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Orinoquia ; 23(2): 87-96, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115044


Resumen El estudio de lagos como fuentes de recursos naturales de diversa índole constituye una preocupación de entidades que regulan su manejo en conservación y producción sostenible en interacción de factores bióticos y abióticos que afectan el ecosistema. En consecuencia, éste proyecto puede generar información científica permanente para un plan de ordenamiento de la cuenca del lago Guamuez en cumplimiento de compromisos internacionales y nacionales en la conservación del humedal La Cocha. La presente investigación mediante 12 muestreos periódicos en cinco estaciones: 1. Intiyaco (E1), zona superficial (A) y zona profunda (B); las siguientes estaciones se ubicaron a partir de E1; estación 2. 50 metros (C); 3. 100 metros (D); 4. 150 metros (E) y 5. Centro del lago (F), análisis de varianza, prueba de normalidad y correlación, pretendió evaluar el efecto de las explotaciones acuícolas en jaulas flotantes sobre las variables fisicoquímicas y biológicas del lago Guamuez. La condición limnológica, presentó diferencias significativas entre aguas superficiales y profundas (respectivamente NH-N y DB, con P-PO, DQ, Colift y Coliff); el pH y NTU en A y B, difieren de los demás sitios evaluados. Existe mayor concentración (P<0,05) de OD y %O en estación 3. En el año 2008 las estaciones 1 y 5 señalan mayor media en la estimación de OD, pH, Dur y DB y para el año 2018, aumentó los parámetros limitantes hacia el centro del lago (NH-N, P-PO, NTU y Colift); así, el 70% de los parámetros de evaluación en el proyecto Intiyaco, aumentaron su estimación media entre los años 2008 y 2018 (DB, OD y %O). La concentración de E. coli presenta mayor media (P<0,05) en B y difiere de A, C, D, E y F; mientras fosfatos y Colift difieren (P<0,05) entre A y las estaciones B, C, D, E y F.

Abstract The study of lakes as sources of natural resources of various kinds constitutes a concern of entities that regulate their management in conservation and sustainable production in interaction of biotic and abiotic factors that affect the ecosystem. Consequently, this project can generate permanent scientific information for a management plan for the Guamuez Lake basin in compliance with international and national commitments in the conservation of the La Cocha wetland. The present investigation by means of 12 periodic sampling in five stations: 1. Intiyaco (E1), superficial zone (A) and deep zone (B); the following stations were located from E1; station 2. 50 meters (C); 3. 100 meters (D); 4. 150 meters (E) and 5. Center of the lake (F), analysis of variance, normality test and correlation, sought to evaluate the effect of aquaculture farms in floating cages on the physicochemical and biological variables of Lake Guamuez. The limnological condition showed significant differences between surface and deep waters (respectively NH-N and DB, with P-PO, DQ, Colift and Coliff); the pH and NTU in A and B, differ from the other sites evaluated. There is a higher concentration (P<0,05) of OD and %O in station 3. In 2008, stations 1 and 5 show a higher average in the estimation of OD, pH, Dur and DB and for 2018, the parameters increased limiting towards the center of the lake (NH-N, P-PO, NTU and Colift); Thus, 70% of the evaluation parameters in the Intiyaco project increased their average estimate between 2008 and 2018 (DB, OD and %O). The concentration of E. coli has a higher mean (P<0,05) in B and differs from A, C, D, E and F; while phosphates and Colift differ (P<0,05) between A and stations B, C, D, E and F.

Resumo O estudo de lagos como fontes de recursos naturais de vários tipos constitui uma preocupação de entidades que regulam seu manejo na conservação e produção sustentável na interação de fatores bióticos e abióticos que afetam o ecossistema. Consequentemente, este projeto pode gerar informações científicas permanentes para um plano de manejo da bacia do lago Guamuez, em conformidade com os compromissos internacionais e nacionais na conservação do pantanal de La Cocha. A presente investigação por meio de 12 amostragens periódicas em cinco estações: 1. Intiyaco (E1), zona superficial (A) e zona profunda (B); as seguintes estações foram localizadas a partir da E1; estação 2. 50 metros (C); 3. 100 metros (D); 4. 150 metros (E) e 5. Centro do lago (F), análise de variância, teste de normalidade e correlação, procuraram avaliar o efeito de fazendas de aquicultura em gaiolas flutuantes nas variáveis ​​físico-químicas e biológicas do lago Guamuez. A condição limnológica mostrou diferenças significativas entre águas superficiais e profundas (respectivamente NH-N e DB, com P-PO, DQ, Colift e Coliff); O pH e NTU em A e B diferem dos demais locais avaliados. Há uma maior concentração (P<0,05) de DO e %O na estação 3. Em 2008, as estações 1 e 5 apresentam uma média mais alta na estimativa de DO, pH, Dur e DB e, para 2018, os parâmetros aumentaram limitando em direção ao centro do lago (NH-N, P-PO, NTU e Colift); Assim, 70% dos parâmetros de avaliação no projeto Intiyaco aumentaram sua estimativa média entre 2008 e 2018 (DB, OD e %O). A concentração de E. coli tem uma média mais alta (P<0,05) em B e difere de A, C, D, E e F; enquanto os fosfatos e Colift diferem (P<0,05) entre A e as estações B, C, D, E e F.

Rev. biol. trop ; 65(3): 1161-1173, Jul.-Sep. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897611


Resumen: El crecimiento diamétrico arbóreo (CDA) es un componente fundamental de la productividad primaria neta (PPN) y del almacenamiento de carbono en ecosistemas boscosos, por lo cual cumple un papel importante en la mitigación del cambio climático global. Se ha planteado la hipótesis de que en los bosques lluviosos tropicales de baja altitud el CDA está limitado por la disponibilidad edáfica de nutrientes; sin embargo, pocas evidencias experimentales la apoyan, especialmente en bosques con alta precipitación (>5 000 mm anuales). Este estudio evalúa los efectos de la fertilización del suelo sobre el CDA en bosques pluviales tropicales del Pacífico Colombiano, una de las zonas más lluviosas del mundo. Tales efectos se evaluaron a nivel de localidades, categorías diamétricas, densidad de madera y grupos funcionales. Para ello, se realizaron dos inventarios arbóreos (2014 y 2015), se aplicaron cinco tratamientos de fertilización (nitrógeno-N, fósforo-P, potasio-K, NPK y Control) y se determinó el CDA en cinco parcelas permanentes de una hectárea. Se encontró que la aplicación de N y NPK tuvo poco efecto sobre el CDA con respecto al control, mientras que la adición de P y K produjo reducción significativa en la tasa de crecimiento relativo arbórea con respecto al control a nivel de las localidades, en árboles pequeños y medianos, en todas las densidades de madera (baja, media y alta) y en el grupo de plantas dicotiledóneas. Aunque los resultados no corroboraron la hipótesis de limitación de nutrientes sobre el CDA en los bosques estudiados, se evidenció que durante los primeros años de fertilización (principalmente con P y K) ocurrieron cambios en los patrones de PPN aérea y subterránea, probablemente para maximizar la fotosíntesis y la adquisición de nutrientes del suelo.

Abstract: The tree diameter growth (CDA) is a fundamental component of net primary productivity (NPP) and carbon storage in forest ecosystems; therefore, it plays a key role in mitigating global climate change. It has been hypothesized that CDA in lowland tropical rain forests is limited by the availability of soil nutrients, yet little experimental evidence is available, especially in forest of high precipitation (>5 000 mm per year). This study evaluated the effects of soil fertilization on CDA in tropical rainforests of the Colombian Pacific, one of the wettest areas of the world. Such effects were assessed at the level of localities, diametric categories, wood density, and functional groups. To do this, two arboreal inventories (2014 and 2015) were performed, five fertilization treatments (Nitrogen-N, Phosphorus-P, Potassium-K, NPK and Control) were applied, and the CDA was determined in five permanent plots of one hectare. We found that the application of N and NPK had little effect on CDA as compared to the control; while the addition of P and K produced significant reduction of the trees relative growth rate, with respect to the control at the level of localities, in small and medium sized trees, in all wood densities (low, medium and high), and in the group of dicotyledonous species. Although these results did not corroborate the hypothesis of nutrient limitation on CDA in the studied forests, it was found that during the early years of fertilization (mainly with P and K), different patterns of aboveground and belowground NPP occurred to maximize photosynthesis and soil nutrient acquisition. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (3): 1161-1173. Epub 2017 September 01.

Rev. biol. trop ; 65(1): 375-392, Jan.-Mar. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-897549


Abstract:Previous work has highlighted the critical role of macroalgal productivity and dynamics in supporting and structuring marine food webs. Spatio-temporal variability in macroalgae can alter coastal ecosystems, a relationship particularly visible along upwelling-influenced coastlines. As a result of its equatorial location and nutrient rich, upwelling-influenced waters, the Galápagos Archipelago in the East Pacific, hosts a productive and biodiverse marine ecosystem. Reports and collections of macroalgae date back to the Beagle voyage, and since then, more than three hundred species have been reported. However, their ecology and functional role in the ecosystem is not well understood. According to various disparate and in part anecdotal sources of information, abundant and diverse communities exist in the Western regions of the archipelago, the North is essentially barren, and in the central/South abundance and distribution is variable and less well defined. Both oceanographic conditions and herbivore influence have been theorized to cause this pattern. Extensive changes in macroalgal productivity and community composition have occurred during strong ENSO events, and subsequent declines in marine iguana (an endemic and iconic grazer) populations have been linked to these changes. Iguanas are only one species of a diverse and abundant group of marine grazers in the system, highlighting the potentially important role of macroalgal productivity in the marine food web. This review represents a first compilation and discussion of the available literature and presents topics for future research. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 375-392. Epub 2017 March 01.

ResumenTrabajos previos han destacado el papel fundamental de la productividad y dinámica de las macroalgas en el mantenimiento y estructuración de las cadenas alimentarias marinas. La variabilidad espacio temporal de las macroalgas puede alterar ecosistemas costeros, particularmente visibles a lo largo del perfil costero en zonas de proliferación. Como resultado de su ubicación ecuatorial y riqueza en nutrientes, además de eventos de proliferación, el Archipiélago de Galápagos en el Pacífico Oriental acoge un productivo y biodiverso ecosistema marino. Informes y recolección de macroalgas se remontan desde el viaje del Beagle, y desde entonces se han informado más de trescientas especies. No obstante, su función ecológica en el ecosistema no ha sido bien comprendida. Según diversas fuentes de información y en parte anecdóticas, existen abundantes y diversas comunidades de macroalgas en las regiones occidentales del archipiélago, el norte es sustancialmente estéril, y en el centro/sur la abundancia y distribución es variable y menos definida. Tanto las condiciones oceanográficas y la influencia de herbívoros han sido teorizadas para causar este patrón. Grandes cambios en la composición de la productividad y comunidad de macroalgas se han producido durante eventos ENOS fuertes y subsecuentemente han provocado la disminución de poblaciones de iguana marina (herbívoro endémico e icónico) y han sido vinculados a estos cambios. Las iguanas marinas son sólo una de las especies de un grupo diverso y abundante de herbívoros marinos en el sistema, destacando potencialmente el importante rol de la productividad de macroalgas en la cadena alimentaria marina. Esta revisión representa una primera recopilación y análisis de la literatura disponible y presenta temas para futuras investigaciones.

Animais , Alga Marinha/fisiologia , Biodiversidade , Água do Mar , Especificidade da Espécie , Fatores de Tempo , Cadeia Alimentar , Equador , Herbivoria/fisiologia
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(4): 1709-1719, oct.-dic. 2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-958245


Resumen:Las raíces finas juegan un papel importante en la adquisición de agua y minerales del suelo, el balance global del carbono y la mitigación del cambio climático. La dinámica (productividad-PRF y recambio-RRF) de raíces finas es esencial para el ciclo de nutrientes y balance de carbono de los ecosistemas forestales. La disponibilidad de agua y nutrientes determina de manera significativa la PRF y el RRF. Se ha planteado la hipótesis de que la dinámica de raíces finas aumenta con la disponibilidad de los recursos del suelo en bosques tropicales. Para probar esta hipótesis en las selvas tropicales del Chocó (ecosistemas con las más altas tasas de precipitación en el mundo), se establecieron cinco parcelas permanentes de una hectárea en las localidades de Opogodó y Pacurita, donde la PRF y RRF se midieron a 0-10 cm y 10-20 cm de profundidad. La medición de la PRF se realizó por el método de cilindros de crecimiento. La tasa de RRF se midió como la PRF/ biomasa media anual. Además, se midieron los parámetros de fertilidad del suelo (pH, nutrientes y textura) y se evaluó su asociación con PRF y RRF. Se encontró que ambos sitios presentan suelos pobres en nutrientes. Las localidades difieren en características edáficas; Opogodó tiene suelos arenosos y topografía plana, y Pacurita tiene suelos arcillosos, ricos en aluminio y topografía montañosa. En Opogodó la PRF fue (media ± DE) de 6.50 ± 2.62 t/ha.año. En Pacurita la PRF fue 3.61 ± 0.88 t/ha.año. Igualmente, en Opogodó el RRF fue mayor que en Pacurita (1.17 /año y 0.62 /año, respectivamente). El RRF y la PRF fueron mayores en la superficie del suelo (10 cm de profundidad). La PRF y el RRF mostraron correlación positiva con el pH, MO, N total, K, Mg, y arena; mientras que, las correlaciones fueron negativas con la CICE, Al, limo y arcilla. El porcentaje de arena fue el parámetro que mejor explica la variación en la PRF. La tasa negativa de la RRF fue explicada por la disponibilidad de Al. Los resultados evidenciaron un aumento en la dinámica de las raíces finas con la fertilidad del suelo a escala local, lo que sugiere que en selvas tropicales con suelos oligotróficos, las raíces finas tienden a proliferar rápidamente en pequeños parches de suelo ricos en arena y nutrientes.

Abstract:The fine roots play an important role in the acquisition of water and minerals from the soil, the global carbon balance and mitigation of climate change. The dynamics (productivity and turnover) of fine roots is essential for nutrient cycling and carbon balance of forest ecosystems. The availability of soil water and nutrients has significantly determined the productivity and turnover of fine roots. It has been hypothesized that fine roots dynamics increases with the availability of soil resources in tropical forest ecosystems. To test this hypothesis in tropical rainforests of Chocó (ecosystems with the highest rainfall in the world), five one-ha permanent plots were established in the localities of Opogodó and Pacurita, where the productivity and turnover of fine roots were measured at 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm depth. The measurement of the fine root production was realized by the Ingrowth core method. The fine root turnover was measured like fine roots production divided mean annual biomass. In addition, soil fertility parameters (pH, nutrients, and texture) were measured and their association with productivity and turnover of fine roots was evaluated. It was found that the sites had nutrient-poor soils. The localities also differ in soil; Opogodó has sandy soils and flat topography, and Pacurita has clay soils, rich in aluminum and mountainous topography. In Opogodó fine root production was 6.50 ± 2.62 t/ha.yr (mean ± SD). In Pacurita, fine root production was 3.61 ± 0.88 t/ha.yr. Also in Opogodó, the fine root turnover was higher than in Pacurita (1.17 /y and 0.62 /y, respectively). Fine root turnover and production in the upper soil layers (10 cm upper soil) was considerably higher. Productivity and turnover of fine roots showed positive correlation with pH and contents of organic matter, total N, K, Mg, and sand; whereas correlations were negative with ECEC and contents of Al, silt, and clay. The percentage of sand was the parameter that best explained the variations of fine root production. The fine root turnover was negatively explained by soil Al availability. Results suggested the increase of fine root dynamics with soil fertility at a local scale, which also indicates that under the oligotrophic conditions of soils in tropical rainforests, fine roots tend to proliferate rapidly in small patches of soil rich in sand and nutrients. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (4): 1709-1719. Epub 2016 December 01.

Solo/química , Clima Tropical , Raízes de Plantas/fisiologia , Floresta Úmida , Valores de Referência , Fatores de Tempo , Colômbia , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Biomassa
Braz. j. biol ; 76(2): 341-351, Apr.-June 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-781398


Abstract The semiarid region of northeastern Brazil, the Caatinga, is extremely important due to its biodiversity and endemism. Measurements of plant physiology are crucial to the calibration of Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) that are currently used to simulate the responses of vegetation in face of global changes. In a field work realized in an area of preserved Caatinga forest located in Petrolina, Pernambuco, measurements of carbon assimilation (in response to light and CO2) were performed on 11 individuals of Poincianella microphylla, a native species that is abundant in this region. These data were used to calibrate the maximum carboxylation velocity (Vcmax) used in the INLAND model. The calibration techniques used were Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), and data mining techniques as the Classification And Regression Tree (CART) and K-MEANS. The results were compared to the UNCALIBRATED model. It was found that simulated Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) reached 72% of observed GPP when using the calibrated Vcmax values, whereas the UNCALIBRATED approach accounted for 42% of observed GPP. Thus, this work shows the benefits of calibrating DGVMs using field ecophysiological measurements, especially in areas where field data is scarce or non-existent, such as in the Caatinga.

Resumo A região semiárida do nordeste do Brasil, a Caatinga, é extremamente importante devido à sua biodiversidade e endemismo. Medidas de fisiologia vegetal são cruciais para a calibração de Modelos de Vegetação Globais Dinâmicos (DGVMs) que são atualmente usados para simular as respostas da vegetação diante das mudanças globais. Em um trabalho de campo realizado em uma área de floresta preservada na Caatinga localizada em Petrolina, Pernambuco, medidas de assimilação de carbono (em resposta à luz e ao CO2) foram realizadas em 11 indivíduos de Poincianella microphylla, uma espécie nativa que é abundante nesta região. Estes dados foram utilizados para calibrar a velocidade máxima de carboxilação (Vcmax) usada no modelo INLAND. As técnicas de calibração utilizadas foram Regressão Linear Múltipla (MLR) e técnicas de mineração de dados como Classification And Regression Tree (CART) e K-MEANS. Os resultados foram comparados com o modelo INLAND não calibrado. Verificou-se que a Produtividade Primária Bruta (PPB) simulada atingiu 72% da PPB observada ao usar os valores de Vcmax calibrado, enquanto que o modelo não calibrado obteve-se 42% da PPB observada. Assim, este trabalho mostra os benefícios de calibrar DGVMs usando medidas ecofisiológicas de campo, especialmente em áreas onde os dados de campo são escassos ou inexistentes, como na Caatinga.

Árvores/classificação , Florestas , Caesalpinia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Caesalpinia/fisiologia , Brasil , Calibragem , Modelos Lineares , Biodiversidade , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais , Aquecimento Global , Mineração de Dados/métodos , Modelos Biológicos
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.1): 9-28, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958125


Resumen Se determinó la productividad primaria (PP) del fitoplancton en un amplio sector del Humedal Nacional Térraba Sierpe (HNTS) de Costa Rica, durante la estación lluviosa del año 2008 y en la estación seca del año 2009. Seis sitios se ubicaron en las áreas norte y central del humedal, donde por lo general ocurre la mayor influencia del aporte de caudal del Río Grande de Térraba. Se realizaron adicionalmente determinaciones de otros parámetros ambientales, asociados con la productividad primaria, como profundidad de penetración del disco de Secchi, la concentración de sólidos en suspensión, la concentración de clorofila a, la salinidad, la temperatura, la concentración del oxígeno disuelto en el agua, la concentración de nutrimentos inorgánicos disueltos (amonio, nitrito, fósforo disuelto, silicato), la conductividad eléctrica específica y se llevó a cabo un estudio basado en el análisis de componentes principales. La PP en el HNTS fue en general baja, con un valor máximo de 8.16gC/m2·d de PPN, el cual se registró en la estación seca, en marzo del 2009, en Isla Loros. Los sitios de mayor influencia del río (Samu y El Caite en la estación lluviosa), fueron los que tuvieron valores más bajos, mientras que los sitios con mayor influencia marina fueron los que presentaron los valores más altos de este estudio, cuyo promedio y desviación estándar fue de 0.79±0.50gC/m2.d (n=12), y la mediana fue 0.80gC/m2.d. Esta diferencia se debe principalmente al elevado aporte de agua dulce y de sólidos en suspensión del Río Grande de Térraba que limita el desarrollo del fitoplancton marino en el humedal. Es importante que se establezca y mantenga un programa de monitoreo de los parámetros medidos en este estudio, con al menos dos muestreos por año, uno en la época seca y otro en la época lluviosa, siguiendo el gradiente de salinidad desde el río hasta el mar al menos en dos direcciones.

Abstract Phytoplankton primary production (PP) was determined in a broad sector of the Térraba-Sierpe National Wetland, Costa Rica, from September to November 2008 in the rainy season and from January to March 2009 in the dry season. Six sampling stations were located at the Northern and Central zone of the wetland, according to the main expected flux of Río Grande de Térraba. Additionally other environmental parameters such as Secchi disk depth, suspended solid matter concentration, chlorophyll-a concentration, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, dissolved inorganic nutrients concentrations (phosphate, nitrate, ammonium and silicate), specific conductivity were also measured and a principal components analysis was performed. The PP in the Terraba-Sierpe National Wetland (HNTS by its Spanish name) was generally low, with a maximum value of 8.16gC/m2·d of Net Primary Productivity (NPP), which was recorded in the dry season, in March 2009, at Loros island. Sites that had a greater riverine influence showed lower PP values, while sites with greater marine influence presented higher PP values. These latter had an average and standard deviation of 0.79±0.50gC/m2·d (n=12). This difference is the result of the high input of freshwater and suspended solids from the Río Grande de Térraba which limits the development of marine phytoplankton in the wetland. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 9-28. Epub 2015 April 01.

Fitoplâncton/classificação , Dióxido de Carbono/análise , Estuários/classificação , Compostos Químicos/análise , Áreas Alagadas , Matéria Orgânica/análise , Nutrientes/análise , Costa Rica , Condutividade Elétrica
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 58(2): 71-83, mayo-ago. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-637306


La piscicultura es una actividad importante para satisfacer la demanda alimenticia de una población en crecimiento y en su práctica es necesario desarrollar tecnologías responsables con el ambiente. El policultivo de tilapia-bocachico es relevante por la importancia de estas especies a nivel nacional; tilapia por sus características zootécnicas, y bocachico por su hábito alimentario detritívoro-iliófago, recientemente visto como un pez ecológico. El cultivo basado en perifiton permitiría un sistema altamente eficiente y más limpio, pues aporta alimento natural a los peces y mejora la calidad del agua. Para evaluar el efecto del perifiton sobre el desempeño del policultivo tilapia-bocachico, se ejecutó un experimento durante ocho meses en 18 estanques de 90 m², con 2,6 tilapias/m² y 0,7 bocachicos/m², sin fertilización; como sustrato para perifiton se instalaron de forma vertical tubos plásticos (3,3 tubos/m²), que se constituyeron en una variable por evaluar. Adicionalmente, tres estrategias alimentarias fueron evaluadas: 0 (sin alimento), alimentación con ración del 20% de proteína bruta (PB) y alimentación con ración del 25% de PB. Se utilizó un diseño factorial 2x3 en bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones por tratamiento y se analizaron datos productivos mediante ANOVA con un modelo lineal general (P < 0,05). No fueron encontrados efectos del sustrato sobre los parámetros estudiados. Hubo efectos simples de la estrategia alimentaria sobre el desempeño de los peces. Por lo pronto, puede ser concluido que la producción basada en perifiton no genera problemas en el sistema ni en los peces y que se requiere más investigación para consolidar la tecnología.

Fishculture is very important to satisfy human food demand. However, the ignorance in more efficient and environment-friendly systems is a big problem for fish farming activities. Tilapia-Bocachico polyculture is of great interest; tilapia, for the excellent productive characteristics, and bocachico for being a bottom-feeder specie, beside of the great socio-cultural value in this region. An alternative approach is the adoption of periphyton-based pond systems; periphyton can: be a food source for fish and improve water quality, thus becoming into a highly efficient and cleaner system. With the aim to evaluate the periphyton effects on performance of Tilapia-Bocachico polyculture, a trial was carried out for 8 months. Eighteen 90 m² earthen ponds were used under polyculture conditions at low stocking density (2.6 tilapia/m², 0.7 bocachico/m²). These ponds were not fertilized during the experimental period. Plastic tubes of 1.2 m and 6 cm in diameter were used vertically as periphyton substrate at 3.3 tubes/m² rate. Three alimentary strategies were used: 0 (without food), fish feed (20% protein) and fish feed (25% protein); thereby constituting a factorial experiment 2x3 in a randomized complete block with three replications per treatment. They were analyzed using ANOVA with a general linear model (GLM) (p < 0.05). There were no effects of substrates on the study variables, but simple effects of alimentary strategies on the productive parameters. Other parameters are being analyzed and it is still premature to conclude.

Braz. j. biol ; 66(1)2006.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467798


The annual variability of the photosynthetic production (PP) by phytoplankton in the lacustrine zone of the Jurumirim Reservoir (São Paulo, Brazil) was evaluated in a three-year study to identify recurrent patterns and their causes. Variability in PP was measured daily during two periods of the year (the dry and rainy seasons). An analysis of the PP data failed to identify a recurrent pattern, since the PP values showed no correlation with hydrological factors (rainfall, water level and discharge, and washout) nor, apparently, with the water’s nutritional conditions. A principal component analysis revealed that the PP and assimilation ratio were higher when the PO4(3-) and N-NH4+ contents were low and the Z EU/Z MIX ratios were at their highest. Areal primary productivity can be predicted based on the ratio between the maximum volumetric productivity and the coefficient of vertical extinction of light. However, the biomass integrated for Z EU was a poor predictor of areal primary productivity. No correlation was found between water temperature and areal and maximum volumetric productivity. Thus, the three-year PP study indicated that the variability pattern is typically chaotic. As for the short-term measurements, the PP was found to be higher in the dry season than in the rainy, although both seasons showed an areal PP variability of 35 to 40%. This pattern was attributed to the daily variation in the nutritional conditions and the magnitude of light penetrating through the water, combined with the mixing of phytoplanktonic cells. A comment about the relationship between primary production by phytoplankton and fish yield is also briefly discussed here.

A variabilidade anual da produção fotossintética (PP) pelo fitoplâncton na zona da barragem da Represa de Jurumirim (São Paulo, Brasil) foi medida após um estudo no período de três anos sucessivos, com o objetivo de identificar padrões recorrentes e suas causas. Medidas da variabilidade da PP em escala diária foram obtidas em dois períodos do ano (estações seca e chuvosa). Nenhum padrão recorrente foi verificado nos dados de PP, visto não haver relação de sua variabilidade com nenhum fator hidrológico (precipitação, nível e vazão de água e washout) nem, aparentemente, com as condições nutritivas da água. A análise de componentes principais revelou que a PP e a taxa de assimilação foram mais elevadas na época do ano em que o conteúdo de PO4(3-) e N-NH4+ foi mais baixo e quando as razões Z EU/Z MIX foram mais elevadas. A produtividade primária/área pode ser estimada pela razão entre a produtividade volumétrica máxima e o coeficiente de extinção vertical da luz. Entretanto, a biomassa integrada na Z EU foi um pobre preditor da produtividade primária/área. Nenhuma correlação foi encontrada entre a temperatura da água com a produtividade primária (por área e volumétrica máxima). Em conseqüência, o estudo da PP em três anos sucessivos mostrou que o padrão de variabilidade é tipicamente caótico. Em relação às medidas de curta duração, maior PP foi encontrada na estação seca do que na chuvosa. Em ambos os períodos, a variabilidade da PP (por área) foi de aproximadamente 35-40%. O padrão foi atribuído não somente à variação na concentração dos nutrientes mas também à magnitude de penetração de luz na água associado ao regime de circulação. Um comentário sobre a relação entre produção primária pelo fitoplâncton com produção pesqueira é também apresentada.

Rev. biol. trop ; 49(Supl.2): 279-288, dic. 2001. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-502388


The seasonal variation of planktonic primary productivity was measured during one year in the main channel in the interior part of the mangrove forest of the Estero de Morales (Estero de Punta Morales), a mangrove system located in the Golfo de Nicoya at the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Samples were incubated at the surface, 0.5 m and 1.0 m depth and the [quot ]light and dark bottle technique[quot ] was employed. The annual gross primary productivity (PPg) was 457 and the net primary productivity (PPn) was 278 g C m(-2) a(-1). Daily PPg ranged from 0.29 to 3.88 and PPn from 0.12 to 2.76 g C m(-2) d(-1). The highest rates observed in May and September were due to red tide blooms. The seasonal variation of primary productivity inside the mangrove forest depends closely on the PP in the adjacent area of the upper Golfo de Nicoya. Obviously the PP was light-limited since the compensation depth in the ebb current was found at only 1 m depth. In the flood current it was somewhat deeper. The planktonic primary productivity inside the mangrove forest was completely restricted to the open channels. A simultaneous measurement demonstrated that PPn of the phytoplankton could not take place under the canopy of the mangroves. Additional studies on the time course of the oxygen concentration in the mouth of the main channel over 24 hrs demonstrated a relation between the O2 and the tidal curves. The ebb current had always lower O2 concentrations than the flood current, regardless of the time of the day. The difference to the foregoing high tide, however, was much smaller when the low tide occurred during the day. This indicates that under the canopy the net primary production and hence O2 liberation of the attached macro- and microalgae, together with the high PPn of the phytoplankton in the channels, helped the oxygen concentration not to decrease as far as during the night. Nevertheless it shows that the consumtion of organic material in the submersed part of the...

Animais , Compostos Orgânicos/análise , Ecossistema , Plâncton/fisiologia , Árvores , Costa Rica , Estações do Ano , Oceano Pacífico