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Saúde Soc ; 30(1): e181112, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252188


Resumo A violência sexual praticada por adolescentes ainda é pouco estudada no Brasil. Conhecer esses sujeitos é fundamental para a compreensão do fenômeno e execução de ações preventivas. Este artigo apresenta características dos adolescentes ofensores sexuais, bem como de suas vítimas e do contexto da violência. Para isso, foram analisados 254 processos judiciais, entre 2013 e 2016, no Distrito Federal, envolvendo 285 ofensores e 291 vítimas. A partir das informações coletadas, elaborou-se um quadro descritivo, cuja análise foi realizada de forma contextualizada e tendo como referência outros importantes estudos na área. Os resultados apontaram a diversidade dos adolescentes ofensores sexuais, porém as informações sobre as famílias foram bastante escassas nos processos. Quanto à idade e à escolaridade, a maior parte cometeu a ofensa com 16/17 anos (41,4%) e cursava o ensino fundamental II (29,5%). Um número significativo de adolescentes tinha envolvimento anterior com a justiça (24,2%). Os abusos foram prioritariamente extrafamiliares (48,5%), com vítimas do sexo feminino (67,7%), entre 10 e 14 anos (40,5%) e conhecidas do ofensor (92,2%). Ressalta-se a complexidade dos casos, impossibilitando intervenções padronizadas e descontextualizadas, assim como a importância de conhecer o contexto social e as relações familiares desses sujeitos com vistas a intervenções mais assertivas.

Abstract Sexual violence practiced by adolescents is poorly studied in Brazil. It is essential to know these subjects to understand the phenomenon and to develop preventive actions. This article presents characteristics of adolescent sexual offenders, as well as their victims and the context of the offense. To this, 254 lawsuits were analyzed, between 2013 and 2016, in Federal District, involving 285 offenders and 291 victims. From the information collected, a descriptive table was elaborated, whose analysis was carried out in a contextualized manner and with reference to other important studies in the area. The results pointed to the diversity of adolescent sexual offenders, but information about families were scarce in the lawsuits. Most of them committed the offense with 16/17 years old (41.4%) and were in Middle School equivalent - 6th to 8th grade (29.5%). A significant number of adolescents had previous involvement with the courts (24.2%). The abuses were primarily extrafamilial (48.5%), with female victims (67.7%), between 10 and 14 years old (40.5%) and known to the offender (92.2%). The complexity of the cases is highlighted, making standardized interventions impossible, as well as the importance of knowing the social context of adolescents and their family relationships to more assertive interventions.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Delitos Sexuais , Família , Adolescente , Decisões Judiciais
Saúde Soc ; 30(1): e181112, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290060


Resumo A violência sexual praticada por adolescentes ainda é pouco estudada no Brasil. Conhecer esses sujeitos é fundamental para a compreensão do fenômeno e execução de ações preventivas. Este artigo apresenta características dos adolescentes ofensores sexuais, bem como de suas vítimas e do contexto da violência. Para isso, foram analisados 254 processos judiciais, entre 2013 e 2016, no Distrito Federal, envolvendo 285 ofensores e 291 vítimas. A partir das informações coletadas, elaborou-se um quadro descritivo, cuja análise foi realizada de forma contextualizada e tendo como referência outros importantes estudos na área. Os resultados apontaram a diversidade dos adolescentes ofensores sexuais, porém as informações sobre as famílias foram bastante escassas nos processos. Quanto à idade e à escolaridade, a maior parte cometeu a ofensa com 16/17 anos (41,4%) e cursava o ensino fundamental II (29,5%). Um número significativo de adolescentes tinha envolvimento anterior com a justiça (24,2%). Os abusos foram prioritariamente extrafamiliares (48,5%), com vítimas do sexo feminino (67,7%), entre 10 e 14 anos (40,5%) e conhecidas do ofensor (92,2%). Ressalta-se a complexidade dos casos, impossibilitando intervenções padronizadas e descontextualizadas, assim como a importância de conhecer o contexto social e as relações familiares desses sujeitos com vistas a intervenções mais assertivas.

Abstract Sexual violence practiced by adolescents is poorly studied in Brazil. It is essential to know these subjects to understand the phenomenon and to develop preventive actions. This article presents characteristics of adolescent sexual offenders, as well as their victims and the context of the offense. To this, 254 lawsuits were analyzed, between 2013 and 2016, in Federal District, involving 285 offenders and 291 victims. From the information collected, a descriptive table was elaborated, whose analysis was carried out in a contextualized manner and with reference to other important studies in the area. The results pointed to the diversity of adolescent sexual offenders, but information about families were scarce in the lawsuits. Most of them committed the offense with 16/17 years old (41.4%) and were in Middle School equivalent - 6th to 8th grade (29.5%). A significant number of adolescents had previous involvement with the courts (24.2%). The abuses were primarily extrafamilial (48.5%), with female victims (67.7%), between 10 and 14 years old (40.5%) and known to the offender (92.2%). The complexity of the cases is highlighted, making standardized interventions impossible, as well as the importance of knowing the social context of adolescents and their family relationships to more assertive interventions.

Delitos Sexuais , Família , Adolescente , Comportamento do Adolescente
Aval. psicol ; 19(2): 123-131, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1100899


O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a vitimização em autores de violência sexual (AVS) contra crianças e adolescentes, assim como sua relação com traços de psicopatia. Participaram 30 reeducandos cumprindo pena em regime fechado por crimes sexuais contra crianças e adolescentes, que foram divididos em dois grupos: G1, AVS considerados psicopatas (PCL-R ≥ 30); G2, AVS não psicopatas (PCL-R < 30). Os instrumentos utilizados no estudo foram: Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) e Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ). Para análise dos dados, foi utilizada estatística descritiva e comparativa por meio do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Os resultados apontaram que participantes do G1 sofreram mais vitimizações durante a vida do que os participantes do G2. AU

The aim of the present study was to investigate psychopathy traits in offenders that committed sexual offences against children and adolescents, as well as their relationship with life experiences of victimization. The study consisted of 30 inmates serving prison sentences for sexual crimes against children and adolescents, who were divided into two groups: G1, composed of inmates considered psychopathic (PCL-R ≥30); and G2, composed of inmates considered non-psychopathic (PCL-R <30). The results showed significant differences between the groups in relation to recidivism, escape and rebellion, showing that the psychopathic inmates were more undisciplined and more likely to reoffend than the non-psychopaths. In addition, there were indications that the G1 participants had suffered more victimization during their lives than those of the other group.AU

El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar la victimización en agresores sexuales (AS) contra niños y adolescentes, así como su relación con rasgos de psicopatía. En el estudio participaron 30 reclusos cumpliendo condena en régimen cerrado por delitos sexuales contra niños y adolescentes, los reclusos fueron divididos en dos grupos: G1, AS considerados psicópatas (PCL-R ≥ 30); G2, AS no psicópatas (PCL-R <30). Los instrumentos utilizados en el estudio fueron: Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R), y Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ). Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó estadística descriptiva y comparativa mediante el Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Los resultados señalaron que los participantes del G1 sufrieron más victimizaciones durante su vida que los participantes del G2. AU

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Abuso Sexual na Infância/psicologia , Vítimas de Crime/psicologia , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Autorrelato
Rev. crim ; 57(2): 209-220, mayo-ago. 2015. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-771753


El objetivo fue explorar, describir y comparar la variable empatía en tres grupos: agresores sexuales de menores de edad, delincuentes violentos no sexuales y personas sin historia de reclusión en establecimientos carcelarios, por medio de una investigación transeccional de tipo descriptivo- comparativo. Para evaluar la variable de estudio se tradujo y adaptó al español el instrumento de medición The Child Molester Empathy Measure. Posteriormente esta escala se aplicó a una muestra de conveniencia de 149 hombres, en edades entre los 18 y 57 años. Los principales resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que existen diferencias significativas en el factor afectivo y cognitivo de la empatía entre agresores sexuales y delincuentes violentos, y que los primeros reportan menor empatía cuando la situación evalúa a sus propias víctimas. Finalmente, se resalta la importancia de evaluar en futuros estudios otras variables psicológicas asociadas a la empatía, como las distorsiones cognitivas, la autoestima, entre otras.

The objective was to explore, describe and compare variable empathy among three groups: sexual aggressors and off enders of minors, violent non-sexual criminals, and individuals without a history of reclusion in detention facilities or prisons, by means of a trans-sectional research of the descriptive-comparative type. In order to assess the study variable, the Child Molester Empathy Measure instrument was translated and adapted. Subsequently, this scale was applied to a convenience 149-men sample between 18 and 57 years of age. The main results obtain reveal that there are significant diff erences in the empathy's aff ective and cognitive factor among sexual off enders and violent criminals, and that the former report less empathy when the situation is evaluating their own victims. Finally, the importance of assessing in further studies other psychological variables associated with empathy, such as cognitive distortions and self-esteem, among others.

O objetivo era explorar, descrever e comparar a variável de empatia em três grupos: agressores sexuais de menores de idade, delinquentes violentos não sexuais e pessoas sem história de reclusão em prisões, por meio de uma investigação do transacional do tipo descritivocomparativo. A fim de avaliar a variável do estudo o instrumento de medição The Child Molester Empathy Measure foi traduzido e adaptado ao espanhol. Posteriormente esta escala foi aplicada a uma amostra de conveniência de 149 homens, entre os 18 e 57 anos. Os principais resultados obtidos revelam que existem diferenças significativas no fator afetivo e cognitivo da empatia entre agressores sexuais e delinquentes violentos, e que os primeiros reportam menor empatia quando a situação avalia suas próprias vítimas. Finalmente, destaque-se a importância de avaliar em estudos futuro outras variáveis psicológicas associadas à empatia, como as distorções cognitivas, a auto-estima, entre outras.

Estudo Comparativo , Crime , Criminosos , Delitos Sexuais
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-63506


The purpose of this study was to develop the CORE Program for sex offenders and to determine its effectiveness. The CORE Program was designed with an aim to achieve cognitive restructuring, improve the ability to empathize in interpersonal relationships, and enhance self-esteem and intimacy. We conducted this program over 48 sessions for 28 sex offenders. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated using the Interpersonal Responsiveness Index (IRI), Self-esteem Questionnaire (SEQ), UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLALS), Coping Using Sex Inventory (CUSI), Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (RMAS), and Wilson's Sex Fantasy Questionnaire (WSFQ). The data were analyzed using paired t-tests. Our results showed no significant changes in the SEQ, UCLALS, and IRI scores after the treatment program. However, the scores for the CUSI, RMAS, and WSFQ significantly improved after this program. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the CORE Program for sex offenders. We also discuss the limitations of our study and provide suggestions for future research. Our findings indicate that this treatment program should be provided to sex offenders for preventing recidivism.

Humanos , Criminosos , Fantasia , Solidão , Transtornos Parafílicos , Estupro , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-63507


This study investigated the effect of leuprolide acetate treatment on sex offenders' sexual fantasies and behaviors, as well as on their criminogenic psychological character and the risk of second conviction. The study participants consisted of 22 sex offenders who were confined to the National Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Among them, 9 patients were given off-label leuprolide acetate for three months to inhibit sexual impulses, whereas the others were not given any medication. All sex offenders underwent two psychological evaluations; the first evaluation was conducted before starting medication, and the second was conducted after medication. Wilson's Sex Fantasy Questionnaire (WSFQ), the Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (RMAS), and the Endorsement of Violence Scale (EVS) were used for evaluation. Leuprolide acetate-treated sex offenders showed a statistically significant decline in the total WSFQ score (p < 0.05). However, the RMAS and EVS scores did not differ after leuprolide acetate treatment, indicating that cognitive distortions like rape myth acceptance and endorsement of violence were unchanged after leuprolide medication. Leuprolide acetate may reduce deviant sexual impulses and fantasies, as suggested by previous research form Korea and other countries. However, it probably cannot alter cognitive distortion. On the basis of these findings, we recommend a combination of leuprolide medication and other therapies, like cognitive behavioral therapy, for the treatment of paraphilic sex offenders.

Humanos , Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental , Criminosos , Fantasia , Psiquiatria Legal , Coreia (Geográfico) , Leuprolida , Transtornos Parafílicos , Estupro , Violência , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-199667


The aim of this study was to evaluate the legal features of sexual offenders with mental disorders without paraphilia. Patients admitted to Korea Forensic Hospital from 1994 to 2012 (n = 193) were reviewed for diagnosis, crime, legal responsibility, readmission (number of admissions), hospitalizations, criminal record, and education level. Psychotic subjects were often declared not guilty because of insanity and avoided legal responsibility, but had long admission periods and fewer criminal records. Mentally retarded subjects also had long admission periods and fewer criminal records, but commited more sexual offenses against victims aged 13 and younger. The substance abuse group had extensive criminal records, shorter admission periods, and frequent admissions. Subjects with personality disorders and others committed relatively more violent crime with injuries, rather than simple sexual offenses. Treatment and social concerns suitable to each diagnosis are required to address sexual offenses associated with diverse legal characteristics.

Idoso , Humanos , Crime , Criminosos , Hospitalização , Coreia (Geográfico) , Transtornos Mentais , Pessoas com Deficiência Mental , Transtornos Parafílicos , Transtornos da Personalidade , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-7851


OBJECTIVES: In an effort to increase understanding of the relationship between sexual violence and mental illness, we conducted an investigation of the prevalence of psychiatric illness and associated psychological features of sexual offenders. METHODS: Twenty-two male sex offenders were referred for psychiatric diagnosis from the prosecutor's office and admitted to the hospital between August 2010 and May 2011. In order to identify Axis I and II disorders, including sexual disorders, we conducted the Korean version of the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, Fourth Edition. All participants completed psychological assessment batteries, including the Korean-Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and self-report scales, including the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory, and the Rape Myth Acceptance Scale. Information on participants' legal, personal, and psychiatric family histories was also gathered. RESULTS: Many of the participants received diagnosis of Axis I disorders : Eight subjects (36.4%) had paraphilia, and five (22.7%) had pedophilia. Two subjects (9.1%) had schizophrenia, five (22.7%) had depressive disorder, and three (13.6%) had alcohol dependence. Participants also showed high rates of Axis II disorders : four of them (18.2%) had mental retardation or borderline intellectual functioning and seven (31.8%) had cluster B personality disorders. Participants' serum free testosterone level showed statistically significant correlation with motor impulsiveness (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Sex offenders included in this study displayed high rates of mental illness, including paraphilia and intellectual disability. On the basis of our findings, we asserted that sex offenders should undergo careful evaluation for mental illness, and that management programs for sex offenders should include psychiatric evaluation and intervention.

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Alcoolismo , Ira , Vértebra Cervical Áxis , Criminosos , Transtorno Depressivo , Deficiência Intelectual , Inteligência , Coreia (Geográfico) , Transtornos Mentais , Transtornos Parafílicos , Pedofilia , Transtornos da Personalidade , Prevalência , Estupro , Esquizofrenia , Delitos Sexuais , Testosterona , Pesos e Medidas
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-106199


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of recidivism in sex offenders according to the sociodemographic factors, IQ, diagnosis by using Static-99 and KSORAS. METHODS: A total of 48 sex offenders were enrolled. Among them, 44 offenders were rated by Static-99, 41 offenders were evaluated by KSORAS. All the information was collected by reviewing medical records and written records of prosecutors or police retrospectively. RESULTS: In Static-99 and KSORAS, young adults tend to commit more recidivism than late adults. Single offenders have high rates of recidivism than married offenders in Static-99. In KSORAS, mental retardation patients have a tendency to commit more recidivism than schizophrenia patients. CONCLUSION: We should not overlook that specific condition of sex offenders (young adults, single, mental retardation) can have more possibility of recidivism.

Adulto , Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Criminosos , Deficiência Intelectual , Prontuários Médicos , Polícia , Esquizofrenia
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 48(2): 96-105, jun. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-577350


El estudio tiene como objetivo explorar si la percepción parental y grado de adaptación temprana en un grupo de violadores se relaciona con la experiencia temprana de agresión física y sexual o haber convivido en un entorno familiar disfuncional. La investigación se realizó en una muestra de 42 reos condenados por el delito de violación cumpliendo condena en el Centro de Detención Preventivo Santiago Sur (Chile). Se aplicó a los participantes una entrevista semi-estructurada creada para este estudio, recopilándose antecedentes sociodemográficos, biográficos y de sus relaciones interpersonales tempranas. Los datos configuran un entorno familiar disfuncional marcado por el alcoholismo, violencia intrafamiliar y delincuencia. El abuso sexual es ligeramente más frecuente que en población general, y se observan altas tasas de abuso físico y psicológico, experiencias que se relacionan significativamente con la percepción parental. Los datos concuerdan con los hallazgos que encuentran disfunciones parentales en las familias de origen de agresores sexuales. En este sentido, la experiencia temprana para el futuro agresor no se manifiesta específicamente por la presencia de agresión sexual, sino por un contexto generalizado de abuso físico y psicológico.

Explore the perception of earlier parental relationship and early adaptability in convicted rapist and his relationship with sexual and physical abuse or dysfunctional family environments. The study was carry out in a Sample of 42 confined rapists in the Module B of the Preventive Detention Center of Southern Santiago, Chile. A semi-structured interview was created for this study, allowing us to compile socio-demographic, biographic, and early interpersonal relationship backgrounds. Data shows a family history of alcoholism, domestic violence and criminal behavior. Sexually abused is slightly superior to the general population but the physical and psychological mistreatment is generalized in this sample. Both experiences were significantly related with abusive early parental perception. These results are consistent with several investigations on parental dysfunctions, among sex-offenders families. The early experience of the future aggressor is not showed by the specific presence of sexual abuse but a generalized context of abuse.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Relações Pai-Filho , Prisioneiros/psicologia , Estupro/psicologia , Abuso Sexual na Infância/psicologia , Delitos Sexuais/psicologia , Relações Familiares , Identificação Psicológica , Prisões , Inquéritos e Questionários , Autoimagem , Ajustamento Social , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Vítimas de Crime/psicologia
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-178323


OBJECTIVES: This study was investigated to prove the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Treatment Program in mentally ill sex offenders and to be used as basic data for development of optimized treatment program for mentally ill sex offenders. METHODS: Cognitive Behavior Treatment Program was carried out over 10 weeks for 30 mentally ill sex offenders. With Interpersonal Responsiveness Index (IRI), UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLALS), Coping Using Sex Inventory (CUSI) and Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (RMAS), the effectiveness of the treatment programme was evaluated. The data was analyzed with paired t-test. RESULTS: The results with 23 subjects showed no significant score changes after treatment program in IRI and UCLALS. However, there was a statistically significant improvement in the scores of CUSI and RMAS. CONCLUSION: Despite several limitations, this study showed significant effects of Cognitive Behavior Treatment Program on mentally-ill sex offenders. Therefore, treatment focused on the changes of cognitive and emotional characteristics of sex offenders along with the treatment for main psychiatric illness should be provided for mentally ill sex offenders to prevent recidivism. More studies to develope optimized treatment programme for mentally ill sex offenders are needed in the future.

Humanos , Criminosos , Solidão , Pessoas Mentalmente Doentes , Estupro