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Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1413411


Background: Road Traffic Accident is an incident on a way or street open to public traffic. It becomes one of the most significant public health problems in the world especially in developing countries. In Ethiopia, it represents a significant risk for morbidity and mortality. It is also the major public health problem even though studies done on this topic in the study area is limited. Objective: To assess clinical pattern, associated factors and management outcomes among road traffic accident Victims attending emergency department of Jimma University Medical Center. Methods: Hospital based cross sectional study design was employed to review patients' chart visited the hospital from March to April 2021. A systematic random sampling technique was applied. The data were collected using pretested checklist and analyzed using SPSS version 26. Descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression were computed. Variables with P<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: About 49.6%) were pedestrians injured of which motorcycle accounted 42.9%. More than half of victims never got any type of prehospital care. On arrival, 38.7% were classified as Red of which 71.4% of them were managed surgically. About 84.9% of victims were discharged with improvement whereas12.6% were died. Victims with head injury (AOR= 16.61: 95% CI; 3.85, 71.71), time elapsed to reach nearby health facility (AOR= 3.30; 95 CI (1.13, 9.60), condition of patient at Emergency Department (AOR= 7.78; 95% CI: 2.33, 26.06), GCS at admission (AOR= 20.12; 95% CI: 7.23, 55.96) and days spent in hospital (AOR= 6.85; 95% CI 5.81, 8.06) were independent predictors of unfavorable outcome. Conclusion: Road Traffic Accident represents a significant risk for morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia, of which head injury and multiple sites injury increase injury severity. Targeted approaches to improving care of the injured victims may improve outcomes. Thus, the clinician should take into consideration the clinical presentation and give due attention to the identified contributing factors in its management.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ferimentos e Lesões , Acidentes de Trânsito , Trânsito Viário , Fatores de Risco de Acidentes de Trânsito Viário , Veículos Automotores
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216971


Introduction: Open fractures are more commonly seen in tibia as compared to other bones because of subcutaneous location and the tenuous soft tissue cover. There has been rise in open tibia fractures with increased road traffic accidents. Management of open tibial fracture remains controversial. Ilizarov external fixator is a better option for the treatment of these fractures. This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical outcome of open tibial fractures managed with an Ilizarov external fixator. Material & Methods: Twelve patients among those who presented to the emergency department with Type II, Type IIIA and Type IIIB Gustilo-Anderson type open tibial fracture were enrolled. All these cases were treated by Ilizarov external fixator and appropriate wound management. Active movements were started at the earliest after the surgery. Partial weight bearing with support was started from the second day after the surgery. Results: Mean age of the study subjects was 37.66 ± 8.77 years. Half of the patients had Type IIIB GustiloAnderson type fractures. The mean duration of fracture union was 7.1 months. Pin tract infection of the wires was the more common among complications. Excellent to good outcome was seen in 90% of study subjects. Conclusion: Ilizarov external fixator gives stable fixation of the open tibial fractures and allows better wound care. It also helps in early ambulation and rehabilitation of these patients.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219761


Background:Mandible fractures constitutethe substantial proportion of cases of maxillofacial trauma . This study is to evaluate and compare cases of mandibular fracture based on its etiology, age, gender, anatomical distribution and treatment modalities.Material And Methods:The study was carried out on 72 cases of mandible fracture patients who were admitted in Otorhinolaryngology department of Sir.T.Hospital and Government Medical College, Bhavnagar from August 2019 to August 2020.Result:Age: <10years –12.8%, 11 to 20years –24.8%, 21 to 30years -29%, 31 to 40years –22%, 41 to 50years –6.4%, >50years-5%.Gender:Male-81.3%, Female-18.7% .Etiology:Road traffic accidents-62%, fall down-22%, assault-12.8%, sports-3%. Site Of Fracture:Body of mandible -30%, angle-25%, condyle-20%, parasymphysis-14%, symphysis-6%, ramus-3%, coronoid-2%.Treatment:Plating-24%, wiring-11.9%, Plating+wiring-60%, conservative –4.1%. Conclusion:Age:The age group between 21 to 30years of age were most commonly affected.Gender: Males are more commonly affected than females.Cause:Road Traffic Aaccidentsbeing the most commom cause of mandible fracture.Site:Body of mandible being the most common site to be fractured followed by angle and condyle of mandible. Mode Of Treatment:Plating And Wiring was the most common surgical method required for the fracture treatment.

International Eye Science ; (12): 199-203, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-862411


@#AIM: To study the effects of blunt trauma of eye on visual acuity and retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL).<p>METHODS: A prospective observational study was done on the patients of a road traffic accident(RTA)having blunt trauma injury of the eye from august 2018 to July 2019 at the Department of Ophthalmology, Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki. Patients between the age group of 20 to 65 years undergoing RTA with ocular complaints were included in this study. Colour vision, contrast sensitivity, and best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA)were recorded, RNFL analysis was done through OCT.<p>RESULT: A total of 108 patients were enrolled in this study and were grouped as 54 cases and 54 controls. The mean age was 43±2.3 years with 11(20.4%)females and 43(79.6%)males in the case group. At initial visit after RTA, the difference between color vision, contrast sensitivity and BCVA between right and left eyes of cases and controls were significant. After a follow up of 3mo only significant difference was noted in contrast sensitivity between cases and control groups. Change in color vision and BCVA after 3mo was insignificant. Similarly, an initial significant difference was noted in mean RNFL thickness between cases and control groups, but after follow up of 3mo mean RNFL thickness difference was significant only in superior and temporal quadrants.<p>CONCLUSION:RTA or blunt trauma of eye can lead to persistent RNFL thinning and decreased visual function.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213068


Background: All patients who presented to the emergency and trauma with a clinical evidence of hand injury were assessed based on the history and examination, mechanism of injury, common patterns of the injuries, management of the injuries and their functional outcome. The aim and objective were to study the mode, pattern, management and early outcome of hand injury cases attending Department of Emergency Medicine and trauma.Methods: This was a hospital based descriptive study, of patients presenting with hand injuries to the emergency department. The management plan was formulated and the outcomes of the treatment were assessed by limb function loss and Quick DASH 9 score.Results: Majority of our study population belonged to 16 to 35 years age group comprising of mostly males. Most of the incidents occurred within 50 km from our hospital. The mean duration to arrival at our hospital from site of injury was 2.71±2.61 hours. Road traffic accident in males and thermal burns in females were common. Fractures to phalanges of index and middle fingers were the most common type of injury. The average calculated Quick DASH 9 score was found to be 51.24±9.89.Conclusions: Hand injuries were found to be more prevalent in lower socioeconomic strata of the society with education status and occupation as major risk factors. Increased awareness and better implementation of traffic rules and better safety measures at workplace environment are the need of the hour to decrease the burden of hand injury.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205621


Background: India being a developing country faces a double burden of communicable disease and increasing burden of non-communicable disease like road traffic accidents. The year 2000–2011 was declared “Decade of action for road safety” by the UN General Assembly with a goal to reduce and stabilize road traffic accidents. Age groups from 15 to 19 years and second 5 to 14 years are more commonly exposed to road traffic accidents (RTAs), with this background, the study was focused on school-children. Objectives: The objectives of the study were as follows: (i) To study the sociodemographic profile of the study population and (ii) to study the knowledge, attitude, and practices of road safety rules and regulations among higher secondary school students. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 266 higher secondary school students in Lokikere, field practice area of S. S. Institute of Medical Sciences, Davangere. Data were collected using pre-tested questionnaire for a period of 2 months from October 2019 to November 2019. Results: Among 266 students, 97.7% of students have received knowledge from their teacher and 61.2% of higher secondary school students have adequate knowledge and positive attitude regarding road safety rules and regulations, even after 95.5% of students having adequate knowledge of age to attain driving license still 23.4% of them drive vehicle without obtaining license, of which 48.3% drive vehicle without parent’s knowledge and 29% of them have been exposed to RTA. Conclusion: Majority of the students have good knowledge of road safety. Around 95% of the students have adequate knowledge, 61.2% of students have positive attitude regarding road safety rules. About 23% of the students drove vehicles without license, among whom 48.3% drove vehicles without parents knowledge and 29% of them have been exposed to RTA.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202012


Background: Road traffic accidents are an emerging global health problem. It is projected that road traffic injuries will move up to the third by the year 2020 among leading causes of the global disease burden.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 248 truck drivers in Dunkuni area Hooghly for a period of 2 years from August 2017 to July 2018. By simple random sampling 248 truck drivers were selected from 641 registered drivers of the two-truck driver’s association. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethics committee of AIIH and PH, Kolkata. After getting informed written consent for participation, the pre-designed pre-tested schedule was filled up. Data was analysed using SPSS16 version and bivariate analysis was done. For knowledge score (12 items), each item of positive response was scored as +2 and for negative response +1. Stress among truck drivers was assessed using perceived stress scale.Results: Mean age of the participants was 37 years. 24.2% participants studied up to secondary school and 134 (54%) belonged to class IV. 21.0% had history of alcohol addiction, 80.6% had high stress. Adequate knowledge of traffic sign was observed among 79.8% participants and overall adequate knowledge was found among 135 (54.4%) participants.Conclusions: Regular behavioural change communication sessions and intermittent sessions on safe-driving methods among truckers may prove beneficial in preventing road traffic accidents.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210301


Background:Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are an important cause of mortality and morbidity worldwideand are highly on rise. Its socioeconomic repercussions are a matter of great concern. In order to control the losses created due to RTA, it is important to study its causative factors.Aim and Objectives:To study the various epidemiological factors related to road traffic accident cases.Methodology:It was a Cross-sectional study that was conducted in two tertiary care hospitals of Kashmir (Government Hospital for Bone and Joint surgery, Barzulla and SMHS Hospital, Srinagar) from Oct 2018 to Nov 2018. Study participants were RTA patients coming to the Emergency of these two hospitals. A pretested semi-structured interview schedule was used to collect necessary information regarding the accident.Results:RTAs affected mainly the people of productive age group (20-40 years) which were predominantly male. Approximately 1/6thof the victims were illiterate and 2/5th of the victims were unemployed. Most of the accidents occurred on Saturdays (26%) and Sundays (22.5%) while less number of accidents wasreported on Tuesdays (5.0%) and Wednesdays (5.0%). Most of the accidents (39%) occurred between 16:01 to 20:00 hours. Use of Safety measures (helmet/seatbelt) was reported by only 24% of the cases. Two wheeler drivers were more (61.5%) involved in accidents (61.5%). Weather condition at the time of accident in majority of the cases (53.5%) was found to be sunny.Conclusion:Most of the factors that are responsible for RTA and its multiple consequences are preventable. A comprehensive programme can reduce the prevalence of RTA to a great degree

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212048


Background: Blunt Abdominal trauma is one of the most common injuries caused due to road traffic accidents. The rapid increase in number of motor vehicles and its aftermath has caused rapid increase in number of victims due to blunt abdominal trauma. As the care of patients with blunt abdominal injuries is largely a surgical responsibility and abdominal injuries involving major hemorrhage from solid viscera constitute surgical emergencies. Abdominal blunt traumas represent a real diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to even a most experienced surgeon, thereby representing importance of its study. Early diagnosis and effective management help in decreasing mortality in blunt abdominal trauma.Methods: Prospective study of 50 patients admitted to the institute with history of Blunt Abdominal Trauma. After initial resuscitation of the patients, thorough assessments for injuries were carried out in all the patients. Documentation of patients, which included identification, history, clinical findings, diagnostic test, operative findings, operative procedures and complications during the stay in the hospital were all recorded on a Performa specially prepared. The management was decided depending upon history, clinical examination and investigations.Results: Males were predominantly affected, and most cases were between the age group of 21-40 years (76%). Majority of the patients (90%) presented with the complaint of abdominal pain followed by abdominal distension (56%). 36(60%) patients were managed conservatively while operative interventions were required in 24(40%) patients. The common surgeries performed in the patients included splenectomy, primary closure of perforation and resection and anastomosis of bowel. Majority of the patients (80%) were discharged within 20 days of admission. The mortality in present study was 13.3%.Conclusions: Blunt Abdominal Trauma is one of the important causes of morbidity and mortality in young adults. Immediate resuscitative measures, management of associated injuries and appropriate operative intervention are important parts of management of such cases.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201869


Background: Worldwide, road traffic accident (RTA) poses a public health and development challenge and greatly affects the human capital development of every nation. This study aims in providing tangible evidences about determinants of road traffic accident cases at tertiary care center with a good area coverage giving insight into burden of RTA.Methods: This study was cross sectional hospital based study done in Rajendra Institute of Medical Science Ranchi, Jharkhand. Patients coming to emergency department were recorded and followed in ENT, neurosurgery and orthopedics department of RIMS, Ranchi in the period of one month (15th January to 20th Febuary2019).Results: Most of the patients were (59%) among the age group of 19-35 years of which 89.5% of the patients were male. 84.8% of the accident took place while motorcycle was driven. 53.3% of the patients were without license. Majority of the cases were driving between the speed of 30-60 km/hr at the time of accident. Majority of cases were not wearing helmet at time of accident (76%). Majority of accidents took place in state highway (53.3%) (roads connecting major cities of states). 59% of the accident took place at T-type junction. Major factor responsible was unusual behavior of man and animal (19%) and followed by overtaking (18.1%). Majority of the accidents were due to front collision (34.3%).Conclusions: There is a need for encouraging and promoting safe driving behavior among community members by the awareness through road safety campaigns and enforcement of road traffic laws to bring down the burden of RTA

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201847


Background: The UN General Assembly declared 2011-2020 as the "Decade of Action for Road Safety” with the goal to stabilize and reduce the increasing trend in road traffic fatalities. The objective of the study was to assess awareness and practices on road safety among adolescent school children and to determine any factors associated with awareness and practices on road safety with selected socio-demographic variable.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 2306 adolescent school students studying in classes VIII-XII in various schools selected by random sampling technique in two districts of Manipur during June 2018. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Based on the percentile, awareness level of the students was grouped into good, average and poor. Descriptive statistics like mean, SD and analytical statistics such as Chi-squared test were used. A p-value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant.Results: The mean (SD) age of the 2306 students was 15.29±1.4 year. Majority of the students belongs to late adolescents. Only 10% of the students have good awareness level on road safety. Majority of the students’ drives two wheelers (96.7%), does not possess driving license (89.1%) and around two-fifths used mobile phone while driving. Around 30% of the students were ever exposed to road traffic accident. Statistically significant association was found between late adolescents, boys, higher class, increase in parent’s educational level with good awareness level.Conclusions: Few students have good awareness level on road safety measures. Therefore, awareness campaigns regarding road traffic safety should be included in the compulsory training program of schools.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211533


Background: Chest trauma constitutes a major public health problem which  includes the injuries to chest wall, pleura, tracheobronchial tree, lungs, diaphragm, oesophagus, heart and great vessels. It consist of more than ten percent of all traumas and twenty five percent of death due to trauma occurs because of chest injury. Chest trauma is increasing in frequency in urban hospitals. Penetrating and nonpenetrating thoracic injuries the most serious injuries leading to significant morbidity and mortality.Methods: This study was prospective observational study of 220 patients of thoracic trauma both penetrating and non-penetrating. These patients admitted in general surgical units from August 2017 to May 2018  of Pandit Bhagwat Dayal  Sharma,  PGIMS  Rohtak Haryana India. The study was pertaining to both penetrating  and non-penetrating chest trauma.Results: Out of 220 chest injury patients who were studied during the said period, Males were 203 and females 17 by a ratio of 12:1 and age ranged from lowest 18 years to 85 years of age. Majority of the patients (90.45%) sustained blunt injuries. RTA was the common mechanism of blunt injury affecting (50.45%) of patients. Multiple Rib fractures was the commonest type of chest injury (21.36%) followed by head injury (17.27%). Head injury was the commonest associated injury seen in our patients. Conclusions: Chest trauma resulting from road traffic accident remains a major mechanism of chest injury. The  measures to decrease the trauma are, educating people about traffic rules and regulations and strictly implementing them is necessary to reduce incidence of chest injuries.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-191969


Background: Every year about 5 million people die worldwide due to Injuries, Road traffic Injuries are a neglected public health problem. In the state of Tamil Nadu, India the total number of road accidents has been on a constant rise. Objective: This study aims to provide a description of the reported road traffic accidents in Tamil Nadu based on location, injury rates and fatality rates. Methods: Secondary data on Road traffic accidents was collected from state and national reports published on various authentic sources. Cluster analysis was carried. Result: Two-wheelers accounted for the highest share in total road accidents, Males were found to have higher risk than females. The districts with high injury rates were Villupuram, Ariyalur, Cuddalore, Thiruvarur, Kanchipuram and Nagapatinam. If the current circumstances continue, we predicted that, by the year 2023 the total number of accidents will be approximately 75985 in Tamilnadu. Conclusion: The Tamil Nadu Governments efforts to stop and reverse the increasing trend in the number of road traffic accidents, deaths, injuries through adoption of comprehensive measures covering Engineering, Education, Emergency care and Enforcement is seeing its results, but there is a need for more effective implementation across the state.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-191846


Driving is a complex task, requiring coordination between multiple mental and physical faculties. Distractions lead to delayed recognition of information needed to drive safely. It is essential to understand distracted driving practices to regulate them and reduce crash risk. This study aims to identify common distractors among professional vehicle drivers in South India. Methodology: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted on professional drivers of three-and four-wheeled vehicles. Epicollect 5, a mobile-based data collection tool, was used for data collection and entry. Results: Among 82 male professional drivers (57.3% car, 35.4% bus/lorry), with a mean (standard deviation) age of 38.4 (10.6) years, all reported being distracted by at least one of the listed distractors. Mobile phone usage and cognitive distractions were reported by 75.6% and 79.3%, respectively. Younger drivers (P = 0.005) and those with less than a decade of driving experience (P = 0.038) were more likely to use mobiles while driving. Drivers reporting cognitive distractions were more likely to have met with an accident than those who did not (44.6% vs. 23.5%). Conclusions: Distracted driving is common among professional drivers. Cognitive distractions are as common as distractions due to mobile phones. Sensitization of drivers and strict enforcement of legislation are recommended.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189247


Traffic accidents have become one of the leading causes of death in recent times. Out of all types of accidents confronting the mankind, traffic accidents claim a major share and the morbidity and mortality due to these is progressively on increase. On a general analysis, several factors seem to be responsible for causing these accidents on the roads including errors on the part of the drivers of the vehicles, the pedestrians or victims, lack of proper traffic system, mechanical defects or failures in the vehicles, bad condition of the roads, overcrowding and encroachment of the main roads or junctions and poor visibility on the pathways. The present study is aimed to assess the magnitude of the problem in northern part of the state. Methods: The present work was carried out categorising subjects into two groups. The first group was of those victims bought directly to the mortuary from the site of accident and the second group of those victims who succumbed due to injuries received in the accident in course of treatment in the hospital and later brought to mortuary for autopsy. A case-sheet was prepared for each individual case and all information as per the proforma were noted in it. Results: In the present series, a study of 75 cases of traffic accidents have been made. These cases accounted for 23.43% of total medicolegal autopsies conducted in the department during the period. This figure indicated that fatal traffic accidents have a considerable share among all unnatural deaths. Conclusion: The present study revealed that traffic accidents take a heavy toll of human lives in this region. Being preventable this should be given due consideration by public health authorities, all the members of medical profession, road safety authorities, legislators and other concerned persons. All the safety measures to prevent these should be evaluated from time to time so that the problems could be highlighted and newer methods employed for safe guarding majority of the population at risk from falling prey of these.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200819


Background: India’s traffic problem over the years has been the root cause of many deaths. During an medical emer-gency like organ transplantation over long distances, the unsuitability of roads and highways hamper in the worst way possible. In a developing unplanned country like India, where lane discipline is an alien concept, emergency lanes won’t sustain as of now. Thus, for provision of better health services, a temporary emergency lane has been implemented in organ transplantation cases known as a ‘Green Corridor’. It is a special route with manual operation of street signals and traffic to avoid any hindrances that could come in the way of an ambulance. Aims and Objec-tives:To learn about the awareness, strategies and possibilities of Green Corridor in India. Material and Method:This was an interventional study by the undergraduate students of Rural Medical College, Pravara Institute of Medi-cal Sciences, Loni, Maharashtra. The study also included 350 Students and 150 Faculty members of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) and Practicing Doctors of Central Maharashtra were included in the survey. The survey conducted was in a pre and post-test format. Results:The study involved 500 participants out of which 135 were medical faculty and practicing doctor and 350 were students of Rural Medical College. The awareness among medical students about green corridor increased from 14% to 61%, while it went up to 71% from 26% in med-icalfacultyafterintervention.Willingnesstodonateorgansincreasedfrom57%to66%and78%to85%amongmed-icalstudentsandmedicalfaculty,respectively.Theparticipantsgavesuggestionstomakeavailableairambulance&emergency roads and increase awareness regarding green corridor. Conclusion: From the survey conducted, it can be perceived that there is a massive lack of awareness about Green Corridor as well as reluctance for organ dona-tion. Therefore, awareness should be created on a large scale so that no person is left oblivious. Even on a smaller scale, an implementation of the suggested strategies could make a massive difference in the present scenario regard-ing medical emergencies.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198381


Background: The incidence and epidemiological causes of maxillofacial trauma and facial fractures varieswidely in different regions of the world. To reduce morbidity and mortality, early recognition of severe headtrauma and concomitant injuries remains an important part of the initial assessment and treatment plan ofseverely injured patients.Purpose of the study: To find out the demographic trends, etiology, pattern of trauma, site and severity offractures and coexisting injuries in patients presented with maxillofacial injury.Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 88 patients during the period from may 2017 to april 2018on patients presented with facio-maxillary injury at S.C.B Medical College & Ashwini Hospital, Cuttack, Govt.Medical College & Hosppital, Balasore, Odisha, India.Results: In this study maxillofacial injuries are more in compare to female (7.8:1). Majority of the cases areobservesd in tha age group 21-30 yr followed by 31 – 40 yr and no cases in more than 70 yr age group. Mostcommon cause is road traffic accident (82.9%) followed by assult (6.8%). Maximum number of patients havefracture of mandible (46.6%) followed by maxilla (31.8%). Mandibular fractures occurred most commonly in theparasymphyseal region (35.2%), followed by body (23.8%). Fracture of maxilla bone was present commonly atbody in 15 (53.6%) cases followed by blow out fracture (21.5%). Most of the faciomaxillary trauma patients haveassociated injuries like head injury (52.3%) followed by Extremities injury (36.4%).Conclusion: Maxillofacial injuries commonly due to road traffic accidents are more frequent in male. The routineuse of a head as well as full-body CT scan for all severely injured patients is recommended to ensure that noconcomitant injury is overlooked.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186901


Background: Road traffic accidents (RTAs) have emerged as an important public health issue which needs to be tackled by a multi-disciplinary approach. The trend in RTA injuries and death is becoming alarming in countries like India. The number of fatal and disabling road accident happening is increasing day by day and it is a real public health challenge for all the concerned agencies to prevent it. This article is intended to create awareness among the health professionals about the various modalities available to prevent road accidents and also to inculcate a sense of responsibility towards spreading the message of road safety. Materials and methods: This was a prospective study of 230 patients between April 2016 to December 2017 reporting at General surgery, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery Department in Government Doon Medical College, Dehradun. Both indoor and OPD patients were included in this study. Data was gathered using a self-administered questionnaire with closed ended questions being addressed to the participants. Results: Total of 230 accident victims was included in this study. Among them, 195 (85%) were males and 35 (15%) were female. Out of 230 respondents, 180 (78.26%) were involved in the accidents on normal working days, 30 (13.04%) of the accidents occurred during weekends and 4 (8.70%) on public holidays, Speeding 50 (21.74%) was one of the most significant personal factor associated with RTAs. Alcohol intoxication 35(15.22%), reckless driving 45 (19.57%) and tiredness of the driver 30 (13.04%) are the important personal factors associated with RTAs. Mohit Goyal, Dhananjay Dobhal, Ashutosh Sayana, Salyl Dobhal, Aditya Goyal. Study of epidemiology of road traffic accidents. IAIM, 2018; 5(4): 23-28. Page 24 Conclusion: Most countries have a multidisciplinary approach to traffic planning and road design. It is done by psychologists, engineers, doctors, sociologists, vehicle experts, etc., in India; road traffic is still a civil engineering issue. Lessons can be learnt from the eminent guidelines and good practices for good behavior on the roads practiced in developed countries where safety, orderliness, and discipline are ingrained in the citizens, come what may. Mere celebration of the annual Road Safety Week during the first week of January does not serve any purpose. Drivers should learn to show consideration and respect to co-vehicle drivers and pedestrians so that our roads become safer.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780671


@#Child restraint system (CRS) can protect children in the event of crash and reduce the severity of injuries. As such, it is crucial to understand the prevalence of CRS usage and knowledge attributes on CRS usage among drivers. This study aims to assessdrivers’ knowledge on CRS usage.A semi-structured questionnaire was developed and pilot tested to verify its validity and reliability. The questionnaireaddressesdrivers’ knowledge about CRS currently available in the Malaysian market, the types of restraints used and views on fitting restraints to passenger vehicles. Seventy four percentfrom 500 respondents cited that they are usingor theyhave used CRS,64% knowabout CRS and its function, and 43% areawareof ISOFIX. In short, majority of the respondents are aware of CRS use and functions. Awareness and education program should berigorously introduced to public towards the implementation of the CRS law.

Sistemas de Proteção para Crianças
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186849


The present study consists of 100 road traffic injury cases admitted in our tertiary health care centre. In the present study, males victims (84 cases, 84%) outnumbered the females victims (16 cases, 16%) with an approximate male female ratio of 5:1. Four wheelers and two wheelers involving mainly pedestrians were the most common cause for fatal head injury seen in 66 cases, 66%. Multiple abrasions were the most commonly seen external injury, seen in 68 cases, 68%. Skull bone fracture was seen in 40 cases, 40%. Temporal and parietal bones were common site of fracture seen in 41 cases, 41%.The mean survival period was 73.42 hours, range being 6 hours to 600 hours.