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Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 299-307, abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560635


Muchos universitarios no logran completar sus tareas escolares en el tiempo designado y optan por aplazar su realización. Esta conducta puede producir ansiedad e influir en su desempeño y responsabilidad académica. Objetivo: Determinar si existe relación entre la procrastinación y la ansiedad rasgo en estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de psicología de la Universidad Privada Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, en Perú. Materiales y Métodos: La investigación se desarrolló bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo no experimental, transeccional y correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por los 47 educandos inscritos en este año académico de esta carrera. Se recolectó la información mediante el cuestionario sobre la escala de procrastinación académica de Solomon y Rothblum; así como el de Inventario de la Ansiedad Rasgo-Estado propuesto por Spielberger y Díaz. Resultados: El 63.8 % y el 48.9 % de los alumnos tienen nivel medio de procrastinación y ansiedad rasgo respectivamente. Además, se determinó una correlación positiva débil (r=,111) donde (p>0,05), lo cual no es estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones: No existe relación entre la procrastinación y ansiedad rasgo en este grupo de alumnos.

Many university students are unable to complete their schoolwork in the designated time and choose to postpone doing it. This behavior can cause anxiety and influence their academic performance and responsibility. Objective: Determine if there is a relationship between procrastination and trait anxiety in first-year psychology students at the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Private University, in Peru. Materials and Methods: The research was developed under a quantitative, non-experimental, transectional and correlational approach. The sample was made up of the 47 students enrolled in this academic year of this career. The information was collected using the Solomon and Rothblum academic procrastination scale questionnaire; as well as the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory proposed by Spielberger and Díaz. Results: 63.8% and 48.9% of the students have a medium level of procrastination and trait anxiety respectively. Furthermore, a weak positive correlation was determined (r=.111) where (p>0.05), which is not statistically significant. Conclusions: There is no relationship between procrastination and trait anxiety in this group of students.

Muitos estudantes universitários não conseguem concluir os trabalhos escolares no prazo designado e optam por adiá-los. Esse comportamento pode causar ansiedade e influenciar seu desempenho e responsabilidade acadêmica. Objetivo: Determinar se existe relação entre procrastinação e ansiedade-traço em estudantes do primeiro ano de psicologia da Universidade Privada Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, no Peru. Materiais e Métodos: A pesquisa foi desenvolvida sob abordagem quantitativa, não experimental, transecional e correlacional. A amostra foi constituída pelos 47 alunos matriculados neste ano letivo desta carreira. As informações foram coletadas por meio do questionário da escala de procrastinação acadêmica de Solomon e Rothblum; bem como o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado proposto por Spielberger e Díaz. Resultados: 63,8% e 48,9% dos estudantes apresentam nível médio de procrastinação e ansiedade-traço respectivamente. Além disso, foi determinada uma correlação positiva fraca (r=0,111) onde (p>0,05), o que não é estatisticamente significativo. Conclusões: Não existe relação entre procrastinação e ansiedade-traço neste grupo de estudantes.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 103-104, 20240401.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555126


Experimentar ansiedad frente a exámenes desencadena una respuesta emocional acompañada de cambios fisiológicos que el estudiante siente ante una situación percibida como amenazante, específicamente ante una evaluación, examen escrito u oral; actualmente, se la cataloga dentro de las fobias específicas. El individuo que busca evitar o eludir dicho escenario cae en la conducta de procrastinación. Esto afecta su rendimiento académico y acarrea consecuencias graves de salud mental, el estudiante comienza a percibirse afectado en su autovalia, autoestima y en su ambiente social, que muchas veces lo lleva a contraer trastorno depresivo e ideación suicida. El presente artículo es un estudio de revisión bibliográfica y su objetivo fue describir la experiencia de la. ansiedad frente a exámenes como fobia específica situacional, las consecuencias de dicho padecimiento, su comorbilidad con otros trastornos psicológicos y los tratamientos disponibles. Fueron analizados y comparados unos 26 artículos científicos, basados en ensayos controlados de manera aleatoria, otros son estudios controlados de caso único, publicados en importantes revistas electrónicas de impacto. La búsqueda se realizó utilizando las palabras clave. Como conclusión, se destacó la importancia del conocimiento de esta patología, a fin de realizar un diagnóstico precoz y prevención en psicoterapia, evitando así un mayor deterioro en la salud mental de los estudiantes. No obstante, es necesaria la realización de más investigación controlada al respecto.

Experiencing test anxiety triggers an emotional response accompanied by physiological changes that the student feels in a situation perceived as threatening, specifically in the face of an evaluation, written or oral exam; Currently, it is classified as a specific phobia. The individual who seeks to avoid or avoid this scenario falls into procrastination behavior. This affects their academic performance and has serious mental health consequences. The student begins to feel affected in his or her self-worth, self-esteem, and social environment, which often leads him or her to contract a depressive disorder and suicidal ideation. This article is a bibliographic review study regarding experiencing test anxiety as a situational specific phobia, the consequences of said condition, its comorbidity with other psychological disorders and the available treatments. Some 26 scientific articles were analyzed and compared, based on randomized controlled trials, others are controlled single case studies, published in important impact electronic journals. The search was carried out using keywords. In conclusion, the importance of knowledge of this pathology was highlighted, in order to make an early diagnosis and prevention in psychotherapy, thus avoiding further deterioration in the mental health of students. However, more controlled research is needed in this regard.

Ansiedade aos Exames/psicologia , Estudantes
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 13(2): 32-42, May.-Aug. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519898


Resumen Se buscó identificar el perfil de motivación intrínseca (MI) y su relación con la perspectiva temporal en estudiantes universitarios del noroeste de México. En una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia de 553 estudiantes, se puso a prueba un modelo de motivación intrínseca, autoeficacia, orientación al logro, percepción escolar, morosidad y orientaciones temporales (pasado, presente y futuro). Se conformó un modelo estructural de MI que posee bondad de ajuste práctica adecuada. El modelo explica 48% de la variabilidad de la motivación intrínseca; destaca el efecto positivo de la orientación al logro (peso estructural=.65*) y el efecto negativo e indirecto (a través de la autoeficacia) de la morosidad (peso estructural=-.53*) sobre la MI. Y un efecto positivo de las orientaciones temporales (pasado negativo, presente hedonista y presente fatalista) sobre la morosidad (peso estructural=.54*). El estudio ofrece información sobre los aspectos que deben ser desarrollados en los estudiantes universitarios en relación con la motivación intrínseca.

Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the intrinsic motivation (IM) profile and its relationship with time perspective in a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 553 students university students from a northwestern region in Mexico. Structural equation models were fitted for intrinsic motivation, with self-efficacy, achievement orientation, school perception, procrastination and temporal orientations (past, present and future) as direct and indirect predictors. A structural model of IM was formed that has adequate practical goodness-of-fit. The overall model explained 48% of the variance for intrinsic motivation. Achievement orientation was positively associated (structural weight =.65*) with intrinsic motivation while procrastination was negatively and indirectly (through self-efficacy) related (structural weight =.53*) to IM. Temporal orientations (negative past, hedonistic present and fatalistic present) were positively related to procrastination (structural weight =.54*). This study provides information regarding important predictors of intrinsic motivation that can be targeted among university students.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221468


In our daily lives, we have to perform multiple tasks in different areas. This leads people to two paths: carrying out the task as soon as possible or postponing it; the latter being part of the tendency to delay the start or completion of a task. This act also known as procrastination. procrastination is the characteristic or behavioural propensity to put off or delay completing a task or making decisions. Procrastination behavior is very common and a serious problem in the era we live in. Academic procrastination appears to be common in academic environments as students frequently put off their obligations without good reason and submit their work right up until the deadline. All levels of kids are impacted, and it may lead to major problems including declining grades and decreased wellbeing. The notion of academic procrastination, reasons why it occurs, negative effects of academic procrastination and several methods for dealing with it are all discussed in this article. It is suggested that some programs should be devised and executed to teach task-oriented coping strategies to students. For this one should reflect on the reasons why you procrastinate, your habits and thoughts that lead to procrastinating

Interacciones ; 9ene. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448474


Introducción: La regulación de las emociones implica la modulación de las experiencias de las emociones para facilitar la consecución de los objetivos, por el contrario, las dificultades emocionales son un patrón de experiencias y/o expresiones emocionales que interfieren con el comportamiento dirigido a objetivos. Objetivos: Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la relación entre las dificultades en la regulación emocional con la postergación, la satisfacción con la vida y la resiliencia a la angustia. Método: La muestra consistió en 366 personas de la población general, con una media de edad de 33 años (DE=15) y un 62.1% de mujeres. Resultados: La postergación se relaciona positivamente con las seis estrategias de dificultades en la regulación de las emociones y el afecto negativo (AN), y negativamente con el afecto positivo (AP), la satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia. La satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia se relacionan negativamente con las estrategias de regulación identificadas y con el afecto negativo, y positivamente con el afecto positivo. La postergación, una vez controlado el AN y el AP se predice por la falta de claridad y la falta de objetivos. La satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia son predichas por menos falta de estrategias. Conclusiones: Se concluye que de las variables sociodemográficas solo la edad es relevante en la postergación, dado que las personas menores de 21 años puntúan más elevado en este constructo. La postergación se relaciona positivamente con las seis dimensiones de las dificultades en la regulación de las emociones, en las que es predicha por la falta de objetivos y la falta de claridad, sin embargo, la satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia al malestar por menos falta de estrategias.

Background: Emotion regulation involves the modulation of emotional experiences to facilitate goal attainment. Conversely, emotional difficulties are a pattern of emotional experiences and expressions that interfere with goal-directed behavior. Objectives: Our aim was to determine the relationship between emotional regulation difficulties with procrastination, life satisfaction, and resilience to distress. Methods: The sample consisted of 366 individuals from the general population, with a mean age of 33 years (SD=15) and 62.1% female. Results: Procrastination was positively related to the six emotional distress regulation strategies and negative affect (NA), and negatively related to positive affect (PA). Life satisfaction and distress endurance are negatively related to the identified regulation strategies and NA, and positively related to PA. Procrastination, once NA and PA are controlled is predicted by lack of clarity and lack of goals. Satisfaction with life and resistance to distress are predicted by less lack of strategies. Conclusions: It is concluded that of the sociodemographic variables only age is relevant to procrastination, given that people younger than 21 years score higher on this construct. Procrastination is positively related to the six dimensions of difficulties in emotion regulation, where it is predicted by lack of goals and lack of clarity, however, satisfaction with life and resistance to discomfort by less lack of strategies.

Interacciones ; 9: e278, ene. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517795


Background: Emotion regulation involves the modulation of emotional experiences to facilitate goal attainment. Conversely, emotional difficulties are a pattern of emotional experiences and expressions that interfere with goal-directed behavior. Objectives: Our aim was to determine the relationship between emotional regulation difficulties with procrastination, life satisfaction, and resilience to distress. Methods: The sample consisted of 366 individuals from the general population, with a mean age of 33 years (SD=15) and 62.1% female. Results: Procrastination was positively related to the six emotional distress regulation strategies and negative affect (NA), and negatively related to positive affect (PA). Life satisfaction and distress endurance are negatively related to the identified regulation strategies and NA, and positively related to PA. Procrastination, once NA and PA are controlled is predicted by lack of clarity and lack of goals. Satisfaction with life and resistance to distress are predicted by less lack of strategies. Conclusions: It is concluded that of the sociodemographic variables only age is relevant to procrastination, given that people younger than 21 years score higher on this construct. Procrastination is positively related to the six dimensions of difficulties in emotion regulation, where it is predicted by lack of goals and lack of clarity, however, satisfaction with life and resistance to discomfort by less lack of strategies.

Introducción: La regulación de las emociones implica la modulación de las experiencias de las emociones para facilitar la consecución de los objetivos, por el contrario, las dificultades emocionales son un patrón de experiencias y/o expresiones emocionales que interfieren con el comportamiento dirigido a objetivos. Objetivos: Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la relación entre las dificultades en la regulación emocional con la postergación, la satisfacción con la vida y la resiliencia a la angustia. Método: La muestra consistió en 366 personas de la población general, con una media de edad de 33 años (DE=15) y un 62.1% de mujeres. Resultados: La postergación se relaciona positivamente con las seis estrategias de dificultades en la regulación de las emociones y el afecto negativo (AN), y negativamente con el afecto positivo (AP), la satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia. La satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia se relacionan negativamente con las estrategias de regulación identificadas y con el afecto negativo, y positivamente con el afecto positivo. La postergación, una vez controlado el AN y el AP se predice por la falta de claridad y la falta de objetivos. La satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia a la angustia son predichas por menos falta de estrategias. Conclusiones: Se concluye que de las variables sociodemográficas solo la edad es relevante en la postergación, dado que las personas menores de 21 años puntúan más elevado en este constructo. La postergación se relaciona positivamente con las seis dimensiones de las dificultades en la regulación de las emociones, en las que es predicha por la falta de objetivos y la falta de claridad, sin embargo, la satisfacción con la vida y la resistencia al malestar por menos falta de estrategias.

Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science ; (12): 727-732, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992159


Objective:To investigate the relationship between self-control and obsessive-compulsive symptoms(OCS), and the mediating role of procrastination and anxiety in this relation.Methods:Totally 6 367 Chinese college students were recruited to complete the Chinese version of the self-control scale, the Aitken procrastination inventory, and the symptom checklist-90.Descriptive analysis and Pearson correlation were carried out using SPSS 23.0.Mplus 7.4 was used to test the model fit.The mediating effects were tested using the Bootstrap method.Results:Pearson correlation analysis showed that there were significant correlations among self-control, procrastination, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms ( r=-0.71-0.78, P<0.01). Mediation modeling analysis showed that the total indirect effect of self-control on OCS was -0.303, accounting for 63.13% of the total effect.The mediating effect of procrastination between self-control and OCS was -0.045, accounting for 9.38% of the total effect.The mediating effect of anxiety between self-control and OCS was -0.239, accounting for 49.79% of the total effect.Moreover, the chain mediating effect of procrastination and anxiety between self-control and OCS was also significant, with an effect value of -0.019, accounting for 3.96% of the total effect. Conclusion:Self-control can negatively predict OCS, procrastination and anxiety play a chain mediating role in the effect of self-control on OCS.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e153, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536663


RESUMEN Objetivo. Comparar los resultados sanitarios y económicos de dos sistemas de adquisición de prótesis: un sistema tradicional en el cual la compra se inicia al solicitar el insumo versus un modelo de insumos en existencia denominado Banco de Prótesis. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo-analítico, en usuarios del Ministerio de Salud de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Los pacientes pertenecían a dos grupos de estudio 1) prótesis provistas por vía tradicional del Sistema Informático para Adquisición y Contrataciones Hospitalarias (SIPACH); 2) prótesis provistas por Banco de Prótesis (BDP). Se limitó el análisis a prótesis endovasculares del tipo stent coronario y prótesis de cadera. Se utilizaron bases de datos oficiales gubernamentales. El periodo de estudio comprendió del 01/01/2018 hasta el 31/10/2022. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, diagnóstico, hospital, tipo de implante o prótesis; fecha solicitud; fecha adquisición; precio unitario, costos directos e indirectos; costos promedio de la internación diaria, costo-efectividad e impacto presupuestario. Resultados. Se analizaron 4 106 solicitudes. En el sistema tradicional, 13,5% de los pacientes no consiguieron sus prótesis, hubo 50 días más de demora que con BDP, y los costos totales fueron superiores en SIPACH (stent coronarios +463%, prótesis de cadera +133%). El BDP ahorró US$ 3,2 millones anuales y evitó 22 muertes con la provisión temprana de prótesis endovasculares. Conclusiones. El BDP demostró superioridad al modelo tradicional de provisión de prótesis tanto en términos sanitarios, por lograr mayor acceso, acortar tiempos de espera y evitar muertes; como económicos, por reducir significativamente los precios unitarios y globales, logrando un notable ahorro en los presupuestos asignados.

ABSTRACT Objective. Compare the health outcomes and financial outcomes of two systems for the procurement of prostheses: the traditional system, in which procurement is initiated when a product is requested; and the "Prosthesis Bank" model, based on a current inventory of supplies. Methods. Descriptive-analytical study of users of Ministry of Health services in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The patients belonged to two study groups: 1) prostheses were provided through the traditional computerized system for hospital procurement and contracting, known as SIPACH; and 2) prostheses were provided by the Prosthesis Bank. The study was limited to endovascular prostheses (coronary stents) and hip prostheses. Official government databases were used. The study period was from 01/01/2018 to 31/10/2022. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, diagnosis, hospital, type of implant or prosthesis, date of request, date received, unit price, direct and indirect costs, average cost of daily hospitalization, cost-effectiveness, and budgetary impact. Results. A total of 4 106 applications were analyzed. In the traditional system: 13.5% of patients did not get their prostheses; it took 50 days longer than with the Prosthesis Bank; and total costs were higher in SIPACH (coronary stent, +463%; hip prosthesis, +133%). The Prosthesis Bank saved USD 3.2 million annually and prevented 22 deaths through early provision of endovascular prostheses. Conclusions. The Prosthesis Bank proved to be superior to the traditional model for providing prostheses, both in terms of health—by achieving better access, shortening waiting times, and avoiding deaths—and financially—by significantly reducing unit and overall prices, achieving significant savings in allocated budgets.

RESUMO Objetivo. Comparar os resultados econômicos e sanitários de dois sistemas de aquisição de próteses: um sistema tradicional, no qual a compra é iniciada mediante solicitação, e um modelo em estoque chamado Banco de Próteses (BDP). Métodos. Estudo descritivo-analítico com usuários do Ministério da Saúde da província de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Os pacientes pertenciam a dois grupos de estudo: 1) próteses fornecidas pelo método tradicional do Sistema Informatizado de Aquisição e Contratações Hospitalares (SIPACH); e 2) próteses fornecidas pelo BDP. A análise se restringiu a próteses endovasculares do tipo stent coronariano e próteses de quadril. Foram utilizados bases de dados oficiais do governo. O período do estudo foi de 01/01/2018 a 31/10/2022. As variáveis analisadas foram: idade, sexo, diagnóstico, hospital, tipo de implante ou prótese; data de solicitação; data de aquisição; preço unitário, custos diretos e indiretos; custo médio diário de internação, relação custo-efetividade e impacto orçamentário. Resultados. Foram analisadas 4 106 solicitações. No sistema tradicional, 13,5% dos pacientes não receberam as próteses e houve 50 dias a mais de espera do que pelo BDP. Além disso, os custos totais foram maiores no SIPACH (+463% no caso dos stents coronários e +133% para as próteses de quadril). O BDP economizou US$ 3,2 milhões ao ano e evitou 22 mortes com o fornecimento precoce de próteses endovasculares. Conclusões. O BDP demonstrou superioridade em relação ao modelo tradicional de fornecimento de próteses, tanto em termos sanitários, ao oferecer maior acesso, diminuir o tempo de espera e evitar mortes, quanto em termos econômicos, ao reduzir significativamente os preços unitários e totais, gerando economias significativas nos orçamentos alocados.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515140


Introducción: La procrastinación es un fenómeno omnipresente, polifacético y problemático. Abordaremos el mejor conocimiento científico publicado al respecto, que es limitado y de calidad más bien reducida. Método: Para este estudio original de revisión, se han examinado de forma no sistemática varias importantes bases de datos bibliométricas, sin pretensiones de exhaustividad. La metodología en muchas de las investigaciones consultadas es deficiente. Se ha pretendido que el resultado obtenido de las fuentes primarias fuera sintético, y se han evitado las más especulativas. Resultados: En relación con la clínica neuro-psicopatológica, internalizar la conducta se relaciona con el neuroticismo, y externalizarla con la impulsividad. La procrastinación aumenta con la afectividad negativa y, a menudo, ocurre en ciertos trastornos mentales en los que suele constituir una forma permanente de comportamiento. Pocos estudios han investigado los correlatos neurales de la procrastinación. Esta puede ser, además de voluntaria, consecuencia indirecta de rasgos perfeccionistas de la personalidad, entre otros. En general, la mejora de las habilidades para regular las emociones probablemente sea muy eficaz para reducir el comportamiento procrastinador. En relación con el sueño nocturno, su postergación habitual parece relacionada también con las características de la personalidad. Conclusiones: Se plantea por el autor la hipótesis de que cualquier intervención específica, sea o no sanitaria, que mejore la concienciación de la propia tendencia pasiva procrastinadora propiciará su reducción. Pero si se buscara influir específicamente sobre la salud mental del sujeto, la intervención tendrá que practicarse exclusiva o preferentemente por facultativos clínicos adecuados.

Introduction: Procrastination is a ubiquitous, multifaceted and problematic phenomenon. This paper will address the best scientific understanding published on this subject, although it is limited and of poor quality. Method: For this original revision study, we have examined various relevant bibliometric databases in a non-systematic way and with no claim to being comprehensive. The methodology used in much of the research consulted is quite deficient. Our objective has been to provide synthetic results from primary sources and have therefore avoided the most speculative ones. Results: With regard to the neuropsychopathological clinical features of procrastination, internalizing this behaviour is related to neuroticism, and externalizing it is linked to impulsivity. Procrastination increases with negative affectivity, and it often occurs in certain mental disorders, where it tends to constitute a permanent behaviour. Few studies have researched the neural correlations of procrastination. It can be can be voluntary and also an indirect consequence of perfectionist traits of personality, among others. In general, improving one's ability to regulate emotions might be very effective in reducing procrastinating behaviour. In relation to bedtime, its continued postponement seems to also be tied to personality traits. Conclusions: The author proposes the hypothesis that any specific intervention, whether medical or not, that improves awareness of one's own passive tendency to procrastinate will favour its reduction. However, if the intention is to influence somebody's mental health specifically, then the intervention should be conducted exclusively or preferably by properly qualified physicians.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 561-565, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013327


{L-End}Objective To investigate the current status of academic procrastination, psychological resilience, and emotional intelligence among undergraduate nursing students in Hebei Province. {L-End}Methods A total of 2 121 undergraduate nursing students from seven medical universities in Hebei Province were selected as the research subjects using a convenient sampling method. The Academic Procrastination Scale, Psychological Resilience Scale, and Emotional Intelligence Scale were used to investigate their academic procrastination, psychological resilience, and emotional intelligence. {L-End}Results The median score for academic procrastination among undergraduate nursing students was 62.5 points. The scores for psychological resilience and emotional intelligence were (79.9±10.1) and (100.7±11.6) points, respectively. The results of the multiple logistic regression analysis showed that students from urban areas experienced more severe academic procrastination than those from rural areas (P<0.05). Students with indifferent family relationships experienced more severe academic procrastination than those with close family relationships (P<0.05). Higher grade levels, lower scores in psychological resilience, and lower scores in emotional intelligence were associated with more severe academic procrastination among these nursing students (all P<0.05). {L-End}Conclusion The overall degree of academic procrastination among undergraduate nursing students in Hebei Province is at a moderate level. The level of psychological resilience and emotional intelligence can negatively affect the degree of academic procrastination among these undergraduate nursing students.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 48-52, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986777


ObjectiveTo explore the influence of future time insight on academic procrastination and the role of self-control among secondary vocational students, and to provide references for mental health education of them. MethodsA total of 1 419 secondary vocational students from 2 secondary vocational schools in Huangshan City Anhui Province were selected as the research objects in June 2022. The future time insight questionnaire for adolescents, the academic procrastination questionnaire for middle school students and the Self-Control Scale (SCS) were used to assess the future time insight, academic procrastination and self-control ability of secondary vocational students. The mediating effect test of PROCESS was used to analyze the mediating role of self-control between future time insight and academic procrastination. Results①There was a positive correlation between the future time insight questionnaire for adolescents score, the SCS score and the academic procrastination questionnaire of middle school students score (r=0.558, 0.470, P<0.01). ②Both future time insight and self-control could positively predict academic procrastination (β=0.463, 0.218, P<0.01), while future time insight could positively predict self-control (β=0.348, P<0.01). ③Self-control partially mediated the relationship between future time insight and academic procrastination [indirect effect=0.076 (95% CI: 0.052~0.101, P<0.01), and the indirect effect accounted for 16.41% of the total effect]. ConclusionThe future time insight of secondary vocational students can affect academic procrastination directly or indirectly through self-control, which partially mediates the relationship between future time insight and academic procrastination.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218701


The study was conducted to explore the relationship between impulsiveness and academic procrastination of school students.The study was conducted on 100 school students. Impulsiveness Scale adapted by the investigator (Ray and Sharma, 1988) and Academic Procrastination Scale adapted by the investigator (Kalia and Yadav, 2013) was used for data collection. Results indicated that significant variance in impulsiveness was not found among school students belonging to different categories. The school students having more academic procrastination were more impulsiveness as compared to school students who have low level of academic procrastination. There was significant relationship between impulsiveness and academic-procrastination of school students.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 20(3): 1-26, sep.-dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427733


La pandemia por covid-19 repercutió en las prácticas educativas y convirtió a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ­sobre todo Internet­ en medios indispensables para continuar con las actividades académicas; pero a la par incrementaron el riesgo de que los estudiantes usen mal estas herramientas y con ello aparezcan fenómenos como la procrastinación. Por tanto, el objetivo fue analizar la relación entre el estrés académico, el uso problemático de Internet, la adicción a las redes sociales y la procrastinación académica. Materiales y métodos: estudio cuantitativo, no experimental, de corte transversal. Se utilizó el inventario sisco de estrés académico, el cupo para uso problemático de Internet, la smas-sf de adicción a redes sociales y la Escala de Procrastinación Académica. La muestra la conformaron 448 estudiantes universitarios mexicanos entre los 17 y los 34 años. Resultados: se hallaron diferencias significativas por sexo, en cuanto a las reacciones ante el estrés académico, y en la categoría de la autorregulación, donde los hombres indicaron una baja autorregulación. Por su parte, en la sub-muestra de mujeres se encontró una relación positiva y significativa entre el uso de las redes sociales y la procrastinación académica; mientras que, en los hombres, entre los problemas por el uso de las redes sociales y las reacciones psicológicas ante el estrés. Conclusión: el cambio de modalidad de estudio (de presencial a virtual) ha generado consecuencias en los universitarios, como estrés académico, procras-tinación y usos inadecuados de Internet.

The covid-19 pandemic has affected educational practices, turning the information and communication technologies and the Internet into essential means to continue academic activities while increasing the risk of students misusing these tools, favoring phenomena such as procrastination. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between academic stress, problematic Internet use, social media addiction, and academic procrastination. Materials and methods: In this quantitative, non-experimen-tal, and cross-sectional study, the sisco inventory for academic stress, cupi for problematic Internet use, smas-sf for addiction to social networks, and academic procrastination scale were used. The sample was made up of 448 Mexican university students aged 17­34 years. Results: Significant differences were found by sex in terms of reactions to academic stress and in the category of self-regulation, where men indicated low self-regulation. Moreover, a positive and significant relationship was found between the use of social networks and academic procrastination in women and the problems due to the use of social networks and psychological reactions to stress in men. Conclusion: The change from face-to-face to virtual modality has led to consequences such as academic stress, procrastination, and inappropriate use of the Internet among university students.

a pandemia do covid-19 impactou as práticas educacionais, tornando as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (tic) e principalmente a Internet meios indispensáveis para a continuidade das atividades acadêmicas; mas ao mesmo tempo aumenta o risco de que os alunos façam mau uso dessas ferramentas e com isso apareçam fenômenos como a procrastinação. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a relação entre estresse acadêmico, uso problemático da Internet, vício em redes sociais e procrastinação acadêmica. Materiais e métodos: estudo quantitativo, não experimental e transversal. Foram utilizados o Inventário sisco de estresse acadêmico, o cupi para uso problemático da Internet, o smas-sf para vício em redes sociais e a escala de procrastinação acadêmica (epa). A amostra foi composta por 448 estudantes universitários mexicanos com idades entre 17 e 34 anos. Resultados: foram encontradas diferenças significativas em função do sexo nas reações ao estresse acadêmico e na catego-ria de auto-regulamentação, onde os homens indicaram baixa auto-regulamentação. Por outro lado, foi encontrada uma relação positiva e significativa, na subamostra de mulheres, entre o uso de redes sociais e procrastinação acadêmica, enquanto que para os homens houve relação positiva e significativa entre problemas devido ao uso de redes sociais e reações psicológicas ao estresse. Conclusão: a mudança da modalidade presencial para a virtual gerou consequências em universitários como estresse acadêmico, procrastinação e uso inadequado da Internet.

Humanos , Estresse Psicológico , Tecnologia , Comunicação , Internet , Tecnologia da Informação , Procrastinação , Transtorno de Adição à Internet , Uso da Internet , COVID-19
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225652


Aim:To reveal pre-exam cramming among pre-clinical medical students, what drives this practice, failure due to cramming and the problems and difficulties related to the act of cramming.Discussion:Cramming is common practice among struggling medical students. The prevalence of cramming is like an iceberg phenomenon. The act of stacking too many information just the night before an exam probably authorize the perpetrator to remember some information in the short term period and enable them to take in enough information for the exam. Along with this practice also comes sleep deprivation, mental and emotional disturbances and even substance abuse in order to achieve good marks and passing the exam. Unfortunately for some experts, cramming is not considered as learning. Procrastination and some other reason are believed to be the reason the culprit commits cramming. Conclusion:Cramming not only changes the behavior of the perpetrator, but also has an impact on his family, classmates, environment and future.

Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 16(3): 4-14, 20220819.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391291


El abuso del uso de las redes sociales genera dificultades en los individuos para las relaciones interpersonales, laborales y académicas. Se desarrolló una investigación con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre adicción a redes sociales y la procrastinación académica en estudiantes de una universidad privada de la selva peruana, durante el segundo período académico de 2021. El diseño metodológico fue no experimental con alcance correlacional y corte transversal. La población estuvo compuesta por universitarios matriculados en el período académico 2021-II, a partir de la cual se seleccionaron 304 alumnos mediante muestreo no probabilístico por sujetos voluntarios. Los instrumentos aplicados fueron: el Cuestionario de Adicción a Redes Sociales y la Escala de Procrastinación Académica. El 78,6% de la muestra tenía edades entre 18 y 26 años y el 62,2% correspondió al sexo femenino. La mayoría estaba matriculada en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud (50%) y el 27,6% cursaban el cuarto año. La distribución de los datos no resultó normal (p<0,05). Los valores globales de adicción a redes sociales y procrastinación académica no se correlacionaron estadísticamente (p>0,05). En las dos variables: adicción a las redes sociales y procrastinación, además de sus correspondientes dimensiones, la mayoría de los estudiantes involucrados se catalogaron en el nivel medio. No existió correlación estadística entre las dos variables principales del estudio; sin embargo, sí existió en lo referente a la adicción a las redes sociales en relación con la autorregulación académica y la postergación de actividades

The abuse of the use of social networks generates difficulties in people for interpersonal, work, and academic relationships. This research aimed to determine the relationship between addiction to social networks and academic procrastination in students at a private university from the Peruvian jungle, during the second academic period of 2021. The methodological design was non-experimental with a correlational scope, and cross-sectional. The population was constitu-ted by university students enrolled in the academic period 2021-II. 304 students were selected through non-probabilistic sampling by volunteer subjects. The instruments applied were the Social Network Addiction Questionnaire and the Academic Procrastination Scale. 78.6% of the sample were between 18 and 26 years of age and 62.2% were female. Most of them were enro-lled in the Faculty of Health Sciences (50%) and 27.6% were in their fourth year. The data distri-bution was not normal (p<0.05). The global values of addiction to social networks and academic procrastination were not statistically correlated (p>0.05). In the two variables (addiction to social networks and procrastination), most of the students involved were classified in the medium level. There was no statistical correlation between the two main variables of the study; however, it did exist in relation to addiction to social networks in relation to academic self-regu-lation and the postponement of activities.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Universidades , Procrastinação , Transtorno de Adição à Internet , Estudantes , Docentes , Rede Social
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 51(2): e1972, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408816


RESUMEN Introducción: La procrastinación, que es la acción de posponer determinadas actividades, impacta negativamente en el ámbito académico, de ahí la necesidad de investigar sobre el tema. Objetivo: Determinar algunos factores asociados a la procrastinación académica en estudiantes cubanos de Estomatología. Métodos: Estudio multicéntrico, observacional, analítico y transversal, realizado en 7 universidades cubanas. Se investigó la procrastinación con una escala validada y se obtuvieron razones de prevalencias ajustadas (RPa), intervalos de confianza al 95 % (IC 95 %) y valores p mediante modelos lineales generalizados. Resultados: De los 738 estudiantes, el 17 % y el 14% postergan los trabajos y las lecturas de los cursos que no le gustan; respectivamente. En el modelo multivariado, se encontró que estuvo asociado a una mayor frecuencia de procrastinación el tener más edad (RPa: 1,16; IC 95 %: 1,05-1,29; p= 0,003) y contar con el apoyo de un tutor (RPa: 1,81; IC 95 %: 1,24-2,64; p= 0,002). Por el contrario, hubo menos procrastinación entre los que habían publicado al menos un artículo científico (RPa: 0,62; IC 95 %: 0,40-0,97; p= 0,036); ajustado por 3 variables. Conclusiones: La edad, el tener un tutor y la publicación de artículos científicos son factores asociados a la procrastinación académica en estudiantes cubanos de Estomatología.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Procrastination, which is the action of postponing certain activities, has a negative impact on the academic field, hence the need to investigate the subject. Objective: To determine some factors associated with academic procrastination in Cuban dental students. Methods: Multicenter, observational, analytical and cross-sectional study, performed in 7 Cuban universities. Procrastination was investigated with a validated scale and adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR), 95 % confidence intervals (95 % CI), and p-values ​​were obtained using generalized linear models. Results: Of the 738 students, 17 % and 14 % put off course work and reading that they don't like; respectively. In the multivariate model, it was found that being older (aPR: 1,16; 95 % CI: 1,05-1,29; p= 0,003) and having the support of a tutor (aPR: 1,81; 95 % CI: 1,24-2,64; p= 0,002) were factors associated with a higher frequency of procrastination. On the contrary, there was less procrastination among those who had published at least one scientific article (aPR: 0,62; 95 % CI: 0,40-0,97; p= 0,036); adjusted for 3 variables. Conclusions: Age, having a tutor and the publication of scientific articles were factors associated with academic procrastination in Cuban dental students.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 51(3): e1826, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408842


RESUMEN Introducción: La procrastinación académica puede repercutir negativamente en la formación estudiantil y el desempeño profesional, de allí la necesidad de contar con instrumentos válidos y confiables para su estudio. Objetivo: Analizar las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de una escala de procrastinación académica en estudiantes cubanos de Estomatología. Métodos: Estudio instrumental, transversal y multicéntrico, que incluyó estudiantes de 7 universidades cubanas. A partir de un instrumento en español validado en estudiantes peruanos, se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio, se utilizó el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales y se calculó la consistencia interna con el coeficiente α de Cronbach. Resultados: Se incluyó a 684 participantes, de los cuales el 63,45 % fueron mujeres y la media de la edad fue 22,0 ± 1,71 años. De la escala inicial de 12 ítems distribuidos en 2 factores, el análisis factorial sugirió eliminar el ítem 5. El modelo final quedó conformado por 11 ítems, 8 para el factor 1 (Autorregulación académica) y 3 para el factor 2 (Postergación de actividades). Se obtuvo un coeficiente α de Cronbach de 0,786 (IC 95 % = 0,75 - 0,81), lo cual indica que la consistencia interna del instrumento es buena. Conclusiones: La escala de procrastinación académica (EPA-11-Odonto) posee evidencias de validez y confiabilidad adecuadas para evaluar el constructo en estudiantes cubanos de Estomatología.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Academic procrastination can have a negative impact on student education and professional performance, hence the need for valid and reliable instruments for its study. Objective: To analyze the evidence of validity and reliability of an academic procrastination scale in Cuban dental students. Methods: Instrumental, cross-sectional and multicenter study, which included students from seven Cuban universities. Using an instrument in Spanish validated in Peruvian students, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed, structural equation modeling was used, and internal consistency was calculated with Cronbach's α coefficient. Results: 684 participants were included, of which 63.45 % were women and the mean age was 22.0 ± 1.71 years. From the initial scale of 12 items distributed in 2 factors, the factor analysis suggested eliminating item 5. The final model was made up of 11 items, 8 for factor 1 (Academic self-regulation) and 3 for factor 2 (Postponement of activities). A Cronbach's α coefficient of 0.786 (95 % CI = 0.75 - 0.81) was obtained, which indicates that the internal consistency of the instrument is good. Conclusions: The academic procrastination scale (EPA-11-Odonto) has evidence of validity and adequate reliability to evaluate the construct in Cuban dental students.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 41: e704, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408605


Introducción: Los estudiantes universitarios de la carrera de medicina son una población expuesta a una alta carga académica, alta exigencia, gran demanda de tiempo y existen factores que pueden afectar la eficacia del desempeño académico, tales como el estrés y la procrastinación. Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre estrés y procrastinación en una muestra piloto de estudiantes de medicina en una universidad de Lima-Perú. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico transversal, en donde se reclutó a estudiantes de medicina del curso Metodología de la Investigación en una universidad de la capital peruana. En ellos se midió el estrés y la procrastinación, ambos con test validados previamente, luego se relacionó estas variables y se las ajustó por su sexo y edad. Para la estadística analítica se utilizó los modelos lineales generalizados y se consideró a los valores p ≤ 0,05 como estadísticamente significativos. Resultados: Al realizar el análisis multivariado se encontró que hubo relación entre la procrastinación y el género masculino de los encuestados (p = 0,001), la edad (p = 0,035) y el estrés (p = 0,022). Conclusiones: La procrastinación mantiene en la muestra estudiada una importante asociación con el estrés que tienen los estudiantes, así como, con su género y edad(AU)

Introduction: University medical students are a population exposed to a high academic load, high level of exigency, high demand of time and there are factors that can affect the effectiveness of academic performance, such as stress and procrastination. Objective: Evaluate the association between stress and procrastination in a pilot sample of medical students at a university in Lima, Peru. Material and methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted, where medical students from the Research Methodology course were recruited at a university in the Peruvian capital. In them, stress and procrastination were measured, both with previously validated tests, then these variables were related and adjusted according to their sex and age. For analytical statistics, generalized linear models were used and p-values ≤ 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: When performing the multivariate analysis, it was found that there was a relationship between procrastination and male gender (p = 0.001), age (p = 0.035) and stress (p = 0.022) of the respondents. Conclusions: Procrastination maintains in the sample studied an important association with the stress that students have, as well as with their gender and age(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Estresse Psicológico , Procrastinação , Desempenho Acadêmico , Estudantes de Medicina , Estudos Transversais , Estudo Observacional
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 1276-1280, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955646


Objective:To explore the mediating effect of self-control between smartphone addiction and academic procrastination in medical undergraduates.Methods:A total of 640 medical college undergraduates were selected by convenient sampling method. The self-designed general information questionnaire, smartphone addiction proneness scale (SAPS), brief self-control scale (BSCS) and procrastination assessment scale-students (PASS) were conducted among the students. SPSS 25.0 was used for descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis. Results:Correlation analysis showed that PASS scores were positively correlated with SAPS scores ( r=0.29, P<0.01), and negatively corrected with BSCS scores ( r=-0.26, P<0.01); the SAPS scores were negatively corrected with BSCS scores ( r=-0.33, P<0.01). Mediating effect analysis showed that the mediating role of self-control between smartphone addiction and academic procrastination were significant (effect size=0.13, 95%CI=0.03-0.26), and the mediating effect accounted for 38.24%. Conclusion:Self-control played partial mediating effect between smartphone addiction and academic procrastination in medical undergraduates. In order to improve the current situation of medical undergraduate's academic procrastination, medical college educators can intervene from the perspective of smartphone addiction and self-control.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 30(2): 27-39, July-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388950


Abstract The current study has as its objective to analyze the relationship between students' attitude towards learning English and the procrastinating behavior at the academic level. Attitudes strengthen people's motivation to learn a foreign language (Delfín, 2007), and procrastination, which involves unjustified delaying of activities, causes negative consequences in completing academic tasks postponement of responsibilities (Rodríguez & Clariana, 2017). The design was correlational, and the sample consisted of 55 students learning English. The instruments were the Attitudes towards English language learning questionnaire and the academic procrastination questionnaire. According to the results, evidence shows that there is a positive median relationship between the variables, leading us to conclude that despite having positive attitudes towards learning English, procrastinating behavior does not diminish. The results of this study could be utilized in bilingual programs, or those could also be utilized to implement curricula in language programs at schools or universities. The idea is that higher education institutions include, as mandatory, the instruction of English as a global language.

Resumen El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la relación que existe entre la actitud de los estudiantes hacia el aprendizaje del inglés y la conducta de procrastinar. Las actitudes refuerzan la motivación de las personas para aprender un idioma extranjero (Delfín, 2007) y la procrastinación, la cual tiene que ver con el aplazo injustificado de actividades, y provoca repercusiones negativas en las tareas académicas (Rodríguez & Clariana, 2017). El diseño fue correlacional y la muestra fue de 55 estudiantes de inglés. Los instrumentos fueron el cuestionario de Actitudes hacia el aprendizaje del idioma inglés y el cuestionario de procrastinación académica. De acuerdo a los resultados se evidencia que existe relación positiva media entre las variables, con lo cual se concluye que, a pesar de tener actitudes positivas hacia el aprendizaje del inglés, la conducta de procrastinar no disminuye. Los resultados de este estudio podrían ser utilizados en programas bilingües o podrían también ser utilizados para implementar currículos de programas de idiomas en escuelas y universidades. La idea es que las instituciones de educación superior tengan como obligación la implementación del curso de inglés como idioma global.