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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020456


Objective:To explore the mediating role of disease progression′s fear and positive affect in the relationship between disease perception and demoralization in patients with chronic heart failure. It provided a theoretical basis for targeted interventions for healthcare workers.Methods:From October 2022 to March 2023, 320 patients with chronic heart failure in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University were selected as the research objects by convenience sampling. The General Information Questionnaire, Demoralization Scale Redacted Mandarin Version, Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire, Fear of Progression Questionnaire-Short Form, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Positive Affect Schedule) were used to conduct the questionnaire survey exploring the mediating effects of fear of disease progression and positive emotions between disease perception and disorientation by construction structural equation model.Results:There were 268 valid questionnaires. Of the 268 patients, 168 were male and 100 were female, 3.36% (9/268) were ≤40 years old, 55.22% (148/268) were 41-65 years old, and 41.42% (111/268) were >65 years old. Correlation analysis showed that disease perception was positively correlated with disease progression ′s fear, and every dimension of demoralization ( r values were 0.300-0.586, all P<0.01), and negatively correlated with positive affect ( r=-0.374, P<0.01); disease progression′s fear was negatively correlated with positive affect ( r=-0.318, P<0.01), and positively correlated with every dimension of demoralization ( r values were 0.339-0.464, all P<0.01); positive affect was negatively correlated with every dimension of demoralization ( r values were -0.430--0.334, all P<0.01). Structural equation model analysis showed that the direct effect of disease perception on demoralization was significant ( β=0.407, P<0.01), and both mediating effects of disease progression ′s fear and positive affect between disease perception and demoralization in patients with chronic heart failure were significant ( β=0.074, 0.079, both P<0.01). The chain mediating effect of disease progression ′s fear and positive effect was also significant ( β=0.019, P<0.01). Conclusions:Disease perception could directly predict the demoralization of patients with chronic heart failure and indirectly predict the demoralization of patients with chronic heart failure through the mediating effect of disease progression ′s fear, positive affect, and the chain mediating effect of disease progression ′s fear and positive affect.

Rev. CES psicol ; 14(1): 100-111, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360752


Resumen Las personas interactúan con la Naturaleza tanto a nivel físico como cognitivo y emocional, y la investigación científica ha puesto de manifiesto la capacidad de la Naturaleza de procurar el bienestar de las personas. Con el objetivo de conocer si el contacto con la Naturaleza se relaciona con mayores niveles de conectividad con la Naturaleza como de bienestar, se realizaron dos estudios. El primero se llevó a cabo con dos muestras diferentes: una de adolescentes (n = 283) y otra de adultos (n = 447), quienes respondieron un cuestionario mediante el que se evaluó la conectividad con la Naturaleza y el bienestar. A partir de los resultados de una prueba t de Student se observó mayor conectividad con la Naturaleza y bienestar en personas con un contacto frecuente con la Naturaleza, en ambas muestras. En el segundo estudio (n = 63), se investigó dicha relación en personas tras realizar un recorrido por un entorno natural artificial. Los resultados del análisis de varianza muestran que las personas que realizaron el recorrido obtuvieron mayores niveles de conectividad y afecto positivo, respecto a la línea base, que quienes no vivieron esta experiencia. Este trabajo evidencia las ventajas de la intervención psicológica mediante el contacto con la Naturaleza.

Abstract Humans relate to nature at a physical, cognitive, and emotional level, and scientific research has shown how this relation impacts on people's well-being. Two studies were carried out to determine whether contact with nature is related to higher levels of connectedness and well-being; one consisted of adolescents (n = 283) and the other of adults (n = 447), who responded to a questionnaire aimed at assessing connectivity with Nature and well-being. A greater connectedness and well-being were observed in people with frequent contact with nature. In the second study (n = 63), this relationship was studied in people after taking a tour through an artificial natural environment. The results show that the people who took the tour had higher levels of connectedness and positive affect, with levels increasing with respect to the baseline. In this study, the advantages of psychological intervention through contact with nature are evident.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909558


Objective:To investigate the subjective experience and processing characteristics of positive and negative emotions in undergraduates who have immigrated to the plateau for a long time.Methods:SPSS 22.0 was used for data analysis.Using independent sample t-test to compare various data from the plateau group(58 undergraduates who had moved to an altitude of 3 658 m for over 2 years after reaching adulthood) with the plain group (58 undergraduates who had never been to the plateau), including the state anxiety inventory(SAI), self-rating depression scale(SDS), positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS), and the affective valency and arousal on the positive, neutral, and negative emotional pictures.And χ 2 test was conducted for the positive detection rates of state anxiety and depression of the two groups.Then, Pearson correlation analysis was performed on SAI, SDS and PANAS scores. Results:The positive detection rates(state-anxiety: 67.24%, depression: 56.90%) and scores of state anxiety(44.45±8.57) and depression(50.12±10.11) in the plateau group were all higher than those in the plain group(46.55%, 32.76%, (40.19±9.58), (44.64±9.17) respectively, χ 2=5.06, 8.12, t=2.52, 3.06, all P<0.05). In addition, positive affect scores of the plateau group (28.16±5.39) tended to be lower than those of the plain group (30.28±6.51), but the difference was not statistically significant( t=-1.91, P=0.059). SAI, SDS and PANAS scores were moderately correlated each other( r= 0.69, -0.52, 0.67, -0.62, 0.53, all P<0.01). Positive affect was mildly negatively correlated with negative affect( r=-0.27, P<0.01). The correlation between positive emotion and depression( r=-0.62) was greater than that between positive emotion and state anxiety( r=-0.52, t=2.57, P<0.05). The correlation between negative emotion and state anxiety( r=0.67) was greater than that between negative emotion and depression( r=0.53, t=1.71, P<0.05). The valency score of neutral images in the plateau group (3.06±0.20) was higher than that in the plain group ((2.99±0.20), t=2.01, P=0.047). Conclusion:The long-term plateau immigrant undergraduates are prone to state anxiety and depression, with depression being the primary and anxiety secondary, and exhibit a positivity bias to neutral stimulus processing.

Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 20(4): 1257-1266, Out.-Dec. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1156850


In applied organizational research, where economy of scale is often a crucial factor in successful assessment, ultra-short measures are often needed. This study investigates the psychometric properties of the Reduced Affective Well-Being Scale (RAWS), an ultra-short measure of positive and negative affect in the workplace. This 6-item ultra-short version was compared with the original 12-item scale proposed by Segura and González-Romá (2003) in terms of internal consistency and criterion validity, using a sample of 1117 bank employees. In addition, longitudinal measurement invariance and within-subject reliability of the RAWS over time were assessed in a longitudinal sample of 458 employees at 12 time points. Results provide evidence that the RAWS is similar to the full scale in terms of reliability and validity. In addition, the RAWS shows satisfactory within-person reliability and factor loading invariance over time. In studies with intensive longitudinal designs that require repeated measures of affective well-being, the use of RAWS is a recommendable option.

Na pesquisa organizacional aplicada, onde a economia de escala é freqüentemente um fator crucial para uma avaliação bem-sucedida, medidas ultracurtas são freqüentemente necessárias. Este estudo investiga as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Bem-Estar Afetivo Reduzido (RAWS), uma medida ultracurta de afeto positivo e negativo no local de trabalho. Esta versão ultracurta de 6 itens foi comparada com a escala original de 12 itens proposta por Segura e González-Romá (2003) em termos de consistência interna e validade de critério, usando uma amostra de 1117 funcionários do banco. Além disso, a invariância da medição longitudinal e a confiabilidade dentro do indivíduo do RAWS ao longo do tempo foram avaliadas em uma amostra longitudinal de 458 funcionários em 12 pontos no tempo. Os resultados fornecem evidências de que o RAWS é semelhante à escala completa em termos de confiabilidade e validade. Além disso, o RAWS mostra confiabilidade interna satisfatória e invariância de carga fatorial ao longo do tempo. Em estudos com desenhos longitudinais intensivos que requerem medidas repetidas de bem-estar afetivo, o uso de RAWS é uma opção recomendável.

En la investigación organizacional aplicada, donde la economía de escala es a menudo un factor crucial para una evaluación exitosa, a menudo se necesitan medidas ultracortas. Este estudio investiga las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de bienestar afectivo reducido (RAWS), una medida ultracorta de afecto positivo y negativo en el lugar de trabajo. Esta versión ultracorta de 6 ítems se comparó con la escala original de 12 ítems propuesta por Segura y González-Romá (2003) en términos de consistencia interna y validez de criterio, utilizando una muestra de 1117 empleados bancarios. Además, la invariancia de medición longitudinal y la fiabilidad intraindividual del RAWS a lo largo del tiempo se evaluaron en una muestra longitudinal de 458 empleados en 12 puntos temporales. Los resultados proporcionan evidencia de que el RAWS es similar a la escala completa en términos de fiabilidad y validez. Además, el RAWS muestra una fiabilidad intrapersona satisfactoria e invariancia de carga de factores a lo largo del tiempo. En estudios con diseños longitudinales intensivos que requieran medidas repetidas de bienestar afectivo, el uso de RAWS es una opción recomendable.

Ciênc. cogn ; 25(1): 127-140, 30 nov. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292881


Para avaliar a influência do afeto no julgamento e tomada de decisão contábil, realizou-se uma pesquisa experimental. A amostra compreendeu 115 alunos do curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis, separados em dois grupos: afeto positivo (58) e afeto negativo (57). Todos os participantes foram requisitados a resolverem um caso de julgamento contábil para tomada de decisão. Ao entrarem na sala, foram orientados pela atriz/empresária, que teve a incumbência de gerar afeto positivo ou negativo para cada um dos grupos em momentos distintos. A atriz simulou ser uma empresária e os participantes os contadores que teriam que lhe ajudar. Para a análise dos dados, realizou-se os testes qui-quadrado e Mann-Whitney. Os resultados revelam que o afeto positivo influencia no julgamento e tomada de decisão contábil, quando o nível de dificuldade é maior para a resolução de determinado problema, o que faz com que os participantes analisassem a questão com mais atenção na identificação da melhor decisão diante do problema apresentado. A partir dos resultados, organizações contábeis poderão direcionar recursos para práticas que melhorem as relações de seus contadores com seus clientes, pois tais relações podem influenciar o comportamento no ambiente de trabalho e afetar o julgamento e tomada de decisão.

To assess the influence of affection on judgment and accounting decision-making, an experimental survey was conducted. The sample comprised 115 undergraduate students in Accounting Sciences, separated into two groups: positive affect (58) and negative affect (57). All participants were asked to resolve an accounting judgment case for decision making. Upon entering the room, they were guided by the actress/businesswoman, who had the task of generating positive or negative affection for each of the groups at different times. The actress pretended to be a businesswoman and the participants were accountants who would have to help her. For data analysis, chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests were performed. The results reveal that positive affect influences judgment and accounting decision-making when the level of difficulty is greater in solving a certain problem, which makes participants analyze the issue more carefully in identifying the best decisionin the face of the problem. introduced. Based on the results, accounting organizations will be able to direct resources to practices that improve their accountants' relationships with their clients, as such relationships can influence behavior in the workplace and affect judgment and decision making.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estudantes , Afeto , Tomada de Decisões , Contabilidade , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Julgamento
Rev. Kairós ; 22(4): 141-159, dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1393149


Este estudo, descritivo e observacional, objetivou apresentar o Centro-dia para Idosos, o perfil dos usuários e a aplicabilidade da Teoria dos Afetos como potência de ação e fortalecimento de vínculos. Trata-se de um equipamento público de curta permanência para idosos em situação de vulnerabilidade social e com dependência, que têm familiares. Nota-se nas visitas domiciliares de inserção dos idosos que suas situações se traduzem em isolamento, confinamento, abandono, maus-tratos, negligência, preconceito, discriminação, sujeição, pobreza afetiva, dependência, fragilidade de vínculos familiares e comunitários. Após acesso ao serviço e intervenções, se observa, nos idosos, melhora na autoestima, afetividade, autonomia, independência, convivência e fortalecimento de vínculos.

This descriptive and observational study aimed to present the Day Center for the Elderly, the profile of users, and the applicability of the theory of positive affects as a power of action and strengthening of bonds. The Day Center for the Elderly is a short-term public resource for the elderly who have family members during situations of social vulnerability and dependency. It is noted in home visits of the elderly that their situations can translate into isolation, confinement, abandonment, abuse, neglect, prejudice, discrimination, subjection, affective poverty, dependence, and fragility of family and community bonds. After access to the services and interventions, we observed an improvement in self-esteem, affectivity, autonomy, independence, coexistence and strengthening of bonds.

Este estudio descriptivo y observacional tuvo como objetivo presentar el Centro-Día para Ancianos, el perfil de los usuarios y la aplicabilidad de la teoría de los afectos positivos como potencia de acción y de fortalecimiento de lazos. Es una instalación pública a corto plazo para ancianos en situaciones de vulnerabilidad social y dependencia, que tienen familiares. Se observa en las visitas domiciliarias de inserción de ancianos que sus situaciones se traducen en aislamiento, encierro, abandono, maltrato, negligencia, prejuicio, discriminación, sujeción, pobreza afectiva, dependencia, fragilidad de los lazos familiares y comunitarios. Después del acceso al servicio y las intervenciones, se observa en los ancianos una mejora en la autoestima, afectividad, autonomía, independencia, convivencia y fortalecimiento de lazos.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Idoso/psicologia , Centros-Dia de Assistência à Saúde para Adultos , Idoso Fragilizado , Afeto , Vulnerabilidade Social
Ter. psicol ; 37(1): 25-37, abr. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004791


Resumen La investigación hasta la fecha ha prestado poca atención a la regulación del afecto positivo en la adolescencia. Nuestros objetivos fueron construir un cuestionario para evaluar las respuestas al afecto positivo en adolescentes y estudiar las relaciones que presentan con el ajuste psicológico. Una muestra de 1.810 adolescentes completó el cuestionario de respuestas al afecto positivo (con tres dimensiones: rumiación positiva centrada en la emoción, rumiación positiva centrada en uno mismo e inhibición) y tres autoinformes de ajuste psicológico (satisfacción vital, autoestima y síntomas depresivos). El cuestionario mostró buena fiabilidad por consistencia interna y la misma estructura factorial que estudios previos con adultos. Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales indicó que las respuestas de rumiación positiva centrada en la emoción y en uno mismo se relacionaron positivamente con la satisfacción vital y la autoestima, y negativamente con los síntomas depresivos, mientras que la inhibición del afecto positivo presentó asociaciones opuestas.

Abstract Research to date has paid little attention to positive affect regulation in adolescence. Our aims were to examine psychometric properties of a questionnaire to assess responses to positive affect in adolescents and to study the relationships these responses have with psychological adjustment. A sample of 1,810 adolescents completed the responses to positive affect questionnaire (with three dimensions: emotion-focused and self-focused positive rumination, and dampening) and three self-report measures of psychological adjustment (i.e. life satisfaction, self-esteem and depressive symptoms). The questionnaire had good internal consistency reliability and the same factor structure as previous studies using adult samples. Secondly, a structural equation model showed that emotion-focused and self-focused responses were positively related to life satisfaction and self-esteem, and negatively to depressive symptoms, while dampening presented opposite associations.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Afeto , Emoções , Ajustamento Emocional , Satisfação Pessoal , Autoimagem , Adaptação Psicológica , Inquéritos e Questionários , Depressão/psicologia , Autorrelato
Suma psicol ; 25(2): 133-145, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004729


Abstract In this research we analyzed the psychometric properties of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) in samples coming from four independent studies: university students (Study 1, n = 392; Study 2, n = 395), general adult population (Study 3, n = 316), and athletes (Study 4, n = 533). Through confirmatory analyses we evaluated the following models: (a) two-factor model (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988), (b) three-factor model by Mehrabian (1997), (c) three-factor model by Gaudreau, Sánchez and Blondin (2006) and (d) bi-factor model (Leue & Beauducel, 2011), all of them in their oblique and orthogonal variants. Several models presented an acceptable fit, but only after allowing correlated errors and excluding the items alert and excited. While orthogonal solutions of the three models showed the best fit in Studies 2, 3 and 4, oblique solutions presented the best fit in Study 1. Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability and omega indexes oscillated between .55 and .89. Considering the original theoretical model and the practical utility of the PANAS, we favor the model of two orthogonal factors, excluding the aforementioned items.

Resumen En esta investigación analizamos las propiedades psicométricas del Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) en muestras de cuatro estudios independientes: estudiantes universitarios (Estudio 1, n = 392; Estudio 2, n = 395), población general adulta (Estudio 3, n = 316) y atletas (Estudio 4, n = 533). Mediante análisis confirmatorios evaluamos los siguientes modelos: (a) dos factores (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988), (b) tres factores por Mehrabian (1997), (c) tres factores por Gaudreau, Sánchez and Blondín (2006) y (d) bi-factorial (Leue & Beauducel, 2011), todos en sus variantes oblicua y ortogonal. Varios modelos presentaron un ajuste aceptable, pero solo después de permitir correlacionar los errores y excluir los ítems alerta y excitado. Mientras que las soluciones ortogonales de los tres modelos mostraron un mejor ajuste en los Estudios 2, 3 y 4, las soluciones oblicuas presentaron un mejor ajuste en el Estudio 1. El alfa de Cronbach, la confiabilidad compuesta y el índice omega oscilaron entre .55 y .89. Considerando el modelo teórico original y la utilidad práctica del PANAS, nos inclinamos hacia el modelo de dos factores ortogonales, excluyendo los ítems antes mencionados.

Univ. psychol ; 17(1): 104-113, ene.-mar. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979477


Resumen Se presenta en esta investigación una versión corta de 30 ítems del Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Questionnaire ([MASQ]; Cuestionario de Síntomas de Ansiedad y del Humor) diseñado para medir las tres dimensiones del modelo tripartito de la ansiedad y la depresión, a saber, el Afecto Negativo (AN), el Afecto Positivo (AP) y la Ansiedad Somática (AS). Esta adaptación es una versión holandesa que se administró a una muestra de la población general canaria. Los objetivos propuestos son conocer la validez de constructo del MASQE30, mediante análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio, así como sus propiedades psicométricas y la validez convergente, discriminante y predictiva con ansiedad y depresión evaluadas con cuestionarios. Los resultados confirman la adecuada validez de constructo del MASQE30, así como coeficientes de consistencia interna que oscilan entre 0.88 y 0.92 y una estabilidad temporal que va desde 0.47 a 0.68. Los resultados corroboran que el AN y AS son compartidos por la ansiedad y la depresión, y el AP es específico de la depresión. El AN y AP corroboran las predicciones del modelo, pero no el resultado de AS. Se propone el MASQE30 como un instrumento adecuado para el estudio dimensional de la depresión y la ansiedad en población clínica y comunitaria.

Abstract In this investigation, we present a short 30-item version of the Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Questionnaire (MASQS30), designed to measure the three dimensions of the tripartite model of anxiety and depression, namely, negative affect (NA), positive affect (PA), and somatic anxiety (SA). This adaptation is from a Dutch version that we administered to a sample of the general canarian population. The proposed goals are to determine the construct validity of the MASQS30 through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, as well as its psychometric properties, and convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity with anxiety and depression as assessed through questionnaires. The results confirm adequate construct validity of the MASQS30, as well as internal consistency coefficients ranging between 0.88 and 0.92, and temporal stability, ranging from 0.47 to 0.68. The results corroborate that NA and SA are shared by anxiety and depression, whereas PA is specific to depression. NA and PA corroborate the predictions of the model, but the result of SA does not. The MASQS30 is proposed as an adequate instrument for the dimensional study of depression and anxiety in clinical and community population.

Questionário de Saúde do Paciente
Univ. psychol ; 17(1): 221-236, ene.-mar. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979487


Abstract This study investigates how leadership intellectual stimulation relates to team positive affect and team learning. We explore the role of positive affect as mediator between leadership intellectual stimulation and team learning. Using a cross-sectional sample of 562 employees, nested within 130 teams from 44 small- and medium-size organizations, we implemented Structural Equation Model analysis at the team level. Results provide evidence of the strong relationship that intellectual stimulation has on team learning and team positive affect, as well as the potential of positive affect for stimulating team learning. Team positive affect serves as a partial mediator between intellectual stimulation and team learning, contributing to explain significant additional variance. Leadership intellectual stimulation is a relevant team social resource that provides support for team learning. Also, positive affect contributes significantly to improve learning among teams. This suggests the importance of developing leadership behaviors that encourage learning and team positive affect, which contributes to team learning and hence, performance.

Resumen Este estudio examina cómo la estimulación intelectual de los líderes se relaciona con el afecto positivo y el aprendizaje de los equipos. En específico, explorarnos el rol mediador del afecto positivo entre la relación de la estimulación intelectual de los líderes y al aprendizaje a nivel de los equipos. Realizamos análisis de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales a nivel grupal utilizando una muestra transversal de 562 empleados, anidados en 130 equipos de 40 pequeñas y medianas organizaciones. Los resultados proveen evidencia de la fuerte relación entre la estimulación intelectual y el afecto positivo, así como del potencial del afecto positivo para estimular el aprendizaje del equipo. El afecto positivo sirve como un mediador parcial contribuyendo a explicar varianza adicional significativa. La estimulación intelectual de los líderes es un recurso social relevante que provee apoyo al aprendizaje en los equipos. Del mismo modo, el afecto positivo contribuye significativamente a mejorar el aprendizaje. Esto sugiere la importancia de desarrollar comportamientos de los líderes que fomenten el aprendizaje y el afecto positivo, los cuales contribuyen al aprendizaje y al desempeño a nivel grupal.

Cultura Organizacional , Planos para Motivação de Pessoal/organização & administração , Práticas Interdisciplinares/história , Liderança
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 155-159, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-703996


Objective:To explore the multiple mediation effects of the positive and negative affect between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction in military personnel.Methods:Totally 967 male military personnel aged 17 to 34 years were investigated with the Schutte's Emotional Intelligence Scale (SSEIS),the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) and Life Satisfaction Index A (LSIA).The relationship among these variables was analyzed by using path analysis and Bootstrap test.Results:Totally 68.7% military personnel were satisfied with their lives.Path analysis showed that emotional intelligence had indirect effects on life satisfaction through the mediation effects of positive affect and negative affect (x2/df=8.88,GFI =0.98,AGFI =0.94,NFI =0.98,IFI =0.98,TLI =0.95,CFI =0.98,RMSEA =0.09).Bootstrap test showed that the mediational path through positive affect and negative affect with the effect size were 31.5% and 14.8%,and the total mediational effect size was 46.3%.Conclusion:It suggests that positive affect and negative affect may have mediating effects on the relationship between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction among military personnel.

Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 39(2): 77-87, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-904572


Abstract Objective To explore 1) if perfectionism, perceived distress/coping, and cognitive emotion regulation (CER) are associated with and predictive of negative/positive affect (NA/PA); and 2) if CER and perceived distress/coping are associated with perfectionism and if they mediate the perfectionism-NA/PA associations. There is a distinction between maladaptive and adaptive perfectionism in its association with NA/PA. CER and perceived distress/coping may mediate the maladaptive/adaptive perfectionism and NA/PA associations. Methods 344 students (68.4% girls) completed the Hewitt & Flett and the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scales, the Composite Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, the Profile of Mood States, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Results NA predictors were maladaptive/adaptive perfectionism, maladaptive CER and perceived distress (positively), positive reappraisal and planning, and perceived coping (negatively). PA predictors were maladaptive/adaptive perfectionism and perceived distress (negatively), positive reappraisal and planning, positive refocusing and perceived coping (positively). The association between maladaptive perfectionism and NA was mediated by maladaptive CER/low adaptive CER, perceived distress/low coping. Maladaptive perfectionism and low PA association was mediated by perceived distress. High PA was determined by low maladaptive perfectionism and this association was mediated by adaptive REC and coping. Adaptive perfectionism and NA association was mediated by maladaptive CER and perceived distress. Conclusion CER and perceived distress/coping are associated and mediate the perfectionism-NA/PA associations.

Resumo Objetivo Explorar 1) se o perfeccionismo, o estresse/copingpercebidos e a regulação emocional cognitiva (REC) estão associadas e predizem o afeto negativo/positivo (AN/AP); e 2) se a REC e o estresse/copingestão associados e mediam a relação perfeccionismo-AN/AP. Existe uma distinção entre o perfeccionismo mal-adaptativo/adaptativo na associação com o AN/AP. A REC e o estresse/copingpoderão mediar as associações entre o perfeccionismo mal-adaptativo/adaptativo-AN/AP. Métodos 344 estudantes (68.4% do sexo feminino) completaram as Escalas Multidimensionais do Perfeccionismo de Hewitt & Flett e de Frost, a Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo Compósita, o Perfil dos Estados de Humor, a Escala de Estresse Percebido e o Questionário da Regulação Emocional Cognitiva. Resultados Os preditores do AN foram o perfeccionismo adaptativo/mal-adaptativo, a REC mal-adaptativa e o estresse percebido (positivamente), a reavaliação positiva e planeamento e o coping(negativamente). Os preditores do AP foram o perfeccionismo adaptativo/mal-adaptativo e o estresse percebido (negativamente), a reavaliação positiva e planeamento, a refocalização positiva e o copingpercebido (positivamente). A associação entre o perfeccionismo mal-adaptativo e o AN foi mediada pela REC mal-adaptativa/baixa REC adaptativa, pelo estresse/baixo copingpercebidos. A associação entre o perfeccionismo mal-adaptativo/adaptativo e baixo AP foi mediada pelo estresse percebido. O elevado AP foi determinado pelo baixo perfeccionismo mal-adaptativo e esta associação foi mediada pela REC adaptativa e pelo coping. A associação entre o perfeccionismo adaptativo e o AN foi mediada pela REC mal-adaptativa e pelo estresse percebido. Conclusão A REC e o estresse/copingpercebidos estão associados e medeiam as associações entre o perfeccionismo e AN/AP.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Estresse Psicológico , Adaptação Psicológica , Afeto , Inteligência Emocional , Perfeccionismo , Percepção , Testes Psicológicos , Estudantes , Inquéritos e Questionários , Análise de Regressão , Cognição , Modelos Psicológicos
Temas psicol. (Online) ; 24(1): 1-15, mar. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-788636


Trata-se de estudo de casos múltiplos com objetivo de investigar qualitativamente o bem-estar subjetivo de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua. Participaram 6 adolescentes de Fortaleza (10-17 anos), todos do sexo masculino. Destes, três viviam em instituição de acolhimento, dois em serviço aberto e um na rua. Utilizou-se entrevista estruturada, figuras representativas dos contextos (escola, família, rua, amigos e instituição) e diário de campo para contemplar os aspectos de satisfação de vida, afetos positivos e negativos. A análise de conteúdo permitiu identificar uma avaliação positiva da satisfação de vida pela maioria dos adolescentes. Eles tenderam a relacioná-la à rede de apoio, projetos futuros e estar vivendo numa situação melhor do que vivia antes de virem para a rua. Atribuiu-se os afetos positivos ao relacionamento com os pares, à presença dos familiares, apoio das instituições para familiares e envolvimento em atividades lúdicas e de lazer. Já os afetos negativos relacionaram-se aos conflitos e brigas (com amigos, familiares e profissionais das instituições), preconceitos da sociedade, punições por desobedecer regras, realização de atividades domésticas e violência física e sexual. A rua e a família foram os contextos mais associados aos afetos negativos quando comparados à instituição, à escola e aos amigos. Porém, os afetos positivos não estiveram excluídos da rua e da família. Enfatiza-se a importância de estudos acerca dos processos positivos, os quais propõem uma leitura mais abrangente do desenvolvimento humano em contextos de vulnerabilidade e que não estejam baseados exclusivamente no levantamento de indicadores de risco vivenciados por essas populações.

This multiple case study aimed to investigate qualitatively the subjective well-being of children and adolescents that live on streets. Six male adolescents from Fortaleza city (10-17 years old) participated. Three were living in the foster care institution, two on temporary shelter and one on the streets. Structured interviews, pictures representing different contexts (school, family, streets, friends and institution), and field notes were used to contemplate the aspects of life satisfaction, positive and negative affects. Content analysis allowed the identification of a positive evaluation of life satisfaction by most adolescents. They tended to relate it to their support network, to future projects and by comparing their improved present situation to the time spent on the streets. Positive affects were related to relationships with partners, presence of family, support from institutions to family and involvement in recreational and leisure activities. Whereas negative affects were related to conflicts and quarrels (with friends, family and professional institutions), prejudices of society, punishment for disobeying rules, performing household activities and physical and sexual violence. The streets and family were the most associated with negative affects compared to the institution, school and friends. However, positive affects were not excluded from the streets and family. It can be emphasized the importance of studies related to the positive processes that propose a more comprehensive reading of the human development in contexts of vulnerability and that are not based solely on the survey of risk indicators experienced by these populations.

Es un estudio de casos múltiple para investigar cualitativamente el bienestar subjetivo de los niños y adolescentes que viven en la calle. Participaron 6 adolescentes de Fortaleza (10-17 años), todos de sexo masculino. Tres vivían en institución de acogida, dos en servicio abierto y uno en la calle. Utilizamos entrevistas estructuradas, figuras representativas de contextos (escuela, familia, calle, amigos y institución) y diario de campo para incluir asuntos de satisfacción con la vida y afectos. Análisis de contenido permitió identificar un balance positivo acerca de la satisfacción con la vida en la mayoría de los adolescentes. Tendieron a relacionarla con red de apoyo, proyectos futuros y vivir en una mejor situación que antes de su salida a la calle. Atribuyeron afectos positivos a relación con pares, presencia de miembros de la familia, apoyo de las instituciones para la familia y participación en actividades recreativas y de ocio. Relacionaron emociones negativas con conflictos y peleas (con amigos, familia y instituciones profesionales), discriminación por parte de la sociedad, castigos por desobedecer reglas, realización de tareas domésticas y violencia física y sexual. La calle y familia fueron contextos que más se asociaron con efectos negativos en comparación con institución, escuela y amigos. Sin embargo, afectos positivos no fueron excluidos de la calle y familia. Hacemos hincapié en la importancia de estudios sobre procesos positivos, que ofrecen una lectura más amplia del desarrollo humano en contextos de vulnerabilidad y no basadas exclusivamente en un sondeo de los factores de riesgo experimentados por estas poblaciones.

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Adolescente , Afeto , Jovens em Situação de Rua , Pessoas Mal Alojadas , Satisfação Pessoal
Psicol. Caribe ; 32(3): 410-423, ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-773309


El Modelo Bifactorial de Afectividad de Watson y Tellengen se ha postulado para la diferenciación de la ansiedad y la depresión en Europa y Norteamérica, pero no se han reportado estudios en población cubana de edad media. El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar la Afectividad Positiva (AP) y la Afectividad Negativa (AN) en personas sin psicopatología, con sintomatología predominantemente ansiosa, depresiva o mixta. La muestra fue de 219 personas; 19,2% con sintomatología ansiosa, 17,8% depresiva, 23,7% mixta y el resto sin síntomas. Se utilizó el Inventario de Afecto Positivo y Negativo (PANAS) para estudiar la afectividad y la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión de Goldberg (EADG) para diferenciar los subgrupos diagnósticos. Se utilizó el ANOVA de un factor con el Método de la Diferencia Significativa Honesta de Tukey para establecer las diferencias. Se encontró que la AP era menor en los depresivos tal y como predice el Modelo, pero no se cumplió la predicción de que la AP diferenciaría a los ansiosos de las personas sin síntomas, y se encontró que en el grupo con sintomatología mixta había mayor AN y menor AP que en los otros subgrupos patológicos, lo cual alerta sobre la necesidad de evaluar los modelos desarrollados en otras culturas.

Two-Factor Model of Emotion of Watson and Tellengen has been investigated for the differentiation of anxiety and depression in Europe and North America, but no studies have been reported on middle-aged Cuban population. The objective of this research was to investigate the negative (NA) and positive affectivity (PA) in individuals without psychopathology, predominantly anxious, depressive or mixed symptoms. The sample was 219 subjects; 19.2% with symptoms of anxiety, 17.8% has depression, 23.7% mixed anxiety and depression symptoms, and the rest without symptoms. Positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS) was used to study emotion; and Anxiety and Depression Scale Goldberg (GADS) to differentiate diagnostic subgroups. The one-way ANOVA was used with the method of Tukey Honest Significant Difference. We found that AP was lower in depressive as predicted by the model, but the prediction that the AP would differentiate anxious people without symptoms was fulfilled, which highlights the need to evaluate the models developed in other cultures.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-469403


Objective To explore the effect of different diary method on daily affect of college students.Methods 75 numbers of under-graduates were randomly assigned into information recording group,feeling recording group and control group.Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Positive And Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) were used before and after two months intervention.Results For positive emotion,ANOVA results showed no significant (P>0.05) main effect of time,a significant (P<0.05) main effect of group(2.76±0.41,2.97±0.50,3.24±0.45),and the time × group had a significant interaction (P<0.05).Simple effect analysis showed that after the intervention,the positive emotions of information recording group (2.47 ± 0.62) and feeling recording group (2.86±0.64) was lower than the positive emotions of control group(3.35±0.46) significantly(P<0.05).For negative emotions,there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in main effects of time,group and interaction;for depression,the main effect of the level of time (8.02± 5.65,5.38 ± 5.04,5.20± 5.51) was significant (P< 0.01),and main effect of group and the interaction were not significant(P>0.05).Conclusion Different diary methods have different effects on the subject's daily affect.

Psico USF ; 18(2): 193-201, maio-ago. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-685501


O objetivo deste estudo foi construir e buscar evidências de validade para uma escala de afetos positivos e negativos (EA). Participaram 853 universitários do sul do Brasil (57% mulheres) com idade média de 21 anos (DP=3). Os resultados da análise de eixos principais mostraram uma solução bifatorial. O primeiro fator apresentou eigenvalue de 5,1, explicando 25,6% da variância total, e o segundo fator, com eigenvalue de 2,6, explicou 12,8% da variância total. A consistência interna da escala foi de 0,83 para afetos positivos (AP) e 0,77 para os negativos (AN). Foram realizadas correlações entre AP e AN para verificar evidências de validade convergente da EA com a PANAS. Observaram-se altas correlações de AP (r=0,73) e AN (r=0,74). AP apresentou correlações positivas com satisfação de vida, esperança, otimismo e autoestima, enquanto AN apresentou correlações negativas com essas variáveis. Conclui-se que a EA apresentou evidências de validade de construto e propriedades psicométricas adequadas.

The aim of this study was to construct a positive and negative affect scale (AS) and to search for validity evidence. The participants were 850 undergraduate students from southern Brazil, 57% female, with a mean age of 21 years (SD=3). A factor analysis extracted two factors: positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA). The first one presented an eigenvalue of 5.1 explaining 25.6% of the total variance; the second factor presented an eigenvalue of 2,6 explaining 12.8% of the total variance. The internal consistency for PA was .83, and .77 for NA. High correlations between the two factors of the AS and PANAS were observed: .73 for PA and .74 for NA. It was also observed that PA had positive correlations with life satisfaction, hope, optimism, and self-esteem while NA presented negative correlations with those variables. These results indicate evidences of construct validity and appropriate psychometric properties.

El objetivo de este estudio fue construir y buscar evidencias de validez para una escala de afectos positivos y negativos (EA). Participaron 853 universitarios del sur de Brasil (57% mujeres) con edad media de 21 años (SD=3). Los resultados de análisis de ejes principales mostraron una solución bifactorial. El primer factor presentó eigenvalue de 5,1 explicando 25,6% de la varianza total. El segundo factor con eigenvalue de 2.6 explicó 12,8% de la varianza total. La consistencia interna de la escala fue de 0,83 para afectos positivos (PA) y 0,77 para los negativos (NA). Fueron realizadas correlaciones entre AP y AN para verificar evidencias de validez convergente entre EA y PANAS. Se encontraron correlaciones altas de AP (0,73) y AN (0,74). AP presentó correlaciones positivas con satisfacción con la vida, esperanza, optimismo y autoestima, mientras que AN presentó correlaciones negativas con estas variables. Se concluyó que la EA presentó evidencias de validez de constructo y propiedades psicométricas adecuadas.

Univ. psychol ; 12(2): 413-419, may.-agos. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-689603


The way in which positive and negative affects are perceived may be associated with a distinct pattern of behaviors and attitudes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between various combinations of affections and gender along with tendencies towards neuroticism, rumination, reflection, and life satisfaction. The participants were 348 students, who answered the questionnaire in groups. The euphoric group showed the highest scores of life satisfaction and emotional stability, while the dysphoric group presented the lowest scores. The emotional and apathetic groups showed no significant differences in relation to life satisfaction, depression, anxiety and vulnerability. From these results, it can be assumed that positive affect can lessen the impact that negative affect has on the development of vulnerability and other psychopathological symptoms. Interventions based on positive affect increase might be efficient to prevent vulnerability.

La forma en que los afectos positivos y negativos son percibidos puede estar asociada con un patrón diferenciado de comportamientos y actitudes. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre varias combinaciones de afectos y género, junto con tendencias hacia el neuroticismo, la rumiación, la reflexión y la satisfacción vital. Los participantes fueron 348 estudiantes que respondieron al cuestionario en grupos. El grupo eufórico mostró las puntuaciones más altas en satisfacción vital y estabilidad emocional, mientras que el grupo disfórico presentó las puntuaciones más bajas. Los grupos emocional y apático no mostraron diferencias significativas en relación con la satisfacción vital, depresión, ansiedad y vulnerabilidad. A partir de estos resultados, se puede suponer que el afecto positivo puede reducir el impacto que el afecto negativo tiene en el desarrollo de la vulnerabilidad y de otros sintomas psicopatológicos. Intervenciones que se basan en el aumento de afecto positivo podrían ser eficientes para prevenir la vulnerabilidad.

Psicometria , Emoções
Ter. psicol ; 31(1): 59-68, Apr. 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-671290


Objective. We examined whether benefit finding (BF) in children with a life-threatening illness (such as cancer or organ transplantation) would be related to a wide range of positive and negative measures of psychological functioning and some medical variables. Methods. A sample of children with a life threatening illness (N=67, ages 7-18 years) completed the Benefit Finding Scale for Children (BFSC) and other positive and negative measures of psychological functioning. Results. Children exposed to a moderate severity of their disease had the strongest levels of BF. While BF was positively associated with different dimensions of well-being, it was generally not related to distress with some exceptions in the health-related quality of life domain. Conclusion. Our results showed that BF reflects a positive outcome in its own right and not just a mere reduction of distress. Yet, there are some health-related domains of quality of life that should be considered in therapeutic intervention to facilitate BF.

Objetivo. Examinamos en qué medida la percepción de beneficios o benefit finding (BF) en niños con una enfermedad amenazante para la vida (como el cáncer o el trasplante de órganos) estaría relacionado con un rango de medidas positivas y negativas de funcionamiento psicológico así como con algunas variables médicas. Método. Una muestra de niños con una enfermedad amenazante para la vida (N=67, edad entre 7 y 18 años) completaron la Escala de Percepción de Beneficios para Niños (Benefit Finding Scale for Children, BFSC) y otras medidas positivas y negativas de funcionamiento psicológico. Resultados. Los niños expuestos a una enfermedad de gravedad moderada mostraron niveles más altos de BF. BF se asoció positivamente a diferentes dimensiones de bienestar. Sin embargo, no se encontró relación con medidas de malestar, a excepción de algunos dominios de calidad de vida relacionados con la enfermedad. Conclusión. Estos resultados mostraron que el BF refleja un resultado positivo en sí mismo y no una mera reducción de malestar. A pesar de eso, deben considerarse algunos dominios de calidad de vida relacionados con la salud a la hora de realizar intervenciones terapéuticas para facilitar la percepción de beneficios.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Feminino , Criança , Adaptação Psicológica , Neoplasias/psicologia , Testes Psicológicos , Satisfação Pessoal , Transplante de Órgãos/psicologia , Afeto , Resiliência Psicológica , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-670467


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the predictive/protective role of negative affect/positive affect in late pregnancy on the outcome of postpartum depression. METHODS: A total of 491 pregnant women participated in the study. The participants were asked to fill out a series of questionnaires, which included the Profile of Mood States, the Beck Depression Inventory-II, psychosocial variables and socio-demographic characteristics and were asked to participate in a psychiatric interview. After delivery, 272 mothers participated again in the study and filled out a similar series of questionnaires. RESULTS: Negative affect was associated with more intense depressive symptomatology, more self-perceived stress, lower self-reported social support, lower quality of life and perception of having a more difficult infant. By contrast, positive affect was negatively associated with these variables. Negative affect in late pregnancy increased the likelihood of experiencing postpartum depression (DSM-IV/OR = 2.1, 95%CI = 1.3-3.4, p = .003; ICD-10/OR = 2.1, 95%CI = 1.5-3.0, p < .001), while positive affect increased the odds of not having this condition (DSM-IV/OR = 2.0, 95%CI = 1.5-2.7, p = .042). CONCLUSION: In pregnancy, negative affect was a predictor of postpartum depression, whereas positive affect showed a protective role. Future studies are required to explore whether psychotherapeutic strategies focusing on decreasing negative affect and enhancing positive affect in the last trimester of pregnancy can reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Adulto Jovem , Afeto , Depressão Pós-Parto/psicologia , Depressão Pós-Parto/epidemiologia , Métodos Epidemiológicos , Portugal/epidemiologia , Terceiro Trimestre da Gravidez/psicologia , Escalas de Graduação Psiquiátrica , Qualidade de Vida , Fatores de Risco , Apoio Social , Fatores Socioeconômicos
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 17(2): 247-254, maio-ago. 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-653525


O estudo da confiança do empregado na organização contribui para a compreensão da formação de vínculos com a organização empregadora. Baseando-se nessa premissa, este estudo apresenta os resultados de uma investigação sobre um modelo teórico que contemplou como variáveis preditoras: percepção de suporte organizacional, afeto e resiliência, em relação à confiança do empregado na organização. A amostra foi composta por160 trabalhadores que responderam aos instrumentos válidos e confiáveis. Para a análise dos dados utilizaram-se estatísticas descritivas, cálculo da confiabilidade das medidas e análise de regressão múltipla stepwise. Os resultados indicaram que o principal preditor da confiança do empregado é a percepção de suporte organizacional, a qual explicou o maior percentual de variância das variáveis - critério. Afeto foi eliminado de todos os modelos, enquanto que resiliência explica pequeno percentual de confiança nos padrões éticos. Os resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura e uma agenda de pesquisa é proposta.

The study of employee confidence in the organization contributes to understanding the entailment formation with the employing organization. Therefore, this study shows the results of an investigation about a theorical model that includes the following preditors variables: perception of organizational support, affects and resilience, with respect to the employee confidence in the organization. The sample consisted of 160 employees who answered to the valid and reliable instruments. For data analysis we used descriptive statistics, reliability calculation of the measurements and stepwise regression analysis. The results indicated that the main predictor of employee confidence is the perception of organizational support which explained the highest percentage of variance in the criterion variables. Affection was eliminated from all models, while resilience explains a small percentage of confidence in ethical standards. These results are discussed from the perspective of the literature and a research agenda is proposed.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Afeto , Confiança/psicologia , Recursos Humanos , Organizações , Resiliência Psicológica , Categorias de Trabalhadores/psicologia