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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018378


Objective Data mining method was used to analyze the Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites collected from the major domestic literature databases and the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions),so as to explore their potential prescription and medication rules,and to provide references for the treatment of venomous snake bites in the primary hospitals.Methods The Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites were retrieved from the CNKI,VIP and Wanfang databases,and the ancient formulas for treating venomous snake bites were screened in the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions).Excel software was used to extract the relevant information of the formulas,and R language was used to analyze the medication frequency,properties,flavors and meridian tropism of the herbs as well as their association rules and clustering analysis.Results A total of 187 prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bite were obtained,involving 284 Chinese herbal medicines.The top 15 Chinese herbal medicines in decreasing sequence of medication frequency were Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Angelicae Dahuricae Radix,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Paridis Rhizoma,Rehmanniae Radix,Coptidis Rhizoma,Scutellariae Radix,Lonicerae Japonicae Flos,Paeoniae Radix Rubra,Moutan Cortex,Hedyotis Diffusae Herba,Imperatae Rhizoma,Plantaginis Herba,and Scutellariae Barbatae Herba.The flavor of herbs in the prescription for the treatment of venomous snakebite was usually bitter,pungent and sweet,and their property was relatively cold.Most of the herbs had the meridian tropism of the liver meridian and lung meridian.The core prescription mainly composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,and Paridis Rhizoma was obtained after association rule analysis and cluster analysis.Conclusion The herbs for the treatment of venomous snake bites often have the actions of clearing heat and removing toxins,and the prescription is usually composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Paridis Rhizoma together with the compatibility of medicines for clearing heat and cooling blood,extinguishing wind and arresting convulsion,clearing heat and promoting urination.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018405


Objective To analyze the selection rules and characteristics of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of temporomandibular disorder(TMD)based on data mining techniques.Methods Computerized search of major databases such as CNKI,Wanfang,VIP,and CBM from January 2002 to June 2022.After screening and standardized treatment of acupuncture prescriptions,data analysis was performed to explore the selection and characteristics of core acupoints.Results A total of 92 papers were included,and 108 valid prescriptions and 36 acupuncture points were extracted with a total frequency of 555 times.Among them,11 high-frequency acupoints in the top 10 of the total frequency were used,including Xiaguan(ST7),Hegu(LI4),Jiache(ST6),Tinggong(SI19),Yifeng(SJ17),Ashi,Zusanli(ST36),Quanliao(SI18),Shangguan(GB3),Fengchi(GB20),Tinghui(GB2),with a total of 481 times,accounting for 85.79%of the total frequency.The association rules showed a very strong correlation and co-occurrence between Xiaguan(ST7),Hegu(LI4),Jiache(ST6),Tinggong(SI19),and the cluster analysis yielded 4 core clusters.Conclusion Acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of this disease mainly follows the principle of"the main treatment should reach where the meridians pass",and the core combination of selected points is:Xiaguan(ST7)-Hegu(LI4)-Jiache(ST6)-Tinggong(SI19).

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018453


Objective To explore the medication rules of Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling's prescriptions for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation(LDH)based on data mining method,so as to provide reference for the treatment of LDH with Chinese medicine.Methods The prescriptions for the effective cases of outpatients of LDH treated by Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling in the recent 5 years were collected.The medication frequency of Chinese medicines in the included prescriptions and the distribution of their properties,flavors and meridian tropism were investigated.Moreover,the association rule analysis and cluster analysis of the high-frequency drugs were carried out.Results A total of 164 prescriptions were included and 168 Chinese medicines were used.The top 10 high-frequency drugs in descending order were Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix,Chuanxiong Rhizoma,Pheretima,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle,Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix,Angelicae Sinensis Radix,Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata,Persicae Semen,Cyperi Rhizoma,and Carthami Flos.The properties of the prescribed drug were mainly warm and mild in nature,and bitter and pungent in flavor,and mainly had the meridian tropism of the liver,kidney and spleen meridians.According to the therapeutic actions,the drugs were mainly categorized as deficiency-supplementing drugs,dampness-removing and collateral-unblocking drugs,and blood-activating and stasis-removing drugs.The results of association rule analysis yielded 10 drug pairs,and cluster analysis yielded 6 core drug combinations.Conclusion For the treatment of LDH,Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling usually adopts the Chinese medicine for supplementing the deficiency and supporting healthy-qi,together with the medicines for nourishing the liver and kidney and regulating the spleen and stomach from the perspective of liver,kidney and spleen.Moreover,therapy of activating blood and removing stasis is also stressed,pathogen-eliminating medicines for removing dampness,unblocking collaterals and clearing heat are used based on syndrome differentiation,and then simultaneous application of purging and nourishing therapeutics is achieved through the utilization of purging method after supplementing method.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018459


Objective To study the acupoint selection and medication rules of acupoint application as an advantageous therapy in treating stroke.Methods The clinical literature from CNKI,Wanfang,CBMdisc,and other databases were searched,and Excel 2013 was used to count the frequency of disease,acupoint selection,and medication,and to analyze the acupoint selection rules using SPSS 25.0 and SPSS Modeler.Results Finally,523 articles were included in the literature,among which,the literature on the treatment of post-stroke constipation with acupoint patch was the most,and the related literature was further screened to analyze the acupoint selection and medication rules,and it was concluded that the most frequently applied acupoints of acupoint application for the treatment of post-stroke constipation were Shenque(RN8),Tianshu(ST25),Zhongwan(RN12),Zusanli(ST36),and the acupoints were mainly taken from conception vessel,stomach meridian and gallbladder meridian,and the core prescriptions were Shenque,Tianshu,Zhongwan,Qihai(RN6),Guanyuan(RN4),Zusanli.For the treatment of post-stroke constipation,acupoint application is often used with Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Aurantii Fructus Immaturus,Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis,Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus and Borneolum Syntheticum,among which,warm and cold nature drugs are mainly used,and bitter drugs are most frequently used among five flavors,and most frequently enter to the spleen meridian;and the core prescription is Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Aurantii Fructus Immaturus,Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis,Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus and Borneolum Syntheticum.Conclusion Acupoint application is an advantageous treatment for treating post-stroke constipation.The selection of acupoints was based on the conception vessel and stomach meridian,and the medication used were mainly focusing on those with functions of unblocking the bowels and directing qi downward,supplemented by strengthening the spleen and benefiting qi,warming the meridians and nourishing the blood.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018460


Objective To analyze the acupoint selection rules of acupuncture for the treatment of tic disorders in children based on data mining techniques.Methods A computerized search was conducted for the clinical research literature on acupuncture treatment of tic disorders in children included in the CNKI,Wanfang,VIP,SinoMed,and PubMed databases from January 1992 to December 2022.A database was established by Excel 2019 to count the commonly used treatment methods and analyze the high-frequency application methods acupuncture(high-frequency acupoints,channel entry of acupoints,acupoint association rules,and acupoint clustering),auricular point seed-pressing(high-frequency auricular points,and acupoint association rules),and the high frequency division of cluster needling of scalp point.Results A total of 190 valid literature articles were included,involving 270 acupuncture prescriptions;among them,184 acupoints were counted in the acupuncture method,with a total application frequency of 1 906 times,and the high-frequency application of the acupoints in descending order were Baihui(DU20),Taichong(LR3),Fengchi(GB20),Hegu(LI4),Sanyinjiao(SP6),Neiguan(PC6),Shenmen(HT7),Zusanli(ST36),Yintang(EX-HN3),Sishencong(EX-HN1);and the high-frequency meridians were governor vessol,foot taiyang stomach meridian,foot taiyang stomach meridian,foot shaoyang gallbladder meridian,hand taiyang large intestine meridian,foot taiyang bladder meridian,foot jueyin gallbladder meridian;three sets of strong association rules and five clusters of acupoints were analyzed by SPSS modeler 18.0 and IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 software.There were 29 acupoints of auricular point seed-pressing,application total frequency was 206 times,high-frequency application of auricular points in descending order of Shenmen(HT7),liver,heart,subcortex,kidney;four groups of acupoint strong association rules were obtained through the analysis of SPSS modeler 18.0 software.A total of 14 zones were involved in the application of cephalic acupoint plexus zoning,of which the high-frequency zones were parietal anterior temporal diagonal,parietal parietal 1,and chorea tremor control zone.Conclusion Acupuncture treatment of tic disorders in children,according to its pathogenesis(liver hyperactivity,kidney depletion,spleen deficiency,phlegm disturbance,etc.)and tic site,select acupoints compatibility,and mostly choose yang meridian acupoints,which is related to the nature and treatment characteristics of wind pathogen.Children's tic disorders are closely related to emotional disorders,therefore acupuncture and auricular acupoints all emphasize the method of soothing the liver and clearing the heart,and regulating the emotional state.Cluster needling of scalp point mostly used parietal temporal anterior oblique line,parietal 1 line,and dance tremor control area for the treatment of tic disorders.For children,auricular point seed-pressing and cluster needling of scalp point has the minimun of pain,the effect of treatment is long,and it is not easy to have dangerous situations such as bent needle,broken needle and so on.

Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine ; (4): 175-178,191, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019937


Objective The performance characteristics of statistical quality control procedures in Westgard sigma rule are analyzed by using the power function graph.Methods According to the drawing principle of power function graph,the internal quality control program design software of clinical laboratory quantitative measurement was developed.and the Westgard sigma rule quality control procedures were simulated with power function graph.The performance of the quality control procedures recommended by Westgard sigma was analyzed by combining different sigma quality levels.Results The rules recommended by Westgard sigma were relatively simple rules that can meet the requirements of error detection probability and false rejection probability.Conclusion The internal quality control procedure design software for quantitative clinical testing has verified the performance of Westgard sigma recommendation rules.The Westgard sigma rule diagram is intuitive and convenient,the laboratory can use the Westgard sigma recommendation rules for internal quality control.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019975


Objective To understand the internal quality control(IQC)situation of routine biochemical projects in Guizhou Province from 2020 to 2022,and to use the analysis batch length sigma rule to select the appropriate IQC strategy for routine biochemical projects.Methods A sum of 41,41 and 52 laboratories were selected from the laboratories participating in the first external quality assessment(EQA)program of the routine biochemical project in the Guizhou Provincial Center for Clinical Laboratory from 2020 to 2022,which uniformly used two concentration levels of internal quality control products produced by Randox Company in the UK.The coefficient of variation(CV)was calculated based on their IQC information,and then these CV values were used to compare with imprecise performance specifications such as WS/T403-2012 standards.The IQC situation of routine biochemical projects of Guizhou Province in recent years was analyzed.Randomly 15 laboratories were selected each year to report the results of the triglyceride project,and their σ values were calculated.Based on the Westgard sigma rule flowcharts of the analysis batch length,appropriate quality control strategies were selected and the quality goal index(QGI)was calculated to evaluate analytical performance of laboratory detection system.Results In the current monthly CV,the proportion of laboratories that met the WS/T403-2012 standards for Ca and TP projects was relatively low,while the pass rates for 7 projects(P,CK,LDH and other projects)were all above 80%,showing an increasing trend year by year.The proportion of laboratories with the 7 projects(P,CK,LDH and other projects)meeting the performance specifications for biomedical variation(appropriate)all reached 90%,while the proportion of laboratories with 5 projects(Na,Ca,Cl and other projects)was relatively low.The proportion of 10 projects such as P,CK,and LDH in cumulative CV of laboratories that met the performance specifications for biomedical variation(appropriate)was over 90%.For the triglyceride project,from 2020 to 2022,there were 2,5 and 13 laboratories that reached 6 σ horizontal.Compared to values of 2020 and 2021 years,the trend of σ values changes of 2022 was increasing(t=3.855,3.511,P≤0.001),indicating that the analytical performance of these laboratories was getting better and better.Conclusion The IQC levels of routine biochemical projects in Guizhou Province were increasing year by year.The Westgard sigma rule of the analysis batch length is designed with personalized quality control rules for various laboratories in Guizhou Province,thus improving laboratory testing capabilities and better severing clinics.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020524


Objective:Based on data mining, the basic acupoint selection rules of allergic rhinitis were discussed, which provided a reference for the clinical treatment of allergic rhinitis.Methods:Computer search for literature on auriculo-sensitive rhinitis in VIP, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang, China Biomedical Database, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, the search period was from establishment of the database until August 29, 2023. The frequency, symptom type and distribution of ear point prescriptions were counted, and the association rules and cluster analysis of ear point prescriptions were carried out.Results:A total of 109 studies were included, and 127 prescriptions for ear points were extracted, involving 33 ear points. The association rules showed that the lungs, inner nose, adrenal glands and wind creek were the core ear points, and the cluster analysis formed six types of combinations: "spleen, kidney, lung, wind creek""subcortical, trachea, liver, throat, shenmen" "large intestine" "internal nose, adrenal gland" "endocrine" "sympathetic, external nose".Conclusions:Auricle therapy for allergic rhinitis mainly involves lungs, inner nose, adrenal glands and wind creeks, and dialectical acupoints are selected according to internal organs and symptoms, providing reference and reference for clinicians.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029978


Objective:According to the international cooperation project of Peking University Cancer Hospital on human genetic resource management practices, combined with the development direction of human genetic resource management laws and regulations, and propose reference suggestions for medical institutions to strengthen human genetic resource management.Methods:Sort out the projects that Peking University Cancer Hospital obtained international cooperation approval on the government platform of the Ministry of Science and Technology from July 2019 to June 2023, analyze the current situation of human genetic resource management in the hospital, summarize the challenges brought by the implementation of new regulations on human genetic resource management in medical institutions, and propose corresponding suggestions.Results:A total of 1276 international cooperation projects on human genetic resources have been approved, including 345 initial declarations and 931 change declarations. Involving 453 studies, including 286 clinical trials of drugs or devices on the market, accounting for 63.13%, and 100 clinical trials of Phase I drugs, accounting for 34.97% of the market studies. On average, there are 3.14 changes per project for listed research, and 1.56 changes per project for non listed research.Conclusions:Regulations on the Management of Human Genetic Resources ( short for Rules) limit the management scope of international cooperation projects involving human genetic resources and delegate management authority to medical institutions. Adjusting the scope of application for international cooperative clinical trial filing may result in some administrative approval projects being transferred to filing. The approval process for international cooperative scientific research projects on human genetic resources has been adjusted. Suggest medical institutions to strengthen the management of samples and intellectual property outside the scope of application of Rules.Strengthen the entire process management of international cooperation in scientific research. Pay attention to and timely communicate the dynamics of human genetic resource management.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030247


[Objective]To discuss the pathogenesis,hierarchy,treatment and medication rules of deficiency of Yang with hyperactivity of Yin syndrome in Treatise on Febrile Diseases.[Methods]Combining with the medical theory of later physicians,this paper clarifies the pathogenesis and syndrome of deficiency of Yang with hyperactivity of Yin syndrome,explains the mechanism of Yang deficiency and Yin excess syndrome from the perspective of pathophysiology.This paper also analyzes the differences among the various versions of the text of the Shaoyin Chapter including the variations in disease location,the pathogen nature,stomach Qi and body fluid,and inducts the implicit therapeutic principles in the Shaoyin Chapter.[Results]The principle of differentiation and treatment for deficiency of Yang with hyperactivity of Yin syndrome is"protecting stomach Qi and preserving body fluids",which can be subdivided into Taiyin damp earth disease,Shaoyin monarch fire disease,and Jueyin wind wood disease.Through careful observation,questioning,smelling and palpation,combined with the pathological and physiological basis of modern medicine,it can accurately diagnose deficiency of Yang with hyperactivity of Yin syndrome.Shaoyin plays a crucial role in Treatise on Febrile Diseases.The structure of the Shaoyin Chapter is well-organized and can dynamically reflect the changes in the pathogenesis of Shaoyin syndrome,the combination of Shaoyin and Taiyin or Jueyin,or the tri-coordination syndrome of these location.From the text,it can be inferred that the location of the disease begins on the surface and gradually extends to the interior.The treatment methods will include moxibustion,warming the meridians,warming Yang and dredging Yang.The severity of the illness and the presence of phlegm-fluid determine the treatment,which may involve dispersing cold,dispersing fluids,and promoting urination.The degree of exhaustion of bodily fluids may require either reviving Yang for resuscitation or nourishing Yin.[Conclusion]From a pathological and physiological perspective,the mechanisms behind the changes in the primary symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine can be explained.When treating deficiency of Yang with hyperactivity of Yin syndrome,the selection of herbal prescriptions should be based on factors such as the disease location,the pathogen nature,stomach Qi and body fluids.The treatment principles for deficiency of Yang with hyperactivity of Yin syndrome have instructive significance for the treatment of other syndromes as well.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030486


Objective To analyze the medication rules and mechanism of Professor YANG Lixin in the treatment of tic disorder(TD)and to provide reference for the treatment of tic disorder.Methods Medical records of Professor YANG Lixin's treatment of tic disorder from the pediatric outpatient department of Guangdong Hospital of Chinese Medicine in 2016 was collected.Frequency analysis and cluster analysis were carried out by using TCM inheritance assistance platform(V2.5)to obtain the core prescriptions.Then network pharmacological analysis was conducted according to the above results.TCMSP,ETCM,TCMID,Batman and other databases were used to screen the active constituent of core prescription,then Genecard,Drugbank and other databases were used to obtain TD-related disease targets and generate Venn diagram.The drug-disease intersection targets were obtained and uploaded to STRING.The core network was built by using Cytoscape 3.7.2.GO functional enrichment analysis and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of common targets were performed using Metascape database.Finally,molecular docking was performed using AutoDock vina and Pyrx to further screen the core target of the core prescription for TD treatment.Results A total of 3 443 medical records were collected,involving 77 kinds of Chinese medicinals,10 kinds of high-frequency drugs.The medicinal herb in cold nature was the most used.The main meridians were lung meridian and spleen meridian.The mainly medicinal flavor was pungent,sweet and bitter.A total of 32 data and 4 core combinations were obtained from the association rules and the cluster analysis,respectively.There were 145 core active ingredients,220 target genes,1 290 disease targets,and 58 drug-disease common targets for 7 core drugs(Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparatum,Bambusae Caulis in Taenias,Poria,Ostreae Concha,Uncariae Ramulus Cum Uncis).There were 422 GO enrichment items,304 biological processes,44 cellular processes,74 molecular functions,186 biological functions,and 68 KEGG enrichment pathways.The main active ingredients are kaempferol,7-methoxy-2-methyl isoflavone,formononetin and β-sitosterol,which mainly act on SLC6A4,SLC6A3,HTR2A and HTR2C,etc..Signal transduction is regulated through key signaling pathways such as neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction,serotonin synapses,cGMP-PKG.Molecular docking results showed that core targets had strong binding activity with their corresponding compounds.Conclusion Data mining,network pharmacological analysis and molecular docking were used to obtain the medication rules and the mechanism of Professor YANG Lixin for treating TD,which provide ideas for the new prescription combination in treating TD.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 869-880, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011263


Pyran- and furanocoumarins are key representatives of tetrahydropyrans and tetrahydrofurans, respectively, exhibiting diverse physiological and medical bioactivities. However, the biosynthetic mechanisms for their core structures remain poorly understood. Here we combined multiomics analyses of biosynthetic enzymes in Peucedanum praeruptorum and in vitro functional verification and identified two types of key enzymes critical for pyran and furan ring biosynthesis in plants. These included three distinct P. praeruptorum prenyltransferases (PpPT1-3) responsible for the prenylation of the simple coumarin skeleton 7 into linear or angular precursors, and two novel CYP450 cyclases (PpDC and PpOC) crucial for the cyclization of the linear/angular precursors into either tetrahydropyran or tetrahydrofuran scaffolds. Biochemical analyses of cyclases indicated that acid/base-assisted epoxide ring opening contributed to the enzyme-catalyzed tetrahydropyran and tetrahydrofuran ring refactoring. The possible acid/base-assisted catalytic mechanisms of the identified cyclases were theoretically investigated and assessed using site-specific mutagenesis. We identified two possible acidic amino acids Glu303 in PpDC and Asp301 in PpOC as vital in the catalytic process. This study provides new enzymatic tools in the epoxide formation/epoxide-opening mediated cascade reaction and exemplifies how plants become chemically diverse in terms of enzyme function and catalytic process.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026844


Objective To summarize the medication law of TCM in the treatment of chronic bronchitis;To provide reference for clinical medication.Methods Medical records of patients with chronic bronchitis who were hospitalized in the Respiratory Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine from January 1,2016 to December 31,2021 were extracted based on HIS electronic medical record data.After screening,the TCM prescriptions used by patients with chronic bronchitis were input into Excel 2019 to establish a database.Based on the software Lantern 5.0,the latent structure model was learned,hidden variables and explicit variables were obtained,and the model was interpreted.SPSS Modeler 18.0 was used to establish model points with Apriori algorithm for Chinese materia medica with a frequency greater than 6%,to obtain the association rules between drugs,and to analyze the medication law of TCM in treating chronic bronchitis.Results A total of 3 410 cases were included,involving 423 kinds of Chinese materia medica,with a cumulative frequency of 82 766 times.Among them,109 kinds of Chinese materia medica with a frequency of>6 % had a cumulative frequency of 69 845 times.The top five commonly used medicines were Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus,Poria,Atractyodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Asteris Radix et Rhizoma,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,mainly with medicines of reducing cough and phlegm,antiasthmatic medicine,tonifying deficiency,clearing heat,relieving superficies,promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.The medicinal properties were warming,cold and mild,and the main tastes were bitter,sweet and pungent,and the meridians were mainly lung,spleen,liver and stomach meridians.Through analysis of latent structure,49 hidden variables and 149 hidden classes were obtained.Combined with professional knowledge,10 comprehensive clustering models and 21 core formulas were deduced,such as Sangbaipi Decoction,Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction,Xiaoqinglong Decoction,Erchen Decoction,Shashen Maidong Decoction,Liuwei Dihuang Pills,Yinqiao Powder,Zhisou Powder,Yupingfeng Powder,Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction combined with Daotan Decoction,etc.It was concluded that the chronic bronchitis syndrome included phlegm-heat stagnation lung syndrome,qi stagnation blood stasis syndrome,cold fluid attacking lung syndrome,phlegm-dampness accumulation lung syndrome,lung qi and yin deficiency syndrome,kidney yin deficiency syndrome,wind heat attacking lung syndrome,wind cold attacking lung syndrome,lung qi and spleen deficiency syndrome,phlegm stasis interjunction syndrome.A total of 41 strong association rules were screened in the analysis of association rules,including 5 strong association rules for two and 36 strong association rules for three.The high confidence rules were Saposheikovize Radix + Angelicae Sinensis Radix →Atractyodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Saposheikovize Radix + Codonopsis Radix → Atractyodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Codonopsis Radix + Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium → Atractyodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma;the higher degree of improvement were Bupleuri Radix + Mori Cortex → Scutellariae Radix,Perillae Fructus + Belamcandae Rhizoma → Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus,Armeniacae Semen Amarum + Pinelliae Rhizoma → Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,etc.Conclusion In the treatment of chronic bronchitis,TCM is mainly used to reduce phlegm,relieve cough and asthma,and the method of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis is commonly used to help eliminate phlegm.In addition,TCM pays attention to the application of methods such as tonifying lung and securing the exterior,invigorating spleen and benefiting qi.

Horiz. enferm ; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud): 384-406, 28 dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1553594


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las prácticas de crianza en alimentación y la conducta alimentaria han sido ampliamente estudiadas en niños, sin embargo, es necesario proporcionar información sobre su impacto en adultos. La evidencia sugiere que las prácticas de crianza en alimentación pueden tener un impacto en la conducta alimentarias emocional, descontrolada, restrictiva y desordenada, las cuales están asociadas con el incremento del Índice de masa corporal (IMC), el sobrepeso y la obesidad, mismos que se encuentran como principal factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de DT2. OBJETIVO: analizar través de una revisión sistemática la evidencia existente acerca de la relación entre las prácticas de crianza en alimentación, la conducta alimentaria y el riesgo de diabetes en adultos. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una búsqueda de literatura publicada de 2013 a 2023 en las bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus, EBSCOhost, Clarivate Science Citation Index Expanded y SpringerLink. Se identificaron 459 estudios, luego de aplicar los criterios de exclusión, se revisaron 15 estudios en total. RESULTADOS: Las subescalas de las prácticas de crianza en alimentación más empleadas fueron: preocupación, control, presión para comer y restricción. Se encontró asociación entre las prácticas de crianza en alimentación, la conducta alimentaria y el incremento del IMC. CONCLUSIÓN: Se consideran insuficientes las investigaciones que muestran el impacto de las prácticas de crianza en alimentación sobre la conducta alimentaria y si estas a su vez tienen efectos en el riesgo de diabetes en la etapa adulta.

INTRODUCTION: Parenting practices in feeding and eating behavior have been widely studied in children, however, it is necessary to provide information on their impact on adults. The evidence suggests that parenting practices in feeding can have an impact on emotional, uncontrolled, restrictive and disordered eating behavior, which are associated with an increase in BMI, overweight and obesity, which are found as the main factor of risk for the development of T2D. OBJECTIVE: To analyze, through a systematic review, the existing evidence about the relationship between parenting feeding practices, eating behavior and the risk of diabetes in adults. METHODOLOGY: A search of literature published from 2013 to 2023 was carried out in the Pubmed, Scopus, EBSCOhost, Clarivate Science Citation Index Expanded and SpringerLink databases. 459 studies were identified, after applying the exclusion criteria, 15 studies in total were reviewed. RESULTS: The subscales of the most frequently used parenting practices in feeding were: concern, control, pressure to eat and restriction. An association was found between parenting feeding practices, eating behavior and increased BMI. CONCLUSION: Research showing the impact of parenting feeding practices on eating behavior and whether these in turn have effects on the risk of diabetes in adulthood are considered insufficient.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 159(1): 3-9, ene.-feb. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448258


Resumen Introducción: La prueba genómica de recurrencia de 21 genes (PGR21) permite determinar la utilidad de la quimioterapia adyuvante en pacientes con cáncer de mama temprano luminal (CMTL). Se han desarrollado modelos predictivos adicionales, como las ecuaciones de Magee (EM), el modelo Predict (MP) y la puntuación del nomograma de la Universidad de Tennessee (NT). Objetivo: Evaluar la concordancia entre PGR21, EM, MP y NT. Métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes con CMTL unifocal y con resultados de PGR21, EM, MP y NT. Se efectuó subanálisis de mujeres mayores de 50 años. La concordancia se evaluó mediante índice kappa de Cohen (IK). Resultados: Se incluyeron 122 mujeres. La concordancia entre PGR21 y EM (IK = 0.35) y MP (IK = 0.24) fue aceptable (p < 0.001); entre PGR21 y NT fue inferior (IK = 0.16, p = 0.04). Se incluyeron 80 pacientes mayores de 50 años con datos suficientes para calcular los tres modelos. Se encontró concordancia entre la clasificación de bajo riesgo mediante PGR21 y los tres modelos combinados en 36/37 pacientes (valor predictivo negativo de 97.3 %). Conclusión: Se puede omitir la PGR21 en las mujeres mayores de 50 años con CMTL que se clasifica de bajo riesgo en los tres modelos predictivos.

Abstract Introduction: The genomic-based 21-gene recurrence score assay (21-GRSA) allows to determine the usefulness of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with luminal-type early breast cancer (LTEBC). Additional predictive models have also been developed, such as Magee equations (ME), the Predict model (PM), and the Tennessee nomogram score (TNS). Objective: To evaluate the concordance between 21-GRSA, ME, PM and TNS. Methods: Patients with unifocal LTEBC and 21-GRSA, ME, PM and TNS results were included. A subgroup analysis of women older than 50 years was carried out. Concordance between the models and 21-GRSA was evaluated using Cohen's kappa index (KI). Results: One-hundred and twenty-two women were included. Concordance between 21-GRSA and ME (KI = 0.35) and PM (KI = 0.24) was fair (p < 0.001). Concordance between 21-GRSA and TNS was inferior (KI = 0.16, p = 0.04). Eighty patients older than 50 years with sufficient data to calculate all three predictive models were included. Concordance was found between the low-risk classification on 21-GRSA and all three combined models in 36/37 patients (negative predictive value of 97.3%). Conclusion: 21-GRSA can be omitted in women older than 50 years with LTEBC classified with low risk scores on all three predictive models.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221341


Introduction: This is an interventional study since an in-service training to nursing staff has been given, performed in order to assess whether training has a significant impact on knowledge on BMWM. BMWM has become a significant concern for both the medical and general community. Effective management of biomedical waste is not only a legal necessity but also a social responsibility. Objective: To assess the impact of in-service training on the knowledge among the nursing staff working in pre-identified patient care areas of a tertiary healthcare organization in North India. The study was Methods: conducted from April 2017 to April 2018. It was an interventional study. Study sample consists of the Nursing staff working in the Pre identified patient care areas of the institute who are dealing with BMW generation. The study was conducted by using a questionnaire. The data thus obtained was tabulated and interpretation was done by using SPSS 23 software. Results: It included 200 Nursing staff. Majority of study participants belongs to 21 -30 years (61%) age group. More than two third of study participants working in hospital from 1 to 5 years. The result indicated that there was a significant increment in the knowledge score from the pre-assessment to the post-assessment. The mean difference between two was found to be significant (2.3+- 0.41 v/s 2.80+-0.39, P value <0.001). the use of a training model could improve knowledge of regulated biome Conclusion: dical waste management among the staff. Such an improvement could translate into improved performance. The importance of training regarding biomedical waste management cannot be overemphasized, lack of proper and complete knowledge about biomedical waste management impacts practices of appropriate waste disposal

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979167


Objective To explore the related factors of hair selenium level in Keshan disease area of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, and to provide reliable data basis for consolidating the elimination of Keshan disease. Methods The association rule (Apriori) analysis was carried out on the survey data of hair selenium level of people in Keshan disease endemic areas and non-endemic areas of Zhangjiakou City from 2018 to 2020. By setting the minimum support and confidence, and combining with the lift ratio, the association relationship between the hair selenium level of people in Keshan disease area and the staple food and vegetables of the residents was analyzed. Results A total of 5 strong association rules were generated. The maximum values of support, confidence and lift ratio were 12.22, 93.33 and 1.17, respectively, and the minimum values were 10.00, 90.91 and 1.14, respectively. The moderate level of selenium in the hair of residents in the disease area was related to the consumption of food purchased from other places and a large quantity of vegetables. Conclusion Association rules provide a reference research method for improving hair selenium nutrition level of residents in Keshan disease area of Zhangjiakou City and establishing a long-term mechanism for Keshan disease prevention and control.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980746


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the rules of acupoint selection for aphasia treated with acupuncture and moxibustion using data mining technology.@*METHODS@#From January 1, 2000 to April 1, 2022, the articles for clinical researches of acupuncture and moxibustion for aphasia published in CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, SinoMed, PubMed, EMbase were searched. Using Microsoft Excel 2021, the database was set up to analyze the use frequency of acupoint, meridian tropism, acupoint distribution and the use of specific points. SPSS26.0 was adopted for factor analysis, SPSS Modeler 18.0 was for association rule analysis of prescriptions, and Gephi 0.9.5 was to plot the co-occurrence network diagrams of acupoints and meridians.@*RESULTS@#A total of 140 articles were collated, including 146 acupuncture and moxibustion prescriptions and 189 acupoints. The total use frequency of these acupoints was 1 211. Lianquan (CV 23), Jinjin (EX-HN 12), Yuye (EX-HN 13), Baihui (GV 20) and Yamen (GV 15) were the top 5 acupoints of the high use frequency for aphasia treated with acupuncture and moxibustion. Among 189 acupoints collected, the extra points and empirical points were mostly selected. The top 3 involved meridians were the governor vessel, the gallbladder meridian of foot-shaoyang and the conception vessel. These acupoints were mostly distributed on the head, face and neck region. The use frequency of five-shu points was the highest among the specific points. The acupoint combinations of high frequency referred to Yuye (EX-HN 13)-Jinjin (EX-HN 12), Yuye (EX-HN 13)-Lianquan (CV 23)-Jinjin (EX-HN 12), and Fengchi (GB 20)-Yuye (EX-HN 13)-Jinjin (EX-HN 12). Factor analysis extracted 10 common factors for acupoint compatibility in treatment of aphasia with acupuncture and moxibustion.@*CONCLUSION@#In clinical treatment of aphasia with acupuncture and moxibustion, the local acupoints are preferred. The core acupoints include Lianquan (CV 23), Jinjin (EX-HN 12), Yuye (EX-HN 13), Baihui (GV 20) and Yamen (GV 15). The acupoint prescription is modified flexibly according to syndrome differentiation to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Humanos , Moxibustão , Pontos de Acupuntura , Terapia por Acupuntura , Meridianos , Mineração de Dados , Afasia/terapia
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980784


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the acupoint selection rules of acupuncture and moxibustion for post-stroke epilepsy by data mining technology.@*METHODS@#The literature regarding acupuncture and moxibustion for post-stroke epilepsy included in CNKI, VIP, Wanfang, SinoMed and PubMed databases from the establishment of the database to August 1st 2022 was retrieved. Microsoft Excel 2019 software was used to establish a database to conduct the descriptive analysis of acupoints; SPSS Modeler 18.0 Apriori algorithm was used to conduct association rule analysis; high-frequency acupoint co-occurrence network diagrams were drawn by Cytoscape3.9.0 software; SPSS Statistics 25.0 software was used to perform hierarchical cluster analysis on high-frequency acupoints and a tree diagram was drawn.@*RESULTS@#Totally 39 articles were included, and 63 prescriptions of acupuncture and moxibustion were extracted, involving 56 acupoints, with a total frequency of 516 times; the top three acupoints with the highest frequency of use were Baihui (GV 20), Fenglong (ST 40) and Neiguan (PC 6); the selected meridians were mainly the governor vessel, the hand and foot yangming meridians; the selection of acupoints were mostly in the head, neck and lower limbs; in terms of acupoint compatibility, Hegu (LI 4)-Shuigou (GV 26) and Neiguan (PC 6) had the highest confidence degree; The top 20 high-frequency acupoints could be divided into 4 effective clusters.@*CONCLUSION@#Modern acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for post-stroke epilepsy attaches great importance to the use of yang meridians and meridians with enrich qi and blood; the core prescription is Shuigou (GV 26)-Neiguan (PC 6)-Hegu (LI 4)-Baihui (GV 20). In addition, the combination of distant and near acupoints is highly valued to improve clinical efficacy.

Humanos , Moxibustão , Pontos de Acupuntura , Terapia por Acupuntura , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/terapia , Mineração de Dados , Epilepsia
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969977


Based on data mining technology, the rules of acupoint selection of acupuncture-moxibustion for scrofula in ancient times were analyzed. The relevant articles of acupuncture and moxibustion for scrofula were searched in the Chinese Medical Code, and the original article, acupoint name, acupoint characteristic, and acupoint meridian tropism, etc. were screened and extracted. The Microsoft Excel 2019 was used to establish a acupoint prescription database, and the frequency of acupoints as well as their meridian tropism and characteristics were analyzed. The SPSS21.0 was applied to perform cluster analysis of acupuncture prescriptions; the SPSS Modeler 18.0 was used to perform the association rules analysis of the neck and the chest-armpit acupoints, respectively. As a result, 314 acupuncture prescriptions were extracted, including 236 single-acupoint prescriptions and 78 multiple-acupoints prescriptions (53 for neck and 25 for chest-armpit). A total of 54 acupoints were involved, with a total frequency of 530. The top 3 commonly-used acupoints were Tianjing (TE 10), Zulinqi (GB 41) and Taichong (LR 3); the most commonly-used meridians were hand shaoyang meridian, foot shaoyang meridian, hand yangming meridian and foot yangming meridian; the most commonly-used special acupoints were he-sea points and shu-stream points. The cluster analysis obtained 6 clusters, and the association rule analysis obtained that the core prescriptions of the neck were Quchi (LI 11), Jianyu (LI 15), Tianjing (TE 10) and Jianjing (GB 21), while the core prescriptions of the chest-armpit were Daling (PC 7), Yanglingquan (GB 34), Danzhong (CV 17), Jianjing (GB 21), Waiguan (TE 5), Zhigou (TE 6), Yuanye (GB 22) and Zhangmen (LR 13). The core prescriptions obtained from association rule analysis by difference areas were basically consistent with those by cluster analysis of total prescriptions.

Humanos , Pontos de Acupuntura , Moxibustão , Terapia por Acupuntura , Meridianos , Tuberculose dos Linfonodos