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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219111


Introduction: Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses a partial permeable membrane to remove ions, unwanted molecules and larger particles from drinking water. In reverse osmosis, an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property that is driven by chemical potential differences of the solvent, a thermodynamic parameter. In the process of reverse osmosis the amount of water that is drained is a concern area for the people using the R.O. filtration device in their household because it wasted about 70% of the water to purify just one liter of water. This R.O. waste water can be utilized for various purposes such as washing vehicle like car bike etc, cleaning toilet this study is aimed to assess the knowledge reverse osmosis waste water utilization among general public at Indore. Objectives: 1. To assess the pretest knowledge regarding reverse osmosis (R.O) waste water utilization among general public. 2. To assess the posttest knowledge regarding reverse osmosis waste water utilization among general public. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on reverse osmosis (R.O) waste water utilization among general public. Hypothesis: H1- there will be significant difference between pretest and posttest knowledge who received structured teaching program regarding the utilization of waste R.O water. Materials and Methods: Quantitative, pre-experimental, one group pretest posttest design was adopted for the study. Total of 60 general public selected by using simple randomized sampling technique was used. Description of Tools: Structured knowledge questionnaire. Result: Data was analyzes using descriptive and inferential statistics. Major Finding: In the pre-test majority of the sample (44 out of 60, 73.3%) had inadequate knowledge and in the post-test, majority (54 out of 60, 90%) had adequate knowledge regarding reverse osmosis. A paired‘t’ test was done and it showed a‘t’ value of 22.34 at 0.05 level of significance, this indicates the effectiveness of structured teaching programme in enhancing the knowledge of the general public. There was no association found between the mean pre-test knowledge of the general public. There was no association found between the mean pre-test knowledge scorer with the selected socio-demographic variable such as age (?2 = 8.643), gender (?2 = 4.455), education qualification (?2 = 4.706), Occupation (?2 = 2.531), number of family member (?2 = 5.653) and previous knowledge about reverse osmosis filter water (?2 =0.393). Conclusion: There is a significant difference between the mean pre-test and post-test knowledge score among general public regarding reverse osmosis waste water utilization.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 35(3)sept. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535795


Background: High salinity of drinking water can adversely affect health and productive performance of calves during artificial rearing. Objective: To evaluate the effect of drinking water total dissolved salts (TDS) content on productive performance of Holstein-Friesian calves during artificial rearing. Methods: Twenty-nine newborn Holstein-Friesian calves weighing 39±0.94 kg at birth were randomly assigned to two treatment groups for 56 d. Treatment 1 (n=14) consisted of drinking water with 1,469±75 mg L-1 TDS, while treatment 2 (n=15) used drinking water from the same source but filtered by reverse osmosis to contain 107±31 mg L-1 TDS. Results: Water intake was numerically affected by TDS concentration, increasing 13% (p>0.08) when drinking low-TDS water (3,554 versus 3,088 ml d-1). Feed intake (dry basis) decreased 26% (500 versus 676 g d-1; p0.05) by TDS content in the drinking water. Conclusion: Desalinated water improves productive performance of Holstein-Friesian calves during artificial rearing.

Antecedentes: Una alta salinidad del agua de bebida puede afectar negativamente la salud y el comportamiento productivo de los terneros durante la crianza. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del contenido de sales disueltas totales (SDT) en el agua de bebida sobre el comportamiento productivo de los terneros durante la crianza artificial. Métodos: Veintinueve terneros Holstein- Friesian recién nacidos, con 39±0,94 kg de peso vivo fueron asignados aleatoriamente a dos tratamientos. El tratamiento 1 consistió de 14 terneros que bebieron agua con 1.469±75 mg L-1 de SDT; mientras que al tratamiento 2 se asignaron 15 terneros que recibieron agua de la misma fuente, pero filtrada mediante el procedimiento de ósmosis inversa y conteniendo 107±31 mg L-1 de SDT. Resultados: La concentración de SDT afectó numéricamente el consumo de agua durante los 56 días de lactancia (p>0,08), incrementándose 13% cuando los terneros bebieron agua con bajo contenido de sales (3.554 vs 3.088 ml d-1). El consumo de alimento (base seca) disminuyó 26% (500 vs 676 g d-1; p0,05). Conclusión: El agua de bebida desalinizada mejora el comportamiento productivo de terneros Holstein durante la crianza artificial.

Antecedentes: Alta salinidade da água potável pode afetar adversamente a saúde e o desempenho produtivo de bezerros durante o acasalamento. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do total de sais dissolvidos (TSD) na água potável sobre o comportamento dos bezerros durante a lactação. Métodos: Vinte e nove terneiros Holstein-Friesian recém-nascidos, com 39±0,94 kg de peso vivo, foram designados aleatoriamente a dois tratamentos. O tratamento 1 considerou 14 terneiros os quais beberam água com 1.469±75 mg L-1 do total de sais dissolvidos (TSD); enquanto ao tratamento 2 se designaram 15 terneiros bebendo água da mesma fonte filtrada através do procedimento de osmose inversa e contendo 107±31 mg L-1 de TSD. Resultados: O consumo de água de bezerros durante os 56 dias de lactação artificial foi ligeiramente afetado pela concentração de TDS na água potável (p>0,08) e aumentou em 13% quando os bezerros beberam água com baixo teor de sal (3.554 vs 3.088 ml d-1); o consumo de alimento sólido (base seca) diminuiu em 26% (500 vs 676 g d-1; p0,05) pelo conteúdo de TSD na água de beber. Conclusão: A dessalinização da água de beber melhora o comportamento produtivo de terneiros Holstein durante o período de lactação artificial..

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 25(1): 107-114, jan.-fev. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090122


RESUMO Com a escassez da disponibilidade de água doce e o aumento da demanda de água no mundo e no Brasil, uma das alternativas são os sistemas de dessalinização de água, que removem os sais das águas salobra ou salgada. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de um sistema piloto de dessalinização de água salobra a qual foi obtida a partir da mistura de águas do mar e de rio até atingir concentração de sólidos dissolvidos totais (SDT) de 1.500 mg.L-1. O sistema piloto de dessalinização, com capacidade de 1,0 m3.h-1, é composto de ultrafiltração (UF) e abrandamento como pré-tratamento à osmose reversa (OR). Foram realizadas análises de qualidade da água na entrada e saída das unidades de tratamento relativas a SDT, condutividade elétrica, turbidez, pH, cor aparente, alcalinidade, dureza total, cálcio, magnésio, cloreto, sulfato e temperatura. Foram avaliadas a pressão osmótica, o fluxo de filtração e a taxa de recuperação de água no sistema de OR. Com os resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a eficiência de remoção de SDT e condutividade foi de 99%. A UF foi eficiente na remoção de turbidez, enquanto a OR apresentou maiores eficiências de remoção de sais. O sistema piloto de tratamento foi capaz de remover todos os parâmetros estudados. A taxa de recuperação na OR foi de 74,64%.

ABSTRACT Considering the shortage of fresh water availability and an increased demand for water in the world, including Brazil, one of the alternatives for water supply are water desalination systems, which remove salts from brackish or seawater. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of pilot water desalination system treating brackish water which was obtained mixing fresh water and seawater up to reach 1,500 mg L-1 of total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration. The pilot desalination plant with production capacity of 1.0 m3 h-1 is composed of ultrafiltration (UF) and softener working as a pre-treatment to reverse osmosis (RO). Experiments were performed to analyze some water quality parameters as TDS, electrical conductivity, turbidity, pH, apparent color, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sulfates, and temperature. Osmotic pressure, filtration flow and water recovery rate were also measured for the RO. Analyzing the result obtained, it can be concluded that the efficiency of TDS removal and conductivity were 99%. UF was efficient in removing turbidity, whereas RO reached higher salt removal efficiencies. The pilot plant system could remove all water quality parameters studied. Recovery rate in RO was 74.64%.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202609


Introduction: Vitamin B12 Deficiency has become animportant health concern in the recent times. Acknowledgingthe health of medical professionals shall improve the healthstatus of the community as they form a classified population ofthe society. The present study was done with an aim to assessthe treatment seeking behavior of the doctors in RNT MedicalCollege, Udaipur who were found deficient in Vitamin B12levels.Material and methods: Two focused group discussionswere conducted in the department of Community Medicinewith a strength of 13 and 17 each, few pre-decided questionswere asked to the groups by the moderator and answers werereported by the recorder in the form of tally sheets.Results: Maximum doctors were interested in taking Oraltreatment by self, most of them were consuming ReverseOsmosis water and most common clinical feature theyexpressed were weakness and fatigue.Conclusion: Vitamin B12 deficiency is becoming a silentepidemic which needs to be addressed as it is affecting all thegroups of the society and thus further large scale multicentricstudies are needed to address this issue at the global level.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 105-108, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-706508


Objective: To explore the rationalization process of the project implementation and acceptance of water processing machine equipment installation so as to establish standardized installation acceptance system. Methods:Through combined the practices of medical equipment management of medical equipment department of hospital and blood purification centre in recent years, the installation and acceptance of water processing machine equipment was divided into 7 parts included 1)technical support pre-installation, 2)multi-party coordination, 3)implementation, inspection and confirmation of infrastructure projects, 4)achievement, hoisting and carrying of equipment, 5)installation and implementation of water processing machine, 6)acceptance of equipment, and 7)delivery of equipment to clinical usage. Besides, the whole process of installation and implementation was normalized. Results: Through the construction of institutionalization and processize for water processing machine of hospital, the efficiency and quality of the installation and acceptance for the equipment of water processing machine of blood purification centre were enhanced and improved. Conclusion: The institutionalization and processize of installation of water processing equipment in blood purification centre has important significance for giving full play to the function of equipment of water processing machine and quality control of equipment. And it can guarantee the medical quality of hospital, and contribute to effectively enhance the curative level of blood purification centre of hospital.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 21(3): 447-458, jul.-set. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-794651


RESUMO: A complexidade físico-química de micropoluentes, como os defensivos agrícolas, exige o uso de tecnologias avançadas de tratamento de água para abastecimento. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a remoção de carbofurano em nível de bancada (batelada) utilizando membranas comerciais de nanofiltração (NF90 - DowFilmtec (r)) e osmose inversa (HR - Koch Membrane Systems(r) ). Nos experimentos foi avaliada a influência da qualidade da matriz de alimentação (água ultrapura, bruta e pré-tratada) contendo carbofurano (50 µgL-1), e da pressão de operação (8 e 15 bar para a NF90 e 15 e 30 bar para a HR). Para a NF90, com a matriz de água ultrapura, as eficiências de remoção foram inferiores (89,8%), porém o fluxo permeado foi superior (132,1 Lm-2h-1) àquelas obtidas com a matriz de água bruta (98,4% - 94,7 Lm-2h-1) e água pré-tratada (95,2% - 95,3 Lm-2h-1) para a pressão de 15 bar. Para a membrana HR, remoções relativamente superiores foram observadas para a pressão de 30 bar para as três matrizes, com a água bruta apresentando os melhores resultados (99,7% - 49,7 Lm-2h-1). Concluiu-se, portanto, que o pré-tratamento da água bruta não acarretou diferença significativa na remoção do carbofurano e não influenciou no fluxo de permeado de acordo com a metodologia adotada (baixo tempo de separação em batelada com recirculação).

ABSTRACT: The physicochemical complexity of micropollutants such as pesticides requires the use of advanced technologies of drinking water treatment. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the removal of carbofuran using commercial nanofiltration (NF90 - DowFilmtec(r)) and reverse osmosis (HR - Koch Membrane Systems(r)) membranes in a bench-scale system (batch operation). The effect of feed matrix quality (ultrapure water, raw water and pretreated water) with carbofuran (50 µgL-1) and the applied pressure (8 and 15 bar for NF90 and 15 and 30 bar for HR) were studied. For NF90, with ultrapure water matrix, the removal efficiencies were lower (89.4%), but the permeate flow was higher (132.1 Lm-2h-1) than those obtained with the raw water (98.4% - 94.7 Lm-2h-1) and pretreated water (95.2% - 95.3 Lm-2h-1) to 15 bar of pressure. For HR membrane relatively higher removals were observed for 30 bar of pressure for the three matrices, with a better behavior for raw water (99.7% - 49.7 Lm-2h-1). In accordance to the methodology adopted (low separation time in batch with recirculation), it can be concluded, therefore, that the pretreatment of raw water did not caused significant difference in carbofuran removal and did not influenced the permeate flux.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 21(2): 329-336, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-787443


RESUMO: O principal tratamento à doença renal crônica no Brasil, segundo o Censo Brasileiro de Nefrologia de 2013, é a hemodiálise, para a qual é necessária a utilização de água purificada em acordo com a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) e com os padrões internacionais do FDA, Food and Drugs Adminstration e da Association for Advancement of Medicine Instrumentation (AAMI). Para atender aos parâmetros estabelecidos, utiliza-se processo de purificação por osmose reversa (OR), onde ocorre a separação do afluente, através da membrana semipermeável, restando de um lado a água purificada e do outro lado o concentrado. O presente estudo visa abordar a viabilidade qualitativa e quantitativa do reaproveitamento deste concentrado, através de estudo de caso em unidade de OR instalada em uma clínica de hemodiálise na cidade de Curitiba. Foi realizada a avaliação experimental, através de análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas do concentrado, buscando atender as quatro classes de reuso sugeridas pela ABNT NBR 13969/97. Também foram analisados os parâmetros amônia, cloreto, cloro residual livre, dureza e ferro totais, fluoreto, nitratos, nitritos, sulfatos, sólidos totais dissolvidos e coliformes totais e comparados com o padrão de potabilidade. O volume de concentrado foi medido através do uso de hidrômetros em pontos estratégicos. Observou-se que a clínica reaproveita cerca de 23% do concentrado. Os resultados obtidos atendem às quatro classes de reuso, porém deve-se observar o parâmetro fluoreto cujo valor mostrou-se igual ao limite imposto pela norma de água potável.

ABSTRACT: According to the 2013 Brazilian Nephrology Census, the main chronic kidney disease treatment in Brazil is the hemodialysis, for which the use of purified water is needed according to the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), the international standards from Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) and the Association for Advancement of Medicine Instrumentation (AAMI). The reverse osmosis process (RO) is used to achieve the established parameters where the feed is separated through a semipermeable membrane resulting in purified water in one side and the concentrate in the other one. The present study aims to evaluate the quantitative and the qualitative viability of reusing this concentrate through a case study in a Hemodialysis Clinic RO unit in the City of Curitiba. An experimental evaluation was carried out using the physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of the concentrate seeking to meet the four reuse classes according to ABNT NBR 13969/97. Also, the following parameters were analyzed according to the drinking pattern: ammonia, chloride, free chlorine, total hardness, total iron, fluoride, nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, total dissolved solids and total coliforms. The concentrate volume was measured through hydrometers at strategic points. A concentrate reuse of about 23% by the clinic was observed. The achieved results meet the four classes of reuse, but it was observed that the fluoride parameter result was equal to the drinking water standard limit.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 53-55,56, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-600349


Objective:To design automatic reverse osmosis water system with new design idea of reverse osmosis water system, to make sure of the procedure. Methods:During the design, using microcomputer technology to control water preparation and disinfection. Results:Using MCU to control preparation of water and disinfection, in order to monitor water quality. If water quality exceeds the standard, the system will alarm and generate records. Conclusion: Using microcomputer technology to design Reverse osmosis water system, not only reducing artificial, but also to improve the safety and controllability, even the quality control of reverse osmosis water system.

Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2014 Jul-sept 57 (3): 435-438
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156079


Water quality assessment and timely intervention are essential for health. Microbiology, total dissolved solids (TDS) and free residual chlorine were measured for water quality maintenance in an oncology center in India. Impact of these interventions over a period of 22 months has been demonstrated with four cardinal events. Pseudomonas in hospital water was controlled by adequate chlorination, whereas high TDS in the central sterile supply department water was corrected by the installation of electro-deionization plant. Contaminated bottled water was replaced using quality controlled hospital supply. Timely detection and correction of water-related issues, including reverse osmosis plant was possible through multi-faceted approach to water quality.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-162669


Water shortage has now become a global issue. Reclamation of the effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plant is feasible for supplying the quick growth of water requirement. The objective of this study was to conduct both the cost analysis and environmental impact evaluation of two reclamation processes: sand filter – ultrafiltration - reverse osmosis (SF-UF-RO) and sand filter - electrodialysis reversal (SF-EDR). The results will serve as a reference for selecting the process in the scale-up construction works. Two processes were installed in a reclamation pilot plant in Futian Water Resource Recycling Center (Taichung City, Taiwan) and operated in parallel to evaluate their stability and product quality. The cost analysis was conducted to estimate the capital requirement of building large-scale plant for reclaiming the effluent. The cost of land construction, mechanical with electronic equipment and operation with maintenance were all considered in the analysis. On the other hand, the environmental assessment of these processes has been realized by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The software Sima Pro 7.3 was used as the LCA analysis tool. Four different evaluation methods, including Ecoindicator 99, Ecopoints 97, Impact 2002+ and CML 2 baseline 2000, were applied. The results show that the water quality of SF-EDR has similar potential in reclaiming the effluent from municipal water resource recycling center as SF-UF-RO. The cost of SFEDR is lower than that of SF-UF-RO. In the environmental analysis, the LCA demonstrates that SF-EDR may create more impacts on the environment due to more consumption on electricity and chemicals than SF-UF-RO. Using SF-UF-RO as the effluent reclamation process may be an option causing less impacts on climate change.

Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine ; (4): 124-126,130, 2014.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-602116


Objective To test if the quality of produced water could come up to the standards of clinical biochemistry,and e-valuate the effect of the produced water after replacement of a new reverse osmosis film of the laboratory water purification system.Methods The ion concentration of the produced water was tested by ohmmeter in Beckman Coulter supporting TianChuang water purification system TCHS-RO/100A and HM COM-100 conductivity meter.The biochemical index ALT,AST,TBIL,ALP,GGT,TP,ALB,BUN,CR,UA,GLU,TC,TG,HDL,LDL,CK,LDH,P,Ca of mixed serum were tested 20 times by AU680 under the condition of normal purified water(control group),and the same operation were repeat-ed after changing to newly produced water(experimental group)to evaluate the effect of newly produced water to biochemi-cal analysis.The triglyceride (TG)reagent blank was tested 3times/d for 5 days to evaluate the glycerin level in the pro-duced water.Results The conductivity of purified water was reduced to (0.1±0.0)μS/cm 30 min after starting up by HM COM-100,and the electric resistance of purified water remained stable at 18.25MΩcm 50min after starting up.During the bi-ochemical analysis by AU680,the value of TG in control group=1.04 mmol/L,in experimental group=21.39 mmol/L,the differences showed statistical significance (P0.05).The reagent blank was stable at A660nm=0.015 6±0.000 4 in the fifth day.Conclusion After produced approximately 2 800 L purified water in the system,glycerine could be cleaned up in produced water.It is needed to continuously test the quality of produced water to evaluate the effect of which to clinical bio-chemistry after replacement of a new reverse osmosis film.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 12(3): 305-316, jul.-set. 2007. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-466566


Com o objetivo de reduzir o consumo de água e o descarte do efluente tratado de uma indústria metal-mecânica foi proposta a avaliação técnica e econômica de cinco tecnologias de tratamento que pudessem proporcionar a reutilização do efluente. Foram levantados quatro locais para reúso e sugeridos critérios para cada um deles. Foi constatado que na adsor-ção com carvão ativado e na osmose reversa o efluente tratado por estes processos poderia ser reutilizado nos locais propostos e, com vazão de reúso de 2,5m³/h, os custos ficaram em US$ 1,14/m³ e US$ 1,70/m³ respectivamente. Para o ozônio e o dióxido de cloro, mesmo desinfetando o efluente, obteve-se apenas resultados satisfatórios, com custo de US$ 0,54/m³ e US$ 0,71/m³ respectivamente. Na coagulação/floculação todos os parâmetros analisados atenderam a dois locais de reúso, com exceção dos SDT e se obteve custo de US$ 1,57/m³

With the objective to reduce the water consumption and the discharge of effluents in a metal industry, a technical and economical evaluation of five treatment technologies was proposed in order to reuse the effluents. Four sites for water reuse were chosen and for each of them criteria were suggested. It was evidenced that in the adsorption with activated carbon and reverse osmosis the effluent treated by these processes could be reused and, with the flowrate projected of 2.5m³/h, the cost attained US$ 1.14/m³ and US$ 1.70/m³ respectively. For the ozone and chlorine dioxide, even so the effluent was disinfected, gave only satisfactory results and the cost attained US$ 0.54/m³ and US$ 0.71/m³ respectively. For the treatment with coagulation/flocculation, all the analyzed parameters were successful in two reuse places, with exception of the TDS. The cost for this technology attained US$ 1.57/m³

Carvão Vegetal , Dióxido de Cloro , Floculação , Indústria Metalúrgica , Ozônio , Osmose Inversa , Uso de Águas Residuárias
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-676854


The process mechanism and current application status of boron removal in reverse osmosis(RO)desalination were introduced.The characteristic and proper application range of eachboron removal process was summarized.Also,the running conditions of two practical desalination cases were analyzed and compared.Eventually,the future of application and the research direction of boron removal process in RO desalination were prospected.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-580292


Objective To investigate the effect of liquid temperature, pressure, concentration, pH parameters on the membrane process and rejection in the process of using reverse osmosis membrane to concentrate oil-bearing water bodies ultrafiltrate of Compound Chuanxiong Capsules, and optimize the process. Methods With oil-bearing water bodies ultrafiltrate of Compound Chuanxiong Capsules volatile oil as the research object, the changes in flux under different operating parameters was measured. Results For this system, suitable operation parameters was as follows: pressure was 1.6 MPa, temperature was 35~ 40 ℃, pH was 9~10. Conclusion Using reverse osmosis membrane to concentrate oil-bearing water bodies ultrafiltrate of Compound Chuanxiong Capsules volatile oil, better flux and rejection can be obtained at the appropriate operating conditions.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-589834


The operating principle,system structure and influencing factors for water quality are expounded and the maintenance of RO processing system is introduced.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-590221


As a substitute for the function of kidney,hemodialysis therapy has been widely applied to clinical therapy.Playing an important role in hemodialysis therapy,dialysis water in high quality is tightly linked to the safety of patients in chronic nephrosis.The water treatment system in blood purifying center is described mainly in the aspects of principle and maintenance.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-592948


Objective To develop a water station that can be loaded to a ship and supply freshwater. Methods The water station comprises the reverse osmosis seawater desalination device, pressure water tank, high pressure water pump, etc, with 40-feet international standard containers as the carrier. Results The water station can produce 80 t freshwater daily, and the quality of produced water conforms to the standards of the state and army for drinking water quality. Conclusion The water station, which has highly-compaction, strong-mobility, excellent-adaptability and high-automaticity, fits for a ship.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-586299


Blood dialysis is a long-term constant cure for imperfect chronic nephrosis, in which the water quality plays an important role. Since high purified water for blood dialysis is obtained by reverse osmosis film separation, the quality of reverse osmosis unit is critical for water quality index, which should meet AAMI water supply standard, thus entailing a proper plan for the whole system. In this paper, process design for reverse osmosis treatment, pretreatment and post-treatment system is presented.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-594403


Objective To study the operating parameters of the field seawater desalination reverse osmosis device by RO process and analyze quality of the product water.Methods In pressure of 4.90~6.37 MPa,the influence of operating pressure on salt rejection and water flux is researched to determine the best parameter.Except some conventional item test,the water quality analysis also includes BOD,COD,TOC,fluorescence spectra,ultraviolet spectra and chromatography of ions analysis.Results Operating pressure of 5.88 ~6.37 MPa,the water flux reaches 18 ~22 L/h and the ratio of desalinization exceeds 97.4%.The device has an organic contaminant elimination ratio higher than 95% and ion desalination ratio also more than 96%.The fundamental index is consistent with drinking water sanitary standard.Conclusion The field seawater desalination reverse osmosis device by RO process can effectively wipe off bacteria and contaminant of water and also can reduce salt salinity in untreated water to produce pure water for drinking.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-536259


Objective To assess the sanitary quality of finished water produced by seawater desalination plant.Methods Using reverse osmosis for seawater desalination,the microbiological indexes,the levels of chloride and the pH values of finished water after seawater desalination were determined and then were assessed based on the National Method for Determination of Drinking Water(GB 5750-1985).Results After seawater desalination,the level of fluoride in finished water was 426 mg/L,the total count of bacteria of 3 finished water samples among 9 samples exceeded the standedard(350,300,4016/L),the pH valuer were qualified on the whole,except one lower value of 5.74 and a higher value of 8.94.Conclusicn After the treatment by seawater desalination system,the level of residual chloride in finished water was higher which approached the related highest limit ruled by National Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water,the microbiological indexes and pH values of finished water were unstable.