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Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 57(3): 263-272, set. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533346


Resumen Las alergias alimentarias representan un problema de salud pública. La declaración de alérgenos en el rótulo implicó un avance fundamental para la gestión del riesgo, ya que evitar el alimento desencadenante mediante el rotulado adecuado constituye actualmente una medida insustituible de cuidado para la población susceptible. Se realizó una valoración del impacto de la legislación nacional en referencia a la declaración de alérgenos alimentarios entre 2017 y 2022. Se utilizaron los motores de búsqueda interna de la Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT) para los retiros de productos alimenticios del mercado y se contrastó como herramienta de medición indirecta para la valoración del impacto de la implementación del Artículo 235 séptimo del Código Alimentario Nacional (CAA). Se analizaron 43 productos (galletitas, fideos, chocolates, alimentos a base de vegetales). El 53,5% (23 sobre un total de 43) presentaba declaración de alérgenos. El 70% de los mismos (16 sobre un total de 23) fueron categorizados "con inconsistencias" y el 14% (6 productos de 43) utilizaba etiquetado precautorio. El paradigma reactivo del control de alimentos sobresalió por sobre el de las auditorías, los programas de monitoreo y, en suma, sobre los programas de prevención, ya que el sistema se activó fundamentalmente por la vía reactiva de las denuncias. Esto representó un 72% de los productos categorizados.

Abstract Food allergies represent a public health problem. The declaration of allergens on the label implied a fundamental advance for risk management, since avoiding the triggering food through proper labelling is currently an irreplaceable measure of care for the susceptible population. An assessment of the impact of the national legislation was carried out in reference to the declaration of food allergens between 2017 and 2022. The ANMAT internal search engines were used for the withdrawals of food products from the market and contrastlised as an indirect measurement tool for the impact assessment of the implementation of Section 235 seventh of the Argentine Food Code (CAA, for its acronym in Spanish). Forty-three products (biscuits, noodles, chocolates, vegetable-based foods) were analysed. The allergen declaration was present in 53.5% (23 out of a total of 43). Some inconsistencies were present in 70% of them (16 out of a total of 23) and 14% (6 products out of 43) used precautionary labelling. The reactive paradigm of food control stood out above that of audits, monitoring programmes and, in short, prevention programmes, since the system was activated fundamentally through the reactive route of complaints. This represented 72% of the categorised products.

Resumo As alergias alimentares representam um problema de saúde pública. A declaração de alérgenos no rótulo envolveu um avanço fundamental para a gestão do risco, visto que evitar os alimentos que desencadeiam as alergias, por meio de uma rotulagem adequada, é atualmente uma medida insubstituível de cuidado para a população suscetível. Foi realizada uma avaliação do impacto da legislação nacional referida à declaração de alérgenos alimentares entre 2017 e 2022. Os motores de busca interna da ANMAT (Administração Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos e Tecnologia Médica) foram utilizados para as retiradas de produtos alimentares do mercado e contrastados como uma ferramenta indireta de medição para a avaliação do impacto da aplicação do artigo 235 sétimo, do CAA (Código Alimentar Nacional). Foram analisados 43 produtos (biscoitos, macarrão, chocolates, alimentos à base de vegetais). 53,5% (23 de um total de 43) apresentavam declaração de alérgenos, 70% deles (16 de um total de 23) foram categorizados "com inconsistências" e 14% (6 produtos de 43) utilizavam rotulagem de precaução. Destacou-se o paradigma "reativo" do controle de alimentos por sobre o controle das auditorias, dos programas de monitoramento e, em resumo, dos programas de prevenção, visto que o sistema foi ativado fundamentalmente pela via reativa das reclamações. Isso representou 72% dos produtos categorizados.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 113-126, Jan.-June 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419873


Abstract Four conditions of spatial contiguity of positions were used to assess sequence learning. Two sequences of 16 and 25 positions presented in two matrices of 4x4 and 5x5 respectively were used. Within each matrix, 4 (in the 4x4 matrix) or 6 positions (in the 5x5 matrix) presented spatial contiguity. The place at the sequence in which contiguous positions occurred varied across groups. In this way, spatial contiguity of the 4 or 6 positions was presented at the beginning of the sequence (Group 1), in the middle part (Group 2), at the end of the sequence (Group 3) or it was presented a sequence in which all positions occurred without spatial contiguity (Group 4). 28 undergraduate students participated. Results showed no differences among groups in the number of trials required to reproduce the sequence correctly. Number of errors was lower when contiguous positions were presented at the beginning of the sequence. These findings are explained as a possible effect of accentuation of primacy given by the occurrence of contiguous positions at the beginning of the sequence.

Resumen Cuatro condiciones de contigüidad espacial de posiciones fueron empleadas para evaluar el aprendizaje de secuencias. Se emplearon dos secuencias de 16 y 25 posiciones presentadas en dos matrices de 4x4 y 5x5, respectivamente. Dentro de cada matriz, 4 (en la matriz de 4x4) o 6 posiciones (en la matriz de 5x5) presentaron contigüidad espacial. Entre grupos, se varió el punto de la secuencia en el que se presentaron las posiciones contiguas. De este modo, la contigüidad espacial de las 4 o 6 posiciones se presentó al inicio de la secuencia (Grupo 1), en la parte media (Grupo 2), al final de la secuencia (Grupo 3), o bien, se presentó una secuencia en la que todas las posiciones ocurrieron sin contigüidad espacial (Grupo 4). Participaron 28 estudiantes de licenciatura. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias entre grupos en cuanto al número de ensayos requeridos para reproducir la secuencia correctamente. El número de errores fue menor cuando las posiciones contiguas se presentaron al inicio de la secuencia. Los hallazgos se explican a partir de un posible efecto de acentuación de la primacía, dado por la ocurrencia de posiciones contiguas al inicio de la secuencia.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2023 Jan; 121(1): 19-23
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216667


Background and Aims : Sleep is a highly conserved behaviour across animal evolution. The functions of sleep include restoration, memory processing, dreaming etc. Memory is informational processing system with explicit and implicit functioning made up of sensory processor, short term memory and long term memory. The present study was designed to analyse the impact of sleep quality on memory and effect of exercise and meditation on same. Material and Method : The present study was performed on 110 subjects chosen randomly with no gender bias. In first phase, baseline values were assessed for different sub tests of sleep quality and different aspects of memory. Subjects were divided into two groups with each group including 27 males and 27 females. One group was required to perform moderate intensity exercise and other meditation for one month duration. In the second phase, parameters were again assessed. Statistical analysis : Paired t-test was used for comparison of memory and sleep components between males and females. Independent t-test was used between baseline and post intervention values of exercise, meditation. Correlation studies were also carried out between sleep quality and different aspects of memory using Pearson correlation coefficient. Result : Significant and non significant results were obtained on comparison of memory and sleep components in males and females. Total memory score was better in females. Exercise and meditation exhibited statistically significant result on memory and sleep quality. Conclusion : Good sleep quality is associated with better memory. There is improvement across domains of memory and sleep with meditation and exercise.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219985


Background: The prevalence of Autism in South Asia is 1 in 93 children, where, prevalence is much higher, 3% in Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Consumption of daily required nutrient is essential for these children like normal ones but sometimes may be neglected. Objectives: This study was undertaken to assess the macro and micronutrient consumption among the children with autism in Dhaka city and compared to the requirement.Material & Methods:In this cross-sectional study, 100 subjects where male-female ratio was 3:2, were studied from urban autism centers Dhaka, Bangladesh. Anthropometric parameters height, weight, BMI and 24-hour dietary recall (individual 3days) were collected following predesigned questionnaire. Data was collected from face to face interview from both parents and center抯 teacher as appropriate. Nutritive value of food was calculated using Food Composition Table for Bangladesh, 2014 using a food software. For statistical analysis, SPSS 20 was used.Results:The average age and BMI of subjects were 11 yrs and 21 kg/m2 respectively. The mean 盨Dvalues (g/day) of protein, fat and carbohydrate intake were 38�, 47� and 116� respectively. The average intake of (mg/day) thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, niacin, and zinc was 0.68�32, 0.46�23, 33�, 144�, 137�, 6.5� 11�and 5.2�respectively. About 94% children consumed only 33% of the required calcium. Nearly 42% children took 67% of the required magnesium. Similarly, half of the children failed to consume 33% thiamine and zinc of the requirement. Conclusions:Consumption of calcium, thiamine, folic acid, and zinc are seemed to be lower than their requirement.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 47(2): 9-16, jun. 03, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399525


Introducción: la exodoncia presenta diversos factores que influyen en el éxito del período postoperatorio. El aprendizaje de las indicaciones postoperatorias ha evidenciado influir en la morbilidad, complicaciones y calidad de vida del paciente durante sus cuidados postoperatorios. Sin embargo, la estrategia de aprendizaje convencional para entregar las instrucciones postoperatorias verbal-escrita (VE) no toma en cuenta el posible compromiso cognitivo, psicológico y emocional del individuo, realizando una entrega de instrucciones indiferente al estado del paciente. Materiales y métodos: los pacientes serán asignados aleatoriamente a grupos divididos según estrategia de aprendizaje utilizada: convencional VE y psicopedagógica visual, auditiva y kinésica (VAK). Inmediatamente posterior al procedimiento se realizará la explicación de los cuidados postoperatorios según grupo. Se realizará una encuesta inmediatamente posterior a la entrega de instrucciones, luego a las 24 horas y a los 7 días luego de la cirugía, con el objetivo de evaluar el grado de retención. Finalmente, para comparar, se contrastaron las medias de cada grupo en los tres tiempos de aplicación. Resultados: se observa una media mayor en el grupo VAK, visible en todos los tiempos de aplicación, donde observamos una tendencia a presentar mejores niveles de retención. Diferencias aun no estadísticamente significativas, ya que la muestra aún no representa el total del muestreo calculado. Discusión: los resultados preliminares nos muestran que la estrategia visual-kinésica-auditiva es superior a la convencional en cuanto a nivel de retención, lo cual podría convertirla en un método de elección al momento de entregar indicaciones post exodoncia, para tener un resultado postoperatorio óptimo.

Introduction: Tooth extractions present several factors that affect the success of the postoperative period. The correct learning of the postoperative instructions has shown to affect the morbidity, complications, and quality of life of the patient after the surgery. Neverthe-less, the conventional verbal-written (VW) learning strategy to give the postoperative indications doesn't consider the possible cognitive, psychological and emotional compromise of the patient. Methods: The patients were assigned randomly into two groups, according to the learning strategy used: conventional (VW) and a psycho-pedagogical visual, auditive, and kinesic learning strategy (VAK). After extraction, the patients were explained about the postoperative care, according to the group they belonged to. A survey was conducted immediately, one day, and seven days after the procedure to record the grade of retention of the information. The means of each group were compared. Results: A higher mean was observed in the VAK group, which is visible in all the application times, determining a tendency to present better levels of retention of the information. The differences are not yet statistically significant, as the sample does not represent the total of patients previously considered. Discussion: The preliminary results show that the VAK strategy is superior to the conventional one regarding the level of retention of the information, becoming the method of choice when giving postoperative indications after dental extractions to develop a more optimal postoperative result

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 40(1): 1-34, ene.-abr. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1427999


To improve education, it is necessary to use evidence-based techniques, that is, techniques based on the scientific method proven to be effective in improving educational practices. One of the strategies indicated by the science of learning is the retrieval practice (trying to remember the content learned, strengthening the memory traces). This study synthesizes the research developed on retrieval practice in the teaching and learning process of children from a systematic review system based on the prismamethod. For this, a biblio-graphic search was carried out in the databases of the capes/mec, eric, Scielo, PubMed, Web of Science, and Psycinfo. Forty-one articles were included in the qualitative synthesis. The studies converge on stating there is a beneficial effect of using retrieval practice from an early age (18 months of age). This practice can help both long-term learning and new learning in children, especially when feedback is provided. Thus, there is a need to expand the recommendations to educators so that this audience also benefits from the use of this strategy.

Para mejorar la educación es necesario utilizar técnicas basadas en la evidencia, es decir, basadas en el método científico, utilizar estrategias que demuestren su eficacia para mejorar las prácticas educativas. Entre las prácticas muy recomendadas por la ciencia del aprendizaje se encuentra la práctica de recordar, que consiste en tratar de recordar el contenido aprendido, fortaleciendo así las huellas de la memoria. Este estudio resume la investigación desarrollada sobre la práctica de recordar en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los niños, a partir de una revisión sistemática basada en el método prisma. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos de las revistas capes/mec, eric, Scielo, Pubmed, Web of Science y PsycINFO. Se incluyeron 41 artículos en una síntesis cualitativa. Los estudios convergen en que existe un efecto beneficioso de utilizar la práctica de recordar con bebés a partir de los 18 meses de edad, es decir, esta práctica puede ayudar tanto al aprendizaje a largo plazo como a facilitar nuevos aprendizajes en los niños, especial-mente cuando se brinda retroalimentación. Por lo tanto, existe la necesidad de ampliar las recomendaciones a los educadores para que ese público también pueda beneficiarse del uso de esta estrategia.

Para melhorar a educação, é necessário utilizar técnicas baseadas em evidências, ou seja, com base no método científico, usar estratégias que são comprovadamente eficazes para aperfeiçoar as práticas educativas. Entre as práticas altamente recomendadas pela ciência da aprendizagem, está a prática de lembrar, que envolve tentar evocar o conteúdo aprendido, fortalecendo assim, os traços de memória. Esse estudo sintetiza as pesquisas desenvolvidas a respeito da prática de lembrar no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de crianças, a partir de uma revisão sistemática baseada no método prisma. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados do portal de periódicos capes/mec, eric, Scielo, PubMed, Web of Science e PsycINFO. Foram incluídos em síntese qualitativa 41 artigos. Os estudos convergem para o fato de que há efeito benéfico do uso de prática de lembrar com bebês a partir dos 18 meses de idade, ou seja, essa prática pode auxiliar tanto a aprendizagem de longa duração, quanto facilitar novas aprendizagens em crianças, especialmente quando o feedback é fornecido. Dessa maneira, há necessida-de de ampliar as recomendações a educadores para que esse público também seja beneficiado com o uso dessa estratégia.

Humanos , Ensino , Educação , Retroalimentação , Aprendizagem , Literatura , Memória
Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 848-851, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936807


Abstract@#Neonatal disease screening is a major tool for prevention of birth defects, and monitoring and evaluation of neonatal disease screening facilitates the improvements in screening quality and efficiency. A strict quality control of screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of neonatal diseases is performed in Zhejiang Provincial Center for Quality Control of Neonatal Disease Screening. In this study, the data pertaining to screening of neonatal inherited metabolic diseases, hearing loss and congenital heart diseases were collected in Zhejiang Province from 2018 to 2020, and the screening rate, recall rate of suspected screening-positive neonates, and detection rate of diseases were calculated to assess the quality of neonatal disease screening. The screening rate and recall rate of neonatal inherited metabolic diseases, hearing loss and congenital heart diseases were high in Zhejiang Province, and the detection of screened diseases was stable, indicating a high overall quality of neonatal disease screening. Increasing the impact of neonatal disease screening and consolidating the screening achievements should be given a high priority during the future quality control of neonatal disease screening in Zhejiang Province.

Niger. J. Dent. Res. (Online) ; 7(1): 45-52, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1354687


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aims to evaluate the level of patients' compliance with recall / follow-up visits attending the dental Centre of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH).Methods: This study adopted a descriptive retrospective study of case notes retrieved from the medical records department of the dental Centre, University of Benin Teaching Hospital. The period under study covers 2019 to 2021. The data was collected by means of 1232 questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages. Results: The result showed that the participants in the age bracket of 18-40 years of age (277) complied better to recall visit in comparison with the study age distributions which are 41-65 years (218) and age above 65 years (188). As per the influence of gender on compliance of patients with post-extraction recall visits, it was observed that the male participants (288) responded better to the recall visits compared to the female participants (251). The Relationship between distance away from the hospital and compliance of patients with post-extraction recall visits was also evaluated, and it was observed that the patients closer to the hospital within 5km (442) complied better to recall revisit in comparison to the participants who were within 10km (224) from the hospital as well as the participants that were 10km & above (17). Finally, the influence of interval between procedure and recall visit was also evaluated, and the result revealed that the participants that were given 7 days of recall revisit (663) complied better compared with the participants who were given 14days duration for recall revisit (478). Conclusion: The data from this study highlighted the possible need for a paradigm shift in patient-doctor interphase especially as it concerns recall visits. Compliance to recall appointment by the patients depends largely on age, gender, distance from hospital and interval between procedures and is mainly responsible for the noncompliance of patients to recall visit

Humanos , Extração Dentária , Assistência Odontológica , Cooperação do Paciente , Continuidade da Assistência ao Paciente , Hospitais de Ensino
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e36, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432022


RESUMO Objetivo. Identificar as estratégias de atuação dos sistemas regulatórios na vigilância e controle de medicamentos abaixo do padrão, falsificados e não registrados em nível regional-global, especialmente quanto aos processos de recall. Métodos. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados MEDLINE via PubMed, Embase e SciELO. Foram selecionados estudos publicados no período de 2007 a 2019, em inglês, português e espanhol, que abordavam estratégias desenvolvidas pelos sistemas regulatórios dos países, com foco no recall de medicamentos abaixo do padrão, falsificados e não registrados. Resultados. Dos 483 estudos inicialmente identificados, foram incluídas 21 publicações de alcance global, regional ou nacional. As estratégias de prevenção, detecção e resposta, incluindo o recall, foram agrupadas em dois modelos (passivo-reativo e proativo) de atuação dos sistemas regulatórios na vigilância e controle de medicamentos. Esses modelos parecem combinar estratégias passivas e proativas, complementares ou concorrentes, variando conforme o nível de desenvolvimento dos países e a capacidade regulatória. Embora seja considerado a resposta mais eficaz de proteção da população, o recall não foi implementado de forma uniforme no âmbito dos sistemas regulatórios, segundo os estudos. Conclusões. A complexidade e a magnitude do problema dos medicamentos abaixo do padrão, falsificados e não registrados exigem esforços, investimentos e mudanças profundas na abordagem, nos processos e nas capacidades dos sistemas regulatórios, podendo as estratégias de vigilância e controle do mercado convergir para um modelo híbrido, multisetorial, multidisciplinar, global e sistêmico de proteção da saúde humana.

ABSTRACT Objective. To identify the strategies employed by regulatory systems for the market surveillance and control of substandard, falsified, and unregistered medicines at the regional-global levels, especially regarding drug recall procedures. Method. An integrative literature review was performed. Searches were performed in MEDLINE via PubMed, Embase, and SciELO to select articles published from 2007 to 2019 in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, covering national regulatory system initiatives, with a focus on the recall of substandard, falsified, and unregistered medicines. Results. Of 483 articles initially identified, 21 global, regional, or national scope studies were selected. Prevention, detection, and response strategies, including drug recall, were grouped according to two broad market surveillance and control models (passive-reactive and proactive) used by regulatory systems. These models seem to combine passive and proactive, complementary or concurring actions that varied according to country development level and regulatory capacity. Although considered the most effective response for protection of populations, medicine recall was not implemented in a uniform manner in different regulatory systems as indicated by the studies. Conclusions. Addressing the complexity and magnitude of the problem of substandard, falsified, and unregistered medicines will demand effort, investment, and profound changes in the approaches, processes, and capacity of regulatory systems, with market surveillance and control strategies possibly converging toward a hybrid, multisectoral, multidisciplinary, global, and systemic model of human health protection.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Identificar las estrategias de actuación de los sistemas regulatorios en la vigilancia y control de los medicamentos subestándar, falsificados y no registrados a nivel regional-mundial, especialmente en lo que se refiere a los procesos de retirada de medicamentos del mercado (recall). Métodos. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica integral en las bases de datos de MEDLINE a través de PubMed, Embase y SciELO. Se seleccionaron los estudios publicados entre 2007 y 2019, en inglés, portugués y español, en los que se abordaban las estrategias elaboradas por los sistemas regulatorios de los países, con énfasis en la retirada de los medicamentos subestándar, falsificados y no registrados. Resultados. De los 483 estudios identificados inicialmente, se incluyeron 21 publicaciones de ámbito nacional, regional o mundial. Las estrategias de prevención, detección y respuesta, incluida la retirada de medicamentos, se agruparon en dos modelos de actuación (pasivo-reactivo y proactivo) de los sistemas de regulación en la vigilancia y el control de los medicamentos. Estos modelos parecen combinar estrategias pasivas y proactivas, complementarias o concurrentes, que varían según el nivel de desarrollo de los países y su capacidad de regulación. Aunque la retirada de productos se considera la respuesta más eficaz para proteger a la población, según los estudios esta no se ha aplicado de manera uniforme en los sistemas de regulación. Conclusiones. La complejidad y la magnitud del problema de los medicamentos subestándar, falsificados y no registrados exigen esfuerzos, inversiones y cambios profundos en el enfoque, los procesos y las capacidades de los sistemas de regulación; y las estrategias de vigilancia y control del mercado pueden converger hacia un modelo híbrido, multisectorial, multidisciplinar, mundial y sistémico de protección de la salud humana.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218396


Background: Cognitive impairments are fundamental in schizophrenia with verbal memory impairments commonly occurring not only in patients but also in unaffected genetically susceptible individuals. Deficits in verbal memory produce difficulty in problem-solving, emotional distress, and worsening of daily life skills resulting in a poor quality of life. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the verbal memory in unaffected first-degree relatives of patients of schizophrenia in comparison to healthy controls as well as patients of schizophrenia in remission and to find correlation to symptom domains. Methods: It was a hospital-based, descriptive, cross-sectional case-control study. Three groups (n=40, each group) of patients, first-degree relatives, and controls were taken. Subjects were screened for mental retardation and remission was ascertained in the patient group by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Rye’s Auditory Verbal Learning (RAVL) test was used to assess verbal leaning. Results: Verbal memory impairments were significant both in patients and unaffected first-degree relatives. Further, these impairments showed a strong correlation to negative symptoms. Conclusion: Significant (p<0.05) verbal learning impairments were noted in patients and first-degree relatives which showed a correlation to negative symptoms.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(5): e4054, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1352074


Introducción: La Ataxia Espinocerebelosa tipo 2 (SCA2) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa y hereditaria. No se ha realizado ningún estudio para la caracterización de la ingesta nutricional en pacientes cubanos con SCA2. Objetivo: Comprobar la reproducibilidad y fiabilidad del método de recordatorio de 24 horas para la evaluación de la ingesta nutricional en pacientes cubanos con SCA2, y obtener una caracterización preliminar de la misma en estos pacientes. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con test-retest que incluyó 35 pacientes con diagnóstico de SCA2. Se empleó el cuestionario dietético de recordatorio de 24 horas incorporado al sistema CERES+. Resultados: Se obtuvieron correlaciones altamente significativas entre la primera y segunda mediciones para la ingesta estimada de energía, nutrientes y según grupos de alimentos. En la mayoría de los elementos relativos a la ingesta estimada de energía y nutrientes, y en todos los grupos de alimentos, se obtuvieron coeficientes de correlación intraclase (0,75. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre pacientes de sexo masculino o femenino en cuanto a la ingesta de proteínas, carbohidratos, cobalamina, hierro, sodio y cinc. Se obtuvo un incremento en la ingesta de sodio y una disminución en la ingesta de ácido fólico y cobre, con respecto a las recomendaciones de ingesta nutricional diaria para la población cubana. Conclusiones: Se comprobó la elevada reproducibilidad y fiabilidad del cuestionario dietético recordatorio de 24 horas para la evaluación de la ingesta nutricional en pacientes con SCA2 y se logró una caracterización preliminar de la ingesta nutricional en estos pacientes(AU)

Introduction: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is a neurodegenerative and inherited disorder. No study has been conducted to characterize nutritional intake in Cuban SCA2 patients. Objective: To test the reproducibility and reliability of the 24-hour dietary recall method for the assessment of nutritional intake in Cuban patients with SCA2, as well as to obtain a preliminary characterization of nutritional intake in these patients. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional test-retest study was conducted on 35 SCA2 patients. The 24-hour dietary recall questionnaire in the CERES+ system was used. Results: Highly significant correlations between the first and second measurements were obtained for energy and nutrients intake, and according to food groups. Intraclass correlation coefficients higher than 0.75 were obtained for energy and most of the nutrients and according to food groups. Significant differences were obtained between male and female patients in terms of proteins, carbohydrates, cobalamin, iron, sodium, and zinc intake. An increase in sodium intake and a decrease in folic acid and copper intake were obtained. SCA2 patients showed increased sodium intake, and decreased folic acid and copper intake relative to nutritional intake recommendations for the Cuban population. Conclusions: The 24-hour recall dietary questionnaire is reproducible and reliable for the assessment of nutritional intake in SCA2 patients. Preliminary characterization of nutritional intake in SCA2 patients was obtained(AU)

Humanos , Vitamina B 12 , Avaliação Nutricional , Ataxias Espinocerebelares/dietoterapia , Ingestão de Alimentos , Ácido Fólico , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. lasallista investig ; 18(1): 114-133, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365833


Resumen Introducción: el estudio de las campañas de retiro de productos defectuosos del mercado {recalls} es un tema vigente y complejo en el contexto de la gestión de la calidad en cadenas de suministro para garantizar la seguridad y la protección de los consumidores. Objetivo: identificar los principales enfoques académicos y legales utilizados a nivel nacional e internacional para el diseño y ejecución de estrategias de retiro de productos. Materiales y métodos: se aplicó un enfoque exploratorio de la investigación, a través de una revisión de literatura y análisis bibliométrico con Vosviewer, considerando los artículos publicados en el periodo entre 1999 y 2019, en las bases de datos Taylor and Francis, EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus, Springer Link, IEEE, Google académico y Proquest. Resultados: se evidenció un crecimiento en el número de recalls en los últimos 20 años, especialmente en la industria de juguetes (161 %), sector automotriz (140%), productos de belleza (70 %) y suministros eléctricos (64 %). Las principales metodologías para el estudio de los recalls son de naturaleza cualitativa. Conclusiones: son requeridos nuevos aportes académicos orientados al desarrollo de modelos y metodologías que permitan involucrar a todos los miembros de la cadena de suministro en el diseño y ejecución de estrategias coordinadas para disminuir los riesgos de ocurrencia de productos defectuosos o inseguros en el mercado.

Abstract Introduction: the recall study is a current and complex issue of supply chain quality management to ensure the safety and protection of consumers. Objective: identify the main national and international academic and legal approaches used to design and perform product recall strategies. Materials and Methods: an exploratory research approach was applied, through a literature review and bibliometric analysis with the Vosviewer software, by considering the articles published between 1999 and 2019 in the databases Taylor and Francis, EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus databases, Springer Link, IEEE, Google Scholar, and Proquest. Results: there was an increase in the number of recalls in the last 20 years, especially in the toy industry (161 %), the automotive sector (140 %), beauty products (70 %) and electrical supplies (64 %). The main methodologies for studying product recalls are qualitative ones. Conclusions: new academic contributions are required for developing models and methodologies that allow all the supply chain members to be involved in designing and performing coordinated strategies to reduce the risks of defective or unsafe products in the market.

Resumo Introdução: o estudo de recolha de produtos defeitos é uma questão actual e complexa de gestão da qualidade da cadeia de abastecimento para garantir a segurança e a protecção dos consumidores. Objetivo: identificar as principais abordagens acadêmicas e jurídicas nacionais e internacionais utilizadas para conceber e executar estratégias de recolha de produtos. Materiais e métodos: foi aplicada uma abordagem de pesquisa exploratória, por meio de uma revisão da literatura e análise bibliométrica com Vosviewer, considerando os artigos publicados no período entre 1999 e 2019, nas bases de dados de Taylor e Francis, EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus, Springer Link, IEEE, Google Scholar e Proquest. Resultados: houve um aumento no número de recalls nos últimos 20 anos, principalmente na indústria de brinquedos (161 %), no setor automotivo (140 %), produtos de beleza (70 %) e suprimentos elétricos (64 %). As principais metodologias para o estudo de recalls são de natureza qualitativa. Conclusões: são necessárias novas contribuições académicas para o desenvolvimento de modelos e metodologias que permitam a todos os membros da cadeia de fornecimento estarem envolvidos na concepção e execução de estratégias coordenadas para reduzir os riscos de produtos defeituosos ou inseguros no mercado.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004322


【Objective】 To analyze and evaluate the application of intelligent voice call technology (IVCT) in the recall of lost blood donors, so as to provide references for the intelligent development of blood donor recruitment. 【Methods】 SMS, human telephone and IVCT were used to recall the lost blood donors from 2016 to 2018, and the recall results were statistically analyzed. 【Results】 20 406 blood donors were recalled from August 20 to December 30, 2020 through 1 029 human telephones, 7 571 automated calls, and 11 806 SMSs, and 4.81%(32/665), 3.44%(51/1 484) and 1.17%(138/11 806) of them responded. There was no significant difference in the recall effect between human telephones and automated calls. The one-year-lapsed blood donors responded about 3 times of those lapsed for 2~4 years (5.97/2.02). 【Conclusion】 The application of IVCT can make up for the shortages of high demand, much interference and long time consuming of human telephones, reduce the labor intensity, improve the efficiency of blood donor recruitment, and promote the recall of lapsed blood donors.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906641


Objective To retrospectively analyze the results of neonatal diseases screening in Yichang from 2017 to 2019, understand the incidence and recall of the diseases, and explore the management mode of neonatal disease screening suitable for this region. Methods The subjects were newborns who were delivered in Yichang midwifery institutions from 2017 to 2019 and were screened for neonatal diseases. Heel blood of the newborns was collected for the screening of neonatal diseases, including congenital hypothyroidism (CH), phenylketonuria (PKU), G6PD deficiency, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and thalassemia. Those newborns with positive initial screening were recalled for reexamination and confirmation. The recall rates of different diseases were compared by Chi-square test. Results There were 85 891 live births in Yichang area from 2017 to 2019, and 84 063 cases were screened for neonatal diseases, with a screening rate of 97.87%. A total of 6 043 cases were positive in the initial screening, of which 5,047 cases were recalled, with a recall rate of 83.52%. The recall rates of the traditional two diseases (CH and PKU) and the new three diseases (CAH, G6PD deficiency and thalassemia) were significantly different ( χ2= 197.93, P<0.01). A total of 501 cases were diagnosed. The incidence rate of CH was 1/1,911, the incidence rate of PKU was 1/12 009, the incidence rate of CAH was 1/28 021, the incidence rate of G6PD deficiency was 1/1 121, and the incidence rate of thalassemia was 1/226. Conclusions The neonatal disease screening rate increased year by year in Yichang, but the recall rate of suspicious positive initial screenings decreased. It is necessary to explore a more suitable management mode for the five neonatal disease screenings in this region, improve the recall rate of children with positive screening, reduce the incidence of disabled children, and improve the quality of the birth population.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212566


Metformin is considered as gold standard anti-diabetic drug and is the preferred initial pharmacologic agent for most of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metformin is cheap, widely available and safe, backed by pharmaco-epidemiological evidence of more than 60 years regular use in clinical practice. Due to its durable efficacy, once initiated, metformin will be continued as long as it is tolerated and not contraindicated.  It has got additional benefits on cholesterol, liver, cardio vascular system and cancer. Recent evidence and recall of metformin extended release formulation due to detection of excess amount of cancer-causing nitrosamine impurities has created concern among health care providers and patients. Adherence to regulatory guidelines and use of approved technologies in manufacturing and quality control may help in solving the issue.

Salud pública Méx ; 62(5): 521-531, sep.-oct. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390315


Abstract Objective: To estimate the usual intake and the prevalence of inadequacy of selected nutrients in the Mexican population and the potential effect that the nutrient retention factors (NRF) could have on these estimates. Likewise, document the methodology used in the analysis of the 24 hours of the mid-way National Health and Nutrition Survey 2016 (Ensanut MC 2016). Materials and methods: Dietary information from the Ensanut MC 2016 was analyzed with and without the use of NRFs. Results: Most nutrients evaluated showed a relevant inadequacy prevalence above 10% in all age groups. Likewise, we documented that, when NRFs were not applied, estimated intakes and prevalence were significantly underestimated in a range of 2% to 55.5%. Conclusions: We documented the relevance of the application of NRFs for adequate estimation of the prevalence of inadequate intake of selected nutrients in population studies.

Resumen Objetivo: Estimar la ingesta habitual y la prevalencia de inadecuación de nutrimentos selectos en la población mexicana y el efecto potencial de los factores de retención de nutrimentos (FRN). Asimismo, describir la metodología utilizada en el procesamiento del recordatorio de 24 horas de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición de Medio Camino 2016 (Ensanut MC 2016). Material y métodos: Se analizó la información dietética de Ensanut MC 2016 con y sin utilización de FRN. Resultados: En los nutrimentos evaluados, las prevalencias de inadecuación fueron superiores al 10% en todos los grupos de estudio. La no consideración de los FRN causó la subestimación en las prevalencias de inadecuación en un rango de 2% a 55.5%. Conclusión: Se documenta la relevancia de la aplicación de FRN para la adecuada estimación de las prevalencias de inadecuación en estudios poblacionales.

Humanos , Vitaminas , Nutrientes/administração & dosagem , Dieta , Minerais/administração & dosagem , Vitaminas/administração & dosagem , Ingestão de Energia , Inquéritos Nutricionais , Prevalência , Micronutrientes , Recomendações Nutricionais , México
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205608


Background: Dietary assessment is important to give nutritional counseling, to monitor ongoing nutritional transition, and to initiate public health policies. However, dietary intake measurement is a challenge, as type of food, portion size, and food habits vary immensely. Objective: The objective of the study was to compare 24 h recall and 3-day dietary cycle with 7-day dietary cycle as dietary assessment tool at community level in the rural part of Southern part of India. Materials and Methods: It is a community-based cross-sectional study conducted in a rural community of H D Kote Taluk of Mysuru district. Fifty-five houses were selected randomly by lottery method. Medical social workers were trained and data were collected regarding dietary consumption from the households and analyzed using SPSS version 24. Results: Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were used and inferential statistics such as one-way analysis of variance showed a significant difference in the recorded calorie intake by three methods of dietary assessment; f (2,) = 10.109, P < 0.00. Bonferroni post hoc revealed significant higher recordings by 24 h recall method (2422.56 ± 1581) compared to 3-day dietary cycle (1462.14 ± 761) and 7-day dietary cycle (1782.97 ± 682.6). No significant statistical difference was noted between 3-day dietary cycle and 7-day dietary cycle. Conclusion: Three-day dietary cycle method could replace 7-day dietary cycle method for community-based dietary assessment, as it provides results comparable to the gold standard 7-day dietary assessment method and it is less time consuming, cost effective and ensures better compliance.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837755


Objective To investigate the correlation between serum 1,5-anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods According to the diagnostic criteria of MCI and the cognitive function test results by Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) scale Chinese version, 80 volunteers receiving health check in our hospital from Nov. to Dec., 2019 were divided into MCI group (33 cases) and normal control (NC) group (47 cases). The demographic and clinical data were collected, and the blood glucose-related indexes, including 1,5-AG, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and 2 h-postprandial glucose (2 h-PPG), were measured. Anxiety and depression were assessed by self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and geriatric depression scale (GDS), respectively. Linear correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used to study the correlation between the blood glucose-related indexes and MCI. Results There were no significant differences in the demographic data, clinical data, SAS score or GDS score between the two groups (all P>0.05). Compared with the NC group, the MoCA score and the level of 1,5-AG were significantly lower in the MCI group (P<0.01, P=0.023), and the levels of FPG and 2 h-PPG were significantly higher (P=0.041, 0.027). Linear correlation analysis showed that the MoCA score was negatively correlated with the levels of FPG, 2 h-PPG and HbA1c (all P<0.05), but not with 1,5-AG level (P=0.134); the score of delayed recall, a cognitive domain of MoCA scale, was negatively correlated with the levels of FPG, 2 h-PPG and HbA1c (all P<0.05), and positively correlated with the 1,5-AG level (P=0.027). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that FPG was an independent factor of MoCA score (β=-0.291, P=0.009), and 1,5-AG and FPG were independent factors of delayed recall score (β=0.199 and -0.390, P=0.015 and 0.001). Conclusion 1,5-AG may be a potential biomarker for predicting cognitive impairment, especially for delayed recall; the blood glucose fluctuates greatly in MCI individuals at early stage, and maintaining the stability of blood glucose may be beneficial to the prevention of MCI.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876253


Objective To analyze the intake and changes of food and nutrients in 223 residents of Yangpu District from 2011 to 2015. Methods From the China Nutritional Transition Cohort Study in 2011 and 2015, the data in the study was obtained on Yangpu District′s residents aged 2 and above.A dietary survey was conducted using the 3-day 24-hour dietary recall and condiment weighing method to obtain data on food and nutrients intake per reference man per day and the nutrient source of energy, and to analyze the intake status of different years. Results The intake of vegetables, fruits, livestock and poultry, aquatic products, eggs, milk and dairy products, soybeans and nuts, edible oil and salt per reference man per day was lower in 2015 than in 2011.The insufficient intake proportions of cereals and tubers, vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, eggs, milk and dairy products, soybeans and nuts, and edible oils were 56.0%, 84.0%, 98.2%, 56.0%, 70.2%, 97.8%, 85.3% and 91.1%, respectively, the excessive intake proportion of livestock and poultry meat was 51.6%;the intake of energy, protein, fat and micronutrient per reference man per day in 2015 was lower than in 2011, and the insufficient intake proportion of energy, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, and calcium were 84.0%, 56.4%, 97.3%, 93.8%, 93.3%, 90.2% and 91.6%, respectively.In 2011 and 2015, it was found that residents who had the proportions of energy supply from carbohydrate lower than 50% accounted for 64.6% and 49.8%, those who had the proportions of energy supply from protein higher than 15% accounted for 76.2% and 40.4%, and those who had the proportions of energy supply from fat higher than 30% accounted for 76.7% and 72.9%. Conclusion In 2011-2015, the food and nutrients intakes among community residents in Yangpu District generally decrease, showing the coexistent problems of insufficient and excessive food intake, and the insufficient intake is serious.The insufficient intake of energy, vitamins and calcium is still a severe problem.And the dietary structure is not rational; the proportions of energy supply from three major nutrients are unbalanced.It is suggested that nutrition education for residents should be enhanced.

Saúde Soc ; 29(1): e170418, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094489


Abstract Advertising conveys an aesthetic model that seems to have a negative influence on young women. However, it is unclear whether the media are the cause, or only act as a reinforcement of disorders related to body image, such as those associated with eating behavior (anorexia or bulimia). This study measures the influence that advertising (measured by recall scores) during a television program has on women with eating disorders (anorexia or bulimia) compared to healthy women. Experimental study of exploratory nature performed on a sample of young women with eating disorders and a control group. The influence of advertising was estimated by recall scores, obtained after viewing a real television program, which included two commercial breaks containing two kinds of ads: body cult advertising (showing thinness or promoting it) and neutral advertising. Young women with eating disorders better recall advertisements showing thinness and products for weight loss and pay less attention to other types targeted at their age and gender group. Television advertising seems to be more of a reinforcement for these women who are already dissatisfied with their body, rather than a direct cause of their body image disorder.

Resumo A publicidade transmite um modelo estético que parece exercer uma influência negativa nas mulheres jovens. No entanto, não está claro se a mídia é a causa ou se atua apenas como um reforço de distúrbios relacionados à imagem corporal, como os associados ao comportamento alimentar (anorexia ou bulimia). Este estudo mede (por pontuação de recall) a influência que a publicidade mostrada durante um programa de televisão exerce sobre mulheres com transtornos alimentares (anorexia ou bulimia) em comparação com mulheres saudáveis. Estudo experimental de caráter exploratório realizado em uma amostra de mulheres jovens com distúrbios alimentares e um grupo de controle. A influência da publicidade foi estimada por pontuação de recall, obtida após a exibição de um programa de televisão, que incluía dois intervalos comerciais contendo dois tipos de anúncios: publicidade de culto ao corpo (mostrando ou promovendo a magreza) e propaganda neutra. As mulheres jovens com transtornos alimentares se lembram melhor dos anúncios que cultuam a magreza e produtos para perda de peso e prestam menos atenção a outros tipos destinados à sua idade e sexo. A publicidade na televisão parece ser mais um reforço para essas mulheres que já estão insatisfeitas com seu corpo, e não uma causa direta de seu distúrbio de imagem corporal.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Imagem Corporal , Anorexia Nervosa , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos , Bulimia Nervosa , Meios de Comunicação de Massa