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Vive (El Alto) ; 5(13): 98-109, abr. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410340


Las hojas de eucalipto por muchos años se han empleado para aliviar las afecciones respiratorias; durante la pandemia su consumo se ha incrementado significativamente Objetivo. Determinar los efectos del consumo de eucalipto mediante diversas preparaciones caseras para el alivio de las afecciones respiratorias. Método. Se basa en la investigación descriptiva; pues se empleó cuestionario sobre que plantas se consumen para las afecciones respiratorias, con qué frecuencia se consume eucalipto y si el consumo de eucalipto alivia las afecciones respiratorias. Obtenidos los datos se procesaron con estadísticas básicas y análisis de correlación. Resultados. Se determinó que los pobladores encuestados utilizan plantas medicinales para el tratamiento de afecciones respiratorias, destacándose el uso de las hojas de eucalipto que consume el poblador con una frecuencia promedio de 2 veces por día de infusión de eucalipto. El porcentaje de alivio de los signos y síntomas de las afecciones respiratorias fue 80 %; la correlación del porcentaje de consumo de eucalipto con respecto al porcentaje de las personas que registraron alivio de sus afecciones respiratorias, alcanzó un valor de r= 0.989 y el análisis de varianza del porcentaje del consumo de eucalipto con relación al porcentaje que aliviaron las afecciones respiratorias, determinó un efecto significativo. Conclusión. Que el consumo de medicina natural a base de hojas de eucalipto se puede considerar como un tratamiento complementario y beneficioso para la salud; puesto que su composición tiene componentes activos tales como Cineol, α y ß-pineno, y limoneno, que tienen propiedades antibacterianas y antivirales.

Eucalyptus leaves have been used for many years to relieve respiratory conditions; during the pandemic its consumption has increased significantly Objective. To determine the effects of eucalyptus consumption through various home preparations for the relief of respiratory conditions. Method. It is based on descriptive research; since a questionnaire was used on which plants are consumed for respiratory conditions, how often eucalyptus is consumed and if the consumption of eucalyptus relieves respiratory conditions. Once the data was obtained, it was processed with basic statistics and correlation analysis. Results. It was determined that the surveyed residents use medicinal plants for the treatment of respiratory conditions, highlighting the use of eucalyptus leaves consumed by the population with an average frequency of 2 times per day of eucalyptus infusion. The percentage of relief of signs and symptoms of respiratory conditions was 80%; the correlation of the percentage of consumption of eucalyptus with respect to the percentage of people who reported relief from their respiratory conditions, reached a value of r= 0.989 and the analysis of variance of the percentage of consumption of eucalyptus with respect to the percentage that relieved respiratory conditions, determined a significant effect. Conclution. That the consumption of natural medicine based on eucalyptus leaves can be considered as a complementary and beneficial treatment for health; since its composition has active components such as Cineol, α and ß-pinene, and limonene, which have antibacterial and antiviral properties.

As folhas de eucalipto são usadas há muitos anos para aliviar problemas respiratórios; durante a pandemia seu consumo aumentou significativamente Objetivo. Determinar os efeitos do consumo de eucalipto através de diversas preparações caseiras para o alívio de problemas respiratórios. Método. Baseia-se em pesquisa descritiva; uma vez que foi aplicado um questionário sobre quais plantas são consumidas para condições respiratórias, com que frequência o eucalipto é consumido e se o consumo de eucalipto alivia as condições respiratórias. Uma vez obtidos os dados, estes foram processados com estatística básica e análise de correlação. Resultados. Constatou-se que os moradores pesquisados utilizam plantas medicinais para o tratamento de afecções respiratórias, destacando-se o uso de folhas de eucalipto consumidas pela população com frequência média de 2 vezes ao dia de infusão de eucalipto. O percentual de alívio dos sinais e sintomas de afecções respiratórias foi de 80%; a correlação do percentual de consumo de eucalipto com o percentual de pessoas que relataram alívio de suas condições respiratórias, atingiu um valor de r= 0,989 e a análise de variância do percentual de consumo de eucalipto com relação ao percentual que aliviou condições respiratórias, determinou um efeito significativo. Conclusão. Que o consumo de medicamentos naturais à base de folhas de eucalipto pode ser considerado um tratamento complementar e benéfico para a saúde; uma vez que sua composição possui componentes ativos como Cineol, α e ß-pineno e limoneno, que possuem propriedades antibacterianas e antivirais.

Plantas Medicinais , Eucalyptus , Doenças Respiratórias , Doença
Chinese Herbal Medicines ; (4): 403-413, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953575


Thyroid disease is characterized by unusual levels of thyroid hormones, which results in either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The pathology of a particular type or stage of thyroid disease is very complicated, and always linked to a variety of biological functions. Although the mortality rate is not high, thyroid dysfunction could lead to metabolic and immunological disorders that can subsequently cause discomfort. To date, many drugs are suggested to have curative effects on thyroid disease, however, drug toxicity and long treatment periods encourage the search for more promising ones. Prunella vulgaris L. (Labiatae) is a popular herb that has shown great potential for improving human immunity and organ protection. It has been extensively used in the treatment of many diseases but its ability to treat specific diseases has not been fully reported. In this review, a literature search regarding herbs and herbal recipes for treating thyroid disease were carried out, organized, and summarized. In addition, this study conducted a literature search on the current situation and progress of P. vulgaris treatment for various diseases. Finally, this study discussed studies regarding P. vulgaris treatment of goiter, and the mechanism of treatment through the regulation of apoptosis. Accordingly, a combination therapy of herbs and Western medicine can provide significant therapeutic effects in the clinical treatment of thyroid disease. Furthermore, the association between P. vulgaris and various diseases suggests that P. vulgaris is rich in a variety of active substances that can fight oxidation and participate in the regulation of apoptosis, thus having a protective effect on the thyroid. Here, a comprehensive literature review regarding the application of herbs or herbal recipes in the treatment of thyroid disease was presented. It is concluded that there is strong evidence for further research regarding the use of P. vulgaris in the treatment of thyroid diseases.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 7(3): 43-60, set. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1290808


Introdução:O Brasil está no ranking dos 10 países que mais desperdiçam alimentos no mundo, é também o 3º maior produtor de frutas. As cascas e sementes, que são desprezadas, podem ser utilizadas na alimentação por meio do aproveitamento integral de alimentos. Objetivo:Verificar características organolépticas de preparações culinárias elaboradas com farinha das sementes de melão cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus). Metodologia:O trabalho trata-se de um estudo piloto, em que foi elaborada farinha de sementes do melão utilizada na produção de dois coprodutos, bolo simples e torta de frango, elaborados com diferentes percentuais de farinha das sementes, sendo de 25%, 50% e 75% adicionada à farinha de trigo enriquecida com ferro e ácido fólico. Posteriormente foi realizada degustação das amostras para realização da avaliação das características organolépticas dos coprodutos elaborados. Resultados:As preparações feitas com farinha cuja constituição possuía 50% de farinha de sementes foram as comentadas na avaliação das características organolépticas, visto que eram mais palatáveis, em virtude da menor quantidade de resíduos, bem como apresentaram aroma e sabor mais agradáveis quando comparadas às amostras de 75% de farinha de sementes. Conclusões:Diante dos resultados observou-se que os participantes optaram pelos produtos que possuíam quantidade intermediária de resíduos de melão nas preparações, sendo os produtos cuja concentração era 50% de farinha de sementes, visto que não dificultavam a mastigação e deglutição, bem como não tiveram alterações significativas nas características organolépticas como aroma e sabor. Espera-se que em breve com a volta das atividades presenciais, a análise sensorial com provadores não treinados seja realizada para continuidade e conclusão do estudo (AU).

Introduction:Brazil is in the ranking of the 10 countries that most waste food in the world, it is also the 3rd largest fruit producer. The husks and seeds that are neglected can be used in food through the full use of food. Objective:To verify organoleptic characteristics of culinary preparations made with flour from cantaloupe melon seeds (Cucumis melo L. var. Reticulatus).Methodology:The work is a pilot study in which cantaloupe melon melon seed meal flour was used to produce two co-products, simple cake and chicken pie, made with different percentages of flour of the seeds, 25%, 50% and 75% being added to wheat flour enriched with iron and folic acid. Subsequently, samples were tasted to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics of the elaborated by-products.Results:The preparations made with flour whose constitution had 50% of seed meal were those mentioned in the evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics, since they were more palatable, due to the lower amount of residues, as well as presenting a more pleasant aroma and flavor when compared to 75% samples. of seed meal. Conclusions:In view of the results, it was observed that the participants opted for products that had an intermediate amount of melon residues in the preparations, being the products whose concentration was 50% ofseed meal, since they did not hinder chewing and swallowing, as well as had no significant changes in organoleptic characteristics such as aroma and flavor. It is expected that soon with the return of face-to-face activities, sensory analysis with untrained tasters will be carried out for the continuity and conclude of the study (AU).

Introducción: Brasil está en el ranking de los 10 países que más desperdician alimentos en el mundo, también es el 3er productor de frutas más grande. Las cáscaras y semillas que se descuidan se pueden utilizar en los alimentos mediante el uso completo de los alimentos.Objetivo: Verificar las características organolépticas de preparaciones culinarias elaboradas con harina de semillas de melón cantalupo (Cucumis melo L. var. Reticulatus).Metodología: El trabajo es un estudio piloto en el que se utilizó harina de melón cantalupo harina de semilla de melón para producir dos coproductos, bizcocho simple y pastel de pollo, elaborado con diferentes porcentajes de harina de las semillas, 25% , 50% y 75% se agrega a la harina de trigo enriquecida con hierro y ácido fólico. Posteriormente, se cantaron muestras para evaluar las características organolépticas de los subproductos elaborados. Resultados: Las preparaciones elaboradas con harina cuya constitución tenía 50% de harina de semillas fueron las mencionadas en la evaluación de las características organolépticas, ya que resultaron más palatables, por la menor cantidad de residuos, además de presentar un aroma y sabor más agradable al compararse con 75% de muestras de harina de semillas. Conclusiones:A la vista de los resultados, se observó que los participantes optaron por productos que presentaban una cantidad intermedia de residuos de melón en las preparaciones, siendo los productos cuya concentración era del 50% de harina de semillas, ya que no dificultaban la masticación yla deglución, así como no tuvo cambios significativos en las características organolépticas como aroma y sabor. Se espera que próximamente con el regreso de las actividades presenciales se realice un análisis sensorial com catadores no capacitados para continuar y concluir el estudio (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Brasil/epidemiologia , Cucumis melo , Aproveitamento Integral dos Alimentos , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Alimentos , Sementes , Sensação , Farinha
Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 50(1): 186-204, Jan.-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347319


RESUMEN Objetivo: Conocer cuáles son los grupos terapéuticos más prescritos, las principales formas farmacéuticas usadas y el porcentaje de polifarmacia que presentan las recetas que son proporcionadas a los pacientes en el municipio de Teotitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca, tanto del sector salud como privado. Metodología: Para lo cual se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo observacional de tipo descriptivo transversal. Resultados: Existe una correlación entre la edad y la forma farmacéutica prescita, cabe decir que la forma farmacéutica más usada en las recetas corresponde a las tabletas. Así mismo, se puede evidenciar que las recetas que comúnmente reciben los pacientes presentan más de un principio activo, siendo los grupos terapéuticos más prescritos son los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos, antibióticos y vitaminas.

SUMMARY Aim: To know the most prescribed pharmacological groups, the main pharmaceutical forms used, and the percentage ofpolypharmacy presented by the prescriptions that are provided to patients in the municipality of Teotitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca, both in the health sector as private. Methodology: For which a quantitative observational study of descriptive cross-sectional type was conducted. Results: There is a correlation between age and the pharmaceutical form prescribed, it can be said that the pharmaceutical form most used in oral recipes, tablets being the most common. Likewise, it can be evidenced that the prescriptions they require received the patients presented more than one active ingredient, the most prescribed pharmacological groups being non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and vitamins.

RESUMO Objetivo: Saber quais são os grupos terapêuticos mais prescritos, as principais formas farmacêuticas utilizadas e a porcentagem de polifarmácia apresentada pelas prescrições que são fornecidas aos pacientes do município de Teotitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca, tanto no setor saúde como no setor privado. Metodologia: Para a qual foi realizado um estudo transversal observacional descritivo quantitativo. Resultados: Há correlação entre a idade e a forma farmacêutica prescrita, cabe ressaltar que a forma farmacêutica mais utilizada nas prescrições corresponde aos comprimidos. Da mesma forma, pode-se comprovar que as prescrições que comumente os pacientes recebem possuem mais de um princípio ativo, sendo os grupos terapêuticos mais prescritos os antiinflamatórios não esteroidais, antibióticos e vitaminas.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 49-55, 2020.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-873152


Objective:To investigate the mechanism of decomposed Zuoguiwan(ZGW) recipes in treating ovariectomized osteoporosis rats. Method:Forty Sprague-Dawley female rats were equally and randomly divided into Sham-operated group, ovariectomized model group, positive group, and low and high-dose ZGW groups. After 12 weeks of administration by gavage, the bone mineral density (BMD) of rats' distal femur was measured by micro-CT, the morphology of bone tissue were observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining (HE), β-cross-linked c-telopeptide of type Ι collagen (β-CTX) and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) in serum were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the mRNA and protein expressions of β2AR, OPG and RANKL were evaluated by Western blot analysis and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Result:Compared with Sham-operated group, BMD of rats in ovariectomized model group was decreased (P<0.01), morphology of bone tissue was destroyed, serum BALP was reduced, while β-CTX was boosted (P<0.01),mRNA and protein expressions of OPG in tibia were reduced, while RANKL were increased, and mRNA and protein expressions of β2AR in the hypothalamus were decreased (P<0.05, P<0.01). Compared with ovariectomized model group, BMDs of rats in low and high-dose ZGW groups were increased (P<0.01), morphology of bone tissue was repaired, serum BALP and mRNA and protein expressions of OPG in tibia were up-regulated (P<0.05, P<0.01), whereas serum β-CTX and mRNA and protein expressions of β2AR in the hypothalamus and RANKL in tibia were down-regulated (P<0.05, P<0.01). Conclusion:Yang-nourishing components in decomposed Zuoguiwan recipes can improve BMD of ovariectomized rats by regulating OPG/RANKL pathway mediated by β2AR. "Seeking Yin in Yang" is a crucial mechanism of Zuoguiwan in treating ovariectomized osteoporosis in rats.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 2674-2678, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-817501


OBJECTIVE: To study the protective effects of Qizhi tongluo capsules and their 9 ingredients decomposed recipes for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis (PBCRBS) on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury model rats, and to lay a foundation for studying the active components of Qizhi tongluo capsules through decomposed recipes. METHODS: Totally 60 SD rats were randomly divided into sham operation group (0.5% CMC-Na), model group (0.5% CMC-Na), Qizhi tongluo capsules without the ingredients for PBCRBS group [0.389 g/(kg·d)], the ingredients of Qizhi tongluo capsules for PBCRBS group [0.253  g/(kg·d)] and Qizhi tongluo capsules group [0.500 g/(kg·d)], with 12 rats in each group. The rats were given relevant medicine intragastrically, once a day, for consecutive 14 d. 2 h after last medication, except for sham operation group, cerebral ischemia- reperfusion injury model was induced by suture method in each group. The neurological function score was measured according to Bederson score 2 h after ischemia and 24 h after reperfusion. The area of cerebral infarction was calculated by TTC staining. The contents of NO, MDA, LDH and SOD in cerebral tissue of rats were measured by biochemical method. The contents of IL-1β and TNF-α in cerebral tissue of rats were detected by ELISA. RESULTS: Compared with sham operation group, the neurological function score, the infarct area and the contents of NO, MDA, LDH, IL-1β and TNF-α in cerebral tissue were significantly increased in model group (P<0.05). The content of SOD in cerebral tissue were decreased significantly (P<0.05). Compared with model group, the neurological function score of rats was decreased significantly in each administration group (P<0.05); the area of cerebral infarction, the contents of NO, MDA, LDH, IL-1β and TNF-α in cerebral tissue were decreased significantly (P<0.05), while the content of SOD in cerebral tissue was increased significantly (P<0.05). Compared with Qizhi tongluo capsules group, the area of cerebral infarction, the contents of NO, MDA, LDH, IL-1β and TNF-α in cerebral tissue were increased in the ingredients of Qizhi tongluo capsules for PBCRBS group and Qizhi tongluo capsules without the ingredients for PBCRBS group (P<0.05), the content of SOD was decreased significantly (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The formulation of Qizhi tongluo capsules and their 9 ingredients decomposed recipes for PBCRBS (without 9 ingredients for PBCRBS) have protective effects on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Although the protective effects of decomposed recipes for PBCRBS is not as good as that of the whole prescription, the protective effects of whole formulation were decreased significantly. It shows that the drugs for PBCRBS play an important role in protecting the function of cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury. It is of certain significance to separate the ingredients for PBCRBS to clarify the effect of Qizhi tongluo capsules.

Chinese journal of integrative medicine ; (12): 216-224, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771434


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the mechanism of inflflammatory-mediated toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) pathway in Kupffer cells (KCs) of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) rats and the intervention effect of soothing Gan (Liver) and invigorating Pi (Spleen) recipes on this pathway.@*METHODS@#After 1 week of acclimatization, 120 Sprague-Dawley male rats were randomly divided into 8 groups using a random number table (n=15 per group): normal group, model group, low-dose Chaihu Shugan Powder (, CHSG) group (3.2 g/kg), high-dose CHSG group (9.6 g/kg), low-dose Shenling Baizhu Powder (, SLBZ) group (10 g/kg), high-dose SLBZ (30 g/kg) group, and low- and highdose integrated recipe (L-IR, H-IR) groups. All rats in the model and treatment groups were fed with a high-fat diet (HFD). The treatments were administrated by gastrogavage once daily and lasted for 26 weeks. The liver tissues were detected with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and oil red O staining. Levels of liver lipids, serum lipids and transaminases were measured. KCs were isolated from the livers of rats to evaluate the mRNA expressions of TLR4 and p38 MAPK by real-time flfluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and proteins expressions of TLR4, p-p38 MAPK and p38 MAPK by Western blot. Levels of inflammatory cytokines including tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6 in KCs were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.@*RESULTS@#After 26 weeks of HFD feeding, HE and oil red O staining showed that the NASH model rats successfully reproduced typical pathogenesis and histopathological features. Compared with the normal group, the model group exhibited significant increases in body weight, liver weight, liver index, serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and aspartate aminotransferase as well as TC and TG levels in liver tissues, and significant decrease in serum level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (Plt;0.05 or Plt;0.01), while those indices were significantly ameliorated in the H-IR group (Plt;0.05 or Plt;0.01). Higher levels of TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 in KCs were observed in the model group compared with the normal group (Plt;0.01). Significant decreases in TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 were observed in the H-SLBZ, H-IR and L-IR groups compared with the model group (Plt;0.05 or Plt;0.01). The mRNA expressions of TLR4 and p38 MAPK and protein expressions of TLR4, p38 MAPK and p-p38 MAPK in KCs in the model group were significantly higher than the normal group (Plt;0.01), while those expression levels in the L-IR and H-IR groups were significantly lower than the model group (Plt;0.05 or Plt;0.01).@*CONCLUSION@#Inflflammation in KCs might play an important role in the pathogenesis of NASH in rats. The data demonstrated the importance of TLR4-p38MAPK signaling pathway in KCs for the anti-inflflammatory effect of soothing Gan and invigorating Pi recipes.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Farmacologia , Células de Kupffer , Fisiologia , Sistema de Sinalização das MAP Quinases , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Hepatopatia Gordurosa não Alcoólica , Tratamento Farmacológico , Extratos Vegetais , Farmacologia , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Transdução de Sinais , Receptor 4 Toll-Like , Fisiologia , Proteínas Quinases p38 Ativadas por Mitógeno , Fisiologia
Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging and Therapy ; (12): 694-698, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667491


Objective To explore the value of MR T2 mapping imaging in evaluation of the effection of Zhitong-Jiangu recipes in treatment of cartilage injury in osteoarthritis.Methods The models of osteoarthritis in the knee of New Zealand white rabbits were made with intra-articular injection of papain.Totally 48 New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into normal control group,model control group,glucosamine hydrochloride treatment group and Zhitong-Jiangu recipes treatment group.MR T2 mapping was performed on the knee and the content of MMP-1 in articular cartilage was analyzed with immunohistochemistry 4 weeks after treatment.The differences of T2 value and MMP-1 content of articular cartilage among the four groups were compared.The correlation among the different intervention methods,MMP-1 content of articular cartilage and the T2 value of articular cartilage were analyzed.Results T2 value of articular cartilage in the model control group was significantly higher than that in the other three groups (all P<0.01),and there was no significant difference of T2 value among the other three groups.The MMP-1 content of articular cartilage in glucosamine hydrochloride treatment group and Zhitong-Jiangu recipes treatment group was lower than that in model control group (both P<0.05),and was higher than that in normal control group (both P<0.05).There was no significant difference between the two groups.The relationship between MMP-1 content and T2 value of articular cartilage was nonlinear.With the increase of MMP-1 content,T2 value first increased slowly and then increased rapidly (P<0.05).Conclusion MR T2 mapping imaging is helpful to evaluating the efficacy of Zhitong-Jiangu recipes in treatment of cartilage injury in osteoarthritis in rabbit models.The relationship between MMP-1 content and T2 value of articular cartilage may be nonlinear.

Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (6): 815-818, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-666872


Objective To investigate the clinical effectiveness of disease-syndrome combination therapy for anovulatory infertility through randomized controlled trial, thus to provide high-level evidence-based medical reference for the diagnosis and treatment of WHO typeⅡovulation disorder infertility. Methods Eighty-six patients with WHO typeⅡovulation disorder infertility were randomized into treatment group and control group , 43 cases in each group. Both groups were given the treatment for correcting endocrinic disorder if necessary. Additionally, by following the principle of combination of disease differentiation and syndrome differentiation , Zhuyun Recipe 1, Zhuyun Recipe 2, and Zhuyun Recipe 3 were separately given orally to the patients with kidney-yang deficiency (WHO type Ⅱ ovulation disorder without PCOS), patients with liver-kidney insufficiency(WHO typeⅡovulation disorder complicated with hyperandrogenitic lean-PCOS),and patients with kidney-deficiency complicated with phl egm-dampness (WHO type Ⅱ ovulation disorder complicated with insulin-resistant obesity-PCOS) in the treatment group respectively. The patients in the control group was given oral use of the first-rate ovulation induction drug Clomiphene. The treatment covered 3 menstruation cycles. Ovulation rate,pregnancy rate and alive fetus rate were used as the indicators for evaluating the effectiveness,and the safety was also monitored. Results(1)Of the 86 cases,5 cases dropped out(loss to follow-up or being excluded),with the drop-out rate being 6%. Of the 5 drop-out cases,3 were from the control group,and 2 were from the treatment group. (2)Ovulation rate of the treatment group was 70.7%,and that of the control group was 85.0%. The ovulation rate of the two groups was enhanced,but the difference between the two groups was insignificant(P > 0.05).(3)Pregnancy rate of the treatment group was 51.2%,and that of the control group was 30.0%, the differen ce being significant between the two groups(P < 0.05).(4)Alive fetus rate of the treatment group was 45.2%,and that of the control group was 22.5%,the difference being significant between the two groups(P < 0.05).(5)No adverse reaction was found in the two groups during the treatment. Conclusion The disease-syndrome combination therapy for WHO type Ⅱanovulatory infertility shows the advantages of higher pregnancy rate and alive fetus rate, which makes up for the disadvantages of low pregnancy rate and high abortion rate of Clomiphene.

Journal of Medical Informatics ; (12): 75-80, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-669146


The paper takes common food materials that contain 5 nutrients of calcium,phosphorus,potassium,sodium and magnesium in the Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes (2013) as authoritative reference data,combines the data of finished dishes obtained from the Internet,and calculates the data by making use of the search engine,database storage and other computer technologies,in order to obtain the list of finished dishes containing certain nutrients,achieve the calculation from nutrients to finished dishes,and provide solutions to the guidance for targeted nutrient supplement diet of residents.

Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University ; (6): 472-474,475, 2016.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-604218


Objective]The article summarizes the essentials of hyperprolactinemia infertility experience by Professor Wang Zhe. [Methods]From following Professor Wang Zhe clincial studies,summarize experience and thoughts of treating hyperprolactinemia infertility with a case. [Results]Professor Wang Zhe thinks the main reason for the occurrence of hyperprolactinemia infertility ,which is related to the dysfunction of the liver,spleen and kidney.The spleen rules transformation and transportation that like dryness and dislike dampness.The liver stores the blood and rules flowing and spreading, that is sensitive to boundaries and maintains the smoothness and harmony of movement throughout the body.The kidneys store the essence and rule birth and hiding, which is foundation of innate existence. Its main types are liver depression and deficiency of the kidney block and phlegm-dampness stagnation.Therapeutically,using Fu Qingzhu medicine for women in the study of Yangjingzhongyu Decoction and the Ye Tianshi treatment recipe for women refers to Cangfudaotan Decoction in the treatment,to achieve nourishing the liver and kidney, invigorating spleen for eliminating dampness.[Conclusion]Professor Wang has exquisite medical skills, rigorous academic attitude, and richly professional knowledge and clinical experience.She has unique insights and experience in treating hyperprolactinemia infertility.Professor Wang Zhe's experience hopes to expand ideas of the clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (6): 51-55, 2016.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-483474


Objective To compare the effects of different spleen-strengthening recipes on water-electrolyte metabolism and water transport in rat model of spleen-deficiency syndrome. Methods The male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into the normal group and spleen-deficiency model group. The rat model of spleen-deficiency was established by overstrain plus disordered diet method. On the 15th modeling day, the model rats were randomly assigned into model group , Buzhong Yiqi Tang(BYT) group, Si Junzi Tang(SJT) group, Shenling Baizhu San(SBS) group, and the rats except for the model group were treated with gastric gavage of the corresponding medicine in the dosage of 4.05 g·kg-1·d-1. Rats of normal group and model group were given equal volume of normal saline. The medication lasted for 14 days. On the 29th experimental day, we detected serum Na+ and K+, plasma antidiuretic hormone(ADH) and aldosterone(ALD), aquaporin 3(AQP3) in the small intestine and colon, and renal AQP2. Results Compared with the normal group, plasma ADH and ALD levels, serum Na+ level, renal AQP2 content in the model rats were increased significantly, serum K+ and AQP3 content of small intestine and colon mucosa was decreased significantly(P<0.01). Compared with the model group, plasma ADH and ALD levels, serum Na+ level, renal AQP2 content in the three medication groups were decreased significantly, serum K+level and AQP3 in the small intestine and descending colon mucosa was increased significantly(P<0.05 or P<0.01). Of the three medication groups, SBS group had lower ADH, ALD, Na+levels, and higher serum K+level and AQP3 in the small intestine and descending colon mucosa than BYT group and SJT group(P<0.01); SBS group and BYT group had lower renal AQP2 than SJT group(P<0.05 or P<0.01). Conclusion Rat model with spleen-deficiency syndrome has disordered water-electrolyte metabolism and abnormal water transport. The spleen-strengthening recipes, which have the actions of strengthening spleen, strengthening spleen to drain dampness, strengthening spleen to elevate yang, can improve the disorder of water metabolism to some degrees, and SBS has the best effect.

Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24): 3289-3296, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-853854


Effective compounds group of Chinese materia medica (CMM) is a pharmacological active compounds group containing all components that are closely related to their clinical application. It plays a core role in CMM formula. We think it maintains not only the characteristics of the whole system and the system integrity of CMM formula, but also their chemical compositions are clear. However, due to the complexity of CMM, the successful research cases are very few. In this paper, we summarized several outstanding research cases of effective compounds group in recent years and there are three strategies, including "research on decomposed-combined recipes of CMM based on assessment of chemical components in CMM way", "screening the effective components group based on knock-in and knock-out from chromatographic fingerprint", and "screening the effective components group based on serum pharmacochemistry". We also summarized the ways to illustrate properties of effective compounds group, such as combination of multiple component, clear chemical composition, and system integrity. This paper provided ideas for the future research of effective components of CMM.

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition ; : 133-144, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-628128


The food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) is the preferred method to evaluate long-term usual dietary intake in population-based epidemiological studies because it is simple, easy to administer and requires minimal effort from the subjects. Therefore, we validated a food frequency interview schedule (FFIS) to estimate the dietary intakes of the urban population of Hyderabad city. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among five socio-economic sections of Hyderabad. Areas for the survey were selected by cluster random sampling and households in each area were selected by simple random sampling. The FFIS was developed and validated against a 6-day 24-hour dietary recall (HDR) method. The instruments were administered to the participants six months apart to check for reproducibility. Statistical analyses for validation and reproducibility included correlation, regression analyses and paired t-test. Results: Means of intakes of foods measured by 24-HDR were significantly lower than those measured by FFIS for some foods at alpha levels of 0.05. Pearson's correlation (r) for the intakes by the two methods ranged from 0.12 to 0.85. Regression coefficients were significant for 12 food groups. Correlation coefficients for the two FFISs were between 0.31 (spices) and 0.81 (carbonated beverages) and showed good reproducibility. Intakes of conventional foods like cereals, pulses, vegetables etc. by FFIS correlated better with 24-HDR than the processed foods such as breakfast cereals and bakery items. Conclusion: The data suggests that the FFIS is a well-validated, reproducible tool for assessment of long term dietary habits of a specific population. However, its use for populations of other regions requires specific modifications.

Necessidades Nutricionais , Entrevista , População
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164416


Prebiotics are the non-digestible fibers which have the potential to exert a positive effect on human health. They serve as a substrate for microflora in the large intestine and are known to improve overall gut health. Fried foods contribute greatly to the snack foods industries and are specially liked for their crispy texture and unique flavor. Addition of fructooligosaccharides in fried food products has a potential to be developed into a therapeutic food. Hence, the effect of incorporating fructooligosaccharide on sensory qualities of fried products namely vegetable paratha (Shallow fried) and lilva kachori (Deep fried) was investigated. Fructooligosaccharides was added to the one serving of vegetable paratha and lilva kachori’s stuffing at 10 g, 15 g and 5 g, 10 g, and 15 g respectively and were compared with the standard recipes. Three successive trials were conducted for screening the panelist through threshold test. Sensory evaluation was carried out at nine point hedonic scale test for the two products in triplicates. An internal panel of 25 semi trained members evaluated the products for color and appearance, mouthfeel, texture, taste, after taste, and overall acceptability. The results revealed a non-significant reduction in most of the sensory attributes for vegetable paratha, whereas, a significant reduction was observed in texture scores (p<.05). A significant reduction (p<.001) was found in all sensory attribute scores of lilva kachori. Addition upto 5 g fructooligosaccharide did not altered sensory qualities of lilva kachori. The most affected attribute for vegetable parantha was texture (8.6 percent reduction) and for lilva kachori it was color and appearance. Thus it can be concluded that fructooligosaccharides can be incorporated in vegetable paratha upto 15 g and upto 5 g in lilva kachori. An addition of fructooligosaccharide in stuffed fried snacks may serve to fulfill consumer demand for health foods.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-151503


In vitro antioxidant potential of methanolic extracts of six legume-based traditional plant recipes used in Indian Himalayas were evaluated by trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), scavenging of 1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and inhibition of ß-carotene degradation activity (IBDA). Type II diabetes-related enzyme inhibition capacity of recipes was assayed on α-amylase and α-glucosidase activity under in vitro assay. The methanolic extracts of six recipes showed substantially high total phenolic and flavonoid content along with TEAC, radical scavenging activities, FRAP and IBDA in significantly different magnitudes. Apart from high magnitude of antioxidant potential, the three recipes namely ‘methi paste’, ‘arhar dal’ and ‘ghew simi’ used during diabetes by local people exhibited moderate to high level of enzyme inhibition capacity. Present results suggest that methanolic extracts of six indigenous recipes are rich in polyphenols and antioxidant activity. The three medicinal preparations have high potential to inhibit type II diabetes-related enzyme activity, and may be integrated into dietary management of type II diabetes.

Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine ; (12): 189-191, 2010.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-433251


AIM: To study the inhibitiory effects of Fuerkang Injection (sweet worm wood oil, glycyrrhetate and Vitamin A acetate). and its ingredients on SMMC-7721 and NB4 cell lines, in order to understand its antitumour spectrum and reasonability of its composition. METHODS: SMMC-7721 and NB4 cell lines were treated with Fuerkang Injection and its ingredients under the same concentration for 48 h, adfiamycin was used as standard com-parison,inhibitiory effect on growth of two cell lines was detected by MTT method. RESULTS: At 1.260 μg/mL, the inhibition rate of Fuerkang Injection and its decomposed recipes preparations 1,2,3 to SMMC-7721 cell lines were 54.78%, 55.49%, 53.18%, 53.79%, hemi-inhibitory concentration IC_(50) were 0.415,0.376,0.715 and 0.636 μg/mL,respectively. The inhibition rate of NB4 cell lines were 88.6% ,82.5% ,77.9% and 76.9% ,hemi-inhibitory concentration IC_(50) were 0.091,0.108 1,0.084 and 0.120 μg/mL. CONCLUSION: Fuerkang Injection and its ingredients have significant inhibitory action on SMMC-7721 and NB4 cell lines,each component herb in the compound preparation has synergetic effects.

Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association ; : 390-400, 2004.
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-199329


Food and nutrition sites are the major portion of the health information sites. For the point of public health it is very important to secure validity and reliability of information on those web sites. Therefore, in this study we would like to identify problems when acquiring recipes in web sites by analyzing and reviewing recipes in web sites. To investigate Korean food recipes provided in web sites, domestic search engines such as Simmani, Naver, Hanmir, and Empas and foreign search engines such as Yahoo Korea, Lycos and Altabista Korea were used. Searchs were done using 'recipe' and 'Joribeob (cooking method)' from March 20, 2002 to June 20, 2002. Informations in each sites were reviewed and analyzed Results are as follow; When classifying 46sites searched with 'Joribeob' by the information provider, 24sites were individual, 16sites were corporate and 6sites were others. When searching 'recipe', total 12,654recipes were returned. Out of them, individual provided 2,581sites(20.4%), corporate provided 7,249sites(57.3%), and others provided 2,824sites(22.3%). 9,979(78.9%) recipes out of 12,654recipes were proved to be appropriate as Korean food. Classifying recipes by dish group, vegetables 11.7%, soups and hot soups 9.7%, stew and casseroles 8.2%, pan cakes 8.0%, stir fried foods and skewers 7.8%, rice 7.2%, hard boiled food 7.1%, steam 6.4%, noodles and mandu 5.3%, Kimchi 4.5%, fried 4.1%, and porridge 3.7% in order. 21.1% of recipes were not appropriate as Korean food but provided as Korean Food. The proportion of individual as the information provider were higher than that of enterprises. Recipes from enterprises were based on food and nutrient information and more reliable. However, there were some cases that they provided the same amount of ingredients with different calories or provided the same calories with different ingredients. Additionally, depending on sites, they provided different calories even for the same recipe. There were some cases that the calories provided on the site were too high or too low, for the suggested amount of ingredients and serving size. Recipes those provide amount of calories were evaluated using the nutrient analysis program. Calculated calories and provided calories on the Web were compared together. There are difference between two valus. With these results, it may lead misuse of recipe by those who need accuracy in diet such as patients or who are interested in recipe information for academic purposes. These results could be used as basic materials to improve quantity and quality of recipes in the future. Also, to improve the accuracy of recipies for Korean foods in the web sites, there should be some systems to monitor and let internet users know monitoring results.

Humanos , Dieta , Internet , Coreia (Geográfico) , Transferência Linear de Energia , Saúde Pública , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Ferramenta de Busca , Tamanho da Porção de Referência , Vapor , Verduras
Journal of Practical Stomatology ; (6)1995.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-670917


Objective:To investigate the mechanism of the effect of tonifying kidney recipes(TKR) on osseointegration of the Titanium Implants by established animal model of osteoporosis rats.Methods:Fifty-four female SD rats were randomly divided into three groups:A:Sham group, B:ovariectomy(OVX) group C:OVX+TKR group. After operation, tonifying kidney recipes was given orally in C group. The results were observed by bone histomorphometry. Results:Trabeculae area (Tb?Ar,%), trabeculae width (Tb?Wi), combined bone lamella width (CBLW), osteoblast number (OB?N) in C group were significantly increased compared with B group (P

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (12)1993.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-674009


Objective:To study effects of 5 recipes for tonifing and supplementing on apoptosis and splenocytes in mice treated with cyclophosphamide.Methods:Apoptosis and cellular cycles of splenocytes were detected by flowcytometric analysis.Results:Sijunzi Decoction,Liuwei Dihuang Pill,Shengmai Powder,Jingui Shenqi Pill could antagonize the decline of proliferation induced by cyclophosphamide,and Sijunzi Decoction and Liuwei Dihuang Pill could resist the apoptosis of splenocytes caused by cyclophosphamide;and the recipes all could inhibit atrophy of the spleen induced by cyclophosphamide Conclusion:The 5 recipes for tonifying and supplementing all can improve the injury of the spleen induced by cyclopbosphamide in varying degrees,Sijunzi Decoction and Liuwei Dihuang Pill being the best.