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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537066


El retamo espinoso (Ulex europaeus L.) es una planta introducida invasora de rápido crecimiento y diseminación, con producción de semillas, que permanecen latentes en los primeros 5 cm de profundidad del suelo; esta planta altera espacios ecológicos nativos, áreas de producción agropecuaria y su control y erradicación no es exitosa. Conocer ciertas características de las semillas del retamo facilitará su control. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo, fue determinar el vigor, la viabilidad y el banco de semillas de retamo espinoso, en zonas del páramo de Sumapaz. Para las pruebas, se colectaron semillas en tres sitios: Delicias, Usabá y Laguna. La prueba de vigor, se llevó a cabo mediante conductividad eléctrica y la de viabilidad, por ensayo topográfico de tetrazolio; en cada prueba, se realizó cuatro repeticiones, cada una con 100 semillas; el diseño estadístico fue completamente al azar. Para el banco de semillas, se tomaron muestras de suelo, a profundidades 0-5, 5-10 y 10-20 cm y se dispusieron en bandejas de aluminio. La prueba de vigor mostró que, después de 6 horas de hidratación, la cantidad de iones lixiviados se estabilizó, con un valor de 38,51 µ -1 g-1, a las diez horas, afirmando alto vigor de semillas. La prueba de viabilidad presentó un 98 % y el banco de semillas registró mayor cantidad en el horizonte de 10-20 cm, con 950 semillas.m2, en la Laguna. Este estudio demuestra que las semillas de retamo tienen altos valores de vigor, viabilidad y un abundante banco de semillas distribuidas a diferentes profundidades.

The gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) is an invasive introduced plant of rapid growth and spread, with seeds production that remain dormant in the first 5 cm of soil depth, this plant alters native ecological spaces, areas of agricultural production, and its control and eradication is not successful. Know certain characteristics of gorse seeds will facilitate its control. Thus, the purpose of this work was to determine the vigor, viability and seed bank of gorse in areas of the Sumapaz paramo. For the tests, seeds were collected in three sites: Delicias, Usabá and Laguna. The vigor test was carried out by means of electrical conductivity and the viability test by tetrazolium topographic assay, in each test four repetitions were carried out, each with 100 seeds, the statistical design was completely random. For the seed bank, soil samples were taken at depths of 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm, and placed in aluminium trays. The vigor test showed that after 6 hours of hydration, the amount of leached ions stabilized with a value of 38.51 µ -1 g-1 at ten hours, confirming high seed vigor. The viability test presented 98 % and the seed bank registered a greater quantity in the 10-20 cm horizon with 950 seeds.m2 in the Laguna. This study shows that gorse seeds have high values of vigor, viability, and an abundant seed bank distributed at different depths.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37012, Jan.-Dec. 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358679


The objective was to evaluate weed phytosociology and similarities between crop management systems in the Chapadões region. The experiment was conducted at in agricultural area located in the municipality of Chapadão do Sul, MS, during the 2016/17 harvest. Three crop managements strategies were used: (1) cotton/soybean/Urochloa, (2) millet/soybean/millet and (3) millet/soybean/crotalaria. A phytosociological survey of weeds was carried out during soybean cultivation and cover crops growth, in succession. The evaluation area for each management strategy was 0.5 ha. Soybean surveys were carried out in October and January, while the cover crop surveys were performed in February and May. The relative frequency (RF), relative density (RD), relative abundance (AR), and relative importance (RI) of weeds, Venn diagram, and Jaccard and Sorenson similarity indices were evaluated. The management area represented by the cotton/soybean/Urochloa rotation had fewer weed species than others. The species Cenchrus echinatus, Digitaria insularis, Digitaria sanguinalis, Eleusine indica and Commelina benghalensis had the highest phytosociological indeces among the monocotyledons. Attention is required for managing the dicotyledons Amaranthus deflexus, Conyza canadensis and Senna obtusifolia despite their low indices because of herbicide resistant cases. The highest indeces of similarity were found between managements areas 2 and 3, which did not rely on cotton cultivation prior to soybeans.

Técnicas de Cultura , Plantas Daninhas/classificação
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 23(1): e1058, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127538


RESUMEN Senecio vulgaris L. es una maleza, considerada de difícil control cuando se asocia a la zanahoria, debido a que compite por recursos con el cultivo, siendo importante su control, ya que tiene un impacto negativo en la productividad. La modelación biológica es una herramienta que permite prever los posibles efectos del control de la especie, ya que identifica las diferentes variables de un sistema y los factores que las afecta, para de este modo, predecir los resultados en diversos ambientes. Con base en la dinámica de sistemas y los aspectos morfo-fisiológicos de la especie, se planteó la modelación del banco de semillas de S. vulgaris, basado en las ecuaciones planteadas por Fernández-Quintanilla, donde se construyó el diagrama Forrester, al que se le incorporaron las diferentes ecuaciones y valores del modelo, para proyectar la dinámica de la especie en el banco de semillas, dependiendo del manejo. Se propusieron tres escenarios: (1) control con herbicidas en post-emergencia, (2) rotación de cultivos y (3) incorporar los métodos culturales de control, con un testigo en pre siembra y rotación de cultivos. Los resultados del modelo muestran que cuando se realiza rotación de cultivos y se incorporan manejos en pre-siembra al proceso convencional de la especie, se presenta una menor cantidad de semillas en el banco.

ABSTRACT Senecio vulgaris L. is a weed, considered difficult to control, when it is associated with carrot, because it competes for resources with the crop, its control being important, since it has a negative impact on crop productivity. Biological modeling is a tool that allows predicting the possible effects of the species control, since it identifies the different variables of a system and the factors that affect them, in order to predict the results in different environments. Based on the dynamics of systems and the morphophysiological aspects of the species, the modeling of the S. vulgaris seed bank was suggested, based on the equations proposed by Fernández-Quintanilla, the Forrester diagram was constructed, which was incorporated the different equations and values of the model, to project the dynamics of the species in the seed bank, depending on the management. Three scenarios were proposed, (1) post-emergence herbicide control, (2) crop rotation (3) incorporate traditional control methods with a control in presowing and crop rotation. The model results show that when crop rotation is performed and pre-sowing management is incorporated into the conventional process of the species, a smaller quantity of seeds is presented in the bank.

Rev. biol. trop ; 66(2): 918-936, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977355


Abstract Seed germination and seed longevity under different environmental conditions are fundamental to understand the ecological dynamics of a species, since they are decisive for its success within the ecosystem. Taking this into account, seed germination and seed storage behavior of a pioneer species of tropical dry forest (Tecoma stans) were studied in the laboratory, to establish the effect of different environmental conditions on a local tree population. Two seed lots collected in July 2011, from Cali (Colombia), were evaluated under three alternating temperatures (20/30, 20/25, 25/30 ºC; 16/8 h) and four light qualities (12-hour white light photoperiod, darkness, and 15 minutes of red light -R and far red light -FR). Final germination was recorded for all treatments; for white light treatment the daily germination was recorded to calculate mean germination rate, mean germination time, and two synchronization indices. To assess the effect of light quality on physiological variables, a destructive germination test was carried out. For this test, another seed lot was evaluated under the same light conditions using an alternating temperature of 20/30 °C - 16/8 h, recording germination during six days for every treatment. In addition, seeds were stored at two different moisture contents (7.7, 4.1 %) and three storage temperatures (20, 5, -20 ºC), during two time periods (one and three months); a seed germination test was conducted for each treatment. Four replicates of 35 seeds per treatment were used for all experiments. Germination was high (GP > 90 %) with all alternating temperatures under white light, whereas under R, FR, and darkness germination was evenly successful at low temperatures, but at higher temperature, half of the seeds entered into secondary dormancy (GP= 45-65 %). However, mean germination rate and synchronization under R and FR decreased significantly in comparison to white light treatment and, consequently, mean germination time increased. Seed storage behavior of this species is orthodox due to the high germination (GP > 90 %) obtained under all treatments. In conclusion, T. stans seeds have a negative germination response at high incubation temperatures in the absence of white light, entering into a secondary dormancy. In contrast, an environment with a lower temperature and without white light delays the germination, but at the end seeds are able to reach the same germination values. This seed dependence on incident light in limiting conditions suggests a physiological mechanism on the seed tissues of this species, probably mediated by phytochromes. Finally, the orthodox seed storage behavior of T. stans is a reason to include this species in ex situ seed conservation programs for restoration and recovery of the tropical dry forest; however, long-term studies should be conducted in order to evaluate the maintenance of this characteristic throughout longer periods of time. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 918936. Epub 2018 June 01.

Resumen La germinación y la longevidad de las semillas de una especie bajo diferentes condiciones ambientales son fundamentales para las dinámicas ecológicas de una especie, debido a que son decisivas en el éxito de la misma en un ecosistema. Teniendo en cuenta esto, se estudió la germinación y el comportamiento en el almacenamiento de las semillas de una especie pionera de bosque seco tropical (Tecoma stans) a nivel de laboratorio, para establecer el efecto de diferentes condiciones ambientales en una población local de árboles. Dos lotes de semillas recolectados en julio 2011, de Cali (Colombia), se evaluaron a tres temperaturas alternadas (20 / 30, 20 / 25, 25 / 30 °C; 16 / 8 h) y cuatro calidades de luz (fotoperiodo de 12 horas de luz blanca, oscuridad, y 15 minutos de luz roja -R y roja lejana -RL). Se registró la germinación final para todos los tratamientos; para el tratamiento de luz blanca se registró la germinación diaria para calcular la tasa media de germinación, el tiempo medio de germinación y dos índices de sincronización. Para evaluar el efecto de la calidad de luz sobre las variables fisiológicas, se realizó una prueba de germinación destructiva. Para esta prueba, otro lote de semillas fue puesto a las mismas condiciones de luz usando una temperatura alternada de 20 / 30 °C - 16 / 8 h, registrando la germinación durante seis días para cada tratamiento. Además, se almacenaron semillas a dos contenidos de humedad (7.7, 4.1 %) y a tres temperaturas de almacenamiento (20, 5, -20 °C), durante dos periodos de tiempo (uno y tres meses); se realizó una prueba de germinación a cada tratamiento. Cuatro repeticiones de 35 semillas por cada tratamiento se usaron en cada experimento. La germinación fue alta (PG > 90 %) en todas las temperaturas alternadas con luz blanca, mientras que en los tratamientos de luz R, RL y en oscuridad, la germinación fue igualmente exitosa a bajas temperaturas, pero a temperaturas más altas la mitad de las semillas entraron en latencia secundaria (PG= 45-65 %). Sin embargo, la tasa media de germinación y la sincronización en R y RL disminuyeron significativamente en comparación con el tratamiento de luz blanca y consecuentemente el tiempo medio de germinación aumentó. El comportamiento de las semillas de T. stans en el almacenamiento es ortodoxo debido a la alta germinación obtenida (PG > 90 %) en todos los tratamientos. En conclusión, las semillas de T. stans tienen una respuesta germinativa negativa a temperaturas de incubación alta en ausencia de luz blanca, donde entran a latencia secundaria. En contraste, un ambiente con baja temperatura y sin luz blanca retrasa la germinación, pero al final las semillas son capaces de alcanzar los mismos valores de germinación. Esta dependencia de las semillas a la luz incidente en condiciones limitantes sugiere la presencia de un mecanismo fisiológico en los tejidos de esta especie, probablemente mediado por fitocromos. Finalmente, el comportamiento ortodoxo de las semillas de T. stans en el almacenamiento abre la posibilidad de incluirla en programas de conservación ex situ para la restauración y recuperación del bosque seco tropical; no obstante, se deben llevarse a cabo pruebas más largas para evaluar el mantenimiento de esta característica por periodos de tiempo más largos.

Fitocromo , Bignoniaceae , Bignoniaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dormência de Plantas , Banco de Sementes
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-338255


Tripterygium hypoglaucum is an endangered species in arid areas of Xiannvshan Chongqing, China. The dynamic characteristics of seed rain and soil seed bank of T. hypoglaucum were studied in this paper.Results showed that T. hypoglaucum years of mature seeds distribution number up to October; the seed rain occurred from the last ten-day of September to in the first ten-day of November and the peak of scattered seed rain concentrated in the October.The numbers of soil seed bank at 2-5 cm soil layer,mainly concentrated in the 1.5-3.5 m range. T. hypoglaucum seeds to the wind as a force for transmission, the transmission ability is strong, but in the process of natural reproduction, full mature seed rate is low, the soil seed bank seeds seed short-lived factors these were unfavorable for the natural reproduction of T. hypoglaucum population.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 38(4): 419-427, oct.-dec. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-831619


The diaspore bank is an important component of biological diversity acting mainly as storage and source of diaspores, which also indicate dynamics and patterns of maintenance of plant diversity. We tested the hypothesis that the diaspore bank would be the responsible factor for the maintenance of the aquatic plant species, used two techniques to evaluate the diaspore bank: seedling emergence and direct counting of field samples. Density and richness of the diaspore bank were correlated with plant cover of the aquatic macrophyte communities and also with the euphotic zone radiation in different phases of the hydrological cycle. The diaspore bank is a key factor in maintenance of aquatic macrophyte assemblages in this pond. Nymphaea amazonum was one of the dominant species in the pond and presented temporally peaks of plant cover. Furthermore, depth allowed induction of germination of stored diaspores. Therefore, the diaspore bank may predict which species colonizes a site when environmental characteristics are favorable and allows inferring which processes are linked to changes in structure of aquatic macrophyte assemblages. These mechanisms are the means for recovery of macrophyte species under natural disturbances, represented by water level oscillations in floodplains.

O banco de diásporos é um componente importante da diversidade biológica atuando principalmente como armazenamento e fonte de diásporos, que também indicam a dinâmica e os padrões de manutenção da diversidade vegetal. Testamos a hipótese de que o banco de diásporos seria o fator responsável pela manutenção das espécies de plantas aquáticas, utilizando duas técnicas para avaliar o banco diásporo: emergência das plântulas e contagem direta de amostras de campo. Densidade e riqueza do banco de diásporos foram correlacionadas com cobertura vegetal das comunidades de macrófitas aquáticas e também com a radiação da zona eufótica em diferentes fases do ciclo hidrológico. O banco de diásporos é um fator chave na manutenção das assembleias de macrófitas aquáticas nesta lagoa. Nymphaea amazonum foi uma das espécies dominantes na lagoa temporalmente, apresentou picos de cobertura vegetal. Além disso, a profundidade permitiu a indução da germinação de diásporos armazenados. Portanto, o banco de diásporo é um preditor de quais espécies colonizarão um local quando as características ambientais são favoráveis e permite inferir que os processos estão ligados a mudanças na estrutura das assembleias de macrófitas aquáticas. Estes mecanismos são os meios para a recuperação de espécies de macrófitas sob as perturbações naturais, representados por oscilações do nível de água nas planícies aluviais.

Ecologia , Banco de Sementes , Áreas Alagadas
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 32(4): 863-872, july/aug. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-965580


This study aimed to assess the effects of sugarcane straw soil cover on Brachiaria plantaginea, Panicum maximum and Digitaria nuda seedlings emergence. The experiment was carried out in a soil classified as Red Nitosol. Seven different amounts of sugarcane straw soil cover were assessed (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 ha-1). SP83-2847 variety straw was used. The experiment was arranged in a randomized blocks design, with four replications. Each experimental unit contained three species, which were allocated in the center of each plot, sown at 1 cm depth in a demarcated area. Different amounts of straw were distributed in this area. The sowing rate was used in order to obtain 1200 plant m-2. Two phases comprised the study. In the first phase, weeds emerged in sugarcane straw cover soil were assessed at 9, 12, 19, 34 and 43 days after sowing (DAS) and the second phase assessed plant emergence after straw removal, at 89, 130, 175, 196, 217 and 234 DAS. Seedlings that had over 1 cm shoot and were visible in all assessments were considered emerged. Soil cover sugarcane straw amount influenced the different species germination dynamics. In the first phase, species differential response was observed regarding used straw amount. In the second phase, after straw removal, there was higher germination for B. plantaginea and D. nuda, while P. maximum showed lower emergency, regardless of the used straw amount.

O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da cobertura do solo com palhiço de cana-deaçúcar sobre a emergência de Brachiaria plantaginea, Panicum maximum e Digitaria nuda. O experimento foi conduzido em um solo classificado como Nitossolo Vermelho. Foram avaliadas sete diferentes quantidades de coberturas do solo com palhiço de cana-de-açúcar (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 e 18 t ha-1). Utilizou-se o palhiço da variedade SP83-2847. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Cada unidade experimental continha as três espécies e foram alocadas na região central das parcelas, semeadas a 1 cm de profundidade em uma área demarcada, que posteriormente foram cobertas pelas diferentes quantidades de palhiço distribuídas uniformemente. A taxa de semeadura utilizada foi para obter-se 1.200 planta m-2. O estudo foi compreendido por duas fases. Na primeira fase foi avaliada a emergência das plantas daninhas sob cobertura de palhiço de cana aos 9, 12, 19, 34 e 43 dias após a semeadura (DAS) e a segunda, avaliou-se a emergência das plantas após a remoção do palhiço aos 89, 130, 175, 196, 217 e 234 DAS. Foram consideradas germinadas as plântulas visíveis em cada avaliação com mais de 1 cm de altura de parte aérea. A quantidade de palhiço de cana-de-açúcar utilizada como cobertura do solo influenciou a dinâmica de germinação das diferentes espécies. Na primeira fase observou-se uma resposta diferencial das espécies quanto a quantidade de palhiço utilizada. Na segunda fase, após a remoção do palhiço, verificou-se maior germinação para B. plantaginea e D. nuda, enquanto P. maximum apresentou menor emergência, independente da quantidade de palhiço utilizada.

Solo , Brachiaria , Saccharum , Banco de Sementes , Poaceae , Panicum
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(2): 333-340, Apr.-Jun. 2015. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-764970


Syagrus romanzoffiana is a palm tree native and widely distributed of South America. The present study investigated the longevity and germination of the buried seeds of this species in an experimental seed bank. Laboratory germination and viability tests were performed for comparison with field results. Pyrenes (seeds enclosed by the endocarp) were buried in a forest fragment edge in July 2012 (dry season) and exhumed monthly during one year, for the assessment of water content and percentage of germinated and viable seeds. Germination tests were conducted in a Mangelsdorf-type germinator at 30°C under constant light and the viability was assessed by the tetrazolium test. An additional sample of pyrenes was buried to evaluate the percentage of seedling emergence and survival. Climatic and soil moisture data were recorded. In the laboratory, the pyrenes were stored for one year in a temperature-controlled room at 20ºC and 75% (±10%) relative air humidity to assess changes in the percentage of germination and viability over time. In the field, a reduction in seed viability was observed over the study period, with a total loss of viability of non-germinated seeds at seven months after burial. The maximum germination (close to 26%) was observed in the samples that were exhumed between five and seven months after burial. In the field, seedling emergence did not exceed 10% and seedling mortality was not observed. The percentages of germination and of viable seeds decreased both in burial and stored seeds. The stored seeds maintained viability at up to six months, with marked reduction thereafter. After the germination tests (four months) in the laboratory, all of the remaining seeds were nonviable. The ecological, physiological and reproductive characteristics of the species are discussed, and we concluded that S. romanzoffiana seeds have short longevity after imbibition, and low potential for soil seed bank formation. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (2): 333-340. Epub 2015 June 01.

Syagrus romanzoffiana (Arecaceae) es una palma nativa y ampliamente distribuida de América del Sur. El presente estudio investigó la longevidad y la germinación de las semillas enterradas de esta especie en un banco experimental. Se realizaron pruebas de germinación y viabilidad de laboratorio para hacer una comparación con los resultados de campo. Pirenos (semillas encerradas por el endocarpio) fueron enterrados en el borde de un fragmento de bosque en julio (época seca) y exhumados mensualmente por un año, para la evaluación del contenido de agua y del porcentaje de semillas germinadas y viables. Las pruebas de germinación se realizaron en un germinador tipo Mangelsdorf a 30°C bajo luz constante y la evaluación de la viabilidad se realizó con la prueba de tetrazólio. Una muestra adicional de pirenos fue enterrada para evaluar el porcentaje de emergencia de las plántulas. Se tomaron los datos climáticos y se determinó la humedad del suelo. En el laboratorio, los pirenos se almacenaron durante un año en una sala de temperatura controlada a 20°C y 75% (±10%) de humedad relativa del aire, para evaluar los cambios en el porcentaje de germinación y la viabilidad en el tiempo. En el campo, se observó una reducción de la viabilidad de las semillas durante el período de estudio, con una pérdida total de la viabilidad de las semillas no germinadas a los siete meses después del entierro. La germinación máxima (cerca de 26%) se observó en las muestras que fueron exhumadas entre cinco y siete meses después del entierro. En el campo, la emergencia de las plántulas no superó el 10% y no se observó mortalidad de plántulas. Los porcentajes de germinación y de semillas viables disminuyeron tanto en el suelo como en el laboratorio. Las semillas almacenadas mantuvieron la viabilidad hasta por seis meses de almacenamiento, con una reducción marcada a partir de entonces. Después de las pruebas de germinación (cuatro meses) en el laboratorio, todas las semillas restantes eran inviables. Discutimos las características ecológicas, fisiológicas y reproductivas de la especie, y llegamos a la conclusión de que las semillas de S. romanzoffiana tienen corta duración después de la imbibición y bajo potencial de formación del banco de semillas en el suelo.

Germinação , Arecaceae/anatomia & histologia , Banco de Sementes , América do Sul
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-976011


The survival of seeds in the soil is characterized by the ambient concentration of seed and seed distribution and seed maturation. Seedlings grown in a fully developed in the future viability of the plant growth shows revival. Ecological restoration of this important natural seed bank study could also be considered, assuming of Bogd Khan Uul “Shajin khurkh” around the goal of soil seed reservation. Goal to achieve the following objectives. Including:1. To learn soil seed stydies2. To familiarize with the methodology andresearch, make the research methodologyinto own3. To study soil seed bank around BogdKhan mountain “Shajin khurkh”Key words: Bogd Khan Mountain; soil; seed bankIntroductionNowadays, environmental problems aroundthe world, our country prone to desertifi cation gene pool of rare and endangered native plant conservation and is close to extinction benefi cial for some drugs, food and technical plant species restoration, conservation and proper use is a challenge today. With an easy transition to a market economy gain a group of people interested in nature pillage of rare animals and plants remove, and the intense drought shifting in recent years in Mongolian Gobi desert steppe has desertifi cation across the region. Natural conditions, rehabilitation of forest trees, shrubs and plants shrubs planted seeds and seedlings preparation step is performed to transfer. It is not possible to recover plant ecology without seeds. To destroy the vegetation limited nature of the environment and human infl uence in the work of restoring scientifi c conduct acomprehensive study to ensure that it is desirable to restore the ecology of the soil seed reserves in the area, primarily to determine what research.Materials and methodsThe location of points of GPS (Geographicalposition system) established with the help ofapparatus and measuring 10x10m area of each point and each of any two points each 1m2 5 this site soil samples from 5 repeats. Studies using soil samples takenin 2013-2014 according to German scientists K.Tomsony research methodology to test performance.Bogd khan ‘’Shajin khurkh’’ mountain thestudy are shown

Braz. j. biol ; 74(3): 588-596, 8/2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-723892


We analysed the germination of seeds after their passage through the digestive tract of small floodplain fishes. Samples were collected in five open flooded fields of the northern Pantanal in March 2011. All fishes were sacrificed and their intestinal contents were removed. The fecal material was weighed and stored at 4°C in a GF/C filter wrapped in aluminum foil. The material was then transferred to a receptacle containing sterilised soil from the sampling area. The fecal samples were kept in a germination chamber for 68 days and then transferred to a greenhouse for another 67 days. We collected a total of 45 fish species and 1014 individuals which produced a total amount of 32g of fresh fecal mass and 11 seedlings. We were able to identify six seedlings: two Banara arguta, two Steinchisma laxa, one Hymenachne amplexicaulis and one Luziola sp.. The fish species that produced samples with seedlings were Astyanax assuncionensis, Metynnis mola, Plesiolebias glaucopterus, Acestrorhyncus pantaneiro and Anadoras wendelli. With the exception of B. arguta the remaining plant species and all fish species were not known to be associated with the seed dispersal process of these plants. We found a ratio of 0.435 seedlings.g–1 of fresh fecal material, which is 100 times higher than the amount of seedlings encountered in fresh soil mass (92,974 grams) in seed bank studies conducted in the same study area. In particular, Astyanax assuncionensis and Metynnis mola were among the most frequent and most abundant fish taxa in the area. Together with the high seed concentration in the fish fecal material, this evidence allows us to conclude that such fish species may play an important role in seed dispersal in the herbaceous plants of the Pantanal.

Nós analisamos a germinação de sementes após a passagem pelo trato digestivo de peixes de pequeno porte da planície de inundação do Pantanal de Mato Grosso. As amostras foram retiradas de cinco campos inundáveis em março de 2011. Todos os peixes foram sacrificados e seus conteúdos intestinais removidos. O material fecal foi pesado e armazenado a 4°C em filtros GF/C envolvidos em papel alumínio. O material foi transferido para um recipiente contendo solo da região previamente esterilizado e regado diariamente. As amostras de fezes foram mantidas por 68 dias numa câmara de germinação e então mantidas por mais 67 dias na casa de vegetação. Coletamos 1014 indivíduos de peixes distribuídos em 45 espécies que produziram um total de 32g. de fezes e 11 plântulas das quais seis foram identificadas como Banara arguta (n=2), Steinchisma laxa (n=2), Hymenachne amplexicaulis (n=1) e Luziola sp. (n=1). As espécies de peixes que produziram amostras com germinações foram Astyanax assuncionensis, Metynnis mola, Plesiolebias glaucopterus, Acestrorhyncus pantaneiro e Anadoras wendelli. Esse é o primeiro relato que associa essas espécies de plantas e de peixes no processo de dispersão de sementes com exceção de B. arguta. Encontramos uma razão de 0,435 germinações.g–1 por massa úmida fecal, o que representa 100 vezes mais germinações do que o registrado por massa úmida de solo num estudo de banco de sementes de solo da mesma região. Em particular, Astyanax assuncionensis e Metynnis mola estão entre as espécies mais frequentes e abundantes da área de estudo. Considerando a alta concentração de germinações por massa de material fecal essa evidência nos permite sugerir que os peixes de pequeno porte da planície de inundação do Pantanal podem ter um efeito determinante na dispersão de herbáceas do Pantanal.

Animais , Magnoliopsida/classificação , Peixes/fisiologia , Dispersão de Sementes , Magnoliopsida/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Brasil , Ecossistema , Fezes , Peixes/classificação , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Estações do Ano , Áreas Alagadas
Acta amaz ; 43(3): 305-314, set. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455145


The dispersion efficiency, longevity and the ability of seeds to remain latent waiting for suitable conditions for germination in the forest soil seed bank ensures the presence of pioneer tree species in disturbed areas. The seasonal and spatial variations in the density and floristic composition of the seed bank in tropical rainforests is a subject still little understood. This work verified the existence of spatio-temporal changes of the seed bank present in areas of humid tropical rain forest located near Manaus, Amazonas. In each of the six study areas, 40 circular samples of topsoil (10 cm in diameter and 2 cm deep) were randomly collected every two months, from August 2004 to June/2005. Inside a greenhouse, the collected soil samples were distributed in trays and the emergence of seeds present in the soil was accompanied during four months. There was a significant reduction (H: 14.09112, p <0.05) in the mean density of seeds presents in the soil in June (early dry season) compared to February (middle of the rainy season). There was also a significant difference (H: 188.7245, p <0.05) in the mean density of soil seeds present in the different samples areas. Similar to other tropical forest areas, the permanent seed bank in the forest was dominated by pioneer species, mainly from the family Melastomataceae, while typical tropical forest species were rare in the forest soil.

A dispersão eficiente, a longevidade e a capacidade das sementes de permanecer em estado latente a espera de condições adequadas de germinação no banco de sementes do solo da floresta garantem a presença de espécies arbóreas pioneiras nas áreas perturbadas. As variações estacionais e espaciais na densidade e na composição florística do banco de sementes em Florestas Tropicais Úmidas são assuntos ainda pouco compreendidos. Este trabalho verificou a existência de modificações espaço-temporais do banco de sementes presente em áreas de Floresta Tropical úmida localizadas próximas a Manaus, AM. Em cada uma das seis áreas estudadas, foram coletadas 40 amostras circulares de solo superficial (10 cm de diâmetro e 2 cm de profundidade) ao acaso. Essas amostras foram coletadas a cada dois meses, entre agosto/2004 e junho/2005,. As amostras de solo foram distribuídas em bandejas em casa de vegetação e a emergência das sementes presentes no solo foi acompanhada por 4 meses. Houve uma redução significativa (H: 14,09, p < 0,05) na densidade média de sementes no solo em junho (início da estação seca) em relação a fevereiro (meio da estação chuvosa). Houve também diferença significativa (H: 188,72, p < 0,05) na densidade média de sementes do solo presente nas diferentes áreas amostradas. Assim como para outras áreas de florestas tropicais, o banco de sementes permanente da floresta foi dominado por espécies pioneiras, principalmente da família Melastomataceae, enquanto as espécies típicas da Floresta Tropical madura foram raras no solo florestal.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 35(2): 203-209, abr.- jun. 2013. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-859538


Understanding the plant communities affected by human activities related to urbanization is an important tool to conserve these. In this way, this study on an urban forest fragment aimed to evaluate, through a phytosociological study and investigation of the germination of the seed bank, the current forest structure, the successional strata, and the regenerative capacity of the remnant. Three different stages comprised this research, the first with a floristic survey of the entire forest remnant, then the phytosociological study of the canopy (PAP above 10 cm) and regeneration strata (PAP 5-10 cm), and at last, the study on the seed bank. The phytosociological survey of the canopy stratum presented 1,368 individuals, with 41 species distributed into 24 families. The stratum of natural regeneration had 665 individuals, being 38 species distributed into 24 families. The seed bank was made up by only 8 native species, and 3 exotic species. The floristic diversity of the seed bank in all samples was low due to few species provide seeds to the soil. In addition, the strata and the seed bank had a low similarity, confirming thus the fragility and the need for preservationist attitudes.

Understanding the plant communities affected by human activities related to urbanization is an important tool to conserve these. In this way, this study on an urban forest fragment aimed to evaluate, through a phytosociological study and investigation of the germination of the seed bank, the current forest structure, the successional strata, and the regenerative capacity of the remnant. Three different stages comprised this research, the first with a floristic survey of the entire forest remnant, then the phytosociological study of the canopy (PAP above 10 cm) and regeneration strata (PAP 5-10 cm), and at last, the study on the seed bank. The phytosociological survey of the canopy stratum presented 1,368 individuals, with 41 species distributed into 24 families. The stratum of natural regeneration had 665 individuals, being 38 species distributed into 24 families. The seed bank was made up by only 8 native species, and 3 exotic species. The floristic diversity of the seed bank in all samples was low due to few species provide seeds to the soil. In addition, the strata and the seed bank had a low similarity, confirming thus the fragility and the need for preservationist attitudes.

Desenvolvimento Vegetal , Banco de Sementes , Urbanização
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 55(5): 661-669, Sept.-Oct. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-651648


The present study investigated the germination and vigor of Caesalpinia echinata (Brazilwood) seeds stored at negative temperatures. Recently harvested seeds were cryopreserved at -18º or -196ºC and periodically evaluated for germination, seed vigor and carbohydrate composition. The temperatures did not influence the germination percentages or vigor. The germination percentage decreased from 88% in recently harvested seeds to 60% after 730 days of storage. The different temperature and storage times tested did not affect the vigor seed germination as indicated by the measures of plant growth and survival. The different temperatures used did not cause changes in the carbohydrate composition. The tegument cell walls were rich in lignin, arabinose and xylose. The cytoplasm of the cotyledons and embryos had high levels of glucose, fructose, and sucrose. The cryopreservation technique here presented was effective in the conservation of Brazilwood seeds for the medium term.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 28(4): 641-653, july/aug. 2012. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-913074


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito alelopático de amostras de solo coletadas sob a copa de três espécimes de Copaifera langsdorffii na germinação de Lactuca sativa e realizar o levantamento do banco natural de sementes de acordo com a sazonalidade. Para testar o efeito alelopático realizou-se experimentos de pré e pós-emergência com sementes de L. sativa e para quantificar o estoque de sementes, amostras de solo foram coletadas de três espécimes em três distâncias do caule (1, 2 e 3m) e em três profundidades (0-5, 5-10 e 10-15cm), na região de cerrado nas estações seca e úmida. As amostras testadas nos ensaios de pré-emergência não interferiram significativamente nos índices de germinabilidade, tempo médio e velocidade de germinação; porém, demonstrou diferença no sincronismo de germinação, independentemente da estação de coleta. No ensaio de pós-emergência foi observada diferença estatística nos parâmetros avaliados (comprimento da raiz primária e hipocótilo) em ambas estações. Para quantificação do banco natural de sementes foram feitas analises macroscópicas de cada amostra de solo com auxílio de microscópio esteroscópico. A análise do banco natural de sementes demonstrou maior número das mesmas na profundidade de 0-5cm e na distância de 2m para ambas estações. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a presença de substâncias aleloquímicas nas amostras de solo coletadas sob a copa de Copaifera langsdorffii.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the allelopathic effect of soil samples collected under the canopies of three specimens of Copaifera langsdorffii the germination of Lactuca sativa and survey the natural seed bank according to seasonality. To test the allelopathic effect was carried experiments of pre and post-emergence with seeds of L. sativa and to quantify the stock of seeds, soil samples were collected from three specimens at three distances from the stem (1, 2 and 3 m) and at three depths (0-5, 5-10 and 10-15cm) in the region of savanna in the dry and wet seasons. The samples tested in bioassay of pre-emergence no significant influence on germinability, mean germination time and mean germination speed, but showed a difference in the synchronism of germination, these data were independent of sampling station. In test for post-emergence was observed statistical difference in the parameters evaluate (length of primary roots and hypocotyls) in both seasons. To quantify the natural seed bank were macroscopic analysis of each soil sample with the help of stereoscopic microscope. The analysis of the natural seed bank showed a larger number of seeds in the 0-5cm and in distance of 2m for both seasons. The results suggest the presence of allelochemical substances in soil samples collected under the canopy of Copaifera langsdorffii.

Sementes , Lactuca , Germinação , Alelopatia , Banco de Sementes , Fabaceae
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(3): 1061-1069, Sept. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-638140


Podocarpus angustifolius is an endangered recalcitrant-seeded small tree, endemic to mountain rain forests in the central and Pinar del Río regions in Cuba. In this study, the germination patterns of P. angustifolius seeds were evaluated and the nature of the soil seed bank was determined. Using a weighted two-factor design, we analyzed the combined germination response to seed source (i.e. freshly matured seeds directly collected from trees versus seeds extracted from soil samples) and pretreatment (i.e. seed water-immersion for 48h at room temperature). Germination was delayed for four weeks (≈30 days) in all cases, regardless of both factors analyzed. Moreover, nine additional days were necessary to achieve high germination values (in the case of fresh, pretreated seeds). These results overall may indicate the existence of a non-deep simple morphophysiological dormancy in P. angustifolius seeds. The water-immersion significantly enhanced seed germination, probably as a result of the hydration of recalcitrant seeds. Although germination of seeds extracted from soil samples was low, probably due to aging and pathogen effects throughout the time of burial, the study revealed the existence of a persistent soil seed bank (at least short-termed) of ≈42 viable seeds per m² in the upper 10cm of soil. Such a record is noteworthy since references to persistent soil seed banks in recalcitrant-seeded species are scarce in the literature. The population consequences derived from the formation of persistent soil seed banks in this endangered species are discussed. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (3): 1061-1069. Epub 2011 September 01.

Podocarpus angustifolius es un árbol endémico de los bosques lluviosos de la región de Pinar del Río y la parte central de Cuba, que se encuentra en peligro de extinción. En este estudio se evaluó la germinación de sus semillas y la naturaleza del banco de semillas del suelo. Específicamente, se analizó la respuesta germinativa de las semillas a dos factores: su procedencia (recolectadas directamente de los árboles versus extraídas de muestras de suelo) y el pretratamiento (inmersión en agua durante 48h a temperatura ambiente). La germinación no comenzó hasta las cuatro semanas (≈30 días) en todos los casos. Además, fueron necesarios 9 días más para alcanzar un valor elevado de germinación (en el caso de semillas recolectadas del árbol con pretratamiento), lo que parece indicar la existencia de un letargo de tipo morfofisiológico simple no profundo. El pretratamiento incrementó significativamente la germinación, posiblemente por hidratación de las semillas recalcitrantes. El estudio demostró la existencia de un banco de semillas persistente en el suelo, al menos de corta duración de ≈42 semillas viables por m² en los 10 primeros cm del suelo. Dicho hallazgo es destacable, ya que los casos descritos en la literatura sobre bancos persistentes en especies con semillas recalcitrantes son escasos. Además, se discute la importancia que tiene para esta especie amenazada la existencia de un banco de semillas persistente.

Traqueófitas/fisiologia , Germinação/fisiologia , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Solo/análise , Árvores , Cuba , Chuva
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(3): 1071-1079, Sept. 2011. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-638141


The soil seed bank is the basis for community establishment and permanence and plays a primary role in natural restoration of degraded or altered ecosystems. As part of a restoration project, this study aimed to quantify the soil seed bank and to evaluate the effect of the needle litter layer on seedling emergence. Soil samples from a pine plantation were collected at random in the field and set to germinate in a greenhouse. Half of them were covered by a 6cm layer of dead pine needles simulating field conditions. in the field, 20x20cm plots were established, half were left intact and half were cleaned from the litter needles. All four treatments had 15 replicates and seedling emergence was recorded during six months. Soil seed bank density was 1 222/m² from 17 morphotypes. in the field, the number of morphotypes and seedlings was only 9% and 6% respectively, of those emerged in the greenhouse, possibly due to watering and lack of predation in the latter. in both cases, herbs and graminoids were the dominant emerging seedlings, making up to 70-90% of the total. The needle layer didn’t prevent seeds from reaching the soil but strongly reduced (>50%) seedling emergence, although high variability within treatments resulted in no statistically significant differences. These results show that the needle layer hinders germination and/or emergence of seedlings from the seed bank. its removal may be a recommended technique to accelerate natural restoration in pine plantations. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (3): 1071-1079. Epub 2011 September 01.

El banco de semillas del suelo es la base para el establecimiento y la permanencia de una comunidad y desempeña un papel fundamental en la restauración natural de los ecosistemas degradados o alterados. Como parte de un proyecto de restauración, este estudio tuvo como objetivo cuantificar el banco de semillas del suelo y evaluar el efecto de la capa de hojarasca de pino sobre la emergencia de las plántulas. Las muestras de suelo de la plantación de pinos fueron recolectadas al azar en el campo y se pusieron a germinar en un invernadero. La mitad de ellas estaban cubiertas por una capa de 6cm de hojarasca simulando condiciones de campo. En el campo se establecieron parcelas de 20x20cm, la mitad se dejaron intactas y la otra mitad se limpiaron de la hojarasca. Para los cuatro tratamientos se realizaron 15 repeticiones y la emergencia de plántulas se registró durante seis meses. La densidad del banco de semillas del suelo fue de 1 222/m² de 17 morfotipos. En el campo, el número de morfotipos y plántulas fue sólo de 9% y 6% respectivamente, de los que emergieron en el invernadero, posiblemente debido al riego y la falta de depredación. En ambos casos las plántulas dominantes fueron las hierbas y gramíneas, alcanzando el 70-90% del total. La capa de hojarasca no impidió que las semillas llegaran al suelo, pero se presentó una emergencia de plántulas muy reducida (>50%), debido a la alta variabilidad de los tratamientos no se produjeron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Estos resultados muestran que la capa de hojarasca impide la germinación y/o la emergencia de las plántulas del banco de semillas del suelo. Su eliminación puede ser una técnica recomendada para acelerar la restauración natural en las plantaciones de pino.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Pinus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Regeneração/fisiologia , Solo , Plântula/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Germinação/fisiologia
Ciênc. rural ; 41(2): 251-259, fev. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-578628


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os mecanismos de regeneração natural em três agrupamentos florísticos em remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista, localizado em São Francisco de Paula, RS. A coleta dos dados foi realizada em seis conglomerados de um hectare, subdivididos em 16 parcelas cada, nas quais foram coletadas amostras da chuva de sementes, do banco de sementes no solo e do banco de plântulas. Os grupos florísticos apresentaram diferenças significativas para a densidade de indivíduos na chuva de sementes e no banco de plântulas. Para o banco de sementes no solo, o grupo G1 diferiu dos grupos G2 e G3. A riqueza de espécies observada no banco de plântulas sugere que este pode ser o mecanismo principal de manutenção da diversidade no remanescente. A chuva de sementes foi abundante e representou uma fonte expressiva de propágulos para abastecer o banco de sementes e banco de plântulas local e das áreas circunvizinhas. O banco de sementes do solo não apresentou potencial florístico para representar a riqueza de espécies presentes na vegetação arbórea, corroborando o estágio sucessional avançado desta floresta, uma vez que o banco de sementes é formado principalmente de espécies pioneiras.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the natural regeneration mechanisms in three floristic groups of the remaining Mixed Rain Forest, located in San Francisco de Paula, RS. The data were collected in six conglomerates of one hectare, subdivided into 16 plots, in which seed rain, soil seed bank, and seedling bank were collected. The groups presented differences in the density of individuals in the seed rain and in the seedling banks. For the soil seed bank, the group G1 differed from the groups G2 and G3. The seedlings bank, due to the wealth of species, may be the primary mechanism for maintaining diversity in the remnant. Seed rain was abundant and represented an expressive source of seeds to supply the seed bank and the seedling bank site and surrounding areas. The seed bank of soil did not show potential to replace the floristic richness of species in the arboreal vegetation, confirming the advanced stage of forest succession, once the seed bank is composed mainly of pioneer species.

Rev. biol. trop ; 58(4): 1271-1282, dic. 2010. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-638000


Planting seedlings is a common technique for abandoned pastures restoration in the tropics, supposedly by increasing the seedling recruitment and accelerating succession. In this study we evaluated the role of a young restored forest (one year old) in enhancing seedling establishment from two sources (seed rain and seed bank), in the Atlantic Rainforest region in Southern Brazil. We compared abandoned pasture, young restored forest and old-growth forest with respect to the seedlings recruited from different sources, by monitoring 40 permanent plots (0.5mx0.5m) over 20 months. From the three studied areas a total of 392 seedlings of 53 species were recruited. Species were mainly herbaceous (85%), pioneers (88%), zoochorous (51%) and small-seeded species (60%). Seedling recruitment from the seed bank (density and species richness) was higher and dominated by herbaceous species in the abandoned pasture and in the young restored forest; on the other hand, the recruitment of woody species from seed rain was more pronounced in the old-growth forest. The young restored forest increased the species richness of woody seedlings recruitment from the seed bank (two-fold) and from seed rain (three-fold) compared to the abandoned pasture. Also, the seedling density in young restored forest was still higher than abandoned pastures (seed bank: four times; seed rain: ten times). Our results show that even young restored areas enhance the establishment of woody species and should be considered an important step for pasture restoration. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (4): 1271-1282. Epub 2010 December 01.

La introducción de plántulas en pastizales abandonados es una técnica común de restauración de los bosques en los trópicos, debido a que incrementa el reclutamiento de plántulas y acelera la sucesión. En este estudio se evaluó el papel de un bosque restaurado joven (un año) en el reclutamiento de plántulas a través de dos fuentes (lluvia y banco de semillas) en la región del Bosque Atlántico en el sur de Brasil. Se comparó un pastizal abandonado, un bosque restaurado joven y un bosque secundario maduro en cuanto al reclutamiento de plántulas de diferentes fuentes, mediante el monitoreo permanente de 40 parcelas (0.5mx0.5m) durante 20 meses. En las tres áreas estudiadas se reclutaron 392 plántulas de 53 especies, principalmente herbáceas (85%), pioneras (88%), zoocoras (51%) y de semilla pequeña (60%). El reclutamiento de plántulas en el banco de semillas (densidad y riqueza de especies) fue el más alto y dominado por especies herbáceas en el pasto abandonado y en el bosque restaurado joven, el reclutamiento de especies leñosas por la lluvia de semillas fue más pronunciado en los bosques secundarios maduros. Cuando se compara con el pastizal abandonado, el bosque restaurado joven presentó una mayor riqueza de plántulas de especies leñosas reclutadas, tanto del banco (el doble) como de la lluvia de semillas (tres veces más); la densidad de plántulas en el bosque restaurado joven fue más alta que en los pastizales abandonados (cuatro veces en el banco y diez veces en la lluvia de semillas). Nuestros resultados muestran que las áreas restauradas aún jóvenes pueden aumentar el reclutamiento de especies leñosas y deben considerarse como un paso importante para la restauración de pastizales.

Plântula/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Árvores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biomassa , Brasil , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Monitoramento Ambiental , Fatores de Tempo
Rev. biol. trop ; 57(3): 771-780, sep. 2009. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-637908


Basic aspects of the reproductive biology are largely unknown for most tropical tree species, although they are important elements to understand the impacts of anthropogenic activities as logging and forest fragmentation on these populations. In this study, data are presented on leaf and reproductive phenology, fruit production and seedling demography of a population of an endemic tree species of Southern Central America, Caryocar costaricense. This species has been affected by selective logging and forest fragmentation of its habitat. Phenology was studied by observation of 15-22 tree crowns during two reproductive periods (2003 and 2005). Circular plots were established around 11 adult trees to count the number of fallen fruits and seedlings during three years (2003, 2004, 2005). Although reproductive phenology is restricted to the short dry season in this species, seed germination occurred year-round. Fruit and seedling production shows a strong inter-individual variation within the study populations, with two large trees producing nearly 50%-70% of the fruits and seedlings during two years. Most of the seeds that fall beneath the tree crown are covered by litterfall or removed by fauna. We found evidence that many of these seeds become part of a seed bank in the forest floor. Because of the observed reproductive dominance of few large trees in these populations, we propose that selective logging on reproductive trees can severely impact the recruitment of this species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (3): 771-780. Epub 2009 September 30.

Los aspectos básicos de la biología reproductiva de árboles tropicales son en su mayoría desconocidos, aunque son conocimientos esenciales para entender el impacto de actividades antropogénicas como la tala selectiva y la fragmentación de bosques. En este estudio se presentan datos sobre la fenología foliar y reproductiva, la producción de frutos, y la demografía de plántulas de una población de Caryocar costaricense, una especie endémica del sur de América Central, afectada por tala selectiva y fragmentación de su hábitat original. La fenología fue estudiada por medio de la observación de las copas de 15 a 22 árboles adultos durante dos períodos reproductivos (años 2003 y 2005). Para estudiar la caída de frutos y la dinámica de germinación y supervivencia de plántulas, se establecieron parcelas circulares alrededor de 11 individuos adultos, donde se realizaron observaciones durante tres años (2003, 2004, 2005). Aunque la fenología reproductiva está limitada a la corta estación seca local, la germinación de semillas se da todo el año. La producción de frutos y plántulas mostró una alta variación inter-individual, con dos árboles produciendo 50-70% de todos los frutos y plántulas durante dos años. La mayoría de las semillas que caen bajo la copa son cubiertas por mantillo o removidas por la fauna. Muchas de estas semillas se vuelven parte de un banco de semillas latente en el piso del bosque. Debido a la dominancia reproductiva de unos pocos grandes árboles en estas poblaciones, se propone que la tala selectiva sobre individuos reproductivos puede provocar un impacto severo sobre el reclutamiento de nuevos individuos en estas poblaciones.

Plântula/fisiologia , Árvores/fisiologia , Costa Rica , Flores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Frutas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reprodução/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Árvores/classificação
Rev. biol. trop ; 56(3): 1023-1041, sep. 2008. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-637844


Plant populations may experience local extinction and at the same time new populations may appear in nearby suitable locations. Species may also colonize the same site on multiple occasions. Here, we examined the impact of local extinction and recolonization on the genetic structure of wild populations of lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) in the Central valley of Costa Rica. We compared genetic diversity from the samples taken from the populations before and after extinction at 13 locations using microsatellite markers. Locations were classified according to the occurrence of extinction episodes during the previous five years into three groups: 1) populations that experienced extinction for more than one year, and were later recolonized (recolonized), 2) populations that did not experience local extinction (control), and 3) populations that did not experience local extinction during the study, but were cut to experimentally simulate extinction (experimental). Our data did not show a clear tendency in variation in allele frequencies, expected heterozygosity, and effective number of alleles within and between groups of populations. However, we found that the level of genetic differentiation between samples collected at different times at the same location was different in the three groups of populations. Recolonized locations showed the highest level of genetic differentiation (mean Fst= 0.2769), followed by control locations (mean Fst= 0.0576) and experimental locations (mean Fst= 0.0189). Similar findings were observed for Nei’s genetic distance between samples (di,j= 0.1786, 0.0400, and 0.0037, respectively). Our results indicate that genetic change in lima beans depends on the duration and frequency of local extinction episodes. These findings also showed that control populations are not in equilibrium. Implications of these results for the establishment of conservation strategies of genetic resources of lima beans are discussed. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (3): 1023-1041. Epub 2008 September 30.

Las poblaciones de plantas pueden experimentar extinción local, y al mismo tiempo, pueden surgir a sus alrededores nuevas poblaciones. Algunas especies pueden colonizar el mismo sitio en múltiples ocasiones. Aquí examinamos el impacto de la extinción local y recolonización en la estructura genética de poblaciones silvestres del frijol lima (Phaseolus lunatus) en el valle Central de Costa Rica. Comparamos la diversidad genética de muestras tomadas en poblaciones, antes y después de la extinción, en 13 sitios, usando marcadores de microsatélite. Según los episodios de extinción durante los cinco años previos, clasificamos los sitios así: 1) poblaciones que han experimentado extinción por más de un año, y después han recolonizado (recolonizado), 2) poblaciones que no han experimentado extinción local (control), y 3) poblaciones que no han experimentado extinción local durante el estudio, pero fueron cortadas experimentalmente, simulando una extinción (experimental). Nuestros datos no mostraron una clara tendencia en la variación de las frecuencias alélicas, heterozigosidad, o número efectivo de alelos en y entre grupos de poblaciones. Los niveles de diferenciación genética entre muestras recolectadas en diferentes momentos en el mismo sitio fueron diferentes en los tres grupos de poblaciones. Los sitios recolonizados mostraron el mayor nivel de diferenciación genética (Fst = 0.2769), seguidos de los sitios control (Fst= 0.0576) y sitios experimentales (Fst= 0.0189). Obtuvimos resultados similares en la distancia genética Neis entre muestras (d i,j = 0.1786, 0.0400, y 0.0037, respectivamente). Los cambios genéticos en los frijoles lima dependen de la duración y frecuencia de los episodios de extinción local. Las poblaciones "control" no están en equilibrio. Las implicaciones de estos resultados para el establecimiento de estrategias de conservación de los recursos genéticos de habas se encuentran en discusión.

Extinção Biológica , Frequência do Gene/genética , Estruturas Genéticas/genética , Variação Genética/genética , Phaseolus/genética , Costa Rica , DNA de Plantas/genética , Repetições de Microssatélites/genética