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Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533037


Objetivo: realizar uma avaliação dos acidentes com escorpiões no Estado de Goiás no período de 2003 a 2019. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo, onde a coleta de dados se baseou nas Fichas de Notificações Compulsórias, mantidas no Centro de Informações e Assistência Toxicológica de Goiás. Foram utilizados formulários simplificados para a coleta de 23 variáveis que foram analisadas e tabuladas. Resultados: foram notificados 18.720 casos, sendo o município de Goiânia com o maior número de ocorrências do estado, com um predomínio dos acidentes na zona urbana, sendo a população economicamente ativa a mais vulnerável. A sazonalidade dos acidentes possui características pouco evidentes em relação à precipitação e à temperatura anual do Estado de Goiás, com uma discreta menor prevalência nos meses de junho e julho. O tempo de atendimento está associado a um prognóstico mais favorável e à classificação do caso. O aumento do número de acidentes é crescente a partir de 2012, ano em que a notificação compulsória passou a ser obrigatória. A distribuição geográfica dos acidentes é influenciada pelo processo de urbanização desorganizado. Os óbitos estão associados, principalmente, à faixa etária pediátrica. Conclusões: a sazonalidade dos acidentes escorpiônicos no Estado de Goiás tem um padrão pouco evidente em relação às condições ambientais. A faixa etária produtiva é a mais acometida. Existe uma necessidade de melhora na capacitação dos profissionais de saúde quanto ao diagnóstico, à quantidade de soro a ser utilizada e ao preenchimento e encaminhamento das fichas de notificação

Objective: to carry out an evaluation of accidents with scorpions in the State of Goiás from 2003 to 2019. Methods: this is a descriptive epidemiological study, where data collection was based on the Compulsory Notification Forms, kept at the Information and Toxicological Assistance in Goiás. A simplified form was used to collect 23 variables that were analyzed and tabulated. Results: 18,720 cases were notified, with the municipality of Goiânia having the highest number of occurrences in the state, with a predominance of accidents in the urban area, with the economically active population being the most vulnera-ble. The seasonality of the accidents has little evident characteristics in relation to annual precipitation and temperature in the State of Goiás, with a slight lower prevalence in the months of June and July. The length of service is associated with a better prognosis and case classification. The increase in the number of accidents has been increasing since 2012, when compulsory notification became mandatory. The geographic distribution of accidents is influenced by the disorganized urbanization process. Deaths are mainly associated with the pediatric age group. Conclusions: the seasonality of scorpion accidents in the State of Goiás has an unclear pattern with respect to environmental conditions. The productive age group is the most affected. There is a need to improve the training of health professionals regarding the diagnosis, the amount of serum to be used and the completion and forwarding of notification forms

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 56: e0434, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422909


ABSTRACT Background: Scorpions are a leading cause of envenomation in Brazil. The species Tityus serrulatus is associated with the most severe cases, especially in children. Despite not being endemic to the state of Santa Catarina, such occurrences have increased more than 500% in the state recently. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the occurrence of envenomation by T. serrulatus, attended by the Center for Toxicological Information and Assistance of Santa Catarina. Methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive study of the occurrence of T. serrulatus, identified by the agency, from 2014 to 2021 in Santa Catarina, using data obtained by the BI-DATATOX system. Results: A total of 112 occurrences were classified as envenomation. Of these cases, 48.2% were recorded in the Itajaí Valley region and 33% in Greater Florianópolis. Men were involved in 59.8% of these, and the most common age group was 20-39 years (39.3%). Most envenomation occurred in urban areas (89.3%) under non-occupational circumstances (83%). Stings were more frequent on the hands (50.9%). Care was sought within 1 h after the event in 75.9% of the cases, and 94.6% were classified as mild. Conclusions: Occurrence of envenomation involving T. serrulatus in Santa Catarina increased significantly during the study period. Most cases occurred in urbanized areas, which suggests that they might have been transported from other states, and it must be considered that, in the urban environment, scorpions find a large supply of food and shelter and a reduced number of specific predators, allied to parthenogenesis.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(2): 147-157, maio-ago. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372967


Considerados como doenças negligenciadas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, os acidentes com animais peçonhentos são de grande relevância média por apresentarem altos índices de mortalidade e morbidade. Objetivo - O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos dos acidentes com animais peçonhentos no Brasil nos últimos dez anos. Métodos - Foram utilizadas publicações que compreendessem os aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos de estados, regiões ou municípios brasileiros. Para a revisão foram os artigos foram selecionados em maio de 2020, compreendendo os anos de 2010 a 2020. Resultados e Discussão - Os principais acidentes foram relacionados às serpentes peçonhentas e escorpiões. Nas regiões Sudeste, Norte, Centro-Oeste os acidentes ofídicos foram os mais recorrentes, enquanto que, na região Nordeste, os acidentes com escorpiões e um estudo da região Sul um estudo destacou o araneísmo como principal acidente. Os sinais e sintomas do ofidismo variaram de acordo com o gênero das serpentes, sendo os acidentes com o gênero Bothrops predominante. Os sintomas recorrentes foram: dor, edema, equimose, hemorragia local e sistêmica e alterações na coagulação. O escorpionismo foi causado principalmente pelo gênero Tityus, sendo os casos graves relacionados ao comprometimento pulmonar. Conclusão - Os tipos de acidentes, bem como os sinais e sintomas do envenenamento apresentam muitas variáveis, como região geográfica, gênero e espécie dos animais. A melhoria da qualidade dos dados epidemiológicos e ampliação da assistência em saúde são fatores essenciais para a redução no número de casos de mortalidade e morbidades decorrentes do envenenamento por animais peçonhentos.

Considered as neglected by the World Health Organization, accidents with venomous animals are of great relevance because they have high mortality and morbidity rates. Purpose - This review has the purpose to present the epidemiological and clinical aspects of accidents with venomous animals in Brazil in the past ten years. Methods - Publications were used that understood the clinical and epidemiological aspects of Brazilian states, regions or municipalities. For the review, articles were selected in May 2020, covering the years 2010 to 2020. Results and Discussion - The main accidents were related to venomous snakes and scorpions. In the Southeast, North, and Center-West regions, snakebite accidents were the most recurrent, while in the Northeast region, accidents involving scorpions and a study in the Southern region highlighted accidents with arachnids as the most frequent type of incident. Signs and symptoms of snakebite varied according to the gender of the snakes, with predominance for accidents with the Bothrops genus. Recurring symptoms included pain, edema, ecchymosis, local and systemic hemorrhage, and changes in coagulation. Scorpionism was mainly caused by the Tityus genus, with severe cases presenting pulmonary involvement. Conclusion - The types of accidents, as well as the signs and symptoms of envenomation, present many variables which included geographic region, gender and species of animals. Improving the quality of epidemiological data and expanding health care are essential factors for reducing the number of mortality and morbidity cases resulting from envenomation by venomous animals.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Mordeduras e Picadas/epidemiologia , Animais Peçonhentos , Picada de Aranha/prevenção & controle , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 28(4): e21154, Oct.-Dec 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361078


Resumen En la ciudad de La Plata se encuentra el género Tityus con registros desde 1943. Se estudió la distribución territorial del género Tityus en esta ciudad y su expansión en los últimos 15 años a partir de las consultas recibidas en el Laboratorio de Aracnología del CEPAVE, provenientes de particulares e instituciones públicas y privadas. Se recibieron 189 consultas desde el año 2005 al 2020. Se utilizó el programa QGIS para geolocalizar cada escorpión con capas de trazado urbano y desagües pluviales. Para el análisis espacial de distribución se consideró un home range de una hectárea por individuo para el cálculo de área y en los casos de áreas de influencias solapadas durante el mismo año se consideró el área como la unión de las mismas. El género Tityus en la ciudad de La Plata está representado por las especies T. carrilloi y T. confluens ambas de interés sanitario y de hábitos sinantrópicos, que ocupan dos zonas diferentes bien definidas. El análisis de la dispersión independiente en las dos zonas indicaría que podrían usar los desagües para dispersarse, y al ser inconexos estos no habría flujo de escorpiones entre ambas zonas. La colonización de estas especies en la zona en estudio se vio afianzada para T. confluens a partir del año 2005 y para T. carrilloi a partir del 2011. Los mayores registros son en los meses cálidos, desde enero a abril, siendo este último el de mayor valor. Septiembre es el único mes sin denuncia. La tasa de expansión calculada fue de 4.42 ha/año.

Abstract In the city of La Plata occurs the genus Tityus with records dating back to 1943. The territorial distribution of the genus Tityus in this city and its expansion was studied based on inquiries received at the CEPAVE Arachnology Laboratory from individuals and public and private institutions. 189 inquiries were received from 2005 to 2020. The QGIS program was used to geolocate each scorpion with urban layout layers and storm drains. For the spatial analysis of distribution, a home range of one hectare per individual was considered to calculate the area and in the cases of areas of overlapping influences during the same year, the area was considered as their union. The genus Tityus in the city of La Plata is represented by the species T. carrilloi and T. confluens, both of health interest and of synanthropic habits, which occupy two different well-defined areas. The analysis of the independent dispersion in the two zones would indicate that they could use the drains to disperse, and since they are unconnected there would be no flow of scorpions between both zones. The colonization of these species in the study area was strengthened for T. confluens as of 2005 and for T. carrilloi as of 2011. The highest records are in the warm months, from January to April, the latter being of higher value. September is the only month without complaints. The expansion rate calculated was 4.42 ha/year.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20210028, 2021. tab, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1351018


Venom from Amazonian scorpions of the genus Tityus contains components capable of eliciting a distinct clinical, mostly neurological, syndrome. This contrasts with the mainly autonomic manifestations produced after envenomation by congeneric southern and northern South American species. Herein, we summarize Pan-Amazonian scorpionism by synthesizing available toxinological, clinical, and molecular data gathered from all affected areas in Amazonia, including Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, and French Guiana. We searched multiple databases, as well as our own records, for reports of scorpion envenomations in Amazonia by confirmed Tityus spp., and compared the clinical manifestations. To help uncover clinical and venom relationships among problematic species, we explored phylogenetic relationships with a rate-calibrated analysis of mitochondrial COI data from available species. The possible existence of diversity gradients for venom toxic and immunogenic components despite the predicted strong phylogenetic association among species is underscored by discussed clinical and toxinological findings. A multicentric effort, involving all nations affected by this neglected disease, is urgently needed to offer alternatives for treating and understanding this pathology, including the preparation of neutralizing antibodies with a broad range of efficacy.(AU)

Animais , Filogenia , Escorpiões , Toxicologia , Anticorpos Neutralizantes
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20200110, 2021. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1279404


Background: Although scorpionism is recorded worldwide, some regions such as Iran present a higher incidence. Due to the great prevalence of scorpion stings in Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran, the present study examined the relationship between different climate parameters and the scorpion sting rate in this area from April 2010 to March 2015. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study, we considered all scorpion sting cases recorded in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. Data were analyzed using statistics, frequency distribution and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: A total of 104,197 cases of scorpion stings was recorded from 2010 to 2015. The cumulative incidence of scorpion sting was 2.23%. The spatial distribution of scorpion stings showed that most cases occurred in the Dehdez district (4,504 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants) and the Masjed Soleyman county (4,069 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants). A significant association was found between climate factors (temperature, evaporation rate, sunshine duration, humidity, and precipitation) and the scorpion sting rate. An increase in rainfall and humidity coincided with a reduction in scorpion stings whereas an increase in temperature, evaporation, and sunshine duration was accompanied by a growth of scorpion stings. No significant correlation was found between wind velocity/direction and the incidence rate of stings. Moreover, the seasonal peak incidence of scorpion stings was recorded in summer (an average of 8,838 cases) and the lowest incidence was recorded during winter (an average of 1,286 cases). The annual trend of scorpion sting cases decreased during the period from 2010 to 2015. Conclusion: Climate variables can be a good index for predicting the incidence of scorpion stings in endemic regions. Since they occur mostly in the hot season, designing preventive measures in the counties and districts with a high incidence of scorpion stings such as Dehdez and Masjed Soleyman can minimize mortality and other burdens.(AU)

Animais , Estações do Ano , Mordeduras e Picadas , Clima , Picadas de Escorpião
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484777


Abstract Venom from Amazonian scorpions of the genus Tityus contains components capable of eliciting a distinct clinical, mostly neurological, syndrome. This contrasts with the mainly autonomic manifestations produced after envenomation by congeneric southern and northern South American species. Herein, we summarize Pan-Amazonian scorpionism by synthesizing available toxinological, clinical, and molecular data gathered from all affected areas in Amazonia, including Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, and French Guiana. We searched multiple databases, as well as our own records, for reports of scorpion envenomations in Amazonia by confirmed Tityus spp., and compared the clinical manifestations. To help uncover clinical and venom relationships among problematic species, we explored phylogenetic relationships with a rate-calibrated analysis of mitochondrial COI data from available species. The possible existence of diversity gradients for venom toxic and immunogenic components despite the predicted strong phylogenetic association among species is underscored by discussed clinical and toxinological findings. A multicentric effort, involving all nations affected by this neglected disease, is urgently needed to offer alternatives for treating and understanding this pathology, including the preparation of neutralizing antibodies with a broad range of efficacy.

Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 10(4): 1-10, out.-dez. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252780


Justificativa e objetivos: apesar dos avanços na área assistencial, os acidentes por animais peçonhentos ainda são um importante problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Entre os anos de 2015 e 2016, a região Sudeste apresentou o maior número de notificações, e Minas Gerais foi o estado com mais ocorrências. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as características epidemiológicas dos acidentes por animais peçonhentos notificados entre 2008 e 2017 no município de Patrocínio, Minas Gerais. Métodos: estudo descritivo retrospectivo realizado por meio da análise das informações das fichas de notificação do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) de vítimas de acidentes por animais peçonhentos ocorridos durante os anos de 2008 a 2017 em Patrocínio. Resultados: foram registrados 1.084 casos, a maioria ocasionada por escorpiões (47,23%), seguida por serpentes (17,07%), aranhas (15,31%) e abelhas (11,07%). Sobre as vítimas, constatou-se o predomínio de homens (63,10%) na faixa etária entre 20 a 39 anos (32,56%). A maior parte dos acidentes foi classificada como leve (89,11%) e a cura ocorreu em 98,80% dos casos; um evoluiu para óbito. Conclusão: embora os acidentes por animais peçonhentos não apresentem altas taxas de letalidade no município estudado, a incidência desse agravo de saúde tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Além disso, informações epidemiológicas atualizadas podem contribuir com ações de políticas públicas e informar a população local sobre os riscos iminentes.(AU)

Background and objectives: despite advances in health care, accidents involving venomous animals are still a major public health problem in Brazil. Between 2015 and 2016, the Southeast region had the highest number of notifications, and Minas Gerais was the state with more occurrences. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiological characteristics of accidents by venomous animal notified between 2008 and 2017 in the municipality of Patrocínio, Minas Gerais. Methods: this is a retrospective descriptive study conducted by analyzing the information from reporting forms of the Notifiable Diseases Information System for victims of accidents with venomous animals occurred during the years 2008 to 2017 in Patrocínio. Results: in total, 1084 cases were recorded, mostly caused by scorpions (47.23%), followed by snakes (17.07%), spiders (15.31%) and bees (11.07%). There was a predominance of male victims (63.10%), aged between 20-39 years (32.56%). Most accidents were classified as mild (89.11%) and the cure occurred in 98.80% of cases; one evolved to death. Conclusion: although accidents with venomous animals do not have high mortality rates in the municipality studied, the incidence of this health problem has increased in recent years. In addition, this updated epidemiological information may contribute to public policy actions and inform the local population about imminent risks.(AU)

Justificación y objetivos: a pesar de los avances en salud, los accidentes de animales venenosos siguen siendo un importante problema de salud pública en Brasil. Entre 2015 y 2016, la región sudeste tuvo el mayor número de notificaciones y Minas Gerais fue el estado con más casos. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las características epidemiológicas de los accidentes por animales venenosos notificados entre 2008 y 2017 en el municipio de Patrocínio, Minas Gerais. Métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo llevado a cabo mediante el análisis de la información de los formularios de notificación del Sistema de Información de Enfermedades Notificables de víctimas de accidentes con animales venenosos que ocurrieron durante los años 2008 a 2017 en Patrocínio. Resultados: se registraron 1084 casos, en su mayoría causados por escorpiones (47.23%), seguidos de serpientes (17.07%), arañas (15.31%) y abejas (11.07%). Predominaron las víctimas del sexo masculino (63,10%), con edades entre 20 y 39 años (32,56%). La mayoría de los accidentes se clasificaron como leves (89,11%) y la curación se produjo en el 98,80% de los casos; uno evolucionó hasta la muerte. Conclusiones: aunque los accidentes con animales venenosos no tienen altas tasas de mortalidad en el municipio estudiado, la incidencia de este problema de salud ha aumentado en los últimos años. Además, esta información epidemiológica actualizada puede contribuir a las acciones de política pública e informar a la población local sobre los riesgos inminentes.(AU)

Humanos , Picada de Aranha/epidemiologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia , Animais Peçonhentos , Perfil de Saúde , Saúde Pública
Acta toxicol. argent ; 28(1): 13-18, Apr. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248664


Resumen Se describe un accidente causado por Tityus falconensis González-Sponga, 1974 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) en un indi viduo masculino de 48 años de edad. El evento catalogado clínicamente como un envenenamiento sin compromiso sistémico, con solo síntomas y signos locales (edema e hiperemia en halux y parestesia del área plantar del pie derecho); ocurrió en el ambiente antrópico (área de dormitorio) en la localidad rural de La Peña, Sierra de San Luis, estado Falcón, región nor-occidental de Venezuela.

Abstract We report an accident produced by Tityus falconensis González-Sponga, 1974 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in a 48 years old male patient. The accident was considered clinically as an envenomation with no systemic compliance, with just local signs and symptoms (oedema and hyperemia in the halux and paresthesia of the plantar part of the right foot). The accident took place within the human environment (in dormitory) in the rural community of La Peña, Sierra de San Luis, Falcon state, North-Western region from Venezuela.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Venenos de Escorpião/toxicidade , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia , Venezuela/epidemiologia
Physis (Rio J.) ; 30(1): e300116, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125334


Resumen Los arácnidos son un grupo megadiverso, en el cuál están las arañas y los escorpiones. Si bien todas las especies de ambos grupos tienen veneno, solo algunas son peligrosas para el ser humano, pudiendo causar hasta la muerte, y ocupan un lugar importante en las tradiciones de muchos pueblos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer, mediante una encuesta, cuáles son los conocimientos de las personas sobre arañas y escorpiones y poner a prueba mitos y verdades mediante preguntas y repreguntas. Los resultados muestran un desconocimiento considerable en la población participante, especialmente con avanzado nivel educativo, que aceptan mitos por encima de los descubrimientos científicos verdaderos; además la respuesta entre varones y mujeres difiere de manera significativa en muchas preguntas. Estos resultados obligan a pensar políticas de educación que reviertan esos conocimientos erróneos basados en prejuicios o información de dudosa veracidad, por aquellos basados en la evidencia científica. Esto permitiría un manejo racional de estos grupos y así brindar medidas de prevención eficientes y pautas de acción si ocurriese un accidente.

Resumo Os aracnídeos são um grupo megadiverso, que inclui aranhas e escorpiões. Embora todas as espécies de ambos os grupos tenham veneno, só algumas são perigosas para o ser humano, podendo causar até a morte, e ocupam lugar importante nas tradições de muitas cidades. O objetivo do presente trabalho é conhecer, através de uma pesquisa, quais são os conhecimentos das pessoas sobre aranhas e escorpiões, e testar mitos e verdades por meio de perguntas e perguntas cruzadas. Os resultados mostram considerável desconhecimento por parte da população participante, em especial aquela com nível avançado de educação, que acredita em mitos mais frequentemente do que nas verdadeiras descobertas científicas; além disso, a resposta entre homens e mulheres difere significativamente em muitas questões. Esses resultados nos levam a pensar em políticas educacionais que revertam esses conhecimentos errôneos baseados em preconceitos ou informações de veracidade duvidosa, para aqueles baseados em evidências científicas. Isso permitiria um manejo racional dessas espécies, possibilitando medidas de prevenção eficientes e diretrizes para ação caso ocorra um acidente.

Abstract Arachnids are a megadiverse group, that include spiders and scorpions. Although the species of both groups are poisonous, only a few are dangerous to human beings, having the potential of causing death, and have an important place in the traditions of many cultures. This work aimed to evaluate, by means of a survey, the knowledge of the public about spiders and scorpions, and to test myths and truths through questions and cross-examinations. Results show a significant lack of awareness among the participants, especially those with higher level of education, who accept myths over true scientific discoveries; besides answers to many questions differ significantly between men and women. These results require the development of education policies that replace such erroneous knowledge based on prejudices or information of doubtful veracity, for scientific facts. This would allow a rational management of these species and thus provide efficient preventive measures and guidelines in case of accidents.

Animais , Aracnídeos , Escorpiões , Aranhas , Comunicação em Saúde , Argentina , Cultura
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20190039, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1101268


Scorpionism is one of the most important health problems in tropical regions, which unfortunately results in thousands of deaths annually. Pregnant women are potential victims in areas with high scorpion-sting prevalence. Limited medical data are available on the effects of scorpion envenomation in pregnant women. This study aimed to examine the effect of scorpion envenomation on pregnancy outcomes in 66 cases. Methods: The present descriptive/analytical cross-sectional study was performed on 66 scorpion-envenomed pregnant women referred to the clinical toxicology unit of Ahvaz Razi Hospital in Iran during 2015-2017. The variables assessed in all cases, via questionnaire and hospital medical records, were: age, patient residency, gestational week, status of the fetus, laboratory anomalies, clinical severity of envenomation, sting site and scorpion species. Pregnancy outcome (miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, normal delivery) and status of the newborns were also evaluated. Data were analyzed using SPSS ® software (version 24.0). Results: The following pregnancy outcomes were recorded from envenomed pregnant women: miscarriage = 1.5% (n = 1), stillbirth = 4.5% (n = 3), preterm birth = 10.6% (n = 7), normal birth = 83% (n = 55). Among participants whose pregnancy led to birth, 11(17.7%) cases had prenatal-neonatal complications. Neonatal complications, including Apgar score less than 8 points at 5 min, were found in 7 (11.3%) preterm birth cases and in 4 (6.4%) normal birth cases, along with birth weight below 2500 g in normal births. A significant relationship was found between adverse pregnancy outcomes and bite location, as well as scorpion species, but no relationship was found with other variables. Conclusion: Envenomation significantly contributes to preterm birth. Moreover, the location of bites and the type of scorpion species have a decisive role in the pregnancy outcome of scorpion-envenomed pregnant women.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Pacientes , Escorpiões , Mordeduras e Picadas , Resultado da Gravidez , Gestantes , Nascimento Prematuro , Picadas de Escorpião , Intoxicação , Toxicologia
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 53: e20190285, 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092206


Abstract This reports a case of scorpionism caused by Tityus serrulatus. A male adult was stung while unloading bananas at the supply center in Belém, Pará, Brazil. The bananas originated in another state (Bahia) and were brought to Belém by truck. The patient presented with pain, edema, and erythema at the sting site, and was classified as low-risk. The specimen was identified as T. serrulatus and symptomatic treatment and clinical observation were advised. The patient was discharged later without further complications. This is the first known envenomation caused by T. serrulatus, a non-native species to Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Escorpiões/classificação , Picadas de Escorpião/diagnóstico , Dor/etiologia , Brasil , Picadas de Escorpião/complicações
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-894173


Scorpions are distributed throughout Iran and the genus Hemiscorpius is particularly important in this region. Hemiscorpius lepturus is the most significant species within the genus in the country. Since scorpionism provoked by Hemiscorpius comprises a medical emergency, the present study is focused on this important issue. In order to perform the present work, a review of the medical and health-related literature was carried out in several databases. The current findings indicate that six species of Hemiscorpius are found in 15 states of Iran, mainly in the south and southwest. Deaths caused by stings were reported only for two species. The morphological characteristics and geographical distribution of H. lepturus in Iran, its venom and the toxic compounds, epidemiologic data and clinical manifestations of envenomation as well as treatment for affected people are herein reviewed and described. H. lepturus venom toxicity differs from other Iranian scorpions regarding duration and severity. Scorpionism is an important public health problem in Iran, especially in southwest and south regions and in urban areas. It is more prevalent in children and young people. H. lepturus venom is primarily a cytotoxic agent and has hemolytic, nephrotoxic and to some extent hepatotoxic activity. The use of polyvalent antivenom to prevent scorpion sting symptoms is recommended. A well-planned health education program might be useful in preventing scorpionism.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Venenos de Escorpião/toxicidade , Escorpiões/anatomia & histologia , Antivenenos/uso terapêutico , Picadas de Escorpião/terapia , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia , Picadas de Escorpião/prevenção & controle , Ira
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 24: 1-10, 2018. ilus, map
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484744


Scorpions are distributed throughout Iran and the genus Hemiscorpius is particularly important in this region. Hemiscorpius lepturus is the most significant species within the genus in the country. Since scorpionism provoked by Hemiscorpius comprises a medical emergency, the present study is focused on this important issue. In order to perform the present work, a review of the medical and health-related literature was carried out in several databases. The current findings indicate that six species of Hemiscorpius are found in 15 states of Iran, mainly in the south and southwest. Deaths caused by stings were reported only for two species. The morphological characteristics and geographical distribution of H. lepturus in Iran, its venom and the toxic compounds, epidemiologic data and clinical manifestations of envenomation as well as treatment for affected people are herein reviewed and described. H. lepturus venom toxicity differs from other Iranian scorpions regarding duration and severity. Scorpionism is an important public health problem in Iran, especially in southwest and south regions and in urban areas. It is more prevalent in children and young people. H. lepturus venom is primarily a cytotoxic agent and has hemolytic, nephrotoxic and to some extent hepatotoxic activity. The use of polyvalent antivenom to prevent scorpion sting symptoms is recommended. A well-planned health education program might be useful in preventing scorpionism.

Animais , Distribuição Animal , Escorpiões , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia , Venenos de Escorpião , Epidemias/prevenção & controle , Irã (Geográfico) , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto
Rev. patol. trop ; 46(1): 94-104, abr. 2017. tab, mapa
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-913446


Scorpionism is recognized by the World Health Organization as a neglected disease and, in Pará State, Brazil, it is considered a public health hazard. The objective of this study was to describe the spatial distribution of envenomation caused by scorpions in Pará. The data related to envenomation were collected from 2007 to 2014 and used for both descriptive and transversal studies. For those studies records obtained from ongoing investigations from the database of the National Notifiable Diseases Information System at the Public Health Department of Pará State were used. Envenomation occurs year round, most often in the first half of the year, in males from the countryside, aged 20 to 59 years and taking up to 3 hours to reach medical care. The deaths occurred from ages 15 to 59. Regarding the severity of the cases, class I cases were the most frequent and class III cases were the least frequent, accounting for only 5.1% of all cases. Of the 144 municipalities of Pará State, in 126 the frequency of envenomation ranged from 1 to 1,208 cases per municipality. Thirteen municipalities located in the lower Amazon region and in the southwest of Pará State presented higher occurences, including the highest number of deaths. Scorpionism is present throughout Pará State. However, there were differences in severity and incidence in the various regions, with higher frequency in the southwest of the State and in the lower Amazon region, corresponding to the Tapajós and Guyana endemic areas in the Brazilian Amazon.

Picadas de Escorpião , Intoxicação , Características de Residência
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 114(6): e413-e416, dic. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838306


Tucumán es una de las provincias con mayor incidencia de casos de escorpionismo. El objetivo es describir las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los casos de escorpionismo atendidos en el Servicio de Pediatría del Hospital Eva Perón, Banda del Río Salí, Tucumán, entre julio de 2013 y marzo de 2015. El total de pacientes fue cuarenta (n= 40), 21 varones y 19 mujeres. La edad promedio fue 6,89 años. Del total de casos, 34 (85%) fueronleves; 3 (7,5%), moderados; y 3 (7,5%), moderados-graves. La picadura se localizó más frecuentemente en las manos (en 9, 22,6%) y los pies (en 8, 20%). La identificación del alacrán solo se realizó en 3 oportunidades. A 6 pacientes se les administró el antídoto (correspondían a casos moderados y moderados-graves), con respuesta variable. La mayoría de los casos resultaron leves, pero es una entidad con potencial gravedad en su evolución. La prevención es clave, actividad que lleva a cabo este nosocomio.

Scorpionism in Tucumán is very frequent. The aim is to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cases of scorpionism that were seen in the Emergency Department of Eva Perón Hospital, Banda del Río Salí, Tucumán, between July 2013 and March 2015. Forty patients were assisted, 21 boys and 19 girls. The average age was 6.89 years. Thirty four (85%) resultedmild, 3 (7.5%) moderated, 3 (7.5%) moderated-severe. Hands (22.6%) and feet (20%) were the places in the body where the stings were more frequently localized. In only 3 cases the scorpion could be identified as Tityus trivittatus. Six (the moderate and moderate-severe cases) patients received specific antidote, with variable response. Although most of the cases were mild, this is an entity with severe prognosis in some patients. Epidemiological surveillance is necessary to arrange prevention measures, as we do in this Hospital.

Humanos , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Picadas de Escorpião/diagnóstico , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia , Argentina/epidemiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Centros de Cuidados de Saúde Secundários
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 49(6): 786-789, Dec. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041386


Abstract: INTRODUCTION This retrospective study shows the profile of arachnidism, ophidism, and scorpionism in the Ouro Preto Municipality, Brazil, from January 2007 to December 2013. METHODS The data were gathered from forms of the Epidemiological Surveillance Sector of the town's Health's Municipal Secretary. RESULTS Of the 412 envenomations, 308 were caused by spiders, 78 by scorpions, and 26 by snakes. The highest number of incidents involved people aged 20-34 years. Females were more affected than males. There were no reports of death. CONCLUSIONS The results show that envenomations caused by spiders, scorpions and snakes have decreased in recent years.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Adulto Jovem , Picada de Aranha/epidemiologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Incidência , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 49(4): 477-485, July-Aug. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-792790


Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Due to its frequency and morbidity, such as that caused by scorpions have achieved public health importance in certain regions of the world. The present exploratory ecological study aimed to characterize the epidemiological profile and spatial distribution of scorpion stings in Campina Grande, State of Paraíba in Northeastern Brazil. METHODS: Geographical information system techniques were used to record the scorpion stings, and Google Earth software, Track Maker, and ArcGIS 10 Esri were used as geocoding databases. The Moran test was used to evaluate spatial correlation, and the Pearson chi-square test was used to analyze associations between scorpion stings and socioeconomic variables. RESULTS: The study evaluated 1,466 scorpion stings. Envenomations were more frequent among women (n = 908, 61.9%), and most patients were aged 13-28 years (n = 428, 29.2%). The Southern region of the city had the largest number of registered cases (n = 548, 37.4%), followed by the Western region (n = 510, 34.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Spatial analysis of scorpionism revealed an irregular occurrence in Campina Grande. Further, no association was observed between the socioeconomic factors analyzed and the geographic location of the scorpion envenomations. Detection of spatial areas with an increased risk of scorpionism can help prioritize adoption of preventive measures in these regions to reduce the associated incidence and morbidity.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Escorpiões , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Incidência , Densidade Demográfica , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica , Mapeamento Geográfico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 22: [1-6], 2016. map, ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484671


Scorpionism is a serious public health problem in Brazil. Although cases of envenomation by scorpions are frequent in Brazil, Tityus silvestris found throughout the Amazon region is considered of minor medical significance and with only a few descriptions in the literature. This article aims to describe for the first time the epidemiological characteristics and clinical manifestations of scorpion stings by T. silvestris that occurred in eastern Brazilian Amazon. Methods A prospective and observational study was carried out on 13 confirmed cases of T. silvestris envenomation registered from 2007 to 2011 in the cities of Belém and Ananindeua, Pará state, Brazil. Results The stings occurred mainly during daytime, at domiciliary environment, and the scorpions were found in clothing, fruits or vegetables. Envenomation was more frequent in the age group between 21 and 30 years old, upper limbs were more affected and medical aid was usually provided within two hours. Men and women were equally affected. Regarding severity, ten patients were classified as Class I and three patients as Class II according to the Scorpion Consensus Expert Group. Local manifestations were present in all patients, being pain the most common symptom. Mild systemic manifestations including nausea, vomiting, somnolence, malaise and prostration were observed in three victims. Symptomatic treatment of pain was offered to all patients, and only one received specific antivenom. All victims had a favorable outcome. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to report the systemic symptomatology of envenomation by T. silvestris in the Brazilian Amazon, highlighting the medical relevance of the species in this region. Further research on the venom and clinical manifestations of envenomation by T. silvestris should be conducted in order to verify the relevance of this species to public health.

Animais , Escorpiões/classificação , Escorpiões/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fatores Epidemiológicos , Saúde Pública Veterinária
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 22: 24, 2016. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954784


Background Scorpionism is a serious public health problem in Brazil. Although cases of envenomation by scorpions are frequent in Brazil, Tityus silvestris - found throughout the Amazon region - is considered of minor medical significance and with only a few descriptions in the literature. This article aims to describe for the first time the epidemiological characteristics and clinical manifestations of scorpion stings by T. silvestris that occurred in eastern Brazilian Amazon. Methods A prospective and observational study was carried out on 13 confirmed cases of T. silvestris envenomation registered from 2007 to 2011 in the cities of Belém and Ananindeua, Pará state, Brazil. Results The stings occurred mainly during daytime, at domiciliary environment, and the scorpions were found in clothing, fruits or vegetables. Envenomation was more frequent in the age group between 21 and 30 years old, upper limbs were more affected and medical aid was usually provided within two hours. Men and women were equally affected. Regarding severity, ten patients were classified as Class I and three patients as Class II according to the Scorpion Consensus Expert Group. Local manifestations were present in all patients, being pain the most common symptom. Mild systemic manifestations including nausea, vomiting, somnolence, malaise and prostration were observed in three victims. Symptomatic treatment of pain was offered to all patients, and only one received specific antivenom. All victims had a favorable outcome. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to report the systemic symptomatology of envenomation by T. silvestris in the Brazilian Amazon, highlighting the medical relevance of the species in this region. Further research on the venom and clinical manifestations of envenomation by T. silvestris should be conducted in order to verify the relevance of this species to public health.(AU)

Animais , Escorpiões , Mordeduras e Picadas , Antivenenos , Meio Ambiente , Picadas de Escorpião , Verduras , Ecossistema Amazônico