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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016424


Objective To explore the correlation between clinical distribution characteristics of streptococcal pharyngitis in children and seasonal variations in Ziyang area, so as to provide basis for disease prevention and control. Methods A multistage and stratified random sampling technique was used to investigate 583 children with streptococcal pharyngitis attending Ziyang first people's Hospital from January 2022 to January 2023. The clinical data were recorded. The pharyngeal specimens were cultured for streptococci test. The number of streptococcal pharyngitis cases per season was counted. The metereological conditions (average barometric pressure, temperature, rainfall, and wind speed) were recorded. Pearson method was used to discuss the correlation between metereological factors and streptococcal pharyngitis onset. Results A total of the 583 children, 329 were male and 254 were female. The main age of onset was 7-12 years old, with a total of 227 cases (38.94%), followed by 199 cases (34.13%) aged 3-6 years old, 126 cases (21.61%) aged 1-2 years old, and 31 cases (5.32%) under 1 year old. A total of 614 strains of pathogenic bacteria were detected, of which 479 strains of Streptococcus hemolyticus were dominant, accounting for 78.01%, followed by 175 strains of Streptococcus pyogenes, accounting for 28.50%. Seasonally, 192 cases of streptococcal pharyngitis occurred in spring, 51 in summer, 72 in autumn and 268 in winter. In Ziyang, spring and winter were characterized by high mean wind speeds and barometric pressure, while summer and autumn were characterized by high mean temperatures and heavy rainfall. Pearson correlation analysis revealed that the prevalence rate streptococcal pharyngitis was positively correlated with average wind speed and barometric pressure (P<0.05), and negatively correlated with mean temperature and rainfall (P<0.05). Conclusion In Ziyang, streptococcal pharyngitis occurs mostly in children over 5 years old, and the main pathogen is Streptococcus hemolyticus. The onset of the disease is mostly in spring and winter, which is closely related to the seasonal variations of the region.

Braz. j. biol ; 81(4): 1036-1049, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153451


Abstract The primary objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal fish and crustacean variations concerning taxonomic composition, species richness, and diversity in sandy beach habitat. For this purpose, we investigated the Sonmiani Hor lagoon area during four distinct seasons, i.e., northeast (NE) monsoon, pre-monsoon, south-west (SW) monsoon, and post-monsoon for one year. During each haul, the net was pulled about 100m along the beach in 0.5m depth. The results showed a strong linear correlation between the diversity index and equitability in fishes (r = 0.978). The diversity index was strong negatively correlated with the abundance and biomass (r = -0.978, -0.972, respectively). The physical attributes like sea surface water temperature and salinity showed a strong negative effect on species assemblages (r = -0.981 and -0.943, respectively). The mean air and water temperature illustrated approximately 3°C difference during NE and pre-monsoon seasons. However, salinity, pH, and electrical conductivity did not show any significant seasonal variabilities. Under the ecological indices, the fish species displayed higher diversity (H' = 3.19) during SW monsoon, whereas the lowest diversity was observed during pre-monsoon (H' = 1.58). The equitability and species richness, however, remained more noticeable during SW monsoon (J' = 0.81). The total number of individuals of fish and crustaceans reached 4799 with 3813 fish individuals and 986 individuals of crustaceans. A total of 27 families of fish while five crustacean families comprising of 30 genera and 38 fish species while ten genera and 17 species of crustaceans were recorded. Liza subviridis displayed the highest abundance among the sampled fish species. In conclusion, fish species constituted a significant part of the coastal fauna in the study area. The seasonal variations displayed distinct variations in fish species composition and diversity.

Resumo O objetivo principal deste estudo foi investigar as variações sazonais de peixes e crustáceos em relação à composição taxonômica, riqueza de espécies e diversidade no habitat de praias arenosas. Para esse fim, investigamos a área da lagoa Sonmiani Hor durante quatro estações distintas, ou seja, monção nordeste (NE), pré-monção, monção sudoeste (SW) e pós-monção, por um ano. Durante cada transporte, a rede foi puxada cerca de 100 m ao longo da praia, a 0,5 m de profundidade. Os resultados mostraram uma forte correlação linear entre o índice de diversidade e a equitabilidade de peixes (r = 0,978). O índice de diversidade apresentou forte correlação negativa com a abundância e a biomassa (r = -0,978 e -0,972, respectivamente). Os atributos físicos, como temperatura da água da superfície do mar e salinidade, apresentaram forte efeito negativo sobre o conjunto de espécies (r = -0,981 e -0,943, respectivamente). A temperatura média do ar e da água teve uma diferença de aproximadamente 3 °C durante a monção NE e a pré-monção. No entanto, salinidade, pH e condutividade elétrica não apresentaram variabilidade sazonal significativa. A respeito dos índices ecológicos, as espécies de peixes apresentaram maior diversidade (H' = 3,19) durante a monção SW, enquanto a menor diversidade observada foi na pré-monção (H' = 1,58). A equitabilidade e a riqueza de espécies, no entanto, permaneceram mais perceptíveis durante a monção SW (J' = 0,81). O número total de peixes e crustáceos foi de 4.799, com 3.813 peixes e 986 crustáceos. Foram registradas 27 famílias de peixes e 5 famílias de crustáceos, com 30 gêneros e 38 espécies de peixes, além de 10 gêneros e 17 espécies de crustáceos. Liza subviridis apresentou a maior abundância entre as espécies de peixes amostradas. Em conclusão, as espécies de peixes constituíram uma parte significativa da fauna costeira na área de estudo. As variações sazonais apresentaram variações distintas na composição e diversidade das espécies de peixes.

Humanos , Animais , Ecossistema , Peixes , Estações do Ano , Água do Mar , Biodiversidade , Salinidade
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209511


Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is endemic in north-west of Libya forlong time andit’s spread to other new foci continues to involve new areaslike Taurgha, Sirt and recently, Zliten. Most ofthe patients in north-west of Libya were infected with zoonoticCutaneous Leishmaniasis, which caused by leishmania major, althoughsome cases of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by leishmania tropica were also reported. Zliten is a coastal city in the north west of Libya;with more than 289000 people; and now isknown to be a new focus since 2016 when the sudden increase of the number of patients with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis had occurred. Aims: This study was performed to observe epidemiological changes about incidence, age of patients, geographical distribution in Zliten city over a period of last 2 year (2017 and 2018).Study Design:Cross-sectional study as retrospective study over time of twoyears, involving all patients, who were presented or referred, to get management of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, in three accredited outpatient departments for cutaneousleishmania (in Zliten). The data were collected and analyzed in Zliten Teching Hospital.Place and Duration of Study: Outpatient Department of Dermatology and Venereology of Zliten Teaching Hospital between 1stJanuary 2017 and 31stDecember 2018.Methodology: The study included all patients (different gender and from all age groups) withCutaneous Leishmaniasis, who sought medical advicein dermatology reference clinics in Zliten over the period of 2 years (2017 and 2018). The main collected data were age, sex, number of lesions, and affected sites in the body, residency of the patients, year and month of presentation. The analysis ofdata was made with the use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 25).Results:Eight hundred thirty nine patients were included in this study. The majority of patients came from Zliten and these represented 95.6%, while the most of them came from Majer (south easternpart of Zliten City with more than 25000 people living in it) and represented 45.5% of total patients with CL included in this study, followed by Al-juma (south westernpart of Zliten with around 52000 people), represented (28%) of total patients with CL.Males were found to be more affected, with male to female ratio, 2.4:1. The most affected age group were these less than forty with peak incidence at age group (20 yrs to 30 yrs). The registered patients in 2017 were 397, this number had increasedslightly to be 440 in the following year (2018).The distribution of patients had shown seasonal variations, with steep increase in the number of cases in December, November and January.Conclusion:Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is remained to be amajor health problem in Zliten, affecting a large number of population every year and need further study to determine molecular identification of parasites, and more efforts are needed to control the vector and reservoir.

Sci. med. (Porto Alegre, Online) ; 27(2): ID24994, abr-jun 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-848171


OBJETIVOS: Analisar o perfil e a prevalência de doenças em idosos admitidos em duas estações do ano distintas, em um serviço público de fisioterapia de um município de médio porte localizado em zona de clima subtropical de altitude. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal analisou prontuários de pacientes encaminhados nos meses que compreenderam o verão e o inverno de 2011. Foram incluídos os prontuários de idosos (acima de 60 anos de idade) de ambos os sexos e excluídos os prontuários sem informações sobre o diagnóstico médico atual. Foram coletadas as variáveis idade e sexo e os diagnósticos atuais e pregressos. Para análise comparativa quanto ao perfil dos idosos admitidos nos dois períodos do ano, utilizou-se o teste Qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados dados de 71 idosos. A média de idade foi de 69,2±8,1 anos e 48 (70,4%) eram do sexo feminino. Os diagnósticos mais frequentes no momento do encaminhamento foram de doenças traumato-ortopédicas (60,6%). O maior número de admissões ocorreu durante o inverno (62,0%). Os diagnósticos no momento do encaminhamento foram, respectivamente no verão e no inverno: traumatoortopédicos 17 (63,0%) e 26 (59,1%); reumatológicos 3 (11,1%) e 10 (22,7%); neurológicos 5 (18,5%) e 4 (9,1%); pós-operatório 2 (7,4%) e 4 (9,1%) (p=0,64). CONCLUSÕES: No inverno ocorreu maior demanda de encaminhamentos de idosos ao serviço de fisioterapia em comparação ao verão, com predomínio de mulheres em ambas as estações do ano. As causas de encaminhamento mais prevalentes foram relacionadas à traumatoortopedia, mas não houve diferença significativa na frequência dos diagnósticos conforme a estação do ano. O conhecimento sobre o perfil dos idosos admitidos em serviços de fisioterapia é importante para o planejamento de ações voltadas a essa faixa etária, com a realização de campanhas de informação, prevenção e promoção da saúde.

AIMS: To analyze the profile and the prevalence of diseases in elderly patients admitted to a physical therapy center in a medium-sized Brazilian city located in a subtropical zone in two different seasons of the year. METHODS: A cross-sectional study assessed the medical records of patients treated during summer and winter months in 2011. Medical records of male and female elderly patients (aged over 60 years) were included, and those without information on present medical diagnosis were excluded. Age and sex and both current and previous diagnostic records were analyzed. The chi-square test was used for the comparative analysis of the profile of the elderly patients for both seasons. RESULTS: Seventy-one medical records were analyzed. The mean age was 69.2±8.1 years and 48 (70.4%) patients were female. There was a higher prevalence of trauma-orthopedic diseases (60.6%). The greatest number of admissions was in winter (62.0%). At the time of referral, there were 17 cases (63.0%) of trauma-orthopaedic diseases in summer and 26 (59.1%) in winter; 3 cases (11.1%) of rheumatologic diseases in summer and 10 (22.7%) in winter; 5 cases (18.5%) of neurologic disorders in summer and 4 (9.1%) in winter; and 2 cases (7.4%) of postoperative complications in summer and 4 (9.1%) in winter (p=0.64). CONCLUSIONS: There was a greater demand for referrals of elderly patients to the physical therapy center in winter than in summer, with a predominance of female patients in both seasons. The most prevalent causes of referral were related to trauma-orthopaedic diseases, but there was no significant difference in the frequency of diagnoses according to season. Knowledge about the profile of the elderly admitted to physical therapy centers is important for targeting actions at this age group, conducting information, prevention, and health promotion campaigns.

Humanos , Saúde do Idoso , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Serviços de Saúde Comunitária
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467530


Abstract The primary objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal fish and crustacean variations concerning taxonomic composition, species richness, and diversity in sandy beach habitat. For this purpose, we investigated the Sonmiani Hor lagoon area during four distinct seasons, i.e., northeast (NE) monsoon, pre-monsoon, south-west (SW) monsoon, and post-monsoon for one year. During each haul, the net was pulled about 100m along the beach in 0.5m depth. The results showed a strong linear correlation between the diversity index and equitability in fishes (r = 0.978). The diversity index was strong negatively correlated with the abundance and biomass (r = -0.978, -0.972, respectively). The physical attributes like sea surface water temperature and salinity showed a strong negative effect on species assemblages (r = -0.981 and -0.943, respectively). The mean air and water temperature illustrated approximately 3°C difference during NE and pre-monsoon seasons. However, salinity, pH, and electrical conductivity did not show any significant seasonal variabilities. Under the ecological indices, the fish species displayed higher diversity (H = 3.19) during SW monsoon, whereas the lowest diversity was observed during pre-monsoon (H = 1.58). The equitability and species richness, however, remained more noticeable during SW monsoon (J = 0.81). The total number of individuals of fish and crustaceans reached 4799 with 3813 fish individuals and 986 individuals of crustaceans. A total of 27 families of fish while five crustacean families comprising of 30 genera and 38 fish species while ten genera and 17 species of crustaceans were recorded. Liza subviridis displayed the highest abundance among the sampled fish species. In conclusion, fish species constituted a significant part of the coastal fauna in the study area. The seasonal variations displayed distinct variations in fish species composition and diversity.

Resumo O objetivo principal deste estudo foi investigar as variações sazonais de peixes e crustáceos em relação à composição taxonômica, riqueza de espécies e diversidade no habitat de praias arenosas. Para esse fim, investigamos a área da lagoa Sonmiani Hor durante quatro estações distintas, ou seja, monção nordeste (NE), pré-monção, monção sudoeste (SW) e pós-monção, por um ano. Durante cada transporte, a rede foi puxada cerca de 100 m ao longo da praia, a 0,5 m de profundidade. Os resultados mostraram uma forte correlação linear entre o índice de diversidade e a equitabilidade de peixes (r = 0,978). O índice de diversidade apresentou forte correlação negativa com a abundância e a biomassa (r = -0,978 e -0,972, respectivamente). Os atributos físicos, como temperatura da água da superfície do mar e salinidade, apresentaram forte efeito negativo sobre o conjunto de espécies (r = -0,981 e -0,943, respectivamente). A temperatura média do ar e da água teve uma diferença de aproximadamente 3 °C durante a monção NE e a pré-monção. No entanto, salinidade, pH e condutividade elétrica não apresentaram variabilidade sazonal significativa. A respeito dos índices ecológicos, as espécies de peixes apresentaram maior diversidade (H = 3,19) durante a monção SW, enquanto a menor diversidade observada foi na pré-monção (H = 1,58). A equitabilidade e a riqueza de espécies, no entanto, permaneceram mais perceptíveis durante a monção SW (J = 0,81). O número total de peixes e crustáceos foi de 4.799, com 3.813 peixes e 986 crustáceos. Foram registradas 27 famílias de peixes e 5 famílias de crustáceos, com 30 gêneros e 38 espécies de peixes, além de 10 gêneros e 17 espécies de crustáceos. Liza subviridis apresentou a maior abundância entre as espécies de peixes amostradas. Em conclusão, as espécies de peixes constituíram uma parte significativa da fauna costeira na área de estudo. As variações sazonais apresentaram variações distintas na composição e diversidade das espécies de peixes.

Int. j. morphol ; 34(2): 522-532, June 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-787032


Los humedales son cuerpos de agua muy productivos y son refugio para aves migratorias; sin embargo, continuamente reciben contaminantes que ejercen daños en los organismos acuáticos. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el estado de salud de Fulica americana mediante biomarcadores histopatológicos, de estrés oxidativo, e índices somáticos en dos humedales de la Cuenca de México, para evaluar el efecto de las condiciones del hábitat en la salud de las aves. Se obtuvieron ejemplares en los humedales, Xochimilco (X) y Tecocomulco (T) en diferentes períodos de un año. Se determinó su edad, se evisceraron y pesaron, se obtuvieron porciones del hígado para el análisis histológico y para la cuantificación del nivel de lipoperoxidación (LPO). Se analizó la calidad del agua de X y T. Se realizó la técnica histológica de inclusión en parafina y la tinción Hematoxilina-Eosina. El mayor deterioro de la calidad del agua se observó en X. Se encontró infiltración leucocitaria (IN) y vasocongestión (VA) en tres grados. En T se observó la mayor prevalencia de ejemplares con daños combinados, en particular en las hembras; mientras que en X se presentó un mayor porcentaje de organismos con IN. La LPO más alta se observó durante el invierno en T lo que pudiera estar relacionado con el arribo de aves migratorias y la cacería; mientras que en X la mayor LPO estuvo relacionada con la reproducción. La mayor masa corporal eviscerada se presentó en los machos de T y la menor en las hembras de X. En todas las gallaretas los índices hepatosomáticos máximos se alcanzaron en otoño y los mínimos en primavera. F. americana puede ser utilizada como centinela debido a que presentó respuestas diferenciadas en los índices somáticos y en los biomarcadores histopatológicos y de estrés oxidativo en las distintas localidades, sexo y épocas del año.

Wetlands are very productive ecosystems and water birds complete their lifecycle there. Unfortunately, they constantly receive xenobiotics which can cause damage in aquatic organisms. This work assessed the health conditions of Fulica americana through histopathological and oxidative stress biomarkers and somatic indices in two wetlands from the Mexico Basin to evaluate the effect of habitat conditions on the birds health. The specimens were collected from Xochimilco (X) and Tecocomulco (T) wetlands during an annual cycle. They were eviscerated and weighed. Liver samples were taken for histological analysis and to quantify the lipid peroxidation (LPO) in the laboratory. The coots were aged. The water quality from both wetlands was analyzed. The liver tissue was embedded in liquid paraffin and was stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Two pathologies were detected in three levels each (I, II and III): leukocyte infiltration (IN) and vasocongestion (VA). The highest prevalence of both damages were observed in T coots, while the highest IN percentage was detected in X coots. The maximum LPO levels were detected during winter at T, which could be related to hunter season and the wintering migratory birds. In X the highest LPO levels were related to breeding season. The biggest eviscerated body mass was noted in T males and the smallest in the X females. All coots reached the highest hepatosomatic index during autumn and the minimum during spring. American coot can be used as sentinel because it is able to present differentiated responses, somatic indices, histopathological biomarkers and oxidative stress in different locations, sex and periods of the year.

Animais , Biomarcadores , Aves , Fígado/patologia , Estresse Oxidativo , Áreas Alagadas , Peroxidação de Lipídeos , México , Estações do Ano , Qualidade da Água
Braz. j. biol ; 75(4,supl.1): 97-107, Nov. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-768243


Abstract In Southeastern Brazil tilapia culture is conducted in extensive and semi-intensive flow-through earthen ponds, being water availability and flow management different in the rainy and dry seasons. In this region lettuce wastes are a potential cheap input for tilapia culture. This study examined the ecological processes developing during the rainy and dry seasons in three extensive flow-through earthen tilapia ponds fertilized with lettuce wastes. Water quality, plankton and sediment parameters were sampled monthly during a year. Factor analysis was used to identify the ecological processes occurring within the ponds and to construct a conceptual graphic model of the pond ecosystem functioning during the rainy and dry seasons. Processes related to nitrogen cycling presented differences between both seasons while processes related to phosphorus cycling did not. Ecological differences among ponds were due to effects of wind protection by surrounding vegetation, organic loading entering, tilapia density and its grazing pressure on zooplankton. Differences in tilapia growth among ponds were related to stocking density and ecological process affecting tilapia food availability and intraspecific competition. Lettuce wastes addition into the ponds did not produce negative effects, thus this practice may be considered a disposal option and a low-cost input source for tilapia, at least at the amounts applied in this study.

Resumo No sudeste do Brasil, a criação extensiva e semi-intensiva de tilápias é realizada em viveiros escavados com fluxo contínuo, com a disponibilidade e manejo do fluxo de água diferentes nas épocas chuvosa e seca. Na região, os resíduos de alface são um recurso potencialmente de baixo custo para a tilapicultura. Este estudo examinou os processos ecológicos ocorrendo em três viveiros escavados com fluxo contínuo fertilizados com restos de alface para criação extensiva de tilápias durante as épocas chuvosa e seca. Parâmetros de qualidade de água, plâncton e sedimento foram amostrados mensalmente durante um ano. A análise de fator foi utilizada para identificar os processos ecológicos nos viveiros e elaborar um modelo gráfico do funcionamento do ecossistema dos viveiros durante as duas épocas. Os processos relacionados ao ciclo do nitrogênio mostraram diferenças entre as duas épocas, enquanto que os processos relacionados com o ciclo do fósforo não foram influenciados pela época. As diferenças ecológicas entre os viveiros foram principalmente devido aos efeitos do vento, adição de material orgânico e densidade de estocagem. Diferenças no crescimento das tilápias entre os viveiros relacionaram-se com a densidade de estocagem e os processos ecológicos afetando a disponibilidade de alimento e a competição intraespecífica. A adição dos restos de alface nos viveiros não resultou em efeitos negativos, assim esta prática pode ser considerada um destino alternativo e um recurso de baixo custo para a criação extensiva de tilápias, pelo menos nas quantidades investigadas neste estudo.

Animais , Aquicultura , Ecossistema , Lactuca/química , Lagoas , Tilápia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Brasil , Fertilizantes/análise , Estações do Ano , Qualidade da Água
Braz. j. biol ; 75(4)Nov. 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468327


Abstract In Southeastern Brazil tilapia culture is conducted in extensive and semi-intensive flow-through earthen ponds, being water availability and flow management different in the rainy and dry seasons. In this region lettuce wastes are a potential cheap input for tilapia culture. This study examined the ecological processes developing during the rainy and dry seasons in three extensive flow-through earthen tilapia ponds fertilized with lettuce wastes. Water quality, plankton and sediment parameters were sampled monthly during a year. Factor analysis was used to identify the ecological processes occurring within the ponds and to construct a conceptual graphic model of the pond ecosystem functioning during the rainy and dry seasons. Processes related to nitrogen cycling presented differences between both seasons while processes related to phosphorus cycling did not. Ecological differences among ponds were due to effects of wind protection by surrounding vegetation, organic loading entering, tilapia density and its grazing pressure on zooplankton. Differences in tilapia growth among ponds were related to stocking density and ecological process affecting tilapia food availability and intraspecific competition. Lettuce wastes addition into the ponds did not produce negative effects, thus this practice may be considered a disposal option and a low-cost input source for tilapia, at least at the amounts applied in this study.

Resumo No sudeste do Brasil, a criação extensiva e semi-intensiva de tilápias é realizada em viveiros escavados com fluxo contínuo, com a disponibilidade e manejo do fluxo de água diferentes nas épocas chuvosa e seca. Na região, os resíduos de alface são um recurso potencialmente de baixo custo para a tilapicultura. Este estudo examinou os processos ecológicos ocorrendo em três viveiros escavados com fluxo contínuo fertilizados com restos de alface para criação extensiva de tilápias durante as épocas chuvosa e seca. Parâmetros de qualidade de água, plâncton e sedimento foram amostrados mensalmente durante um ano. A análise de fator foi utilizada para identificar os processos ecológicos nos viveiros e elaborar um modelo gráfico do funcionamento do ecossistema dos viveiros durante as duas épocas. Os processos relacionados ao ciclo do nitrogênio mostraram diferenças entre as duas épocas, enquanto que os processos relacionados com o ciclo do fósforo não foram influenciados pela época. As diferenças ecológicas entre os viveiros foram principalmente devido aos efeitos do vento, adição de material orgânico e densidade de estocagem. Diferenças no crescimento das tilápias entre os viveiros relacionaram-se com a densidade de estocagem e os processos ecológicos afetando a disponibilidade de alimento e a competição intraespecífica. A adição dos restos de alface nos viveiros não resultou em efeitos negativos, assim esta prática pode ser considerada um destino alternativo e um recurso de baixo custo para a criação extensiva de tilápias, pelo menos nas quantidades investigadas neste estudo.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-162688


Aims: Spatial variability and temporal dynamics of benthic seaweeds using the field investigation and Landsat Thematic Mapper images Place and Duration of Study: Al-Shoaiba area, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea was investigated and the study area was divided into four sites extending about 10 km. The study period extended seasonally from summer 2011 to spring 2012. Methodology: The assessment of seaweeds abundance and distribution were performed using quadrate method. Methodology includes analyses of the Enhanced Landsat Thematic Mapper (ETM+) images. Results: A total of 46 seaweed taxa were collected from Al-Shoaiba region belonging to three different algal phyla to extend on reef flat to hundreds of yards to open sea. The field observations showed the broad macroalgal groups as optically mixture. The main confusion was distinguished between macroalgal groups. The contribution of seaweeds varied significantly not only between seasons, but also between sites. The physical parameters showed a close relationship between air and sea water temperatures. Generally, the weather tends to be warm at the selected sites. The pH values were slightly alkaline. Water salinity was relatively high especially in summer and autumn. Diverse of macroalgal communities was shown pronounced seasonal changes. Image classifications of remote sensing data showed large visual appearance of algal vegetation in summer and autumn on the reef flat than in winter and spring. High temperature and evaporation during summer and autumn may causes decline in sea water level. In contrary, low temperature leads to increasing the sea water level to cover most of the reef flat in winter and spring. Conclusion: This study emphasizes the significant impact of seasonal variations, especially temperature, on the spatial and temporal distribution of seaweeds in Al- Shoaiba coast, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea.

Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 18(3): 3822-3828, set.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-700567


Objetivo. Dos experimentos se realizaron para determinar el estatus de selenio en equinos Criollo-Chileno a pastoreo y, evaluar la respuesta a la suplementación con Na2SeO3. Materiales y métodos. Exp.1A caballos pertenecientes a 10 criaderos del sur de Chile se les determinó la actividad sanguínea de glutatión peroxidasa (GPx, EC. (AcGPx). Los animales pertenecieron a 3 grupos, pastoreo de otoño (PO, n=40), pastoreo de otoño y suplementados con avena (PO+A, n=47), y, pastoreo de primavera (PP, n=41). Exp2Se utilizaron equinos con carencia de selenio, distribuidos en tres grupos: G1, n=7, tratado con Na2SeO3 el día 0 (Se= 0.05 mg/kg pv, im); G2, n=8, suplementado con Na2SeO3, los días 0 y 15 y GC, n=8, control. La AcGPx se determinó al día 0, 30 y 120. Resultados. La mediana (Me) de la AcGPx en todos los grupos fue menor al límite adecuado (>130 U/gHb), mayor en PO+A (Me=92, P25%=47, P75%=129 U/gHb) y PP (Me=85, P25%=45, P75%=114 U/gHb) que en PO (Me=35, P25%=20, P75%=85 U/gHb) (p<0.05). En el experimento 2 la AcGPx fue similar y menor al adecuado en todos los grupos. La suplementación con Na2SeO3 aumentó (p<0.05) la AcGPx en G1 (121±52 U/gHb) y G2 (124±69 U/gHb), sin alcanzar valores adecuados. Conclusiones. Los equinos Criollo-Chileno a pastoreo en el sur de Chile presentan carencia de Se, mayor en otoño que primavera y menor al suplementar con avena. Adicionalmente, la administración parenteral de Na2SeO3 mejora el estatus de Se, pero sin revertir el cuadro carencial.

Objective. Two experiments were conducted to determine the selenium status in grazing Chilean-Criollo horses and evaluate their response to a Na2SeO3 supplement. Material and methods. Exp.1The blood activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx, EC. (AcGPx) was determined in horses kept grazing in 10 breeding farms from the south of Chile: PO, n= 40 horses were kept grazing during autumn (PO), 47 horses were kept grazing during autumn and supplemented with oat grain (PO+A), and 23 horses were kept grazing during spring (PP). Exp.223 horses kept on pasture were allotted into three groups: G1, n=7, supplemented with a dose of Na2SeO3 (Se= 0.05mg/kg bw, im) on day 0; G2, n=8, supplemented with similar doses of Na2SeO3, on days 0 and 15; and GC, n=8, control. AcGPx was determined on days 0, 30 and 120. Results. Median (Me) of the AcGPx on all the farms were below the adequate limit (>130 U/g Hb), being higher in PO+A (Me= 92, P25%= 47, P75%= 129 U/g Hb) and PP (Me = 85, P25%= 45, P75%=114 U/g Hb) than PO (Me= 35, P25%= 20, P75%= 85 U/g Hb) (p<0.05). Initial AcGPx was similar and below adequate in the three groups and increased after Na2SeO3 administration (p<0.05) in G1 (121 ± 52 U/g Hb) and G2 (124 ± 69 U/g Hb). Conclusions. A deficiency is observed in Chilean-Criollo horses grazing during autumn and spring in southern Chile, parenteral administration of Na2SeO3 (0.05mg/kg bw) in single or double doses improves the Se status without achieving adequate values.

Animais , Estações do Ano , Selenito de Sódio
Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab ; 50(3): 0-0, set. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-694900


Estudios realizados en el Alto Valle del R ío Negro, Patagonia Argentina, indican que existe una prevalencia de bocio ligeramente superior a la línea de corte establecida por el Internacional Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders con un grado de nutrición de yodo apropiado; prevalencia que podría ser atribuida a factores ambientales y/o nutricionales que interfieren con el metabolismo tiroideo. La concentración de TSH circulante responde a variaciones circadianas y es influenciada por las estaciones y la temperatura ambiental. Las características geográficas, el clima semidesértico o la presencia de sustancias que actúan como disruptores endocrinos, son factores que podrían relacionarse a modificaciones en la producción hormonal en zonas urbanas o rurales. Objetivos: a) Evaluar la posible asociación entre la variación anual de los valores de hormona estimulante de tiroides (TSH), el fotoperíodo y la temperatura ambiental. b) Estimar si los valores plasmáticos de TSH son significativamente diferentes en poblaciones rurales y urbanas de Alto Valle del Río Negro. Se evaluaron retrospectivamente 1393 pacientes sanos residentes en el Alto Valle: 226 masculinos y 1167 femeninos, que acudieron por control clínico en el año 2010. Se utilizó para el análisis el software SPSS 17.0. Se encontraron variaciones significativas en el Log-TSH con un pico máximo al comienzo del otoño-invierno y un pico mínimo en primavera-verano. Se obtuvo una diferencia significativa en valores de Log-TSH en área rural: 0,46 uUI/ml (0,30-0,61) contra 0,28 uUI/ml (0,26-0,30) con p < 0,001 en áreas urbanas. Los resultados encontrados de variación estacional revelan la adaptación del organismo para afrontar cambios de condiciones ambientales. La diferencia significativa en los valores de TSH en la zona rural y urbana indicaría que los residentes en áreas rurales estarían expuestos a factores ambientales entre los que podrían considerarse aquellos derivados de la actividad frutihortícola. Se sugiere tener en cuenta estos hallazgos en la región del Alto Valle del Río Negro al momento de evaluar el diagnóstico y posterior tratamiento de disfunción tiroidea.

Studies carried out in Alto Valle del Rio Negro, Patagonia Argentina, show a prevalence of goiter slightly above the cut-off line established by the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IC-CIDD), with an appropriate iodine nutrition grade; such prevalence could be attributed to environmental and/ or nutritional factors that interfere with thyroid metabolism. Blood TSH concentration responds to circadian variations and is influenced by seasonality and environmental temperature. The geographic characteristics, semi-desert climate or the presence of endocrine disruptors are factors that could be related to hormonal production modifications in urban or rural areas. Objectives: a) To evaluate the potential association between annual variation in TSH levels, photoperiod and environmental temperature. b) To estimate if plasma TSH values are significantly different in populations from rural and urban areas in Alto Valle del Rio Negro. We retrospectively evaluated 1393 healthy patients living in Alto Valle del Río Negro: 226 males and 1167 females, who presented for routine clinical check-up during 2010. SPSS 17.0 software was used for the analysis. Significant variations were found in Log-TSH, with a maximal peak at the beginning of the fall-winter and a minimal peak in spring-summer. There is a significant difference in the values of TSH between rural and urban areas, (values of Log-TSH in rural area: 0.46 uUI/ml (0.30-0.61) vs. urban area: 0.28 uUI/ml (0.26-0.30) with p<0.001). Seasonal variation results are indicative of the body adaptation to changes in environmental conditions. The significant difference in TSH values in rural areas vs. urban areas would indicate that rural residents are exposed to environmental factors including those derived from fruits and vegetables production. We suggest taking into account these findings for both populations studied in the region Alto Valle del Río Negro at the time of diagnostic evaluation and subsequent treatment of thyroid dysfunction.

Cad. saúde pública ; 29(1): 117-122, Jan. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-662849


As campanhas de vacinação antiinfluenza para idosos são realizadas anualmente no mesmo período nos estados brasileiros. Objetivou-se avaliar óbitos decorrentes de doenças respiratórias por influenza e causas associadas em idosos do Município de Aracaju, Sergipe, Brasil. Avaliaram-se dados do Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Gripe (SIVEP_GRIPE), do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH), do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e do Departamento de Informática do SUS (DATASUS), no período de 1998 a 2007, além de registros do Laboratório Central de Sergipe (LACEN-SE) e dados pluviométricos do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET). O ano de 2007 apresentou a maior taxa de mortalidade por influenza e causas associadas na população idosa no período avaliado. A faixa etária de 70 anos ou mais apresentou a maior mortalidade (p < 0,0001). No período de 1998 a 2007, as taxas de mortalidade de doenças respiratórias por influenza e causas associadas, em Aracaju, foram elevadas em comparação às dos Estados brasileiros, o que indica necessidade de reformulação no calendário de vacinação contra gripe nos idosos desse município.

Nationwide influenza vaccination campaigns are held annually in Brazil during the same time of the year. This study aimed to analyze deaths from respiratory illnesses and influenza-related causes among the elderly in the city of Aracaju, capital of Sergipe State, Brazil. Data were analyzed from the following databases: Information System on Influenza Epidemiological Surveillance (SIVEP_GRIPE), Hospital Information System (SIH), Mortality Information System (SIM), and Health Informatics Department (DATASUS), from 1998 to 2007, Sergipe State Central Laboratory (LACEN-SE), and rainfall data from the National Meteorology Institute (INMET). The year 2007 showed the highest mortality rate from influenza and related causes in elderly individuals. From 1998 to 2007, mortality rates from influenza-related respiratory illnesses and associated causes in Aracaju city were higher than in the States of Brazil, indicating the need to reformulate the influenza vaccination schedule in elderly residents of this city.

Las campañas de vacunación contra la gripe para la tercera edad se realizan anualmente durante el mismo período en los estados brasileños. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar óbitos derivados de enfermedades respiratorias por gripe y causas asociadas en enfermos del Municipio de Aracaju, Sergipe, Brasil. Se evaluaron datos del Sistema de Información de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la Gripe (SIVEP_GRIPE), del Sistema de Información Hospitalaria (SIH), del Sistema de Información sobre Mortalidad (SIM) y del Departamento de Informática del SUS (DATASUS), durante el período de 1998 a 2007, además de registros del Laboratorio Central de Sergipe (LACEN-SE) y datos pluviométricos del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (INMET). El año 2007 presentó la mayor tasa de mortalidad por gripe y causas asociadas en la población de la tercera edad durante el período evaluado. La franja edad de 70 años o más presentó la mayor mortalidad (p < 0,0001). Durante el período de 1998 a 2007, las tasas de mortalidad de enfermedades respiratorias por gripe y causas asociadas, en Aracaju, fueron elevadas en comparación a la de los Estados brasileños, lo que indica la necesidad de reformulación en el calendario de vacunación contra la gripe en los ancianos de ese municipio.

Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Influenza Humana/mortalidade , Doenças Respiratórias/mortalidade , Fatores Etários , Brasil/epidemiologia , Serviços de Saúde para Idosos , Hospitalização , Vírus da Influenza A , Influenza Humana/complicações , Influenza Humana/prevenção & controle , Vacinação em Massa , Doenças Respiratórias/etiologia , Infecções Respiratórias/mortalidade
J Environ Biol ; 2012 Jul; 33(4): 741-744
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148422


The present study concerns seasonal variations, correlation coefficient and biodiversity indices of zooplanktons during January – December, 2008 in the Harsool-Savangi dam, Aurangabad, India. A total of 25 genera were recorded of which 10 were Rotifers, 8 Cladocerons, 5 Copepods and 2 Ostracods. Present study revealed maximum percentage wise compositions of Rotifers at north site were 58.28%, Cladocerons at south site were 29.78%, Copepods at east site were 16.59% and Ostracods at south site were 4.20%, respectively. Minimum percentage wise compositions Rotifers at south site were 51.54%, Cladocerons at west site were 26.71%, Copepods at north site were 11.03% and Ostracods at north site were 1.36%, respectively. Margalef’s index (R1) and Menhinick index (R2) values (3.58 and 0.87) were found to be the highest at south site and lowest at (3.16 and 0.56) north site. Simpson’s index (l) values (0.43) were found to be the highest at north site and lowest (0.37) at south site. Shannon – Weiner index (H’) values (1.06) were found to be the highest at south site and lowest values (0.94) at north site. Maximum species evenness was recorded at south site while minimum species evenness was recorded at north site. Maximum population density of Rotifers, Cladocerons, Copepods and Ostracods (799, 350, 163 and 18) were recorded at north site in summer and minimum (58, 35, 22 and 13) were recorded at south site in monsoon, respectively.

J. Health Sci. Inst ; 30(2)abr.-jun. 2012. graf, ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-655216


Objetivo - Identificar a variação espacial e a sazonal de microrganismos associados ao cultivo semi-intensivo do Zungaro jahu. Métodos - As amostras de água foram coletadas ao longo de um eixo longitudinal em uma piscicultura, no município de Conceição das Alagoas/MG e semeadas em diferentes meios de cultura. Os microrganismos foram isolados e identificados. Resultados - Foram identificados10 gêneros de bactérias. Para os cinco pontos de coleta analisados, obteve-se uma diversidade de 11 espécies de bactérias Gram-negativas e 3 espécies de bactérias Gram-positivas. Conclusão - A análise de variação sazonal apontou para uma redução das categorias taxonômicas em julho, o que pode estar relacionado às baixas temperaturas observadas neste período. A análise da variação espacial mostrou que o tanque que recebe a água de toda a piscicultura apresenta maior diversidade microbiana provavelmente decorrente da adição de matéria orgânica utilizada como insumo.

Objective - To identify the spatial and seasonal variation of microorganisms associated with Zungaro jahu cultivation semi-intensive. Methods - Water samples were collected along a longitudinal axis in a fish farming Conceição das Alagoas county, Minas Gerais-Brazil, and seeded in different culture medium. Results - Ten bacteria genus were isolated and identified 11 of microorganisms and 3 species of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, respectively was obtained in the five collected points analyzed. The seasonal variation analysis indicated a reduction of taxonomic categories in July, must be directly associated with the low temperatures. Conclusion - The analysis showed that space variation of the tank which receives water from the whole farm-fish has a higher microbial diversity; probably due to the addition of organic matter used in fish feed.

Peixes-Gato , Pesqueiros/métodos , Estações do Ano/análise
Cad. saúde pública ; 28(5): 869-877, maio 2012. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-625485


Respiratory diseases are the leading cause of hospitalizations in Brazil (excluding hospital admissions related to childbirth, pregnancy, and postpartum). To analyze the trend and seasonality of hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil, 1998-2009, a time trend study was performed using simple linear regression. Hospitalization rates for all respiratory diseases and specifically for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pneumonia were calculated by year and age group. Hospitalizations for all respiratory diseases decreased by 45.6% (β = -2.2; p < 0.001); those due to asthma showed the largest decline (annual average 1.2/10,000), pneumonia showed the largest reduction until 2002, subsequently tending to stabilize, and COPD remained unchanged. The under-5-year age group showed the largest decline in hospitalizations for all respiratory diseases. There was no seasonality in hospitalizations for COPD. There was a reduction in the burden of hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases in Salvador, mainly due to the drop in asthma and pneumonia in children < 5 years. However, the city still has hospitalization rates for respiratory diseases that are higher than in other large Brazilian cities.

As doenças do aparelho respiratório são a principal causa de hospitalizações no Brasil, excluídas as relacionadas ao parto, gravidez e puerpério. Para analisar a tendência e sazonalidade das hospitalizações por doenças do aparelho respiratório em Salvador, Bahia, 1998-2009, realizou-se um estudo de série temporal mediante regressão linear simples. Calcularam-se as taxas de internação por doenças do aparelho respiratório, asma, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) e pneumonia, por ano e grupos de idade. As hospitalizações por doenças do aparelho respiratório reduziram 45,6% (β = -2,2; p < 0,001); aquelas por asma apresentaram maior declínio (média anual de 1,2/10.000); as por pneumonia exibiram queda mais acentuada até 2002, tendendo posteriormente à estabilidade; por DPOC permaneceram inalteradas. A faixa etária < 5 anos apresentou maior queda em todas as causas de doenças do aparelho respiratório. Não houve sazonalidade nas hospitalizações por DPOC. A carga de doenças do aparelho respiratório nas hospitalizações em Salvador reduziu, principalmente, devido à asma e pneumonia em < 5 anos, mas este município ainda apresenta taxas de hospitalização por estas causas mais elevadas que outras capitais brasileiras.

Adulto , Idoso , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Asma/epidemiologia , Hospitalização/tendências , Pneumonia/epidemiologia , Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica/epidemiologia , Distribuição por Idade , Brasil/epidemiologia , Hospitalização/estatística & dados numéricos , Distribuição por Sexo
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-163699


The present investigation was an attempt to examine the composition, abundance, frequency of occurrence and diversity of net zooplankton species inhabiting in river Cauvery and its tributaries Arasalar at Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India. From the selected 6 stations of river Cauvery and its tributaries Arasalar water samples were collected at monthly intervals. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of zooplankton were carried out during the year 2010 January to December. In the river Cauvery 45 species of zooplankton were identified. Rotifera species was dominant (34.97%); followed by Cladocera (29.92%), Copepoda (18.27%), Protozoa (12.2%) and Ostracoda (8.72%). Throughout the study, six species of Protozoa, 13 species of Rotifera, 12 species of Cladocera, 11 species of Copepoda and two species of Ostacoda were identified in the river Cauvery. Similarly, in the river Arasalar 38 species of zooplankton were identified. Rotifera species was dominant (37.87%); followed by Cladocera (26.32%), Copepoda (19.74%), Protozoa (9.17%) and Ostracoda (6.43%). During the study period, 5 species of Protozoa, 12 species of Rotifera, 11 species of Cladocera, 9 species of Copepoda and one species of Ostacoda were identified in the river Arasalar. During the winter and summer season maximum zooplankton diversity was recorded which was mainly dominated by Rotifer population. High turbidity observed as a major factor which restricts growth of the planktonic population during monsoon season. Not all of the identified species were found in all six sites, thus indicating different types of pollution across the sites. There was no significant difference in the quantity of phytoplankton across the sites; however the quality differs as a result of the various stressors. These findings indicate that the effect of anthropogenic stressors, brewery effluent and refuse impact the water body, albeit minimally.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-163693


Present work deals with an assessment of some physico chemical parameters of the water bodies of two rivers (Cauvery and Arasalar) which is suitable for human consumption have been carried out during the period of one year (January 2010 to December 2010). Analysis of some physico-chemical characteristics like air temperature, water temperature, transparency, electrical conductivity, total solids, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, pH, free carbon dioxide, dissolved oxygen, BOD and COD has been done during the investigation period. BOD values were not compiling with WHO guide lines in the River Cauvery and total solids and BOD values were not compiling with WHO guide lines in the River Arasalar. Study indicates the rivers were slightly polluted by anthropogenic performance due to local anthropogenic activities, agricultural runoff and discharge of untreated municipal sewage, religious credence and subject to amend owed to seasons, climate and flows and influx of waters from various tributaries. In addition present study points out that the river Arasalar facing severe pollution followed by the river Cauvery.

Asia Pacific Allergy ; (4): 210-222, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-749906


Allergic diseases are amongst the most common chronic disorders worldwide. Today, more than 300 million of the population is known to suffer from one or other allergic ailments affecting the socio-economic quality of life. Major causative agents implicated are pollen grains, fungal spores, dust mites, insect debris, animal epithelia, etc. Several aerobiological studies have been conducted in different parts of the world to ascertain aerial concentration and seasonality of pollen grains and fungi. Especially from clinical point of view, it is important to know the details about the pollen season and pollen load in the atmosphere. The flowering time of higher plants are events that come periodically in each season, but the time of blooming may differ from year to year, in different geographic locations. Based on differences recorded in several years of observations in airborne pollen, pollen calendars are drawn as an aid to allergy diagnosis and management. This review article emphasises on various aerobiological parameters of environmental pollen from different parts of the world with special emphasis from India. The role of aerobiology in the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases is reviewed briefly in this article.

Animais , Alérgenos , Asma , Atmosfera , Diagnóstico , Poeira , Flores , Fungos , Localizações Geográficas , Hipersensibilidade , Índia , Insetos , Ácaros , Pólen , Qualidade de Vida , Estações do Ano , Esporos Fúngicos
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 83(2): 441-456, June 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-589907


This paper focuses on the nutrient dynamics of a tropical estuary on the northeastern Brazilian coast, studied using the LOICZ biogeochemical budgeting protocol. We describe the methodology and assumptions underlying this model. Input data (monthly for rainfall, evaporation, river discharge, and concentrations of salt, phosphorus and nitrogen) were obtained during field campaigns in the Barra das Jangadas Estuary (BJE) over a 5 years period (1999 to 2003). Mass balance results indicate large inputs of nutrients to the system. The model shows that the seasonal variation of the Net Ecosystem Metabolism (NEM) indicates that the system passes from a stage of organic matter liquid production and mineralization during the dry season (-0.5 mmoles C m-2 d-1) to liquid mineralization during the rainy season (-19 mmoles C m-2 d-1). We suggest that the system varies slightly between autotrophy and heterotrophy during the year due to the rainfall regime, human activities in the basin (density population and sugarcane plantations), and associated DIP riverine loads. High per capita loads of N and P indicate a high population density and high runoff. The application of flux balance modeling was useful to understand the nutrient dynamics of this typical small tropical estuary.

Este trabalho se focalizou na dinâmica de nutrientes de um estuário tropical na costa nordeste brasileira, usando o protocolo LOICZ de balanços biogeoquímicos. Nós descrevemos a metodologia e os pressupostos subjacentes a este modelo. Os dados de entrada (precipitação e evaporação mensal, vazão do rio, e as concentrações de sal, fósforo e nitrogênio) foram obtidos durante as campanhas de campo no estuário de Barra das Jangadas - Brasil durante um período de 5 anos (1999 a 2003). Os resultados indicam grandes entradas de nutrientes ao sistema. O modelo mostrou que a variação sazonal do Metabolismo do Ecosistema (NEM) indica que o sistema passa de uma fase de produção de líquido da matéria orgânica, durante a estação seca (-0,5 mmoles C m-2 d-1) para uma mineralização líquida durante a estação chuvosa (-19 mmol m-2 C d-1). Sugerimos que o sistema varia ligeiramente entre autotrófica e heterotrófica durante o ano, devido ao regime de chuvas, as atividades antrópicas na bacia (densidade populacional e as plantações de cana de açúcar), e as cargas ribeirinhas de DIP associadas. A alta carga de N e P per capita, indica uma alta densidade populacional e um alto runoff. A aplicação da modelagem de balanço de fluxos foi útil para o entendimento da dinâmica de nutrientes em um pequeno estuário tipicamente tropical.

Humanos , Carbono/análise , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Nitrogênio/análise , Fósforo/análise , Rios/química , Brasil , Chuva , Estações do Ano
Mediciego ; 16(supl. 1)jun. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-576487


La detección precoz del comportamiento anormal de eventos de salud constituye uno de los pilares sobre los que descansa la vigilancia en salud. La estacionalidad o variación estacional es uno de los componentes de las series temporales y se ha definido como las fluctuaciones periódicas y rítmicas que se manifiestan en momentos similares dentro de cada año, generalmente asociadas con las estaciones.Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo ecológico de series temporales para describir la estacionalidad de los nacimientos en la provincia Ciego de Ávila durante el periodo 1998-2008. Para el estudio se utilizaron las series de nacimientos mensuales de 11 años, las que se recolectaron de la dirección provincial de estadística. Se concluye que los nacimientos en la provincia tienen un comportamiento estacional, mostrando su mayor incidencia en el tercer cuatrimestre del año; los meses en que se han reportado el menor número de nacimientos son mayo y junio y los valores máximo en el mes de noviembre; además tienen un comportamiento cíclico con alzas estacionales cada 12 meses.

The early detection of the abnormal behavior of health events constitutes one of the pillars to support Health surveillance. The stationarity or seasonal variation is one of the components of the temporary series and it has been defined as the periodic and rhythmical fluctuations that become apparent at similar moments within every year, generally associated with seasons. An ecological observational descriptive study of temporary series was carried out in Ciego de Ávila province during the period 1998-2008. For the study, the series of monthly births during 11 years were used; which were collected from the Provincial Center for Health Statistics. It was concluded that the births in the province have a stationary behavior, showing its greatest incidence in the third four-month period of the year. May and June are the months where the smallest number of births is reported and the maximum values are on November, in addition, the cyclical behavior have seasonal increases every 12 months.

Humanos , Coeficiente de Natalidade , Estações do Ano