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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974202


@#The history of physical diagnosis started with Hippocrates and his school. History taking, inspection, palpation, and sometimes immediate auscultation and examination of the urine are fundamental diagnostic tools. The Hippocratic Corpus and Galen’s authoritative theoretical writings dominate medical thinking for over 1000 years. Clinical examination advances through Vesalius and Morgagni’s discoveries of human dissection (1543) and pathologic anatomy (1761) respectively. The Vienna school through Auenbrugger introduces percussion in 1760. The Paris school formally establishes physical diagnosis with the invention of the stethoscope by Laennec in 1816.

Anamnese , Percussão
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 15(1): 38-48, ene.-abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091735


Resumen Son limitados los estudios realizados en función de valorar el componente físico, en edades tempranas del desarrollo y enfocados a la ceguera. La mayoría de los estudios relacionados con la ceguera se realizaron con el fin de contribuir al desarrollo de la motricidad y no al estudio del componente físico; es por ello que, la investigación transitó desde el diagnóstico físico actual del escolar ciego, la selección de métodos y pruebas funcionales con sus adaptaciones, así como la valoración de la viabilidad de su aplicación en la enseñanza especial. Se constató que el diagnóstico pedagógico integral posee limitaciones ya que no incluye aspectos del componente físico, lo cual entorpece la adecuada dirección del proceso pedagógico de la Educación Física Especial. En este estudio, se utilizaron métodos del nivel empírico y del nivel teórico, alcanzando una gran significación el estudio de casos. De manera general, se constata que no se aplican, desde los Centros de Diagnóstico y Orientación, pruebas que permitan evaluar el componente físico de los escolares ciegos, lo cual atenta contra la calidad del proceso docente de la Educación Física.

Síntese Os estudos são limitados em termos de avaliação do componente físico em idades precoces de desenvolvimento e focando a cegueira. A maioria dos estudos relacionados com a cegueira foi realizada com o objectivo de contribuir para o desenvolvimento das capacidades motoras e não para o estudo da componente física. Assim, a investigação partiu do diagnóstico físico atual do aluno cego, da seleção de métodos e testes funcionais com as suas adaptações, bem como da avaliação da viabilidade da sua aplicação na educação especial. Verificou-se que o diagnóstico pedagógico abrangente tem limitações, uma vez que não inclui aspectos do componente físico, o que dificulta a direção adequada do processo pedagógico da Educação Física Especial. Neste estudo, foram utilizados métodos a partir do nível empírico e do nível teórico, tendo o estudo de caso alcançado grande significado. Em geral, verificou-se que os centros de diagnóstico e orientação não aplicam testes para avaliar o componente físico dos alunos cegos, o que prejudica a qualidade do processo de ensino da Educação Física.

Abstract Studies are limited in terms of assessing the physical component at early ages of development and focusing on blindness. Most of the studies related to blindness were carried out in order to contribute to the development of motor skills and not to the study of the physical component. Therefore, the research evolved from a current physical diagnosis of the blind student, the selection of methods and functional tests with their adaptations, as well as the assessment of the viability of their application in special education. It was found that the comprehensive pedagogical diagnosis has limitations, since it does not include aspects of the physical component, which hinders the adequate direction of the pedagogical process of Special Physical Education. In this study, methods from both the empirical and theoretical levels were used, with the case studies being of great significance. In general, it has been observed that the Centos de Diagnóstico y Orientación do not apply tests to evaluate the physical component of blind schoolchildren, which affects the quality of the physical education teaching process.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-800825


Objective@#To further improve the proficiency and accuracy of physical diagnosis of medical students.@*Methods@#On March 16th, 2018, a random questionnaire survey were conducted and Excel used to investigate and analyze the needs of junior medical students for the teaching of physical diagnosis from the perspectives of topic selection of micro-lecture, presentation, teaching hours etc..@*Results@#A total of 174 questionnaires were distributed and were all took back. In the survey, 139 students (79.89%) hoped to apply micro-lecture to the teaching of physical diagnosis, 132 students (75.86%) thought that the proper time of micro-lecture for each physical examination item should be 2-5 minutes, 150 students (86.21%) expected to learn micro-lecture of physical diagnosis via WeChat. Physical examination items selected mostly by students were on heart, chest and nervous system.@*Conclusion@#Theoretically and technologically speaking, it is feasible to make micro-lecture of physical diagnosis. Therefore, we should actively carry out the micro-lecture of physical diagnosis to meet students' learning demands and improve their operation skills of physical diagnosis.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-824023


Objective To further improve the proficiency and accuracy of physical diagnosis of medical students. Methods On March 16th, 2018, a random questionnaire survey were conducted and Excel used to investigate and analyze the needs of junior medical students for the teaching of physical diagnosis from the perspectives of topic selection of micro-lecture, presentation, teaching hours etc.. Results A total of 174 questionnaires were distributed and were all took back. In the survey, 139 students (79.89%) hoped to apply micro-lecture to the teaching of physical diagnosis, 132 students (75.86%) thought that the proper time of micro-lecture for each physical examination item should be 2-5 minutes , 150 students (86.21%) expected to learn micro-lecture of physical diagnosis via WeChat. Physical examination items selected mostly by students were on heart , chest and nervous system . Conclusion Theoretically and technologically speaking, it is feasible to make micro-lecture of physical diagnosis. Therefore, we should actively carry out the micro-lecture of physical diagnosis to meet students' learning demands and improve their operation skills of physical diagnosis.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439797


For clinical surgeons,physical diagnosis is the stepping stone or open sesame in clinical practice such as inquiry of medical history,physical examination,medical investigation,and disease comprehension.It is the starting point and complementation of clinical diagnosis in surgical practice.It helps and leads young practitioners to acquire basic,true,and useful scientific information and evidence of clinical diagnosis in each patient.It is the essential technique and procedure,which is applicable for lifelong time in young or elder surgeons.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374297


The concordance rate between the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) evaluators and the SP evaluation evaluators, in the analyses conducted during the past two years was investigated and compared by the acupuncture department at the College for Japanese Judo-Therapy Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy. <BR>The subjects were third year students who sat for the OSCE during FY 2004-FY 2005, and consisted of thirteen and thirty-two students, respectively. Four stations were set up which were comprised of medical interviews, physical examinations, and practical skill evaluations on acupuncture, and moxibustion. <BR>The concordance rate at each station was compared, and the improvements in these rates could be seen particularly for physical examinations and practical skills on acupuncture stations. The relationship between the evaluator and the SP was that a correlation between the medical interview evaluator and the SP evaluation was recognized<BR>Improvements were due to segmentation and clarification of the assessment items, more meetings being held, and simulated trials conducted prior to the actual examination. These factors lead to a comprehensive interpretation of the manual.<BR>However, a correlation between the evaluator of the practical skills for acupuncture and the SP evaluation was not recognized. Therefore, it is vital to include the assessment of SP evaluation, and ensure it is performed uniformly.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623614


The research is focused on the current situation and shortcomings in teaching of practical physical diagnostics.In the experimental group regular teachers are in charge of teaching and strengthening the physical examination training of students,and in the contrast group the teaching missions are distributed to different teachers in different departments,and the differences of the teaching effects between the two groups are thus discussed.The result reveals that the scores of the physical examination test in the experimental group is better than that in the contrast group,and the difference is significant(P

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624105


Physical diagnosis is an important part of training in diagnosis clinical skills.We can explore effective teaching methods by adopting student-oriented teaching method,applying the electronic standardized patients and reasonable application of standardized patients.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 21(1): 47-54, jan.-abr. 1997. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137420


Resumo: O presente artigo refala uma nova experiência de metodologia de ensino -aprendizagem descritas pelos próprios monitores, desenvolvida no curso de Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, junto à disciplina de Semiologia. Esta monitoria acadêmica caracterizou-se pelas seguintes inovações: 1) Autonomia do monitor na elaboração do programa de atividades e, 2) Avaliação concomitante do método, através de questionários elaborados pelos monitores, aplicados periodicamente com o objetivo de identificar e caracterizar os principais fatores, prejudiciais e/ou benéficos, a fim de otimizar tal atividade acadêmica. Os autores descrevem o processo de seleção dos monitores, atividades desenvolvidas, dificuldades encontradas, resultados obtidos, e concluem que a modalidade de ensino com a utilização de monitores, mostra-se de extrema utilidade e importância no processo de formação médica, propiciando a transmissão de conhecimentos, aquisição de raciocínio crítico e estímulo à futura carreira universitária.

Summary: This article describes a new experiences of teaching methodology developed by the Medical Anamnesis and Physical Diagnosis at the School of Medicine of Universidade Estadual de Londrina. This academic teaching methodology was caracterized by: 1) The independence of the monitors to determinate the schedule of the activities and, 2) Continuous evaluation of the method, applied periodically to identify the major problems in order to improve the teaching method. The authors describe the selecting process of the monitors, activities carried out, unexpected difficulties, results anel conclude that· the proposed methodology is extremely useful in Medical Education and play an important role in improving knowledge, reasoning and stimulating a future University carrier.