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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017619


OBJECTIVE To explore the neural mechanisms underlying the speech perception in individuals with normal hearing under the influence of selective attention.METHODS There were 32 individuals with normal hearing who were recruited.By manipulating the participants'selective attention,two simultaneous speech streams were differentiated into target and interfering speech.Participants were guided to complete an auditory perception electroencephalogram(EEG)experiment.Fourier spectrum analysis was used to calculate the spectrum responses induced by the two types of speech,and the differences in EEG energy values at the levels of character,word,and phrase were compared.RESULTS This study observed significant differences in the EEG responses between target and ignored speech at the word level(2 Hz),while no significant differences were observed at the character level(4 Hz)and phrase level(1 Hz).CONCLUSION In environments with multiple speech streams,selective attention primarily processes and encodes the interested speech at the word level rapidly and effectively.This study preliminarily reveals how the brain represents auditory language and constructs different language hierarchy units under the modulation of selective attention,providing a theoretical model for hearing aid algorithms in hearing-impaired patients.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(1): [1-14], ene.-abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512784


El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en estudiar el rol de la atención selectiva, el componente retentivo y ejecutivo de información de la memoria de trabajo, y la aptitud verbal en la producción de inferencias explicativas en la comprensión de textos expositivos. Con este propósito, 171 estudiantes universitarios completaron pruebas de memoria de trabajo, atención selectiva, aptitud verbal y cuestionarios de inferencias explicativas luego de leer textos expositivos. Los resultados de las ecuaciones estructurales muestran que la producción de inferencias se explica de manera directa por la aptitud verbal y el componente ejecutivo de la memoria de trabajo. El análisis también detectó una relación de interacción de mediación entre las capacidades de producir inferencias explicativas, de atención selectiva y de almacenamiento de información verbal en memoria de trabajo. Estos componentes mostraron un efecto indirecto sobre la capacidad de inferir vía el componente ejecutivo de la memoria de trabajo. Lo anterior sugiere que la capacidad de inferir explicaciones en la comprensión está fuertemente relacionada con la aptitud verbal y la capacidad de procesar información en la memoria de trabajo, mientras que el componente retentivo y de atención selectiva muestran un impacto mediado por la memoria de trabajo.

This research aimed to study the role of selective attention, the retention and executive components of working memory, and verbal aptitude in producing explanatory inferences in the comprehension of expository texts. For this purpose, 171 undergraduates completed tests of working memory, selective attention, verbal aptitude, and explanatory inference questionnaires after reading expository texts. The results of the structural equation modeling indicated that the production of explanatory inferences is determined directly by verbal aptitude and the executive component of verbal working memory. The analysis also detected a mediation interaction effect between the abilities to produce explanatory inferences, selective attention span, and the ability to store verbal information in working memory. These components indirectly affected the ability to infer via the executive component of working memory. This suggest that the ability to make explanatory inferences in the comprehension of expository texts is strongly related to verbal aptitude and the capacity to process information in working memory, while the ability to manage selective attention and retain verbal information in shortterm memory have an impact on the ability to generate inferences mediated by working memory

O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o papel da atenção seletiva, do componente retentivo e executivo da memória de trabalho e da aptidão verbal na produção de inferências explicativas na compreensão de textos expositivos. Para tanto, 171 estudantes universitários responderam a testes de memória de trabalho, atenção seletiva, aptidão verbal e questionários de inferência explicativa após a leitura de textos expositivos. Os resultados das equações estruturais mostram que a produção de inferências é diretamente explicada pela aptidão verbal e pelo componente executivo da memória de trabalho. A análise também detectou uma relação de interação mediadora entre a capacidade de produzir inferências explicativas, o tempo de atenção seletiva e a capacidade de armazenar informações verbais na memória de trabalho. Esses componentes mostraram um efeito indireto na capacidade de inferir por meio do componente executivo da memória de trabalho. Isso sugere que a capacidade de inferir explicações na compreensão está fortemente relacionada à aptidão verbal e à capacidade de processar informações na memória de trabalho, enquanto o componente de atenção seletiva e seletiva apresenta impacto, mas mediado pela memória de trabalho.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928220


Difference of chronotypes makes influence to cognitive performance of individuals in routine duties. In this paper, 55 subjects with different chronotypes were subjected to continuous sleep deprivation for 30 h by using the constant routine protocol, during which core body temperature was measured continuously, and subjective sleepiness self-rating and the performance of selective attention were measured hourly. The results showed that the phase difference of core body temperature has no significant difference, yet the amplitude and term difference among the three chronotypes are significant. There was an advance in phase between subjective sleepiness self-rating and core body temperature, and the self-rating sleepiness of evening type came the latest, and the self-rating sleepiness of morning type dissipated the fastest. The response time of selective attention showed a 2 h phase delay with subjective sleepiness self-rating. And the analysis of core body temperature showed that the later the chronotype was, the greater the phase delay was. The correct rate of selective attention of different chronotypes were inconsistent with delay of subjective sleepiness self-rating and core body temperature. We provide reference for industry, aviation, military, medical and other fields to make a more scientific scheduling/ shifting based on cognitive performance characteristics of different chronotypes.

Humanos , Atenção/fisiologia , Ritmo Circadiano/fisiologia , Homeostase , Sono/fisiologia , Privação do Sono , Sonolência
Ciênc. cogn ; 26(1): 10-25, 10 set. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292892


A aprendizagem de noções matemáticas exige estratégias que favoreçam a "atenção seletiva" dos alunos de modo a considerar informações relevantes e ignorar as irrelevantes. O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi identificar as noções matemáticas que requisitam atenção seletiva, configurando-se, nesta pesquisa, como as mais importantes do Ensino Fundamental (EF) esperadas pelo Ensino Médio (EM). Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho teórico e documental. Considerou-se princípios da epistemologia das noções matemáticas, da análise de funções cognitivas em atividades de trigonometria e dos Níveis do Funcionamento do Conhecimento. Apropriou-se também de fundamentos neurocognitivos da atenção para a elaboração de uma matriz de referência, que serviu de lente para identificar os tipos e níveis de tarefas que requisitam atenção seletiva. Os resultados apontaram que existe um conjunto de conhecimentos no EF (Grandezas e Medidas) potencial motor para dar suporte aos pares de ideias fundamentais (BNCC, 2017), no que se refere às "relações e inter-relações" do EM. Como proposta baseada nas discussões deste trabalho, foram apresentados três tipos de tarefas que pretendem alcançar as exigências neurocognitivas e didáticas esperadas pela transição escolar entre o EF-EM.

The learning of mathematical notions requires strategies that favourthe students' "selective attention" toconsider relevant information and ignore the irrelevant ones. Themain objective of this research was to identify the mathematical notions that require selective attention, being in this research, as the most important of the Elementary School expected by High School. This is a qualitative research of a theoretical and documental kind. It was considered principles of the epistemology of mathematical notions, of the analysis of cognitive functions in trigonometry activities and of the Levels of the Functioning of Knowledge. It also considered neurocognitive fundamentals of attention for the elaboration of a reference matrix, which served as a lens to identify the types and levels of tasks that require selective attention. The results pointed out that there is a set of knowledge in the Elementary School (Quantities and Measures) potential motor to support the pairs of fundamental ideas (BNCC, 2017), regarding the "relations and interrelations" of High School. As a proposal based on the discussions of this paper, three types of tasks were presented that aim to achieve the neurocognitive and didactic requirements expected by the school transition between the Elementary School and High School.

Humanos , Ensino , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Conceitos Matemáticos , Atenção
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 39(2)dic. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, INDEXPSI, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387244


Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la adecuación psicométrica del Test d2 para su uso en Costa Rica. Una muestra de 445 individuos con edades entre 18 y 47 años, 58% mujeres y 42% hombres, contestaron la prueba d2; 50 de ellos completaron la prueba una segunda vez y 40 respondieron también las pruebas Test del Trazo, Test de Colores y Palabras de Stroop, Span de Dígitos, Búsqueda de Símbolos, Claves y Cancelación. Fueron evaluadas la consistencia interna, la estabilidad temporal y las evidencias de validez basadas en relaciones con otras variables y en la estructura interna. Los puntajes más fiables fueron los siguientes: total de respuestas (TR), total de aciertos (TA), índice de efectividad en la prueba (TOT) e índice de concentración (CON), con resultados del alfa de Cronbach y de fiabilidad test-retest en el rango de .90 a .97. Las correlaciones con pruebas que evalúan atención sostenida y selectiva, velocidad de procesamiento, precisión y control inhibitorio sugieren evidencias de validez para los puntajes CON, TR, TA y O (errores de omisión). Además, el aumento de edad está relacionado a la disminución de los puntajes TA y CON, en especial. Se discuten los hallazgos respecto a la estructura factorial de la prueba. Los resultados corroboran estudios previos e indican puntajes válidos del d2 para evaluar individuos de nivel universitario de Costa Rica.

Abstract: In this research, some psychometric properties of the d2 test were analyzed for its use in Costa Rica. A total of 445 participants aged between 18 and 47 years, 58% women and 42% men, completed the d2 test; a subset of 50 participants completed the test a second time, and 40 participants answered the additional tests: Trail Making Test, Stroop Test, Digit Span, Symbol Search, Coding and Cancellation. Internal consistency, temporal stability and validity evidences based on relations to other variables and based on the internal structure were evaluated. The most reliable scores were total number of responses (TR), total number of correct characters canceled (TA), effectiveness index (TOT) and concentration index (CON), with Cronbach's Alpha results and test-retest reliability ranged from .90 to .97. Correlations with tests that evaluate sustained and selective attention, processing speed, accuracy, and inhibitory control suggest validity evidence for the CON, TR, TA, and O (omission errors) scores. In addition, aging is especially related to the decrease in TA and CON scores. The findings regarding the factorial structure of the test are discussed. The results corroborate previous studies and indicate validity evidence for d2 test scores for evaluating Costa Rican university students and graduates.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Psicometria , Atenção
Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 41(1): 91-104, ene.-abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139326


Resumen Frente a un estímulo objetivo, las personas procesan mediante la atención selectiva antes de realizar toma de decisiones. Si ese estímulo sufre algún cambio en su configuración 2D o 3D, ¿en qué casos una persona reacciona más rápido o más lento? La presente investigación evaluó la influencia de los cambios en las características de los estímulos en experimentos de tiempos de reacción en tareas de atención visual en videojuegos creados en Unity 3D. Para estudiar esas características, se realizó una comparación entre dos experimentos de videojuegos. El primer experimento se dividió en dos bloques: uno mostraba estímulos en 2D y otro en 3D. Se recolectó el tiempo de reacción de los participantes frente a esos estímulos y se obtuvo que el tiempo de reacción fue mayor en 3D en 28.33 ms. En el segundo experimento se incrementaron los bloques (de dos a ocho) para explicar las diferencias de los tiempos de reacción obtenidas en el primer experimento sea por el tamaño o el ángulo relativo que otorga una diferente perspectiva geométrica de presentación de los estímulos en 3D, para lo cual se modificaron algunas características de los estímulos del primer experimento. Los resultados después de comparar los distintos escenarios muestran que la modificación de las características tiene una influencia en la atención selectiva, pues los tiempos de reacción del primer experimento varían en comparación a los del segundo experimento dependiendo del cambio realizado (entre 65 y 67 ms de diferencia para 2D y entre 53 y 77 ms para 3D). En la discusión, se analiza el ámbito de los estímulos en 2D y 3D en el neuromarketing o el deporte ante los cambios de tamaño y ángulo de la cámara. En ambos escenarios, el presente trabajo sugiere evaluar para cada caso la modificación en sus presentaciones o herramientas en un consiguiente incremento del tiempo de reacción de los potenciales usuarios o equivalentemente en un nivel bajo de atención.

Abstract When facing a goal-stimulus, people have a certain degree of attention. Therefore, when stimulus has changes in 2D or 3D configuration, in which cases one would react faster or slower? The present research evaluated the influence of the changes in the characteristics of the stimuli in reaction time experiments in visual attention tasks in videogames made in Unity 3D. For this, a comparison was made between two videogame experiments. The first videogame experiment was divided into two blocks that showed stimuli a block in 2D videogame and another in 3D videogame respectively to the participants and collected their reaction times against these stimuli. The second videogame experiment increase the number of blocks (from two to eight) to explain the differences in the reaction times obtained in the first experiment either by the size or the relative angle of 3D presentation of the stimuli, for which some characteristics of the blocks of the first experiment. The results, after comparing the different scenarios, have shown that the modification of the characteristics changed selective attention, because the reaction times of the first experiment vary in comparison to those of the second experiment depending on the change made (between 65 and 67 ms of difference for 2D and between 53 and 77 ms for 3D). On the discussion, one can question the commercial spheres of 2D stimuli in the so-called neuromarketing or sports. In both scenarios, the present work suggests evaluating for each case changes in their presentations or tools in a consequent control the reaction time of potential users, and this translates into a level of attention control.

Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 1009-1022, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828330


Cross-modal selective attention enhances the processing of sensory inputs that are most relevant to the task at hand. Such differential processing could be mediated by a swift network reconfiguration on the macroscopic level, but this remains a poorly understood process. To tackle this issue, we used a behavioral paradigm to introduce a shift of selective attention between the visual and auditory domains, and recorded scalp electroencephalographic signals from eight healthy participants. The changes in effective connectivity caused by the cross-modal attentional shift were delineated by analyzing spectral Granger Causality (GC), a metric of frequency-specific effective connectivity. Using data-driven methods of pattern-classification and feature-analysis, we found that a change in the α band (12 Hz-15 Hz) of GC is a stable feature across different individuals that can be used to decode the attentional shift. Specifically, auditory attention induces more pronounced information flow in the α band, especially from the parietal-occipital areas to the temporal-parietal areas, compared to the case of visual attention, reflecting a reconfiguration of interaction in the macroscopic brain network accompanying different processing. Our results support the role of α oscillation in organizing the information flow across spatially-separated brain areas and, thereby, mediating cross-modal selective attention.

Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 1009-1022, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826740


Cross-modal selective attention enhances the processing of sensory inputs that are most relevant to the task at hand. Such differential processing could be mediated by a swift network reconfiguration on the macroscopic level, but this remains a poorly understood process. To tackle this issue, we used a behavioral paradigm to introduce a shift of selective attention between the visual and auditory domains, and recorded scalp electroencephalographic signals from eight healthy participants. The changes in effective connectivity caused by the cross-modal attentional shift were delineated by analyzing spectral Granger Causality (GC), a metric of frequency-specific effective connectivity. Using data-driven methods of pattern-classification and feature-analysis, we found that a change in the α band (12 Hz-15 Hz) of GC is a stable feature across different individuals that can be used to decode the attentional shift. Specifically, auditory attention induces more pronounced information flow in the α band, especially from the parietal-occipital areas to the temporal-parietal areas, compared to the case of visual attention, reflecting a reconfiguration of interaction in the macroscopic brain network accompanying different processing. Our results support the role of α oscillation in organizing the information flow across spatially-separated brain areas and, thereby, mediating cross-modal selective attention.

Rev. CES psicol ; 12(3): 105-118, sep.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057163


Resumen La atención selectiva es la función cognitiva que orienta la atención hacia los objetos o estímulos que resultan relevantes evitando la distracción frente a aquellos que son irrelevantes. En general, la literatura indica que el desempeño de la atención selectiva mejora notablemente con la edad, sin embargo, las diferencias vinculadas a esta variable no se cumplen para todas las condiciones de cantidad de estímulos distractores ni para todos los grupos de edad. Asimismo, aún no se ha explorado la contribución del control inhibitorio y la velocidad de procesamiento a esta mejora progresiva. Por este motivo, y debido a la escasez de estudios en población infantil, se propuso analizar la contribución relativa de la velocidad de procesamiento y de la inhibición al desempeño en una tarea de atención selectiva y búsqueda visual en esta etapa evolutiva. Para ello, se administró una tarea de búsqueda de conjunciones y una tarea simple de velocidad de respuesta a 295 niños de 6 a 13 años de edad. Los resultados permitieron plantear dos conclusiones principales: por un lado, que la atención selectiva mejora consistentemente durante la niñez y, por otro lado, que no existe un mecanismo general y exclusivo capaz de explicar estas diferencias durante esta etapa vital. Así, tanto la velocidad de procesamiento como el control inhibitorio contribuyen al desarrollo de la atención selectiva y ambos mecanismos cognitivos actúan de manera complementaria más que excluyente.

Abstract Selective attention allows directs attention to relevant objects or stimuli, while avoiding distraction from those that are irrelevant. The literature indicates that performance in CVS tasks improves markedly with age. However, age-related differences are not met neither for every number of distractor conditions nor for all age groups. In addition, the contribution of inhibitory control and processing speed to this progressive improvement has not yet been explored. For this reason, and due to the scarcity of studies using CVS paradigm to evaluate selective attention in children, the present study aimed to analyze the relative contribution of processing speed and inhibition to performance during this evolutionary period in a selective attention and CVS task. To do this, a CVS and a simple response speed task were administered to 295 children aged 6-13 years old. Results offered two conclusions: first, selective attention improves during childhood; second, there is no general and exclusive mechanism capable of explaining these differences during this period. Thus, both processing speed and inhibitory control contribute to development of selective attention, and they seem to be more complementary mechanisms than excluding ones.

Pensam. psicol ; 17(1): 73-86, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020103


Resumen Objetivo. Caracterizar el perfil cognitivo de un grupo de niños con epilepsias focales de etiología genética y desconocida y control de crisis epilépticas. Método. Se realizó una evaluación neuropsicológica con subpruebas de la batería Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI), a 35 niños entre los 7 y los 15 años de edad, con diagnóstico de epilepsias focales de etiología genética o desconocida, tratamiento farmacológico y coeficiente intelectual ≥ 80. Resultados. El grupo de pacientes evidenció déficit significativo en atención auditiva, al comparar su desempeño con los datos normativos de la ENI para población colombiana. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el desempeño de pacientes con o sin crisis epilépticas durante el último año, etiología genética o desconocida, foco epiléptico en región cerebral frontal o centro-temporal, con o sin diagnóstico previo de trastorno por déficit con o sin hiperactividad (TDAH/TDA). Conclusión. La dificultad atencional observada puede requerir mayor manejo terapéutico, al plantearles una mayor susceptibilidad para desatender a los contenidos de clase que requieren una focalización rápida y efectiva, implicando también tareas de conteo numérico auditivo (como dictados y operaciones matemáticas sencillas), que dependen del adecuado funcionamiento de la atención auditiva.

Abstract Objective. Characterize the cognitive profile of a group of children with focal epilepsies of genetic and unknown etiologies and control of epileptic seizures. Method. This study carried out a neuropsychological assessment using tests from the Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (Neurspsychological Infantile Assessment) (ENI) battery to 35 children between 7 and 15 years old, diagnosed with focal epilepsies of genetic or unknown etiology, pharmacological treatment, and intelligence quotient ≥ 80. Results. Comparing their performance to normative ENI values for the Colombian population and using the percentiles assessment parameters of the test, the group of patients showed a significant deficit in auditory selective attention. No relevant differences were found in the performance of patients with or without seizures during the last year, genetic or unknown etiology, epileptic activity on frontal or centro-temporal brain regions, and the presence or absence of a previous diagnosis of Attention Deficit with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD/ADD). Conclusion. It is possible that this deficit requires more therapeutic management and has negative effects over scholar performance for the assessed children, who demonstrate a greater susceptibility to neglect class contents that require fast and effective attentional focalization, including auditory numeric counting tasks (like dictation and simple mathematic operations).

Resumo Escopo. Caracterizar o perfil cognitivo de um grupo de crianças com epilepsias focais de etiologia genética e desconhecida e controle de crises epilépticas. Metodologia. Foi feita uma avaliação neuropsicológica com sub provas da bateria Avaliação Neuropsicológica Infantil (ANI), a 35 crianças entre os 7 e os 15 anos de idade, com diagnóstico de epilepsias focais de etiologia genética ou desconhecida, tratamento farmacológico e coeficiente intelectual ≥ 80. Resultados. O grupo de pacientes evidenciou déficit significativo em atenção auditiva, ao comparar seu desempenho com os dados normativos da ANI para população colombiana. Não foram achadas diferencias significativas no desempenho de pacientes com ou sem crises epilépticas durante o último ano, etiologia genética ou desconhecida, foco epiléptico em região cerebral frontal ou centro-temporal, com ou sem diagnóstico prévio de Transtorno por Déficit com ou sem Hiperatividade (TDAH/TDA). Conclusão. A dificuldade de atenção observada pode requerer maior gestão terapêutica, ao abordar uma maior susceptibilidade para desatender aos conteúdos de classe que requerem uma focalização rápida e efetiva, implicando também tarefas de contar números de forma auditiva (como ditados e operações matemáticas simples), que dependem do adequado funcionamento da atenção auditiva.

Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Neuropsicologia , Criança , Epilepsia , Viés de Atenção , Genética
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 85(3): 303-309, May-June 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011627


Abstract Introduction: Misophonia is characterized by the aversion to very selective sounds, which evoke a strong emotional reaction. It has been inferred that misophonia, as well as tinnitus, is associated with hyperconnectivity between auditory and limbic systems. Individuals with bothersome tinnitus may have selective attention impairment, but it has not been demonstrated in case of misophonia yet. Objective: To characterize a sample of misophonic subjects and compare it with two control groups, one with tinnitus individuals (without misophonia) and the other with asymptomatic individuals (without misophonia and without tinnitus), regarding the selective attention. Methods: We evaluated 40 normal-hearing participants: 10 with misophonia, 10 with tinnitus (without misophonia) and 20 without tinnitus and without misophonia. In order to evaluate the selective attention, the dichotic sentence identification test was applied in three situations: firstly, the Brazilian Portuguese test was applied. Then, the same test was applied, combined with two competitive sounds: chewing sound (representing a sound that commonly triggers misophonia), and white noise (representing a common type of tinnitus which causes discomfort to patients). Results: The dichotic sentence identification test with chewing sound, showed that the average of correct responses differed between misophonia and without tinnitus and without misophonia (p = 0.027) and between misophonia and tinnitus (without misophonia) (p = 0.002), in both cases lower in misophonia. Both, the dichotic sentence identification test alone, and with white noise, failed to show differences in the average of correct responses among the three groups (p ≥ 0.452). Conclusion: The misophonia participants presented a lower percentage of correct responses in the dichotic sentence identification test with chewing sound; suggesting that individuals with misophonia may have selective attention impairment when they are exposed to sounds that trigger this condition.

Resumo Introdução: A misofonia é caracterizada pela aversão a certos sons muito seletivos, que evocam uma forte reação emocional. Tem sido demonstrado que a misofonia, bem como o zumbido, está associada à hiperconectividade entre os sistemas auditivo e límbico. Indivíduos com zumbido incômodo podem ter comprometimento da atenção seletiva, mas isso ainda não foi demonstrado em caso de misofonia. Objetivo: Caracterizar uma amostra de indivíduos misofônicos e compará-la com dois grupos controle, um com indivíduos com zumbido (sem misofonia) e o outro com indivíduos assintomáticos (sem misofonia e sem zumbido) em relação à atenção seletiva. Método: Avaliamos 40 participantes com audição normal: 10 com misofonia, 10 com zumbido (sem misofonia) e 20 sem zumbido e sem misofonia. Para avaliar a atenção seletiva, o teste de identificação de sentenças dicóticas foi usado em três situações: no primeiro, aplicou-se o teste em português do Brasil. Então, o mesmo teste foi aplicado em duas outras situações, combinado com dois sons competitivos: som de mastigação (representa um som que geralmente desencadeia misofonia) e ruído branco (representa um tipo comum de zumbido que causa desconforto nos pacientes). Resultados: No teste de identificação de sentenças dicóticas com som de mastigação, observou-se que a média de respostas corretas diferiu entre os grupos misofonia e sem zumbido e sem misofonia (p = 0,027) e entre misofonia e zumbido (sem misofonia) (p = 0,002) e, em ambos os casos, foi menor em misofonia. Em relação ao teste feito isoladamente e com ruído branco, nenhuma diferença foi observada na média das respostas corretas nos três grupos (p ≥ 0,452). Conclusão: Os participantes do grupo misofonia apresentaram uma menor porcentagem de respostas corretas no teste de identificação de sentenças dicóticas com som de mastigação, sugeriu que indivíduos com misofonia podem ter comprometimento da atenção seletiva quando expostos a sons que desencadeiam a condição.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Hiperacusia/fisiopatologia , Atenção/fisiologia , Transtornos da Percepção Auditiva/fisiopatologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Distribuição por Idade
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 20(1): 1-7, ene. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-994823


El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar valores normativos para cada puntaje del test de atención de Toulouse-Piéron para estudiantes de educación física de una Universidad de Santiago de Chile. La muestra estuvo constituida por 125 estudiantes, de los cuales el 68% corresponden a varones y un 32% a damas. Se utilizó el test de atención de Tolulouse-Piéron, utilizando los 2 primeros minutos para evaluar la atención selectiva y su ejecución total (10 minutos) para evaluar la atención sostenida. Los resultados muestran una media del Índice Global de Atención y Percepción (IGAP) de 38,3±12,5 en 2 minutos y de 185,4±55,4 en 10 minutos. Los análisis no muestran diferencias por sexo o edad en ninguna de las 2 atenciones evaluadas. La atención selectiva presenta un IGAP de 31,5 para el percentil 25, de 39 para el percentil 50 y de 46 para el percentil 75. Por su parte, la atención sostenida presenta un IGAP de 158 para el percentil 25, de 190 para el percentil 50 y de 217 para el percentil 75. Son necesarias más investigaciones con muestras de diversas escuelas de educación física del país.

The aim of the present study was to determine normative values for every puntaje of the test of Toulouse-Piéron's attention for students of physical education of a University of Santiago of Chile. The sample was constituted by 125 students, of which 68 % corresponds to males and 32 % to ladies. There was in use the test of Tolulouse-Piéron's attention, using the first two minutes to evaluate the selective attention and his total execution (ten minutes) to evaluate the supported attention. The results show an average of the Global Index of Attention and Perception (GIAP) of 38,3±12,5 in two minutes and of 185,4±55,4 in ten minutes. The analyses do not show differences for sex or age in any of two evaluated attentions. The selective attention presents an GIAP of 31,5 for the percentile 25, of 39 for the percentile 50 and of 46 for the percentile 75. For your part, the supported attention presents an GIAP of 158 for the percentile 25, of 190 for the percentile 50 and of 217 for the percentile 75. More investigations are necessary with samples of diverse schools of physical education of the country.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Educação Física e Treinamento , Atenção/fisiologia , Estudantes/psicologia , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Chile
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-774204


Selective attention promotes the perception of brain to outside world and coordinates the allocation of limited brain resources. It is a cognitive process which relies on the neural activities of attention-related brain network. As one of the important forms of brain activities, neural oscillations are closely related to selective attention. In recent years, the relationship between selective attention and neural oscillations has become a hot issue. The new method that using external rhythmic stimuli to influence neural oscillations, i.e., neural entrainment, provides a promising approach to investigate the relationship between selective attention and neural oscillations. Moreover, it provides a new method to diagnose and even to treat the attention dysfunction. This paper reviewed the research status on the relationship between selective attention and neural oscillations, and focused on the application prospects of neural entrainment in revealing this relationship and diagnosing, even treating the attention dysfunction.

Humanos , Atenção , Encéfalo , Fisiologia , Neurônios , Fisiologia
Psychol. av. discip ; 11(2): 113-120, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-895999


Resumen Aun cuando se ha reconocido la importancia del proceso psicológico de la atención por contribuir a la capacidad productiva y la consecución de resultados eficientes y eficaces durante el desarrollo de diversas tareas cotidianas, no ha sido suficientemente estudiado en trabajadores de empresas u organizaciones. Esta investigación buscó identificar cómo es la atención selectiva y sostenida de los trabajadores en dos jornadas diferentes del día (mañana y tarde); adicionalmente, se exploró si variables como la edad, escolaridad y género afectan el desempeño. Se aplicó el programa computarizado Vienna Test System subprueba cognitron forma S1 a 184 trabajadores de una universidad. Los datos fueron analizados mediante un modelo de regresión y prueba t para muestras independientes. Los hallazgos mostraron que la atención selectiva es mayor en horas de la mañana, mientras que la atención sostenida se mantiene a lo largo del día. En cuanto a las otras variables analizadas, se evidenció que la edad fue la única predictora del rendimiento, por cuanto a menor edad mejores desempeños. Estos resultados aportan para la planeación de actividades en el ámbito laboral y complementa los estudios en el área de los procesos psicológicos básicos.

Abstract Although the importance of the psychological process of attention and how it to contributes productive capacity and achieving efficient and effective results during the development of daily tasks has been recognized, it has not been sufficiently studied in workers of companies or organizations. This research sought to identify what selective and sustained attention is like in the workers to two different shifts in the day (morning and afternoon); Additional variables such as age, schooling and gender were investigated to see if they affected performance. We applied the computer program Vienna Test System sub-test cognition form S1 to 184 university workers. Data was analyzed using a regression model and t-test for independent samples. The findings showed that selective attention is greater in the morning, while sustained attention is maintained throughout the day. As for the other variables analyzed, it was evidenced that age was the only predictor of performance, as workers of a younger age performed better. These results contribute to the planning of activities in the workplace and complements the studies in the area of the basic psychological processes.

Condições de Trabalho , Jornada de Trabalho , Local de Trabalho , Estudos de Casos Organizacionais , Viés de Atenção/classificação , Fenômenos Psicológicos , Atenção , Reabilitação Psiquiátrica , Viés de Atenção
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 32(4): e32424, 2016. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-842276


RESUMO Nesta revisão de literatura, abordamos a importância da atenção seletiva, da inibição e da memória de trabalho na aprendizagem das crianças. Começamos por apresentar as suas definições e principais mecanismos funcionais. Apresentamos igualmente conclusões de vários estudos que abordam a importância desses processos, sobretudo em tarefas visuoespaciais. Finalmente, abordamos o papel que o ambiente visual circundante desempenha na aprendizagem, chamando a atenção para uma lacuna que se verifica em grande parte dos estudos: a sua pouca validade ecológica. É também defendido que o ambiente visual externo deve ser considerado nos modelos explicativos dos processos cognitivos básicos. Conclui-se o trabalho alertando para a necessidade de se estudar de forma mais sistemática a relação entre estes dois elementos (cognição e ambiente).

ABSTRACT This literature review focuses on the importance of selective attention, inhibition and working memory in children's learning. We start by presenting the definition and functional mechanisms of these cognitive processes. We then present the main results of several studies that report the importance of these processes, particularly in visuospatial tasks. We also discuss the role of the visual surrounding environment in learning, particularly with respect to an existing gap in most studies: Their low ecological validity. We argue for the importance of considering the visual external environment when trying to explain performance in basic cognitive processes. Finally, we stress the need for more empirical studies exploring in a systematic way the relation between these two elements (cognition and environment).

MedicalExpress (São Paulo, Online) ; 2(6)Nov.-Dec. 2015. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-773523


INTRODUCTION: The development of Brain Computer Interfaces based on Auditory Selective Attention allows patients unable to voluntarily control eye movement to interact with the interface, because such systems are independent of vision. An alternative technique suitable for Brain Computer Interface applications is Spatial Coherence, an objective method to detect the side where a subject is focusing attention. This method takes into consideration the Coherence Function and the topographic distribution of responses between EEG electrodes. In this work, we further study the Information Transfer Rate and the effects of overlapping windows in the calculations. The idea behind the overlapping is to decrease the duration of the test in order to augment the Information Transfer Rate. METHOD: EEG signals were collected from fourteen adult men aged between 19 and 28 years. Amplitude-modulated tones were used for stimulation, with 32 and 38 Hz modulation and 500 and 2000 Hz carrier frequencies, on the left and right ears, respectively. Spatial coherence was used in an online Brain Computer Interface system using auditory steady-state responses modulated by Auditory Selective Attention. RESULTS: The obtained hit rates and the Information Transfer Rate may be considered appropriate, with a maximum value of 82% and 1.89 bits/min. The better detector regarding sensitivity versus specificity can be obtained by using a 50% overlap between consecutive data windows. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the Spatial Coherence successfully detected the focus of attention, and it seemed useful as a classifier of the attention condition for vision-free Brain Computer Interface.

O desenvolvimento de interfaces cérebro computador (BCI), com base em atenção seletiva auditiva (ASA), auxilia pacientes que não conseguem controlar voluntariamente o movimento do olho para interagir com interfaces visuais, uma vez que tais sistemas são independentes de visão. A Coerência Espacial é técnica alternativa adequada para aplicações BCI, tal técnica é usada em eletroencefalograma (EEG) para detectar o lado, ou hemisfério, em que o sujeito está focalizando atenção. Este método leva em consideração a função de coerência e a distribuição topográfica das respostas entre os eletrodos de EEG. Neste estudo foram coletados sinais EEG de 14 homens adultos com idade entre 19 e 28 anos com aplicação de estímulos sonoros, tons em amplitude modulada (AM) com frequência de modulação e portadora 32/500 Hz na orelha esquerda e 38/2000 Hz na orelha direita. A coerência espacial foi usada em um sistema BCI on-line com ASSR modulada pela atenção seletiva auditiva. Neste trabalho, foi abordado a taxa de transferência de informação (ITR) e os efeitos de sobreposição de janelas nas estimativas da coerência com objetivo de reduzir a duração do ensaio e aumentar a ITR. Conclui-se que a coerência espacial pode útil para detecção do foco de atenção, aplicado a BCI. As taxas de sensibilidade e ITR máximas são de 82% e 1,89 bits/min. Neste caso a melhor sensibilidade e especificidade foram obtidas com 50% de sobreposição entre as janelas nas estimativas da coerência.

Humanos , Estimulação Acústica , Eletroencefalografia/instrumentação , Senso de Coerência , Interfaces Cérebro-Computador
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-460275


Objective To investigate the effects of different selective attention on the amplitudes of distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) .Methods DPOAE measurements were performed in 30 young adults (60 ears) in no task (baseline) ,visual selective attention and auditory selective attention ,respectively .The suppression of DPOAE amplitudes were observed in different selective attentions .The visual selective attention was to counter the number of letter Q presented on computer screen .The auditory selective attention was to counter the number of 2 .0 kHz toneburst in the insert earphone .Results Visual and auditory selective attention both decreased the DPOAE amplitudes in mid - low frequencies (0 .75 ~ 2 .0 kHz) .The suppression effects of visual selective attention were significant stronger than that of auditory attention in 0 .75 ~ 1 .0 kHz .The suppression amplitudes were 8 .54 ± 4 .76 and 5 .27 ± 2 .32 dB at 0 .75 kHz ,respectively .They were 7 .66 ± 5 .22 and 3 .22 ± 2 .15 dB at 1 .0 kHz ,re‐spectively .There were significant differences between the two selective attentions suppression (P< 0 .05) .Conclu‐sion Visual and auditory selective attention can both decrease the DPOAE amplitudes .The suppression effects of visual selective attention were significant stronger than that of auditory attention .

Ciênc. cogn ; 18(2): 129-135, dez. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-716731


A prática de jogos eletrônicos pode influenciar habilidades cognitivas alterando a capacidade de aprendizado. Este estudo investigou o efeito de jogos eletrônicos sobre a atenção seletiva em crianças. A amostra foi composta de trinta e oito alunos do ensino fundamental de 6ª a 8ª séries com faixa etária de 10 a 15 anos. Os sujeitos foram recrutados por conveniência. Foram criados dois grupos, sendo o grupo 1 (G1) formado por alunos experientes em jogos eletrônicos e para o grupo 2 (G2) alunos não experientes. Para a análise do desempenho cognitivo utilizou-se dois instrumentos: Sistema de Monitoramento Neuropsicológico Computadorizado – ProA e a Escalas Wechsler de Inteligência (WISC-III). Os resultados encontrados através dos instrumentos evidenciaram uma contradição nos resultados obtidos pelos dois testes.

The practice of electronic games can influence the cognitive abilities changing the learning capacity. This study investigated the electronic games effect on children’s selective attention. The sample consisted of thirty-eight elementary students in 6 th to 8 th grades ranging in age from 10 to 15 years. The study subjects were recruited by convenience. Two groups were created, being group 1 (G1) formed by experienced students in electronic games and group 2 (G2) students not experienced. For the analysis of cognitive performance, we used two instruments: Computerized Neuropsychological Monitoring System – ProA and Wechsler Intelligence Scales (WISC-III). The results obtained through the instruments showed a contradiction the results obtained by the two tests.

Humanos , Adolescente , Cognição , Jogos de Vídeo , Testes Psicológicos , Adolescente
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439891


Objective To explore the characteristics of selective attention function in patients with silent cerebral in-farction (SCI) and depression, the relationship between depression, selective attention and cognitive dysfunction. Methods Eighty-two patients with SCI and 82 normal subjects were selected and evaluated by using Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD), Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) and Stroop color-word test (CWT). Patients with SCI were further classified into depression subgroup and no-depression subgroup based on the score of HAMD. Results The score of MoCA was lower in SCI group (23.11 ± 5.41) and was much lower in depression subgroup (20.31 ± 5.44) compared with control group (28.70 ± 2.18) (all P<0.01). Compared with control group, the reaction times of card A, B, C and Stroop interference effects (SIE) were prolonged in SCI group. The reaction time of card A, B, C and SIE were (33.25±14.10);(42.45±15.18);(104.68 ± 25.08) and (62.24 ± 21.53) in depression subgroup, respectively. The error counts of card B, C and SIE were in-creased (P<0.05) in SCI group. The error counts of card B,C and SIE were (3.59±2.14), (15.67±7.20) and (12.08±6.46) in depression subgroup, respectively. The scores of MoCA were negatively correlated with the reaction time and error counts of SIE (r=-0.429,r=-0.500,all P<0.01).The location of infarction was correlated with the score of HAMD and error counts of SIE to some degree: both of the scores were higher in patients with left infarction compared with right infarction and were higher in patients with cortex infarction compared with subcortex infarction. Conclusion The present study revealed that patients with SCI and depression have selective attention deficit which is closely correlated with the level of cognitive function.

Ter. psicol ; 30(3): 103-117, dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-660094


En este trabajo se revisan los estudios que han examinado la presencia de sesgos de atención selectiva en la depresión, comparando el rendimiento de personas con y sin depresión (clínica y subclínica) en tareas experimentales cognitivas. Los datos recientes mediante técnicas de registro de movimientos oculares indican que la depresión se caracteriza por la presencia de un procesamiento atencional sostenido hacia información negativa y una ausencia de sesgos a información positiva. Asimismo, se considera la evidencia empírica acerca del papel causal de estos sesgos en el inicio y mantenimiento de la depresión, la cual sugiere que estos sesgos atencionales hacia información negativa y positiva, asociados a un estilo de respuesta rumiativo y a estrategias ineficaces de regulación emocional, pueden ser marcadores estables de vulnerabilidad a la depresión. Las implicaciones clínicas de estos hallazgos y las futuras líneas de investigación en este campo son discutidas.

This review examines studies that have addressed the presence of selective attentional biases in depression (clinical and subclinical samples) in several experimental cognitive tasks. Current data using eye-tracking techniques indicate that depression is characterized by the presence of sustained attentional processing towards negative information and absence of biases towards positive information. Available empirical evidence about the causal role of these biases on the onset and maintenance of depression suggests that these biases, in association with a ruminative style and ineffective emotional regulation strategies, could be stable vulnerability markers of depression. Clinical implications of these findings and future research in this field are discussed.

Humanos , Atenção , Depressão/psicologia