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Organ Transplantation ; (6): 232-2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-920854


Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations, treatment and prognosis of primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1). Methods Relevant literature review was conducted from Chongqing VIP, CNKI, Wanfang Data, PubMed, Web of Science, Embase and Cochrane databases. Clinical data of 57 patients with PH1 were collected, and the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment and prognosis were analyzed. Results A total of 35 eligible studies were searched, including 57 patients with PH1, 39 male and 18 female, aged 0.2-57.0 years old, and the age of onset was from date of birth to 42 years old. The specificity of clinical symptoms of 57 patients with PH1 was relatively low, including 41 cases of renal stones, 21 cases of renal calcification and/or calcium deposition, 12 cases of oxalic acid deposition outside the urinary system, 12 cases of lumbago, backache and abdominal pain, and 8 cases of ureteral stones. Besides, alternative symptoms, such as decreased urine output, metabolic acidosis, disorder of water and electrolyte, anemia and gross hematuria were also reported. Thirty-three patients were diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) upon admission. Twenty-six patients received transplantation. Among them, 17 cases underwent kidney transplantation (2 cases repeatedly received combined liver-kidney transplantation due to recurrence of stones and resumption of dialysis, and 1 case repeatedly received liver transplantation due to resumption of dialysis), 7 cases received combined liver-kidney transplantation, 2 cases underwent liver transplantation, and 3 cases received sequential liver-kidney transplantation, respectively. Thirty-one patients did not undergo transplantation. Significant differences were observed in the survival rate between patients treated with and without transplantation (85% vs. 58%, P < 0.05). Conclusions Clinical manifestations of PH1 are diverse and lack of specificity. A majority of PH1 patients are diagnosed with ESRD upon admission. Clinical prognosis of patients undergoing transplantation is better than that of those counterparts without transplantation. Prior liver transplantation or combined liver-kidney transplantation is recommended.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212255


Background: Saurashtra is claimed to be ‘stone belt’, even though there is paucity of epidemiological work on this issue; keeping in mind about this problem that ails most parts of the Saurashtra region, which is correctable and preventable, this study was undertaken.Methods: Radiologically diagnosed 100 patients with renal stone were enrolled and interviewed through a proforma approved by institutional ethical committee to study risk factors, clinical scenario, and urinary findings. Urine samples were collected from all the participants of the study and analyzed for the presence of crystals, red blood cells, pus cells as well as urine pH. Data was analyzed with help of EpiInfo™ 7 (CDC Atlanta).Results: Prevalence of renal stone was higher in males (72%); common in age group of 21-35 years. Common findings were recurrent flank pain (81%), gross hematuria (59 %) and renal colic (51%). Familial history (p<0.004), improper water drinking habit (p<0.002), lack of diet modification (p<0.001) according to stone type and stone analysis were found probable causes for the recurrence of stone. Calcium oxalate (75%) stone being the commonest followed by calcium phosphate (15%) and uric acid (7%).Conclusions: Results from this study can be applied in the clinical setting with the goal of reducing the likelihood of stone formation. Preventive measures such as change in diet, drinking behavior when properly addressed can ameliorate the situation in many patients with kidney stone. There is a great scope and role in finding crystals in urine with patients of kidney stone such as checking their compliance, guiding dietary therapy when stone analysis in not available, setting up an screening criteria and diagnosis of renal stone in remote settings where radio-logical investigations are not available.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212850


Background: Nephrolithiasis is highly prevalent across all demographic groups in the india and beyond, and its incidence rates are rising. In addition to the morbidity of the acute event, stone disease often becomes a lifelong problem that requires preventative therapy to diminish ongoing morbidity. Objective of this study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) in the management of large and complex renal stone.Methods: This retrospective study includes 75 renal calculi patients with 100 renal units with large and complicated stone >20 mm. Stones were classified into simple (isolated renal pelvis or isolated calyceal stones) or complex (partial or complete stag horn stones, renal pelvis stones with accompanying calyceal stones). Then various parameter like decrease haemoglobin, surgical complication, creatinine level, duration of surgery etc were compared between simple and complex stones patients by calculation p value using online student t test calculator. P value less than 0.01 considered as a difference of significance.Results: The mean stone size was 35.5±20.37 mm and mean operative duration was 60±35.3 min. In all, cases 60 (80%) were stone-free after the first procedure and another 10 needed an auxiliary procedure (5 second-look PCNL, 3 extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy-ESWL, 2 ureterorenoscopy, and) to become stone-free, resulting in a 93.33% stone-free rate. Complications occurred in 9 procedures (12%).Conclusions: From this study, it would be concluded that Minimally invasive PCNL provided significantly higher stone-free rate and efficiency quotient for management of urinary calculi. Overall complications are usually observed in patients having intraoperative hypotension and increased intra operative time.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202865


Introduction: Majority of renal stones diagnosed todayare below 2 cm. The preferred treatment of <1cm stone isextracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) while standardof care for renal stone >2 cm is percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). The procedure of choice for 1-2 cm renalstones is still a subject of debate. This study was undertakento formulate a better understanding of management of renalstones of size 1-2cm in this patient populationMaterial and methods: A prospective study was carried outto evaluate clearance of ESWL vs PCNL in patients with renalstones of size 1-2 cm. Complete follow up data were availablefor 281 patients 140 in PCNL and 141 in ESWL group, 12patients were lost to follow up.Results: Both the groups were well matched with regards toage and sex distribution. 141 patients underwent ESWL and103/141(73%) patients had stone clearance in 1-3 months. 140patients underwent PCNL out of which 133 (95%) patientshad stone clearance. Complications were mostly minor andfound in 9.7% in patients undergoing ESWL while same wereseen in 30% of those undergoing PCNL.Conclusion: The primary objective in stone management istotal stone clearance. Considering this as priority PCNL hasproved superior to ESWL in our study for renal stones 1-2 cmin size. It has also got lower auxiliary and retreatment rates buthas its own share of complications and longer hospital stay areother important factors in PCNL.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202789


Introduction: Sqamous cell carcinoma accounts for 0.5-0.8%of all renal tumour. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of therenal pelvis is a rare neoplasm and is usually associated withlong standing renal stone disease. There is lack of definiteclinical presentation and inconclusive imaging finding, thesetumors are high grade, highly aggressive with poor prognosis.Histopathology report is hallmark for diagnosis.Material and methods: Our study is Retrospective studywith sample size of 5 patient (3 male and 2 female), presentingcomplaints of all patients had a chronic history of renal stonedisease with loin pain presented during last 2 year of period inUrology department. All patient were evaluated with routinepreoperative blood investigation, DTPA renogram, and NCCT(KUB), found to have nonfunctioning kidney underwentsimple nephrectomy.Result: In our study mean age is 52 year, 3 male and 2 female,mean operative time- 2hr,during postoperative period 3patient have uneventful postoperative course,1 patient haveatrial fibrillation,1 patient have a suture site infection, averagehospital stay 4.5 days. Postoperative histopathology reportconfirmed presence of squamous cell carcinoma, 3 patient onregular follow up with no evidence of recurrence, 1 patientdies during follow up and 1 patient lost follow up.Conclusion: Primary squamous cell carcinoma of kidney arerare aggressive tumour with poor prognosis. As this tumor isassociated with renal stone and non functioning kidney, theyshould be evaluated with newer imaging technology for earlydetection of tumour.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201577


Background: Renal stone disease is a considerable burden on public health worldwide. This study aimed to assess the nurse’s knowledge regarding renal stone among the nurses working at a selected specialized hospital.Methods: A total of 120 samples were collected through purposive sampling technique. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted under quantitative approach. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire through face to face interview. A written informed consent was obtained from the hospital authority and nurses. Data were analysed using SPSS version 20.Results: In this study ninety percent of the respondents were female and about 43.3% of the respondents were in the age group 31-35 years. About 35.8% of the respondents had postgraduate qualification and the majority (63.3%) of the respondents had 4 years and above years of service experience. More than nine-tenths (95.8%) of the respondents mentioned that renal stone is one kind of urological disease and 75.8% of the respondents mentioned that calcium oxalate is responsible elements for formation of renal stone. About 63.3% of them mentioned pain or burning during urination as the symptoms of renal stone. 66.7% of the respondents mentioned that a patient with renal stone should be counseled on stone-specific dietary interventions.Conclusions: The findings reveal that most of the study participants had good level of knowledge regarding the renal stone. It was recommended that a special training on renal stone for nurses might be geared up to increase their level of knowledge.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205248


Introduction:Urolithiasis is one of the most common clinical conditions in the history of medicine. Treatment methods include conservative, surgical treatment and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Several stone characteristics are known to affect outcome of ESWL such as fragility, Hounsfield unit, size, site, composition etc. No study has been done till now regarding the efficacy and safety of ESWL in eastern Indian patients. Objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of ESWL in the management of patients with renal and ureteral stones. Methods: 112 outpatients were treated with ESWL. Stone size, location, total number of shockwaves, stone-free rate, complications and adjunctive interventions were investigated. Chi-Square and Logistic Regression analyses were used, with p<0.05 set as the level of significance. Result & Conclusion: The authors found significant association between the size and number of stones with fragmentation status. The authors found that stones of more than 11mm size are more resistant to ESWL. Authors found statistically significant association between the number of ESWL sessions with fragmentation status. However, more than 3 sessions also did not help much. It was also found that complications were more in partially fragmented group and more adjunctive procedures were required in partially fragmented group. The authors also noticed that the stented or non stented status and total number of shocks were not significantly associated with the fragmentation status of stones.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203874


Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the second most prevalent pediatric infection, and if it is not recognized and treated properly, it can cause severe irreversible complications such as renal failure and hypertension. In this research, some of the risk factors of UTIs were compared in children with urinary tract infections.Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, with the urinary tract infection as the dependent variable and gender, circumcision status, history of urinary catheterization, family history, history of renal stone, hypercalciuria, constipation history, reflux, neurogenic bladder, phimosis, posterior urethral valves (PUV), ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO), and ureterovesical junction obstruction (UVJO) as the independent variables. A total of 405 children were studied in this research. The data was collected using questionnaires, checklists, and examinations. Data analysis was also carried out using descriptive and analytical statistics method in SPSS.Results: This research revealed the prevalence of urinary tract infection among children with several risk factors, and the common factors were positive family history, history of urinary catheterization, constipation, and other non-anatomical disorders (history of renal stone and hypercalciuria. The most common risk factors regardless of gender and age were non-anatomic disorders that were observed in 147 cases (43.7%) (p-value<0.001). Among the non-anatomical factors, constipation was the most common factor observed in 66 cases (16.3%). A higher rate of urinary infection was observed in the uncircumcised male patients than the circumcised patients, and there was a significant relationship between circumcision and UTI.Conclusions: In this study, urinary tract infection staged a significant relationship with gender, circumcision status, urinary catheterization history, family history, renal stone history, hypercalciuria, history of constipation, reflux, neurogenic bladder, phimosis, PUV, UPJO, and UVJO.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744096


Objective To evaluate the consistency among the results of preoperative midstream urine culture (PMUC), renal pelvis urine culture (RPUC) and renal stone (RSC) culture in patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) and their relationship with postoperative infection. Methods This was a multicenter prospective study. From September 2014 to November 2017, 115 patients undergoing standard channel PNL or microchannel PNL in the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University and Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine were selected. The PMUC, RPUC and RSC were detected. Samples for RPUC and RSC were obtained during PNL. The clinical data, stone configuration, stone burden and results of cultures were recorded. Results In the 115 patients, PMUC positive was in 4 cases (3.5%), RPUC positive was in 17 cases (14.8%), and RSC positive was in 16 cases (13.9% ); both RPUC and RSC positive were in 7 cases (6.1% ), among whom consistent pathogenic bacterium was in 6 cases, and inconsistent pathogenic bacterium was in 1 case; all the 3 cultures were positive in 1 case, but the types of pathogenic bacterium of PMUC were totally different with RPUC and RSC. At least one positive of the 3 cultures was in 29 cases (25.2% ). The types of pathogenic bacterium of PMUC were multidrug susceptible Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus , and the types of pathogenic bacterium of RPUC and RSC were multidrug resistant pathogens and/or fungus. The consistency of pathogenic bacterium between PMUC and RPUC, RSC was very low; while the consistency of pathogenic bacterium between RPUC and RSC was very high (6/7). Postoperative infection occurred in 8 of 115 patients (7.0% , 5 cases of infective fever and 3 cases of urinary sepsis). In the 8 patients, PMUC was negative, PRUC positive in 4 cases, RSC positive in 7 cases, and both PRUC and RSC positive were in 3 cases. Conclusions PMUC can not accurately reflect the true situation of upper urinary tract renal calculi and pyelo-urine pathogenic bacterium. In patients with PNL postoperative infectious complications, the result of PMUC is often negative, but the results of RPUC and RSC are mostly positive. RPUC and RSC are helpful to detecting pathogenic bacterium in time, guiding the application of sensitive antibiotics, preventing and treating PNL postoperative infection.

Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 843-848, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-801142


Objective@#To explore the feasibility of the modified RUSS (Resorlu-Unsal Stone Score) renal stone scoring system in predicting the stone free rate after Flexible Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy(FURL).@*Methods@#Retrospective analysis was performed on 104 cases of renal stones treated by FURL from March 2017 to January 2019 in the second affiliated hospital of zhengzhou university, including 75 males and 29 females. Age 20-75 (47.79±13.21) years. BMI 18.2-38.3 (24.4±3.7) kg/m2; Crushed stone site: left 56 cases, right 48 cases. There were 23 cases of renal inferior calyces calculi, 81 cases of non-inferior calyces calculi, and 19 cases of renal inferior calyces calculi with IPA<45°; American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) scores: 65 cases of grade Ⅰ, 39 cases of grade Ⅱ; There were 71 patients with urinary tract infection before operation. There were 6 cases of renal puncture fistula before operation. Preoperative indwelling ureteral stent in 26 cases; There were 32 cases with history of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. There were 27 patients with a history of urolithiasis therapy. The same physician used preoperative urinary CT+ 3D reconstruction imaging data to measure the factors influencing the postoperative stone free rate. RUSS renal stone scoring system was used to score the stones of patients before operation, and the relationship between the scores and the stones free rate was analyzed. The RUSS renal stone scoring system was supplemented and improved by including staghorn stone, duplicate renal, caliceal diverticulum, renal malrotation, stone area, and CT value related indexes. The modified RUSS renal stone scoring system was used to score the preoperative stone condition of patients, and the relationship between the score and the stone free rate was analyzed. The receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was drawn and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the modified RUSS, the characteristics of the stones, and RUSS system.@*Results@#The stone free rate was 69.2% (72/104) 4 weeks after the operation, and there were no postoperative complications. Single-factor analysis showed that stone area, CT value, number of renal calyx involved by stone, multiple stones, IPA, stone size grading, renal anatomic structure abnormality, staghorn stone were all related risk factors affecting postoperative patients. Multi-factor analysis showed that stone area, number of renal calyces involved by stone, multiple stones, IPA and stone size were independent risk factors affecting the stone free rate after FURL. RUSS scores ranged from 0 to 3 points, corresponding to stone clearing rates of 86.8% (33/38), 67.7% (23/34), 58.3% (14/24) and 25.0% (2/8), respectively. Stone clearing rates were significantly correlated with stone grading (P<0.05). The total scores of stone free group and residual stone group were (0.87±0.96) points and (1.53±0.98) points, respectively, with significant differences between the groups (P<0.05). The range of modified RUSS score was 0-4 points, corresponding to the stone clearing rate of 100.0% (25/25), 92.3% (24/26), 54.2% (13/24), 47.4% (9/19), and 10.0% (1/10), respectively. Stone free rate was significantly correlated with stone grading (P<0.05). The total scores of stone free group and residual stone group were (1.15±1.13) points and (2.81±0.93) points, respectively, with significant differences between the groups (P<0.05). The AUC of stone features was smaller than that of the modified RUSS scoring system. The AUC of RUSS scoring system (0.707, 95%CI 0.598-0.815) was smaller than that of the modified RUSS scoring system (0.865, 95%CI 0.797-0.933).@*Conclusions@#Both the RUSS scoring system and the modified RUSS scoring system could accurately predict the postoperative stone free status of FURL, while the modified RUSS scoring was more accurate than the RUSS scoring.

Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 843-848, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-824599


Objective To explore the feasibility of the modified RUSS (Resorlu-Unsal Stone Score)renal stone scoring system in predicting the stone free rate after Flexible Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy(FURL).Methods Retrospective analysis was performed on 104 cases of renal stones treated by FURL from March 2017 to January 2019 in the second affiliated hospital of zhengzhou university,including 75 males and 29 females.Age 20-75 (47.79 ± 13.21) years.BMI 18.2-38.3 (24.4 ± 3.7) kg/m2;Crushed stone site:left 56 cases,right 48 cases.There were 23 cases of renal inferior calyces calculi,81 cases of non-inferior calyces calculi,and 19 cases of renal inferior calyces calculi with IPA < 45°;American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) scores:65 cases of grade Ⅰ,39 cases of grade Ⅱ;There were 71 patients with urinary tract infection before operation.There were 6 cases of renal puncture fistula before operation.Preoperative indwelling ureteral stent in 26 cases;There were 32 cases with history of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.There were 27 patients with a history of urolithiasis therapy.The same physician used preoperative urinary CT + 3D reconstruction imaging data to measure the factors influencing the postoperative stone free rate.RUSS renal stone scoring system was used to score the stones of patients before operation,and the relationship between the scores and the stones free rate was analyzed.The RUSS renal stone scoring system was supplemented and improved by including staghorn stone,duplicate renal,caliceal diverticulum,renal malrotation,stone area,and CT value related indexes.The modified RUSS renal stone scoring system was used to score the preoperative stone condition of patients,and the relationship between the score and the stone free rate was analyzed.The receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was drawn and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the modified RUSS,the characteristics of the stones,and RUSS system.Results The stone free rate was 69.2% (72/104) 4 weeks after the operation,and there were no postoperative complications.Single-factor analysis showed that stone area,CT value,number of renal calyx involved by stone,multiple stones,IPA,stone size grading,renal anatomic structure abnormality,staghorn stone were all related risk factors affecting postoperative patients.Multi-factor analysis showed that stone area,number of renal calyces involved by stone,multiple stones,IPA and stone size were independent risk factors affecting the stone free rate after FURL.RUSS scores ranged from 0 to 3 points,corresponding to stone clearing rates of 86.8% (33/38),67.7% (23/34),58.3% (14/24) and 25.0% (2/8),respectively.Stone clearing rates were significantly correlated with stone grading (P < 0.05).The total scores of stone free group and residual stone group were (0.87 ± 0.96) points and (1.53 ± 0.98) points,respectively,with significant differences between the groups (P < 0.05).The range of modified RUSS score was 0-4 points,corresponding to the stone clearing rate of 100.0% (25/25),92.3% (24/26),54.2% (13/24),47.4% (9/19),and 10.0% (1/10),respectively.Stone free rate was significantly correlated with stone grading (P < 0.05).The total scores of stone free group and residual stone group were (1.15 ± 1.13) points and (2.81 ± 0.93) points,respectively,with significant differences between the groups (P < 0.05).The AUC of stone features was smaller than that of the modified RUSS scoring system.The AUC of RUSS scoring system (0.707,95 % CI 0.598-0.815) was smaller than that of the modified RUSS scoring system (0.865,95% CI 0.797-0.933).Conclusions Both the RUSS scoring system and the modified RUSS scoring system could accurately predict the postoperative stone free status of FURL,while the modified RUSS scoring was more accurate than the RUSS scoring.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200783


Introduction: The aim of the study is to assess the composition of renal stones by non chemical analysis that is by use of computed tomography (CT) values in Hounsfield Units (HU) and to compare the results of biochemical stone analysis collected post surgically done in biochemistry lab. Methodology: This is a prospective study, included pa-tients in age group of 25 –60yrs. Patients who were referred to radiology department from Urology and also pa-tients referred from surgery with complaints of loin pain, groin pain, hematuria, crystalluria were recruited for the study. About 100 patients were screened with first line modality of ultrasound evaluation for identifying the pres-ence of stone in kidney, later on positive confirmation from ultrasound evaluation they were further subjected to CT scan evaluation. “Urine was collected from all the patients with renal stones and urine pH was measured. Stones collected post surgically were used for the biochemical analysis to know the chemical composition of the stonesRESULTS: The stone removed from the patients of this group contain high calcium content. Most of the stones re-moved from bladder comprises two categories 1.uric acid (mainly) 2.large stones more than 20 mm size were proved to be calcium stones possibly related to greater sunlight exposure, resulting in increase in insensible fluid losses and increase in vitamin D production. We obtained a reference from hounsfield units value from stones collected post surgically from the urological department. The stones are categorized into three types -Pure highly reflective crystal-line white stones, Stones which appears most mostly black, Complex mild yellow stones. Conclusion: CT may enable accurate in vivo characterization of kidney stone composition.

Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 466-469, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700854


Objective Nanobacteria are one of the factors for urinary calculi and its exact pathogenic mechanism is not yet clear.The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the CaSR -Claudin-14 regulatory channel in the formation of calculi . Methods Sixty Wistar male rats were equally randomized into a normal control group and nanobacterial group , the former injected via the tail vein with 1.2 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride solution while the latter with 1.2 mL of nanobacterial suspension , both for once.Three of the rats in each group were sacrificed every week in the first 10 weeks after injection.Histopathological examination was performed every week to evaluate the stone formation in the kidneys of the rats , and the expressions of the CaSR and Claudin -14 proteins were determined by immunohistochemistry. Results From the 1st to the 10th week after injection, crystal particles were observed in the rat kidneys of the nanobacterial group, but not in the normal controls (52.4% vs 0%, P<0.01).The expressions of CaSR and Claudin -14 showed no statistically significant differences between the nanobacterial and control groups in the first 3 weeks (P>0.05) but both gradually in-creased in the former group from the 4th to the 10th week as compared with the latter, mainly in membrane of the renal tubular epithelial cells. Conclusion The increased activity of the CaSR -Claudin-14 regulatory channel may play an important role in the formation of nanobacterial renal stone .

Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 214-217, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-709510


Objective To discuss primary experience the clinical use of "All-seeing needle set" combined with Holmium laser to treat the single renal stone lesser than 2 cm in diameter through a super minimal tract (F12).Methods From January 2015 to December 2016,43 patients were enrolled into this retrospective study.There were 23 males and 20 females who were diagnosed as single renal stone less than 2 cm in diameter(age range from 23-65 years).There were 8 upper pole renal stones,13 lower pole renal stones and 22 renal pelvis stones.The mean stone size was (1.63 ± 0.32) cm in diameter (range from 1.2 cm to 2.0 cm)."All-seeing needle system" was applied during percutaneous puncture.After building a F12 minimal tract by fascia dilator,all patients received lithotripsy with Holmium laser.Indwelling catheters for 3 days and an F6 double-J tube was left for 2 weeks without a tube in the percutaneous tract after operation.Finally,KUB and/or urinary CT were used to check the results on day 1.Result All operations were completed successfully.The operation time was 23-65min [averaged (31.0 ±9.2) min].41 cases' renal stones were store free,and the 2 stone residues was clear with later extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.No severe complications occurred.Conclusion As an alternative to standard procedures for treatment of renal stones less than 2 cm in diameter,adopting "All-seeing needle set" with Holmium laser through a super minimal tract (F12) is safe,minimally invasive,fast and effective with a low complication rate.

Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 532-536, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-709558


Objective Using Wisconsin Stone Quality of Life questionnaire (WISQOL) to compare standard percutaneous nephrolithotomy(PCNL) and tubeless PCNL.Methods From January 2017 to June 2017,patients who met the criteria (no urinary tract infection,stones between 1-3 cm,hydronephrosis larger than 3cm,renal cortex thickness > 2 cm and without serious heart,lung,liver and kidney dysfunction and coagulation dysfunction) and underwent PCNL were prospectively enrolled and randomized into 2 groups,standard PCNL group and tubeless PCNL group.Diclofenac sodium suppositories were used to relieve pain in all patients with obvious pain.The quality of life of these patients were estimated and compared by using WISQOL.Safety and efficacy were also estimated.Result At the end of the study,a total of 50 patients were included in the analysis.There were 24 patients in the standard PCNL group and 26 patients in the tubeless PCNL group.There were 9 male patients in the standard PCNL group and 17 male patients in the tubeless PCNL group.There was no significant difference in gender between the two groups.The differences between the standard PCNL group and tubeless PCNL group in mean age (yrs.) [(53.21 ±13.35) vs.(51.1 ± 11.5),P =0.55],stone diameter (mm) [(18.46 ± 5.58) vs.(18.75 ± 5.39),P =0.85],stone-free rate (23/24 vs.24/26,P =0.60),mean hemoglobin decline (g/L) [(11.87 ± 9.20)vs.(10.43 ± 8.49),P =0.56] were not significant.Mean dosage of acesodyne(pcs) in tubeless PCNL group (4.07 ± 1.49) was significantly less than that in standard PCNL group (7.54 ± 2.23).There were no patient need transfusion or postoperative fever management.The influence of perioperative quality of life of patients treated with tubeless PCNL is significantly better than those treated with standard PCNL in 16 items which includ energy,sleep,work and family,physical symptoms,concerns related to intimacy and travel,and general emotional well-being.Conclusion Tubeless PCNL can improve patients' quality of life compared with standard PCNL.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-664879


Objective:Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is an innovative technique that employs microbubble contrast agents to demonstrate parenchymal perfusion.Ultrasound contrast agent was reported to be directly used in human internal lumen to improve the observation capacity of ultrasound.However,CEUS has never been reported to be used in the guidance of percutaneous renal access in percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL).This study aimed to assess the efficacy of CEUS-guided renal access in PCNL.Methods:In this retrospective study,percutaneous renal access was performed under real-time monitoring of CEUS during PCNL in a cohort of 20 patients with renal stones at Peking University First Hospital.Data regarding patients' demographic and clinical characteristics,therapeutic regimens,and postoperative information were collected from a comprehensive database containing comprehensive medical records of the patients undergoing PCNL.Briefly,the procedure was as follows.With the patient under general anesthesia,renal access was established by the guidance of CEUS.Afterwords,holmium laser,pneumatic or ultrasonic lithotripsy was used by the same urologist.The patient demographics,stone characteristics and procedure details were noted.Finally,appropriate statistical analyses were performed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the CEUS-guided percutaneous renal access in PCNL.Results:All the 20 patients underwent PCNL successfully with the help of CEUS guidance for tract creation.The collecting system was successfully accessed in all the patients,and only one patient underwent re-puncture.All the patients approached through a middle-pole percutaneous access.The median puncture time was 3.9 (2.9-4.6) min,and the median operating time was 112 (98.5-134.5) min.The preliminary stonefree rate of PCNL was 95.0% (19/20) as shown by the kidney,ureter,and bladder (KUB) radiographs 48 h postoperation,and the median decline in hemoglobin level was 10 (5.5-14.5) g/L.Two patients had transient postoperative fever and responded well to antibiotics.In addition,no other major complications were observed.Conclusion:CEUS is a safe and effective alternative way of guidance for percutaneous renal access for PCNL beginners.It makes this procedure more visualized and simpler,and produces clearer images than common ultrasonic ones.PCNL beginners might benefit from this method to shorten the learning curve of PCNL,while it warrants further comparative studies to clarify.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-172664


Tumor lysis syndrome is a serious complication of malignancy, resulting from the massive and rapid release of cellular components into the blood. Generally, it occurs after initiation of chemotherapy. The onset of spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome (STLS) before anti-cancer treatment is rare and occurs mostly in Burkitt lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. There are only a few case reports in children. Here, we report a case of STLS secondary to T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), which presented with urinary stone and subsequent acute kidney injury with severe hyperuricemia. Occult malignancy should be considered in case of unexplained acute kidney injury with extreme hyperuricemia.

Criança , Humanos , Injúria Renal Aguda , Linfoma de Burkitt , Tratamento Farmacológico , Hiperuricemia , Linfoma não Hodgkin , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras , Linfócitos T , Síndrome de Lise Tumoral , Cálculos Urinários
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-514154


Objective To investigate the application value of a pressure-measuring and stone-extracting ureteral access sheath (UAS) used together with negative pressure suction system during flexible ureteroscopy in the treatment of renal caculus.Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on the 98 cases of renal caculus who received flexible ureteroscopic holmium laser lithotripsy (FURS) in the Department of Urology of the Kunming General Hospital of Chengdu Military Command from November 2014 to September 2015,and the enrolled cases were divided into two groups:group A and group B.The new UAS was used in group A combined with vacuum suction during lithotripsy,and simple manometry type UAS was used in group B.The infusion pump flow rate of 0.2 L/min was set in the operation,the perfusion pressure limit was set to 100 mmHg,the suction pressure of group A was 10 kPa.Perfusion flow rate and pressure was adjusted in a timely manner based on the clear vision and the internal pressure force on the kidney.Then we recorded and compared the internal pressure and variation trend of renal and perfusion time of two groups.Results Two groups of patients were successfully completed surgery.The renal pressures in group A were adjusted duly and were lower than the that in group B in the whole process of operation.The average renal pressure in group A was 10.88 ± 5.91 1mmHg.The average renal pressure in group B was 20.10 ± 7.68 mmHg,the pressure control was difficult and unsteady.Conclusion The new type of UAS in the flexible ureteroscopic holmium laser lithotripsy (FURS) can make the renal pressure in surgery controllable and is safe for the FURS.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-148743


Osteopontin (OPN) is a secretory protein that plays an important role in urinary stone formation. Hydration status is associated with the development of urolithiasis. This study was conducted to examine the effects of dehydration and hydration on OPN expression in the rat kidney. Animals were divided into three groups, control, dehydrated, and hydrated. Kidney tissues were processed for light and electron microscope immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization, and immunoblot analysis. Dehydration induced a significant increase in OPN protein expression, whereas increased fluid intake induced a decrease in protein expression. Under control conditions, OPN protein and mRNA expression were only detected in the descending thin limb (DTL). Dehydration induced increased expression in the DTL and the development of detectable expression in the thick ascending limb (TAL). In contrast, OPN expression levels declined to less than the controls in the DTL after hydration, while no expression of either protein or mRNA was detectable in the TAL. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that hydration status altered tubular ultrastructure and intracellular OPN expression in the Golgi apparatus and secretory cytoplasmic vesicles. These data confirm that changes in oral fluid intake can regulate renal tubular epithelial cell OPN expression.

Animais , Ratos , Grupos Controle , Vesículas Citoplasmáticas , Desidratação , Células Epiteliais , Extremidades , Complexo de Golgi , Imuno-Histoquímica , Hibridização In Situ , Rim , Microscopia Imunoeletrônica , Osteopontina , RNA Mensageiro , Cálculos Urinários , Urolitíase
Int. braz. j. urol ; 41(1): 26-29, jan-feb/2015. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-742885


The Hippocratic Collection, including the most of ancient Greek medicine, remains still interesting, despite the recent advances that transformed definitely the urological healing methods. Considering the patient as a unique psycho-somatic entity and avoiding high risk surgical manipulations were the leading principles dictating the everyday practice. Contemporary physicians can still learn from the clinical observations in times of complete absence of laboratory or imaging aid, from the prognostic thoughts, the ethics, and the philosophical concepts, represented by the Hippocratic writings, tracing into them the roots of Rational Medicine in general and Urology in particular.

Humanos , Terapia por Acupuntura/métodos , Glaucoma/terapia , Acupuntura Auricular , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto