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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(1): 148-158, jan./fev. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048568


Popcorn (Zea mays everta) is a popular snack food and very appreciated in Brazil, presenting higher aggregate value when compared with field corn. The aim of this study were to identify superior inbred lines and single crosses hybrids (SH) for popcorn traits, as well as the prediction of the performance of untested single cross hybrids. Sixteen maize inbred lines were crossed in a 9x7 partial diallel, but it was possible to evaluate 47 single crosses in two distinct locations. Predicted genetic values, diallel analysis and the prediction of untested HS were performed by mixed models. Deviance effects for treatments x locations were considered non-significant (p>0.05) for grain yield (GY) and popping expansion (PE), showing an average performance from the HS in the locations. Inbred lines P5-1, P3.3T, GER-P3, P9-1, P12-2 andGER-P12 were selected considering the general combining ability, and should be used for obtaining superior genotypes. Based on the non-additive effects, the single hybrid P3.3T x GERP-P12 was selected for grain yield and popping expansion, and could be exploited in future trials. Neither of the untested single crosses showed desirable performance for grain yield and popcorn expansion.

O milho pipoca (Zea mays everta) é um alimento consumido e apreciado em todo o Brasil, apresentando valor comercial superior ao do milho comum. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar linhagens e híbridos simples (HS) com desempenho superior para as principais características relacionadas ao milho pipoca, além da predição do desempenho de híbridos simples não testados. Foi realizado um dialelo parcial 9x7, dos quais apenas 47 HS foram avaliados em dois locais. Os valores genéticos preditos, análise dialélica e a predição dos HS não avaliados foram realizadas via modelos mistos. Os efeitos da deviance na interação tratamentos x locais foram considerados não significativos (p>0.05) para rendimento de grãos (RG) e capacidade de expansão (CE), indicando um comportamento médio dos HS nos ambientes testados. Com base nos efeitos aditivos, as linhagens P5-1, P3.3T, GER-P3, P9-1, P12-2 e GER-P12 foram selecionados e deverão ser usadas na formação de genótipos com desempenho superior. O híbrido P3.3T x GER-P12 foi selecionadopor apresentar elevado desempenho específico para rendimento e capacidade de expansão, podendo ser utilizado em futuros experimentos. Entre os híbridos não avaliados, nenhum apresentou desempenho satisfatório para as características avaliadas.

Zea mays
Ciênc. rural ; 44(1): 167-173, Jan. 2014. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-697021


O emprego do calor é uma alternativa utilizada com a finalidade de garantir a inocuidade, melhorar características sensoriais e aumentar a digestibilidade dos vegetais, tornando-os aptos ao consumo de crianças. No entanto, condições severas de calor podem alterar a sua composição nutricional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do calor seco ou úmido, antes da moagem, na composição química de farinhas integrais de grãos de amaranto (Amaranthus cruentus). As farinhas foram produzidas de grãos integrais in natura (FIAI), tostados (FIAT), cozidos e secos (FIAC) e pipocados (FIAP). Os tratamentos térmicos aplicados aos grãos não afetaram os teores de minerais das farinhas, com exceção do Ca e Cu, mas elevaram os teores de lipídios (12 a 19%) e de fibra solúvel (18 a 35%) e reduziram de fibra insolúvel (5,8 a 8,5%) em comparação com à in natura. Os aminoácidos sulfurados foram os primeiros limitantes na FIAI, para idades de 1 a 10 anos e o pipocamento reduziu a qualidade aminoacídica do grão, que passou a ser limitante, também, em lisina para todas as idades. A tostagem e a cocção melhoraram o balanço aminoacídico das farinhas e os aminoácidos sulfurados deixaram de ser limitantes para maiores de três anos.

The use of heat is an alternative to ensure the safety, improve sensory characteristics and increase digestibility of vegetables, making them suitable for children consumption. However, severe heat conditions may alter its nutritional composition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of dry or humid heat before milling in chemical composition of whole amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus) grain flours. The flours were produced from in nature whole grains (UGF), toasted (PGF), cooking and dried (CDF) and popping (PGF). The heat treatments applied to grains did not affect the mineral contents of the flour, with the exception of Cu and Ca. However, the treatment elevated the levels of lipids (12-19%) and soluble fiber (18-35%) and reduced the insoluble fiber (5.8-8.5%) of the flour when compared to in nature. The sulfur amino acids were first limiting in UGF, for 1-10 years old and the popping reduced the quality of the amino acids which has become limiting, too, in lysine, for all ages. The toasting and cooking improved the balance of amino acids of flours obtained and the sulfur amino acids ceased to be the limiting for children over three years.

The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine ; : 485-485, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-689261


  Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are present in all organisms from E. coli to humans and have been preserved very well over species. HSPs are then found to be induced by various types of stress, not only by heat stress, and repair the stress-induced misfolded proteins, thus protecting the body from stress. HSPs come in various sizes according to their molecular weights, of which HSP70 (70 kDa) is especially well known for being induced by heat stress. HSP70 is efficiently induced by mild hyperthermia and has the important physiologic function of biophylaxis action (protection from stresses), an immunoenhancing effect (activation of NK cells), and a molecular chaperone action (folding of proteins).   We confirmed that HSP70 was induced by mild hyperthermic living (Kaon Seikatsu) such as bath and hot-spring, and established the HSP bathing method (that had taken a bath for 10-20 min. at 40-42°C, keep it warm for 15 minutes after that) to increase HSP70. In the HSP bathing method, HSP70 and NK cells activity increased significantly on two days after bathing. About five minutes could be shortened by using bath additive including the carbonic acid at the bathing time. The rise of the heartbeats with the step going up and down was decreased by HSP bathing, and the physical index increased significantly. In the results of the questionnaire concerning health, tiredness and muscular pain were reduced, the confusion of feelings was controlled, and the result of the improvement mentally and physically was obtained in the HSP bathing.   On the other hand, various functions of whole body decrease with aging.   Also, the induction of HSP70 rapidly decrease on the sixties, the senior citizen become weakening to the stresses and the immunity. In this report, it was shown about the relationship between the benefits of bathing, hot springs and HSP70.   Japan is the best country of long life expectancy in the world, and a lot of Japanese like bath. It seems that one of the reasons of a Japanese long life is the induction of HSP70 by a certain daily activity like bathing, and this would be helpful in reducing medical expenses in the elderly.   Moreover, there are some reports that HSP70 is related to long life. As for recent high-profile folding diseases caused by misfolded proteins, such as Alzheimer disease, and Parkinson disease, HSP70 induced by bathing can be expected to be supplementary remedy through the molecular chaperone effect of HSP70. Especially, bath and hot-spring (40-42°C) in Japan is suitable for inducing HSP70. It seems that the hot-spring hopping is the most reasonable ecological way to keep fit as the healthy method in the old age.

The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine ; : 485-485, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-375563


  Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are present in all organisms from E. coli to humans and have been preserved very well over species. HSPs are then found to be induced by various types of stress, not only by heat stress, and repair the stress-induced misfolded proteins, thus protecting the body from stress. HSPs come in various sizes according to their molecular weights, of which HSP70 (70 kDa) is especially well known for being induced by heat stress. HSP70 is efficiently induced by mild hyperthermia and has the important physiologic function of biophylaxis action (protection from stresses), an immunoenhancing effect (activation of NK cells), and a molecular chaperone action (folding of proteins).<BR>  We confirmed that HSP70 was induced by mild hyperthermic living (Kaon Seikatsu) such as bath and hot-spring, and established the HSP bathing method (that had taken a bath for 10-20 min. at 40-42°C, keep it warm for 15 minutes after that) to increase HSP70. In the HSP bathing method, HSP70 and NK cells activity increased significantly on two days after bathing. About five minutes could be shortened by using bath additive including the carbonic acid at the bathing time. The rise of the heartbeats with the step going up and down was decreased by HSP bathing, and the physical index increased significantly. In the results of the questionnaire concerning health, tiredness and muscular pain were reduced, the confusion of feelings was controlled, and the result of the improvement mentally and physically was obtained in the HSP bathing.<BR>  On the other hand, various functions of whole body decrease with aging. <BR>  Also, the induction of HSP70 rapidly decrease on the sixties, the senior citizen become weakening to the stresses and the immunity. In this report, it was shown about the relationship between the benefits of bathing, hot springs and HSP70.<BR>  Japan is the best country of long life expectancy in the world, and a lot of Japanese like bath. It seems that one of the reasons of a Japanese long life is the induction of HSP70 by a certain daily activity like bathing, and this would be helpful in reducing medical expenses in the elderly.<BR>  Moreover, there are some reports that HSP70 is related to long life. As for recent high-profile folding diseases caused by misfolded proteins, such as Alzheimer disease, and Parkinson disease, HSP70 induced by bathing can be expected to be supplementary remedy through the molecular chaperone effect of HSP70. Especially, bath and hot-spring (40-42°C) in Japan is suitable for inducing HSP70. It seems that the hot-spring hopping is the most reasonable ecological way to keep fit as the healthy method in the old age.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 28(2): 145-154, mar./apr. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-912550


Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar três testadores (o híbrido simples modificado IAC-112, a variedade BRS-Angela e a linhagem L.8.2, extraída de um material genético norte americano), para discriminar 64 famílias S2 derivadas do híbrido simples de milho-pipoca IAC-112. As famílias foram avaliadas por seu desempenho per se e em cruzamentos com os testadores. As características avaliadas foram rendimento de grãos (RG) e capacidade de expansão (CE). Foram obtidas estimativas das capacidades geral e específica de combinação, heterose dos topcrosses e a discriminação de cada testador por meio do índice de diferenciação proposto por FASOULAS (1983). Com base nesses parâmetros, o melhor testador para as famílias S2 foi a linhagem L8.2, tanto para RG quanto para CE

This work aimed to analyze three testers (the single hybrid IAC-112, the open pollinated variety BRS-Angela and the S9 inbred line L.8.2) for the evaluating of 64 S2 families derived from the single popcorn hybrid IAC112. The families per se and their respective crosses with testers were evaluated for grain yield (GY) and popping expansion (PE). The general and specific combining ability were estimated according to the partial diallel model, topcross heterosis and the discrimination capacity of each tester through the differentiation index proposed by Fasoulas were also evaluated. The inbred line L.8.2 was the best tester for both grain yield and popping expansion, discriminating reliably the families.

Zea mays , Melhoramento Vegetal , Genótipo
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 35(2): 225-233, mar.-abr. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-583862


Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, investigar a possibilidade de seleção mais eficiente por meio do uso de análise de trilha e de correlações parciais no programa de seleção recorrente da população UENF de milho pipoca. Duzentas famílias de irmãos completos foram obtidas e avaliadas quanto a oito características em dois ambientes no estado do Rio de Janeiro: Campos dos Goytacazes e Itaocara. A correlação genotípica entre capacidade de expansão e rendimento de grãos foi negativa e não significativa ao nível de 5 por cento de probabilidade pelo teste t. A análise de trilha demonstrou ser a massa de 100 grãos, a característica mais associada à capacidade de expansão neste estudo. Há possibilidade de obtenção de resposta correlacionada em capacidade de expansão e rendimento de grãos, desde que se selecionem, entre os genótipos de maior rendimento, aqueles com menores tamanhos de grãos.

The objective of this work was to investigate the possibility of a more efficient selection through path analysis and partial correlation in the breeding program of the UENF popcorn population by recurrent selection. Two hundred full-sib progenies were obtained and evaluated by eight traits in two environments in Rio de Janeiro State: Campos dos Goytacazes and Itaocara. The genotypic correlation between popping expansion and grain yield was negative and non significant at the 5 percent probability level by t test. Path analysis showed that mass weight of 100 grains is the most associated trait at popping expansion in this study. It is possible to obtain correlated response for popping expansion by grain yield, as long as genotypes with smaller grain size are selected from the genotypes with higher grain yield.

Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society ; : 367-376, 1987.
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-192692


A retrospective study on 78 cases of surgically treated acute(within 24 hours) subdural hematoma(ASDH) with special reference to the size is presented. The thin ASDH is defined as the hematoma of which thickness is less than 3 mm in the printed CT film(true thickness about 10 mm). 27 cases are the thin ASDH and 51 cases are the not-thin ASDH. Pre-operative Glasgow coma score(GCS1), Postoperative Glasgow coma score(GCS2) and difference between GCS2 and GCS1(GCS2-GCS1) are compared in two groups by student t-tests. The mean GCS2 is worse than the mean GCS1 in the thin ASDH. In the not-thin ASDH, the mean GCS2 is better than the mean GCS1. Futhermore, in the thin ASDH, the mean difference between GCS2 and GCS1 is -1.04("-" means deteriorated after operation). In the not-thin ASDH, it was 0.77. In the thin ASDH, 44.4% is deteriorated(GCS2-GCS1 or = 2). In the not-thin ASDH, 31.4% is improved and 17.6% is deteriorated. Comparisons between the improved cases and the deteriorated cases with various factors are made by chi square tests. Four statistically significant differences are found. The size of hematoma and midline shift are rather smaller in the deteriorated cases, but brain swelling or contused underlying cortex is more commonly observed during operation in the deteriorated cases and craniectomy with or without excision of the contused cortex is more frequently performed. One possible explanation of these results is that surgical decompression on the thin ASDH may cause or exercerbate brain swelling, hemorrhagic contusion or intracerebral hematoma-justlike "popping", thus replacement of the bone flap is difficult. Therefore, the thin ASDH should not be operated immediately, but closely observed in the ICU. If deteriorated, seek for the causing lesion by such as repeated CT scanning, then, treat the causing lesion, often it is not the ASDH itself.

Humanos , Edema Encefálico , Coma , Contusões , Descompressão Cirúrgica , Hematoma , Hematoma Subdural Agudo , Estudos Retrospectivos , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X