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Curationis ; 47(1): 1-8, 2024. tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1554038


Background: Globally, enrolled nurses (ENs) are embarking on an educational journey to become registered nurses (RNs) in order to enhance their knowledge and career opportunities. However, their aspiration is not without challenges. In Namibia, the experiences of these nurses have not been extensively researched. Objectives: This study aims to explore and describe the experiences and challenges of ENs undertaking a Bachelor of Nursing Science at the University of Namibia. Method: A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research strategy was followed as the basis of conducting the study. A sample of 15 nursing students was purposively selected from the target population of 73 nursing students. This sample size was determined by the saturation of data as reflected in repeating themes. The collected data were analysed thematically using an inductive approach. Results: Three main themes subsequently emerged from the study: ENs' positive experiences advancing in the Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNSc) programme; nurses' negative experiences advancing in the BNSc programme; and recommendations to ensure effective advancement in the BNSc programme Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that ENs positively experience becoming a RN when it comes to self-development; however, they have negative experiences such as not receiving exemptions for prior learning and having to learn a new curriculum. Contribution: These findings may be used by the Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing and Public Health management in order to develop targeted interventions and ongoing strategies during their curriculum review cycles to ensure positive student experiences and success within the programme.

Ciências da Saúde
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536580


Background: High-ability students require effective educational strategies. This study introduces and evaluates a curriculum enrichment programme aimed at enhancing cre ativity. The programme is based on a competency framework and was implemented using variations of Project-Based Learning (PBL) strategies. Method: A quasi-experimental design compared two interventions using pre-test and post-test groups. The first intervention (N = 38) involved a 12-week PBL unit focused on designing a video game using block-based program ming through Scratch. The second intervention (N = 51), also lasting 12 weeks, comprised three separate projects involving vectorial design and programming of an Arduino-based ro bot. Both interventions used strategies for creative-thinking development. The sample includ ed high-ability students from 8 to 12 years of age. Results: Both interventions significantly increased creativity, with no statistical differences between them. This suggests that both types of PBL interventions effectively improved participants' creativity. Conclusions: This study suggests that PBL-based curricular enrichment programmes are effective in fostering creativity among high-ability students.

Antecedentes: Los estudiantes con alta capacidad requieren estrategias educativas efectivas. Este estudio presenta y evalúa un programa de enriquecimiento curricular diseñado para mejorar la creatividad. El programa se basa en un marco de competencias y se implemen tó utilizando variaciones de estrategias de aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP). Método: Un diseño cuasi-experimental comparó dos intervenciones utilizando grupos pretest y postest. La primera intervención consistió en una unidad de ABP de 12 semanas centrada en el diseño de un videojuego utilizando programación basada en bloques mediante Scratch. La segunda intervención, también de 12 semanas de duración, consistió en tres proyectos independientes de diseño vectorial y programación de un robot basado en Arduino. En ambas intervencio nes se utilizaron estrategias para el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo. La muestra incluía estudiantes con altas capacidades de entre 8 y 12 años. Resultados: Ambas intervenciones aumentaron significativamente la creatividad, sin diferencias estadísticas entre ellas. Esto sugiere que ambos tipos de intervenciones de ABP mejoraron efectivamente la creatividad de los participantes. Conclusiones: Este estudio sugiere que los programas de enriquecimiento curricular basados en ABP son efectivos para fomentar la creatividad entre los estudiantes con altas capacidades.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223136


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic imposed new challenge to the implementation of the National Leprosy Eradication Programme. According to national data, after lockdown due to COVID-19, there was a 29% reduction in total leprosy cases reported in the first quarter (April-June) of 2020 in comparison to 2019. Objectives: To explore the difficulties faced by different stakeholders of the National Leprosy Eradication Programme like policy makers, doctors, grass root level health workers as well as leprosy patients during COVID-19 pandemic with respect to programme implementation and access to leprosy care. Materials and Methods: Qualitative research was undertaken including two focus-group-discussions held among six leprosy patients diagnosed after lockdown and nine ASHA workers as well as six in-depth interviews of doctors, leprologists, and programme managers. Ethics committee approval was sought and informed consent was obtained from all participants. All focus-group-discussions were electronically recorded and the in-depth interviews telephonically recorded, transcribed and translated from Bengali-to-English. Transcripts were separately coded by researchers and thematically analysed with the help of Visual-Anthropac software version 1.0. Results: Solitary focus on COVID-19 control, capacity building and information, education and communication, leprosy case search & surveillance, co-infection among health workers, transportation issues were the themes explored from focus-group-discussions of health workers and ASHA workers. Similarly, the present study identified six themes from in-depth interviews of programme manager, leprologists, programme manager as diagnostic difficulty, operational issues, rehabilitation issues, capacity building & information education and communication activities and way forward. Limitations: The research reveals the perceptions of rural population of Eastern India with high leprosy prevalence, which might not be applicable for urban areas or low prevalent districts Conclusion: The solitary focus of the administration towards COVID and shifting the infrastructure and human resource only towards the management of COVID can lead to resurgence of the leprosy. Having an organised framework of operations, catering to the need of the front-line workers in rendering services, utilizing the digital platform and social media, and focusing on rehabilitation would be needed to overcome the crisis

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2023 Jun; 8(2): 128-133
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222703


The study of the human anatomy predominantly requires the use of remains of the dead. Unclaimed bodies are easily available in India; however, there is a lack of clear ethical guidelines governing their transport and exchange. We raise pertinent questions about the ethical implications of using unclaimed bodies in teaching anatomy, their transport, transfer and storage, ethical and legal issues regarding the voluntary donation of bodies and dry human bones, as well as the commercial aspects of body donation. We also examine existing practices in anatomy departments in India, and explore the available legal safeguards. We detail practical and ethical challenges in the existing practices and safeguards and attempt to provide solutions.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218911


Background- The mental illness seen in children is worrisome and has many factors leading to such conditions. The need for positive intervention is need of the hour. Materials & Methods- Quasi-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used for the study. The sample consisted of 60 prenatal mothers in selected rural areas of Bhopal by Non-Probability convenient sampling technique. A pre-test was conducted by using a structured knowledge questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding prenatal factors leading to mental disorders. Results- In this study, on comparing the pre-test and post-test knowledge score it was found that all prenatal mothers scored better in the post-test. Majority of respondents scored average and 20.0% scored good. The post test mean was more than pre test score. Conclusion- We concluded that the structured teaching program is effective in increasing knowledge of the prenatal mothers regarding prenatal factors leading to mental disorders.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223544


Mental disorders in India form a major public health concern and the efforts to tackle these dates back to four decades, by way of the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) and its operational arm, the District Mental Health Programme (DMHP). Although the progress of NMHP (and DMHP) was relatively slower till recently, the last 4-5 years have seen rapid strides with several initiatives, including (i) expansion of DMHPs to 90 per cent of the total districts of the country, (ii) the National Mental Health Policy and (iii) strengthening the Mental Health Legislation by way of providing explicit provisions for rights of persons with mental illnesses. Among others, factors responsible for this accelerated growth include the easily accessible digital technology as well as judicial activism. Federal and State cooperation is another notable feature of this expansion. In this review, the authors summarize the available information on the evolution of implementation and research aspects related to India’s NMHP over the years and provide a case for the positive turn of events witnessed in the recent years. However, the authors caution that these are still baby steps and much more remains to be done.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223530


Background & objectives: There is a paucity of data regarding immunogenicity of recently introduced measles–rubella (MR) vaccine in Indian children, in which the first dose is administered below one year of age. This study was undertaken to assess the immunogenicity against rubella and measles 4-6 wk after one and two doses of MR vaccine administered under India’s Universal Immunization Programme (UIP). Methods: In this longitudinal study, 100 consecutive healthy infants (9-12 months) of either gender attending the immunization clinic of a tertiary care government hospital affiliated to a medical college of Delhi for the first dose of routine MR vaccination were enrolled. MR vaccine (0.5 ml, subcutaneous) was administered to the enrolled participants (1st dose at 9-12 months and 2nd dose at 15-24 months). On each follow up (4-6 wk post-vaccination), 2 ml of venous blood sample was collected to estimate the antibody titres against measles and rubella using quantitative ELISA kits. Seroprotection (>10 IU/ml for measles and >10 WHO U/ml for rubella) and antibody titres were evaluated after each dose. Results: The seroprotection rate against rubella was 97.5 and 100 per cent and against measles was 88.7 per cent and 100 per cent 4-6 wk after the first and second doses, respectively. The mean (standard deviation) titres against rubella and measles increased significantly (P<0.001) after the second dose in comparison to the levels after the first dose by about 100 per cent and 20 per cent, respectively. Interpretation & conclusions: MR vaccine administered below one year of age under the UIP resulted in seroprotection against rubella and measles in a large majority of children. Furthermore, its second dose resulted in seroprotection of all children. The current MR vaccination strategy of two doses, out of which the first is to be given to infants below one year of age, appears robust and justifiable among Indian children.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536119


Son múltiples los estudios que informan de una alta prevalencia de problemas de salud mental en médicos y médicas. Aunque los médicos presentan resistencias a la hora de solicitar ayuda profesional cuando están aquejados de trastornos mentales, los servicios especializados desarrollados específicamente para tratar sus problemas de salud mental han reportado resultados prometedores. El propósito de este artículo es describir el diseno y la implementación del Programa de Bienestar Profesional del Colegio Médico del Uruguay. El contexto, los insumos, las actividades y algunos de los productos se describen de acuerdo con el diseno de un estudio de caso. También se sefñalan los principales hitos en la puesta en marcha del programa, así como los elementos facilitadores, los obstáculos y los principales logros. Se enfatizará la importancia de la colaboración internacional para compartir experiencias y modelos, cómo articular el proceso asistencial para fomentar el acceso de los médicos a la atención psiquiátrica y psicológica, la necesidad de que sean flexibles y dinámicos para adaptarse a circunstancias novedosas y cambiantes como la pandemia por COVID-19 y la necesidad de que vayan en paralelo con las exigencias de los organismos reguladores de la práctica médica. Se espera que la experiencia descrita en este trabajo pueda ser de utilidad a otros colectivos latinoamericanos interesados en desarrollar programas de salud mental para los médicos.

Multiple studies have reported a high prevalence of mental health problems among male and female physicians. Although doctors are reluctant to seek professional help when suffering from a mental disorder, specialized services developed specifically to treat their mental health problems have reported promising results. The purpose of this article is to describe the design and implementation of the Professional Wellbeing Programme (Programa de Bienestar Profesional) of the Uruguayan Medical Association (Colegio Médico del Uruguay). The context, inputs, activities and some of the outputs are described according to a case study design. The main milestones in the implementation of the programme are also outlined, as well as the enabling elements, obstacles and main achievements. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of international collaboration to share experiences and models, how to design the care process to promote doctors' access to psychiatric and psychological care, the need for them to be flexible and dynamic in adapting to new and changing circumstances, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and to work in parallel with the medical regulatory bodies. It is hoped that the experience described in this work may be of use to other Latin American institutions interested in developing mental health programmes for doctors.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226539


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders that affectingwomen in reproductive age. Incidence rate isabout5% to 10% in this age group. Nursesare in a position to improve attitude of individualsaffected with the syndrome, soenhancing the attitudeof nursing students regarding PCOS will help to modify attitude ofgeneral population. Aim of the study was to improve the attitudeof B.Sc. Nursing students regarding PCOS.Quasi experimental research approach,non-randomized control group pre-test-post–test design was used.80 B.Sc. Nursing students were selected by using purposivesampling technique.Likert scalewas used to collect the data from the samples.Result of the study revealed that in experimental group, mean pre-test attitude score was 54.70,more than half 75%of the nursing studentshad unfavorable attitude, 25%had moderately favorable attitudeand none of them had favorable attitude, Mean post-test attitudescore of B.Sc. Nursing students was 93.72, none of the nursing studenthad unfavorable attitude, 15% had moderately favorable attitudeand 85% had favorable attitude. In comparison group, Mean pre-test attitudescore of B.Sc. Nursing students was 55.22, more than half of the nursing students 87.5% had unfavorable attitude, 12.5%had moderately favorable attitudeand none of the nursing studenthad favorable attitude, Mean post-test attitudescore of B.Sc. Nursing students was 55.20, more than half of the nursing students 87.5% had unfavorable attitude, 12.5%had moderately favorable attitudeand none of the nursing student had favorable attitude.

Indian J Pediatr ; 2023 Jan; 90(1): 38–48
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223742


Objectives To assess the gaps and trends in child immunization coverage among urban and rural areas in India, and compare the success of immunisation program in each. Methods PubMed, Scopus, and Crossref, and Google Scholar electronic databases were searched on October 9, 2019, and March 21, 2020, for studies that measured and reported immunization coverage indicators in India. Random-efects metaanalyses and meta-regressions were conducted. Results The authors' search identifed 545 studies, and 2 were obtained by expert suggestion. Among these 68 studies and 6 surveys were included. They found that full immunization coverage has grown yearly at 2.65% and 0.82% in rural and urban areas, respectively whereas partial immunization coverage declined by ?2.44% and ?0.69%, respectively. Percentage of nonimmunized children did not show a statistically signifcant trend in either. Conclusion While rural immunization coverage has seen a large increase over the past two decades, the progress in urban areas is weak and negligible. This was largely attributable to a focus on minimizing dropouts in rural areas. However, a lack of signifcant reduction in unimmunized children may indicate left-out children or pockets in both rural and urban areas. The poor performance of immunization programs in urban areas, coupled with a larger impact of COVID-19, warrants that India urgently adopts urban-sensitive and urban-focused policies and programs.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990356


Objective:To formulate a ladder type early activity program in order to provide a theoretical and practical basis for improving the current activity status of tumor patients with pulmonary embolism.Methods:This research was conducted experimentally. A total of 92 tumor patients diagnosed as pulmonary embolism from January 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 in Sichuan Cancer Hospital were divided into control group and experimental group with 46 cases each by random number table method. In the control group, a routine activity program was carried out, and the patients were confined to bed for 7 days. The experimental group obtained the best evidence of early pulmonary embolism activity plan through evidence-based nursing, formed a nurse-led ladder type early pulmonary embolism activity team, and finally constructed and implemented the ladder type early activity plan. The mortality rate, new thrombosis in ICU for 3 days and 7 days, length of stay in ICU and patients′ comfort were compared between the two groups.Results:The mortality rates within 30 days after the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism were 4.35% (2/46) and 2.17% (1/46) respectively in the control group and the experimental group, with no significant difference between the two groups ( χ2=0.35, P>0.05). The rates of new thrombosis were 15.22% (7/46) and 26.09% (12/46) in the control group, and 4.35% (2/46) and 4.35% (2/46) in the experimental group, respectively at 3 and 7 days after ICU admission, with a significant difference between the two groups at 7 days after ICU admission ( χ2=8.43, P<0.05). The length of stay in ICU and the score of General Comfort Questionnaire (GCQ) were (15.74 ± 11.11) days and (64.30 ± 15.54) points in the experimental group, respectively, while those in the control group were (11.07 ± 5.63)days and (73.84 ± 11.73) points, respectively. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant ( t=-2.55, -3.32, both P<0.05). Conclusions:The evidence-based ladder type early activity program for patients with pulmonary embolism caused by tumor will not increase the mortality of patients, but can ensure the safety of patients, reduce the incidence of new thrombosis and the length of ICU stay, improve the comfort of patients during the treatment of pulmonary embolism. It is worthy of clinical application.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997072


@#Introduction: Occupational therapists have been developing various handwriting intervention that has fundamental occupational goals with known validity to guide professional practice in the treatment of children with handwriting difficulties. This study aimed to explore the development and content validation of a developed handwriting intervention programme for children with handwriting difficulties. Methods: This study employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology based on the sequential exploratory design in two main stages. The first stage is the focus group discussion and followed by a validation procedure using face and content validity scored by the expert reviewers. A total of thirteen experts participated in this study. Results: The findings were analyzed thematically according to physical appearance, language used, and content in the developed programme. The face and content validity report a convincing value, ranging from 0.99 to 1.00 of S-CVI values on four aspects, relevancy, clarity, simplicity, and ambiguity in the developed programme. Conclusion: This study provided preliminary approval for the development and validation of a handwriting intervention programme for children with handwriting difficulties to support the demand in the Malaysian school curriculum.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005336


@#Introduction: Consistent with the Sustainable Development Goal 17 highlighting partnership to achieve development, this study demonstrated the convergence among government, industry and academe in carrying out a nutrition intervention to improve the nutritional status, knowledge, attitude and behaviour of school community (school children and mothers). Methods: A school-based intervention study comprising of school lunch feeding and nutrition lessons was conducted. Quasi-experimental design was used in the intervention research. Data were analysed using Stata 12.0. Descriptive statistics were generated using the survey module (svy) of Stata. The food and nutrition intervention mix composed of the governmentpartner School Feeding Programme (SFP) and the nutrition education campaign. The government-partner SFP involved lunch feeding of 7 to 9 years old students based on the standardised Pinggang Pinoy® recipes. The government-partner nutrition education component involved teaching of the developed modules to students and their mothers. Results: The intervention resulted in improvements in nutritional status, knowledge, attitude and behaviour of students. Investing an average of Php 15.00 or USD 0.29 (as of 2017) in a school feeding programme following the government-partner food and nutrition intervention mix improved nutritional status and shifted the number of underweight children to normal nutritional status by 25.3% after 120 feeding days. This intervention was implemented through a multisectoral collaboration during the pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation phases of the study. Conclusion: Partnerships among stakeholders provided the context towards healthier children as demonstrated by improved nutritional status, knowledge, attitude and behaviour of participants.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025544


Objective:To analyze the efficacy of the new forest parenting programme (NFPP) for children and families with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in China, and to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of the programme in China.Methods:Twenty-two children with ADHD diagnosed at the Child Psychology Development and Behavior Outpatient Clinic of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University and their primary caregivers were included in the study from January 2022 to May 2023. The children with ADHD were divided into an experimental group ( n=11) and a control group ( n=11) according to the personal preference of the primary caregivers. The experimental group was provided with the NFPP intervention once a week for a period of 8 weeks. The Chinese version of Swanson Nolan and Pelham, version Ⅳ scale-parent form(SNAP-Ⅳ)and Weiss functional impairment rating scales-parent report(WFIRS-P))were used to assess the improvement of core symptoms and social function impairment in the two groups before and after the intervention. In the experimental group, the Chinese parenting sense of competence scale (C-PSOC) and the parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire (PSDQ) were used to evaluate the parenting efficiency and improvement of parenting styles of primary caregivers in ADHD families before and after NFPP intervention. A Semi-open interview was conducted with 11 primary caregivers of ADHD children in the experimental group at the end of the intervention regarding knowledge of ADHD disease diagnosis and treatment, parenting attitudes, and parenting behaviors. The data was statistically analyzed by SPSS 26.0 software.Statistical analysis of data was used by independent sample t-test, paired sample t-test, Mann Whitney U-test, and rank sum test. Results:(1) Compared with the post-intervention control group, the total score((4.01±1.05), (2.79±0.94), t=2.875, P<0.05) in the SNAP-Ⅳ, the scores of the oppositional defiance dimension((1.27±0.34), (0.70±0.33), t=4.043, P<0.05) in the SNAP-Ⅳ, the scores of the family in WFIRS-P ((0.92±0.47), (0.56±0.26), t=2.246, P<0.05), and the scores of life skills in WFIRS-P (1.1(0.9, 1.3), (0.6(0.5, 0.8), Z=-2.013, P<0.05)were significantly lower in the post-intervention experimental group ( P<0.05). After intervention, the scores of the 3 dimensions of attention deficit, impulsivity/hyperactivity, and oppositional defiance and the total score of the SNAP-Ⅳ in the experimental group were significantly lower than those before intervention (all P<0.05). (2) After intervention, the score of the parenting efficacy dimension in the C-PSOC in experimental group was significantly higher than pre-intervention ( P<0.05). After intervention, the scores of the PSDQ for authoritative parenting style in the self-assessment and other-assessment in the experimental group were significantly higher than pre-intervention (all P<0.05), and the scores of the authoritarian parenting style and the permissive parenting style were significantly lower than pre-intervention (all P<0.05). (3) The results of the semi-open interview suggested that, the primary caregivers of children with ADHD in the experimental group had a positive attitude toward the NFPP intervention and were able to participate in the entire 8-week intervention, and apply the learned parenting skills to daily life to continuously improve parenting efficiency. After the NFPP intervention, the primary caregivers of children with ADHD had a deeper understanding of the knowledge of ADHD diseases, behavioral characteristics of children with ADHD, and so on. In the intervention content, the modules such as time management, communication skills and behavioral prediction were easy to grasp and effective. Conclusion:The NFPP can significantly improve the core symptoms of Chinese children with ADHD, increase the parenting efficacy of their primary caregivers, and improve their parenting styles.

Health SA Gesondheid (Print) ; 28: 1-9, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1512039


Background: According to the 90-90-90 strategy, the focus is on 90% of people living with HIV and/or AIDS knowing their HIV status, initiated on antiretroviral treatment and achieving viral suppression. The challenge is that only 74% of people living with HIV and/or AIDS are on antiretroviral treatment, and HIV mortality still occurs. Literature recommends the incorporation of a Nurse Initiated Management of Antiretroviral Treatment (NIMART) course within the undergraduate nursing programme to capacitate new nurses to manage people living with HIV and/or AIDS immediately after completion of their training. However, the NIMART course is still not incorporated, and there is dearth of information on this topic in North West Province (NWP). Aim: To explore and describe nurse educators' perceptions regarding the incorporation of NIMART course within the undergraduate nursing programme in NWP. Setting: The setting of this research study was nursing education institutions of the NWP. Methods: Phenomenography qualitative research design was followed. Twelve nurse educators underwent purposive selection and unstructured individual interviews were conducted. The research co-coder verified the findings. There were ethical considerations and trustworthiness maintained throughout the study. Results: Main themes that emerged in this study depicted benefits and challenges associated with NIMART course incorporation within the undergraduate nursing programme as stated in Table 1. Conclusion: This study concluded that NIMART course incorporation within the undergraduate nursing programme is a good and relevant idea, which requires human and non-human resources.

Infecções por HIV , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida , Educação em Enfermagem , Terapia Antirretroviral de Alta Atividade , Diagnóstico , Educação de Graduação em Medicina
Occup. health South. Afr. (Online) ; 29(2): 83-87, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1527099


Background: Exposure to respirable dust is widespread in the mining industry. One of the significant components in dust is respirable crystalline silica (RCS), which causes pulmonary silicosis; RCS exposure is also associated with tuberculosis. The health effects of exposure to RCS in Zambian copper miners are unclear. Objectives: This review describes RCS exposure, associated occupational respiratory diseases, and existing dust exposure management programmes in the Zambian copper mining industry. Research gaps are also identified. Methods: Online search engines (Google Scholar, PubMed, and Web of Science) were used to identify relevant published literature, and governmental databases and websites were searched for information. Results: Only two studies have reported RCS dust exposure in the Zambian copper mining industry, and seven studies describe related diseases. The Zambian Ministry of Health reports on only two occupational respiratory diseases: silicosis and tuberculosis (TB). Zambia does not have an occupational health policy or programmes that protect workers in dusty operations from exposure to RCS. Conclusion: Little is known about exposure to RCS and related occupational diseases in the Zambian copper mining industry. The absence of legislative guidelines for an RCS monitoring programme places copper miners at risk of developing respiratory diseases because of high and uncontrolled RCS levels. An RCS management programme should be developed and implemented to investigate the exposure of miners to RCS, and to promote the implementation of control measures

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Dióxido de Silício
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223685


Background & objectives: Information on recent cancer statistics is important for planning, monitoring and evaluating cancer control activities. This article aims to provide an update on the cancer incidence estimates in India by sex, age groups and anatomical sites for the year 2022. Methods: The National Cancer Registry Programme Report 2020, reported the cancer incidence from 28 Population-Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) for the years 2012-2016. This was used as the basis to calculate cancer estimates in India. Information pertaining to the population at risk was extracted from the Census of India (2001 and 2011) for the estimation of age–sex stratified population. PBCRs were categorised into the respective State and regions of the country to understand the epidemiology of cancer. The age-specific incidence rate for each specific anatomical site of cancer was applied to the estimated population to derive the number of cancer cases in India for 2022. Results: The estimated number of incident cases of cancer in India for the year 2022 was found to be 14,61,427 (crude rate:100.4 per 100,000). In India, one in nine people are likely to develop cancer in his/her lifetime. Lung and breast cancers were the leading sites of cancer in males and females, respectively. Among the childhood (0-14 yr) cancers, lymphoid leukaemia (boys: 29.2% and girls: 24.2%) was the leading site. The incidence of cancer cases is estimated to increase by 12.8 per cent in 2025 as compared to 2020. Interpretation & conclusions: The cancer incidence is continuing to increase in India. The new estimates will be helpful in planning cancer prevention and control activities through the intervention of early detection, risk reduction and management.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220591


In a landmark directive towards ensuring quality teacher education, the National Council of Teacher Education has made sweeping changes from this academic session. It has increased the duration of B.Ed. programme from one year to two years with major changes in curriculum. However, the revision in the norms regarding duration of the course and curriculum is the result of extensive and exclusive debates and discussions. It has emerged as an idea that has been expressed at various forums over the years. Now that the execution phase has begun, the idea is to be analysed in terms of its actual feasibility. It is to be seen whether the prolonged course duration proves into historical transformation in the system of education or turns to be rather 'a not so preferable profession' in the era of professionalism and human capital. However, it is even more pertinent to understand why such changes were felt needed and what strategies have been evolved to implement the revisions effectively. So far the studies have established that the existing training programme does not provide adequate opportunities to the student teachers to develop competency because of the anomalies and defects in the system of implementation of the programme and curriculum of the programme

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219098


Introduction: A breast exam is a self-inspection of the breasts. During a breast exam, eyes used to see and hands to observe the appearance and feel the breast. Breast exams allow becoming more familiar with girls breasts. Materials and Methods: This study made use of an evaluative approach with one group pretest and post test design. The sample for the study sample comprised of 60 adolescent girls. A disproportionate purposive sampling technique was used to select 60 adolescent girls. The tool and STP were validated by 7 experts. Pre testing and reliability of the tool was established prior to pilot study. Pilot study was conducted among ten adolescent girls. this gave basis for the invigilator to conduct the actual study .the actual study was conducted among 60 adolescent girls .following the pretest, STP Was administered and post test was conducted seven days after the administration of STP. The obtained data was analyzed in terms of the objectives and hypothesis using descriptive and inferential statistics. Interpretation: The finding of the study showed that STP is an effective teaching strategy to increase knowledge of adolescent girls. Results: The finding of the study proved that adolescent girls lacked knowledge about breast self examination. The STP given by the investigator helped the adolescent girls to improve their knowledge and the finding showed that it is statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217631


Background: A materiovigilance program is a system that is used for the identification, collection, and reporting of possible adverse reactions resulting from the use of medical devices. This monitoring program ensures the safety of patients and aids the post-marketing surveillance process. The Materiovigilance Programme of India (MvPI) was launched on July 6, 2015. Aims and Objectives: The primary objective of the study was to generate evidence based data on the safety of the medical devices used in our institute and to analyze the risk benefit ratio of reported adverse events of medical devices and to communicate the safety information to the stake holders. The secondary objective was to educate and advocate the concept of MvPI and creating a culture of adverse events reporting among health workers. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted after receiving clearance from the Institutional Ethical Committee, Saheed Laxman Nayak Medical College and Hospital (SLN MCH), Koraput. Data about Medical Device-Associated Adverse Events (MDAEs) were collected from MDMC, SLN MCH, Koraput, for the period from October 2019 to February 2022. MDAE reports were collected by a materiovigilance associate during the period from October 2019 to February 2022. Events were reviewed to verify whether or not they were documented in patient’s electronic records and a database of devices was created, which included the events associated with each device. Device-related MDAEs were classified by patient characteristics and the medical devices used. Results: In the 15-month study period, a total of 56 cases of MDAE were reported to MDMC, SLN MCH, Koraput. Of these, 17.9% MDAEs (10 cases) were adverse events related to surgical gloves, 8.9% (five cases) were associated with pulse oximeters, 7.14% of cases (4 cases) were due to glucometer malfunctioning, and 7.1% were related to HIV diagnostic kits such as false positives and false negatives. Adverse events such as skin rashes, irritation on skin, itching, redness of eyes, and gum bleeding in patients with dental braces were reported. A majority of device defects involved inaccuracy in the data reported by the devices (seen in 10.7% of cases), while six cases were due to device malfunctioning. Conclusion: This study shows only the tip of iceberg of the reporting trends of MDME. There is inequality in reporting by different grades of health care workers and from different departments. It highlights the necessity of conducting awareness programs, training and workshops regularly. Device-related safety and reporting of device-related adverse events should be subject of attention and further research.