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rev. psicogente ; 23(43): 64-82, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361199


Resumen Objetivo: Validar la Escala de Pensamientos de Enojo para Adolescentes, la cual incluye tres factores: venganza (4 ítems, por ej., "Haré sufrir a la otra persona"), pensamientos de insulto o peyorativos (5 ítems, por ej., "Es un estúpido") y pensamientos de control (10 ítems, por ej., "Tendré paciencia"). Método: La muestra fue de 522 adolescentes mexicanos de escuela pública (M de edad = 15,92, DE =0,90); 213 hombres y 309 mujeres seleccionados de forma no aleatoria. Los instrumentos fueron: la Escala de Pensamientos de Enojo para Adolescentes, el Inventario Multicultural de Expresión de la Cólera y la Hostilidad (ML-STAXI) para Adolescentes Mexicanos y la Escala de Expresión del Enojo con Agresión Física. El diseño del estudio fue instrumental. Resultados: Se encontró, por medio de análisis factorial confirmatorio que el modelo de tres factores tuvo buen ajuste (CFI = .912, SRMR = .046, RMSEA = .076). La confiabilidad (Alfa de Cronbach) fue aceptable: .78, .86 y .92, respectivamente. La validez de constructo fue satisfactoria, dado que la escala fue útil para diferenciar a personas de alto y bajo puntaje en variables de enojo, control del enojo, expresión del enojo y agresión física hacia las personas y hacia los objetos. Hubo leve diferencia por sexo en una de las tres escalas, donde las mujeres tuvieron más pensamientos peyorativos que los hombres. Conclusión: La Escala de Pensamientos de Enojo para Adolescentes es una opción confiable y con validez de constructo. Representa un punto de partida para la investigación, evaluación y tratamiento de adolescentes con problemas en el control del enojo.

Abstract Objective: The goal of the study was to validate an Angry Thoughts Scale for Adolescents, which has three factors: revenge (4 items, e.g., "I will make the other person suffer"), insulting or pejorative thoughts (5 items, e.g., "S/he is stupid"), and thoughts of control (10 items, e.g., "I will be patient"). Method: The sample had 522 adolescents (M age = 15.92, SD = 0.90); 213 men, and 309 women from a public school; they were recruited through intentional non-random sampling. The participants answered three instruments: The Angry Thoughts Scale for Adolescents, The Multicultural Inventory of Anger and Hostility (ML-STAXI) for Mexican Adolescents, and the Scale of Anger Expression with Physical Aggression. The design of the study is instrumental. Results: It was found, through confirmatory factor analysis and modification indexes, that the 3-factor model showed good fit (CFI = .912, SRMR = .046, RMSEA = .076). The reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) was acceptable: .78, .86, and .92, respectively. Construct validity was satisfactory, since the scale was useful to distinguish between individuals with high and low scores in variables of anger, anger control, anger expression, and physical aggression toward people and toward objects. A gender difference was found in one of the three scales; women had more pejorative thoughts than men. Conclusion: The Angry Thoughts Scale for Adolescents is a reliable option with construct validity. It represents a starting point for research, assessment, and treatment of adolescents with anger problems.

Bogotá; s.n; 2019. 110 p. graf, ilus.
Tese em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1395789


El entorno de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos representa una carga no solo física, sino también emocional para la familia interfiriendo con dinámicas de relaciones interpersonales, entre esta y enfermería, generando un desequilibrio constante que puede inducir a barreras de comunicación, aumentando la incidencia de síntomas emocionales como la ansiedad, la depresión y el estrés. Existen factores tangibles dentro de la dinámica interrelacional, como la comunicación, información, respeto, trato digno y cuidado participativo, que pueden medirse para diseñar y ejecutar planes de cuidado orientados a las necesidades puntuales de la familia, lo que puede representar un impacto positivo en el cuidado de la experiencia de la salud del sujeto de cuidado. Por lo anterior, se hace necesario contar con instrumentos válidos y confiables que contribuyan a diagnosticar la relación interpersonal entre enfermera y familia, para identificar fortalezas y debilidades, y de esta manera, lograr un cuidado de enfermería holístico y de calidad. El instrumento VRIEF-UCI (Valoración de las relaciones interpersonales entre enfermera y familia en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos) responde a esta necesidad. Cuenta con pruebas iniciales de validez aparente y de contenido desde el año 2016, sin embargo, requiere pruebas más robustas para garantizar su calidad y consistencia en investigaciones futuras. Este instrumento consta de 45 ítems tipo Likert, y está estructurado en cinco dimensiones (orientación, información, trato digno, empatía y cuidado participativo), con base en la teoría de las relaciones interpersonales de Hildegard Peplau. Objetivo: Determinar la validez de constructo, contenido, criterio y confiabilidad del instrumento VRIEF-UCI, que evalúa la relación interpersonal entre enfermera y familia. Método: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo-psicométrico en cuatro fases: Validación de contenido a través del juicio de expertos; validación de constructo por medio del análisis factorial exploratorio; validación de criterio determinando la correlación con el instrumento EVACALEN ­ Evaluación de la calidad de Enfermería de Ramírez, Perdomo & Galán (2013) y confiabilidad con el Alfa de Cronbach. Como complemento se realizó análisis de dificultad y consistencia de ítems a través del método de Rasch. Muestra: 430 familiares entre 30 y 65 años de edad con pacientes en las UCI de dos hospitales universitarios de la ciudad de Bogotá-Colombia. Resultados y conclusiones: Con respecto a la validez de contenido, se encontró un índice de concordancia global de 0.96; en la validez de constructo, a través del análisis factorial exploratorio se determinó que el instrumento es unidimensional lo que contrasta con lo planteado por las autoras del instrumento. Respecto a la validez de criterio, se pudo identificar que esta responde a una validez de tipo convergente, debido a las características de los instrumentos confrontados, encontrando que la correlación entre el instrumento VRIEF-UCI y el criterio externo EVACALEN es de 0.876 (alta), lo que permitió a su vez realizar una regresión lineal que mostró la existencia de predictibilidad entre la variable dependiente (calidad de cuidado) y la independiente (relación interpersonal) con un R= 0,953 y una F=4268,175; la confiabilidad del instrumento es alta, determinada con un Alpha de Cronbach de 0.97. Por último, con el método de Rasch se obtuvo un análisis del comportamiento de cada uno de los ítems, estableciendo adecuados niveles de dificultad, lo que se traduce en una alta probabilidad de que los participantes desarrollen adecuadamente el instrumento (media de MNSQ de 0.99 y de una media de ZSTD de -0.1 para INFIT, y un MNSQ de 1.01 y de una media de ZSTD de 0.1 para OUTFIT). Al final de este proceso, se cuenta con un instrumento válido y confiable que evalúa las relaciones interpersonales entre enfermera y familia en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, aportando un producto innovador a la comunidad científica y académica.

The environment of the Intensive Care Unit represents a burden not only physical, but also emotional for the family, interfering with the dynamics of interpersonal relationships between it and nursing, generating a constant imbalance that can induce to communication barriers, increasing the incidence of emotional symptoms such as Anxiety, depression and stress. There are tangible factors within the inter-relational dynamic such as communication, information, respect, dignified care and participative care, which can be measured to design and implement care plans sensitive to the specific needs of the family, which can have a positive impact on the care of the health experience of this subject of care. Therefore, it is necessary to have valid and reliable instruments that help to diagnose the interpersonal relationship between nurse and family, to identify strengths and weaknesses and thus achieve a holistic and quality nursing care. The VRIEF-UCI instrument (Assessment of interpersonal relationships between nurse and family in the intensive care unit), responds to this need. It has initial tests of apparent validity and content since 2016, however it requires more robust tests to guarantee its quality and consistency in future research. This instrument consists of 45 Likert-type items, and is structured in 5 dimensions (orientation, information, dignified care, empathy and participatory care), based on theory of interpersonal relationships Hildegard Peplau. Objective: To determine the content, criterion and construct validity and reliability of the VRIEF-UCI instrument, which evaluates the interpersonal relationship between nurse and family. Method: Quantitative-psychometric study in four phases: Validation of content through expert judgment (7 experts); construct validation through exploratory factor analysis; Validation of criteria determining the correlation with the instrument EVACALEN - Nursing quality assessment of Perdomo, Ramírez, & Galán (2013) and reliability with Cronbach's Alpha. As a complement, analysis of difficulty and consistency of items was carried out using the Rasch method. Sample: 430 relatives between 30 and 65 years of patients in the ICU of a university hospital in the city of Bogotá-Colombia. Results and conclusions: With regard to content validity, an overall concordance index of 0.96 was found; In the construct validity through the exploratory factorial analysis, it was determined that the instrument is two-dimensional, with factorial loads of 30.58 and 0.56 respectively, which could suggest statistical unidimensionality due to the variance explained by the first factor with respect to the second, However, it is not possible to extract the 5 dimensions proposed by the authors of the instrument; Regarding the criterion validity, it was possible to identify that this corresponds to a validity of convergent type, due to the characteristics of the confronted instruments, finding that the correlation between the VRIEF-UCI instrument and the external EVACALEN criterion is 0.876 (high) , which in turn allowed to perform a linear regression that showed the existence of predictability between the dependent variable (quality of care) and the independent variable (interpersonal relationship) with an R = 0.953 and an F = 4268.175; The reliability of the instrument is high determined with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.97. Finally, with the Rasch method, an analysis of the behavior of each of the items was obtained, establishing adequate levels of difficulty which translates a high probability that the participants will develop the instrument adequately (MNSQ average of 0.99 and a mean of ZSTD of -0.1 for INFIT, and an MNSQ of 1.01 and a mean of ZSTD of 0.1 for OUTFIT). At the end of this process there is a valid and reliable instrument that evaluates the interpersonal relationships between the nurse and the family in the intensive care unit, providing an innovative product to the scientific and academic community.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Psicometria , Família , Estudos de Viabilidade , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Relações Interpessoais
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-441929


Objective To explore the reliability and validity of the Chinese revised version of the Intolerance of uncertainty scale(IUS).Methods A total of 930 college students completed the IUS.45 college students participated in the retest 3 weeks later.The self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and the self-rating depression scale (SDS) were used as criterions for assessment of the validity of the Chinese revised version of IUS.Results The Chinese revised version of IUS contained 21 items.Exploratory factor analysis found a two-factor model (negative belief and emotional experience,behavioral dysfunction and negative self-reference) with a cumulative variance contribution rate of 42.09%.And the results of Confirmatory factor analysis (x 2/df =2.82,GFI =0.90,TLI =0.90,CFI =0.91,RMSEA =0.065) indicated that this model provided a reasonable good fit for Chinese college students.The Cronbach α of internal consistency reliability were good for IUS and two subscales,which were 0.929,0.885 and 0.864,respectively.The test-retest reliabilities for IUS and two subscales were 0.782,0.766 and 0.714 respectively.The IUS scores were positively correlated with the scores of SAS and SDS (r =0.489 ~0.575,P < 0.001).Conclusion It suggests that the Chinese revised version of IUS has good reliability and validity,which is qualified enough for relevant research and applications for Chinese adults.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-438729


Objective To develop the Chinese version of Attribution Questionnaire-27 and examine its replicability,reliability and validity.Methods The questionnaire was translated using the standard translation/back-translation method and examine its replicability,reliability and validity in 230 medical students who were selected by convenient method.Results The Cronbach α coefficient for Attribution Questionnaire-27 was 0.82 and ranging between 0.55 and 0.84 for the subscales.The test-retest reliabilities of the total scale was 0.77 and the subscales was between 0.61 to 0.81 after one week.Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the hypothesized six factors attribution of responsibility model (x2/df=3,GFI=0.925,NFI=0.880,CFI=0.856,IFI=0.761,RMSEA=0.094) and three factors dangerous model (x2/df=1.773,GFI=0.959,NFI=0.941,CFI=0.973,IFI=0.973,RMSEA=0.058).The path analysis results support the existing theoretical assumptions.Condusions The Chinese version of Attribution Questionnaire-27 has good reliability and validity and can be used in medical student.

Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 16: 365-373, ene.-dic. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-641788


El presente estudio se propone presentar los resultados obtenidos en la adaptación, validación y estandarización de la Escala de Desesperanza-BHS (A. Beck, 1974; Adaptación Argentina: I.M. Mikulic, 1998). La adaptación se realizó mediante la técnica de "back translation" y en el proceso de validación participaron 377 participantes de Capital Federal y Gran Buenos Aires, entre las edades de 18 y 50 años (M: 28; SD: 7,9). Se analizó la consistencia interna de la escala, así como su validez concurrente, predictiva, diferencial y factorial. El coeficiente alpha de confiabilidad del instrumento fue aceptable. Los coeficientes de correlación de la BHS con la adaptación argentina del Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI-II) demuestran ser significativos, sobre todo con aquellos ítems del BDI que evalúan pesimismo. El análisis de regresión realizado advierte que el 16% de la variabilidad en los puntajes de la prueba BDI pueden ser atribuidos a la variable desesperanza. El análisis factorial realizado con la técnica de Componentes Principales y rotación Varimax identificó tres factores que explican el 54,8 % de la varianza. Al considerar la validez diferencial de la BHS, se evidencia que no existe asociación entre desesperanza y género, y que las correlaciones con nivel educativo y edad son muy bajas. Con el fin de disponer de normas locales, se han elaborado las tablas de equivalencia para Capital Federal y Gran Buenos Aires. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio permiten concluir que la Escala BHS adaptada evalúa un constructo psicológicamente significativo en nuestro medio y puede ser usada con propósitos de "screening" en diversos contextos.

Present study aims to show adaptation process, validation procedures and standardization norms for Beck Hopelessness Scale BHS (A. Beck, 1974; Argentinian Version: I.M. Mikulic, 1998). Argentinian Adaptation underwent a "back translation" process and it has been validated in an intentional sample of 377 participants residing in Buenos Aires Province and Federal District ages between 18 and 50 years old (Mean: 28; SD: 7.9). Internal consistency has been analyzed, also factorial, predictive, differential and concurrent validity have been demonstrated. Alpha coefficient of reliability has shown to be acceptable. Correlations with Argentinian Adaptation Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) have proven to be significative, especially with items assessing pesimism. Regression analysis was performed and 16% of the BDI variance were explained. Factorial Analysis with Principal Components and Varimax Rotation identifies three factors explaining 54.8% of the total variance. Low correlations or none were found regarding education level, age and gender. Local norms are presented for Buenos Aires Province and Federal District. According to preliminary results obtained with this BHS adaptation, it is possible to support that this Scale assesses a psychologically significant construct for our social context and it can be used with "screening" purposes in different applied psychological fields.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 890-894, 2009.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-404759


Objective:To establish a preliminary diagnostic criteria of pathological internet use for field test in China.Methods:Through searching common "pathological internet use" diagnostic criteria or screen criteria in literature,a diagnostic criteria items pool and a preliminary diagnostic criteria of "pathological internet use" were established .According to the diagnostic criteria,each 2 senior professional psychiatrists in turn interviewed 79 patients and their parents,and then made diagnosis respectively. In addiction,44 high school students were each evaluated by one psychiatrist.The definite diagnosis was made when 2 evaluators make the same diagnosis for one patient.Result:In 123 patients,54 were pathological internet use.For diagnosis,the value of kappa for inter-rater reliability was 0.812( P<0.001).In the 12 criteria items,2 for poor inter-rater reliability and 4 for little contribution to diagnosis were eliminated.In the reserved 6 items,if 4 items(or more)were positive,the diagnostic sensitivity was 78.9% and specificity was 95.3%.Functional impairment criteria were made strictly.In the patients who were made the definite diagnosis,90.7% had duration of illness above 3 months,and 77.7% above 6 months.Conclusion:The preliminary diagnostic criteria of pathological internet use after revised includes 6 symptom criteria,3 functional impairment criteria,duration of illness and exclusive criteria.The criteria proposed is with high consistency on evaluations made by psychiatric raters,and with operational convenience.The criteria,after further revised,may fit the clinical application.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-583142


Objective:To revise the children's perception of interparental conflict scale (CPIC) developed by Grych and his colleagues and examine its reliability and validity Method:Data were collected from a sample of 303 primary school students tested with the CPIC scale Results:The results of factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis showed that the revised CPIC had a good construct validity; and ?coefficient of the whole scale is 0 879, the reliability coefficient of split-half is 0 865, and the ?coefficient of each dimension was more than 0 657 Conclusion:The CPIC scale is suitable for Chinese children after revision

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-583143


Objective:To test the validity and reliability of BSRI (Bem Sex Role Inventory) in Chinese culture Method:340 undergraduates from three universities in two cities were collected as the subjects They all completed the BSRI Item analysis and factor analysis were done followed by item revision making the inventory more suitable to Chinese culture Result:The new brief scale was composed of 14 masculine items and 12 feminine items The reliability and validity were improved after the revision Conclusion:The new brief scale is more suitable to Chinese culture

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-583226


Objective:To find valid indicator to differentiate random test of MMPI-2.Methods:According to four coincidence indicators of MMPI-2 of 1278 psychiatric cases (male, 623; female,555), including VRIN,│F-Fb│,VRIN+│F-Fb│,F+Fb+│F-Fb│,differentiate random test of MMPI-2 were studied.Results:VRIN+-F-Fb-,-F-Fb-were the best indexes. VRIN was a fine index. F+Fb+ and│F-Fb│were poor.Conclusions:It is not good to use one coincidence indicator, but it can eliminate 91.50% of random test if the four coincidence indicators are used together.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-583267


Objective:To test the reliability of BMDC-NPTB-CR. Method: 182 elderlies were tested with the BMDC-NPTB-CR. Test-retest reliability and internal consistency of the scale were calculated. Result:70% of the items in BMDC-NPTB-CR were moderate in difficulty. The correlation between total score and subscores were in 0.50~0.88(P

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-583918


Objective: To provide standardized alternative answers with the feature of equal intervals in the quality of life assessment.Methods:We collected 131 questionnaires (123 for psychological test and 8 for quality of life assessment). The SPSS 10.0 was used to analyze the frequency distribution of the alternative answers used in these questionnaires.Results:The most commonly used design for alternative answers is five levels, which comprises 31.68% of the total designs, followed by four levels (21.99%) and three levels (13.35%). The words used in the alternative answer show great diversities.Conclusion:We recommend that the alternative answers be designed as five levels, it is better to apply commonly used words in the alternative answer and have a feature of equal interval.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-583919


Objectives:To investigate appropriate approach of testing the interval feature of alternative answers in questionnaires.Methods:We calculated the total scores of the items within the same domain excluding the item that was under test, and then, identified the distances between the scores of the population who chose the different alternative answers of the test item. The short form 36 was used in the test. We surveyed a total of 2250 residents, with 2246 included in the final analysis.Results:This approach could find the deviated item in the questionnaire. The results of testing of the interval feature of alternative answers were consistent with the original design; however, the clustered items must have good construct validity.Conclusion:Using the items clustered in one domain to test the interval feature of alternative answers may possibly be an available simple approach, but we need more mathematics evidence to prove this assumption.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-583920


Objective:To develop a Subject Interest Inventory (SII) for senior high school students.Methods:The SII was structured by incorporating rational-theoretical and empirical techniques. The item functionality, scale reliability and validity were established.Results:Final version was a 90-item scale measuring student's 9 subject interests. The internal consistency and test-retest reliability were acceptable. The structure of SII was confirmed by intercorrelations among the subscales and by exploratory factor analysis. Evidence of concurrent validity was supported by: (a) the correlations between the interests and the scholastic achievements; (b) the gender differences in subject interest and in the correlations between the interests and the achievements; and (c) the different interests scores between the art students and the science students.Conclusion: These results suggest that the structure of SII is acceptable, and that its reliability and validity indexes are sound.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-583923


Objective: Selecting items from item pool for the development of WHOQOL-OLD by six statistical methods. Testing the function of Cronbach ? and test-retest reliability method for item selection.Methods:Collecting data by the means of multistage sampling, two new methods based on Cronbach ? and test-retest reliability were employed to select items in view of internal consistency and stability in addition to the commonly used methods such as methods of dispersion and correlation coefficient. Results: Items selected by different methods were remained to constitute the old module of WHOQOL; items with high internal consistency or high stability were selected by methods based on Cronbach ? and test-retest reliability. Conclusion: The four commonly used methods select items from aspects of representation, independence and discrimination, while methods based on Cronbach ? and test-retest reliability select the items in view of internal consistency and stability. The two new methods are recommended together with the conventional methods in item selection.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-584082


Objective:To examine the reliability and validity of the telephone version of Information-Memory-Concentration Test (T-IMCT) in screening dementia when administered by telephone To evaluate the relation of the face-to-face and the telephonic interview for assessing the cognitive status Methods:T-IMCT was adapted from Information-Memory-Concentration test for the telephonic interview 65 subjects with dementia and 67 normal control subjects were examined by an experienced clinician, including clinical, neuropsychological and instrumental examination (CT or MRI) T-IMCT was administrated by telephone after 2 weeks, comparing the score from face-to-face interview with telephonic interview 20 subjects were administered the test twice by the same doctor to measure the test-retest reliability, and another 20 subjects were administered the test by two doctors to measure the inter-rater reliability Informants supervised the subjects to insure the authenticity of assessment administered by telephone Results:T-IMCT achieved a sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 80 6% in differentiating demented from healthy control subjects There was a high correlation between face-to-face interview and telephonic interview, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was 0 92 (P

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-584139


Objective:To study the structure of teacher’s app raisal of pupil’s self-regulationMethod:Based on the open que stionnair es that teachers provided of their students’ characteristics, a self-regulation questionnaire of primary school students was developed 736 students were asse ssed by 56 teachersResults:Through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, four factors, independence and conscientiousn ess, assault and resisting, friendship and obedience, irritability and activenes s, were obtained The ideal reliability and validity were gotConclusi on:In the view of teachers, the self-regulation structure of primary sch ool students includes four factors

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-584239


Objective: 1)To revise the Social Skills Scale (SSS) and examine its psychometric properties.2) To explore the relationship between SSS and mental health. Methods:1)A sample of 394 freshmen completed the Social Skills Scale, SCL-90, and Self Consistency and Congruence Scale. Exploratory factor analysis, item analysis, reliability and validity analysis were used to revise the Social Skills Scale. 2) The relations between the SSS , SCL-90 and Self Consistency and Congruence Scale were examined.Results:Using exploring factor analysis, 5 factors were extracted, i.e. social adaptation, social perception, social confidence, social expression, and impression management. The mean inter-item correlation coefficients ranged from 0.52 to 0.77. The correlation coefficients of item and corresponding subscale ranged from 0.52 to 0.77, and the item discrimination indexes ranged from 0.32 to 0.52. Social adaptation, social perception and impression management were positively correlated with mental health. Social confidence was negatively correlated with mental health. Social expression did not correlation with mental health. Conclusion:The revised Social Skills scale was an reliable and valid measurement.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-584282


Objective: To develop tools for assessing writing skills in Chinese children and classifying its subtypes. Methods: Using tasks of character copy, free writing according to pictures, shape copy and writing to dictation, 65 children with writing difficulties reported by their parents were investigated.Results: the inter rater reliability of character copy, free writing, and shape copy were high. Children could be classified into four subtypes based on character copy and free writing.Conclusion:Character writing skill and written expression are two factors for assessing Chinese writing. Patterns between subtypes at these two tasks are different.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-585413


Objective: To develop the native Chinese Affective Picture System (CAPS) for future research on emotion. Methods: 852 pictures were screened out to make up of CAPS. 46 Chinese university students were collected to rate the valence, arousal and dominance by self-report in a 9-point rating scale for CAPS. Results: The standard deviations of scores on valence and dominance were greater than that on arousal. Scatter plot showed that the score distribution on the dimension of valence and arousal was wide in CAPS. Conclusion: Though IAPS (International Affective Picture System) is highly internationally-accessible, there are still significant differences between the two sources. The native Chinese Affective Picture System is necessary.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-585510


Objective:To develop a scale used to measure smoking-related attitudes in Chinese secondary school students. Methods:Based on literatures published in China and abroad and suggestions by relevant specialists and teachers, we developed a self-administered scale with 16-item used to measure smoking-related attitudes in Chinese secondary school students. Factor analysis was used to assess the construct validity of the scale. The differences of the scores between trying smokers and non-smoker, and males and females were tested for assessing the discriminant validity of the scale. Cronbach's alpha for the total scale and the sub-scales was calculated for evaluating the internal consistency, and the split-half reliability test analysis was also conducted. Moreover, 112 subjects were re-investigated after two weeks of the first survey, and the difference and correlation of scores between the two surveys were tested for assessing the stability of the scale. Results: Factor analysis identified two potential components that could explain 46.2% of the total variance, and the first factor including 9 items was defined as "The opinions to tobacco and smoking-related behaviors", and the second one including 7 items was defined as "The opinions to measures for preventing and controlling smoking". The mean score of the scale in non-smokers was significantly higher than that of the trying smokers, while the mean score in females was significantly higher than that in males. The Cronbach'? coefficient was 0.87 for Factor One, 0.75 for Factor Two, and 0.86 for the general scale, and the coefficient of the split-half reliability was 0.71 for Factor One, 0.59 for Factor Two, and 0.72 for the general scale. By analyzing the data of 112 students who participated in both surveys, we obtained test-retest reliability of factorⅠas 0.72, of factor Ⅱ as 0.44 and of all items as 0.67, and all the correlation coefficients were statistically significant. There were no differences for the scores of the scale between the two surveys. Conclusion: The results indicated that the smoking-related attitude scale had reasonable validity and reliability,It could provide valuable reference for future similar surveys in China.