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BAG, J. basic appl. genet. (Online) ; 34(1): 31-39, July 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447497


RESUMEN El maíz se utiliza masivamente para producir alimentos para el hombre y los animales domésticos con granos de varias entidades taxonómicas o razas. Para los rumiantes domésticos también se utiliza la planta entera como forraje. En Argentina se utiliza el grano forrajero y el silaje de planta entera para el ganado vacuno de carne y leche. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar la historia y las perspectivas del maíz para grano y ensilaje, centrados en la selección y el mejoramiento genético. El maíz forrajero en sus dos variantes (grano forrajero y planta entera como silaje) tuvo distinta importancia a través del tiempo. Remarcamos la importancia del mejoramiento genético específico del maíz para silaje de planta entera para alcanzar un potencial de rendimiento y valor nutritivo superior a la de los híbridos graníferos. Se analizaron las cuatro estructuras genéticas poblacionales utilizadas en el tiempo como cultivares, que determinaron la evolución del proceso tecnológico de selección y mejoramiento genético. Con las investigaciones efectuadas, las empresas semilleras incorporaron nuestros protocolos a sus programas de desarrollo y de mejoramiento genético. La contribución de la selección y del mejoramiento genético en Argentina fue efectiva para transformar la planta de maíz en alimento para rumiantes y esto se incrementará con la obtención de híbridos específicos para silaje.

ABSTRACT Corn is used to massively produce food for humans and domestic animals with grains of various taxonomic entities or races. For domestic ruminants, the whole plant is also used as forage. In Argentina, both corn grain and whole-plant silage are used for beef and dairy cattle production. This paper aimed to develop the history and perspectives of corn grown for grain and silage, focusing on plant breeding. The importance of corn fodder in its two variants (grain and whole-plant silage) has varied over time. We emphasize herein the importance of the specific genetic breeding of corn used for whole-plant silage to achieve higher yield potential and nutritional value than grain hybrids. The four population genetic structures used over time as cultivars, which determined the evolution of the technological process of selection and breeding, were analyzed. Based on the research carried out, seed companies have incorporated our protocols into their development and breeding programs. The contribution of selection and breeding in Argentina was effective in transforming the corn plant into ruminant feed, and this will increase with the development of specific silage hybrids.

BAG, J. basic appl. genet. (Online) ; 34(1): 41-46, July 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447498


RESUMEN La cebadilla criolla (Bromus catharticus Vahl) es la gramínea forrajera nativa anual/bianual de clima templado de mayor importancia y difusión en la Argentina. Varios autores han estudiado la variabilidad fenotípica en caracteres morfofisiológicos en cultivares y poblaciones nativas de cebadilla criolla. Las primeras variedades cultivadas comerciales de cebadilla criolla, eran poblaciones heterogéneas a las que se las consideraba de mejor adaptación a toda la región de cultivo. Con los estudios de caracterización genética, agronómica y molecular de las poblaciones base de selección y del germoplasma conservado en el banco activo de INTA Pergamino, se contribuyó a conocer y conservar la diversidad genética disponible y al mismo tiempo, disponer de variabilidad genética utilizable en programas de mejoramiento. Los cultivares públicos más representativos considerados en este trabajo fueron: Pergamino Martín Fierro MAG, Fierro Plus INTA, Bar INTA 200, Rosalía INTA e INTA Calvu, en los que se desarrollaron paquetes tecnológicos asociados a la utilización en producción animal.

ABSTRACT The prairie grass (Bromus catharticus Vahl) is the annual/biennial native forage grass of temperate climates of most importance and diffusion in Argentina. Several authors have studied the phenotypic variability in morphophysiological characters in cultivars and native populations of prairie grass. The first commercial cultivars were heterogeneous populations that were considered the best adapted in the temperate region of Argentina. Genetic, agronomic and molecular characterization of the selection base populations and of the germplasm conserved in the active bank of INTA Pergamino, contributed to knowing and conserving the available genetic diversity and, at the same time, provided usable genetic variability in breeding. The most representative cultivars considered in this work were Pergamino Martín Fierro MAG; Fierro Plus INTA, Bar INTA 200, Rosalía INTA and INTA Calvu, in which technological packages associated with the utilization in animal production were developed.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535718


Con el objetivo de evaluar la diversidad fenotípica de ocho cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) procedentes de Vietnam, para su introducción en los programas de mejora y en la producción en Cuba, apoyados en caracteres morfoagronómicos y técnicas de análisis multivariado, fue desarrollado este trabajo en la Unidad Científico Tecnológica de Base "Los Palacios", perteneciente al Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas de Cuba. Los cultivares vietnamitas se sembraron en campo junto a los comerciales INCA LP-5 e INCA LP-7, para ser caracterizados agronómicamente con la utilización de 29 descriptores cualitativos y 22 cuantitativos. Los resultados mostraron que 16 caracteres cualitativos resultaron homogéneos para los ocho cultivares procedentes de Vietnam y los dos cultivares comerciales cubanos, la asociación entre varios caracteres cuantitativos reafirma la influencia que ejercen algunos componentes sobre el rendimiento, los que son considerados como marcadores para la selección, tres cultivares de procedencia vietnamita (GL301, LCG3-4 y DS1) no pueden ser utilizados en la producción arrocera en Cuba, por su susceptibilidad a Tagosodes. Todos los cultivares mostraron resistencia a Rhizoctonia solani y Sarocladium oryzae y dos (GL 301 y LTH 31) fueron susceptibles a Pyricularia grisea. Los cultivares OM6976, OM5451 y OM8087 alcanzaron valores altos de rendimiento, por lo que pudieran ser utilizados, como progenitores en los programas de mejora, así como cultivares comerciales.

With the objective of evaluating the phenotypic diversity of eight rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) from Vietnam, for their introduction in breeding programs and production in Cuba, supported by morphoagronomic characters and multivariate analysis techniques, this work was developed in Scientific and Technological Base Unit belonging to the National Agricultural Sciences Institute of Cuba. The Vietnamese cultivars were planted in the field together with the commercial cultivars INCA LP-5 and INCA LP-7, to be characterized agronomically with the use of 29 qualitative and 22 quantitative descriptors. The results showed that 16 qualitative characters were homogeneous for the eight cultivars from Vietnam and the two Cuban commercial cultivars, the association between various quantitative characters reaffirms the influence exerted by some components on yield, which are considered as markers for selection. Three cultivars of Vietnamese origin (GL301, LCG3-4 and DS1) cannot be used in Cuban rice production, due to their susceptibility to Tagosodes. All cultivars showed resistance to Rhizoctonia solani and Sarocladium oryzae and two (GL 301 and LTH 31) were susceptible to Pyricularia grisea. The OM6976, OM5451 and OM8087 cultivars reached high yield values, so they could be used as parents in breeding programs, as well as commercial cultivars.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551105


Colombia, se destaca como país productor de cacao fino y de aroma, por lo cual, resulta de gran importancia explorar las características físicas y sensoriales de la diversidad genética existente. Para el presente estudio, se seleccionaron 22 genotipos de colecciones de trabajo con atributos productivos sobresalientes y dos testigos comerciales, reconocidos por su productividad y calidad sensorial; las muestras evaluadas fueron tomadas, de acuerdo con un muestreo aleatorio simple y se realizó un proceso de poscosecha homogéneo, controlado e independiente por genotipo, para obtener muestras de cacao seco individuales. Se realizaron análisis físicos al grano de cada genotipo y se preparó licor de cacao con cada una de las muestras obtenidas. Posteriormente, se evaluó cada licor por medio del panel de evaluación sensorial entrenado, donde se identificó y cuantificó la intensidad de atributos básicos, atributos especiales y atributos adquiridos, característicos de cada muestra. La información fue analizada mediante estadística descriptiva y análisis de componentes principales, lo que permitió la identificación de tres genotipos sobresalientes por el índice de grano y el porcentaje de cascarilla. El análisis sensorial evidenció que, en diecisiete genotipos, predominaron los atributos especiales, como herbal, floral, frutal, frutos secos y dulce. Estos resultados son un aporte importante para la selección de nuevas variedades de alta productividad, con características sensoriales de interés para la comercialización, que pueden ser evaluadas en diferentes regiones, para aumentar la disponibilidad genética en futuros programas de renovación y siembra de cacao que está en expansión, en los distintos territorios del país.

Colombia stands out as a country that produces fine and aroma cocoa; therefore, it is of great importance to explore the physical and sensory characteristics of the existing genetic diversity. For the present study, 22 genotypes from working collections with outstanding productive attributes and two recognized commercial controls were selected and evaluated for its productivity and sensory quality; the evaluated samples were taken according to a simple random sampling and a homogeneous, controlled, and independent post-harvest process was carried out by genotype, to obtain individual dry cocoa samples. Physical analyzes were carried out on the grain of each genotype and cocoa liquor was prepared with each of the samples obtained. Subsequently, each liquor was evaluated by means of the trained sensory evaluation panel, where the intensity of basic attributes, special attributes and acquired attributes characteristic of each sample was identified and quantified. The information was analyzed through descriptive statistics and principal component analysis, which allowed the identification of three outstanding genotypes by the grain index, and the husk percentage. The sensory analysis showed that, in seventeen genotypes, special attributes predominated such as: herbal, floral, fruity, dried fruit and sweet. These results are an important contribution for the selection of new high productivity varieties with sensory characteristics of interest for commercialization, which can be evaluated in different regions, to increase genetic availability in future renewal and planting programs of cocoa that is expanding in the different territories of the country.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982397


Biotechnology policies and regulations must be revised and updated to reflect the most recent advances in plant-breeding technology. New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBT) such as gene editing have been applied to address the myriad of challenges in plant breeding, while the use of NPBT as emerging biotechnological tools raises legal and ethical concerns. This study aims to highlight how gene editing is operationalized in the existing literature and examine the critical issues of ethical and legal issues of gene editing for plant breeding. We carried out a systematic literature review (SLR) to provide the current states of ethical and legal discourses surrounding this topic. We also identified critical research priority areas and policy gaps that must be addressed when designing the future governance of gene editing in plant breeding.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39028, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425192


Climate changes can influence the genetic diversity of forage plants, which may contribute to the improvement and development of new species. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the influence of temperature increase on the genetic diversity of Macroptilium accessions based on morphoagronomic descriptors. The experiment was carried out in a growth chamber in a 2×16 factorial arrangement (temperature regimes x Macroptilium accessions), with the temperatures consisting of T1 (20­26­33 °C) and T2 (24.8­30.8­37.8 °C) and 16 accessions. Eleven morphoagronomic descriptors allowed estimating the diversity among accessions. The measurements of genetic dissimilarity enabled us to observe the genetic distance between the studied materials, standing out the accessions T1.M3 and T2.S4 as the most divergent (446.01). The morphoagronomic descriptors percentage of leaves and stem diameter were the most efficient for estimating the diversity between access. Genetic variability points to the adaptation of Macroptilium accessions in the climate change scenario. The accessions more divergent can be explored in genetic breeding programs for the species aiming at the expansion of genetic variability as an adaptation mechanism to heat stress.

Variação Genética , Mudança Climática , Phaseolus , Melhoramento Vegetal
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 25(1): e1901, ene.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395186


ABSTRACT Soybean cultivation expansion in Colombia has generated the need to seek varieties with high genetic merit. A soybean genetic breeding program seeks to generate varieties with competitive and sustainable yields, and high-quality grain adapted to the conditions of the low tropics. The aim was to determine the genetic parameters and expected gains in quantitative traits of interest in a soybean breeding process using biometric tools. Sixty lines and four commercial varieties were evaluated in an 8x8 alpha lattice design (genotypes x blocks) planted in oxisols from the Altillanura region of Colombia. The estimation of the parameters was performed by applying mixed models with a random-effects adjustment through the REML method. Wide genetic variability was observed for all the evaluated traits, except for plant height. High heritability values were registered for the characters at flowering and maturity. Heritability was high for yield components such as the number of pods and the weight of 100 grains. Overall, the environmental effect was low, with values close to or higher than 1, except for embryonic abortions, number of empty pods, and grain yield. The genetic gain as a mean percentage was high for plant height, moderate for grain yield, and low for the rest of the characters. Moderate heritability and grain yield gain indicate an additive action of the genes ideal for recurrent selection. The most discriminating characters in the evaluated conditions were the grain yield, weight of 100 grains, and number of pods.

RESUMEN La expansión del cultivo de soya en Colombia genera la necesidad de buscar variedades con alto mérito genético y su mejoramiento, la generación de variedades con rendimientos competitivos y con alta calidad de grano, adaptadas a las condiciones del trópico bajo. El objetivo fue determinar, mediante herramientas biométricas, los parámetros genéticos y las ganancias esperadas, en caracteres cuantitativos de interés, para el proceso de mejora de soya. Se evaluaron 60 líneas y 4 variedades comerciales, en un diseño alfa látice 8x8, en oxisoles de la Altillanura. La estimación de los parámetros, se realizó mediante la aplicación de modelos mixtos, con ajuste de efectos aleatorios, por el método REML. Se observó amplia variabilidad genética para todos los rasgos evaluados, exceptuando la altura de planta. Se registraron valores altos de heredabilidad, para los caracteres de floración y madurez. En los componentes de rendimiento, la heredabilidad fue alta para número de vainas y peso de 100 granos. El efecto ambiental fue bajo, con valores cercanos o superiores a 1, con excepción de abortos embrionarios, número de vainas vanas y rendimiento de grano. La ganancia genética, como porcentaje de la media fue alta, para altura de planta; moderada, para rendimiento de grano y baja, para el resto de los caracteres. La heredabilidad y la ganancia moderadas de rendimiento de grano indican una acción aditiva de los genes, ideal para la selección recurrente. Los caracteres más discriminantes en las condiciones evaluadas fueron rendimiento de grano, peso de 100 granos y número de vainas.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 25(1): e1579, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395187


ABSTRACT Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.) is an Andean crop that originated from the Andes of South America, with great agronomic, industrial, pharmaceutical potential and also a great capacity to tolerate adverse environmental factors. In Colombia, more accurately in the Department of Nariño, Cauca, Cundinamarca and Boyacá. Shows great genetic variation, both molecular and morphological, which organization remains poorly documented. In Boyacá, there are few studies on the morphological characterization of cultivated materials, and there is no certified planting material, with farmers planting a mixture of materials. Qualitative and quantitative descriptors and principal component and cluster analyses were used to characterize the structure of the intra-population phenotypic variation in Blanca de Jericó quinoa materials grown in the Department of Boyacá. The principal component analysis explained more than 70 % of the observed variation, with the AP, LP, DP, LHS, and AHS characteristics being more variable. The cluster analysis showed grouping by characteristics, such as AP, panicle color, and the presence of pigmented axillae. Results show that the variance in morpho-phenological traits was concentrated at the intra-population, due to high variation at the inter-individual level. A more efficient selection process should be carried out to find materials or "pure" varieties with higher yields, resistance to biotic and abiotic factors, and adaptation to local conditions, which make quinoa an economically profitable crop in the Boyacá department.

RESUMEN La quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.) es un cultivo andino, originario de los Andes Suramericanos, con gran potencial agronómico, industrial y farmacéutico y también con una gran capacidad para tolerar factores ambientales adversos. En Colombia, actualmente, se cultiva en los departamentos de Nariño, Cauca, Cundinamarca y Boyacá. Presenta una gran variación genética, tanto a nivel molecular como morfológica, la cual, ha sido poco documentada. En Boyacá son pocos los estudios de caracterización morfológica de materiales cultivados y no hay material de siembra certificado, por lo que los agricultores siembran una mezcla de materiales. Descriptores cualitativos y cuantitativos y un análisis de componentes principales y de agrupamiento fueron usados para caracterizar la estructura de la variación fenotípica intrapoblacional de los materiales de quinua Blanca Jericó, que son cultivados en el departamento de Boyacá. El análisis de componentes principales explicó más del 70 % de la variación observada, siendo las características más variables AP, LP, DP, LHS y AHS. El análisis clúster mostró un agrupamiento por características, tales como AP, color de la panícula y presencia de axilas pigmentadas. Los resultados mostraron que la variación en las características morfológicas estaba concentrada dentro de la población, debido a la alta variación, a nivel inter-individual. Se deben llevar a cabo procesos de selección más eficientes para encontrar materiales "puros" o variedades con más altos rendimientos, con resistencia a factores bióticos y abióticos y adaptados a las condiciones locales, para así hacer de la quinua un cultivo económicamente rentable para el departamento de Boyacá.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38053, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396422


In Brazil, in view of the different soil and climatic conditions of the sugarcane-producing regions, a strategy of creating small breeding programs for the crop is being used. Since 2008, the sugarcane breeding program of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), has been developing new, better adapted and higher-yielding sugarcane cultivars for the climate conditions of the southern region of Brazil. Cultivar UFSM XIKA FW was developed at the Laboratories of Agroclimatology and Genetic Breeding and Plant Production of the UFSM, Campus Frederico Westphalen. It is the first mutation-induced sugarcane cultivar that was protected by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, Brazil. The genotype used for mutation induction was cultivar IAC 87-3396, due to its good performance characteristics in the southern region. The mutation mechanism was induced in 2011, by immersing individual buds in a solution of the chemical mutagenic agent methyl methane sulfonate. The best genotypes were selected and tested in plant cane in 2013 and 2018 and in ratoon cane trials in 2014 and 2015. The new cultivar has a higher sugar production potential, and the mean yield of four years was 8.2 t ha-1 higher than that of the control, indicating a high yield potential.

Saccharum , Melhoramento Vegetal , Mutagênicos
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38100, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415856


This study aimed to verify the efficiency of multilines in reducing blast progress and their potential benefits to phenotypic stability in rice. The experiments were conducted in the 2016/17 and 2017/18 agricultural years. A randomized block design was performed with three replications, evaluating 12 lines and a multiline, which consisted of five lines from the Cultivation and Use Value (CUV) test. The multiline presented an estimated grain yield above the average of experiments of around seven bags ha-1 and superior performance in early flowering, justifying the high phenotypic stability for these characters. In this case, the line selection for composing the multiline was favorable and efficient, highlighted by a higher agronomic performance than most lines of the CUV test. The multiline is an adequate strategy to provide higher phenotypic stability and reduce blast progress in the field.

Oryza , Pyricularia grisea , Melhoramento Vegetal
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 24(2): e1580, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361230


RESUMEN La batata Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. es una manifestación de la biodiversidad silvestre y cultivada del Neotrópico, caracterizada por hojas anchas y tubérculos feculentos. La especie es objeto de investigación, por su amplio uso e importancia en regiones tropicales y subtropicales, por sus propiedades nutricionales y aporte energético, convirtiéndose en un recurso imprescindible para la seguridad alimentaria. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el rendimiento agronómico, en valor relativo del forraje (VRF) y rendimiento y calidad de almidón, en tubérculos de batata. Se evaluaron 10 clones seleccionados por alta materia seca en tubérculos, con un diseño de bloques completos al azar, con 3 repeticiones y 6 plantas por repetición. Se destacó el clon 440-078, con un VRF de 133,07 y por el alto rendimiento de tubérculos los clones 440-656 y 440-621, considerados como materiales promisorios para calidad del tubérculo; este último presentó el peso de tubérculo más alto en las tres categorías identificadas A, B y C. El clon Tainung-66, se posicionó con -1.53 de ISP, asociado con bajos valores de fibra (28,9 y 20,25 de FDN y FDA, respectivamente), que le confieren una digestibilidad burda del tubérculo del 72 %. Además, se determinaron diferencias significativas (p <0,05), en las propiedades de empastamiento del almidón, con superioridad del clon 440-016, por sus características retrogradantes, con 221 cP y el clon Tainug-66, por su estabilidad teniendo en cuenta la viscosidad.

ABSTRACT The sweet potato Ipomoea babatas (L.) Lam., is a manifestation of the wild and cultivated Neotropical biodiversity, characterized by leaves with value as forage and starchy tubers, it is the object of research for its wide use and importance in tropical and subtropical regions, for its nutritional properties and contribution energy, becoming an essential resource for food security. The agronomic yield was evaluated in relative forage value (RFV), yield, and starch quality in sweet potato tubers. 10 clones selected for high dry matter in tubers were evaluated, with a randomized complete block design with 3 repetitions and 6 plants per repetition. Clone 440-078 stood out with an RFV of 133.07 and due to its high performance in tubers, clones 440-656 and 440-621, considered as promising materials for tuber quality, the latter presented the highest tuber weight in the three identified categories A, B, and C. The Tainung-66 clone is positioned in first place with -1.53 ISP associated with low fiber values (28.9 and 20.25 of NDF and ADF respectively), which give it a gross tuber digestibility of 72 %. Significant differences (p <0.05) in starch plastering properties were determined, with superiority at clone 440-016 for its retrograde characteristics with 221 cP and the Tainug-66 clone for its stability taking into account the maximum viscosity (Vm) and the viscosity of the cold paste (VPF) with 730 cP and 738 cP respectively.

BAG, J. basic appl. genet. (Online) ; 32(2): 9-13, dic. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355726


RESUMEN La festuca alta (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), está representada en la Argentina por poblaciones adaptadas del morfotipo continental, que son largamente persistentes. Es la principal especie forrajera perenne cultivada en la región templada en el país, productora de forraje en pastoreo directo. En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo del mejoramiento genético y la contribución del mismo para el logro de una mayor productividad y mejor valor nutritivo con cultivares sintéticos modernos. Los caracteres considerados fueron: adaptación y persistencia en ambientes adversos, digestibilidad, flexibilidad de lámina de la hoja, y tolerancia a roya. Los cultivares más representativos de las etapas y criterios de selección considerados en este trabajo fueron: Pergamino El Palenque MAG, Palenque Plus INTA, Brava INTA, Baguala y Luján INTA.

ABSTRACT Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) is represented in Argentina by adapted populations of the continental morphotype, which are long persistent. It is the main perennial forage species cultivated in the temperate region of the country, producing forage for extensive grazing. The development of fescue plant breeding and its contribution to the achievement of higher productivity and better nutritional value with modern synthetic cultivars was the aim of this project. The characters considered were: adaptation and persistence in adverse environments, digestibility, leaf softness and tolerance to rust. The most representative cultivars of the stages and selection criteria considered in this work were: Pergamino El Palenque MAG, Palenque Plus INTA, Brava INTA, Baguala and Luján INTA.

BAG, J. basic appl. genet. (Online) ; 32(2): 71-74, dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355733


RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la complejidad de los componentes agronómicos y su incidencia en los criterios de selección de las poblaciones utilizadas como base del mejoramiento genético vegetal. En ese análisis se discutieron la interacción del mejoramiento genético con otras disciplinas y los métodos de selección específicos para una agricultura cada día más sustentable.

ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to analyze the complexity of the agronomic components and their incidence in the selection criteria for the developmet of base populations for plant breeding. In that analysis, a discussion was carried out on the interaction of plant breeding with other disciplines and specific selection methods for an each day more sustainable agriculture.

Braz. j. biol ; 81(4): 977-988, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153440


Abstract Genetic distances among different chickpea varieties and evaluation of their free amino acid profiles were determined on the basis of Sodium dodecyle sulphate polyacrylamide gels electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Total soluble proteins were resolved on 10% SDS Polyacrylamide gel. Low variability in tested varieties was observed. Dendogram based on electrophoretic data clustered the genotypes into 2 groups. The results showed that the average protein content of all the varieties was 26.01% within the range 22.8% for Thal-2006 to 34.06% Sheenghar-2000 of dry seed weight. On the basis of total protein content Bittal-98, Dasht and Sheen Ghar-2000, Karak-3 and CM-98, Paidar -91 and Fakhr-e-Thal, C-44, Balaksar and KK-1showed similar concentrations for protein contents among each other but showed variation from the rest of the varieties. Different proteins were separated on the basis of changes in their molecular weights by means of Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Dasht, CM-98, and Sheen Ghar showed 100% similarity. Balaksar and Fakhr-e- Thal, KK-2 and Chattan and KC-98, KK-1 and Lawaghar were 100% similar among each other but showed variation from the rest of the accessions. The overall dendrogram showed high and low level of variation among the accessions. The concentration of free amino acids varied among the 16 chickpea varieties. A significant difference of both essential and non-essential amino acids was found among the chickpea cultivars. The total concentration of essential amino acid was recorded 40.81 g/100 g protein while non-essential was recorded 59.18343 g/100 g protein in the given cultivars. The highest concentration of essential amino acids was found in C-44 followed by KK-2, KK-1 and Fakhr E Tal while the lowest concentration was recorded in Cm-98, Paidar-91 and Sheen Ghar-2000 respectively. Cultivars TAL-2006, Chattan and Karak-3 showed maximum concentration of both essential and endogenous amino acids. In conclusion; for broadening the genetic pools in breeding programs or to search for exotic characters, for instance new disease resistance alleles, accession with low similarity coefficients (Lawaghar and Battal-98) may be utilized. Furthermore the information acquired from this study could be used to device a proficient breeding approach intended at improving nutritional as well as broadening the genetic base of this essential food crop of Pakistan.

Resumo As distâncias genéticas entre as diferentes variedades de grão-de-bico e a avaliação de seus perfis de aminoácidos livres foram determinadas com base na eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE). As proteínas solúveis totais foram resolvidas em SDS-PAGE a 10%. Foi observada baixa variabilidade nas variedades testadas. O dendrograma fundamentado em dados eletroforéticos agrupou os genótipos em dois grupos. Os resultados mostraram que o teor médio de proteínas de todas as variedades foi de 26,01%, na faixa de 22,8% para Thal-2006 a 34,06% para Sheenghar-2000 do peso de sementes secas. Com base no conteúdo total de proteínas, Bittal-98, Dasht, Sheen Ghar-2000, Karak-3, CM-98, Paidar-91, Fakhr-e-Thal, C-44, Balaksar e KK-1 apresentaram concentrações semelhantes para o conteúdo de proteínas entre si, mas tiveram variação quanto ao restante das variedades. Diferentes proteínas foram separadas com base nas alterações de seus pesos moleculares por meio de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE). Dasht, CM-98 e Sheen Ghar mostraram 100% de similaridade. Balaksar, Fakhr-e-Thal, KK-2, Chattan e KC-98, KK-1 e Lawaghar foram 100% semelhantes entre si, mas apresentaram variação em relação ao restante dos acessos. O dendrograma geral mostrou alto e baixo nível de variação entre os acessos. A concentração de aminoácidos livres variou entre as 16 variedades de grão-de-bico. Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre os aminoácidos essenciais e não essenciais nas cultivares de grão-de-bico. A concentração total de aminoácidos essenciais foi registrada em 40,81 g / 100 g de proteína, enquanto a não essencial foi registrada em 59,18343 g / 100 g de proteína nas cultivares. A maior concentração de aminoácidos essenciais foi encontrada em C-44, seguida de KK-2, KK-1 e Fakhr-e-Thal, enquanto a menor concentração foi registrada em CM-98, Paidar-91 e Sheen Ghar-2000. As cultivares TAL-2006, Chattan e Karak-3 apresentaram concentração máxima de aminoácidos essenciais e endógenos. Em conclusão, para ampliar os pools genéticos em programas de melhoramento ou procurar caracteres exóticos, por exemplo, novos alelos de resistência a doenças, pode ser utilizada a adesão com baixos coeficientes de similaridade (Lawaghar e Battal-98). Além disso, as informações adquiridas neste estudo poderiam ser usadas para criar uma abordagem de criação eficiente, com o objetivo de melhorar a nutrição e ampliar a base genética dessa cultura alimentar essencial do Paquistão.

Cicer/genética , Paquistão , Sementes , Melhoramento Vegetal , Genótipo
Rev. chil. nutr ; 48(3)jun. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388492


ABSTRACT The supply of food products that present adequate nutritional quality is extremely important for maintaining the health of the population. Thus, different techniques have been used to obtain biofortified foods, with the aim of combating malnutrition caused by the absence of essential micronutrients, especially in the poorest populations. This review presents an overview of biofortification, with an emphasis on orange-flesh sweet potatoes (OFSP), and points out the effects of food processing on nutritional compounds. The identification of cultivars and biofortification actions to obtain biofortified OFSP by conventional breeding are presented as affordable strategies to supply β-carotene to alleviate vitamin A deficiency, without having ethical dilemmas related to transgenics. Studies using OFSP have shown promising results in obtaining foods with high levels of carotenoids. However, biofortified species must be validated for crop production viability, target micronutrient bioavailability and bioaccessibility, as well as the effect of processing on nutrients, so that the benefits to human health are effectively achieved.

RESUMEN El suministro de alimentos que presenten una adecuada calidad nutricional es de suma importancia para el mantenimiento de la salud de la población. Así, se han utilizado diferentes técnicas para la obtención de alimentos biofortificados, con el objetivo de combatir la desnutrición provocada por la ausencia de micronutrientes esenciales, especialmente en las poblaciones más pobres. Esta revisión presenta una descripción general de la biofortificación, con énfasis en los camotes de pulpa anaranjada (BDPA), y señala los efectos del procesamiento de alimentos sobre los compuestos nutricionales. La identificación de cultivares y acciones de biofortificación para obtener BDPA biofortificado por mejoramiento convencional se presentan como estrategias accesibles para aportar β-caroteno para aliviar la deficiencia de vitamina A, sin presentar dilemas éticos relacionados con los transgénicos. Los estudios que utilizan BDPA han mostrado resultados prometedores en la obtención de alimentos con altos niveles de carotenoides. Sin embargo, las especies biofortificadas deben validarse no solo por la viabilidad de la producción vegetal, sino también por la biodisponibilidad y bioaccesibilidad del micronutriente objetivo, así como el efecto del procesamiento sobre los nutrientes, de modo que los beneficios para la salud humana se logren de manera efectiva.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(2): e20200406, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142740


ABSTRACT: The genotype × environment (G×E) interaction plays an essential role in phenotypic expression and can lead to difficulties in genetic selection. Thus, the present study aimed to estimate genetic parameters and to compare different selection strategies in the context of mixed models for soybean breeding. For this, data referring to the evaluation of 30 genotypes in 10 environments, regarding the grain yield trait, were used. The variance components were estimated through restricted maximum likelihood (REML) and genotypic values were predicted through best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP). Significant effects of genotypes and G×E interaction were detected by the likelihood ratio test (LRT). Low genotypic correlation was obtained across environments, indicating complex G×E interaction. The selective accuracy was very high, indicating high reliability. Our results showed that the most productive soybean genotypes have high adaptability and stability.

RESUMO: A interação genótipo × ambiente (G × E) desempenha um papel essencial na expressão fenotípica e pode provocar dificuldades na seleção genética. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo estimar parâmetros genéticos e comparar diferentes estratégias de seleção no contexto de modelos mistos para melhoramento da soja. Para isso, foram utilizados dados referentes à avaliação de 30 genótipos em dez ambientes, referentes à característica produtividade de grãos. Os componentes de variância foram estimados pela máxima verossimilhança restrita (REML) e os valores genotípicos foram preditos pela melhor previsão imparcial linear (BLUP). Efeitos significativos dos genótipos e interação G × E foram detectados pelo teste da razão de verossimilhança (LRT). Correlação genotípica baixa foi obtida entre os ambientes indicando interação G × E do tipo complexa. A acurácia seletiva foi muito alta, indicando alta confiabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que os genótipos de soja mais produtivos apresentam alta adaptabilidade e estabilidade.

J Biosci ; 2020 Sep; : 1-15
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214232


Crop improvement is a continuous effort, since some 10,000 years ago when primitive man made the transitionfrom hunting and foraging to domestication and crop cultivation. Since then, man-made interventions havechanged the entire scenario of crop evolution, by means of genetic alterations of plants and animals made tosatisfy man’s needs. The process of domestication has led to dramatic changes in their appearance, quality andproductivity that have contributed substantially to global food security. The tremendous decline in cultivableland, freshwater, and increasing risk of biotic and abiotic stress demand immediate attention on cropimprovement to cope with the higher demand of *40% of the food by 2020. Therefore, plant genetic variationplays a key role in plant breeding for its improvement. Most of the genetic variations useful for cropimprovement have been deposited and maintained in seed gene banks across the world; they need to be broughtinto the mainstream of breeding lines. Recent advances and progress made in molecular markers have beensubstantial tools for deeper insights of genetics, and greatly complemented breeding strategies. Integration of thenext-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies with precise phenotyping, association mapping, proteome andmetabolome studies has increased the chances of finding candidate genes and their allelic variants controlling atrait of interest. Further, these functional markers (FMMs), genotype-by-sequencing and association mappingmethodologies have opened new avenues for identification of novel genetic resources (lines) that can facilitateaccelerated crop breeding programs for increased yield, high nutritional quality, and tolerance to a variety ofabiotic and biotic stresses. The details of popular molecular markers, advancement in the technologies andstrategies for crop diversity studies and their application in crop breeding programs are presented here.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(4): 1193-1202, 01-06-2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147232


Yield and longevity of yellow passion fruit have been reduced by diseases such as the bacterial spot caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae. Genetic resistance has been confirmed as the most efficient and economical correct option to minimize this disease problem. Aiming at it, the objective of this research was to evaluate the incidence, severity and progression of the disease in 12 genotypes of sour passion fruit, in seedling stage in nursery greenhouse after inoculation of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae. The inoculation was performed with an isolate collected in the Pipiripau Rural Nucleus, Brasilia-DF, named UnB-1397 (1x106 CFU/mL), through induction of injuries. There were performed four assessments, with interval of 7 days except the first which was performed 11 days after inoculation. The incidence was estimated by the percentage of plants affected. To evaluate the severity, it was used the diagrammatic scale validated by Costa et al. (2018), with adaptations, using the measurement of the affected area by necrotic lesions on the leaf. All genotypes were susceptible to bacteriosis, 5 being considered moderately susceptible: F1BRS Pérola do Cerrado x Rosa Intenso, Mar20#21, Mar20#15b, Mar20#24xMar20#40 and FB200PL4R2 x Mar20#2005, with a mean of severity ranging from 11 to 25% of injured area in leaves.

A produtividade e a longevidade dos pomares de maracujazeiro-azedo têm sido comprometidas em razão de doenças como a bacteriose, causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae. A resistência genética tem se confirmado como a opção mais eficiente e econômica para minimizar tal problema. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a reação de 12 genótipos de maracujazeiro, em fase de mudas, sob cultivo protegido, à Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae. A inoculação com isolado denominado UnB-1397 (1x106 CFU/mL),coletado no Núcleo Rural de Pipiripau, Brasília-DF, se deu pela indução de ferimentos. Foram realizadas 4 avaliações, com intervalo de 7 dias, sendo a primeira avaliação realizada 11 dias após a inoculação. A incidência foi estimada pela porcentagem de plantas afetadas. Para avaliação da severidade, foi utilizada escala diagramática validada por Costa et al. (2018), com adaptações, utilizando-se a mensuração da área foliar atingida por lesões nas folhas. Todos os genótipos se mostraram suscetíveis à bacteriose, sendo 5 considerados moderadamente suscetíveis: F1 BRS Pérola do Cerrado x Rosa Intenso, Mar20#21, Mar20#15b, Mar20#24 x Mar20#40 e FB200PL4R2 x Mar20#2005, apresentando uma média de severidade que variou de 11 a 25% de área ou tecidos foliares lesionados.

Passiflora , Xanthomonas axonopodis , Melhoramento Vegetal
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(4): 1223-1230, 01-06-2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147235


Studies on the adaptability and stability are fundamental for plant breeding as they are an alternative to reduce the effects of genotypes x environments interaction (GxE). Moreover, they help identify cultivars with predictable behavior, which are responsive to environmental improvements, subsidizing cultivar recommendation. This study aimed to evaluate the genotypes x environments interaction in cotton genotypes grown in the Brazilian Cerrado and identify genotypes for favorable and unfavorable environments. During the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 seasons, 19 competition trials were carried out with cotton in a randomized block design, with 12 treatments, and four replications. The traits cotton seed yield, fiber percentage, fiber length, and fiber strength were evaluated. Results revealed significant GxE interaction for all the fiber traits evaluated. Genotype BRS 369 RF revealed general adaptability and high predictability for the fiber traits evaluated.

Estudos sobre a adaptabilidade e estabilidade são fundamentais para o melhoramento de plantas, pois são considerados uma alternativa para reduzir os efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes (GxE) e identificar cultivares com comportamento previsível e responsivo a melhorias ambientais, subsidiando a recomendação de cultivares. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a interação genótipos x ambientes em genótipos de algodoeiro cultivados no Cerrado brasileiro e identificar genótipos para ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis. Durante as safras 2013/2014 e 2014/2015, foram realizados 19 ensaios de competição com algodão em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 12 tratamentos e quatro repetições. As características produtividade de sementes de algodão, porcentagem de fibras, comprimento de fibra e resistência das fibras foram avaliadas. Os resultados revelaram interação significativa da GxE para todas as características da fibra avaliada. O genótipo BRS 369 RF revelou adaptabilidade geral e alta previsibilidade para as características da fibra avaliada.

Gossypium , Melhoramento Vegetal
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 27(1): 79-84, ene.-mar 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144933


Abstract Population growth, climate change and global warming are the great challenges facing agriculture in the 21st century. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of selection of new varieties in plant breeding programs. In this regard, flow cytometry has proven to be a very powerful tool to speed-up selection processes in plant breeding because of its versatility and capacity to evaluate large populations.

Resumen El crecimiento de la población mundial, el cambio climático y el calentamiento global son los grandes desafíos que enfrenta la agricultura en el siglo XXI para lograr un mundo sin hambre. Para lograr la seguridad alimentaria a través del fitomejoramiento es crucial desarrollar germoplasma en menos tiempo que esté bien adaptado. Por lo tanto, es necesario aumentar la eficiencia en las técnicas de fitomejoramiento. En este sentido, la citometría de flujo ha demostrado ser una herramienta muy poderosa para acelerar el mejoramiento genético de las plantas debido a su versatilidad y capacidad para evaluar grandes poblaciones.