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Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);81(5): 754-760, oct. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351047


Resumen La infección respiratoria es uno de los diagnósticos más frecuentes en el ámbito sanitario asociado a una elevada mortalidad. Residir en una residencia de ancianos podría ser un factor de riesgo predictivo de mortalidad. El objetivo fue estudiar las características de los pacientes con infección respiratoria según procedieran de su domicilio o de residencias de ancianos, y analizar si la procedencia es un factor de riesgo de mortalidad. Se trata de un estudio de cohortes prospectivo. Participaron 208 pacientes con infección respiratoria ingresados en un Servicio de Medicina Interna. Se recogieron variables clínicas, analíticas, epidemio lógicas, pronosticas y terapéuticas realizándose un análisis multivariado. Los pacientes tuvieron una edad media 83 años y 135 (64.9%) procedían de su domicilio. El 44.7% presentaban insuficiencia cardiaca como antecedente clínico. La mayoría cumplían criterios de pluripatología, polifarmacia y tenían una dependencia moderada según índice de Barthel. La mortalidad durante el internamiento hospitalario fue de 16 pacientes (7.7%), y durante el seguimiento a seis meses de 37 (17.8%). Los procedentes de residencias de ancianos presentaron una mayor mortalidad, un 37%, que los que vivían en su propio domicilio, un 19,3% (p = 0.005). En el análisis multivariado los factores pronósticos de mortalidad fueron un mayor nivel de urea al ingreso (OR = 2.33, IC 95% = 1.06-5.11) y la no prescripción de oxígeno al alta (OR = 2.96, IC 95% = 1.29-6.82). En conclusión, se observó un mayor porcentaje de mortalidad en los pacientes procedentes de residencias de ancianos, sin embargo, es necesario realizar más investigaciones para clarificar si el residir en un centro geriátrico puede ser considerado un factor de riesgo independiente de mortalidad.

Abstract Respiratory infection is one of the most frequent diagnoses associated with high mortality. Living in a nursing home could be a predictive risk factor for mortality. The objective was to study the characteristics of patients with respi ratory infection according to whether they came from their home or nursing homes, and to analyze whether their origin is a risk factor for mortality. It was a prospective cohort study, that included 208 patients with respiratory infection admitted to the Internal Medicine Service, that participated in the study. Clinical, analytical, epidemiologi cal, prognostic and therapeutic variables were collected and a multivariate analysis was performed. Patients had an average age of 83 years and 64.9% came from their home. 44.7% had heart failure as a clinical history. Most of patients met criteria of pluripatology, polypharmacy and were moderately dependent according to Barthel's index. Mortality at admission was 16 patients (7.7%), and during the six-month follow-up of 37 patients (17.8%). Those coming from nursing homes had a higher mortality rate, 37%, than those who lived in their own home, 19.3% (p = 0.005). In the multivariate analysis, the prognostic factors for mortality were a higher level of urea at admission (OR = 2.33, IC 95% = 1.06-5.11) and the non-prescription of oxygen at discharge (OR = 2.96, IC 95% = 1.29-6.82). In conclusion, a higher percentage of mortality is observed in patients coming from nursing homes, however further research is needed to clarify whether living in a residence for elderly can be considered an independent risk factor for mortality.

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Infecções Respiratórias , Casas de Saúde , Prognóstico , Estudos Prospectivos , Hospitalização
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349083


OBJECTIVE: To describe the methodological approach adopted to build a database of long-term care facilities (LCTFs) in Brazil. METHODS: This exploratory research was conducted for 12 months, between August 2020 and July 2021, based on primarily publicly accessible data. First, the Unified Social Assistance System (Sistema Único de Assistência Social [SUAS]) database from 2019 was adopted as the primary source of information. In addition, public agencies and managers were consulted and invited to share their databases, while researchers and private entities collaborated by making their spreadsheets available. Data were organized in spreadsheets for each Brazilian state. LTCFs not catering to older adults (aged 60 years and over) were excluded. Duplicate data were excluded when overlaps were identified. RESULTS: This brief communication describes the methodology adopted for mapping the current status of Brazilian LTCFs. Despite its caveats, this study represents an important advance in the identification, characterization, and monitoring of these services nationwide. A total of 5769 facilities were found in the 2019 SUAS census. After excluding facilities not caring for residents aged 60 years or over, this number decreased to 2381 LTCFs. The consolidation and filtering of information from multiple data sources led to the identification of 7029 LTCFs throughout the country. CONCLUSION: Building a solid database was paramount to devising a national policy on long-term care. By including multiple sources, the scope of this survey was wider than all previous efforts and constituted an unprecedented collaborative experience in the country, including the potential to become the first national dataset for the Brazilian LTC secto

OBJETIVO: Descrever a abordagem metodológica adotada para a construção de um banco de dados brasileiro de instituições de longa permanência (ILPIs) no país. METODOLOGIA: Esta pesquisa exploratória foi realizada durante 12 meses, entre agosto de 2020 ­ 2021, com base principalmente em dados acessíveis ao público. Em primeiro lugar, o banco de dados do Sistema Único de Assistência Social para 2019 foi adotado como principal fonte de informação. Além disso, órgãos públicos e gestores foram consultados e convidados a compartilhar seus bancos de dados. Da mesma forma, pesquisadores e entidades privadas colaboraram disponibilizando suas planilhas. Os dados foram colocados em planilhas para cada estado brasileiro. Excluíram-se as ILPIs que não atendiam a idosos (60 anos ou mais). Dados duplicados foram excluídos quando as sobreposições foram identificadas. RESULTADOS: Esta comunicação breve descreve a metodologia adotada para mapear a situação atual das ILPIs brasileiras. Apesar de suas ressalvas, este estudo representa um importante avanço na identificação, caracterização e monitoramento desses serviços em âmbito nacional. Um total de 5769 instalações foram encontradas no censo do SUAS de 2019. Após a exclusão dos estabelecimentos que não atendiam residentes idosos, esse total passou para 2381. A consolidação e filtragem das informações de múltiplas fontes de dados levaram à identificação de 7029 ILPIs para o país como um todo. CONCLUSÃO: A construção de um banco de dados sólido é fundamental para a formulação de uma Política Nacional de Cuidados de Longa Duração. Por incluir fontes múltiplas, o escopo desta pesquisa é muito maior do que todos os esforços anteriores e constitui uma experiência colaborativa sem precedentes no país, incluindo o potencial de se tornar o primeiro conjunto de dados nacional para o setor.

Humanos , Idoso , Base de Dados , Mapeamento Geográfico , Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos , Brasil
Acta fisiátrica ; 27(1): 1-3, mar. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1129937


A atual pandemia pelo COVID-19 nos faz viver tempos difíceis e inéditos. Os esforços de todos os profissionais de saúde, cada um nas suas competências, são essenciais. Enquanto pesquisadores e cientistas se debatem procurando recursos terapêuticos eficazes, aqueles que estão na linha de frente devotam seus melhores esforços no cuidado clinico dos pacientes afetados. A cada dia que passa mostra-se imprescindível o cuidado da própria equipe de saúde. Não apenas o cuidado físico (para o qual se tomam todas as providências possíveis em cada caso) mas também da saúde mental. Um elemento da equipe de saúde desanimado, pessimista, sem perspectiva é também um fator de crise, provoca insegurança nos pacientes e nas famílias -mais ainda da que lhes chega habitualmente da mídia - e nada ajuda na equipe de saúde. Torna-se preciso levantar o moral dos que lidam diariamente com esta ameaça de proporções antes nunca vistas.

The current pandemic for COVID-19 makes us live difficult and unprecedented times. The efforts of all health professionals, each in their own competencies, are essential. While researchers and scientists struggle to find effective therapeutic resources, those on the front line devote their best efforts to the clinical care of affected patients. With each passing day, the care of the health team itself is essential. Not only physical care (for which all possible measures are taken in each case), but also mental health. A discouraged, pessimistic member of the health team, without perspective is also a factor of crisis, it causes insecurity in patients and families - even more than what usually comes to them from the media - and nothing helps the health team. It is necessary to raise the morale of those who deal daily with this threat of proportions never seen before.

Humanos , Idoso , Pneumonia Viral/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Coronavirus/prevenção & controle , Pandemias , Betacoronavirus , Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos , Cuidados Médicos
Saúde debate ; 43(spe7): 102-113, Dez. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127415


RESUMO O objetivo do artigo foi analisar a estrutura e o processo de cuidado nos Serviços Residenciais Terapêuticos existentes no município do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de um estudo transversal que se concentrou na coleta de informações primárias por meio de instrumento estruturado. A pesquisa foi realizada em todos os dispositivos em funcionamento no mês de dezembro de 2016. No Rio de Janeiro, as Residências Terapêuticas recebem essencialmente pacientes egressos de internações psiquiátricas de longa permanência (94,3%), com grande oferta de vagas em dispositivos com presença de equipe nas 24 horas do dia (63,8%). Foi constatado que parte significativa dos moradores apresentava baixa frequência nas atividades assistenciais dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (48,7%). O cuidado interno nos dispositivos residenciais aponta para uma modelagem com forte entrelaçamento entre a moradia e as ações de reabilitação psicossocial. A baixa rotatividade de usuários mostra uma tendência para constituição de serviços com cuidado de longo prazo, o que deve ser levado em conta na manutenção e na expansão do programa no intuito de planejar serviços efetivos. Os resultados apontam que as bolsas de apoio à desinstitucionalização e, principalmente, a renda contínua aferida mediante o Benefício de Prestação Continuada são vitais para a sustentabilidade do programa.

ABSTRACT This paper aims to analyze the structure and the process of care in the existing Therapeutic Residential Services for people with mental health problems in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This is a cross-sectional study focused on the collection of primary information through a structured instrument. The research was conducted in all facilities operating in December 2016. In Rio de Janeiro, Therapeutic Residences receive mainly long-stay patients from mental hospitals (94.3%), with a large number of vacancies in devices with a 24-hours daily presence of staff (63.8%). A significant part of dwellers had a low frequency in the care activities of the Psychosocial Care Centers (48.7%). The internal care in the residential facilities points to a model with strong interweaving between housing and the psychosocial rehabilitation actions. The low turnover of users shows a trend towards the establishment of services with long-term care, which should be taken into account in the maintenance and expansion of the program to plan effective services. The results show that grants to support deinstitutionalization, and mainly the income received from the Continuous Cash Benefit program are vital to the program's sustainability.

Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;36(6): 716-722, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058103


Resumen Introducción: Las infecciones respiratorias son causa de preocupación socio-sanitaria por su elevada mortalidad y el coste económico que conllevan. El número de pacientes procedentes de centros socio-sanitarios con infecciones respiratorias que requieren ingreso hospitalario está aumentando en las últimas décadas. Las particularidades de estos pacientes pueden influir en la evolución de estas infecciones. Objetivo: Analizar si existen diferencias entre las infecciones respiratorias de origen comunitario y las asociadas a cuidados sanitarios respecto a la mortalidad. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática en tres bases de datos: Medline, Web of Science y Scopus. Se incluyeron estudios empíricos, publicados entre 2000 y 2016. Resultados: La procedencia de los enfermos, la edad y la malnutrición fueron los factores que se asociaron con peor pronóstico, junto con la presencia de co-morbilidad cardiaca o neurológica. La mortalidad fue más elevada en los pacientes procedentes de centros socio-sanitarios respecto a aquellos que procedían de su domicilio. Conclusión: Los profesionales de la salud deberían tener en cuenta la procedencia de los enfermos para dar un cuidado personalizado acorde a las particularidades de estos enfermos.

Background: Respiratory infections are a cause of socio-health concern due to their high mortality and the economic cost. The number of patients from social care centers with respiratory infections requiring hospital admission is increasing in recent decades. The particularities of these patients could influence the evolution of these infections. Aim: To analyze if there are differences respect to mortality between respiratory infections of community origin and those associated with social care centers. Methods: A systematic review was carried out in three databases: Medline, Web of Science and Scopus. Empirical studies, published between 2000 and 2016, were included. Results: The origin of the patients, age and malnutrition were the factors associated with worse prognosis, together with the presence of cardiac or neurological comorbidity. Mortality was higher in patients from social care centers compared to those who came from their home. Conclusion: Health professionals should take into account the origin of the patients in order to give a more personalized care according to the particularities of these patients.

Humanos , Infecções Respiratórias , Assistência de Longa Duração , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Pessoal de Saúde , Hospitalização
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-713961


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify factors predicting behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in persons with dementia. Factors including the patient, caregiver, and environment based on the multi-dimensional behavioral model were tested. METHODS: The subjects of the study were 139 pairs of persons with dementia and their caregivers selected from four geriatric long-term care facilities located in S city, G province, Korea. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, inverse normal transformations, Pearson correlation coefficients, Spearman's correlation coefficients and hierarchical multiple regression with the SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows program. RESULTS: Mean score for BPSD was 40.16. Depression (β=.42, p<.001), exposure to noise in the evening noise (β=−.20, p=.014), and gender (β=.17, p=.042) were factors predicting BPSD in long-term care facilities, which explained 25.2% of the variance in the model. CONCLUSION: To decrease BPSD in persons with dementia, integrated nursing interventions should consider factors of the patient, caregiver, and environment.

Humanos , Sintomas Comportamentais , Cuidadores , Demência , Depressão , Coreia (Geográfico) , Assistência de Longa Duração , Ruído , Enfermagem , Instituições Residenciais , Estatística como Assunto
Palliative Care Research ; : 313-327, 2018.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688574


Purpose: Integrated care pathway (ICP) is structured multidisciplinary care plan that aim to improve the quality of care. ICP could be effective in providing quality End-of-Life (EOL) care in long-term care facilities (LTCFs). However, the outcomes and components of ICP for EOL care in LTCFs are not clear. Methods: We conducted a scoping review to identify the outcomes and components. We searched electronic databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, Ichushi) and conducted an additional hand search for relevant journal articles related to EOL care. We searched intervention and implementation studies for ICP in EOL care in LTCFs. Results: Thirteen papers met the inclusion criteria. We identified the following components of ICP: documents, education regarding EOL care and ICP, support by experts, and regular conferences among care providers. The effects of ICP were reported as reductions in transfers to hospitals and improvement in staff confidence regarding EOL care. Conclusion: With reference to the components of ICP identified in this study, ICP should be developed based on the characteristics of LTCFs, and the effects of intervention or implementation studies using a more robust design should be examined.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 42: e141, 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-978876


RESUMEN Objetivo Evaluar el proceso de implementación y funcionamiento de los hogares protegidos para las personas con trastornos mentales graves en Iquitos, con base en el beneficio y la mejora en la calidad de vida percibida. Métodos Estudio con enfoque cualitativo y transversal. Se realizaron 36 entrevistas a profundidad a residentes del hogar, cuidadores, vecinos y profesionales de salud. Se llenó una ficha sociodemográfica y clínica por cada residente y una ficha de procesos de gestión por cada hogar protegido. Se realizaron grupos focales con gestores y cuidadores. Resultados El tiempo de estancia prolongada manicomial previa de los residentes de hogares protegidos fue de 7 años y 3 meses. Solo 28 % habían presentado recaída clínica durante el último año. Los residentes percibieron mejoría en su calidad de vida y mayor satisfacción en la estancia en hogar protegido respecto a la estancia manicomial previa. Los hogares evaluados se encuentran en lugares accesibles a servicios sociales y comunitarios, con adecuado acceso a medios de transporte. Se realizaron supervisiones periódicas a los cuidadores, infraestructura y mantenimiento del hogar. Conclusiones Existe percepción favorable de cuidadores, gestores, residentes y vecinos sobre el funcionamiento de los hogares protegidos.

ABSTRACT Objective Evaluate the implementation and operation of protected residences for people with serious mental illness in Iquitos, based on the benefits and perceived improvement in their quality of life. Methods Qualitative and cross-cutting study. Thirty-six in-depth interviews of residents, caregivers, neighbors, and health professionals were conducted. A sociodemographic and clinical file was completed for each resident, along with a file on managerial processes for each facility. Focus groups were conducted with managers and caregivers. Results Residents' previous length of stay in a psychiatric hospital was 7 years and 3 months. Only 28 % had suffered a clinical relapse in the past year. Residents reported an improvement in their quality of life and greater satisfaction with their stay in the facility compared with their stay in the psychiatric hospital. The residences evaluated are located in areas accessible to social and community services, with adequate access to transportation. Periodic supervision of caregivers, infrastructure, and residence maintenance was performed. Conclusions Caregivers, managers, residents, and neighbors have a positive view of residence operations.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar o processo de implementação e funcionamento de residências terapêuticas ("pensões protegidas") para pessoas portadoras de transtornos mentais graves segundo a percepção de benefício e melhoria da qualidade de vida. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo transversal qualitativo realizado em Iquitos, no Peru. Trinta e seis entrevistas em profundidade foram conduzidas com os moradores de residências terapêuticas, cuidadores, vizinhos e profissionais de saúde. Foi feito o preenchimento de uma ficha sociodemográfica e clínica para cada morador e uma ficha do processo de gestão por residência. Foram realizados grupos de discussão com gestores e cuidadores. Resultados A permanência prolongada anterior em instituição manicomial dos moradores das residências foi de 7 anos e 3 meses. Apenas 28% tiveram recaída clínica no último ano. Os moradores perceberam melhoria da qualidade de vida e informaram um nível maior de satisfação com a permanência nas residências terapêuticas em comparação à permanência anterior em instituição manicomial. As residências estudadas se situavam em locais acessíveis aos funcionários dos serviços sociais e comunitários, com acesso adequado ao transporte público. O trabalho dos cuidadores e a infraestrutura e manutenção das residências receberam supervisão periódica. Conclusões O funcionamento das residências terapêuticas é percebido favoravelmente por cuidadores, gestores, moradores e vizinhos.

Instituições Residenciais , Apoio Social , Mecanismos de Avaliação da Assistência à Saúde , Reforma dos Serviços de Saúde , Transtornos Mentais , Peru
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);22(7): 2341-2352, Jul. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-890381


Resumo A Critical Time Intervention (CTI) é uma intervenção de saúde mental limitada no tempo a períodos considerados críticos, geralmente ofertada a pessoas com transtornos mentais em situação de transição. O presente estudo avalia o impacto da utilização da Intervenção para Períodos de Transição (CTI-BR) sobre o desempenho social e a qualidade de vida em uma população de pessoas em processo de desinstitucionalização, que deixaram um hospital psiquiátrico após longa internação. A população estudada foi dividida em dois grupos e um deles recebeu o programa CTI como intervenção adicional. Os resultados apontaram que nas áreas avaliadas a presença da intervenção CTI não apresentou evidência de vantagens em relação ao programa habitual da instituição realizado isoladamente. Quando o grupo de pacientes é analisado em seu conjunto é evidenciada uma evolução positiva em relação ao comportamento social e melhora da sua percepção sobre a própria saúde mental. Os resultados obtidos indicam a possibilidade de pessoas idosas oriundas de longa internação em hospital psiquiátrico viverem em dispositivos residenciais comunitários supervisionados por equipes de acompanhamento clínico.

Abstract Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited mental health intervention offered to people with mental disorders during critical/transition periods. This study assesses the impact of CTI-BR on social performance and quality of life within a population in the process of deinstitutionalization, after long-term hospitalization in a psychiatric institution. The study population was split into two groups, one of which received CTI plus the regular care. Results showed no advantage of the intervention compared to the regular programs provided by the institution. When study participants are analyzed as a group, we found positive improvement regarding their social functioning and self-perception of their mental-health. Results show that it is possible for elderly patients discharged from long-term psychiatric care to live in residential facilities in the community, supervised by clinical teams.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Serviços Comunitários de Saúde Mental/organização & administração , Desinstitucionalização/métodos , Hospitais Psiquiátricos , Transtornos Mentais/terapia , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente/organização & administração , Qualidade de Vida , Autoimagem , Fatores de Tempo , Brasil , Estudos Longitudinais , Hospitalização , Transtornos Mentais/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-222533


PURPOSE: In recent years, the number of elderly patients visiting from residential aged care facilities (RACFs) has been increasing. We analyzed a comparison of characteristics between patients who visited the ER with diseases from RACFs and those who visited from home. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in a public hospital between January 2013 and December 2014. The subjects included patients who visited the ED from RACFs and elderly patients who visited the ED from home. Comparisons of the following parameters were made between the two groups: gender, age, mode of insurance, mode of ED visit, mobile status, Charlson comorbidity index (CCI), chief complaint, final results in the ED, and length of stay (LOS) in the ED and hospital. RESULTS: A total of 7,603 patients were enrolled during the study period. There were 6,401 elderly patients who visited from home and 1,202 patients who visited from RACFs. Patients from RACFs were older than those from home (79.90±8.01 vs. 75.78±7.26, p<0.001). More patients from RACFs were on Medicaid (56.6% vs. 27.9%, p<0.001), took more ambulance (86.3% vs. 49.4%, p<0.001), more bedridden (68.2% vs. 6.4%, p<0.001), and higher CCI (2.38±1.99 vs. 1.45±1.84, p<0.001). Compared with patients from home, those from RACFs showed a significantly higher proportion of admission (63.2% vs. 32.9%, p<0.001), ED LOS (403.03±361.77 vs. 277.07±258.82, p<0.001), and hospital LOS (19.65±18.58 vs. 15.67±15.63, p<0.001). Patients from RACFs showed especially longer ED LOS from discharged ED than those from home (388.87±422.88 vs. 221.90±215.30, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Compared with elderly patients from home, patients from RACFs also had higher admission rate and longer ED LOS, as well as hospital LOS. Patients from RACFs had long ED LOS. The findings in this study suggest that there could be ED overcrowding in the near future.

Idoso , Humanos , Ambulâncias , Comorbidade , Emergências , Serviço Hospitalar de Emergência , Hospitais Públicos , Seguro , Tempo de Internação , Medicaid , Casas de Saúde , Instituições Residenciais , Estudos Retrospectivos
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2017. 100 p. map, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-983599


Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo é analisar a estrutura e o processo de cuidado nos Serviços Residenciais Terapêuticos (SRTs) existentes no município do Rio de Janeiro. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal e de caso, que se concentrou na coleta de informações primárias para descrever a estrutura e o processo de cuidado nos módulos residenciais (Residências Terapêuticas) sob a gestão da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMS) do município. A pesquisa foi realizada em todos os dispositivos públicos em funcionamento no mês dezembro de 2016. Resultados e discussão: No Rio de Janeiro, os SRTs estavam em expansão e cumpriam a função de propiciar o convívio comunitário para pacientes com transtorno mental grave que se encontravam institucionalizados em hospitais psiquiátricos, e era a principal estratégia dedes institucionalização adotada pela SMS. As casas tinham caráter de moradia permanente e quanto ao processo de cuidado, se fazia necessária articulação mais próxima entre os serviços de saúde a fim de garantir a continuidade longitudinal do cuidado a esta clientela vulnerável. Os moradores apresentavam baixa frequência nos CAPSs e as casas eram ambientes altamente medicalizados. Os SRTs são dispositivos de cuidados intensivos dos pacientes, pois são casas com processo de reabilitação interno e com grande oferta de vagas nas 24 horas do dia. Ainda assim, os dispositivos residenciais são fundamentais para a sustentação de pacientes com transtorno mental grave na comunidade.

Aim: The study aims to analyze the structure and the process of care in the Residential Therapeutic Services (SRTs) existing in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Method: This is a cross-sectional and case study, with focused on the collection of primary information to describe the structure and care process in the Residential Modules (Therapeutic Residences) under the management of the Municipal Health Department (SMS) of the municipality. The research was carried out in all public facilities in operation in december 2016. Results and discussion: In Rio de Janeiro the SRTs are expanding and fulfill the function of providing community living for patients with severe mental disorder who were institutionalized in psychiatric hospitals and was the main deinstitutionalization strategy adopted by SMS. The houses had the character of permanent housing and the care process, a closer articulation between the health services was necessary in order to guarantee the longitudinal continuity of care to this vulnerable clientele. Residents had low frequency in the CAPSs and the houses are highly medicalized environments. SRTs are intensive care devices for patients, as they are houses with internal rehabilitation processes and with a large number of vacancies 24 hours a day. Yet, residential devices are critical to sustaining patients with severe mental disorders in the community.

Humanos , Desinstitucionalização , Serviços de Assistência Domiciliar , Saúde Mental , Reabilitação Psiquiátrica/psicologia , Serviços de Saúde Comunitária
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-221349


OBJECTIVES: An outbreak of hepatitis A occurred at a residential facility for the disabled in July 10, 2011. This investigation was carried out to develop a response plan, and to find the infection source of the disease. METHODS: A field epidemiologist investigated the symptoms, vaccination histories, living environments, and probable infection sources with 51 residents and 31 teachers and staff members. In July 25, 81 subjects were tested for the hepatitis A virus antibody, and specimens of the initial 3 cases and the last case were genetically tested. RESULTS: Three cases occurred July 10 to 14, twelve cases August 3 to 9, and the last case on August 29. Among the teachers and staff, no one was IgM positive (on July 25). The base sequences of the initial 3 and of the last case were identical. The vehicle of the outbreak was believed to be a single person. The initial 3 patients were exposed at the same time and they might have disseminated the infection among the patients who developed symptoms in early August, and the last patient might have, in turn, been infected by the early August cases. CONCLUSIONS: The initial source of infection is not clear, but volunteers could freely come into contact with residents, and an infected volunteer might have been the common infection source of the initial patients. Volunteers' washing their hands only after their activity might be the cause of this outbreak. Although there may be other possible causes, it would be reasonable to ask volunteers to wash their hands both before and after their activities.

Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Anticorpos Antivirais/metabolismo , Moradias Assistidas , Pessoas com Deficiência , Surtos de Doenças , Água Potável/virologia , Hepatite A/epidemiologia , Vírus da Hepatite A Humana/genética , Entrevistas como Assunto , RNA Viral/análise , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-187858


PURPOSE: This study adopted the non-equivalent control group pre-posttest design in order to examine the effects of aromatherapy and hand massage on anxiety, sleep, and depression in the female aged at residential facilities. METHODS: This study was executed with the female aged at two residential facilities divided into an experimental group (n=35) and a control group (n=37). Data were collected by checking changes in the anxiety, sleep, and depression of the subjects who had received aromatherapy and hand massage ten times for two weeks. The data were analyzed using Chi-square test and ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance). RESULTS: The condition of anxiety and depression of the experimental group who had received aromatherapy and hand massage was significantly lower than that of the control group. Also, the condition of sleep of experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. CONCLUSION: The aromatherapy and hand massage program had a positive effect on institutionalized elders' anxiety, sleep, and depression pattern.

Feminino , Humanos , Ansiedade , Aromaterapia , Depressão , Mãos , Massagem , Instituições Residenciais
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-157658


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing the health status and life satisfaction of elders in welfare facilities. METHODS: The subjects of this study were selected randomly among those without cognitive impairment from free (140 persons) and charged (140 persons) welfare facilities in the Yeongnam area. Data was analyzed using t-test and stepwise multiple regression. RESULTS: Health status and life satisfaction were 2.52 and 1.98, respectively, in the elders from free welfare facilities, and 2.67 and 2.08 respectively, in the elders from charged welfare facilities. In those from free facilities, life satisfaction and motivation for getting into the welfare facility were the influencing factors of health status. In those from charged facilities, life satisfaction, gender, motivation for getting into the welfare facility, limited service such as physiotherapy, age, and lack of staff and professionalism were the influence factors of health status. In those from free facilities, health status, relationship conflict with fellow elders, lack of staff and professionalism, insufficient facilities and inadequate environment, and indifference of sons and daughters were the influence factors of life satisfaction, In those from charged facilities, health status, education and age were the influence factors of life satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: It was found that both health status and life satisfaction of elders in charged welfare facilities were higher than those in free welfare facilities.

Educação , Instalações de Saúde , Motivação , Núcleo Familiar , Instituições Residenciais