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Rev. chil. nutr ; 48(5)oct. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388534


RESUMEN Es cada vez más frecuente la exposición de los adultos emergentes a prácticas socioculturales que afectan su salud mental, cumpliendo un papel importante en la manifestación de la obsesión por la delgadez y la musculatura. Por ello, el propósito del estudio fue comparar la obsesión por la delgadez y la musculatura entre mujeres adultas emergentes universitarias de Chile y España respecto a factores socio-culturales, satisfacción corporal y variables psicológicas vinculadas a la imagen corporal. De esta forma, la presente investigación se realizó desde un enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño no experimental transversal, de alcance correlacional, con una muestra compuesta por 230 participantes (n chilenas= 155; n españolas= 75). Los resultados evidenciaron una diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos en la obsesión por la musculatura, siendo mayor en España. El modelo predictivo de obsesión por la delgadez estuvo compuesto por las variables de perfeccionismo, satisfacción corporal en forma negativa, presión social de la familia, de los medios de comunicación y nacionalidad española, explicando así el 45% de la varianza, mientras que el modelo explicativo para obsesión por la musculatura permite predecir un 16% de su varianza a partir de la nacionalidad española, la obsesión por la delgadez, la presión social de la familia y la actividad física regular. Finalmente, se plantea la necesidad de fomentar indagaciones futuras y profundizar más en las temáticas que permitan prevenir en las jóvenes mujeres con mayor riesgo de padecer alguna de estas problemáticas.

ABSTRACT Exposure of emerging adults to sociocultural practices that affect their mental health is more and more frequent, playing an important role in the manifestation of a drive for thinness and muscularity. The purpose of the study was to compare the drive for thinness and drive for muscularity, among emerging adult university women from Chile and Spain. We evaluated socio-cultural factors, body satisfaction and psychological variables linked to body image using a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. We used a correlational-causal scope, with a sample of 230 participants (n Chileans= 155; n Spanish= 75). The results evidenced a significant difference between the two groups in drive for muscularity, being higher in Spain. The predictive model of drive for thinness was made up of the variables of perfectionism, negative body satisfaction, social pressure from the family, the media and Spanish nationality, explaining 45% of the variance. The model for drive for muscularity predicted 16% of the variance based on Spanish nationality, drive for thinness, social pressure from the family and regular physical activity. Finally, there is a need to encourage future inquiries and delve deeper into the issues that allow young women at higher risk of suffering from any of these problems to be prevented.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 10(2): 104-113, abr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152717


Resumen México ha desarrollado diversas acciones que buscan cambiar el sistema tradicional binario de los géneros para promover la equidad entre estos (CONAPRED, 2018, 2018). Se ha identificado que, a través de las amistades del mismo sexo, se socializan los patrones de género típicos socialmente para mujeres y hombres (Winstead, Derlega, & Rose, 1997). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la asociación entre la presión social de amistades y familiares en la conformación de la identidad de género (Córdoba & Sapién, 2011). Para lo cual, se conformó una muestra de 313 adolescentes quienes contestaron la escala de identidad de género (Eagan & Perry, 2001). Los hallazgos muestran que los hombres tienen mayor presión social por la familia y amistades que las mujeres, además se encontró que la presión social por parte de las amistades predice la identidad de género durante la adolescencia en hombres y mujeres. Particularmente, en hombres se observa que la presión de amistades del mismo sexo conlleva a tener mayor autopercepción de las conductas no típicas al género asignado. Finalmente, existen percepciones que apuntan a que los esfuerzos por la equidad de los géneros tienen incidencia en la conformación de la identidad de género en las mujeres.

Abstract In the last decade, Mexico has developed various actions that seek to change the traditional binary gender system in aims to promote equity among them (CONAPRED, 2018). It has been identified that socializing provides typical gender patterns for women and men through same sex friendships (Winstead, Derlega, & Rose, 1997). The purpose of this study is to analyze the association between social pressure from friends and family in the conformation of gender identity (Córdoba & Sapién, 2011). In order to accomplish this purpose, a non-random sample of 313 adolescents from Mexico City was formed that answered the gender identity scale (Eagan & Perry, 2001). The findings show that men have greater social pressure from family and friends than women, and it was also found that it is the social pressure from same sex friends that predicts gender identity during adolescence in both men and women. Particularly, for men it is possible to observed that the pressure of same sex friends leads to a greater self-perception of behaviors that are not typical of the assigned gender. This research identify that it is more important the same sex friends than family in gender identity. Finally, findings show that the efforts for gender equality are shaping the gender identity of women.

Salud ment ; 33(4): 325-332, jul.-ago. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632786


Introduction Body image is a concept which involves the feelings, attitudes and perceptions people have about their own body, and is influenced by the adoption of social standards. Body image studies are used in the field of eating disorders research in order to analyze the degree of body dissatisfaction. However, most of the scales proposed to assess body image have been developed in Anglo-Saxon and European countries. Therefore, research on this topic in other socio-cultural contexts requires the standardization and validation of culturally adapted instruments. The aim of the present study was to determine and discuss the reliability and validity of a Mexican scale which measures body image. Additionally, comparisons regarding body dissatisfaction, internalization of the aesthetic ideal of thinness, social influence, age and Body Mass Index (BMI) were made between groups of female college students with and without disordered eating. Materials and methods The sample of this study comprised 508 female college students from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, selected by means of a probabilistic stratification procedure taking into account the proportion of female students enrolled in each academic area of the university. Their average age was 20.1 years; their mean weight was 57.2 kg with an average height of 1.58 m, whereas the average BMI was 22.8. Based on the theoretical assumptions, three indicators were defined to structure the Body Image Scale: body dissatisfaction, social influence and the internalization of the aesthetic ideal of thinness, measured by a five-point Likert-type scale ranging from never (1) to always (5). A pilot study was carried out in a population of 100 college women; as a result, some adjustments were made in the instructions and in the order of the items. Additionally, a content validation was conducted through the judgments of four professional experts in the clinical mental health area. The scale contains thirty-three items; six of them refer to criticism and family pressure to maintain a slim silhouette and twelve address body dissatisfaction. The remaining fifteen items were taken from the Attitudes Towards Body Figure Questionnaire developed by Unikel, Gomez Peresmitré and Juarez. Results After using Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin's (KMO) and Bartlett's tests for establishing the factor structure of the instrument and obtaining a value of 0.94 (p<0.001), the composition of the final version of the scale consisted of twenty-six items grouped into three factors: Factor I: Body dissatisfaction, containing 10 items, with a mean of 3.1 (s.d. = 0.8), accounting for 17.9% of the variance and with a value of Cronbach's Alpha of .84. Factor II: Internalization of the aesthetic ideal of thinness, including 10 items with a mean of 3.5 (s.d.=0.9) which explained 15.2% of the variance and with a value of Cronbach's Alpha of .89. Factor III: Social influence consisted of 6 items with a mean of 3.8 (s.d.=0.8), and accounted for 9.9% of the variance and with a value of Cronbach's Alpha of .82. A discriminant analysis was performed in order to determine if there were any differences according to body image and disordered eating and to establish the predictive validity of the scale. The results indicated that 13 of the 26 items correctly classified the body image scale in 98.2% of the original grouped cases and 97.4% of the cases grouped by cross-validation. A comparative analysis using Student's t-test was conducted among students who had high and low scores in BCCAR (Brief Questionnaire to measure Risky Eating Behaviors), yielding significant differences in their scores on all three factors of the scale. This indicates that women with disordered eating show significantly higher degrees of body dissatisfaction, internalization of the aesthetic ideal of thinness and social influence than women without disorder. Discussion The results of the study showed that the Body Image Scale has acceptable levels of validity and reliability, making it an adequate instrument for differentiating between women with and without disordered eating. The results reveal that high levels of body dissatisfaction were expressed in the majority of the sample, which is consistent with a previous study performed by Baile, Raich and Garrido in Spain, where 80% of the teenage girls expressed dissatisfaction with their body image. Lamerias et al. also found that 85% of the Spanish female college students were dissatisfied with their weight. A considerable degree of internalization of the aesthetic thin body ideal was observed in the sample, as a significant percentage of the participants with body dissatisfaction referred that body weight is important for getting nice clothes and that they are willing to do anything for a slimmer body shape. Also, physical appearance and body weight are deemed necessary for feeling fine. As the difference in body image in terms of eating behaviors risk is concerned, women presenting more risk obtained higher mean scores on the body dissatisfaction, internalization of the aesthetic thin body ideal and social influence factors, which could be a consequence of their perception of disapproval and body disgust. Troisi et al. also reported having found significant negative correlations between body image satisfaction and the presence of eating disorders. The findings of the comparison between body image dissatisfaction in terms of BMI showed that women with low weight are the least satisfied, followed by the ones who present obesity. This suggests that individuals with extreme thinness tend to have greater body image dissatisfaction, whereas Mirza, Davis and Yanovsi found that persons who are overweight or obese are the most dissatisfied. Regarding the internalization of the aesthetic thin body ideal and BMI, the highest scores were obtained in underweight women, followed by the obese ones. This is consistent with what Unikel et al. refer, mentioning that a thin body is socially perceived as more attractive, and also eating less is considered to be more feminine. It is concluded that, according to the results of the study, the proposed scale constitutes an adequate instrument for measuring body image in Mexican samples. Taking some items from already validated instruments proved to be useful for integrating all dimensions of the construct. However, it is considered necessary to obtain data on concurrent validity, sensitivity and specificity values in other samples and to determine cut-off points, in order to confirm its usefulness for research on body image.

Introducción La imagen corporal es la representación mental del cuerpo que cada individuo construye en términos de sentimiento y actitudes hacia el propio cuerpo. El propósito de este estudio es: desarrollar, validar y encontrar el grado de confiabilidad de una escala para medir la imagen corporal en dos grupos de mujeres estudiantes de nivel universitario, uno con conductas alimentarias de riesgo (CAR) y otro sin ellas, así como establecer comparaciones respecto a la edad y al índice de masa corporal (IMC). Material y método El trabajo se realizó en una muestra probabilística estratificada de 508 mujeres que estudian en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Para realizar la integración del constructo de imagen corporal se definieron tres indicadores: insatisfacción corporal, influencia social e interiorización del ideal estético de delgadez. Primero se piloteó la escala de imagen corporal compuesta por 40 reactivos aplicándose a una muestra de tipo intencional en 100 mujeres universitarias de nivel superior. Una vez modificada la escala se llevó a cabo una validación de contenido a través del método de expertos. Asimismo, para medir las conductas alimentarias de riesgo se utilizó el Cuestionario Breve para medir Conductas Alimentarias de Riesgo (CBCAR) de Unikel, Bojórquez y Carreño. Para el procesamiento de los datos se llevaron a cabo análisis de consistencia interna (Alfa de Cronbach) y análisis factorial de componentes principales con rotación varimax. Para la comparación de medias se utilizó la t de Student y para la exploración de la diferencia entre las variables de imagen corporal, una prueba de análisis de varianza (Anova de una vía) y la prueba a posteriori de Scheffé para la diferenciación entre imagen corporal, edad e IMC. Resultados La composición de la versión final de la prueba fue de 26 reactivos, integrados en tres factores: El factor I se denominó insatisfacción corporal, consta de 10 reactivos con una media de 3.1 (d.e.=0.8), un total de la varianza explicada de 17.9% y un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.84. El factor II se denominó interiorización del ideal estético de delgadez, se formó por 10 reactivos, con una media de 3.5 (d.e.=0.9), varianza explicada de 15.2% y un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.89. El factor III se denominó influencia social, se formó de seis reactivos, con una media de 3.8 (d.e =0.8), varianza explicada de 9.9% y un alfa de Cronbach de 0.82. Para observar el nivel de confiabilidad total del instrumento se realizó un análisis de consistencia interna de los 26 reactivos restantes con el cual se obtuvo un valor alfa de Cronbach de 0.94. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de comparación con la prueba t de Student la cual indicó que las mujeres con CAR mostraron mayor insatisfacción corporal, interiorización del ideal estético de la delgadez e influencia social. No se presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto a la comparación por edad, mientras que resultaron significativas las comparaciones entre el IMC y los factores de insatisfacción corporal e interiorización del ideal estético de delgadez. Discusión La evidencia indica que la escala de medición de imagen corporal cuenta con valores de validez y confiabilidad adecuados. De la misma manera se observó una validez predictiva aceptable que permitió clasificar correctamente una elevada proporción de los casos (97.4%). Estos resultados pusieron de manifiesto que la insatisfacción corporal es un factor presente en la mayoría de la muestra estudiada. Respecto a la diferencia de medias de la imagen corporal entre mujeres que presentan CAR y las que no, se encontró que en las primeras las puntuaciones fueron mayores. En cuanto a la insatisfacción corporal y el IMC, se observó que los grupos con mayor grado de insatisfacción fueron los de las mujeres con bajo peso seguidos de las mujeres con obesidad.