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CienciaUAT ; 18(2): 136-144, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569026


Resumen: El maíz contiene un gran número de compuestos antioxidantes, muchos de ellos unidos a componentes de la pared celular, por lo que requieren tratamientos para liberarlos, como el uso de enzimas o procesos de fermentación. La fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) con Rhizopus oryzae se ha aplicado para aumentar la capacidad antioxidante (CA) y el contenido fenólico en cereales y leguminosas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la FMS con R. oryzae sobre la CA y el contenido de fenoles totales (CFT) del maíz. La FMS se realizó en bolsas zip-lock (25 cm2) a 30 °C/72 h, con un inóculo de 1 x 106 esporas/g. Se tomaron muestras cada 12 h, el extracto se recuperó con etanol al 80 % y se utilizó para determinar el CFT y la CA (ensayo ABTS+, DPPH y FRAP). Los valores más altos se obtuvieron a las 60 h de cultivo, con un CFT de 1.92 mg/ gramos de materia seca (gms) y una CA de 1.47 mg de equivalentes Trolox por gramo de materia seca (mg ET/gms), 1.27 mg ET/gms y 5.8 mg Fe+2/gms para los ensayos de ABTS+, DPPH y FRAP, respectivamente. El uso de FMS permitió aumentar hasta 0.83 y 1.25 veces el CFT y la CA del maíz, con respecto al tiempo 0 h. El maíz fermentado con R. oryzae mostró potencial para ser empleado como materia prima para el desarrollo de alimentos funciona les, al incrementar su CA a través de un bioproceso.

Abstract: Maize contains a large number of antioxidant compounds. However, many of them are not in free form, as they are bound to components of the cell wall of maize kernels. For this reason, the use of treatments is required to release them, such as the use of enzymes or fermentation processes. Fermentation in solid medium (FMS) with Rhizopus oryzae has been applied to increase the antioxidant capacity (AC) and phenolic content in cereals and legumes. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of FMS with R. oryzae on AC and total phenolic content (TPC) of maize. Fermentation on solid medium was carried out in zip-lock bags (25 cm2) at 30 °C for 72 h, with an inoculum of 1 x 106 spores/g. Samples were taken every 12 h, the extract was recovered with 80% ethanol, and used to determine TPC and AC (ABTS+, DPPH and FRAP essay). The highest values were obtained at 60 h of culture, with a TPC of 1.92 mg/gram dry metter (gdm) and an AC of 1.47 mg TE/gmd, 1.27 mg TE/gdm and 5.8 mg Fe+2/gdm for the ABTS+, DPPH and FRAP assays, respectively. The use of FMS allowed to increase up to 0.83 and 1.25 times the CFT and CA of corn, with respect to time zero. Corn fermented with R. oryzae showed potential to be used as a raw material for the development of functional foods, by increase its AC through a bioprocess.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e258084, 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360229


Food loss due to contamination caused by fungi has much impact on agriculture and leads to significant economic losses. Synthetic and natural fungicides have been used for avoiding losses of several food products due to fungal contamination. As a result, species of the genus Capsicum have been used for preserving food because of their chemical compounds with antifungal activity. Therefore, this study aimed at identifying some phenolic compounds found in both ethyl acetate extract (EAE) and methanolic extract (ME) from habanero pepper (C. chinense) ripe fruit by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (LC-ESI-MS/MS) and at evaluating their antifungal activities against fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Extracts resulted from a sequential process of maceration. Antifungal activity was evaluated by the disk diffusion method (DDM) at the following doses of both diluted extracts: 25 µL, 50 µL, 100 µL and 200 µL. The chemical analysis showed that there were protocatechuic acid, gentisic acid, vanillic acid, kaempferol-3-O-robinobiosideo and naringenin in both extracts. EAE showed high inhibition of mycelial growth at both doses 100µL and 200µL against the three fungi while methanolic exhibited weak activity even at the highest dose under investigation. However, further in-depth studies are needed to reinforce their uses and practical applications to the agricultural field.

As perdas de alimentos por contaminação causada por fungos são de grande impacto negativo para a agricultura, gerando altos prejuízos econômicos. Para evitar as perdas de diversos produtos alimentícios pela contaminação fúngica são utilizados fungicidas sintéticos e naturais. As espécies do gênero Capsicum são usadas há muitos anos para auxiliar na conservação de alimentos por possuírem substâncias químicas com ação antifúngica entre outras. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar alguns compostos fenólicos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada à espectrometria de massas sequencial (LC-ESI-MS/MS) presentes nos extratos acetato de etila (EAE) e metanólico (ME) dos frutos maduros da pimenta biquinho (C. chinense) e avaliar atividade antifúngica de EAE e ME contra os fungos Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizopus stolonifer e Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Os extratos foram obtidos de forma sequencial, utilizando o procedimento de maceração. A atividade antifúngica foi avaliada seguindo a metodologia de difusão em disco, nas doses de 25 µL, 50 µL, 100 µL e 200 µL de cada extrato diluído. A análise química evidenciou a presença de ácido protocatequico, ácido gentisico, ácido vanílico, kaempferol-3-O-robinobiosídeo e naringenina em ambos os extratos. EAE revelou maior poder de inibição do crescimento micelial nas doses de 100µL e 200µL contra os três fungos testados, enquanto ME exibiu fraca atividade inclusive na maior dose investigada. Entretanto, estudos mais aprofundados ainda são necessários para consolidar seu uso e aplicação prática na área agronômica.

Capsicum , Compostos Fenólicos , Antifúngicos
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e251367, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355884


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effect of atmospheric plasma application on the inactivation of fungi on the surface of Erythrina velutina seeds and on isolated fungal colonies. Two experiments were conducted using a completely randomized design. First, plasma was applied to the surface of the seeds using helium gas and atmospheric plasma for 3, 6, and 9 min in addition to the control (untreated seeds), constituting seven treatments with five repetitions each. In the second experiment, Petri dishes containing the inoculum of different fungi were treated with atmospheric air plasma for 3, 6, and 9 min (Air-3, Air-6, and Air-9) and were compared with untreated fungi in Petri dishes without treatment (control), totaling four treatments and five repetitions each. We found that the application of atmospheric air plasma to E. velutina seeds for 9 min had an antimicrobial effect on the fungi Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium sp., Brachysporium sp., and Rhizopus sp. The formation of fungal colonies isolated from E. velutina seeds was also inhibited by 3 min of exposure to atmospheric air plasma, except for A. niger, whose inhibition occurred after 6 min of exposure to atmospheric plasma.

Resumo Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação de plasma atmosférico na inativação de fungos na superfície de sementes de Erythrina velutina e em colônias fúngicas isoladas. Dois experimentos foram realizados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado: no primeiro, o plasma foi aplicado na superfície das sementes usando gás hélio e plasma atmosférico por três, seis e nove minutos, além do controle (sementes sem tratamento), constituindo sete tratamentos com cinco repetições cada; no segundo experimento, placas de Petri contendo o inóculo de diferentes fungos foram tratadas com plasma atmosférico por três, seis e nove minutos (Air-3, Air-6 e Air-9) e comparadas com fungos não tratados em placas de Petri sem tratamento (controle), totalizando quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições cada. Descobrimos que a aplicação de plasma atmosférico nas sementes de E. velutina por nove minutos teve efeito antimicrobiano sobre os fungos Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium sp., Brachysporium sp. e Rhizopus sp. A formação de colônias fúngicas isoladas de sementes de E. velutina também foi inibida por três minutos de exposição à aplicação de plasma atmosférico, exceto para A. niger, cuja inibição ocorreu a partir de 6 minutos de exposição à aplicação de plasma atmosférico.

Erythrina , Fungos
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469294


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effect of atmospheric plasma application on the inactivation of fungi on the surface of Erythrina velutina seeds and on isolated fungal colonies. Two experiments were conducted using a completely randomized design. First, plasma was applied to the surface of the seeds using helium gas and atmospheric plasma for 3, 6, and 9 min in addition to the control (untreated seeds), constituting seven treatments with five repetitions each. In the second experiment, Petri dishes containing the inoculum of different fungi were treated with atmospheric air plasma for 3, 6, and 9 min (Air-3, Air-6, and Air-9) and were compared with untreated fungi in Petri dishes without treatment (control), totaling four treatments and five repetitions each. We found that the application of atmospheric air plasma to E. velutina seeds for 9 min had an antimicrobial effect on the fungi Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium sp., Brachysporium sp., and Rhizopus sp. The formation of fungal colonies isolated from E. velutina seeds was also inhibited by 3 min of exposure to atmospheric air plasma, except for A. niger, whose inhibition occurred after 6 min of exposure to atmospheric plasma.

Resumo Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação de plasma atmosférico na inativação de fungos na superfície de sementes de Erythrina velutina e em colônias fúngicas isoladas. Dois experimentos foram realizados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado: no primeiro, o plasma foi aplicado na superfície das sementes usando gás hélio e plasma atmosférico por três, seis e nove minutos, além do controle (sementes sem tratamento), constituindo sete tratamentos com cinco repetições cada; no segundo experimento, placas de Petri contendo o inóculo de diferentes fungos foram tratadas com plasma atmosférico por três, seis e nove minutos (Air-3, Air-6 e Air-9) e comparadas com fungos não tratados em placas de Petri sem tratamento (controle), totalizando quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições cada. Descobrimos que a aplicação de plasma atmosférico nas sementes de E. velutina por nove minutos teve efeito antimicrobiano sobre os fungos Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium sp., Brachysporium sp. e Rhizopus sp. A formação de colônias fúngicas isoladas de sementes de E. velutina também foi inibida por três minutos de exposição à aplicação de plasma atmosférico, exceto para A. niger, cuja inibição ocorreu a partir de 6 minutos de exposição à aplicação de plasma atmosférico.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469355


Abstract Food loss due to contamination caused by fungi has much impact on agriculture and leads to significant economic losses. Synthetic and natural fungicides have been used for avoiding losses of several food products due to fungal contamination. As a result, species of the genus Capsicum have been used for preserving food because of their chemical compounds with antifungal activity. Therefore, this study aimed at identifying some phenolic compounds found in both ethyl acetate extract (EAE) and methanolic extract (ME) from habanero pepper (C. chinense) ripe fruit by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (LC-ESI-MS/MS) and at evaluating their antifungal activities against fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Extracts resulted from a sequential process of maceration. Antifungal activity was evaluated by the disk diffusion method (DDM) at the following doses of both diluted extracts: 25 µL, 50 µL, 100 µL and 200 µL. The chemical analysis showed that there were protocatechuic acid, gentisic acid, vanillic acid, kaempferol-3-O-robinobiosideo and naringenin in both extracts. EAE showed high inhibition of mycelial growth at both doses 100µL and 200µL against the three fungi while methanolic exhibited weak activity even at the highest dose under investigation. However, further in-depth studies are needed to reinforce their uses and practical applications to the agricultural field.

Resumo As perdas de alimentos por contaminação causada por fungos são de grande impacto negativo para a agricultura, gerando altos prejuízos econômicos. Para evitar as perdas de diversos produtos alimentícios pela contaminação fúngica são utilizados fungicidas sintéticos e naturais. As espécies do gênero Capsicum são usadas há muitos anos para auxiliar na conservação de alimentos por possuírem substâncias químicas com ação antifúngica entre outras. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar alguns compostos fenólicos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada à espectrometria de massas sequencial (LC-ESI-MS/MS) presentes nos extratos acetato de etila (EAE) e metanólico (ME) dos frutos maduros da pimenta biquinho (C. chinense) e avaliar atividade antifúngica de EAE e ME contra os fungos Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizopus stolonifer e Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Os extratos foram obtidos de forma sequencial, utilizando o procedimento de maceração. A atividade antifúngica foi avaliada seguindo a metodologia de difusão em disco, nas doses de 25 µL, 50 µL, 100 µL e 200 µL de cada extrato diluído. A análise química evidenciou a presença de ácido protocatequico, ácido gentisico, ácido vanílico, kaempferol-3-O-robinobiosídeo e naringenina em ambos os extratos. EAE revelou maior poder de inibição do crescimento micelial nas doses de 100µL e 200µL contra os três fungos testados, enquanto ME exibiu fraca atividade inclusive na maior dose investigada. Entretanto, estudos mais aprofundados ainda são necessários para consolidar seu uso e aplicação prática na área agronômica.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(1): 27-36, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533914


La sinusitis micótica es una condición patológica que puede presentarse en pacientes con diabetes mellitus y estar asociada a una crisis hiperglucémica. Es una entidad agresiva con complicaciones locales que incluyen afectación de la órbita y el sistema nervioso central, y compromiso vascular. A pesar del tratamiento quirúrgico y antimicótico, la mortalidad es de hasta el 75 %. Se describe el caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de cetoacidosis diabética y signos de oftalmoplejía unilateral que llevaron al estudio con resonancia magnética del sistema nervioso central; se encontraron signos de sinusitis, meningitis y cerebritis. Los estudios microbiológicos iniciales fueron negativos, y los biomarcadores galactomanano sérico y el antígeno de Cryptococcus también fueron negativos. Tras el manejo quirúrgico, se llegó a la identificación de Aspergillus flavus y Rhizopus spp. en el tejido de los senos paranasales. La paciente recibió tratamiento con posaconazol y, tras dos meses de seguimiento, había presentado mejoría clínica. La infección fúngica dual y la infección por A. flavus son entidades poco frecuentes y de relevancia clínica, sin casos presentados previamente en nuestro país por lo que este corresponde a un caso de interés clínico.

Fungal sinusitis is a pathology that can occur in patients with diabetes mellitus and be associated with a hyperglycemic crisis. It is an aggressive entity with local complications that include involvement of the orbit or the central nervous system, and vascular involvement. Despite surgical and antifungal treatment, mortality raises up to 75%. We report the case of a female patient with a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis and signs of unilateral ophthalmoplegia, which led to the study with magnetic resonance imaging of the central nervous system, finding signs of sinusitis, meningitis, and cerebritis. Initial microbiological studies were negative, and biomarkers such as serum galactomannan and Cryptococcus antigen were also negative. After surgical management and the identification of Aspergillus flavus and Rhizopus spp. in sinus tissue, the patient received treatment with posaconazole and after two months of follow-up she presented clinical improvement. Dual fungal infection and infection by A. flavus are uncommon and clinically relevant entities, with no cases previously reported in our country, therefore this corresponds to a case of clinical interest.

Aspergillus flavus , Diabetes Mellitus , Rhizopus oryzae , Aspergilose , Sinusite , Infecções Fúngicas Invasivas , Mucormicose
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Dec; 70(12): 4451-4453
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224766


Mucormycosis is a serious, rapidly progressing, life-threatening, and sight threatening fungal infection frequently seen in diabetics and immunocompromised patients. We report a rare occurrence of rhino-orbital mucormycosis presenting as unilateral central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and no other ocular signs of infection in a 65-year-old diabetic male. The definitive diagnosis was made by nasal biopsy which confirmed broad branching aseptate fungal hyphae. The patient was treated with amphotericin B for mucormycosis and intravitreal anti-vascular growth factor (anti-VEGF) drug for macular edema. To conclude, although ophthalmoplegia is the most common ocular presentation and retinal artery occlusion is the most common cause of visual loss in mucormycosis, it may have many varied presentations including CRVO. A high index of suspicion must be kept in diabetics and immunocompromised patients

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222210


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2(SARS-CoV-2) is the novel coronavirus responsible for causing Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The pandemic has seen many ebbs and flows since its detection, particularly regarding various manifestations coupled with it. Secondary fungal infections, especially COVID-19-associated mucormycosis, have seen a summit, especially during the second wave of the pandemic. However, we reported a series of three cases of mucormycosis in association with another fungal mould from the sample received from patients infected with this virus that presented to our hospital during this pandemic. Our report is about the novelty of dual fungal infection caused by a Zygomycete group along with Aspergillus isolated from pulmonary as well as extra-pulmonary sites, all of which were confirmed on culture. Timely and multidisciplinary management of these patients helped patient survival

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 65: e22210621, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364461


Abstract: Tradescantia pallida (Commelinaceae) has shown promising antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer activities. This study aimed at extracting hexane from T. pallida (HE-TP) aerial parts to identify and quantify its volatile compounds by GC-MS and GC-FID and at evaluating its antifungal and antiproliferative activities. (E)-4-Methoxycynnamic acid (50.2%), 2,5-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (13.7%) and epijuvabione (10.4%) were the major components identified in HE-TP. HE-TP was incorporated into PDA medium, poured into Petri dishes and transferred to mycelial discs of pathogens. Percentages of inhibition of fungal growth were determined. HE-TP showed remarkable antifungal potential at the dose of 400 µL since it inhibited 100% of Penicillium digitatum and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum growth and 92.6% of Rhizopus stolonifer growth. Besides, HE-TP demonstrated cytotoxic activity against different human tumor cell lines with IC50 values between 231.43 and 428.76 µg/mL. Therefore, results showed that HE-TP has potential against fungi of agronomic interest and tumor cells.

Rev. Cuerpo Méd. Hosp. Nac. Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo ; 14(Supl. 1): 79-80, oct. 21, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354871


El orden Mucorales está compuesto por los géneros Mucor, Rhizopus y Rhizomucor, estos hongos son de importancia médica y causan mucormicosis en pacientes con una clínica vulnerable como los diabéticos, con un sistema inmune deficiente, enfermedades oncológicas y hematológicas, especialmente los pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria por la enfermedad del COVID ­ 19 y que a su vez se le asocian las antes mencionadas, facilitando las invasiones por estos agentes oportunistas sin dejar de mencionar las infecciones bacterianas según estudios realizados de aislamientos ambientales

The order Mucorales is composed of the genera Mucor, Rhizopus and Rhizomucor, these fungi are of medical importance and cause mucormycosis in patients with vulnerable clinical conditions such as diabetics, with a deficient immune system, oncological and hematological diseases, especially patients with respiratory failure due to COVID-19 disease, which in turn are associated with the above mentioned, facilitating invasions by these opportunistic agents, not to mention the bacterial infections according to studies of environmental isolates.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209915


Current researches have been carried out to find microorganisms that can produce enzymes for differentbiotechnological purposes. Among the enzymes, the microbial phosphatases, responsible for hydrolyzingphosphoric acid anhydrides and esters, have been often employed in different sectors such as molecularbiology experiments and clinical diagnosis. This work aims to purify and characterize the alkaline phosphataseproduced by Rhizopus microsporus var. microsporus under submerged fermentation. This enzyme was purified9.9-fold with 13% recovery. The molecular mass for the glycoprotein was 123 kDa estimated with gel filtrationand 128 kDa with sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, indicating that it is a monomericenzyme. Optimal temperature and pH for the alkaline phosphatase was 45°C and 8.5, respectively, with halflife (t50) of 40 minutes at 50°C. Under alkaline pH, the phosphatase activity was above 50% for 24 hours.FeCl3 increased the phosphatase activity. Alkaline phosphatase hydrolyzed different substrates, especiallyp-nitrophenylphosphate, with Km of 0.45 and 0.38 mmol l−1, in presence and absence of FeCl3, respectively.Thus, alkaline phosphatase from R. microsporus var. microsporus was characterized, highlighting importantcharacteristics and, thereby, making possible a future application.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212278


Mucormycosis is the third invasive mycosis in order of importance after candidiasis and aspergillosis and is caused by fungi of the class Zygomycetes. The most important species causing Mucormycosis is Rhizopus arrhizus (oryzae). Identification of the agents responsible for mucormycosis is based on macroscopic and microscopic morphological criteria, carbohydrate assimilation and the maximum temperature compatible with its growth. The incidence of mucormycosis is approximately 1.7 cases per 1000 000 inhabitants per year. Clinical diagnosis of mucormycosis is difficult, and is often made at a late stage of the disease or post-mortem. We present here a series of five cases of different types of mucormycosis that were reported in our hospital till date. Of which three patients had good recovery and other two had a fatal outcome. Treatment of mucormycosis requires a rapid diagnosis, correction of predisposing factors, surgical resection or debridement as part of source control-and appropriate anti-fungal therapy. Liposomal amphotericin B is the drug of choice for this condition. The overall rate of mortality of mucormycosis is approximately 40%.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 38: 40-48, Mar. 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1051342


BACKGROUND: The use of agro-industrial wastes to produce high value-added biomolecules such as biosurfactants is a promising approach for lowering the total costs of production. This study aimed to produce biosurfactants using Rhizopus arrhizus UCP 1607, with crude glycerol (CG) and corn steep liquor (CSL) as substrates. In addition, the biomolecule was characterized, and its efficiency in removing petroderivatives from marine soil was investigated. RESULTS: A 22 factorial design was applied, and the best condition for producing the biosurfactant was determined in assay 4 (3% CG and 5% CSL). The biosurfactant reduced the surface tension of water from 72 to 28.8 mN/m and produced a yield of 1.74 g/L. The preliminary biochemical characterization showed that the biosurfactant consisted of proteins (38.0%), carbohydrates (35.4%), and lipids (5.5%). The compounds presented an anionic character, nontoxicity, and great stability for all conditions tested. The biomolecule displayed great ability in dispersing hydrophobic substrates in water, thereby resulting in 53.4 cm2 ODA. The best efficiency of the biosurfactant in removing the pollutant diesel oil from marine soil was 79.4%. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated the ability of R. arrhizus UCP1607 to produce a low-cost biosurfactant characterized as a glycoprotein and its potential use in the bioremediation of the hydrophobic diesel oil pollutant in marine soil

Rhizopus/metabolismo , Tensoativos/metabolismo , Gasolina , Solo , Tensoativos/toxicidade , Tensão Superficial , Biodegradação Ambiental , Ambiente Marinho , Zea mays , Agroindústria , Interações Hidrofóbicas e Hidrofílicas , Glicerol , Resíduos Industriais , Micelas , Mucorales/metabolismo
Infectio ; 23(1): 55-57, Jan.-Mar. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-975564


Las micosis rino-cerebral, rino-orbito-cerebral y sinusopulmonar ocasionadas por especies de Mucorales y de Aspergillus se constituyen como una causa importan te de infección fúngica invasora asociada a una mortalidad mayor al 30%. La coinfección por dos o más especies en la forma rino-orbito-cerebral es infrecuente. Se describe un paciente con linfoma no Hodgkin, expuesto a múltiples esquemas quimioterápicos, en remisión completa, que presentó micosis con compromiso rino-orbito-cerebral por Aspergillus sclerotiorum y Rhizopus microsporum de rápida progresión con necesidad de tratamiento quirúrgico agresivo y terapia anti fúngica sistémica y local.

Rhino-orbital-cerebral and pulmonary mycosis caused by Mucorales and Aspergillus species have become an important cause of invasive fungal infection, with a 30% overall mortality rate. Rhino-orbital-cerebral disease caused by two or more species is uncommon. We present a patient with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, ex posed to aggressive chemotherapy, under complete remission, with acute onset of rhino-orbital-cerebral disease caused by Aspergillus sclerotiorum and Rhizopus microsporum, treated with aggressive surgery and both local and systemic antifungal therapy.

Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Aspergillus , Rhizopus/virologia , Sinais e Sintomas Respiratórios , Mucorales , Micoses , Linfoma não Hodgkin , Causalidade , Coinfecção , Infecções Fúngicas Invasivas , Microsporum
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-773462


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effect of the composition ratio on substitution of sulfate group in sulfated exopolysaccharide (EPS) from and how sulfate modification affects the anti-tumor activity of EPS.@*METHODS@#We used a chlorosulfonic acid-pyridine method to modify EPS and analyzed the effect of esterification ratio on the degree of sulfate substitution using barium chloride turbidimetry. The sulfate groups binding with EPS were analyzed with infrared spectrum analysis. CCK-8 assay was used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of EPS sulfate (SEPS) on the proliferation of human colon cancer HCT 116 cells, and annexin V-FITC/PI double staining was used to assess the pro-apoptotic effect of SEPS in the cells.@*RESULTS@#The esterifying agent and EPS at the composition ratios of 1:1 and 2:1 resulted in sulfate substitution of 0.98% (SEPS-1) and 1.18% (SEPS-2), respectively, and the substitution was improved by increasing the ratio of the esterifying agent ( < 0.05). Infrared spectrum analysis showed that the S=O stretching vibration absorption peak of -OSO appeared near 1249 cm, indicating that the sulfate group combined with EPS to form sulfate. CCK-8 assay showed that SEPS-1 produced stronger inhibitory effects on the proliferation of HCT 116 cells than EPS within the concentration range of 0.02-0.10 mg/L ( < 0.05). At the concentrations of 0.04-0.08 mg/L, SEPS-2 showed a lower anti-tumor activity than SEPS-1 ( < 0.05). SEPS-1 also showed stronger pro-apoptotic effect than EPS, and as its concentration increased, SEPS-1 dose-dependently increased the ratio of early apoptotic cells and necrotic cells; the cells treated with 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10 mg/mL SEPS-1 showed early apoptotic rates of 6.38%, 11.8% and 12.5%, and late apoptotic and necrotic rates of 5.26%, 8.04% and 6.80%, respectively.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The composition ratio of the esterifying agent has a direct impact on the degree of substitution of EPS, which can be improved by increasing the ratio of the esterifying agent. Sulfate modification of EPS can enhance its antitumor activity, which, however, is not directly related with the degree of substitution.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780906


Aims@#Deoxynivalenol is a type B trichothecene produced by Fusarium graminearum that can cause serious health problems in human and livestock. The present study aimed to reduce and detoxify deoxynivalenol using a local strain Aspergillus oryzae KKB4 and Rhizopus oryzae KP1R1. @*Methodology and results@#Corn as solid substrate artificially inoculated with F. graminearum bio 163252 to produce deoxynivalenol. Deoxynivalenol contaminated corn then inoculated with A. oryzae KKB4 and R. oryzae KP1R1. During fermentation, a decrease in deoxynivalenol levels is analyzed including loss of dry matter and glucosamine content. Deoxynivalenol was extracted from the substrate by solid phase extraction and quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography. The reduction of deoxynivalenol by A. oryzae KKB4 and R. oryzae KP1R1 were 65.91% and 56.82%, respectively after ten days of fermentation. Toxicity analysis revealed that residues of deoxynivalenol were not toxic to growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. @*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#Local strains A. oryzae KKB4 and R. oryzae KP1R1 were able to reduce and detoxify deoxynivalenol in solid substrates. This study provides supporting data to control mycotoxin that is critical for food and feed safety.

Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 690-694, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-857264


Aim To study the inhibitory effect of ex-opolysaccharide from Rhizopus nigricans ( EPS) combined with oxaliplatin on colon cancer in rats and its mechanism. Methods Colon cancer model in rats was established by subcutaneous injection of 1,2-dime-thylhydrazine ( DMH). The experimental rats were randomly divided into five groups: Control group, model group, EPS group (150 mg • kg-1 ) , oxaliplatin group (10 mg • kg-1 ) and EPS + oxaliplatin group. The his-topathological changes of colon tissues in rats were observed by HE staining. The expression levels of Sur-vivin, caspase-3 and caspase-7 proteins in colon tissues were detected by Western blot and immunohisto-chemistry. Results HE staining results showed that the damage degree of colon tissues could be significantly improved in treatment groups. Compared with model group, the expression of Survivin protein in treatment groups decreased significantly, and the expression of caspase-3 and caspase-7 proteins increased ( P < 0. 05). Conclusions Both EPS and oxaliplatin inhibit colon cancer in rats, and the synergistic effect is more remarkable. Its mechanism may be through inhibiting the expression of Survivin protein and increasing the expression of caspase-3 and caspase-7 proteins, thereby promoting the apoptosis of tumor cells and inhibiting the occurrence and development of tumors.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 38(1): 27-31, ene.-mar. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-888543


Resumen La mucormicosis es una infección aguda causada por hongos oportunistas pertenecientes al orden de los mucorales, que afecta principalmente a pacientes diabéticos e inmunosuprimidos. Se reporta el caso de un hombre diabético de 63 años de edad, que se extrajo una pieza dental por sus propios medios y, posteriormente, desarrolló una mucormicosis rino-órbito-cerebral con afección cutánea y palatina. La especie aislada mediante cultivos micológicos fue Rhizopus sp.

Abstract Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis from dental origin is an acute infection caused by opportunistic fungi belonging to the order of Mucorales, which affects mainly diabetic and immunocompromised patients. We report the case of a 63-year old diabetic man who performed a dental extraction on himself by his own means and subsequently developed a rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis with cutaneous and palatal affection. The species isolated in the mycological culture was Rhizopus sp.

Humanos , Masculino , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Diabetes Mellitus/microbiologia , Mucorales/química , Mucormicose/microbiologia , Diabetes Mellitus/imunologia , Mucormicose/diagnóstico
Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(supl.1): 178-184, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974320


Abstract Glycerol from spent oil was processed by transesterification for biodiesel production. Although glycerol contains many types of impurities, it can be used as a C-source for lactic acid production by fungi, such as Rhizopus microsporus. In this study, we found that wild type R. microsporus (LTH23) produced more lactic acid than the mutant strains on cabbage glycerol media (CG media). More lactic acid was produced on CG media than on cabbage extract media (C media) by about two-fold in batch fermentation conditions. In addition, we found that lactic acid production in a fed-batch process was also slightly higher than in a batch process. To study the combined effects of pH, urea, and glycerol waste concentration on lactic acid production, a response surface methodology was used. The optimum pH, urea, and glycerol waste concentrations were pH 6.5, 3.75 g/L, and 17 g/L, respectively. The maximum lactic acid production predicted by this equation model was 4.03 g/L.

Rhizopus/metabolismo , Brassica/química , Ácido Láctico/metabolismo , Glicerol/metabolismo , Resíduos/análise , Brassica/metabolismo , Brassica/microbiologia , Biotransformação , Culinária , Meios de Cultura/metabolismo , Meios de Cultura/química , Biocombustíveis/análise , Fermentação , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469656


Abstract Glycerol from spent oil was processed by transesterification for biodiesel production. Although glycerol contains many types of impurities, it can be used as a C-source for lactic acid production by fungi, such as Rhizopus microsporus. In this study, we found that wild type R. microsporus (LTH23) produced more lactic acid than the mutant strains on cabbage glycerol media (CG media). More lactic acid was produced on CG media than on cabbage extract media (C media) by about two-fold in batch fermentation conditions. In addition, we found that lactic acid production in a fed-batch process was also slightly higher than in a batch process. To study the combined effects of pH, urea, and glycerol waste concentration on lactic acid production, a response surface methodology was used. The optimum pH, urea, and glycerol waste concentrations were pH 6.5, 3.75 g/L, and 17 g/L, respectively. The maximum lactic acid production predicted by this equation model was 4.03 g/L.