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Revista Areté ; 21(1): 105-112, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1354659


Introducción: El proceso de envejecimiento, al igual que en todo el organismo, genera una serie de cambios en las estructuras estomatognáticas, y estos cambios morfológicos, característicos en el mecanismo de la deglución en sujetos sanos de edad avanzada caracterizan a la Presbifagia. Objetivo: Realizar un análisis crítico-reflexivo en torno a la conceptualización desde las diversas ópticas de los autores que exponen el fenómeno, con el fin de abrir la discusión dirigida a establecer un lenguaje unificado en pro de dirigir las acciones fonoaudiológicas hacia las áreas de promoción de la salud de la función deglutoria y prevención de la disfagia esta población. Metodología: Se seleccionaron, por conveniencia, artículos y capítulos de libros de especialidad publicados en la última década, que abordan las alteraciones deglutorias en adultos mayores, para comparar similitudes y diferencias en la forma de abordar el fenómeno. Resultados: Se evidencia que, pese al exponencial progreso de la disciplina, no existe consenso conceptual entre los especialistas al momento de hacer referencia a los cambios anatomofuncionales de la biomecánica deglutoria y la transición de la presbifagia a la disfagia en los adultos mayores. Discusión: Una interesante discusión se genera en torno a la presbifagia y los parámetros de seguridad, efectividad, competencia y confortabilidad, dado que los cambios neurológicos-estructurales son frecuentes en la tercera edad, los cuales acarrean diversas consecuencias, desde grados leves a severos, que impactan de forma diferenciada en los indicadores que habitualmente se describen en la clínica. Sin embargo, la conceptualización utilizada no es clara al realizar una distinción entre un estado transicional o de afección. Conclusión: Los cambios en el envejecimiento deben seguir siendo estudiados desde las diferentes concepciones para comprender mejor los fenómenos neurofisiológicos y anatómicos que se originan entorno a la Presbifagia.

Introduction: The aging process, as in the whole organism, generates a series of changes in the stomatognathic structures, and these morphological changes, characteristic of the swallowing mechanism in healthy elderly subjects, characterize Presbyphagia. Objective: To carry out a critical-reflective analysis around the conceptualization from the different perspectives of the authors who expose the phenomenon, in order to open the discussion aimed at establishing a unified language in favor of directing speech therapy actions towards the areas of promotion of the health of the swallowing function and prevention of dysphagia in this population. Methodology: Articles and chapters of specialty books published in the last decade, which address swallowing disorders in older adults, were selected for convenience in order to compare similarities and differences in the way of approaching the phenomenon. Results: It is evident that, despite the exponential progress of the discipline, there is no conceptual consensus among specialists when referring to anatomical and functional changes in swallowing biomechanics and the transition from presbyophagia to dysphagia in older adults. Discussion: An interesting discussion is generated around presbyphagia and the parameters of safety, effectiveness, competence and comfort, given that neurological-structural changes are frequent in the elderly, which carry various consequences, from mild to severe degrees. that have a differentiated impact on the indicators that are usually described in the clinic. However, the conceptualization used is not clear when making a distinction between a transitional state or a state of affection. Conclusion: Changes in aging must continue to be studied from different conceptions to better understand the neurophysiological and anatomical phenomena that originate around Presbyphagia.

Transtornos de Deglutição , Deglutição , Fonoterapia , Envelhecimento , Saúde , Doença , Dieta , Promoção da Saúde
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(4): 580-587, ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138592


RESUMEN El propósito del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de presbifagia en adultos mayores que viven en la comunidad y estudiar el estado nutricional e ingesta alimentaria. Material y métodos: Estudio de caso-control con personas mayores de 65 años, pertenecientes a clubes de adultos mayores de Chillán, Chile. La ingesta alimentaria se evaluó a través de la encuesta de tendencia de consumo cuantificada y encuesta de modificación alimentaria creada y validada para este estudio. La presencia de presbifagia se diagnosticó mediante el cuestionario EAT-10 y el diagnóstico de disfagia por MECV-V realizado por fonoaudiólogo. El estado nutricional se evaluó a través del índice de masa corporal. Resultados: La prevalencia de presbifagia fue de 29,5% y disfagia 14,5%. El 74% de los adultos mayores con presbifagia tenía malnutrición por exceso versus 48% de los con disfagia, el 55,5% tenía un cumplimiento insuficiente de energía, situación que no coincide con el estado nutricional predominante de malnutrición por exceso. Las calorías consumidas fueron en base a carbohidratos y proteínas. Tenían una baja ingesta de agua, fibra, calcio y vitamina D y alto consumo de sodio. Los adultos mayores con disfagia demoran más tiempo en comer y han dejado de consumir alimentos que dificultan la deglución como frutas, carnes y arroz. Conclusión: La prevalencia de adultos mayores que viven en la comunidad con presbifagia fue de 29,5%, con malnutrición por exceso en el 74%, para facilitar el proceso deglutorio los adultos mayores con disfagia realizan modificaciones alimentarias a los sólidos.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the present study was to determine the prevalence of presbyphagia in community-living elderly persons and to study nutritional status and dietary intake. Material and methods: We conducted a case-control study with persons over 65 years of age, belonging to clubs for the elderly in Chillán, Chile. Dietary intake was evaluated through a food frequency questionnaire and food modification survey created and validated for this study. Presbyphagia was diagnosed by means of the EAT-10 questionnaire and dysphagia by a speech therapist with MECV-V. The nutritional status was evaluated through the body mass index. Results: The prevalence of presbyphagia was 29.5% and dysphagia 14.5%. 74% of those with presbyphagia had excess malnutrition versus 48% of those with dysphagia, 55.5% had insufficient energy compliance, a situation that does not coincide with the prevailing nutritional status of excess malnutrition. The calories consumed were based on carbohydrates and proteins. They had a low intake of water, fiber, calcium and vitamin D and high sodium in-take. Elderly persons with dysphagia took longer to eat and reported having stopped eating foods difficult to swallow such as fruits, meats and rice. Conclusion: The prevalence of community-living elderly persons with presbyphagia was 29.5% and, among those with presbyphagia, 74% had excess malnutrition. To facilitate the swallowing process, active elderly persons with dysphagia make food modifications to solid food intake.

Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Estado Nutricional , Complacência (Medida de Distensibilidade) , Alimentos , Transtornos de Deglutição , Índice de Massa Corporal , Desnutrição
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-711259


Objective To observe the features of spontaneous swallowing sounds of both the young and the elderly.Methods One hundred healthy individuals were randomly divided into an elderly group (60-85 years old) and a youth group (19-30 years old),each of 50 (25 male and female individuals).Both groups were measured with regard to their neck circumference (neck circumference around the thyroid cartilage level) and body mass index (BMI).Spontaneous swallowing sounds were detected for 20 minutes on the thyroid cartilage below the left side of trachea.By using RavenProl.5.0,the swallowing sounds were segmented,tagged and calculated in terms of the spontaneous swallowing frequency per minute (SPM),swallowing duration,energy consumption,duration of half energy consumption and proportion of half energy consumption duration.All data were finally analyzed using R3.4.0.Results There was no significant difference in the average neck circumference between the youth group and the elderly group [(34.31±3.45) cm versus (33.95±3.00)cm] (P=0.5789).The BMI of the youth group was significantly lower than that of the elderly group [(21.97±2.65)kg/m2 vs (23.43±2.89)kg/m2].The SPM of the elderly group was significantly lower than that of the youth group [(0.39±0.34) /min vs (0.91±0.51)/min,P<0.0001].The length of swallowing,the energy consumption per swallowing and the duration of half energy consumption of the elderly group (0.92±0.29 seconds,76.88 ± 9.82 dB and 0.43 ± 0.24 seconds) were significantly higher than those of the youth group (0.84±0.26 seconds,75.43±8.93 dB and 0.38±0.19 seconds).However,no significant differences were found in the proportion of half energy consumption duration in the whole swallowing sound duration (P=0.6859).Conclusions Compared with the young,the frequency of spontaneous swallowing decreased and the swallowing duration prolonged significantly in the elderly.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-648310


Dysphagia is difficulty of effect movement of the bolus from the mouth to the stomach. From and anatomical standpoints, dysphagia is typically classified as oropharyngeal dysphagia (OPD) and esophageal dysphagia (ED). In general, OPD is more highly prevalent condition compared with ED, and associated with severe complications such as malnutrition, dehydration and aspiration pneumonia. These complications are fatal especially in the elderly. Therefore, for preventing severe complications, appropriate and prompt management should be provided to dysphagia patients. However, the decrease of swallowing function is considered as a part of natural aging process. This condition is called as presbyphagia. Although Presbyphagia refers to characteristic changes in the process of swallowing of healthy elderly, it can be a risk factor of dysphagia. With this in mind, for avoiding overdiagnosis or underdiagnosis of dysphagia, we should distinguish among presbyphagia, dysphagia and other related diagnoses. For this reason, understanding about physiology of normal swallowing and natural changes of swallows by aging are essential for physicians. Hence, this review discusses the normal swallow, senile changes of swallow, and dysphagia especially in OPD.

Idoso , Humanos , Envelhecimento , Deglutição , Transtornos de Deglutição , Desidratação , Diagnóstico , Desnutrição , Uso Excessivo dos Serviços de Saúde , Boca , Fisiologia , Pneumonia Aspirativa , Fatores de Risco , Estômago , Andorinhas