiciary is low-income. It was also pointed that the health judicialization is not a phenomenon connected to low-income; the most required drugs are Ribavirina, Interferon, Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir; and the percentage of judicial medicine concession is 93.6%. The data obtained lead to the conclusion that there is a need to reassess the Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines for Hepatitis C and Coinfections, the National Plan for Viral Hepatitis and the Plan for the Elimination of Hepatitis C.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521927


En Cuba, el acceso a los servicios farmacéuticos por parte de la población se ve afectado por la no disponibilidad de medicamentos y la lejanía de las farmacias. La falta de información acerca de la existencia de los medicamentos y la cantidad de estos en la red de farmacias cercanas a una ubicación geográfica, aparejados al poco suministro de medicamentos y la calidad de la prestación del servicio, genera descontento e inconformidad en la población. En la presente investigación se realiza un diseño para mejorar la problemática planteada a partir de un sistema basado en reglas como ayuda a la toma de decisiones para la obtención de los medicamentos por parte de la población. Se aplica un estudio de caso mediante el cual es posible sugerir al usuario las 5 farmacias más cercanas donde el paciente puede adquirir los medicamentos sobre las decisiones asumidas.

In Cuba, access to pharmaceutical services by the population is affected by the non-availability of medicines and the remoteness of pharmacies. The lack of information about the existence of medicines and the quantity of these in the network of pharmacies close to a geographical location, coupled with the low supply of medicines and the quality of service provision, generates discontent and nonconformity in the population. In the present investigation, a design is carried out to improve the problem raised from a system based on rules as an aid to decision-making to obtain medicines by the population. A case study is applied through which it is possible to suggest to the user the 5 closest pharmacies where the patient can acquire the medicines on the decisions made.

Rev. APS (Online) ; 25(3): 583-597, 06/02/2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1562487


Com o propósito de atender às necessidades dos pacientes portadores de agravos relacionados à saúde mental, foi implementado o Programa para Aquisição dos Medicamentos Essenciais para Saúde Mental. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil das prescrições de psicotrópicos do Programa de Saúde Mental de uma policlínica de referência no Estado de Pernambuco. Trata-se de um estudo transversal retrospectivo com abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados referentes ao período de janeiro a junho de 2018 através de aspectos pré-definidos. Entre os erros mais comuns observados estão a ausência de data de emissão, a prescrição de medicamentos por outro que não seja o genérico, e a ultrapassagem da quantidade limite de medicamento estabelecido na legislação para as Notificações de Receita "B". Os resultados desse estudo demonstram adesão à RENAME, porém a análise também mostrou certa dificuldade de adesão à legislação e aos indicadores de uso racional de medicamentos. O preenchimento correto possibilita o acompanhamento adequado da farmacoterapia do paciente e o protege de riscos quanto ao uso inadequado dos medicamentos.

In order to meet the needs of patients with mental health conditions, the Program for the Purchase of Essential Medicines for Mental Health was implemented. This study aimed to evaluate the profile of prescriptions for psychotropic drugs in the Mental Health Program of a reference polyclinic in the State of Pernambuco. This is a retrospective cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. Data were collected for the period from January to June 2018 through pre-defined aspects. Among the most common errors observed are the absence of a date of issue, the prescription of medications by someone other than the generic one, and the exceeding of the limit amount of medication established in the legislation for the "B" Prescription Notifications. The results of this study demonstrate adherence to RENAME, but the analysis also showed some difficulty in adhering to legislation and indicators of rational use of medicines. The correct filling allows the patient to follow the pharmacotherapy adequately and protects him from risks regarding the inappropriate use of the medications.

Assistência Farmacêutica , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Saúde Mental
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(5): 1443-1456, maio 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439816


Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar características do fornecimento e fatores associados ao tratamento da artrite reumatoide no Brasil, com foco nos medicamentos biológicos modificadores do curso da doença (MMCDbio). Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo com dados secundários do Sistema de Informação Ambulatorial do Sistema Único de Saúde. Foram incluídos pacientes com 16 anos ou mais, atendidos nos doze meses do ano de 2019. As análises foram feitas com fatores de exposição em relação aos desfechos: uso de MMCDbio e porte populacional. O estudo incluiu 155.679 pacientes, sendo 84,6% mulheres. Observou-se maior troca de MMCDbio e maior provisão de médicos reumatologistas nos municípios de maior porte (mais de 500 mil habitantes). Quase 40% dos pacientes utilizaram MMCDbio e estes apresentaram maior adesão ao tratamento (57,0% versus 64%, p=0,001). A dispensação de MMCDbio ocorreu para mais de um terço dos pacientes tratados para AR no Brasil e esteve associada ao maior percentual de disponibilidade de médicos reumatologistas e ao maior porte populacional dos municípios.

Abstract This study analyzes supply characteristics and factors associated with the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in Brazil, with a focus on disease course-modifying biological drugs (bioDMARDs). A retrospective study was conducted with secondary data from the Outpatient Information System of the Unified Health System. Patients aged 16 years or older who were treated in 2019 were eligible. The analyses were performed with exposure factors in relation to the outcomes: bioDMARD use and population size. The study included 155,679 patients, 84.6% of whom were women. There was a greater exchange of bioDMARDs and a greater supply of rheumatologists in the larger municipalities (more than 500,000 inhabitants). Almost 40% of the patients used bioDMARDs, and they showed greater adherence to treatment (57.0% versus 64%, p=0.001). The dispensing of bioDMARDs occurred in more than one-third of the patients treated for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Brazil and was associated with a higher percentage of availability of rheumatologists and larger population size.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991761


Objective:To explore the role of clinical pharmacists participating in the management of prophylactic antibiotics during the perioperative period of thoracic surgery, and to evaluate the effects after participating in the practice.Methods:The use of antimicrobials during the perioperative period of thoracic surgery in Wenjiang Hospital of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital in August 2019 (pre-practice) was retrospectively analyzed. The existing problems were summarized, and the possible causes of the existing problems were analyzed. The improvement measures were jointly developed by clinical pharmacists and physicians. Clinical pharmacists continued to manage the use of antimicrobials by means of medication order reviews, ward rounds for pharmacy service, and medication training. The use of prophylactic antibiotics during the perioperative period of thoracic surgery was compared between August 2019 (pre-practice group) and December 2019 (post-practice group) and the practical effect was evaluated.Results:Clinical pharmacists reviewed perioperative patients' medication orders once a day, ward rounds for pharmacy service twice a week, and medication training once a month. Twenty-two patients were enrolled before practice, and 26 patients were enrolled after practice. There were no significant differences in age, sex, body weight, operative time, type of surgical incision, and preventive use of antibiotics between the two groups (all P > 0.05). In the post-practice group, the appropriate time for preoperative administration was 100.0%, which was significantly higher than 88.2% in the pre-practice group. The reasonable rate of preoperative preventive drug selection was 100.0%, which was significantly higher than 44.4% in the pre-practice group ( χ2 = 17.50, P < 0.001). In the post-practice group, the duration of preventive medication was (1.82 ± 0.59) days, which was significantly shorter than (7.54 ± 3.25) days in the pre-practice group ( t = 11.97, P < 0.001). In the post-practice group, the cost of antibacterial drugs was 316.00(237.00,454.25) yuan, which was significantly lower than 1 136.00(391.81 , 2 184.65) yuan in the pre-practice group ( Z = -2.78, P < 0.05). The defined daily dose of antibiotics among inpatients was 2.67(2.00,3.42), which was significantly lower than 8.88(3.92 , 19.18) in the pre-practice group ( Z = -3.26, P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the incidence of postoperative pulmonary infection and total length of hospital stay between the two groups (both P > 0.05). Conclusion:Clinical pharmacists participating in the management practice of perioperative prophylactic antibiotics in thoracic surgery can effectively promote the rational application of perioperative antibiotics, markedly improve the reasonable rate of prophylactic drug delivery, shorten the course of prophylactic drugs, reduce the cost of antibiotics, decrease the defined daily dose of antibiotics, without increasing the risk of postoperative pulmonary infection and the total length of hospital stay.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996092


In order to expand the breadth and depth of pharmaceutical services, in March 2022, a tertiary hospital opened a physician-pharmacist joint clinic based on clinical specialty clinics. The hospital formulated a fixed outpatient scheduling system, clarified service targets, established outpatient treatment processes and quality management systems, and standardized pharmacist communication models, to provide patients with " one-stop" standardized pharmaceutical services. As of December 2022, the pharmaceutical joint outpatient service had opened more than 100 consultations and served 1 709 patients. This practice provided reference for promoting the high-quality development of pharmaceutical services in medical institutions in China.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964286


Objective To explore how to further improve the quality of home pharmacy services under the background of aging. Methods The development history of home pharmacy service in our country in recent years was summarized, and the current status and limitations of home-based pharmacy service were analyzed. Results Our country's home-based pharmacy service has gradually matured and standardized from the early stage of independent exploration in various regions, but its quality improvement is still restricted by multiple bottlenecks. It is recommended to increase the popularity of pharmacy services, broaden the promotion channels for rational drug use, and optimize the allocation of pharmacists. etc. to be improved. Conclusion It is of great significance to improve the quality of home-based pharmacy services for home-based patients in the community, and it requires the joint efforts of multiple parties to improve it.

Chinese Journal of Oncology ; (12): 834-862, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007379


Endocrine therapy is one of the primary treatment methods for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer patients. As of June 1 2023, the National Medical Product Administration has approved 56 drugs related to endocrine therapy in patients with HR+ /HER-2- breast cancer (including generic drugs that have passed the consistency evaluation), including 44 endocrine drugs which can be categorized according to their mechanisms of action into selective estrogen receptor modulators, selective estrogen receptor down-regulators, aromatase inhibitors, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogs, and progestogens and 12 targeted drugs for combined with endocrine therapy, including CDK4/6 inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors, and HDAC inhibitors. The different pharmacological characteristics, mechanisms of action, and long-term medication factors of breast cancer endocrine therapy-related drugs can directly affect patients' medication adherence and medication safety. To standardize the pharmaceutical care of endocrine therapy drugs for breast cancer and promote rational use in clinical settings, the Oncology Specialty Pharmacist Subcommittee, in conjunction with multidisciplinary experts nationwide, has developed the "Guidelines for pharmaceutical care of endocrine therapy drugs for breast cancer (2023 edition)". The guidelines is based on clinical evidence-based evidence, relevant regulations of pharmaceutical management, and pharmaceutical care practices. The Delphi method and expert interviews were used to formulate the guidelines. The GRADE approach was used for assessing the certainty of evidence. This guideline mainly focuses on endocrine therapy for HR+ /HER-2- breast cancer patients. Due to space constraints, HER-2 positive targeted drugs were not included in the guideline. It covers 6 dimensions and 22 key problems of pharmaceutical care in the whole process of drug therapy, providing a scientific basis for pharmacists to carry out pharmaceutical care of such drugs.

Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Inibidores da Aromatase/uso terapêutico , Receptores de Estrogênio