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Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 48(1): e3084, ene.-mar. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409264


Introducción: La Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública ha contribuido durante 17 años a la formación de doctores en Ciencias de la Salud, tarea que ha desarrollado con rigor y calidad. Objetivo: Demostrar la vitalidad científica de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública en la formación de doctores en Ciencias de la Salud. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo a partir de la información disponible en la base de datos de la Oficina de Doctorado de la escuela, de 2005 - 2019. Se aplicó una metodología cualitativa de tipo fenomenológico apoyada en la experiencia individual de los participantes. Se empleó un muestreo no probabilístico con la finalidad de ponderar la cualidad de la información. Resultados: Se formaron 125 doctores, egresaron ocho doctores por años, tanto profesionales cubanos, como extranjeros, en todos los periodos. El análisis territorial reflejó concentración en La Habana, hubo provincias que no habían formado doctores en la especialidad. Los entrevistados expresaron criterios favorables sobre la vitalidad científica de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. Conclusiones: La vitalidad científica en la formación de doctores en Ciencias de la Salud ha sido posible con la ejecución de la estrategia de formación de doctores llevada a cabo por el claustro de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública, a través un programa doctoral que se sustenta en la política de captación de doctorandos cubanos y extranjeros y en el desarrollo de procesos formativos que han conducido a tesis doctorales con importantes aportes a la disciplina. No obstante, existe la necesidad de ser más proactivos en la búsqueda y preparación de doctorandos en algunas provincias del país(AU)

Introduction: The National School of Public Health has contributed for seventeen years to train doctors in Health Sciences specialty. This task has been rigorously conducted and with high standards of quality. Objective: To prove the scientific vitality of the National School of Public Health in training doctors in Health Sciences specialty. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out based on the information available in the database of the Doctorate Office of the school, from 2005 to 2019. A phenomenological-type qualitative methodology was applied, supported by the individual experience of the participants. A non-probabilistic sampling was used in order to weigh the quality of the information. Results: One hundred twenty-five doctors were trained; eight doctors graduated per year, both Cuban and foreign professionals, in all periods. The territorial analysis reflected concentration in Havana, there were provinces that had not trained doctors in this specialty. The interviewees expressed favorable criteria about the scientific vitality of the National School of Public Health. Conclusions: The scientific vitality in training of doctors in Health Sciences specialty has been possible with the implementation of the doctor training strategy, carried out by the faculty of the National School of Public Health, through a doctoral program that is based on in the policy of attracting Cuban and foreign doctoral students and in the development of training processes that have led to doctoral theses with important contributions to the discipline. However, being proactive is necessary in the search and preparation of doctoral students in some provinces of the country(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ciências da Saúde , Capacitação Profissional , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Cuba
Agora USB ; 20(1): 289-303, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124132


Resumen Objetivo analizar la evidencia científica sobre posconflicto en Iberoamérica. Revisión documental de publicaciones científicas entre 2013 y 2018. Descriptores: "conflicto", "posconflicto", "construcción de paz", "desmovilización", "reintegración", "reconciliación", "excombatientes", "democracia", "deliberación", "América Latina" y "Latinoamérica" y sus correspondientes en inglés. Los artículos fueron analizados a partir del título, resumen, año de publicación, idioma, país y fuente de publicación. Las categorías: "posconflicto", "democracia", "cultura", "educación", "estado", "territorio", "economía" y "salud". Se analizaron 66 artículos. Conclusión, la evidencia científica muestra que el posconflicto es la primera fase de consolidación de paz, los países y actores involucrados deben generar estrategias viables para su cimentación.

Abstract The objective is to analyze the scientific evidence about the post-conflict in Ibero-America; document review of scientific publications between 2013 and 2018. Descriptors "conflict," "post-conflict," "peacebuilding," "demobilization," "reintegration," "reconciliation," "ex-combatants," "democracy," "deliberation," "Latin America," and their corresponding in English. The articles were analyzed based on the title, abstract, year of publication, language, country, and source of publication. The categories "post-conflict," "democracy," "culture," "education," "state," "territory," "economy," and "health." Sixty-six articles were analyzed. As a conclusion, scientific evidence shows that post-conflict is the first phase of peacebuilding, the countries and actors involved must generate viable strategies for its foundation.

Rev. biol. trop ; 66(1): 1-5, Jan.-Mar. 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-897650


Abstract Significant amounts of economic resources are spent by poor countries for access to scientific information that is blocked by pay-walls, and when fees are corrected for local economies, they can be the equivalent of hundreds of dollars per article. Pay-walls, is controlled by a small group of companies in rich countries, block knowledge from the societies that need it most. These companies should adjust their fees according to local economies: this would be fairer and would benefit everyone, including the same companies.

Resumen Los países pobres gastan cantidades significativas de recursos económicos en acceso a la información científica bloqueada por los llamados "muros de pago" o paywalls, y si se ajustan los precios según las economías locales, pueden ser equivalentes a cientos de dólares por artículo. Estos paywalls, controlados por un pequeño grupo de empresas de los países ricos, bloquean el conocimiento a las sociedades que más lo necesitan. Estas empresas deberían ajustar sus tarifas de acuerdo con las economías locales: eso sería más justo y beneficiaría a todos, incluidas las mismas empresas.

E-Cienc. inf ; 7(1)jun. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506104


El conocimiento, relacionado con el avance en el desarrollo tecnológico y expresado como el número de patentes registradas por parte de residentes y no residentes, es de vital interés por parte de investigadores, centros tecnológicos e instituciones gubernamentales. Con este, es posible establecer estrategias direccionadas al incremento de la gestión tecnológica y la invención con miras a minimizar las brechas existentes entre países en vía de desarrollo y aquellos altamente tecnificados. Esta investigación, plantea un análisis del número de patentes registradas por parte de los diferentes continentes: África, Asia, Europa, América (América Latina, el caribe y Norteamérica), Oceanía, para las décadas del 80, 90 y primera del 2000. Con base en la información divulgada por la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual WIPO (sigla en inglés) en el 2014, en lo referente a tecnologías de información como la tecnología informática, la comunicación digital, las telecomunicaciones y los medios audiovisuales. Anotando que el análisis se efectuó para residentes y no residentes. Se utilizó análisis multivariado de la varianza MANOVA con contraste canónico de tipo ortogonal, mediante el modelo lineal general GLM, con transformación de datos basada en la familia BOX-COX. Se encontró diferencia altamente significativa entre el continente asiático, respecto a las demás zonas geográficas evaluadas, en el número de patentes registradas para las variables antes citadas (p<0.0001). La conclusión principal radica en que existe una gran brecha entre Asia, Norteamérica y Europa respecto a África, Oceanía y Latinoamérica, en el número de invenciones patentadas en esta área del conocimiento.

The knowledge related to the progress in the technological development, expressed as the number of patents registered by residents and non-residents, is of vital interest on the part of researchers, technology centers and government institutions. With this, it is possible to establish strategies routed to the increase of technology management and the invention with a view to minimize the gaps between developing countries and those highly innovative. This investigation is an analysis of the number of patents registered by the different continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin (Latin America and the Caribbean, North America), Oceania, for the decades of the 80, 90 and the first of 2000. On the basis of the information disclosed by the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO in relation to information technologies such as: technology computing, digital communication, telecommunications and audiovisual media. Noting that the analysis was performed for residents and nonresidents. Used multivariate analysis of variance MANOVA with contrast canonical orthogonal type, using the general linear model GLM, with transformation of data based on the family BOX-COX. Highly significant difference was found between the Asian continent, with regard to the other geographical areas evaluated, in the number of patents registered for the variables mentioned above (p<0.0001). The main conclusion is that there is a large gap between Asia, North America and Europe with regard to Africa, Oceania and Latin America, in the number of patented inventions in this area of knowledge.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-665168


Objective 600 questionnaires from hospital employee were collected and conducted statistical analysis to identify the internal and external factors that have influence on the staff develop ment of scientific research level,which also aimed to figure out the way to raise employee awareness of scientific research,as well as enhancing the scientific and technological development in hospital.Methods Questionnaire survey was conducted to establish a database,SPSS18.0 survey data descriptive analysis applied,variance analysis using x2 test,P <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results Statistical analysis and comparative study were conducted to figure out the awareness of hospital scientific and technology development from employees from different positions with different education levels,the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).Hospital staff have generally high level awareness of scientific research,obey the normal distribution basically,recognition rate is more than 93.5%,particularly,higher education staff have a better awareness and contribution to the development of the hospital.Conclusions According to the analysis,this paper proposed to build a platform for the establishment of performance evaluation and incentive system,to improve the management system and other measures to further enhancing the research and development of hospital staff awareness,thereby increasing the overall scientific research level of the hospital.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-459696


[Objective] To explore the relationship between Chinese traditional medicated food science and modern nutriology, identify the developmental direction of modern medicated food culture, and propose suggestions for the scientific development of medicated food culture. [Method] Based on the previous studies, the comparative research was conducted to analyze the difference between and similarity of medicated food science and modern nutriology in terms of the theory system and research expertise. [Result] The scientific and objective recognition of the effects of medicated food could promote the development of medicated food culture. For the academic research, the advantages of traditional medicated food culture and weakness of modern nutriology need to be understood. For the practice, the experience of modern nutriology can be learned to help the innovation of medicated food science's research methods and regulation of usage. [Conclusion] The development of medicated food culture not only needs to inherit the tradition, but also needs to learn from the modern nutriology and pharmacology, and assimilates the achievements from modern western science civilization.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-598785


This article started to be discussed experience in construction of Beijing base of philosophy and social sciences,with strategic position,break system and ideas,encourage the NGOs' attending the bases,put forward through includes:improve the understanding of the importance of philosophy and social sciences,establish a scientific system,increase capital investment to solve the key problems of hinder the development of bases.In-depth study and expand the main function and role of research base from strategic soothsaing,scientific development,increase power,innovation,fault tolerant,etc.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-438635


This article took the research work of 16 national clinical research base construction units as its background in order to dig the connotation of health service efficiency . Through data envelopment analysis , a comprehensive exposition was given on the inputs and outputs relation of medical and health service efficiency in order to propose appropriate policy recommendations. The study was guided by the scientific development concept in order to gradually improve the efficiency of health services and achieve a comprehensive , coordinat-ed and sustainable development of the hospital .

Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 16(2): 157-166, dez. 2010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-796450


Este estudo contempla uma discussão epistemológica sobre a psicologia clássica e uma de suas vertentes atuais, a Gestalt- terapia, utilizando-se a trajetória da Física Clássica para a Quântica como pano de fundo. Realizou-se uma discussão por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, abordando três pontos dicotômicos que envolveram (e ainda envolvem na atualidade) uma transição parcial da Física Clássica para a Física Quântica (linearidade versus não linearidade; ação e reação versus complexidade; e mecânica clássica versus mecânica quântica); e, ilustrativamente, três pontos de discussão associados às Físicas clássicas em contraposição à Gestalt-terapia (causalidade versus existencialismo; elementarismo versus holismo; e objetividade versus fenomenologia). Concluiu-se que existem diferenças e semelhanças nas trajetórias analisadas, como as propriedades paradoxais de seus objetos, o quantum e a consciência humana, configurando pontos de contato que possibilitam um diálogo entre ambas, Física Quântica e Gestalt-terapia...

This study offers an epistemological discussion about the classic psychology and one of its present components, Gestalt therapy, using the trajectory of classical physics to quantum as a backdrop. There was a discussion through a review by addressing three points involving dichotomous (and still currently involved) a partial transition from classical physics to quantum physics (linearity versus nonlinearity; action and reaction versus complex; and classical mechanics versus quantum mechanics) and, illustratively, three points of discussion related to classical psychology as opposed to Gestalt therapy (causal versus existentialism; elementarism versus holism, and objectivity versus phenomenology). It was concluded that there are differences and similarities in the trajectories analyzed, as the paradoxical properties of its objects, the quantum and human consciousness, setting up contact points that enable a dialogue between both quantum physics and Gestalt-therapy...

Este estudio ofrece una discusión epistemológica acerca de la psicología clásica y uno de sus capítulos, la terapia Gestalt, con la trayectoria de la física cuántica clásica como telón de fondo. Hubo una discusión a través de una revisión por resolución de los tres puntos la participación dicotómicos (y sigan operando actualmente) una transición parcial de la física clásica a la física cuántica (la acción linealidad versus la no linealidad; acción y reacción versus complejo; y la mecánica clásica versus la mecánica cuántica) y, ilustrativa, tres puntos de debate relacionados con la psicología clásica en oposición a la terapia Gestalt (causal contra el existencialismo; elementarismo versus holismo, y la objetividad frente a la fenomenología). Se concluyó que hay diferencias y similitudes en las trayectorias analizadas, como las propiedades paradójicas de sus objetos, la cuántica y la conciencia humana, la creación de puntos de contacto que permitan un diálogo entre la física cuántica y la Terapia Gestalt...

Ciência , Conhecimento , Física , Teoria Quântica , Terapia Gestalt
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 36(4): 348-353, dic. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-571727


En el presente artículo se resalta la capacidad científica como componente de alto valor para el desarrollo humano, social, económico y tecnológico; el reto que constituyen las investigaciones en salud como vía para mejorar el desempeño, los resultados de los sistemas de salud y la necesidad de aplicar con efectividad, equidad y racionalidad, los avances científicos en la práctica social. Se presenta el modelo cubano de investigaciones para la salud, su vinculación al desarrollo social y científico, sus peculiaridades y sus éxitos, especialmente la fusión armónica y equilibrada de todas las modalidades de la investigación en la práctica médica, en particular en la atención primaria de salud, por lo que contribuye al fortalecimiento y desarrollo de esta estrategia. Queda demostrado el papel que juega el Estado en el desarrollo científico del país y su contribución al campo de la salud y a sus destacados resultados

The present article highlighted the scientific capacity as a very valuable component of the human, social, economic and technological development; the challenge involved in health research as a way of improving performance; the results of health sub-systems and the need of using effectively, equitably and rationally the scientific advances in social practice. It presented the Cuban health research model, its links to social and scientific development, its peculiarities and successes, the harmonic and balanced fusion of all the research modalities in medical practice, particularly in primary health care, thus supporting the strengthening and development of this strategy. There has been proved the role of the state in the domestic scientific development and its contribution to public health and to outstanding results in this field

Sistemas de Saúde , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Pesquisa Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-383647


In an effort to overcome the inherent setbacks of private hospitals in the upcoming healthcare reform, and empower them to build people-benefit hospitals by learning the concept of scientific development, a business model is proposed. This model is designed based on analysis of their development characteristics and in combination of the business specifics, advocating a pool of the guidance force of people-benefit concept, the force of business integrity, that of differentiated competition, and that of self restraint.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-381417


Thanks to the three decades of reform and opening up,hospitals in China have made tremendous achievements in their development,yet facing new ehallenges as address these challenges,there is an urgent need for these hospitals to further their reform under the guideline of the scientific concept of development.This will help them strengthen their hospital culture,quality control,technology,human resources development,and their leadership,in order to achieve a better and faster growth,better serving the role to build a harmonious socialist society.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 43(4): 69-78, 2009.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-693108


O autor contrapõe a visão da Psicanálise como um corpo de ideias vivo e poderoso com a precariedade dos laços que unem os psicanalistas com suas instituições, focalizando a Associação Psicanalítica Internacional. Apoiado em reflexão sobre o que um ambiente institucional estimulante deve oferecer aos psicanalistas e fazendo contraponto com a tradição de centralização e monopólio de poder, o autor desenvolve um breve histórico sobre as raízes desta tradição e como ela se perpetuou na API e apresenta os pilares que permitem a retomada de sua função de geradora de desenvolvimento científico e clínico, com o estímulo ao pensar livre e criativo.

El autor opone la visión del psicoanálisis como un cuerpo de las ideas vivo y fuerte con la precariedad de los lazos que unen a los psicoanalistas a sus instituciones, enfocando la Asociación Psicoanalítica Internacional. Apoyando-se en la reflexión sobre lo que una atmósfera de estímulo institucional debe ofrecer a los psicoanalistas y haciendo el contrapunto con la tradición de centralización y de monopolio del poder, desarrolla un breve histórico de las raíces de esta tradición y de la misma manera que ella fue perpetuada en API y presenta los pilares que admiten el volver a tomar su función de generar el desarrollo científico y clínico, con el incentivo al pensar libre y creativo.

The author opposes the vision of the Psychoanalysis as a living and powerful body of ideas with the precariousness of the links that unite the psychoanalysts with their institutions, focusing the International Psychoanalytical Association. Leaning on the reflection about what a stimulant institutional environment must offer to the psychoanalysts and as a counterpoint to the centralization tradition and monopoly of power, the author develops a short historical about the roots of this tradition and how it was perpetuated in IPA and presents the pillars that allow the retaking of its function as generator of scientific and clinical development, with the incentive for free and creative thinking.

Humanos , Psicanálise/história , Sociedades/história
Psicol. soc. (Impr.) ; 20(2): 165-173, maio-ago.2008. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-496125


Trata-se de levantamento de artigos publicados em Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho (POT), de 2001 a 2005, nas revistas brasileiras: Estudos de Psicologia, Psicologia e Sociedade, Psicologia em Estudo, Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, Psicologia USP, e Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho. A análise considerou número de artigos, temas, metodologia, referências, formação profissional e área de atuação dos autores. De 1105 textos publicados, 178 (16 por cento) foram em POT. Os artigos foram classificados em nove categorias temáticas. Do total de artigos analisados, 30 por cento eram teóricos e 70 por cento empíricos. A maioria dos autores é de psicólogos e está vinculada às universidades. Dentre os principais resultados, destacam-se a diversidade temática e metodológica da produção científica em POT, bem como a preocupação em contemplar as mudanças sociais, econômicas, políticas e tecnológicas. A produção de conhecimento está voltada tanto para subsidiar intervenções como para impulsionar o desenvolvimento teórico da área.

This paper is a survey about Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) of articles published from 2001 to 2005 in the following Brazilian journals: Estudos de Psicologia, Psicologia e Sociedade, Psicologia em Estudo, Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, Psicologia USP, and Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho. The analysis examined the number of papers, themes, methodology, references, professional education and the authors' area of practice. Out of 1105 published papers, 178 (16 percent) were on WOP. The papers were classified in nine theme categories. From the total amount of papers analyzed, 30 percent were theoretical and 70 percent empirical. Most authors are psychologists and are connected to universities. Among the main results, it was highlighted the thematic and methodological diversity of scientific production on WOP as well as the concern on social, economic, political and technological changes. The knowledge production provides data for interventions as well as for improving theoretical development of this area.

Organizações , Publicação Periódica , Psicologia Social , Trabalho
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624461


With the arrival of knowledge information age,the management of university scientific research is faced with the new opportunity as well as the challenge.This paper has made a brief analysis to the present situation of university scientific research management service,and discussed the way to improve the management level of university scientific research from aspects of humanist,overall development,coordinated development and sustainable development in the further study and practice the scientific concept of development activities,and discussed the way to improve the management of university scientific research.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-622940


The present paper analyses the current macro-setting independent regional medical colleges may face when setting their orientation.From the perspective of scientific development,the paper describes the principles independent regional medical colleges must follow in pursuit of their orientation: classifying accurately when orienting,service targeting correctly,considering both the function and benefit,and highlighting the advantages of the school.The paper also illustrates the connotation of the orientation of independent regional medical colleges in three respects: goal of schooling,type and level of the school,standard and characteristics of the school.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-622650


The Scientific Development Concept provides significant guidance for the discipline construction.This thesis discusses how to embody the scientific development concept in accelerating the all-round construction of disciplines in our unit from the aspects of general target,approaches and talents cultivation.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623256


The view of the scientific development should be established as the guideline of the political theories education.We should promote the Three Entering of the view of the scientific development by means of constructing a new political theories course system,improving teaching methods,cultivating students in various extracurricular ways,and strengthening the group of teachers,etc.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-524494


In order to push work in the hospitals to a new level, it is imperative to guide all aspects of it with the important thought of "Three Represents", to direct the hospitals' construction and development with the scientific approach to development, to pay attention to the direction and priority of hospital reform, and to explore and adopt a service-first operating strategy.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-523089


The proposal of the view of scientific development is a new opportunity for the development of the hygiene industry,and plays an important part in the prevention and cure of AIDS.Therefore,during the prevention and cure of AIDS,we should make people the center,coordinate comprehensively,and promote social harmony,to strengthen the ba?sis of the prevention and cure of AIDS.