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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(2)jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387637


Resumen Introducción: Se han realizado múltiples estudios en bosques afectados por huracanes, pero la información obtenida para Costa Rica es escasa, o nula en el caso de impactos directos como lo fue Otto, por lo que es necesario ampliar el conocimiento que se tiene acerca de los efectos de estos fenómenos en bosques tropicales y los mecanismos de recuperación de estos biomas. Consecuentemente se vuelve necesario identificar la vulnerabilidad de los ecosistemas a largo plazo y cuantificar las pérdidas que se generan a diferentes escalas, producto de los intensos eventos pluviales y los fuertes vientos. Objetivo: Determinar el comportamiento y estado de la recuperación en un bosque secundario afectado directamente por el huracán Otto en Boca Tapada, Pital, San Carlos, Costa Rica. Métodos: Se establecieron 10 unidades de muestreo de 20 x 50 m distribuidas de forma sistemática dentro de un bosque secundario afectado por el huracán Otto en Boca Tapada de San Carlos. Se evaluó la condición actual del bosque, se identificaron las especies que más daño recibieron por consecuencia de los fuertes vientos, así como las que poseen capacidad de recuperarse a través de rebrotes. Se realizó un sobrevuelo con un vehículo no tripulado, y se construyó un ortomosaico que fue posteriormente digitalizado y clasificado de acuerdo con el estado de la cobertura forestal presente en tres tiempos evaluados, condición inicial, después del aprovechamiento forestal y la condición al momento de realizado el muestreo. Se comparó la densidad poblacional, diversidad y área basal con lo presentado para un bosque primario aledaño al sitio de estudio, que también fue afectado por el paso del huracán Otto. Resultados: Se obtuvo que un 69.5 % de los individuos con d ≥ 5 cm se encuentran en buen estado, un 20.3 % fue descopado y un 12.7 % inclinado sin exposición de raíces. La familia que más riqueza de especies aporta es Fabaceae, esta misma es la que más abundancia de individuos dañados posee y la que presentó mayor cantidad de especies con capacidad de rebrotar. La especie que más daños sufrió fue Couma macrocarpa (Euphorbiaceae). El área de cobertura boscosa inicial fue afectada en un 7,63 % por el aprovechamiento forestal, y en un 44.25 % por el paso del huracán Otto. Se determinó que existen diferencias significativas en la diversidad de especies (P = 0.0004; α = 0.05) y en la densidad de individuos (P = 0.0011; α = 0.05), el bosque secundario es quien posee la mayor media. No se presentaron diferencias significativas en los valores de área basal (P = 0.6951; α = 0.05). Conclusiones: Un 30,5 % de la masa forestal fue afectada por el paso del huracán Otto y la familia Fabaceae representa un papel importante en la recuperación del bosque. Además, el aprovechamiento forestal en un bosque puede aumentar el riesgo de afectación por el paso de huracanes y el bosque secundario posee mayor diversidad de especies y mayor densidad de individuos que el bosque primario.

Abstract Introduction: Multiple studies have been carried out in forests affected by hurricanes, but the information obtained for Costa Rica is scarce or null, in the case of direct impacts such as Otto, so it is necessary to expand the existing knowledge about the effects of these phenomena on tropical forests and the recovery mechanisms of these biomes. Consequently, it is necessary to identify the vulnerability of ecosystems in long term and quantify the losses that are generated at different scales, as a result of the intense events of rain and strong winds. Objective: Determining behavior and recovery status in a secondary forest directly affected by Hurricane Otto in Boca Tapada, Pital, San Carlos, Costa Rica. Methods: Ten 20 x 50 m sampling units were systematically distributed within a secondary forest affected by Hurricane Otto in Boca Tapada, San Carlos. The current condition of the forest was evaluated, the species that received the most damage due to high winds were identified, as well as those that have the capacity to recover through regrowths. An overflight was carried out with an unmanned aerial vehicle and an orthomosaic was constructed, subsequently digitized, and classified according to the state of the forest cover presented in three evaluated moments, initial condition, after logging and the condition at the time of sampling. Population density, diversity, and basal area, were compared to data obtained in an adjacent primary forest also affected by the passage of Hurricane Otto. Results: It was obtained that 69.5 % of individuals with d ≥ 5 cm are in good condition, 20.3 % were broken in the tree canopy and 12.7% inclined without exposure of the roots. The family that provided the greatest species richness is Fabaceae, which is the same with the greatest abundance of damaged individuals and the one with the highest number of species with the ability to resprouting. The species that suffered the most damage was Couma macrocarpa (Euphorbiaceae). The initial area of forest cover was reduced by 7.63 % due to logging and 44.25 % due to Hurricane Otto. It was determined that there are significant differences in species diversity (P = 0.0004; α = 0.05) and in the density of individuals (P = 0.0011; α = 0.05). The secondary forest has the highest average in both cases. There are no significant differences in the values of the basal area (P = 0.6951; α = 0.05). Conclusions: 30.5 % of the forest mass was affected by the passage of Hurricane Otto and the Fabaceae family plays an important role in forest recovery. In addition, forest harvesting in a forest can increase the risk of being affected by the passage of hurricanes and the secondary forest has a greater diversity of species and a higher density of individuals than the primary forest.

Regeneração , Florestas , Costa Rica , Tempestades Ciclônicas
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;50(3): 213-222, jul. - set. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118827


The ruderal babassu palm (Attalea speciosa) is expanding on large areas of degraded Amazon landscapes. Decomposition of leaves and roots is in the center of plant:soil interactions. We evaluated decomposition and nutrient concentrations of leaves and fine roots of babassu in comparison with two exotic reference species, Acacia mangium (slow degradability) and Leucaena leucocephala (fast degradability), in a 138-day litterbag assay carried out in secondary forest stands of different age and babassu abundance. We chose 4-mm over 2-mm mesh litterbags based on a pilot study. Babassu leaves degraded slower than leaves of A. mangium and L. leucocephala, and also had lower nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium concentrations in all stages of decomposition. By contrast, potassium concentrations in babassu leaves were higher than in both reference species at 0 and 50 days. Roots of all three species decomposed slower than leaves. Compared to the leaves, both biomass loss and nutrient concentrations differed less between babassu and reference-species roots, except for lower nitrogen concentration in babassu roots. Leaf-litter decomposition of all three species was significantly faster in old than in young secondary forest, suggesting an acceleration of decomposition along succession. Babassu leaves decomposed faster in old babassu-dominated than non-dominated secondary forest, pointing to the existence of specialized decomposer communities in babassu-dominated stands. (AU)

Solo , Nutrientes , Ecossistema Amazônico , Acacia , Matéria Orgânica
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;67(2)abr. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507500


Shade tolerance (the capacity to survive and grow over long periods under shade) is a key component of plant fitness and the foundation of current theories of forest succession in tropical rain forests. It serves as a paradigm to understand the optimal allocation of limited resources under dynamic light regimes. I analyze how tropical rain forest succession influences the expression of ecophysiological mechanisms leading to shade tolerance, and identify future areas that will increase our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary consequences of this phenomenon. Shade tolerance is a multivariate, continuous functional trait reflecting the growth-mortality trade-off of investing resources under limited light vs. exploiting high light conditions. I propose the life cycle successional trajectory model of Gómez-Pompa & Vázquez-Yanes as an integrative tool to understand tropical rain forest succession. This model shows how species distribute along the successional environmental gradient based on their degree of shade tolerance and represents a more integrative paradigm to understand the interface between different aspects of species diversity (ontogenetic variation and functional diversity) throughout succession. It proposes that different trait combinations determining shade tolerance are expressed at different stages of the life cycle, which affects how and when plants enter the successional trajectory. Models explaining the expression of shade tolerance (resource availability, carbon gain, CSR, resource competition) are based on whole-plant economics and are not mutually exclusive. The analysis of shade tolerance is biased towards tree seedlings in the understory of mature forests. Other life stages (juvenile and adult trees), life forms, and microhabitats throughout the forest profile are almost always excluded from these analyses. More integrative explanations based on the distribution of functional traits among species, ontogenetic stages, and the nature of the environmental gradient are being developed based on long-term data and chronosequence comparisons. In summary, shade-tolerance is a complex phenomenon, is determined by multiple characters that change ontogenetically over space and time and entails considerable plasticity. Current methods do not account for this plasticity. Understanding the nature of shade tolerance and its functional basis is critical to comprehending plant performance and improving the management, restoration and conservation of tropical rain forests given the combined threats of global warming and habitat loss.

La tolerancia a la sombra (la capacidad de sobrevivir y crecer durante largos períodos bajo sombra profunda) es un componente clave del valor adaptativo de la planta y la base de las teorías actuales de la sucesión forestal de la selva tropical. Sirve como un paradigma para entender la asignación óptima de recursos limitados bajo regímenes dinámicos de luz. En esta revisión analizo cómo la sucesión de los bosques tropicales lluviosos influye en la expresión de los mecanismos ecofisiológicos que conducen a la tolerancia a la sombra, e identifico áreas futuras que pueden aumentar nuestra comprensión de las consecuencias ecológicas y evolutivas de este fenómeno. La tolerancia a la sombra es un rasgo funcional continuo y multivariable que refleja el balance de invertir recursos bajo condiciones de luz limitada versus crecer más rápidamente en condiciones de luz intensa. Propongo el modelo de ciclo de vida a lo largo de la trayectoria de sucesión de Gómez-Pompa y Vázquez-Yanes como una herramienta integradora para entender la sucesión de la selva tropical. Este modelo muestra cómo las especies se distribuyen a lo largo del gradiente ambiental en función de su grado de tolerancia a la sombra, y representa un paradigma más integrador para comprender la interacción entre los diferentes componentes de la diversidad de especies (diversidad taxonómica y funcional y variación ontogenética) a lo largo de la sucesión. El modelo propone que las diferentes combinaciones de caracteres funcionales que determinan la tolerancia a la sombra se expresan en diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida, y afectan cómo y cuándo las plantas ingresan en el proceso de sucesión. Los modelos que explican la expresión de tolerancia a la sombra (disponibilidad de recursos, ganancia de carbono, CSR, competencia de recursos) se basan en la economía de toda la planta y no son mutuamente excluyentes. Se están desarrollando explicaciones más integradoras basadas en la distribución de caracteres funcionales entre especies, etapas ontogenéticas, y micrositios, mediante el uso de estudios de cronosecuencia y metadatos colectados a largo plazo. El análisis de la tolerancia a la sombra está sesgado hacia las plántulas de árboles y el sotobosque. Otras formas de vida y microhábitats dentro del perfil del bosque están casi excluidas de estos análisis. En resumen, la tolerancia a la sombra es un fenómeno complejo, está determinada por múltiples caracteres funcionales que cambian ontogenéticamente en el espacio y el tiempo, e implica una considerable plasticidad. Los métodos actuales no toman en cuenta esta plasticidad. Comprender la naturaleza de la tolerancia a la sombra y su base funcional es fundamental para entender el crecimiento de la planta y mejorar la gestión, restauración, y conservación de los bosques tropicales, los cuales enfrentan las amenazas combinadas del calentamiento global y la pérdida de hábitat.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;67(1): 266-277, Jan.-Mar. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041909


Abstract Global increase in land cover change and deforestation bring about fragmentation of a high proportion of native vegetation areas. Microclimate is among the first modified factors after vegetation loss, effects of such disturbances are critical for species performance. However, both secondary succession and seasonality provoke further modifications in abiotic environment after disturbances. Although microclimate patterns during succession are well studied for several ecosystems, they are practically unknown for low thorn forests. In Northern Mexico, this is an endangered ecosystem characterized by harboring a high percentage of endemics. Measurement of microclimatic factors is crucial for understanding possible consequences of post-disturbance time on species inhabiting this ecosystem. This work aimed to assess seasonal variation of microclimatic patterns in a succession gradient of four categories (conserved areas, 31, 17 and four years of succession). The study area was delimited using Landsat satellite images (1973, 1986, 2000, 2005, and 2013) in a fragment of low thorn forest in Northeastern Mexico. For microclimate characterization we studied wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, heat index, dew point, and evapotranspiration. Variables were measured monthly on eight plots, in each of the four successional categories, during two different seasons: wet (May through October 2016) and dry season (November 2016 through April 2017). A multivariate discriminant function analysis showed that microclimate differs among successional stages. In the wet season, early succession areas were characterized by higher values of heat index and wind speed, contrary to conserved areas. In the dry season, successional differences were attributed to wind speed and relative humidity. Moreover, microclimate differences between categories and importance of variables measured were both higher only during the dry season. Our results show that seasonality influences greatly microclimatic patterns during secondary succession. In addition, each one of the successional categories exhibited unique microclimatic conditions. Remarkably, four, 17, and even 31 years succession categories differed from conserved areas. This work provides evidence on the great relevance of seasonality and microclimate for studying secondary succession. It is suggested to take both factors into consideration when implementing conservation programs concerning endangered habitats such as low thorn forests. As an ecosystem poorly studied, microclimate characterization provided herein, shall help to a better understanding and management of these areas.(AU)

Resumen El aumento global en el cambio de cobertura vegetal y la deforestación han fragmentado una elevada proporción de áreas de vegetación nativa. El microclima es un factor que se modifica después de la pérdida de vegetación, y los efectos de tales perturbaciones son trascendentales para las especies. Sin embargo, tanto la sucesión secundaria como la estacionalidad implican modificaciones adicionales en el medio abiótico después del disturbio. Aunque los patrones microclimáticos durante la sucesión son conocidos en varios ecosistemas, no se han evaluado en áreas de selva baja espinosa, que constituye un ecosistema amenazado en el norte de México. La medición de tales factores microclimáticos es crucial para comprender las consecuencias de la recuperación post-disturbio en las especies. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la variación estacional del microclima en un gradiente de sucesión de cuatro categorías (áreas conservadas, 31, 17 y cuatro años de sucesión), delimitadas mediante imágenes de satélite LANDSAT (1973, 1986, 2000, 2005 y 2013) en un fragmento de selva baja espinosa en el noreste de México. Para caracterizar el microclima se consideraron la velocidad del viento, temperatura, humedad relativa, índice de calor, punto de rocío y evapotranspiración. Las variables se midieron de forma mensual, durante un año, en ocho sitios de muestreo en cada una de las cuatro categorías sucesionales, durante dos estaciones diferentes: húmeda (mayo a octubre 2016) y seca (noviembre 2016 hasta abril 2017). A través de un análisis multivariado de funciones discriminantes, se determinó que las categorías sucesionales en la selva baja espinosa son diferentes dependiendo del microclima. En la estación húmeda, las áreas con poco tiempo de sucesión se caracterizaron por valores más altos de índice de calor y velocidad del viento, al contrario de las áreas conservadas. En la estación seca, las diferencias sucesionales se atribuyeron a la velocidad del viento y la humedad relativa. Además, tanto la discriminación entre categorías como la importancia de las variables fueron mayores solo durante la estación seca. Por lo tanto, la estacionalidad determina los patrones microclimáticos durante la sucesión secundaria. Además, cada categoría sucesional representa condiciones microclimáticas únicas, pero difieren de las áreas conservadas incluso después de 31 años de sucesión. De acuerdo con nuestros resultados, la estacionalidad y el microclima son de gran relevancia para el estudio de la sucesión secundaria. Se sugiere considerar ambos factores cuando se implementan programas de conservación de ecosistemas en riesgo, como la selva baja espinosa en el noreste de México. Al ser este un ecosistema poco estudiado, la caracterización microclimática que aquí se proporciona, ayudará a un mejor entendimiento y manejo forestal de dichas áreas.(AU)

Estações do Ano , Fatores Abióticos , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica/organização & administração , México
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;67(1): 164-181, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041901


Resumen Los estudios detallados para comprender como los bosques neotropicales se reestablecen en el tiempo, a través de la sucesión secundaria aún resultan necesarios. Entre los mecanismos de regeneración que actúan en los bosques tropicales, el rebrote de árboles predomina en especies leñosas, con la ventaja de reiniciar el crecimiento de raíces establecidas, que permiten restituir el dosel forestal. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar y cuantificar las especies arbóreas con capacidad de rebrote en distintas etapas de la sucesión secundaria (barbecho) después del sistema agrícola tradicional de milpa, comparadas con las comunidades del bosque tropical predominante en la Reserva de la Biósfera de Calakmul, y cómo influyen estas especies en la recuperación de la composición de este ecosistema. Se calculó el porcentaje de especies con y sin rebrote para cada etapa sucesional. Se registraron 13 972 individuos (32 % con rebrote y 68 % sin rebrote) y 168 especies (79 % con rebrote y 21 % sin rebrote), el porcentaje de individuos con rebrote va disminuyendo conforme avanza la edad de la sucesión. El número de individuos con rebrote y la composición de especies fueron significativamente diferentes entre etapas. Se puede concluir que la mayoría de especies arbóreas del bosque en Calakmul, presentan la capacidad de rebrotar, lo cual tiene influencia en el rápido proceso sucesional del bosque después de la roza-tumba y quema, restituyendo la cobertura y estructura forestal, así como la composición de las especies originales.(AU)

Abstract Detailed studies to understand recovering of Neotropical forests over time, through secondary succession, are still necessaries. Between acting mechanisms of regeneration in the tropical forests, the arboreal resprout predominates in woody species, with the advantage of restart the growth from still rooting plants, allowing the restoring of forest canopy. The study aim was to identify and quantify the tree species with resprouting capacity in different stages of secondary succession (tree-fallow) after the traditional milpa agricultural system, compared with tropical forest communities in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve and, enlightening how these species influences the recovery of the composition of this ecosystem. Was calculated the proportions of species with or without resprouting by successional stage. There were 13 972 individuals (32 % resprouting and 68 % not resprouting) and 168 species (79 % resprouting and 21 % not resprouting), the percentage of individuals regrowing decreases as the successional stage progresses. The number of individuals resprouting and species composition were significantly different between successional stages. In conclusion, mostly arboreal species in the region of Calakmul, can regrow, which influences the successional development of the forest after slash-and-burn, helping to restore the coverage, structure, as well as species composition original.(AU)

Árvores , Produção Agrícola , Ecossistema Tropical , México
Ciênc. rural ; Ciênc. rural (Online);45(12): 2174-2180, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-764515


ABSTRACT:The abandonment of field crops and the vegetation recovery in exhausted soils have been a recently studied subject as a way to assess the forest role on the soil recovering. The aim of this study was assess changes in the chemical(14 variables) and grain size (sand, silt, and clay) soil features in four forests chronosequences grew over abandoned field crops in the edge of the Brazilian Southern plateau, Rio Grande do Sul State. There were selected 25 forests aging from 5 to >100 years old in areas of slopes and highlands where samples of Leptosols and Regosols were collected at 15cm in depth. The Fisher's Discriminant Analysis showed that some variable groups of soils can distinguish significantly the soils under different forest ages. Six chemical features of soil fertility were the best monitoring indicators of areas impacted by agriculture. Changes in soil did not occur in a linear way towards time.

RESUMO:O abandono de terras agrícolas e a recuperação da vegetação e dos solos exauridos têm sido um tema recentemente investigado como forma de avaliar o papel da floresta na recuperação do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as mudanças nas propriedades químicas (14 variáveis) e granulométricos (areia, silte e argila) em quatro cronossequências florestais originadas após o cultivo agrícola no rebordo do Planalto Meridional, sul do Brasil. Foram selecionadas 25 florestas com idades variando de 5 a >100 anos, localizadas em áreas de encostas e patamares onde amostras de Neossolos Litólicos e Regolíticos Eutróficos foram coletados a 15cm de profundidade. A análise discriminante de Fisher demonstrou que alguns grupos de variáveis dos solos podem distinguir significativamente os solos sob as diferentes idades florestais. Seis atributos químicos relacionados com a fertilidade do solo poderiam ser considerados os melhores indicadores de monitoramento das áreas impactadas pela agricultura. As mudanças no solo não ocorreram de forma linear ao longo do tempo.

Acta biol. colomb ; 20(3): 5-19, jul.-set. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-757206


En los Andes tropicales, el límite altitudinal de los bosques corresponde a una compleja zona de transición entre el bosque paramero y el páramo andino. En el límite inferior de esta zona ocurre a su vez una transición gradual entre el bosque y las selvas nubladas. La ordenación del territorio en estos ecosistemas se ha convertido en un tema prioritario en virtud de la creciente amenaza que representan para su conservación las actividades agropecuarias y la minería. En este trabajo se revisaron las investigaciones realizadas en la Cordillera de Mérida (Venezuela) sobre los cambios en la estructura, diversidad y respuesta a disturbios de la vegetación a lo largo del ecotono bosque-páramo. Los resultados de estas investigaciones documentan la alta riqueza de especies y formas de vida que caracterizan la vegetación del ecotono, así como una alta tasa de recambio de especies a lo largo del gradiente de elevación. Así mismo, estudios sobre la dinámica sucesional de la vegetación en áreas intervenidas por la agricultura en diferentes posiciones a lo largo de la transición, indican que las leñosas del bosque muestran una capacidad mucho menor de colonización de las áreas perturbadas que las especies dominantes del páramo. Con base en la evidencia disponible, se discuten elementos estructurales que pueden servir de base para la delimitación de los ecosistemas presentes en la zona de transición y se enfatiza la necesidad de diseñar estrategias de conservación y restauración asistida que partan de interpretar el ecotono bosque-páramo como una unidad dinámica integrada.

In the tropical Andes, the mountain treeline corresponds to a complex transition zone between páramo forests and páramos. In the lower limit of this ecotone there is a more or less gradual transition between mountain cloud forests and páramo forests. Land planning in these ecosystems has become a highly topical subject given the growing threat for conservation generated by agricultural and mining activities. In this paper we review the research carried out in the Cordillera de Mérida (Venezuela) on the changes in vegetation structure, diversity and response to disturbance along the forest-páramo transition zone. The results of these studies document the high species and life form richness which characterize the ecotone vegetation, as well as a high rate of species turnover (beta diversity) along the elevation gradient. Studies on elevation changes in vegetation successional dynamics in plots disturbed by agriculture at different altitudes along the transition zone indicate that forest woody species have a lower capacity to colonize disturbed areas than dominant páramo species, a process that results in forests patches with a paramo physiognomy. On the basis of the available evidence, the structural elements that could be used for delimiting the different ecosystems present along transition zone are discussed, emphasizing the need to design conservation and restoration strategies which interpret the forest-páramo ecotone as a dynamic and integrated system.

Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 2(1): 53-34, ene.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab, mapas
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-834315


Los ecosistemas naturales de la Reserva de Biosfera Maya contienen una alta diversidad biológica que brinda bienes y servicios ambientales a la sociedad, por lo que su conservación es estratégica para el desarrollo local y regional. Sin embargo, se presenta la tendencia a la perturbación de estos ecosistemas como consecuencia de las actividades humanas, siendo necesario el desarrollo de estrategias que minimicen los impactos negativos y permitan la recuperación de ecosistemas naturales degradados. La información existente sobre el funcionamiento de procesos ecológicos esenciales de los ecosistemas locales es escasa y se halla dispersa, limitando el desarrollo de estrategias. Se planteó estudiar la dinámica de la regeneración natural de la vegetación como fundamento para la definición de estrategias de restauración ecológica en tres biotopos protegidos de Petén y zonas adyacentes, mediante la caracterización de la estructura y composición de la vegetación en seis categorías de regeneración natural y bosque sin perturbación reciente. Se trazaron dos parcelas modificadas de Whitaker de 0.1 ha por categoría y se colectaron muestras del banco de semillas. Con esta información se desarrolló un marco conceptual de la regeneración natural para ser aplicado en estrategias de restauración a escalas local y de paisaje.

The natural ecosystems of the Maya Biosphere Reserve contain high levels of biodiversity providing environmental goods and services to society, so their conservation is strategic for local and regional development. However, there is a increasing tendency to disturb these ecosystems as a result of human activities, so is necessary to develop strategies that minimize the negative impacts and allow the recovery of degraded natural ecosystems. Existing information on the functioning of essential ecological processes of local ecosystems is sparse and is scattered, limiting the development of strategies. It was proposed to study the dynamics of natural regeneration of vegetation as a basis for defining strategies of ecological restoration in three protected biotopes in Peten and adjacent areas, by characterizing the structure and composition of vegetation in six categories of natural regeneration and forest without recent disturbance. Two modified Whitaker 0.1 ha plots were plotted by category and seed bank samples were collected. With this information a conceptual framework of natural regeneration was developed for application in restoration strategies at local and landscape scales.

Humanos , Animais , Biodiversidade , Conservação de Terras , Dispersão de Sementes , Florestas , Ecossistema
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 12(4): 84-97, Oct.-Dec. 2012. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-663926


Surveys were undertaken to examine the floristic changes during secondary succession in three areas of 12 and three of 20-year-old secondary forests in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Two hundred and six species were identified, with 136 being found in the 12-year-old secondary forest and 161 species in the 20-year-old forest. Fabaceae and Myrtaceae were the most important families, increasing in species numbers with regeneration age. Of the 216 species, 115 were trees, 48 shrubs, 16 herbaceous plants, and 24 woody lianas, without significant differences between the two regeneration site ages. NMDS analysis revealed a formation of two floristic groups, distinguishing secondary and mature forests, with a further division within secondary forests in accordance with the time since abandonment. Similarity analysis ANOSIM confirmed the significance of the groups, which had floristic composition significant distinct (R=0.96) and 63% of dissimilarity (SIMPER). However, the sharing of 68 arboreal species between the secondary and mature forests suggests a floristic convergence. DCA analysis of the arboreal component as well as the other plant habits suggested that the separation of the subgroups is correlated with physical and chemical variables of the soils. All of these results indicate that, within the chronosequence analyzed, the velocity and direction of the floristic composition during secondary succession was influenced not only by the time of their abandonment, but also by a wide range of environmental variables.

Com objetivo de detectar mudanças florísticas ao longo da sucessão secundária e subsidiar futuros projetos de recuperação florestal foi realizado levantamento florístico de seis áreas de floresta secundária (capoeira) de 12 e 20 anos em Pernambuco. Foram registradas 206 espécies, sendo 136 nas capoeiras de 12 anos e 161 nas de 20 anos. Fabaceae e Myrtaceae foram as famílias mais importantes, aumentando no número de espécies com a idade de regeneração. Do total de espécies, 115 foram árvores, 48 arbustos, 16 herbáceas e 24 trepadeiras, sem diferença significativa por idade de regeneração. Análise de NMDS indicou a separação dos grupos florísticos das florestas maduras e das capoeiras, assim como a formação de subgrupos de capoeiras (SF1-2-3 e SF4-5-6) com idade de regeneração distinta. A análise de similaridade ANOSIM mostrou que os grupos formados apresentaram composição florística significativamente distintas (R = 0.96) e 63% de dissimilaridade (SIMPER). Entretanto, a presença nas capoeiras de 67 espécies em comum com as florestas maduras indicam uma tendência de convergência florística. A análise de DCA do componente arbóreo e dos outros hábitos sugere que a separação dos subgrupos por idade estaria correlacionada com variáveis edáficas físicas e químicas. Todos esses resultados indicam que, numa análise de cronossequência, não apenas o tempo de abandono, mas todas as variáveis ambientais influenciam a velocidade e direção de formação da composição florística durante a sucessão secundária.

Rev. luna azul ; (34): 66-80, ene.-jun. 2012. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-659384


Se evaluó la regeneración de Acacia decurrens, Acacia melanoxylon y Ulex europaeus, en una zona sujeta a un proceso de restauaración ecológica. En las áreas con presencia de individuos arboreos de Acacia decurrens y Acacia melanoxylon se presenta expresión del banco de semillas con formación periódica de la capa de hojarasca que detiene o desvía el proceso sucesional. En las áreas de claro se presenta regeneración de Ulex europaeus, ocupando rápidamente los espacios libres de vegetación. La plantación de especies nativas de porte arbustivo y arbóreo, junto con el control periódico de la regeneración y formación de hojarasca de las especies tensionantes, facilita la activación de los mecanismos de sucesión secundaria, aumentando la riqueza, diversidad y equitatividad de las especies en el ecosistema.

Regeneration of Acacia decurrens, Acacia melanoxylon and Ulex europaeus In an area subject to the process of ecological restoration was evaluated. In areas with Acacia decurrens and Acacia melanoxylon arboreal individuals expression of seed banks with periodic accumulation of fallen leaves that stop or divert the succession process is present. In open areas Ulex europaeus regeneration occurs quickly occupying areas without vegetation. The plantation of native shrubby or arboreal species, along with periodic monitoring of the regeneration and fallen leaves formation of alien species, facilitate the activation of secondary succesion mechanisms, increasing the richness, diversity and evenness of species in the ecosystem.

Humanos , Regeneração , Ecossistema , Ecologia , Acacia
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;59(4): 1869-1882, Dec. 2011. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-646558


During forest succession, litterfall nutrient fluxes increase significantly. The higher inputs of organic matter and nutrients through litterfall affects positively soil fertility and the species composition, which are essential components in forest restoration and management programs. In the present study, the input of nutrients to the forest soil via litterfall components was estimated for two sites of different development stages, in an early successional alluvial rain forest in Brazil. Litterfall returned to the soil, in kg/ha, ca. 93 N, 79 Ca, 24 K, 15 Mg, 6 P, 1.7 Mn, 0.94 Fe, 0.18 Zn, 0.09 Cu and 11.2 Al, in the site where trees were more abundant and had higher values of basal area. In the other area, where trees where less abundant and values of basal area were comparatively low, litterfall returned <50% of those amounts to the forest soil, except for Al. The amount of Al that returned to the soil was similar in both areas due to the high contribution of Tibouchina pulchra (82% of Al returned). Comparatively, high proportion of three dominant native tree species (Myrsine coriacea, T. pulchra and Cecropia pachystachya) explained better litter nutrient use efficiency (mainly N and P) in the site with the least advanced successional stage. Although litterfall of these species show lower nutrient concentrations than the other tree species, their nutrient fluxes were high in both sites, indicating a certain independence from soil essential nutrients. Such feature of the native species is very advantageous and should be considered in forest restoration programs. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (4): 1869-1882. Epub 2011 December 01.

Durante la sucesión secundaria forestal, el flujo de nutrientes en la hojarasca se incrementa significativamente. Los altos ingresos de materia orgánica y nutrientes a través de la hojarasca afecta positivamente la fertilidad del suelo y la composición de especies, las cuales son componentes esenciales para programas de restauración forestal y de manejo. En el presente estudio, el ingreso de nutrientes a través de la hojarasca y sus componentes fueron estimados para dos sitios de una selva lluviosa atlántica aluvial en sucesión temprana. La cantidad anual de elementos que ingresan al suelo desde la vegetación más desarrollada (sitios con alta área basal y abundancia de árboles) fueron (en kg/ha): 93 N, 79 Ca, 24 K, 15 Mg, 6 P, 1.7 Mn, 0.94 Fe, 0.18 Zn, 0.09 Cu y 11.2 Al. Menos de la mitad de esas cantidades fueron aportadas por la vegetación menos desarrollada, excepto para el Al. La cantidad de Al aportada a este sitio fue similar a la contribución de la vegetación más desarrollada, debido a la contribución de: Tibouchina pulchra (82% de todo el Al aportado). La eficiencia en el uso de nutrientes de la hojarasca (principalmente de N y P) de la vegetación menos desarrollada fue superior a la eficiencia de una más desarrollada, debido a la alta proporción de tres especies nativas dominantes (Myrsine coriacea, Tibouchina pulchra y Cecropia pachystachya) en la primera. Si bien la hojarasca de esas especies presenta menor concentración de nutrientes que las otras especies arbóreas, el flujo de nutrientes fue mayor (para ambos sitios), marcando una cierta independencia de los nutrientes esenciales del suelo. Las cantidades de esas especies deberían ser consideradas con mayor atención para su uso en programas de restauración forestal.

Biodegradação Ambiental , Folhas de Planta/metabolismo , Solo/química , Árvores/metabolismo , Brasil , Compostos Inorgânicos/análise , Compostos Orgânicos/análise , Fatores de Tempo , Clima Tropical , Árvores/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;59(3): 1337-1358, Sept. 2011. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-638165


Biomass recovery through secondary succession in the Cordillera Central de los Andes, Colombia. Estimations on biomass recovery rates by secondary tropical forests are needed to understand the complex tropical succession, and their importance on CO2 capture, to offset the warming of the planet. We conducted the study in the Porce River Canyon between 550 and 1 700m.a.s.l. covering tropical and premontane moist belts. We established 33 temporary plots of 50mx20m in secondary forests, including fallows to succesional forests, and ranging between 3 and 36 years old; we measured the diameter at breast height (D) of all woody plants with D≥5cm. In each one of these plots we established five 10mx10m subplots, in which we measured the diameter betweem 1cm≤D<5cm of all woody plants. We estimated the biomass of pastures by harvesting 54 plots of 2mx2m, and of shrubs in the fallows by harvesting the biomass in 18 plots of 5mx2m. We modeled Bav (above ground live biomass of woody plants) and Brg (coarse root biomass) as a function of succesional age (t) with the growth model of von Bertalanffy, using 247t/ha and 66t/ha as asymptote, respectively. Besides, we modeled the ratios brg/bav=f(D) and Brg/Bav=f(t). The model estimated that 87 years are required to recover the existing Bav of primary forests through secondary succession, and 217 years for the Brg of the primary forest. The maximum instantaneous growth rate of the Bav was 6.95 t/ha/yr at age 10. The maximum average growth rate of the Bav was 6.26 t/ha/yr at age 17. The weighted average of the absolute growth rate of the Bav reached 4.57t/ha/yr and the relative growth rate 10% annually. The ratio brg/bav decreases with increasing D. The ratio Brg/Bav initially increases very rapidly until age 5 (25%), then decreases to reach 25 years (18%) and increases afterwards until the ratio reaches the asymptote (26.7%). Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (3):1337-1358. Epub 2011 September 01.

En bosques secundarios premontanos tropicales es escasa la información sobre el tiempo requerido para recuperar la biomasa aérea y subterránea de los primarios. Por lo tanto, establecimos 33 parcelas de 0.1ha entre 550 y 1 700m en bosques secundarios que cubrían estadios serales de 3 a 36 años y estimamos la biomasa de las plantas y de las raíces gruesas con ecuaciones locales. Así como la biomasa de las pasturas y barbechos por cosecha de 54 y 18 parcelas, respectivamente. También se calculó la edad de las parcelas con informantes locales, sensores remotos, C14 y anillos de crecimiento. En cada parcela medimos la biomasa aérea viva por hectárea (Bav) y la de las raíces gruesas por hectárea (Brg). Modelamos la Bav y Brg en función de la edad mediante la ecuación de von Bertalanfy con asíntotas de 247t/ha (Bav) y 66t/ha (Brg) resultantes de la medición de 33 parcelas de 0.1ha en los bosques primarios. Con la razón Brg/Bav=f(t) estimamos 87 años para que los bosques secundarios recuperen la Bav existente en los primarios y 217 años para recuperar la Brg. La tasa máxima de crecimiento instantáneo de la Bav fue 6.95t/ha/año a los 10 años y la tasa media máxima de crecimiento 6.26t/ha/año a los 17 años. La media ponderada de la tasa de crecimiento absoluto de la Bav alcanzó 4.57t/ha/año y la relativa 10% anual. La razón Brg/Bav inicialmente aumenta muy aceleradamente hasta 4-5 años (25%), luego disminuye hasta 25 años (18%) para luego incrementar hasta 26.7.

Biomassa , Árvores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Colômbia , Fatores de Tempo
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 11(3): 63-74, jul.-set. 2011. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-610558


The knowledge of structure and composition of forest strata contributes to understanding the conservation status and dynamics of plant communities. The study of forest understory is important to the knowledge of the succession process. The Seasonal Subtropical Forest remnant named Mato do Silva (27º 55'26" S and 53º 53'15" W) was studied aiming to describe the structure of understory in the late successional forest (LF) and in the young secondary forest (SF), an 11 years old post-agricultural site with canopy dominance of Ateleia glazioveana Baill. The phytosociological survey was carried out through the point quarter method and included individuals of tree and shrub species from 0.5 to 3.0 m of height. The sampling consisted of 384 individuals in LF (67 species) and 284 individuals in SF (20 species). A total of 79 species were observed, and only eight species occurred in both areas. The specific diversity (H') was 3.45 and 2.42 nats in the understory of LF and SF, respectively. The Pielou's evenness index (J) was 0.85 to LF and 0.80 to SF, respectively. Cupania vernalis Camb. and Psychotria leiocarpa Müll. Arg. were the prominent species in the LF while A. glazioveana and Solanum mauritianum Scop. were outstanding in the SF understory. Shade-tolerant and late secondary tree species occurred in large proportion in the LF forest, while pioneers and early secondary tree species predominated in the SF. In addition, certain dominant species in the understory of the SF were absent in the LF understory, such as A. glazioveana, Solanum compressum L. B. Sm. & Downs, Helietta apiculata Bentham and Gledtisia amorphoides (Griseb.) Taubert, which indicates that such species are associated to early stages of forest succession. G. amorphoides is considered an endangered species, and the early successional stages could be necessary for conservation of this species. A decrease in the pH and mineral nutrient levels in the soil was linked to the successional process, indicating the transference of nutrients to the aboveground biomass.

O conhecimento da estrutura e composição dos estratos florestais contribui para a compreensão do estado de conservação e dinâmica das comunidades vegetais. O estudo do estrato inferior florestal é importante para o conhecimento sobre os processos de sucessão. O remanescente de Floresta Subtropical Estacional denominado Mato do Silva (27º 55' 26" S e 53º 53' 15" O) foi estudado objetivando descrever a estrutura do estrato arbustivo na floresta em estádio avançado de sucessão e na floresta secundária, sendo esta formada em uma antiga área agrícola abandonada há 11 anos, e que possui estrato superior dominado por timbó (Ateleia glazioveana Baill.). A amostragem fitossociológica foi realizada através do método de quadrantes e incluiu indivíduos de espécies lenhosas arbustivas e arbóreas entre 0,5 e 3 m de altura. Foram amostrados 384 indivíduos na área de floresta avançada (67 espécies) e 284 na área de floresta secundária (20 espécies). Foram observadas 79 espécies no total, e somente oito ocorreram em ambas as áreas. A diversidade específica (H') foi de 3,45 e 2,42 nats, respectivamente. O índice J de equitabilidade foi 0,85 para LF e 0,80 para SF, respectivamente. Na área de floresta estacional avançada, destacaram-se Cupania vernalis Camb. e Psychotria leiocarpa Müll. Arg., enquanto que na floresta secundária A. glazioveana e Solanum mauritianum Scop. As espécies esciófilas ou secundárias tardias foram dominantes no estrato inferior da floresta estacional avançada, enquanto que na floresta secundária predominaram as espécies arbóreas pioneiras e secundárias iniciais. Além disso, certas espécies dominantes na floresta secundária estão ausentes no estrato inferior da floresta avançada, tais como A. glazioveana, Solanum compressum L. B. Sm. & Downs, Helietta apiculata Benth. e Gledtisia amorphoides (Griseb.) Taubert, o que indica que estas espécies estão associadas a estádios iniciais de sucessão florestal. G. amorphoides é considerada em perigo de extinção, e os estádios sucessionais iniciais podem ser necessários para a conservação desta espécie. Observou-se uma redução do pH e concentração de nutrientes minerais associada ao processo sucessional, o que indica transferência de nutrientes para a biomassa aérea.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 9(1): 65-71, Jan.-Mar. 2009. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-518431


The increased forest cover loss in the tropical and subtropical regions has stimulated the development of restoration methods through tree plantations. Based on the successional model of forest development the use of different successional groups can be seen as a strategy to accelerate the re-composition of forests and an attempt to recover ecological conditions prior to disturbance. Tree species have particular growth rates and ecological needs, and this knowledge is important in the development of high diversity models of forest restoration. The objective of this study was to compare the initial growth and litterfall of native pioneer versus early secondary tree species in a mixed plantation system, and to determine the relationships between guilds and measurements. The comparison among species and guilds was made based on dendrometric and allometric parameters, and in terms of annual litterfall. The study was carried out in the Guarita Indian Area, Tenente Portela, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Dendrometry of seven species was evaluated, including the pioneer tree species Mimosa scabrella Bentham, Trema micrantha (L.) Blume, Schinus molle L., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong, and the early secondary tree species Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub., Cedrela fissilis Vell. and Tabebuia alba (Cham.) Sandwith. The litterfall was quantified for the first six species. The pioneer tree species exhibited higher average height, stem diameter and crown width than the early secondary tree species. The pioneer species (except E. contortisiliquum) showed also higher values of average annual litterfall. A positive interspecific correlation between stem diameter and annual litterfall was observed. The data indicate that the choice of the species and guilds is significant to the quality of the restoration. Nevertheless, the aboveground architecture may depend on species-specific allometric characteristics and a distinction among guilds was not observed.

A perda de cobertura florestal em regiões tropicais e subtropicais tem motivado o desenvolvimento de modelos de restauração florestal através do plantio de espécies arbóreas. Tendo como base o modelo sucessional, o uso concomitante de espécies de diferentes categorias sucessionais pode ser visto como uma estratégia no sentido de acelerar o retorno a condições prévias à perturbação. As espécies arbóreas têm ritmos de crescimento e necessidades ecológicas diferentes e este conhecimento é importante para o desenvolvimento de modelos de restauração florestal com alta diversidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o crescimento inicial e a queda anual de serapilheira de espécies arbóreas nativas pioneiras e secundárias iniciais em um sistema heterogêneo de plantio, determinando a correlação entre categorias sucessionais e medidas. A comparação entre espécies e categorias foi realizada considerando parâmetros dendrométricos e alométricos, e a queda anual de serapilheira. O estudo foi conduzido na Área Indígena Guarita, Tenente Portela-RS, Brasil, para sete espécies, incluindo as pioneiras arbóreas Mimosa scabrella Bentham, Trema micrantha (L.) Blume, Schinus molle L., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong, e as secundárias iniciais Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub., Cedrela fissilis Vell. e Tabebuia alba (Cham.) Sandwith. A avaliação da produção da serapilheira foi feita nas primeiras seis espécies. As espécies pioneiras apresentaram maiores médias de altura, diâmetro do fuste e largura da copa. As pioneiras (com exceção de E. contortisiliquum) também apresentaram valores médios mais elevados de queda de serapilheira. Uma correlação interespecífica entre diâmetro do caule e produção anual de serapilheira foi observada. Os dados indicam que a escolha das espécies e guildas tem influência significativa sobre a qualidade da restauração. Entretanto, a arquitetura da parte aérea depende das características alométricas específicas das...

Biodiversidade , Botânica , Classificação , Ecologia , Flora/análise , Flora/classificação , Árvores
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;66(2)2006.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467842


Secondary succession in degraded areas is little studied, especially where long-term observation of evolutionary processes is concerned. The aim of this work was to follow the qualitative and quantitative changes in vegetation throughout the regeneration process after fire in a cerrado with forest physionomy. The area under study is a reserve on CPPSE-EMBRAPA's farm, São Carlos region of São Paulo State, Brazil. In 1981, an especially destructive fire eliminated the aerial part of the vegetation and litter. From that time, the vegetation in three permanent quadrats of 2 x 20 m was recorded for twenty years. The results demonstrated the rapid growth of herbs, shrubs, climbers and trees successively, with a great species richness and, after a certain time, a decline in density at a rate similar to the initial recovery. Both the soil seed bank and sprouting subterranean organs played important parts in the recovery of the vegetation. Three phases were observed in the plant succession: plant growth, followed by intraspecific competition with a reduction in the number of individuals and finally interspecific competition with the disappearance of some species from the quadrats. The different populations behaved similarly and the rise and fall in density of each species over time reflected their ecological role.

A sucessão secundária em áreas degradadas é pouco estudada, principalmente em relação ao acompanhamento dos processos evolutivos por longo período. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de verificar as mudanças qualitativas e quantitativas da vegetação durante o processo de regeneração após fogo em um cerrado com fisionomia de cerradão. A área estudada pertence a uma reserva institucional da CPPSE EMBRAPA, São Carlos, SP, Brasil. No ano de 1981 ocorreu um incêndio de proporções elevadas eliminando todo o folhedo e o dossel. O acompanhamento foi realizado em três parcelas fixas de 2 x 20 m ao longo de vinte anos. Os resultados demonstraram um rápido estabelecimento de indivíduos sucessivamente com plantas herbáceas, arbustivas, lianas e arbóreas, uma grande riqueza em espécies e, depois de determinado tempo, uma regressão em densidade na mesma ordem de estabelecimento. O banco de sementes do solo e o rebrotamento subterrâneo tiveram papel importante na recuperação da vegetação. No processo sucessional ocorreram três fases sucessivas: estabelecimento de plantas; competição intra-específica devido ao reajuste no número de indivíduos por espécies e competição interespecífica com a eliminação de algumas espécies das parcelas. As populações analisadas apresentaram padrões semelhantes de comportamento e a maior ou menor densidade ao longo do tempo refletiu o comportamento ecológico das espécies.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443669


Mycorrhizal colonization was assessed in roots of trees within an Atlantic Forest chronosequence, located in the southeastern of São Paulo State, Brazil, inside Tourist State Park of the High Ribeira Valley (PETAR). The phytosociological survey was carried out in three adjacent areas, all on calcareous soil, which correspond to different time intervals during which they have been left abandoned following a slash-and-burn agricultural perturbation. Early Phase (EP) with 15 years; Mid Phase (MP) with 25 years; and Late Phase (LP) with more than 36 years without clear-cut. The inventory indicated a continuum of tree species substitution, which is dominated by species of Leguminosae, especially Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) J.F. Macbr. (Mimosoideae) in the earlier successional phases. Mycorrhizal colonization, estimated by the occurrence of the mycorrhizal structures in the tree species roots, diminished during the season with less rain (winter), and showed no significant differences between successional phases in the wet season (summer). Rather, the mycorrhizal colonization was correlated with occurrence of the tree’s successional status: being positively correlated with occurrence of pioneer species, and negatively correlated with late secondary species. Mycorrhizal colonization was also correlated negatively with soil organic matter and base saturation. Twenty five species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi belonging to four genera were identified. Six species were only identified to generic level. The species Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerd. represented 10% of the total number of spores and occurred in all phases and seasons, while the genus Glomus represented 57% of the total of spores found in the rhizosphere. The diversity indices evaluated for the mycohrriza community were: H’ = 2.3, J’ = 0.97 and R = 4.12. These results are a contribution to the knowledge of The Atlantic Forest biodiversity and may have implications to support programs regarding rehabilitation of degraded vegetation in one of the World’s most threatened Biomes.

Foi levantada a ocorrência de colonização por micorriza nas raízes das espécies arbóreas que dirigem a sucessão secundária sobre solo calcário em uma área localizada no Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), sudeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O levantamento fitossociológico foi realizado em três áreas justapostas correspondentes a diferentes idades de abandono após cultivo de subsistência sobre um solo calcário: Fase Inicial com 15 anos; Fase Intermediaria com 25 anos e Fase Tardia com mais de 36 anos sem corte raso. O inventário indicou a predominância de espécies da família das leguminosas, especialmente Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mimosoideae) nos estágios iniciais de sucessão. A ocorrência de colonização por micorriza nas raízes das espécies arbóreas decresceu ao longo da sucessão durante a estação com menos chuva (inverno). Durante o período de verão, estação mais úmida, a colonização não apresentou diferenças significativas entre as fases de sucessão. A colonização por micorriza nas raízes apresentou correlação com a ocorrência de diferentes estratégias de regeneração entre as espécies arbóreas: positivamente com o aumento de ocorrência de espécies pioneiras e negativamente com espécies secundárias tardias. A colonização apresentou também correlação negativa com o conteúdo de matéria orgânica e saturação de bases no solo. Foram identificadas 25 espécies de fungos micorrizicos arbusculares pertencentes a quatro gêneros, e seis espécies apenas foram identificadas ao nível de gênero. A espécie Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerd. representou 10 % dos esporos encontrados na rizosfera das amostras analisadas, tendo ocorrido em todas as fases sucessionais e estações. O gênero Glomus representou 57% do total de esporos. Os índices de diversidade para a comunidade de fungos micorrizicos indicaram os seguintes valores: H’ = 2.3, J’ = 0.97 e R = 4.12. Estes resultados são importantes contribuições para um melhor conhecimento da biodiversidade da Mata Atlântica e podem ser decisivos no sucesso de ações para a reabilitação de áreas degradadas neste que é um dos biomas mais ameaçados do planeta.