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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550613


Este artículo trata la formación de la cultura metrológica, en los estudiantes de la Educación Preuniversitaria, desde las potencialidades del deporte y las clases de Educación Física, como uno de los elementos que debe ser priorizado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Física y como parte de la preparación de los estudiantes para la vida. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en diseñar un sistema de tareas docentes integradoras que permita aprovechar las potencialidades del deporte, en general, y las clases de Educación Física, en particular para la formación de la cultura metrológica en los estudiantes de décimo grado. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizaron los métodos: analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, modelación, observación, análisis documental, encuesta, entrevista y estadística descriptiva que permitieron procesar la información referente al tema objeto de investigación; así como determinar las causas de las insuficiencias que se presentan en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Física, para la formación de la cultura metrológica de los estudiantes de décimo grado. El sistema de tareas docentes integradoras propuesto se caracterizó por armonizar núcleos conceptuales básicos para el tratamiento a los contenidos metrológicos como son la estimación y medición de magnitudes y la conversión de unidades de medida; además de aprovechar las potencialidades del deporte y las clases de Educación Física.

Este artigo trata da formação da cultura metrológica em alunos da Educação Pré-Universitária, a partir das potencialidades das aulas de esportes e de Educação Física, como um dos elementos que devem ser priorizados no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Física e como parte da preparação dos alunos para a vida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conceber um sistema de tarefas didáticas integradoras que permita aproveitar as potencialidades do esporte, em geral, e das aulas de Educação Física, em particular, para a formação da cultura metrológica em alunos do décimo ano. Para desenvolver a pesquisa foram utilizados os seguintes métodos: analítico-sintético, indutivo-dedutivo, modelagem, observação, análise documental, levantamento, entrevista e estatística descritiva que permitiram o tratamento das informações referentes ao tema sob investigação; bem como determinar as causas das insuficiências que surgem no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Física, para a formação da cultura metrológica dos alunos do décimo ano. O sistema de tarefas de ensino integrativo proposto caracterizou-se por harmonizar núcleos conceituais básicos para o tratamento de conteúdos metrológicos como a estimativa e medição de grandezas e a conversão de unidades de medida; além de aproveitar o potencial das aulas de esportes e Educação Física.

This article deals with the formation of metrological culture in Pre-University Education students, from the potential of sports and Physical Education classes, as one of the elements that must be prioritized in the teaching-learning process of Physics and as part of preparing students for life. The objective of this work was to design a system of integrative teaching tasks that allows taking advantage of the potential of sport, in general, and Physical Education classes, in particular, for the formation of metrological culture in tenth grade students. To develop the research, the following methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, modeling, observation, documentary analysis, survey, interview and descriptive statistics that allowed the processing of information regarding the topic under investigation; as well as determine the causes of the insufficiencies that arise in the teaching-learning process of Physics, for the formation of the metrological culture of tenth grade students. The proposed system of integrative teaching tasks was characterized by harmonizing basic conceptual cores for the treatment of metrological content such as the estimation and measurement of magnitudes and the conversion of measurement units; in addition to taking advantage of potential of the sports and Physical Education classes.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(1): e20230179, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533735


Resumo Fundamento: O prolongamento do intervalo PQ, geralmente associado a um atraso na condução atrioventricular, pode estar relacionado a alterações na propagação do impulso intraventricular. Objetivo: Avaliar, por meio do mapeamento do potencial de superfície corporal (BSPM), o processo de despolarização ventricular em atletas com intervalos PQ prolongados em repouso e após o exercício. Métodos: O estudo incluiu 7 esquiadores cross-country com intervalo PQ superior a 200 ms (grupo PQ Prolongado) e 7 com intervalo PQ inferior a 200 ms (grupo PQ Normal). O BSPM de 64 derivações unipolares do tronco foi realizado antes (Pré-Ex) e após o teste ergométrico de bicicleta (Pós-Ex). Mapas equipotenciais da superfície corporal foram analisados durante a despolarização ventricular. O nível de significância foi de 5%. Resultados: Comparado com atletas com PQ Normal, o primeiro e o segundo períodos de posição estável dos potenciais cardíacos na superfície do tronco foram mais longos, e a formação da distribuição de potencial "sela" ocorreu mais tarde, no Pré-Ex, nos atletas com PQ Prolongado. No Pós-Ex, o grupo PQ Prolongado apresentou um encurtamento do primeiro e segundo períodos de distribuições de potencial estáveis e uma diminuição no tempo de aparecimento do fenômeno "sela" em relação ao Pré-Ex (para valores próximos aos do Normal -Grupo PQ). Além disso, no Pós-Ex, a primeira inversão das distribuições de potencial e a duração total da despolarização ventricular em atletas com PQ Prolongado diminuíram em comparação com o Pré-Ex e com valores semelhantes em atletas com PQ Normal. Em comparação com atletas com PQ Normal, a segunda inversão foi mais longa no Pré-Ex e Pós-Ex em atletas com PQ Prolongado. Conclusão: Atletas com PQ prolongado apresentaram diferenças significativas nas características temporais do BSPM durante a despolarização ventricular, tanto em repouso quanto após o exercício, em comparação com atletas com PQ normal.

Abstract Background: Prolongation of the PQ interval, generally associated with an atrioventricular conduction delay, may be related to changes in intraventricular impulse spreading. Objective: To assess, using body surface potential mapping (BSPM), the process of ventricular depolarization in athletes with prolonged PQ intervals at rest and after exercise. Methods: The study included 7 cross-country skiers with a PQ interval of more than 200 ms (Prolonged-PQ group) and 7 with a PQ interval of less than 200 ms (Normal-PQ group). The BSPM from 64 unipolar torso leads was performed before (Pre-Ex) and after the bicycle exercise test (Post-Ex). Body surface equipotential maps were analyzed during ventricular depolarization. The significance level was 5%. Results: Compared to Normal-PQ athletes, the first and second periods of the stable position of cardiac potentials on the torso surface were longer, and the formation of the "saddle" potential distribution occurred later, at Pre-Ex, in Prolonged-PQ athletes. At Post-Ex, the Prolonged-PQ group showed a shortening of the first and second periods of stable potential distributions and a decrease in appearance time of the "saddle" phenomenon relative to Pre-Ex (to the values near to those of the Normal-PQ group). Additionally, at Post-Ex, the first inversion of potential distributions and the total duration of ventricular depolarization in Prolonged-PQ athletes decreased compared to Pre-Ex and with similar values in Normal-PQ athletes. Compared to Normal-PQ athletes, the second inversion was longer at Pre-Ex and Post-Ex in Prolonged-PQ athletes. Conclusion: Prolonged-PQ athletes had significant differences in the temporal characteristics of BSPM during ventricular depolarization both at rest and after exercise as compared to Normal-PQ athletes.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 238-254, 20240131.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537823


Species of Pithecellobium (Fabaceae) are used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes, cough, bronchitis, and inflammation. This study aims to evaluate the content and determine the antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds content, and cytotoxicity of the extract and the fractions of Pithecellobium diversifolium. This is unprecedented research with an exotic species from the Caatinga, northeastern Brazil, using High-performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS). The MeOH fractions of leaves and stem barks showed a high content of flavonoids (198.1 ± 106.50 and 542.7 ± 2.52 mg EqQ/g). The CH2Cl2 fraction of peels showed a high content of total phenolic compounds (516.7 ± 3.00 mg EqAG /g). The DPPH test showed that the CH2Cl2 fraction (leaves) held an EC50 of 0.08 ± 0.02, a higher value than that observed for the standards used in the test­Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and ascorbic acid. The AcOEt and MeOH fractions of peels presented moderate cytotoxicity with values below 500 µg/mL. The MeOH fraction of leaves showed seven major compounds: myricetin, quercetin, quercetin-arabinofuranoside, apigenin-triglycosides, and apigenin-diglucoside, being the last three unpublished in studies involving the genus. The tests conducted in this study show the potential of P. diversifolium as a promising source of biomolecules with therapeutic applicability.

Espécies de Pithecellobium (Fabaceae) são usadas na medicina tradicional para tratar diabetes, tosse, bronquite e inflamação. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o teor e determinar a atividade antioxidante, o teor de compostos fenólicos e a citotoxicidade do extrato e das frações de Pithecellobium diversifolium, uma pesquisa inédita com uma espécie exótica da Caatinga do Nordeste do Brasil, utilizando a instrumentação Clae-IES. As frações MeOH das folhas e cascas do caule apresentaram alto teor de flavonoides (198,1 ± 106,50 e 542,7 ± 2,52 mg EqQ/g). A fração CH2Cl2 das cascas apresentou um elevado teor de compostos fenólicos totais (516,7 ± 3,00 mg EqAG/g). O teste DPPH mostrou que a fração CH2Cl2 (folhas) apresentou um EC50 de 0,08 ± 0,02, valor superior ao observado para os padrões utilizados no teste ­ Butil hidroxianisol (BHA), Butil hidroxitolueno (BHT) e ácido ascórbico. As frações AcOEt e MeOH das cascas apresentaram citotoxicidade moderada com valores inferiores a 500 µg/mL. A fração MeOH das folhas apresentou sete compostos majoritários: miricetina, quercetina, quercetina-arabinofuranosídeo, apigenina-triglicosídeos e apigenina-diglucosídeo, sendo os três últimos inéditos em estudos envolvendo o gênero. Os testes realizados demonstram o potencial de P. diversifolium, uma promissora fonte de biomoléculas com aplicabilidade terapêutica.

Las especies de Pithecellobium (Fabaceae) se utilizan en la medicina tradicional para tratar diabetes, tos, bronquitis e inflamación. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el contenido y determinar la actividad antioxidante, el contenido de compuestos fenólicos y la citotoxicidad del extracto y de las fracciones de Pithecellobium diversifolium, un estudio inédito con una especie exótica de la Caatinga de la región Nordeste de Brasil, que utilizó la instrumentación HPLC-ESI. Las fracciones MeOH de hojas y cortezas de tallo mostraron un alto contenido de flavonoides (198,1 ± 106,50 y 542,7 ± 2,52 mg EqQ/g). La fracción CH2Cl2 de las cortezas presentó un alto contenido de compuestos fenólicos totales (516,7 ± 3,00 mg EqAG/g). El ensayo DPPH mostró que la fracción CH2Cl2 (hojas) tenía EC50 de 0,08 ± 0,02, valor superior a lo observado para los estándares utilizados en el ensayo ­Butilhidroxianisol (BHA), butilhidroxitolueno (BHT) y ácido ascórbico. Las fracciones AcOEt y MeOH de las cortezas presentaron una citotoxicidad moderada con valores inferiores a 500 µ g/mL. La fracción MeOH de las hojas contiene siete compuestos principales: miricetina, quercetina, quercetina-arabinofuranosido, apigenina-triglucósidos y apigenina-diglucósido, de los cuales los tres últimos son inéditos en estudios sobre el género. Las pruebas realizadas demuestran el potencial de P. diversifolium, una fuente prometedora de biomoléculas con aplicabilidad terapéutica.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006577


Cold and heat belong to the eight-principal syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine, which can reflect the rise and fall of Yin and Yang in the body and the Yin and Yang nature of the disease. At present, traditional Chinese medicine has an inconsistent understanding of cold and heat in acute coronary syndrome. The emphasis on pathogenic factors of cold and heat is biased, and the elements of cold and heat syndrome are not fully reflected in the scale. Therefore, the literature has been reviewed from the perspectives of etiology, pathogenesis, symptom elements, and test signs with drugs. From the perspective of etiology, both cold evil and heat evil can increase the risk of acute coronary syndrome. It was previously believed that acute coronary syndrome occurs frequently in cold climates such as winter and spring. Based on this understanding, hot weather can also induce acute coronary syndrome, and different temperatures have different effects on patients of different ages and with different underlying diseases. In addition, artificial pathogenic factors such as excessive consumption of cold food and refrigeration air conditioners were added. From the perspective of pathogenesis, on the basis of the traditional ''asthenia in origin and asthenia in superficiality'' and ''phlegm stagnation'', it is found that Yin-cold and fire-heat can both cause paralysis of the heart chakra and pain induced by the blockage. The pathogenesis of acute coronary syndrome characterized by heat stagnation and coldness featuring heartburn should be distinguished from gastroesophageal reflux disease. Moreover, the pathogenesis of Yin cold coagulation and pulse stagnation and wind obstruction are different. The acute coronary syndrome is in line with the wind characteristics of frequent changes and can be treated with wind medicine. From the perspective of syndrome elements, the syndrome elements such as cold condensation, heat accumulation, and toxicity are analyzed, and the use of basic syndrome elements and their combination forms facilitates clinical and scientific research. In addition, according to the test sign with the drug, it can be seen that the attributes of cold and heat of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for acute coronary syndrome can be explained according to the temperature-sensitive transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channel, thus proving the pathogenesis of cold and heat of acute coronary syndrome.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017127


@#Abstract: To date, the investigation of the functional composition of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban has been mainly focused on the triterpenoid saponins, with little research on the other compositions. The acetic acid-induced writhing, Eddy's hot plate and formalin tests were employed to investigate the anti-nociceptive effects of madecassic acid (MA). The experiment was divided into normal control group, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) group, and the MA groups of low (10 mg/kg), medium (20 mg/kg) and high (40 mg/kg) dosage. Meanwhile, the anti-nociceptive effect of MA on the acetic acid and formalin-induced nociceptive models in the absence and presence of NAL (naloxone hydrochloride) was evaluated. To have an insight into the anti-nociceptive mechanisms of MA, the capsaicin- and glutamate-induced paw licking tests were also employed to evaluate the involvement of the vanilloid and glutamatergic systems, respectively. Results showed that MA exhibited good anti-nociceptive activity in the acetic acid-induced writhing test and the second phase of formalin test; the anti-nociceptive effect of MA in both the acetic acid and formalin-induced nociception was not effectively removed by NAL; MA (20 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg) effectively reduced the duration of biting/licking the capsaicin-injected paw with inhibition rates of 29.5% and 64.4%, respectively; MA (20 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg) distinctly shortened the time spent in biting/licking the glutamate-injected paw by 30.9% and 56.1%, respectively. In summary, MA induces significant peripheral anti-nociceptive effect, and the anti-nociceptive activities probably involve the modulation of glutamatergic systems and vanilloid systems (TRPV1) instead of the opioidergic system.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017184


Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) is one of the most sensitive indicators of cell damage and one of the potential targets of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) intervention in the cardiac function. Cardiovascular diseases, with complex mechanisms of the occurrence and development, often involve the myocardium and other organs and present slow development and high mortality, seriously affecting the quality of life of patients. The TCM treatment of cardiovascular diseases is praised for small side effects, low drug resistance, and holistic treatment and can effectively relieve symptoms and improve prognosis. In recent years, the research on the occurrence mechanism of cardiovascular diseases from mitochondrial function has gained increasing attention. MMP is closely related to the functioning mechanism of mitochondria. Studies have shown that TCM regulates MMP to treat cardiovascular diseases by modulating energy metabolism, improving mitochondrial structure and function, and inhibiting oxidative stress and apoptosis, thus protecting the heart function, improving the cure rate, and reducing the mortality of patients. This paper systematically reviews the studies about the mechanisms of TCM regulation of MMP in cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis, heart failure, myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, diabetic cardiomyopathy disease, and pulmonary artery hypertension. Most of Chinese medicine compound prescriptions, Chinese medicinal herbs, effective fraction, and active components can protect mitochondrial function by regulating MMP. However, relevant clinical trials and TCM theoretical studies of MMP remain to be carried out to provide more ideas for TCM treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018409


Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects and mechanisms of Maxing Shigan Decoction on cough variant asthma(CVA)rats.Methods Sixty rats were randomly divided into normal group,model group,low and high dose groups of Maxing Shigan Decoction,and high-dose of Maxing Shigan Decoction + signal transducer and activator of transcription 3(STAT3)activator Colivelin(Col)group,12 rats in each group.Except for the normal group,the CVA model was constructed by intraperitoneal injection of ovalbumin combined with moxa fumigation in all other groups of rats.After the corresponding treatment,the rats were observed for signs and cough counts,airway resistance(RE)was detected by pulmonary function meter,eosinophils(EOS)were counted by Diff-Quik staining,histopathological features of the lungs and bronchial tubes were observed by hematoxylin-eosin(HE)staining method,and the lung tissues were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)for monocyte chemotactic protein 1(MCP-1),and tumor necrosis factor α(TNF-α),and the protein expression levels of interleukin 6(IL-6),STAT3,and transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 channel(TRPV1)were detected by Western Blot.Results Compared with the normal group,rats in the model group showed obvious asthma symptoms,severe inflammatory cell infiltration was seen in the lung tissue,bronchial epithelial cell necrosis,ciliated adhesion,mucus,and RE,EOS number,MCP-1 and TNF-α contents,and protein expression levels of IL-6,STAT3,TRPV1 were elevated(P<0.05);compared with the model group,rats in the low-and high-dose groups of Maxing Shigan Decoction showed significant improvement in asthma symptoms,reduction in lung and bronchial injury,and dose-dependent reduction in RE,EOS number,MCP-1 and TNF-α contents,and protein expression levels of IL-6,STAT3,and TRPV1(P<0.05);compared with the high-dose group of Maxing Shigan Decoction,the rats in the high-dose Maxing Shigan Decoction+Col group showed increased asthma,increased lung and bronchial injury,and increased RE,EOS number,MCP-1 and TNF-α contents,and protein expression levels of IL-6,STAT3,and TRPV1(P<0.05).Conclusion Maxing Shigan Decoction can effectively improve cough variant asthma in rats,and its mechanism is related to the inhibition of IL-6/STAT3 signaling pathway and the high expression of TRPV1.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020420


Objective:To explore the potential categories of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) trajectories in women with multiple in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) failures, and to analyze the effects of different demographic characteristics and psychological factors on the potential categories of PTSD trajectories.Methods:This was a prospective empirical research, from May 2021 to October 2022, women with IVF-ET failure ≥ 2 times in the reproductive department of Shanghai First People′s Hospital from May 2021 to October 2022 were selected as the research objects. Post-traumatic stress disorder civilian version scale was used for 4 follow-ups at 3 d (T1), 10 d (T2), 20 d (T3) after the last transplantation failure and 3 d before the next transplantation cycle (T4). Telephone follow-up and online follow-up were combined to obtain the PTSD level at 4 time points. Potential categories of PTSD score trajectories at four time points were identified using a latent category growth model, and analyze influencing factors using unordered multi classification logistic analysis.Results:Totally 196 IVF-ET women were admitted, aged (29.42 ± 4.13) years. Three PTSD trajectories were fitted in this study, including 82 cases (42%) in non-PTSD group, 61 cases (31%) in mild PTSD group and 53 cases (27%) in elevated PTSD group. Logistic regression analysis showed that age, education level, fertility pressure and marital adjustment level were the predictors of PTSD trajectory in women with multiple IVF-ET failures. Compared with the non-PTSD group, women aged ≥35 years, with lower education level and marital adjustment level were more likely to enter the elevated PTSD group ( OR=4.570, 8.540, 0.949, all P<0.05). Women aged 35 years and with greater reproductive pressure were more likely to enter the mild PTSD group ( OR=3.871, 1.063, both P<0.05). Conclusions:There is group heterogeneity in the trajectories of PTSD in women with multiple IVF-ET failures in the next transplantation cycle. Old age, low education level, high fertility pressure and poor marital adjustment can predict the trajectories of PTSD. Fertility stress and marriage adjustment are changeable variables. Medical staff can relieve women′s fertility pressure through health education and mindfulness intervention, promote a good state of marriage adjustment, and minimize the adverse effects of PTSD on the next cycle of conception.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020481


Objective:To understand the potential categories of e-health literacy of elderly diabetic patients in community, and analyze the relationship between each category and physical activity level, in order to provide theoretical basis for formulating intervention measures to improve e-health literacy of elderly diabetic patients.Methods:This study was across-sectional survey. Elderly diabetic patients from 3 community health service centers in Fenyang City, Shanxi Province were selected by convenient sampling method from January to June 2023. General data questionnaire, e-Health Literacy Scale and International Physical Activity Questionnaire were used to investigate the elderly diabetic patients. Mplus8.0 was used for potential profile analysis, and SPSS 26.0 software was used to compare the differences in physical activity levels among different categories of e-health literacy.Results:Totally 248 elderly diabetes patients in the community aged 60-88 (63.8 ± 6.4) years, 135 males (54.4%) and 113 females (45.6%). The e-health literacy scores of 248 elderly diabetic patients in community were (17.70 ± 5.30), which could be divided into three potential categories: general low literacy group (56.0%, 139/248), high evaluation ability-medium literacy group (18.2%, 45/248) and high access ability-high literacy group (25.8%, 64/248). Three potential categories of physical activity levels were (1 464.74 ± 190.37), (2 094.40 ± 139.70), (2 368.44 ± 157.27) metabolic equivalent-min per week, and the difference was statistically significant ( F=118.83, P<0.001). Conclusions:The e-health literacy of elderly diabetic patients in community can be divided into three potential categories, and the physical activity level of patients with different e-health literacy categories is different. It is suggested that targeted intervention should be conducted based on the homogenous group of elderly diabetic patients with e-health literacy to improve their physical activity level.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020798


Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction,which is caused by the body's uncontrolled immune response to infection.Tissue masts cells(MC),derived from blood mast cell progenitors,are one of the classical effector cells in inflammatory response.MC plays an important role in sepsis via secreting a variety of inflammatory mediators and cytokines.Here,we summarized the potential roles of MC in sepsis,which is expected to provide novel ideas for the future research on the novel mechanisms of MC in sepsis.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021053


Children with autism spectrum disorder usually response abnormally to auditory stimuli.Previous studies of their auditory functions mostly adapted objective electrophysiology tests,including auditory brainstem re-sponse and a series of cortical auditory evoked potentials.Combining the test results of these studies suggests that children with autism spectrum disorder have varying degree of central auditory processing impairment compared to typically developmental children.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021574


BACKGROUND:Transcranial magneto-acoustical electrical stimulation(TMAES)is a non-invasive,high-precision neurofocused stimulation method based on magneto-acoustic coupling electrical effect,which can regulate the rhythmic oscillation of nerve activity,thereby affecting the brain's movement,cognition and other functions. OBJECTIVE:To explore the effect of TMAES on beta oscillations in the neural circuits of healthy rats and Parkinson's rats. METHODS:(1)Animal experiments:Twenty-four Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups(n=6 per group).The rats in the normal control group received no intervention,while those in the normal stimulation group received TMAES(the average spatial peak pulse intensity:13.33 W/cm2,fundamental frequency:0.4 MHz,the number of fundamental wave cycles:1000,and pulse frequency:200 Hz).The model control group and model stimulation group were established by intraperitoneal injection of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine.After successful modeling,the rats in the model control group received sham TMAES stimulation in the prefrontal cortex,and those in the model stimulation group received TMAES in the prefrontal cortex,and the duration of stimulation was 2.0 minutes per day.After an interval of 8-10 minutes,the local field potential signals of rats were collected during the execution of T-maze test and the correct rate of behavior was recorded at the same time to compare and analyze the time-frequency distribution of local field potential signals and behavioral differences among the groups.The stimulation experiment and T-maze test were stopped when the correct rate of rats was higher than 80%for 3 consecutive days.(2)Modeling and simulation experiments:The cortical-basal ganglion circuit model under TMAES was established,and the ultrasonic emission period(5,10,20 ms),ultrasonic emission duty cycle(30%,50%,90%)and induced current density(20,50,100 μA/cm2)were changed respectively to compare the power spectral density values of beta oscillations in healthy rats and Parkinson's rats under different stimulation parameters. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Animal experiments:The spatial learning ability of the rats in the normal control group was stronger than that of the model control group(P<0.001),the spatial learning ability of the rats in the normal stimulation group was stronger than that of the normal control group(P<0.05),and the spatial learning ability of the rats in the model stimulation group was stronger than that of the model control group(P<0.01).The distribution of beta oscillation energy in the normal control group was more concentrated,and the beta oscillation signal energy was reduced in the normal stimulation group compared with the normal control group.The beta oscillation energy was widely distributed and the energy value was significantly higher in the model control group and the model stimulation group than the normal control and normal stimulation groups.Moreover,the beta oscillation signal energy in the model stimulation group was significantly lower than that in the model control group.(2)Modeling and simulation experiments:the peak power spectral density of the beta band of healthy rats without stimulation(30 dB)was significantly lower than that of Parkinson's rats(55 dB).The power spectral density value generally decreased after stimulation.The peak power spectral density in the beta band was positively correlated with the ultrasonic emission period and negatively correlated with the induced current density.In addition,the peak power spectral density value was the lowest when the duty cycle of ultrasonic emission was 50%.These findings indicate that TMAES suppresses beta oscillations in healthy and Parkinson's disease rats,thereby improving motor function and decision-making cognitive function in rats.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021587


BACKGROUND:Muscle weakness is a common symptom after coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)infection and affects the ability to perform daily activities in humans during recovery.Low-frequency pulsed magnetic field stimulation at a strength of 1.5 mT and a frequency of 3 300 Hz can enhance the maximal voluntary contraction and strength endurance of human skeletal muscle by inducing and activating classical transient receptor potential channel 1(TRPC1),which produces a series of pathological support effects on muscle tissue.It has not been studied whether this means will improve muscle weakness in patients recovering from COVID-19. OBJECTIVE:To select the low-frequency pulsed magnetic field for magnetic stimulation of lower limb muscle groups in patients with COVID-19,in order to observe the effect of this stimulation on the improvement of muscle weakness of lower limb muscle groups in patients with COVID-19 during the recovery period. METHODS:Fourteen patients infected with COVID-19(Omicron strain)positive for Innovita COVID-19 Ab Test(Colloidal Gold)and accompanied by muscle weakness were recruited and randomly divided into two groups:a test group receiving magnetic field stimulation and a control group receiving sham treatment,respectively.The total duration of the trial was 3 weeks.The test group was given low-frequency pulsed magnetic stimulation of the lower limbs every 48 hours and the control group was given the same intervention procedure as the test group but with sham stimulation.Patients in both groups were not informed whether the magnetic stimulation apparatus was running or not.Nine sessions were performed in both groups and the changes in the maximum voluntary contraction,explosive leg force and strength endurance of the local muscle groups of the lower limbs were subsequently observed in both groups. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Among the eight local muscle groups collected,seven local muscle groups in the test group showed an increase in the maximum voluntary contraction value after 3 weeks of low-frequency pulsed magnetic field stimulation.In the control group,there were only three muscle groups with improvement in the maximum voluntary contraction.The rate of improvement in the anterior and posterior muscle groups of the left leg in the test group was significantly higher than that in the control group.The longitudinal jump height and peak angular velocity of the knee joint in both groups were improved compared with the pre-test measurement,and the elevation rate of jumping height in the test group was higher than that in the control group.Under the fatigue condition,the decline rates of peak angular velocity of the knee joint and jumping height in the test group decreased significantly,while those in the control group did not change significantly.The above data confirmed that the low-frequency pulsed magnetic field stimulation with the intensity of 1.5 mT and frequency of 3 300 Hz could improve the muscle strength of more local muscle groups in the lower limbs of patients with COVID-19 during the recovery period compared with the human self-healing process,and the whole-body coordination ability and functional status based on explosive leg force of the legs could be significantly improved.Therefore,low-frequency pulsed magnetic field stimulation can be used as an effective,non-exercise rehabilitation tool to improve muscle weakness in the lower limbs of patients with COVID-19.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021650


BACKGROUND:Superovulation is a common therapy in assisted reproductive technology.In clinical practice,some patients experience repeated superovulation to get pregnant. OBJECTIVE:To explore the effect of repeated superovulation on the developmental potential of oocytes in mice and humans. METHODS:Both animal experiments and retrospective clinical research were conducted.The animal study involved 90 SPF grade ICR 8-week-old female mice,who were randomly divided into three groups for 1,3,and 5 superovulations,respectively.The clinical study involved 306 patients who had undergone three consecutive in vitro fertilization cycles.The number of ovules obtained and embryonic development in different cycles were compared. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The animal study indicated that repeated superovulation did not affect the embryonic development or developmental speed of mouse embryos.Similarly,there was no significant difference in the mouse blastocyst apoptosis,DNA damage,or the formation of inner cell mass and trophectoderm(P>0.05).(2)The clinical study also revealed no significant differences in the number of retrieved oocytes(8.60±5.04,8.58±4.87,and 8.38±4.63,P=0.81)and transferable embryos(2.42±1.99,2.40±1.92,and 2.64±2.00,P=0.26)over the three cycles.(3)In both the young group(<35 years)and the old group(≥35 years),the embryo quality was not affected by repeated superovulation(P>0.05).(4)These findings show that repeated superovulation does not affect the developmental potential of oocytes in mice and humans.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021854


BACKGROUND:Yougui Pill is a famous formula of the Chinese traditional medicine,which has good efficacy for lumbar disc herniation due to kidney yang insufficiency. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the potential targets and mechanism of action of Yougui Pill in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation by using network pharmacology and molecular docking technology,and verified by animal experiments. METHODS:(1)Network pharmacological analysis:We obtained the active ingredients and targets of Yougui Pill from TCMSP and other databases,collected genes related to lumbar disc herniation from GeneCards database,and took the intersection of the two for the topological analysis to derive the main active ingredients and core therapeutic targets.Gene ontology function analysis and Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes pathway enrichment analysis were performed using R software.(2)Molecular docking:Autodock and Pymol software were utilized for the prediction of molecular binding energy of TCM active ingredients to core therapeutic targets.(3)Animal experiments:Eighteen Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into a control group,a degeneration group and a Yougui Pill group,with 6 rats in each group.A rat model of intervertebral disc degeneration was prepared by fiber puncture method in the degeneration and Yougui Pill groups.At 2 weeks after modeling,Yougui Pill was given by gavage in the Yougui Pill group,once a day for 2 consecutive weeks.The level of tumor necrosis factor-α in serum was detected by the ELISA method,and morphological changes of the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus cells were observed using hematoxylin-eosin staining. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:There were 90 active ingredients and 64 targets,and the main active ingredients were found to be quercetin,kaempferol,β-carotene,soybean flavonoid,and 4'-O-methylnyasol.The core targets of Yougui Pill for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation were interleukin 6,tumor necrosis factor-α,AKT1,interleukin 1B,and vascular endothelial growth factor A.Enrichment analysis revealed that the intersecting genes might be expressed through the interleukin-17 signaling pathway,tumor necrosis factor signaling pathway,MAPK signaling pathway,PI3K-AKT signaling pathway,and other signaling pathways to improve intervertebral disc degeneration.The molecular docking test verified that quercetin,kaempferol,and β-carotene had strong binding ability to the core targets.Animal experiments showed that the level of serum tumor necrosis factor α in the degeneration group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05),and the level of serum tumor necrosis factor α in the Yougui Pill group was lower than that in the degeneration group(P<0.05).Hematoxylin-eosin staining showed that the fibrous annulus of the intervertebral discs and the structure of the nucleus pulposus in the degeneration group were destroyed,and the number of nucleus pulposus cells was reduced;there was a tendency to reconstructing the fibrous annulus of the intervertebral discs in the Yougui Pill group,and the number of nucleus pulposus cells increased compared with the degeneration group.To conclude,Yougui Pill may treat lumbar disc herniation by improving disc degeneration through the effects of quercetin,kaempferol,beta-carotene and other key active ingredients on core targets such as tumor necrosis factor.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 38-40,45, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022195


Clean governance risk management is one of the important tasks of the Party building in public hospitals in the new era.This article reviews and analyzes the corruption case judgments of public hospitals in 2020 and 2021 published on the China Judgment Document Network,summarizes the high incidence of potential corruption risks in public hospitals,and proposes risk prevention strategies based on the requirements of high-quality development of public hospitals in the new era,in order to provide new ideas and countermeasures for future anti-corruption risk management in public hospitals.

Journal of Xinxiang Medical College ; (12): 221-226,231, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022676


Objective To explore the regularity and potential mechanisms of medicinal and edible herbs(MEHs)in the treatment of myelosuppression through the retrieval,summary,sorting and visual analysis of relevant literature.Methods Literature about MEHs treatment for myelosuppression was reviewed in document databases,such as Web of Science,CNKI,Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform,China Science and Technology Journal Database,and China Biology Medicine Disc.Multivariate statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS and CiteSpace software to explore the frequency,efficacy and correlation of MEHs,as well as the potential mechanisms of MEHs in treating myelosuppression.Results A total of 123 recipes involving 170 traditional Chinese medicines(including 38 MEHs)were screened out.Five pairs of MEHs core combinations in the treatment of myelosuppression were obtained by cluster analysis.Their main functions included benefiting qi and nourishing blood,invigo-rating spleen and dispelling dampness,replenishing qi and solidifying kidney.The potential mechanisms were associated with many related signal pathways,such as Janus kinase 2-signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 andβ-catenini.Conclusion MEHs such as radix astragali combined with angelica sinensis,poria cocos and codonopsis pilosula are mainly used clinically to treat myelosuppression induced by chemotherapy.They play their therapeutic effects by promoting proliferation and delaying senescence of hematopoietic stem cells.

Journal of Medical Research ; (12): 81-85, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023630


Objective To investigate the effect of anti-Mullerian hormone(AMH)levels on the development potential of oocytes in patients with polycystic ovarian morphology(PCOM)complicated with infertility during in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer.Methods A total of 480 infertile patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected(160 cases in control group,104 cases in PCOM group and 216 cases in PCOS group),AMH levels were compared among different groups.According to the serum AMH level(4.7ng/ml as normal value,>4.7ng/ml as high value),both PCOM and PCOS patients were divided into normal AMH group and high AMH group.The differences of oocyte indexes and their correlation between different AMH levels in PCOM and PCOS patients were ana-lyzed.Results The basal androgen level in PCOS group was significantly higher than that in PCOM group(P<0.01).The comparison of serum AMH value showed that the control group<PCOM group<PCOS group(P<0.001).Laboratory indexes showed that the num-ber of mature oocytes,2PN,fertilization,D3 cleavage and total embryos in the high AMH group were significantly higher than those in the normal AMH group in PCOM and PCOS patients(P<0.05).The AMH levels was positively correlated with the number of mature oo-cytes,2PN,fertilization,D3 cleavage and total embryos(P<0.05).In the PCOS group,the number of dominant follicles,oocytes,high-quality embryos and available embryos in the high AMH group were significantly higher than those in the normal AMH group(P<0.05),and the AMH levels was positively correlated with the number of dominant follicles,oocytes,high-quality embryos and available embryos(P<0.05).However,there was no significant difference in the above indicators among different AMH levels in PCOM group(P>0.05).Conclusion The serum AMH level of PCOM patients with infertility is higher than that of the control group,but lower than that of PCOS patients.PCOM patients with high AMH level can obtain better quality oocytes and more embryos,and increase the number of transplantation in patients with repeated transplantation failure,thereby improving the clinical pregnancy rate.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023895


AIM:To examine the effects of borneol on inflammation and myocardial remodeling after myocar-dial infarction(MI)in mice,and to investigate the underlying mechanisms.METHODS:Eight-week-old wild-type(WT)C57BL/6 mice and transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8(TRPM8)gene knockout(TRPM8-/-)mice were randomly divided into sham and MI groups,and were subsequently treated with normal saline(control group)or borneol(borneol group)via gavage.Survival curves were plotted for WT and TRPM8-/-mice with MI treated with or with-out borneol.After 28 d,cardiac function of the mice was assessed through echocardiography,and haemodynamic indexes were evaluated using a multi-channel physiological instrument.Infarct size,myocardial hypertrophy and interstitial fibro-sis were assessed via pathological staining.In addition,inflammatory response in the peri-infarct region was detected.RE-SULTS:The TRPM8 expression was up-regulated in the peri-infarct region of the mice with MI(P<0.05),and borneol had no effect on TRPM8 expression(P>0.05).Borneol increased the survival rate,reduced the infarct size,inhibited car-diac remodeling and improved cardiac function in WT mice with MI(P<0.05 or P<0.01).However,it did not affect the survival rate,infarct size,myocardial hypertrophy,myocardial fibrosis or cardiac function in TRPM8-/-mice(P>0.05).Furthermore,borneol reduced inflammatory cell infiltration and the expression of inflammatory cytokines,tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),interleukin-1β(IL-1β),IL-6 and monocyte chemotactic protein-1(MCP-1),in WT mice(P<0.05 or P<0.01)but not in TRPM8-/-mice(P>0.05).CONCLUSION:Borneol attenuates inflammation,inhibits cardiac re-modeling and improves cardiac function in mice with MI via TRPM8.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 174-177, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028914


External physicochemical factors and emotional changes often lead to intermittent facial flushing in patients with rosacea, accompanied by burning, stinging, and itching sensations. Many studies have demonstrated that neurovascular dysfunction and neurogenic inflammation induced by neuropeptides released following the activation of ion channels were associated with the occurrence of rosacea. This review summarizes research progress on the role of ion channels in the pathogenesis of rosacea and provides evidence for further research on ion channels as potential therapeutic targets for rosacea.