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Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 267-271, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987530


ObjectiveTo analyze the relationship between mental health status and coping styles among village poverty alleviation cadres in Leshan City, and to provide references for the improvement of mental health and coping styles of them. MethodsA cluster random sampling method was used to select 6 of the 11 districts and counties in Leshan City, and all the village poverty alleviation cadres in the selected areas were evaluated through the psychological cloud CT system. A total of 700 cadres participated in the questionnaire evaluation, and were assessed using Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and Coping Style Questionnaire (CSQ). Results①A total of 207 (35.9%) village poverty alleviation cadres factor scored above 2, and 92 (15.9%) cadres scored above 200. ②There was a statistically significant difference in SCL-90 obsessive-compulsive symptom factor score and other factor score between different poverty alleviation time groups (P<0.05 or 0.01), and the factor score of SCL-90 obsessive-compulsive symptom showed significant difference among village poverty-alleviation cadres of different genders (P<0.05). ③The scores of problem-solving factor in CSQ showed significant differences among village poverty alleviation cadres of different genders and different ages (P<0.01). ④Correlation analysis showed that the scores of each dimension and total score of SCL-90 of village poverty alleviation cadres in Leshan City were positively correlated with the score of self-blame factor in CSQ (r=0.423~0.521, P<0.01). ConclusionThe village poverty alleviation cadres of female and with a working length of less than 90 days or more than 360 days are at high risk of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, while the cadres of male and aged over 41 years adopt mature coping styles. Furthermore, the immature coping style of cadres will lead to serious mental health problems.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 20(3): 526-543, jul.-set. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-902012


O presente artigo questiona a lógica autoterapêutica do delírio melancólico. Os casos clínicos propostos como contribuição ensinam que o psicótico melancólico pode tentar tratar sua culpabilidade delirante a partir da violência que ele se inflige, mas também a partir de condutas heteroagressivas, de delitos e de crimes. Em cada um dos casos, a dupla "autoacusação-autopunição" é operante. Ela permite um equilíbrio do gozo. A tal ponto que podemos defender que a pena, na ambivalência (dor moral e sanção aplicada), é um mal necessário na melancolia.

This paper questions self-therapeutic logic within melancholic delusion. The clinical cases presented here as a contribution teach us that melancholic psychotics can try to treat their delusional blame through self-inflicted violence, and also through hetero- aggressive behavior and crime. In each of these cases, the "self-accusation-self-punishment" relationship is at work. This balances out pleasure — to the extent that we can state that punishment, within ambivalence (moral suffering and inflicted punishment), is a necessary evil in melancholia.

Cet article interroge la logique auto-thérapeutique du délire mélancolique. Les cas cliniques mis ici à contribution enseignent que le psychotique mélancolique peut tenter de traiter sa culpabilité délirante à partir de la violence qu'il s'inflige mais aussi à partir de conduites hétéro-agressives, de délits et de crimes. En chaque cas, le couple «autoaccusation-autopunition¼ est à l'œuvre. Il permet l'équilibration de la jouissance et on peut donc affirmer que la peine, dans son double sens (douleur morale et sanction appliquée) est un mal nécessaire dans la mélancolie.

Este artículo cuestiona la lógica autoterapéutica del delirio melancólico. Los casos clínicos presentados aquí, demuestran que el psicótico melancólico puede intentar tratar su culpabilidad delirante a partir de la violencia que se aplica a sí mismo, pero también a partir de conductas heteroagresivas, de delitos y de crímenes. En cada caso, el dúo — autoacusación y autocastigo — está activo y permite equilibrar el goce. Por lo tanto, se puede postular que el dolor, en la ambivalencia (dolor moral y pena impuesta) es un mal necesario en la melancolía.

Dieser Artikel stellt die autotherapeutische Logik des melancholischen Wahnes in Frage. Die angeführten klinischen Beobachtungen lehren, dass der melancholische Psychotiker mit der Gewalt, die er sich selbst antut, aber auch mit seinem aggressiven Verhalten gegenüber anderen, mit Straftaten und Verbrechen versuchen kann, seine wahnsinnigen Schuldgefühle zu behandeln. In allen analysierten Fällen ist das Paar„Selbstbeschuldigung-Selbstbestrafung" am Werk, welches eine Regulierung des Genusses erlaubt. Man könnte also behaupten, dass das moralische Leiden und die angewandte Strafe ein notwendiges Übel der Melancholie sind.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 11(3): 405-419, set. 2008.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-494217


Discute-se a respeito da importância que teve a pesquisa empreendida pelos psiquiatras franceses Jules Cotard e Jules Séglas nas primeiras elaborações freudianas acerca da melancolia. No esforço feito por Freud em distinguir as afecções psíquicas, ele leva em consideração os principais conceitos destacados pela psiquiatria clássica: a dor moral, condição para o delírio de indignidade, o mecanismo de auto-acusação e a hemorragia de libido. Busca-se uma articulação entre esses autores. Neste artigo essa retomada é importante para um aprimoramento no diagnóstico da melancolia. Constata-se que a melancolia na contemporaneidade nos remete não somente aos clássicos, mas sobretudo a Freud, em seus primeiros rascunhos.

Se discute respecto a la importancia que ha tenido la investigación emprendida por los psiquiatras franceses Jules Cotard y Jules Séglas en las primeras elaboraciones freudianas sobre la melancolía. En su esfuerzo por distinguir las afecciones psíquicas, Freud tiene en cuenta los principales conceptos de la psiquiatría clásica: el dolor moral, la condición para el delirio de indignidad, el mecanismo de autoinculpación y la hemorragia de la libido. En este artículo se vuelve tomar la articulación entre los autores para primorear el diagnóstico de la melancolía. Se constata que la melancolía en la contemporaneidad nos remite no sólo a los clásicos, sino sobretodo a Freud, en sus primeros bosquejos.

Nous discutons l'importance qu'a eue la recherche menée par les psychiatres français Jules Cotard et Jules Séglas dans les premières élaborations freudiennes sur la mélancolie. Dans son effort pour distinguer les affections psychiques, Freud prend en compte les principaux concepts mis en évidence par la psychiatrie classique: la douleur morale, condition du délire d'indignité, le mécanisme d'auto-accusation et l'hémorragie de libido. Nous cherchons une articulation entre ces auteurs et dans cet article, cette reprise est importante pour un perfectionnement du diagnostic de la mélancolie. Nous constatons actuellement que la mélancolie nous renvoie non seulement aux classiques, mais, surtout à Freud et à ses premières ébauches.

This article discusses the importance of the research carred out by the French psychiatrists Jules Cotard and Jules Séglas regarding Freud's first considerations on melancholia. In his attempt to distinguish psychic affections, Freud took into consideration the main concepts outlined by classical psychiatry, namely, moral suffering, the condition for the delusion of indignity, the mechanism of self-blame, and the hemorrhage of the libido. The article discusses articulations between the two French authors mentioned above, as an important step in better diagnosing melancholia. It is seen that, today, melancholia leads us back not only to the classics, but especially to Freud and his earliest considerations.

Transtorno Depressivo , Hemorragia