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Medical Education ; : 377-387, 2023.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007093


This paper discusses learner assessment, introducing a classification based on quantitative and qualitative assessment paradigms while exploring rubrics and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) emphasizing performance-based assessment. Rubrics, with their clear standards and criteria for assessment, can effectively function as formative assessments in both undergraduate education and postgraduate training. Within workplace-based assessments, rubrics permit an analytical assessment of competencies under a shared framework across various fields and clinical departments. In contrast, EPAs assess a bundle of competencies by determining whether supervising physicians can entrust specific professional activities to physicians in training. Various assessment methods exist in medical education, each with its advantages and limitations. Understanding these is crucial for selecting and implementing the most suitable assessment method based on the intended purpose.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219024


The present study was conducted to observe the effect of percoll density gradient centrifugation on quality of semen. Ejaculates were collected by AV method from Sahiwal bulls. X-sperm enrichment was done by percoll density gradient method i.e. 7 layers (70-10%). Centrifugation was done at 750 g (22-24°C) for 15 min. The pellets obtained were diluted in EYC medium. Semen quality was evaluated in fresh semen (Control), in pellet of normal centrifugation (Group I), supernatant of centrifugation in percoll density gradient (Group II) and pellet of centrifugation in percoll density gradient (Group III). To assess the quality of enriched semen pH, mass motility, progressive motility, live spermatozoa %, abnormal spermatozoa %, HOST % and intact acrosome % were evaluated. Number of progressively motile sperms in pellet of X- enriched semen were non-significantly increased and significantly (P<0.05) decreased in supernatant. The abnormal spermatozoa (%) were decreased in G III as compared to G II Live spermatozoa (%) were increased in enriched semen (pellet). Number of Intact sperms decreased significantly (P<0.05) in supernatant of percoll density gradient centrifuged Sahiwal semen. HOST responsive sperms number was not affected after percoll density gradient centrifugation. Thus, the semen quality of X-sperm enriched semen by percoll density gradient method (7 layer 70%) was not affected hence it can be used to increase female calves’ birth after A.I.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 534-537, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-923083


OBJECTIVE: To compare the applicability of three risk assessment methods on occupational health risk assessment of chemical harmful factors in a resin anchorage production workshop. METHODS: A resin anchoring agent production workshop was selected as the research subject using the judgment sampling method. Contact ratio assessment method and comprehensive index method(both are semi-quantitative evaluation method) and qualitative risk assessment method were applied to estimate the occupational health risks of jobs involved with styrene, dibutyl phthalate and phthalic anhydride. The assessment was carried out, and the obtained risk level was standardized as the risk ratio. The evaluation results of these three methods were compared. RESULTS: The assessment results of exposure ratio method were 1-3, and those of comprehensive index method were 2-3. The risk ratio of the above methods after standardization is consistent with that before standardization. The result of qualitative risk assessment was 2-3, and the risk ratio after standardization was 3-4. The risk ratio after standardization was 1 level higher than that before standardization. Kappa analysis results showed that the result of contact ratio method and the comprehensive index method was in good agreement(Kappa=0.53, P<0.05). The qualitative risk assessment method was inconsistent with the contact ratio method and the comprehensive index method(Kappa values were 0.19 and 0.40, both P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Comprehensive index method is the preferred method for occupational health risk assessment of anchorage agent production workshop under the condition that detection results of occupational hazards can be obtained. Qualitative risk assessment method can be used when the test results cannot be obtained.

Psicol. clín ; 31(2): 217-229,
Artigo em Francês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020207


Procuro iniciar uma reflexão sobre um modelo de avaliação qualitativa, baseada no jogo e no "jogo potencial" que pode estar subjacente a algumas formas de sintomas psicopatológicos. Para esse efeito, proponho um exemplo de associações de uma série de "jogos típicos" sobre a simbolização da dialética presença/ausência: o "jogo do esconde-achou", o "jogo da espátula", o "jogo da bobina", o "jogo do vá para a guerra". Estes tipos de jogos são analisados a partir dos processos envolvidos na construção do jogo, da sua associação e do aumento da complexidade da sua construção.

The purpose of this article is to launch a debate about a qualitative assessment model based on the game and the "potential play" underlying certain forms of psychopathological symptoms. For this purpose, I offer the example of a series of "typical game's" interlocking concerning the symbolization of presence and absence dialectic, which includes the "peek-a-boo" game, the "spatula game", the "wooden spool" game and the "go to war" game. This series of games is studied through the processes involved in the game's construction, its interlocking and the growing complexity of its construction.

El objetivo que persigo es impulsar la reflexión sobre un modelo de evaluación cualitativa basada en el juego y el "juego potencial" subyacentes a ciertas formas de síntomas psicopatológicos. Para ello, propongo un ejemplo en el que se encadenan una serie de "juegos típicos" sobre la simbolización de la dialéctica presencia-ausencia: el juego del "cucú tras", el juego de "la espátula", el juego de "la bobina", y el juego de "vete a la guerra". Esta cadena de juegos es analizada a partir de los procesos que intervienen en la construcción del juego, en su encadenamiento y en la creciente complejidad de su construcción.

Psicol. clín ; 31(2): 231-257, tab
Artigo em Francês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020208


As mediações terapêuticas com crianças com psicose e autistas permitem retomar o processo inacabado dos jogos partilhados com o ambiente primário: a amorçage (criação) - técnica terapêutica utilizada com crianças autistas de criar um cenário/contexto para elas se familiarizarem com competências e comportamentos que devem adquirir para se comunicar - ou réamorçage (recriação) de jogos sensoriomotores partilhados com os terapeutas introduzem de novo a potencialidade de uma simbolização sensoriomotora. Este artigo propõe uma identificação rigorosa das principais lógicas do jogo no âmbito das mediações terapêuticas, a fim de construir uma ferramenta de avaliação específica dos processos de transformação ao longo do trabalho terapêutico. A autora propõe a identificação de quatro tipos de organizadores de jogo: (1) Jogos de exploração sensoriomotora e de "mantelamento" sensorial (mecanismo intersensorial de utilização de ritmos compatíveis de fluxos sensoriais provenientes do objeto, conjugação tornada possível por processos de segmentação intrassensorial de tais fluxos que podem jogar-se ao nível central, ao nível periférico ou ao nível interativo): para um jogo intersensorial; (2) Jogos com as formas sensoriomotoras: para um "entre-jogo" formal ou para formas primárias de simbolização; (3) Dos jogos de espelho sensorial aos jogos sensoriomotores em duplicado: para um jogo intersubjetivo; (4) Jogos com as representações e com as palavras: para um jogo intrassubjetivo com reflexividade.

Therapeutic mediations with psychotic and autistic children allow unfinished processes in the games shared with the primary environment to resume: priming or reactivating sensorimotor games shared with the therapists reintroduces the possibility of a sensorimotor symbolization. This article proposes an accurate identification of the main game logics in the context of therapeutic mediations, in order to build an assessment tool specifically for the transformation processes during the therapy. The author suggests the identification of four types of game: (1) Games of sensorimotor explorations and sensory "mantling": towards an intersensorial game; (2) Games with sensorimotor forms: towards a formal "inter-game" or primary forms of symbolization; (3) From sensory mirror games to duplicate sensorimotor games: towards an intersubjective game; (4) Games about representations and words: towards an intrasubjective game with reflexivity.

Las mediaciones terapéuticas con niños psicóticos y autistas permiten retomar el proceso inacabado presente en los juegos compartidos con el entorno primario: el priming o la reactivación de los juegos sensoriomotores compartidos con los terapeutas reintroducen la posibilidad de una simbolización sensoriomotriz. Este artículo propone la identificación precisa de las principales lógicas del juego en el marco de las mediaciones terapéuticas para, así, poder construir una herramienta de evaluación específica para los procesos de transformación a lo largo del trabajo terapéutico. La autora propone realizar cuatro tipos de juego: (1) Juegos de exploraciones sensoriomotores y de mantelamiento sensorial: hacia un juego intersensorial; (2) Juegos con las formas sensoriomotrices: hacia un "inter-juego" formal o hacia las formas primarias de simbolización; (3) De los juegos de espejo sensoriales hasta los juegos sensoriomotores duplicados: hacia un juego intersubjetivo; (4) Juegos con las representaciones y las palabras: hacia un juego intrasubjetivo con reflexión.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 947-954, Mar. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-775758


Resumo O artigo problematiza o termo “impacto” e se referencia na produção cientifica do seu autor que é utilizada para análise de impactos, sob a perspectiva qualitativa. Esta análise é realizada não como um fim em si mesmo, mas sob a égide da relação autor/texto/leitor. Buscando estabelecer esta relação, explora-se como o autor é citado em um artigo selecionado, adentrando cada uma das citações e identificando que aspectos foram relevados pelos leitores que fizeram as citações. Esta observação qualitativa de cada uma das citações propiciou captar como cada autor/leitor utilizou o texto original. Esta experiência pessoal e finita deste diálogo mais fino com o “meu leitor” é lançado aqui como uma recomendação, a quem possa interessar, de um dispositivo viável e repetível para que autores possam re-visitar o que escrevem a partir do reconhecimento do impacto que provocam no outro.

Abstract This article discusses the concept of “impact” and is based on the scientific output of the author that is examined for the analysis of impacts from the qualitative standpoint. It is done not as an end in itself, but under the aegis of the author/text/reader relationship. Seeking to establish this relationship, the way in which the author is quoted in a selected article, entering each of the quotes and identifying what aspects were emphasized by the readers who referenced the quote is explored in detail. This qualitative observation of each of the quotes provided an indication of how each author/reader perceived the original text. This personal experience of this finite and delicate dialogue with “my reader” is presented here as a recommendation, to anyone who may be interested, of a viable device that can be repeated by authors in order to re-visit their writings based on the acknowledgement of the impact that it has on others.

Humanos , Leitura , Ciência , Editoração
Univ. psychol ; 14(4): 1425-1436, oct.-dic. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-830923


Se presentan los resultados de un estudio cualitativo cuyo objetivo fue describir y analizar relacionalmente los cambios experimentados por personas participantes de dos emblemáticos programas sociales chilenos, el Programa Puente y el Programa Calle, ambos pertenecientes al Sistema de Protección Social. Para ello, se sostuvieron entrevistas en profundidad con 12 personas, las cuales fueron analizadas siguiendo los procedimientos de la Teoría Fundamentada. Se identificaron cambios a nivel personal (bienestar físico, valoración personal, enfrentamiento vital), económico (mayor capacidad económica, mejor administración del dinero, adquisición de bienes) y relacional (mejoramiento de relaciones familiares y sociales). Estos cambios interactuaron entre sí y variaron según el nivel de vulnerabilidad de las personas, definiendo distintas trayectorias de participación en los programas.

This paper presents the results of a qualitative study whose objective was to describe and make a relational analysis the changes experimented by participants of two emblematic Chilean social programs: Programa Puente and Programa Calle, both belonging to the Social Protection System. Twelve in-deep interviews were made, which were analyzed following the procedures of Grounded Theory. Changes on a personal level (physical well-being, personal value, vital showdown), economic (greater economic capacity, better money management, purchase goods) and relational (improving family and social relations) were identified. These changes interacted with each other and varied according to the level of vulnerability of people, defining different program participation paths.

Pobreza , Apoio Social , Vulnerabilidade Social
Agora (Rio J.) ; 14(1): 113-127, jan.-jun. 2011.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-588078


A inserção da psicanálise no âmbito público convida ao estabelecimento de novos dispositivos, próprios à condução de um tratamento psíquico, isto é, à criação de procedimentos que respondam a uma clientela específica no cenário público. Nessa via, propomos uma técnica de avaliação, orientada pelos princípios do método psicanalítico, visando abordar os efeitos terapêuticos e analíticos desses procedimentos clínicos sobre a subjetividade. A técnica de avaliação foi utilizada em uma proposta de tratamento ofertada a adultos atendidos pelo Serviço de Psicanálise do Ambulatório de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clínicas da Unicamp. Com o estudo, objetivamos destacar a pertinência desta técnica de avaliação em uma prática clínica exercida sob novos dispositivos em instituições públicas.

The insertion of psychoanalysis in the public establishment invites for the new mechanisms, in order to drive to appropriate psychological treatment, i.e., the definition of procedures to respond to a specific public scenario customer. Following this path, we propose an evaluation technique, guided by the principles of the psychoanalytic method, looking for the therapeutic and analytical effects in the clinical procedures above/on subjectivity. The evaluation technique was used in a proposal for a treatment offered to adults by the Psychoanalysis Service of the Psychiatry Ambulatory of the Clinical Hospital of Unicamp. This study aims to highlight the relevance of this technique in a clinical evaluation conducted under new arrangements in public institutions.

Ambulatório Hospitalar , Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 10(1): 242-263, abr. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-579931


Este artigo aborda um estudo de caso do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) de Alegrete - Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil e consiste num recorte do estudo de avaliação dos CAPS do sul do Brasil 1, em cuja etapa qualitativa foram estudados cinco CAPS desta região. Tem como objetivo avaliar qualitativamente um CAPS tendo como marcador a política de saúde mental, enfatizando a relação do CAPS com a gestão local e com o movimento antimanicomial. Realizou-se uma avaliação de quarta geração, utilizando-se entrevistas com usuários, familiares e trabalhadores do CAPS e observação de campo. Foi evidenciado no processo avaliativo o potencial de organização e comprometimento dos sujeitos sociais na construção cotidiana do processo de transformação das práticas em saúde mental, apesar dos limites enfrentados no interior da política local

This article describes a study of case of a Center for Psychosocial Attendance (CAPS) located in Alegrete, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and it consists of a cutting of the study of evaluation of CAPS from the southern of Brazil, where, in the qualitative stage were studied five CAPS of this area. The aim of this study was to evaluate qualitatively a CAPS, using as marker the politics of mental health emphasizing the relationship of the CAPS with the local administration and with the anti-asylum movement. It was made a fourth generation evaluation, consisting of interviews with users, family members and workers of the CAPS and field observation. It was evidenced in the evaluating process the organization and compromising potentials of the social subjects in the daily construction of the process of transformation of the practices in mental health, in spite of the limits faced inside the local politics

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Psicologia , Política de Saúde , Serviços de Saúde Mental
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-961374


@#Objective To study the agreement of the two kinds of assessment for neurological development, the Qualitative Assessment of General Movements (GMs) and the 52 Items Neurological Assessment from Birth to 1 Year, in preterm infants during the early infantile period. Methods16 preterm infants with or without risk factors for brain injury were assessed with GMs and the 52 Items Neurological Assessment from Birth to 1 Year within 3 months after birth. ResultsFor the GMs, 11 infants were assessed as normal, 4 as poor repertoire (PR) and 1 as cramped synchronized (CS). For the 52 Items Neurological Assessment from Birth to 1 Year, 12 infants were normal, 4 were moderate abnormal. Kappa=0.709.ConclusionThe result of GMs agrees with that of 52 Items Neurological Assessment from Birth to 1 Year for preterm infants during the early infantile period.